package s3 import ( "fmt" "net/url" "regexp" "strings" "" "" "" ) // an operationBlacklist is a list of operation names that should a // request handler should not be executed with. type operationBlacklist []string // Continue will return true of the Request's operation name is not // in the blacklist. False otherwise. func (b operationBlacklist) Continue(r *aws.Request) bool { for i := 0; i < len(b); i++ { if b[i] == r.Operation.Name { return false } } return true } var accelerateOpBlacklist = operationBlacklist{ opListBuckets, opCreateBucket, opDeleteBucket, } // Automatically add the bucket name to the endpoint domain // if possible. This style of bucket is valid for all bucket names which are // DNS compatible and do not contain "." func updateEndpointForS3Config(c *Client, r *aws.Request, bucketName string) { if c.UseAccelerate && accelerateOpBlacklist.Continue(r) { if c.ForcePathStyle { if r.Config.Logger != nil { r.Config.Logger.Log("ERROR: s3.S3.UseAccelerate is not compatible with s3.S3.ForcePathStyle, ignoring ForcePathStyle.") } } updateEndpointForAccelerate(r, bucketName) } else if !c.ForcePathStyle && r.Operation.Name != opGetBucketLocation { updateEndpointForHostStyle(r, bucketName) } } func updateEndpointForHostStyle(r *aws.Request, bucketName string) { if !hostCompatibleBucketName(r.HTTPRequest.URL, bucketName) { // bucket name must be valid to put into the host return } moveBucketToHost(r.HTTPRequest.URL, bucketName) } var accelElem = []byte("s3-accelerate.dualstack.") func updateEndpointForAccelerate(r *aws.Request, bucketName string) { if !hostCompatibleBucketName(r.HTTPRequest.URL, bucketName) { r.Error = awserr.New("InvalidParameterException", fmt.Sprintf("bucket name %s is not compatible with S3 Accelerate", bucketName), nil) return } parts := strings.Split(r.HTTPRequest.URL.Host, ".") if len(parts) < 3 { r.Error = awserr.New("InvalidParameterExecption", fmt.Sprintf("unable to update endpoint host for S3 accelerate, hostname invalid, %s", r.HTTPRequest.URL.Host), nil) return } if parts[0] == "s3" || strings.HasPrefix(parts[0], "s3-") { parts[0] = "s3-accelerate" } for i := 1; i+1 < len(parts); i++ { if parts[i] == r.Config.Region { parts = append(parts[:i], parts[i+1:]...) break } } r.HTTPRequest.URL.Host = strings.Join(parts, ".") moveBucketToHost(r.HTTPRequest.URL, bucketName) } // Attempts to retrieve the bucket name from the request input parameters. // If no bucket is found, or the field is empty "", false will be returned. func bucketNameFromReqParams(params interface{}) (string, bool) { if iface, ok := params.(bucketGetter); ok { b := iface.getBucket() return b, len(b) > 0 } return "", false } // hostCompatibleBucketName returns true if the request should // put the bucket in the host. This is false if ForcePathStyle is // explicitly set or if the bucket is not DNS compatible. func hostCompatibleBucketName(u *url.URL, bucket string) bool { // Bucket might be DNS compatible but dots in the hostname will fail // certificate validation, so do not use host-style. if u.Scheme == "https" && strings.Contains(bucket, ".") { return false } // if the bucket is DNS compatible return dnsCompatibleBucketName(bucket) } var reDomain = regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\.\-]{1,61}[a-z0-9]$`) var reIPAddress = regexp.MustCompile(`^(\d+\.){3}\d+$`) // dnsCompatibleBucketName returns true if the bucket name is DNS compatible. // Buckets created outside of the classic region MUST be DNS compatible. func dnsCompatibleBucketName(bucket string) bool { return reDomain.MatchString(bucket) && !reIPAddress.MatchString(bucket) && !strings.Contains(bucket, "..") } // moveBucketToHost moves the bucket name from the URI path to URL host. func moveBucketToHost(u *url.URL, bucket string) { u.Host = bucket + "." + u.Host removeBucketFromPath(u) } type endpointARNGetter interface { getEndpointARN() (arn.Resource, error) hasEndpointARN() bool }