// Code generated by private/model/cli/gen-api/main.go. DO NOT EDIT. package polly const ( // ErrCodeEngineNotSupportedException for service response error code // "EngineNotSupportedException". // // This engine is not compatible with the voice that you have designated. Choose // a new voice that is compatible with the engine or change the engine and restart // the operation. ErrCodeEngineNotSupportedException = "EngineNotSupportedException" // ErrCodeInvalidLexiconException for service response error code // "InvalidLexiconException". // // Amazon Polly can't find the specified lexicon. Verify that the lexicon's // name is spelled correctly, and then try again. ErrCodeInvalidLexiconException = "InvalidLexiconException" // ErrCodeInvalidNextTokenException for service response error code // "InvalidNextTokenException". // // The NextToken is invalid. Verify that it's spelled correctly, and then try // again. ErrCodeInvalidNextTokenException = "InvalidNextTokenException" // ErrCodeInvalidS3BucketException for service response error code // "InvalidS3BucketException". // // The provided Amazon S3 bucket name is invalid. Please check your input with // S3 bucket naming requirements and try again. ErrCodeInvalidS3BucketException = "InvalidS3BucketException" // ErrCodeInvalidS3KeyException for service response error code // "InvalidS3KeyException". // // The provided Amazon S3 key prefix is invalid. Please provide a valid S3 object // key name. ErrCodeInvalidS3KeyException = "InvalidS3KeyException" // ErrCodeInvalidSampleRateException for service response error code // "InvalidSampleRateException". // // The specified sample rate is not valid. ErrCodeInvalidSampleRateException = "InvalidSampleRateException" // ErrCodeInvalidSnsTopicArnException for service response error code // "InvalidSnsTopicArnException". // // The provided SNS topic ARN is invalid. Please provide a valid SNS topic ARN // and try again. ErrCodeInvalidSnsTopicArnException = "InvalidSnsTopicArnException" // ErrCodeInvalidSsmlException for service response error code // "InvalidSsmlException". // // The SSML you provided is invalid. Verify the SSML syntax, spelling of tags // and values, and then try again. ErrCodeInvalidSsmlException = "InvalidSsmlException" // ErrCodeInvalidTaskIdException for service response error code // "InvalidTaskIdException". // // The provided Task ID is not valid. Please provide a valid Task ID and try // again. ErrCodeInvalidTaskIdException = "InvalidTaskIdException" // ErrCodeLanguageNotSupportedException for service response error code // "LanguageNotSupportedException". // // The language specified is not currently supported by Amazon Polly in this // capacity. ErrCodeLanguageNotSupportedException = "LanguageNotSupportedException" // ErrCodeLexiconNotFoundException for service response error code // "LexiconNotFoundException". // // Amazon Polly can't find the specified lexicon. This could be caused by a // lexicon that is missing, its name is misspelled or specifying a lexicon that // is in a different region. // // Verify that the lexicon exists, is in the region (see ListLexicons) and that // you spelled its name is spelled correctly. Then try again. ErrCodeLexiconNotFoundException = "LexiconNotFoundException" // ErrCodeLexiconSizeExceededException for service response error code // "LexiconSizeExceededException". // // The maximum size of the specified lexicon would be exceeded by this operation. ErrCodeLexiconSizeExceededException = "LexiconSizeExceededException" // ErrCodeMarksNotSupportedForFormatException for service response error code // "MarksNotSupportedForFormatException". // // Speech marks are not supported for the OutputFormat selected. Speech marks // are only available for content in json format. ErrCodeMarksNotSupportedForFormatException = "MarksNotSupportedForFormatException" // ErrCodeMaxLexemeLengthExceededException for service response error code // "MaxLexemeLengthExceededException". // // The maximum size of the lexeme would be exceeded by this operation. ErrCodeMaxLexemeLengthExceededException = "MaxLexemeLengthExceededException" // ErrCodeMaxLexiconsNumberExceededException for service response error code // "MaxLexiconsNumberExceededException". // // The maximum number of lexicons would be exceeded by this operation. ErrCodeMaxLexiconsNumberExceededException = "MaxLexiconsNumberExceededException" // ErrCodeServiceFailureException for service response error code // "ServiceFailureException". // // An unknown condition has caused a service failure. ErrCodeServiceFailureException = "ServiceFailureException" // ErrCodeSsmlMarksNotSupportedForTextTypeException for service response error code // "SsmlMarksNotSupportedForTextTypeException". // // SSML speech marks are not supported for plain text-type input. ErrCodeSsmlMarksNotSupportedForTextTypeException = "SsmlMarksNotSupportedForTextTypeException" // ErrCodeSynthesisTaskNotFoundException for service response error code // "SynthesisTaskNotFoundException". // // The Speech Synthesis task with requested Task ID cannot be found. ErrCodeSynthesisTaskNotFoundException = "SynthesisTaskNotFoundException" // ErrCodeTextLengthExceededException for service response error code // "TextLengthExceededException". // // The value of the "Text" parameter is longer than the accepted limits. For // the SynthesizeSpeech API, the limit for input text is a maximum of 6000 characters // total, of which no more than 3000 can be billed characters. For the StartSpeechSynthesisTask // API, the maximum is 200,000 characters, of which no more than 100,000 can // be billed characters. SSML tags are not counted as billed characters. ErrCodeTextLengthExceededException = "TextLengthExceededException" // ErrCodeUnsupportedPlsAlphabetException for service response error code // "UnsupportedPlsAlphabetException". // // The alphabet specified by the lexicon is not a supported alphabet. Valid // values are x-sampa and ipa. ErrCodeUnsupportedPlsAlphabetException = "UnsupportedPlsAlphabetException" // ErrCodeUnsupportedPlsLanguageException for service response error code // "UnsupportedPlsLanguageException". // // The language specified in the lexicon is unsupported. For a list of supported // languages, see Lexicon Attributes (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/polly/latest/dg/API_LexiconAttributes.html). ErrCodeUnsupportedPlsLanguageException = "UnsupportedPlsLanguageException" )