// DO NOT EDIT. // // Generated by the Swift generator plugin for the protocol buffer compiler. // Source: github.com/googleapis/gnostic/OpenAPIv2/OpenAPIv2.proto // // For information on using the generated types, please see the documenation: // https://github.com/apple/swift-protobuf/ // Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // THIS FILE IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED. import Foundation import SwiftProtobuf // If the compiler emits an error on this type, it is because this file // was generated by a version of the `protoc` Swift plug-in that is // incompatible with the version of SwiftProtobuf to which you are linking. // Please ensure that your are building against the same version of the API // that was used to generate this file. fileprivate struct _GeneratedWithProtocGenSwiftVersion: SwiftProtobuf.ProtobufAPIVersionCheck { struct _2: SwiftProtobuf.ProtobufAPIVersion_2 {} typealias Version = _2 } public struct Openapi_V2_AdditionalPropertiesItem: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".AdditionalPropertiesItem" public var oneof: OneOf_Oneof? { get {return _storage._oneof} set {_uniqueStorage()._oneof = newValue} } public var schema: Openapi_V2_Schema { get { if case .schema(let v)? = _storage._oneof {return v} return Openapi_V2_Schema() } set {_uniqueStorage()._oneof = .schema(newValue)} } public var boolean: Bool { get { if case .boolean(let v)? = _storage._oneof {return v} return false } set {_uniqueStorage()._oneof = .boolean(newValue)} } public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public enum OneOf_Oneof: Equatable { case schema(Openapi_V2_Schema) case boolean(Bool) public static func ==(lhs: Openapi_V2_AdditionalPropertiesItem.OneOf_Oneof, rhs: Openapi_V2_AdditionalPropertiesItem.OneOf_Oneof) -> Bool { switch (lhs, rhs) { case (.schema(let l), .schema(let r)): return l == r case (.boolean(let l), .boolean(let r)): return l == r default: return false } } } public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { _ = _uniqueStorage() try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: var v: Openapi_V2_Schema? if let current = _storage._oneof { try decoder.handleConflictingOneOf() if case .schema(let m) = current {v = m} } try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &v) if let v = v {_storage._oneof = .schema(v)} case 2: if _storage._oneof != nil {try decoder.handleConflictingOneOf()} var v: Bool? try decoder.decodeSingularBoolField(value: &v) if let v = v {_storage._oneof = .boolean(v)} default: break } } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in switch _storage._oneof { case .schema(let v)?: try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 1) case .boolean(let v)?: try visitor.visitSingularBoolField(value: v, fieldNumber: 2) case nil: break } } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } fileprivate var _storage = _StorageClass.defaultInstance } public struct Openapi_V2_Any: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".Any" public var value: SwiftProtobuf.Google_Protobuf_Any { get {return _storage._value ?? SwiftProtobuf.Google_Protobuf_Any()} set {_uniqueStorage()._value = newValue} } /// Returns true if `value` has been explicitly set. public var hasValue: Bool {return _storage._value != nil} /// Clears the value of `value`. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearValue() {_storage._value = nil} public var yaml: String { get {return _storage._yaml} set {_uniqueStorage()._yaml = newValue} } public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { _ = _uniqueStorage() try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._value) case 2: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._yaml) default: break } } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in if let v = _storage._value { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 1) } if !_storage._yaml.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._yaml, fieldNumber: 2) } } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } fileprivate var _storage = _StorageClass.defaultInstance } public struct Openapi_V2_ApiKeySecurity: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".ApiKeySecurity" public var type: String = String() public var name: String = String() public var `in`: String = String() public var description_p: String = String() public var vendorExtension: [Openapi_V2_NamedAny] = [] public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &self.type) case 2: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &self.name) case 3: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &self.`in`) case 4: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &self.description_p) case 5: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &self.vendorExtension) default: break } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { if !self.type.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: self.type, fieldNumber: 1) } if !self.name.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: self.name, fieldNumber: 2) } if !self.`in`.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: self.`in`, fieldNumber: 3) } if !self.description_p.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: self.description_p, fieldNumber: 4) } if !self.vendorExtension.