// Code generated by private/model/cli/gen-api/main.go. DO NOT EDIT. package route53domains type ContactType string // Enum values for ContactType const ( ContactTypePerson ContactType = "PERSON" ContactTypeCompany ContactType = "COMPANY" ContactTypeAssociation ContactType = "ASSOCIATION" ContactTypePublicBody ContactType = "PUBLIC_BODY" ContactTypeReseller ContactType = "RESELLER" ) func (enum ContactType) MarshalValue() (string, error) { return string(enum), nil } func (enum ContactType) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error) { b = b[0:0] return append(b, enum...), nil } type CountryCode string // Enum values for CountryCode const ( CountryCodeAd CountryCode = "AD" CountryCodeAe CountryCode = "AE" CountryCodeAf CountryCode = "AF" CountryCodeAg CountryCode = "AG" CountryCodeAi CountryCode = "AI" CountryCodeAl CountryCode = "AL" CountryCodeAm CountryCode = "AM" CountryCodeAn CountryCode = "AN" CountryCodeAo CountryCode = "AO" CountryCodeAq CountryCode = "AQ" CountryCodeAr CountryCode = "AR" CountryCodeAs CountryCode = "AS" CountryCodeAt CountryCode = "AT" CountryCodeAu CountryCode = "AU" CountryCodeAw CountryCode = "AW" CountryCodeAz CountryCode = "AZ" CountryCodeBa CountryCode = "BA" CountryCodeBb CountryCode = "BB" CountryCodeBd CountryCode = "BD" CountryCodeBe CountryCode = "BE" CountryCodeBf CountryCode = "BF" CountryCodeBg CountryCode = "BG" CountryCodeBh CountryCode = "BH" CountryCodeBi CountryCode = "BI" CountryCodeBj CountryCode = "BJ" CountryCodeBl CountryCode = "BL" CountryCodeBm CountryCode = "BM" CountryCodeBn CountryCode = "BN" CountryCodeBo CountryCode = "BO" CountryCodeBr CountryCode = "BR" CountryCodeBs CountryCode = "BS" CountryCodeBt CountryCode = "BT" CountryCodeBw CountryCode = "BW" CountryCodeBy CountryCode = "BY" CountryCodeBz CountryCode = "BZ" CountryCodeCa CountryCode = "CA" CountryCodeCc CountryCode = "CC" CountryCodeCd CountryCode = "CD" CountryCodeCf CountryCode = "CF" CountryCodeCg CountryCode = "CG" CountryCodeCh CountryCode = "CH" CountryCodeCi CountryCode = "CI" CountryCodeCk CountryCode = "CK" CountryCodeCl CountryCode = "CL" CountryCodeCm CountryCode = "CM" CountryCodeCn CountryCode = "CN" CountryCodeCo CountryCode = "CO" CountryCodeCr CountryCode = "CR" CountryCodeCu CountryCode = "CU" CountryCodeCv CountryCode = "CV" CountryCodeCx CountryCode = "CX" CountryCodeCy CountryCode = "CY" CountryCodeCz CountryCode = "CZ" CountryCodeDe CountryCode = "DE" CountryCodeDj CountryCode = "DJ" CountryCodeDk CountryCode = "DK" CountryCodeDm CountryCode = "DM" CountryCodeDo CountryCode = "DO" CountryCodeDz CountryCode = "DZ" CountryCodeEc CountryCode = "EC" CountryCodeEe CountryCode = "EE" CountryCodeEg CountryCode = "EG" CountryCodeEr CountryCode = "ER" CountryCodeEs CountryCode = "ES" CountryCodeEt CountryCode = "ET" CountryCodeFi CountryCode = "FI" CountryCodeFj CountryCode = "FJ" CountryCodeFk CountryCode = "FK" CountryCodeFm CountryCode = "FM" CountryCodeFo CountryCode = "FO" CountryCodeFr CountryCode = "FR" CountryCodeGa CountryCode = "GA" CountryCodeGb CountryCode = "GB" CountryCodeGd CountryCode = "GD" CountryCodeGe CountryCode = "GE" CountryCodeGh CountryCode = "GH" CountryCodeGi CountryCode = "GI" CountryCodeGl CountryCode = "GL" CountryCodeGm CountryCode = "GM" CountryCodeGn CountryCode = "GN" CountryCodeGq CountryCode = "GQ" CountryCodeGr CountryCode = "GR" CountryCodeGt CountryCode = "GT" CountryCodeGu CountryCode = "GU" CountryCodeGw CountryCode = "GW" CountryCodeGy CountryCode = "GY" CountryCodeHk CountryCode = "HK" CountryCodeHn CountryCode = "HN" CountryCodeHr CountryCode = "HR" CountryCodeHt CountryCode = "HT" CountryCodeHu CountryCode = "HU" CountryCodeId CountryCode = "ID" CountryCodeIe CountryCode = "IE" CountryCodeIl CountryCode = "IL" CountryCodeIm CountryCode = "IM" CountryCodeIn CountryCode = "IN" CountryCodeIq CountryCode = "IQ" CountryCodeIr CountryCode = "IR" CountryCodeIs CountryCode = "IS" CountryCodeIt CountryCode = "IT" CountryCodeJm CountryCode = "JM" CountryCodeJo CountryCode = "JO" CountryCodeJp CountryCode = "JP" CountryCodeKe CountryCode = "KE" CountryCodeKg CountryCode = "KG" CountryCodeKh CountryCode = "KH" CountryCodeKi CountryCode = "KI" CountryCodeKm CountryCode = "KM" CountryCodeKn CountryCode = "KN" CountryCodeKp CountryCode = "KP" CountryCodeKr CountryCode = "KR" CountryCodeKw CountryCode = "KW" CountryCodeKy CountryCode = "KY" CountryCodeKz CountryCode = "KZ" CountryCodeLa CountryCode = "LA" CountryCodeLb CountryCode = "LB" CountryCodeLc CountryCode = "LC" CountryCodeLi CountryCode = "LI" CountryCodeLk CountryCode = "LK" CountryCodeLr CountryCode = "LR" CountryCodeLs CountryCode = "LS" CountryCodeLt CountryCode = "LT" CountryCodeLu CountryCode = "LU" CountryCodeLv CountryCode = "LV" CountryCodeLy CountryCode = "LY" CountryCodeMa CountryCode = "MA" CountryCodeMc CountryCode = "MC" CountryCodeMd CountryCode = "MD" CountryCodeMe CountryCode = "ME" CountryCodeMf CountryCode = "MF" CountryCodeMg CountryCode = "MG" CountryCodeMh CountryCode = "MH" CountryCodeMk CountryCode = "MK" CountryCodeMl CountryCode = "ML" CountryCodeMm CountryCode = "MM" CountryCodeMn CountryCode = "MN" CountryCodeMo CountryCode = "MO" CountryCodeMp CountryCode = "MP" CountryCodeMr CountryCode = "MR" CountryCodeMs CountryCode = "MS" CountryCodeMt CountryCode = "MT" CountryCodeMu CountryCode = "MU" CountryCodeMv CountryCode = "MV" CountryCodeMw CountryCode = "MW" CountryCodeMx CountryCode = "MX" CountryCodeMy CountryCode = "MY" CountryCodeMz CountryCode = "MZ" CountryCodeNa CountryCode = "NA" CountryCodeNc CountryCode = "NC" CountryCodeNe CountryCode = "NE" CountryCodeNg CountryCode = "NG" CountryCodeNi CountryCode = "NI" CountryCodeNl CountryCode = "NL" CountryCodeNo CountryCode = "NO" CountryCodeNp CountryCode = "NP" CountryCodeNr CountryCode = "NR" CountryCodeNu CountryCode = "NU" CountryCodeNz CountryCode = "NZ" CountryCodeOm CountryCode = "OM" CountryCodePa CountryCode = "PA" CountryCodePe CountryCode = "PE" CountryCodePf CountryCode = "PF" CountryCodePg CountryCode = "PG" CountryCodePh CountryCode = "PH" CountryCodePk CountryCode = "PK" CountryCodePl CountryCode = "PL" CountryCodePm CountryCode = "PM" CountryCodePn CountryCode = "PN" CountryCodePr CountryCode = "PR" CountryCodePt CountryCode = "PT" CountryCodePw CountryCode = "PW" CountryCodePy CountryCode = "PY" CountryCodeQa CountryCode = "QA" CountryCodeRo CountryCode = "RO" CountryCodeRs CountryCode = "RS" CountryCodeRu CountryCode = "RU" CountryCodeRw CountryCode = "RW" CountryCodeSa CountryCode = "SA" CountryCodeSb CountryCode = "SB" CountryCodeSc CountryCode = "SC" CountryCodeSd CountryCode = "SD" CountryCodeSe CountryCode = "SE" CountryCodeSg CountryCode = "SG" CountryCodeSh CountryCode = "SH" CountryCodeSi CountryCode = "SI" CountryCodeSk CountryCode = "SK" CountryCodeSl CountryCode = "SL" CountryCodeSm CountryCode = "SM" CountryCodeSn CountryCode = "SN" CountryCodeSo CountryCode = "SO" CountryCodeSr CountryCode = "SR" CountryCodeSt CountryCode = "ST" CountryCodeSv CountryCode = "SV" CountryCodeSy CountryCode = "SY" CountryCodeSz CountryCode = "SZ" CountryCodeTc CountryCode = "TC" CountryCodeTd CountryCode = "TD" CountryCodeTg CountryCode = "TG" CountryCodeTh CountryCode = "TH" CountryCodeTj CountryCode = "TJ" CountryCodeTk CountryCode = "TK" CountryCodeTl CountryCode = "TL" CountryCodeTm CountryCode = "TM" CountryCodeTn