// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. syntax = "proto3"; option go_package = "github.com/golang/protobuf/internal/testprotos/proto3_proto"; import "google/protobuf/any.proto"; import "proto2_proto/test.proto"; package proto3_test; message Message { enum Humour { UNKNOWN = 0; PUNS = 1; SLAPSTICK = 2; BILL_BAILEY = 3; } string name = 1; Humour hilarity = 2; uint32 height_in_cm = 3; bytes data = 4; int64 result_count = 7; bool true_scotsman = 8; float score = 9; repeated uint64 key = 5; repeated int32 short_key = 19; Nested nested = 6; repeated Humour r_funny = 16; map terrain = 10; proto2_test.SubDefaults proto2_field = 11; map proto2_value = 13; google.protobuf.Any anything = 14; repeated google.protobuf.Any many_things = 15; Message submessage = 17; repeated Message children = 18; map string_map = 20; } message Nested { string bunny = 1; bool cute = 2; } message MessageWithMap { map byte_mapping = 1; } message IntMap { map rtt = 1; } message IntMaps { repeated IntMap maps = 1; } message TestUTF8 { string scalar = 1; repeated string vector = 2; oneof oneof { string field = 3; } map map_key = 4; map map_value = 5; }