// Copyright 2015 go-swagger maintainers // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package spec_test import ( "encoding/json" "os" "path/filepath" "regexp" "strings" "testing" "github.com/go-openapi/spec" "github.com/go-openapi/swag" "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" ) // mimics what the go-openapi/load does var ( yamlLoader = swag.YAMLDoc rex = regexp.MustCompile(`"\$ref":\s*"(.+)"`) ) func loadOrFail(t *testing.T, path string) *spec.Swagger { raw, erl := yamlLoader(path) if erl != nil { t.Logf("can't load fixture %s: %v", path, erl) t.FailNow() return nil } swspec := new(spec.Swagger) if err := json.Unmarshal(raw, swspec); err != nil { t.FailNow() return nil } return swspec } // Test unitary fixture for dev and bug fixing func Test_Issue1429(t *testing.T) { prevPathLoader := spec.PathLoader defer func() { spec.PathLoader = prevPathLoader }() spec.PathLoader = yamlLoader path := filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "1429", "swagger.yaml") // load and full expand sp := loadOrFail(t, path) err := spec.ExpandSpec(sp, &spec.ExpandOptions{RelativeBase: path, SkipSchemas: false}) if !assert.NoError(t, err) { t.FailNow() return } // assert well expanded if !assert.Truef(t, (sp.Paths != nil && sp.Paths.Paths != nil), "expected paths to be available in fixture") { t.FailNow() return } for _, pi := range sp.Paths.Paths { for _, param := range pi.Get.Parameters { if assert.NotNilf(t, param.Schema, "expected param schema not to be nil") { // all param fixtures are body param with schema // all $ref expanded assert.Equal(t, "", param.Schema.Ref.String()) } } for code, response := range pi.Get.Responses.StatusCodeResponses { // all response fixtures are with StatusCodeResponses, but 200 if code == 200 { assert.Nilf(t, response.Schema, "expected response schema to be nil") continue } if assert.NotNilf(t, response.Schema, "expected response schema not to be nil") { assert.Equal(t, "", response.Schema.Ref.String()) } } } for _, def := range sp.Definitions { assert.Equal(t, "", def.Ref.String()) } // reload and SkipSchemas: true sp = loadOrFail(t, path) err = spec.ExpandSpec(sp, &spec.ExpandOptions{RelativeBase: path, SkipSchemas: true}) if !assert.NoError(t, err) { t.FailNow() return } // assert well resolved if !assert.Truef(t, (sp.Paths != nil && sp.Paths.Paths != nil), "expected paths to be available in fixture") { t.FailNow() return } for _, pi := range sp.Paths.Paths { for _, param := range pi.Get.Parameters { if assert.NotNilf(t, param.Schema, "expected param schema not to be nil") { // all param fixtures are body param with schema if param.Name == "plainRequest" { // this one is expanded assert.Equal(t, "", param.Schema.Ref.String()) continue } if param.Name == "nestedBody" { // this one is local assert.True(t, strings.HasPrefix(param.Schema.Ref.String(), "#/definitions/")) continue } if param.Name == "remoteRequest" { assert.Contains(t, param.Schema.Ref.String(), "remote/remote.yaml#/") continue } assert.Contains(t, param.Schema.Ref.String(), "responses.yaml#/") } } for code, response := range pi.Get.Responses.StatusCodeResponses { // all response fixtures are with StatusCodeResponses, but 200 if code == 200 { assert.Nilf(t, response.Schema, "expected response schema to be nil") continue } if code == 204 { assert.Contains(t, response.Schema.Ref.String(), "remote/remote.yaml#/") continue } if code == 404 { assert.Equal(t, "", response.Schema.Ref.String()) continue } assert.Containsf(t, response.Schema.Ref.String(), "responses.yaml#/", "expected remote ref at resp. %d", code) } } for _, def := range sp.Definitions { assert.Contains(t, def.Ref.String(), "responses.yaml#/") } } func Test_MoreLocalExpansion(t *testing.T) { prevPathLoader := spec.PathLoader defer func() { spec.PathLoader = prevPathLoader }() spec.PathLoader = yamlLoader path := filepath.Join("fixtures", "local_expansion", "spec2.yaml") // load and full expand sp := loadOrFail(t, path) err := spec.ExpandSpec(sp, &spec.ExpandOptions{RelativeBase: path, SkipSchemas: false}) if !assert.NoError(t, err) { t.FailNow() return } // asserts all $ref expanded jazon, _ := json.MarshalIndent(sp, "", " ") assert.NotContains(t, jazon, `"$ref"`) //t.Log(string(jazon)) } func Test_Issue69(t *testing.T) { // this checks expansion for the dapperbox spec (circular ref issues) path := filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "69", "dapperbox.json") // expand with relative path // load and expand sp := loadOrFail(t, path) err := spec.ExpandSpec(sp, &spec.ExpandOptions{RelativeBase: path, SkipSchemas: false}) if !assert.NoError(t, err) { t.FailNow() return } // asserts all $ref expanded jazon, _ := json.MarshalIndent(sp, "", " ") // assert all $ref match "$ref": "#/definitions/something" m := rex.FindAllStringSubmatch(string(jazon), -1) if assert.NotNil(t, m) { for _, matched := range m { subMatch := matched[1] assert.True(t, strings.HasPrefix(subMatch, "#/definitions/"), "expected $ref to be inlined, got: %s", matched[0]) } } } func Test_Issue1621(t *testing.T) { prevPathLoader := spec.PathLoader defer func() { spec.PathLoader = prevPathLoader }() spec.PathLoader = yamlLoader path := filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "1621", "fixture-1621.yaml") // expand with relative path // load and expand sp := loadOrFail(t, path) err := spec.ExpandSpec(sp, &spec.ExpandOptions{RelativeBase: path, SkipSchemas: false}) if !assert.NoError(t, err) { t.FailNow() return } // asserts all $ref expanded jazon, _ := json.MarshalIndent(sp, "", " ") m := rex.FindAllStringSubmatch(string(jazon), -1) assert.Nil(t, m) } func Test_Issue1614(t *testing.T) { path := filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "1614", "gitea.json") // expand with relative path // load and expand sp := loadOrFail(t, path) err := spec.ExpandSpec(sp, &spec.ExpandOptions{RelativeBase: path, SkipSchemas: false}) if !assert.NoError(t, err) { t.FailNow() return } // asserts all $ref expanded jazon, _ := json.MarshalIndent(sp, "", " ") // assert all $ref maches "$ref": "#/definitions/something" m := rex.FindAllStringSubmatch(string(jazon), -1) if assert.NotNil(t, m) { for _, matched := range m { subMatch := matched[1] assert.True(t, strings.HasPrefix(subMatch, "#/definitions/"), "expected $ref to be inlined, got: %s", matched[0]) } } // now with option CircularRefAbsolute sp = loadOrFail(t, path) err = spec.ExpandSpec(sp, &spec.ExpandOptions{RelativeBase: path, SkipSchemas: false, AbsoluteCircularRef: true}) if !assert.NoError(t, err) { t.FailNow() return } // asserts all $ref expanded jazon, _ = json.MarshalIndent(sp, "", " ") // assert all $ref maches "$ref": "{file path}#/definitions/something" refPath, _ := os.Getwd() refPath = filepath.Join(refPath, path) m = rex.FindAllStringSubmatch(string(jazon), -1) if assert.NotNil(t, m) { for _, matched := range m { subMatch := matched[1] assert.True(t, strings.HasPrefix(subMatch, refPath+"#/definitions/"), "expected $ref to be inlined, got: %s", matched[0]) } } }