CountryCode = "TN" CountryCodeTo CountryCode = "TO" CountryCodeTr CountryCode = "TR" CountryCodeTt CountryCode = "TT" CountryCodeTv CountryCode = "TV" CountryCodeTw CountryCode = "TW" CountryCodeTz CountryCode = "TZ" CountryCodeUa CountryCode = "UA" CountryCodeUg CountryCode = "UG" CountryCodeUs CountryCode = "US" CountryCodeUy CountryCode = "UY" CountryCodeUz CountryCode = "UZ" CountryCodeVa CountryCode = "VA" CountryCodeVc CountryCode = "VC" CountryCodeVe CountryCode = "VE" CountryCodeVg CountryCode = "VG" CountryCodeVi CountryCode = "VI" CountryCodeVn CountryCode = "VN" CountryCodeVu CountryCode = "VU" CountryCodeWf CountryCode = "WF" CountryCodeWs CountryCode = "WS" CountryCodeYe CountryCode = "YE" CountryCodeYt CountryCode = "YT" CountryCodeZa CountryCode = "ZA" CountryCodeZm CountryCode = "ZM" CountryCodeZw CountryCode = "ZW" ) func (enum CountryCode) MarshalValue() (string, error) { return string(enum), nil } func (enum CountryCode) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error) { b = b[0:0] return append(b, enum...), nil } type DomainAvailability string // Enum values for DomainAvailability const ( DomainAvailabilityAvailable DomainAvailability = "AVAILABLE" DomainAvailabilityAvailableReserved DomainAvailability = "AVAILABLE_RESERVED" DomainAvailabilityAvailablePreorder DomainAvailability = "AVAILABLE_PREORDER" DomainAvailabilityUnavailable DomainAvailability = "UNAVAILABLE" DomainAvailabilityUnavailablePremium DomainAvailability = "UNAVAILABLE_PREMIUM" DomainAvailabilityUnavailableRestricted DomainAvailability = "UNAVAILABLE_RESTRICTED" DomainAvailabilityReserved DomainAvailability = "RESERVED" DomainAvailabilityDontKnow DomainAvailability = "DONT_KNOW" ) func (enum DomainAvailability) MarshalValue() (string, error) { return string(enum), nil } func (enum DomainAvailability) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error) { b = b[0:0] return append(b, enum...), nil } type ExtraParamName string // Enum values for ExtraParamName const ( ExtraParamNameDunsNumber ExtraParamName = "DUNS_NUMBER" ExtraParamNameBrandNumber ExtraParamName = "BRAND_NUMBER" ExtraParamNameBirthDepartment ExtraParamName = "BIRTH_DEPARTMENT" ExtraParamNameBirthDateInYyyyMmDd ExtraParamName = "BIRTH_DATE_IN_YYYY_MM_DD" ExtraParamNameBirthCountry ExtraParamName = "BIRTH_COUNTRY" ExtraParamNameBirthCity ExtraParamName = "BIRTH_CITY" ExtraParamNameDocumentNumber ExtraParamName = "DOCUMENT_NUMBER" ExtraParamNameAuIdNumber ExtraParamName = "AU_ID_NUMBER" ExtraParamNameAuIdType ExtraParamName = "AU_ID_TYPE" ExtraParamNameCaLegalType ExtraParamName = "CA_LEGAL_TYPE" ExtraParamNameCaBusinessEntityType ExtraParamName = "CA_BUSINESS_ENTITY_TYPE" ExtraParamNameCaLegalRepresentative ExtraParamName = "CA_LEGAL_REPRESENTATIVE" ExtraParamNameCaLegalRepresentativeCapacity ExtraParamName = "CA_LEGAL_REPRESENTATIVE_CAPACITY" ExtraParamNameEsIdentification ExtraParamName = "ES_IDENTIFICATION" ExtraParamNameEsIdentificationType ExtraParamName = "ES_IDENTIFICATION_TYPE" ExtraParamNameEsLegalForm ExtraParamName = "ES_LEGAL_FORM" ExtraParamNameFiBusinessNumber ExtraParamName = "FI_BUSINESS_NUMBER" ExtraParamNameFiIdNumber ExtraParamName = "FI_ID_NUMBER" ExtraParamNameFiNationality ExtraParamName = "FI_NATIONALITY" ExtraParamNameFiOrganizationType ExtraParamName = "FI_ORGANIZATION_TYPE" ExtraParamNameItNationality ExtraParamName = "IT_NATIONALITY" ExtraParamNameItPin ExtraParamName = "IT_PIN" ExtraParamNameItRegistrantEntityType ExtraParamName = "IT_REGISTRANT_ENTITY_TYPE" ExtraParamNameRuPassportData ExtraParamName = "RU_PASSPORT_DATA" ExtraParamNameSeIdNumber ExtraParamName = "SE_ID_NUMBER" ExtraParamNameSgIdNumber ExtraParamName = "SG_ID_NUMBER" ExtraParamNameVatNumber ExtraParamName = "VAT_NUMBER" ExtraParamNameUkContactType ExtraParamName = "UK_CONTACT_TYPE" ExtraParamNameUkCompanyNumber ExtraParamName = "UK_COMPANY_NUMBER" ) func (enum ExtraParamName) MarshalValue() (string, error) { return string(enum), nil } func (enum ExtraParamName) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error) { b = b[0:0] return append(b, enum...), nil } type OperationStatus string // Enum values for OperationStatus const ( OperationStatusSubmitted OperationStatus = "SUBMITTED" OperationStatusInProgress OperationStatus = "IN_PROGRESS" OperationStatusError OperationStatus = "ERROR" OperationStatusSuccessful OperationStatus = "SUCCESSFUL" OperationStatusFailed OperationStatus = "FAILED" ) func (enum OperationStatus) MarshalValue() (string, error) { return string(enum), nil } func (enum OperationStatus) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error) { b = b[0:0] return append(b, enum...), nil } type OperationType string // Enum values for OperationType const ( OperationTypeRegisterDomain OperationType = "REGISTER_DOMAIN" OperationTypeDeleteDomain OperationType = "DELETE_DOMAIN" OperationTypeTransferInDomain OperationType = "TRANSFER_IN_DOMAIN" OperationTypeUpdateDomainContact OperationType = "UPDATE_DOMAIN_CONTACT" OperationTypeUpdateNameserver OperationType = "UPDATE_NAMESERVER" OperationTypeChangePrivacyProtection OperationType = "CHANGE_PRIVACY_PROTECTION" OperationTypeDomainLock OperationType = "DOMAIN_LOCK" OperationTypeEnableAutorenew OperationType = "ENABLE_AUTORENEW" OperationTypeDisableAutorenew OperationType = "DISABLE_AUTORENEW" OperationTypeAddDnssec OperationType = "ADD_DNSSEC" OperationTypeRemoveDnssec OperationType = "REMOVE_DNSSEC" OperationTypeExpireDomain OperationType = "EXPIRE_DOMAIN" OperationTypeTransferOutDomain OperationType = "TRANSFER_OUT_DOMAIN" OperationTypeChangeDomainOwner OperationType = "CHANGE_DOMAIN_OWNER" OperationTypeRenewDomain OperationType = "RENEW_DOMAIN" OperationTypePushDomain OperationType = "PUSH_DOMAIN" OperationTypeInternalTransferOutDomain OperationType = "INTERNAL_TRANSFER_OUT_DOMAIN" OperationTypeInternalTransferInDomain OperationType = "INTERNAL_TRANSFER_IN_DOMAIN" ) func (enum OperationType) MarshalValue() (string, error) { return string(enum), nil } func (enum OperationType) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error) { b = b[0:0] return append(b, enum...), nil } type ReachabilityStatus string // Enum values for ReachabilityStatus const ( ReachabilityStatusPending ReachabilityStatus = "PENDING" ReachabilityStatusDone ReachabilityStatus = "DONE" ReachabilityStatusExpired ReachabilityStatus = "EXPIRED" ) func (enum ReachabilityStatus) MarshalValue() (string, error) { return string(enum), nil } func (enum ReachabilityStatus) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error) { b = b[0:0] return append(b, enum...), nil } // Whether the domain name can be transferred to Route 53. // // You can transfer only domains that have a value of TRANSFERABLE for Transferable. // // Valid values: // // TRANSFERABLE // // The domain name can be transferred to Route 53. // // UNTRANSFERRABLE // // The domain name can't be transferred to Route 53. // // DONT_KNOW // // Reserved for future use. type Transferable string // Enum values for Transferable const ( TransferableTransferable Transferable = "TRANSFERABLE" TransferableUntransferable Transferable = "UNTRANSFERABLE" TransferableDontKnow Transferable = "DONT_KNOW" ) func (enum Transferable) MarshalValue() (string, error) { return string(enum), nil } func (enum Transferable) MarshalValueBuf(b []byte) ([]byte, error) { b = b[0:0] return append(b, enum...), nil }