package goproxy_test import ( "bytes" "crypto/rsa" "encoding/binary" "io" "math" "math/rand" "testing" "" ) type RandSeedReader struct { r rand.Rand } func (r *RandSeedReader) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) { for i := range b { b[i] = byte(r.r.Int() & 0xFF) } return len(b), nil } func TestCounterEncDifferentConsecutive(t *testing.T) { k, err := rsa.GenerateKey(&RandSeedReader{*rand.New(rand.NewSource(0xFF43109))}, 128) fatalOnErr(err, "rsa.GenerateKey", t) c, err := goproxy.NewCounterEncryptorRandFromKey(k, []byte("the quick brown fox run over the lazy dog")) fatalOnErr(err, "NewCounterEncryptorRandFromKey", t) for i := 0; i < 100*1000; i++ { var a, b int64 binary.Read(&c, binary.BigEndian, &a) binary.Read(&c, binary.BigEndian, &b) if a == b { t.Fatal("two consecutive equal int64", a, b) } } } func TestCounterEncIdenticalStreams(t *testing.T) { k, err := rsa.GenerateKey(&RandSeedReader{*rand.New(rand.NewSource(0xFF43109))}, 128) fatalOnErr(err, "rsa.GenerateKey", t) c1, err := goproxy.NewCounterEncryptorRandFromKey(k, []byte("the quick brown fox run over the lazy dog")) fatalOnErr(err, "NewCounterEncryptorRandFromKey", t) c2, err := goproxy.NewCounterEncryptorRandFromKey(k, []byte("the quick brown fox run over the lazy dog")) fatalOnErr(err, "NewCounterEncryptorRandFromKey", t) nout := 1000 out1, out2 := make([]byte, nout), make([]byte, nout) io.ReadFull(&c1, out1) tmp := out2[:] rand.Seed(0xFF43109) for len(tmp) > 0 { n := 1 + rand.Intn(256) if n > len(tmp) { n = len(tmp) } n, err := c2.Read(tmp[:n]) fatalOnErr(err, "CounterEncryptorRand.Read", t) tmp = tmp[n:] } if !bytes.Equal(out1, out2) { t.Error("identical CSPRNG does not produce the same output") } } func stddev(data []int) float64 { var sum, sum_sqr float64 = 0, 0 for _, h := range data { sum += float64(h) sum_sqr += float64(h) * float64(h) } n := float64(len(data)) variance := (sum_sqr - ((sum * sum) / n)) / (n - 1) return math.Sqrt(variance) } func TestCounterEncStreamHistogram(t *testing.T) { k, err := rsa.GenerateKey(&RandSeedReader{*rand.New(rand.NewSource(0xFF43109))}, 128) fatalOnErr(err, "rsa.GenerateKey", t) c, err := goproxy.NewCounterEncryptorRandFromKey(k, []byte("the quick brown fox run over the lazy dog")) fatalOnErr(err, "NewCounterEncryptorRandFromKey", t) nout := 100 * 1000 out := make([]byte, nout) io.ReadFull(&c, out) refhist := make([]int, 512) for i := 0; i < nout; i++ { refhist[rand.Intn(256)]++ } hist := make([]int, 512) for _, b := range out { hist[int(b)]++ } refstddev, stddev := stddev(refhist), stddev(hist) // due to lack of time, I guestimate t.Logf("ref:%v - act:%v = %v", refstddev, stddev, math.Abs(refstddev-stddev)) if math.Abs(refstddev-stddev) >= 1 { t.Errorf("stddev of ref histogram different than regular PRNG: %v %v", refstddev, stddev) } }