package main import ( "go/ast" "go/token" "strings" ) type method struct { name *ast.Ident params []arg results []arg structsResolved bool } func (m method) definition(ifc iface) ast.Decl { notImpl := fetchFuncDecl("ExampleEndpoint") notImpl.Name = notImpl.Recv = fieldList(ifc.receiver()) scope := scopeWith(notImpl.Recv.List[0].Names[0].Name) notImpl.Type.Params = m.funcParams(scope) notImpl.Type.Results = m.funcResults() return notImpl } func (m method) endpointMaker(ifc iface) ast.Decl { endpointFn := fetchFuncDecl("makeExampleEndpoint") scope := scopeWith("ctx", "req", ifc.receiverName().Name) anonFunc := endpointFn.Body.List[0].(*ast.ReturnStmt).Results[0].(*ast.FuncLit) if !m.hasContext() { // strip context param from endpoint function anonFunc.Type.Params.List = anonFunc.Type.Params.List[1:] } anonFunc = replaceIdent(anonFunc, "ExampleRequest", m.requestStructName()).(*ast.FuncLit) callMethod := m.called(ifc, scope, "ctx", "req") anonFunc.Body.List[1] = callMethod anonFunc.Body.List[2].(*ast.ReturnStmt).Results[0] = m.wrapResult(callMethod.Lhs) endpointFn.Body.List[0].(*ast.ReturnStmt).Results[0] = anonFunc endpointFn.Name = m.endpointMakerName() endpointFn.Type.Params = fieldList(ifc.receiver()) endpointFn.Type.Results = fieldList(typeField(sel(id("endpoint"), id("Endpoint")))) return endpointFn } func (m method) pathName() string { return "/" + strings.ToLower( } func (m method) encodeFuncName() *ast.Ident { return id("Encode" + + "Response") } func (m method) decodeFuncName() *ast.Ident { return id("Decode" + + "Request") } func (m method) resultNames(scope *ast.Scope) []*ast.Ident { ids := []*ast.Ident{} for _, rz := range m.results { ids = append(ids, rz.chooseName(scope)) } return ids } func (m method) called(ifc iface, scope *ast.Scope, ctxName, spreadStruct string) *ast.AssignStmt { m.resolveStructNames() resNamesExpr := []ast.Expr{} for _, r := range m.resultNames(scope) { resNamesExpr = append(resNamesExpr, ast.Expr(r)) } arglist := []ast.Expr{} if m.hasContext() { arglist = append(arglist, id(ctxName)) } ssid := id(spreadStruct) for _, f := range m.requestStructFields().List { arglist = append(arglist, sel(ssid, f.Names[0])) } return &ast.AssignStmt{ Lhs: resNamesExpr, Tok: token.DEFINE, Rhs: []ast.Expr{ &ast.CallExpr{ Fun: sel(ifc.receiverName(),, Args: arglist, }, }, } } func (m method) wrapResult(results []ast.Expr) ast.Expr { kvs := []ast.Expr{} m.resolveStructNames() for i, a := range m.results { kvs = append(kvs, &ast.KeyValueExpr{ Key: ast.NewIdent(export(a.asField.Name)), Value: results[i], }) } return &ast.CompositeLit{ Type: m.responseStructName(), Elts: kvs, } } func (m method) resolveStructNames() { if m.structsResolved { return } m.structsResolved = true scope := ast.NewScope(nil) for i, p := range m.params { p.asField = p.chooseName(scope) m.params[i] = p } scope = ast.NewScope(nil) for i, r := range m.results { r.asField = r.chooseName(scope) m.results[i] = r } } func (m method) decoderFunc() ast.Decl { fn := fetchFuncDecl("DecodeExampleRequest") fn.Name = m.decodeFuncName() fn = replaceIdent(fn, "ExampleRequest", m.requestStructName()).(*ast.FuncDecl) return fn } func (m method) encoderFunc() ast.Decl { fn := fetchFuncDecl("EncodeExampleResponse") fn.Name = m.encodeFuncName() return fn } func (m method) endpointMakerName() *ast.Ident { return id("Make" + + "Endpoint") } func (m method) requestStruct() ast.Decl { m.resolveStructNames() return structDecl(m.requestStructName(), m.requestStructFields()) } func (m method) responseStruct() ast.Decl { m.resolveStructNames() return structDecl(m.responseStructName(), m.responseStructFields()) } func (m method) hasContext() bool { if len(m.params) < 1 { return false } carg := m.params[0].typ // ugh. this is maybe okay for the one-off, but a general case for matching // types would be helpful if sel, is := carg.(*ast.SelectorExpr); is && sel.Sel.Name == "Context" { if id, is := sel.X.(*ast.Ident); is && id.Name == "context" { return true } } return false } func (m method) nonContextParams() []arg { if m.hasContext() { return m.params[1:] } return m.params } func (m method) funcParams(scope *ast.Scope) *ast.FieldList { parms := &ast.FieldList{} if m.hasContext() { parms.List = []*ast.Field{{ Names: []*ast.Ident{ast.NewIdent("ctx")}, Type: sel(id("context"), id("Context")), }} scope.Insert(ast.NewObj(ast.Var, "ctx")) } parms.List = append(parms.List, mappedFieldList(func(a arg) *ast.Field { return a.field(scope) }, m.nonContextParams()...).List...) return parms } func (m method) funcResults() *ast.FieldList { return mappedFieldList(func(a arg) *ast.Field { return a.result() }, m.results...) } func (m method) requestStructName() *ast.Ident { return id(export( + "Request") } func (m method) requestStructFields() *ast.FieldList { return mappedFieldList(func(a arg) *ast.Field { return a.exported() }, m.nonContextParams()...) } func (m method) responseStructName() *ast.Ident { return id(export( + "Response") } func (m method) responseStructFields() *ast.FieldList { return mappedFieldList(func(a arg) *ast.Field { return a.exported() }, m.results...) }