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedMessageField(value: self.vendorExtension, fieldNumber: 5) } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } } public struct Openapi_V2_BasicAuthenticationSecurity: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".BasicAuthenticationSecurity" public var type: String = String() public var description_p: String = String() public var vendorExtension: [Openapi_V2_NamedAny] = [] public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &self.type) case 2: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &self.description_p) case 3: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &self.vendorExtension) default: break } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { if !self.type.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: self.type, fieldNumber: 1) } if !self.description_p.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: self.description_p, fieldNumber: 2) } if !self.vendorExtension.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedMessageField(value: self.vendorExtension, fieldNumber: 3) } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } } public struct Openapi_V2_BodyParameter: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".BodyParameter" /// A brief description of the parameter. This could contain examples of use. GitHub Flavored Markdown is allowed. public var description_p: String { get {return _storage._description_p} set {_uniqueStorage()._description_p = newValue} } /// The name of the parameter. public var name: String { get {return _storage._name} set {_uniqueStorage()._name = newValue} } /// Determines the location of the parameter. public var `in`: String { get {return _storage._in} set {_uniqueStorage()._in = newValue} } /// Determines whether or not this parameter is required or optional. public var required: Bool { get {return _storage._required} set {_uniqueStorage()._required = newValue} } public var schema: Openapi_V2_Schema { get {return _storage._schema ?? Openapi_V2_Schema()} set {_uniqueStorage()._schema = newValue} } /// Returns true if `schema` has been explicitly set. public var hasSchema: Bool {return _storage._schema != nil} /// Clears the value of `schema`. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearSchema() {_storage._schema = nil} public var vendorExtension: [Openapi_V2_NamedAny] { get {return _storage._vendorExtension} set {_uniqueStorage()._vendorExtension = newValue} } public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { _ = _uniqueStorage() try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._description_p) case 2: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._name) case 3: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._in) case 4: try decoder.decodeSingularBoolField(value: &_storage._required) case 5: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._schema) case 6: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &_storage._vendorExtension) default: break } } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in if !_storage._description_p.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._description_p, fieldNumber: 1) } if !_storage._name.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._name, fieldNumber: 2) } if !_storage._in.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._in, fieldNumber: 3) } if _storage._required != false { try visitor.visitSingularBoolField(value: _storage._required, fieldNumber: 4) } if let v = _storage._schema { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 5) } if !_storage._vendorExtension.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedMessageField(value: _storage._vendorExtension, fieldNumber: 6) } } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } fileprivate var _storage = _StorageClass.defaultInstance } /// Contact information for the owners of the API. public struct Openapi_V2_Contact: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".Contact" /// The identifying name of the contact person/organization. public var name: String = String() /// The URL pointing to the contact information. public var url: String = String() /// The email address of the contact person/organization. public var email: String = String() public var vendorExtension: [Openapi_V2_NamedAny] = [] public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &self.name) case 2: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &self.url) case 3: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &self.email) case 4: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &self.vendorExtension) default: break } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { if !self.name.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: self.name, fieldNumber: 1) } if !self.url.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: self.url, fieldNumber: 2) } if !self.email.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: self.email, fieldNumber: 3) } if !self.vendorExtension.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedMessageField(value: self.vendorExtension, fieldNumber: 4) } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } } public struct Openapi_V2_Default: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".Default" public var additionalProperties: [Openapi_V2_NamedAny] = [] public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &self.additionalProperties) default: break } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { if !self.additionalProperties.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedMessageField(value: self.additionalProperties, fieldNumber: 1) } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } } /// One or more JSON objects describing the schemas being consumed and produced by the API. public struct Openapi_V2_Definitions: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".Definitions" public var additionalProperties: [Openapi_V2_NamedSchema] = [] public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &self.additionalProperties) default: break } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { if !self.additionalProperties.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedMessageField(value: self.additionalProperties, fieldNumber: 1) } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } } public struct Openapi_V2_Document: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".Document" /// The Swagger version of this document. public var swagger: String { get {return _storage._swagger} set {_uniqueStorage()._swagger = newValue} } public var info: Openapi_V2_Info { get {return _storage._info ?? Openapi_V2_Info()} set {_uniqueStorage()._info = newValue} } /// Returns true if `info` has been explicitly set. public var hasInfo: Bool {return _storage._info != nil} /// Clears the value of `info`. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearInfo() {_storage._info = nil} /// The host (name or ip) of the API. Example: 'swagger.io' public var host: String { get {return _storage._host} set {_uniqueStorage()._host = newValue} } /// The base path to the API. Example: '/api'. public var basePath: String { get {return _storage._basePath} set {_uniqueStorage()._basePath = newValue} } /// The transfer protocol of the API. public var schemes: [String] { get {return _storage._schemes} set {_uniqueStorage()._schemes = newValue} } /// A list of MIME types accepted by the API. public var consumes: [String] { get {return _storage._consumes} set {_uniqueStorage()._consumes = newValue} } /// A list of MIME types the API can produce. public var produces: [String] { get {return _storage._produces} set {_uniqueStorage()._produces = newValue} } public var paths: Openapi_V2_Paths { get {return _storage._paths ?? Openapi_V2_Paths()} set {_uniqueStorage()._paths = newValue} } /// Returns true if `paths` has been explicitly set. public var hasPaths: Bool {return _storage._paths != nil} /// Clears the value of `paths`. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearPaths() {_storage._paths = nil} public var definitions: Openapi_V2_Definitions { get {return _storage._definitions ?? Openapi_V2_Definitions()} set {_uniqueStorage()._definitions = newValue} } /// Returns true if `definitions` has been explicitly set. public var hasDefinitions: Bool {return _storage._definitions != nil} /// Clears the value of `definitions`. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearDefinitions() {_storage._definitions = nil} public var parameters: Openapi_V2_ParameterDefinitions { get {return _storage._parameters ?? Openapi_V2_ParameterDefinitions()} set {_uniqueStorage()._parameters = newValue} } /// Returns true if `parameters` has been explicitly set. public var hasParameters: Bool {return _storage._parameters != nil} /// Clears the value of `parameters`. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearParameters() {_storage._parameters = nil} public var responses: Openapi_V2_ResponseDefinitions { get {return _storage._responses ?? Openapi_V2_ResponseDefinitions()} set {_uniqueStorage()._responses = newValue} } /// Returns true if `responses` has been explicitly set. public var hasResponses: Bool {return _storage._responses != nil} /// Clears the value of `responses`. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearResponses() {_storage._responses = nil} public var security: [Openapi_V2_SecurityRequirement] { get {return _storage._security} set {_uniqueStorage()._security = newValue} } public var securityDefinitions: Openapi_V2_SecurityDefinitions { get {return _storage._securityDefinitions ?? Openapi_V2_SecurityDefinitions()} set {_uniqueStorage()._securityDefinitions = newValue} } /// Returns true if `securityDefinitions` has been explicitly set. public var hasSecurityDefinitions: Bool {return _storage._securityDefinitions != nil} /// Clears the value of `securityDefinitions`. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearSecurityDefinitions() {_storage._securityDefinitions = nil} public var tags: [Openapi_V2_Tag] { get {return _storage._tags} set {_uniqueStorage()._tags = newValue} } public var externalDocs: Openapi_V2_ExternalDocs { get {return _storage._externalDocs ?? Openapi_V2_ExternalDocs()} set {_uniqueStorage()._externalDocs = newValue} } /// Returns true if `externalDocs` has been explicitly set. public var hasExternalDocs: Bool {return _storage._externalDocs != nil} /// Clears the value of `externalDocs`. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearExternalDocs() {_storage._externalDocs = nil} public var vendorExtension: [Openapi_V2_NamedAny] { get {return _storage._vendorExtension} set {_uniqueStorage()._vendorExtension = newValue} } public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { _ = _uniqueStorage() try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._swagger) case 2: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._info) case 3: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._host) case 4: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._basePath) case 5: try decoder.decodeRepeatedStringField(value: &_storage._schemes) case 6: try decoder.decodeRepeatedStringField(value: &_storage._consumes) case 7: try decoder.decodeRepeatedStringField(value: &_storage._produces) case 8: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._paths) case 9: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._definitions) case 10: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._parameters) case 11: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._responses) case 12: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &_storage._security) case 13: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._securityDefinitions) case 14: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &_storage._tags) case 15: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._externalDocs) case 16: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &_storage._vendorExtension) default: break } } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in if !_storage._swagger.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._swagger, fieldNumber: 1) } if let v = _storage._info { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 2) } if !_storage._host.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._host, fieldNumber: 3) } if !_storage._basePath.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._basePath, fieldNumber: 4) } if !_storage._schemes.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedStringField(value: _storage._schemes, fieldNumber: 5) } if !_storage._consumes.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedStringField(value: _storage._consumes, fieldNumber: 6) } if !_storage._produces.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedStringField(value: _storage._produces, fieldNumber: 7) } if let v = _storage._paths { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 8) } if let v = _storage._definitions { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 9) } if let v = _storage._parameters { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 10) } if let v = _storage._responses { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 11) } if !_storage._security.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedMessageField(value: _storage._security, fieldNumber: 12) } if let v = _storage._securityDefinitions { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 13) } if !_storage._tags.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedMessageField(value: _storage._tags, fieldNumber: 14) } if let v = _storage._externalDocs { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 15) } if !_storage._vendorExtension.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedMessageField(value: _storage._vendorExtension, fieldNumber: 16) } } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } fileprivate var _storage = _StorageClass.defaultInstance } public struct Openapi_V2_Examples: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".Examples" public var additionalProperties: [Openapi_V2_NamedAny] = [] public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &self.additionalProperties) default: break } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { if !self.additionalProperties.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedMessageField(value: self.additionalProperties, fieldNumber: 1) } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } } /// information about external documentation public struct Openapi_V2_ExternalDocs: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".ExternalDocs" public var description_p: String = String() public var url: String = String() public var vendorExtension: [Openapi_V2_NamedAny] = [] public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &self.description_p) case 2: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &self.url) case 3: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &self.vendorExtension) default: break } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { if !self.description_p.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: self.description_p, fieldNumber: 1) } if !self.url.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: self.url, fieldNumber: 2) } if !self.vendorExtension.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedMessageField(value: self.vendorExtension, fieldNumber: 3) } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } } /// A deterministic version of a JSON Schema object. public struct Openapi_V2_FileSchema: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".FileSchema" public var format: String { get {return _storage._format} set {_uniqueStorage()._format = newValue} } public var title: String { get {return _storage._title} set {_uniqueStorage()._title = newValue} } public var description_p: String { get {return _storage._description_p} set {_uniqueStorage()._description_p = newValue} } public var `default`: Openapi_V2_Any { get {return _storage._default ?? Openapi_V2_Any()} set {_uniqueStorage()._default = newValue} } /// Returns true if ``default`` has been explicitly set. public var hasDefault: Bool {return _storage._default != nil} /// Clears the value of ``default``. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearDefault() {_storage._default = nil} public var required: [String] { get {return _storage._required} set {_uniqueStorage()._required = newValue} } public var type: String { get {return _storage._type} set {_uniqueStorage()._type = newValue} } public var readOnly: Bool { get {return _storage._readOnly} set {_uniqueStorage()._readOnly = newValue} } public var externalDocs: Openapi_V2_ExternalDocs { get {return _storage._externalDocs ?? Openapi_V2_ExternalDocs()} set {_uniqueStorage()._externalDocs = newValue} } /// Returns true if `externalDocs` has been explicitly set. public var hasExternalDocs: Bool {return _storage._externalDocs != nil} /// Clears the value of `externalDocs`. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearExternalDocs() {_storage._externalDocs = nil} public var example: Openapi_V2_Any { get {return _storage._example ?? Openapi_V2_Any()} set {_uniqueStorage()._example = newValue} } /// Returns true if `example` has been explicitly set. public var hasExample: Bool {return _storage._example != nil} /// Clears the value of `example`. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearExample() {_storage._example = nil} public var vendorExtension: [Openapi_V2_NamedAny] { get {return _storage._vendorExtension} set {_uniqueStorage()._vendorExtension = newValue} } public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { _ = _uniqueStorage() try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._format) case 2: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._title) case 3: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._description_p) case 4: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._default) case 5: try decoder.decodeRepeatedStringField(value: &_storage._required) case 6: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._type) case 7: try decoder.decodeSingularBoolField(value: &_storage._readOnly) case 8: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._externalDocs) case 9: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._example) case 10: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &_storage._vendorExtension) default: break } } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in if !_storage._format.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._format, fieldNumber: 1) } if !_storage._title.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._title, fieldNumber: 2) } if !_storage._description_p.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._description_p, fieldNumber: 3) } if let v = _storage._default { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 4) } if !_storage._required.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedStringField(value: _storage._required, fieldNumber: 5) } if !_storage._type.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._type, fieldNumber: 6) } if _storage._readOnly != false { try visitor.visitSingularBoolField(value: _storage._readOnly, fieldNumber: 7) } if let v = _storage._externalDocs { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 8) } if let v = _storage._example { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 9) } if !_storage._vendorExtension.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedMessageField(value: _storage._vendorExtension, fieldNumber: 10) } } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } fileprivate var _storage = _StorageClass.defaultInstance } public struct Openapi_V2_FormDataParameterSubSchema: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".FormDataParameterSubSchema" /// Determines whether or not this parameter is required or optional. public var required: Bool { get {return _storage._required} set {_uniqueStorage()._required = newValue} } /// Determines the location of the parameter. public var `in`: String { get {return _storage._in} set {_uniqueStorage()._in = newValue} } /// A brief description of the parameter. This could contain examples of use. GitHub Flavored Markdown is allowed. public var description_p: String { get {return _storage._description_p} set {_uniqueStorage()._description_p = newValue} } /// The name of the parameter. public var name: String { get {return _storage._name} set {_uniqueStorage()._name = newValue} } /// allows sending a parameter by name only or with an empty value. public var allowEmptyValue: Bool { get {return _storage._allowEmptyValue} set {_uniqueStorage()._allowEmptyValue = newValue} } public var type: String { get {return _storage._type} set {_uniqueStorage()._type = newValue} } public var format: String { get {return _storage._format} set {_uniqueStorage()._format = newValue} } public var items: Openapi_V2_PrimitivesItems { get {return _storage._items ?? Openapi_V2_PrimitivesItems()} set {_uniqueStorage()._items = newValue} } /// Returns true if `items` has been explicitly set. public var hasItems: Bool {return _storage._items != nil} /// Clears the value of `items`. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearItems() {_storage._items = nil} public var collectionFormat: String { get {return _storage._collectionFormat} set {_uniqueStorage()._collectionFormat = newValue} } public var `default`: Openapi_V2_Any { get {return _storage._default ?? Openapi_V2_Any()} set {_uniqueStorage()._default = newValue} } /// Returns true if ``default`` has been explicitly set. public var hasDefault: Bool {return _storage._default != nil} /// Clears the value of ``default``. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearDefault() {_storage._default = nil} public var maximum: Double { get {return _storage._maximum} set {_uniqueStorage()._maximum = newValue} } public var exclusiveMaximum: Bool { get {return _storage._exclusiveMaximum} set {_uniqueStorage()._exclusiveMaximum = newValue} } public var minimum: Double { get {return _storage._minimum} set {_uniqueStorage()._minimum = newValue} } public var exclusiveMinimum: Bool { get {return _storage._exclusiveMinimum} set {_uniqueStorage()._exclusiveMinimum = newValue} } public var maxLength: Int64 { get {return _storage._maxLength} set {_uniqueStorage()._maxLength = newValue} } public var minLength: Int64 { get {return _storage._minLength} set {_uniqueStorage()._minLength = newValue} } public var pattern: String { get {return _storage._pattern} set {_uniqueStorage()._pattern = newValue} } public var maxItems: Int64 { get {return _storage._maxItems} set {_uniqueStorage()._maxItems = newValue} } public var minItems: Int64 { get {return _storage._minItems} set {_uniqueStorage()._minItems = newValue} } public var uniqueItems: Bool { get {return _storage._uniqueItems} set {_uniqueStorage()._uniqueItems = newValue} } public var `enum`: [Openapi_V2_Any] { get {return _storage._enum} set {_uniqueStorage()._enum = newValue} } public var multipleOf: Double { get {return _storage._multipleOf} set {_uniqueStorage()._multipleOf = newValue} } public var vendorExtension: [Openapi_V2_NamedAny] { get {return _storage._vendorExtension} set {_uniqueStorage()._vendorExtension = newValue} } public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { _ = _uniqueStorage() try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: try decoder.decodeSingularBoolField(value: &_storage._required) case 2: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._in) case 3: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._description_p) case 4: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._name) case 5: try decoder.decodeSingularBoolField(value: &_storage._allowEmptyValue) case 6: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._type) case 7: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._format) case 8: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._items) case 9: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._collectionFormat) case 10: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._default) case 11: try decoder.decodeSingularDoubleField(value: &_storage._maximum) case 12: try decoder.decodeSingularBoolField(value: &_storage._exclusiveMaximum) case 13: try decoder.decodeSingularDoubleField(value: &_storage._minimum) case 14: try decoder.decodeSingularBoolField(value: &_storage._exclusiveMinimum) case 15: try decoder.decodeSingularInt64Field(value: &_storage._maxLength) case 16: try decoder.decodeSingularInt64Field(value: &_storage._minLength) case 17: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._pattern) case 18: try decoder.decodeSingularInt64Field(value: &_storage._maxItems) case 19: try decoder.decodeSingularInt64Field(value: &_storage._minItems) case 20: try decoder.decodeSingularBoolField(value: &_storage._uniqueItems) case 21: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &_storage._enum) case 22: try decoder.decodeSingularDoubleField(value: &_storage._multipleOf) case 23: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &_storage._vendorExtension) default: break } } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in if _storage._required != false { try visitor.visitSingularBoolField(value: _storage._required, fieldNumber: 1) } if !_storage._in.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._in, fieldNumber: 2) } if !_storage._description_p.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._description_p, fieldNumber: 3) } if !_storage._name.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._name, fieldNumber: 4) } if _storage._allowEmptyValue != false { try visitor.visitSingularBoolField(value: _storage._allowEmptyValue, fieldNumber: 5) } if !_storage._type.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._type, fieldNumber: 6) } if !_storage._format.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._format, fieldNumber: 7) } if let v = _storage._items { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 8) } if !_storage._collectionFormat.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._collectionFormat, fieldNumber: 9) } if let v = _storage._default { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 10) } if _storage._maximum != 0 { try visitor.visitSingularDoubleField(value: _storage._maximum, fieldNumber: 11) } if _storage._exclusiveMaximum != false { try visitor.visitSingularBoolField(value: _storage._exclusiveMaximum, fieldNumber: 12) } if _storage._minimum != 0 { try visitor.visitSingularDoubleField(value: _storage._minimum, fieldNumber: 13) } if _storage._exclusiveMinimum != false { try visitor.visitSingularBoolField(value: _storage._exclusiveMinimum, fieldNumber: 14) } if _storage._maxLength != 0 { try visitor.visitSingularInt64Field(value: _storage._maxLength, fieldNumber: 15) } if _storage._minLength != 0 { try visitor.visitSingularInt64Field(value: _storage._minLength, fieldNumber: 16) } if !_storage._pattern.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._pattern, fieldNumber: 17) } if _storage._maxItems != 0 { try visitor.visitSingularInt64Field(value: _storage._maxItems, fieldNumber: 18) } if _storage._minItems != 0 { try visitor.visitSingularInt64Field(value: _storage._minItems, fieldNumber: 19) } if _storage._uniqueItems != false { try visitor.visitSingularBoolField(value: _storage._uniqueItems, fieldNumber: 20) } if !_storage._enum.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedMessageField(value: _storage._enum, fieldNumber: 21) } if _storage._multipleOf != 0 { try visitor.visitSingularDoubleField(value: _storage._multipleOf, fieldNumber: 22) } if !_storage._vendorExtension.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedMessageField(value: _storage._vendorExtension, fieldNumber: 23) } } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } fileprivate var _storage = _StorageClass.defaultInstance } public struct Openapi_V2_Header: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".Header" public var type: String { get {return _storage._type} set {_uniqueStorage()._type = newValue} } public var format: String { get {return _storage._format} set {_uniqueStorage()._format = newValue} } public var items: Openapi_V2_PrimitivesItems { get {return _storage._items ?? Openapi_V2_PrimitivesItems()} set {_uniqueStorage()._items = newValue} } /// Returns true if `items` has been explicitly set. public var hasItems: Bool {return _storage._items != nil} /// Clears the value of `items`. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearItems() {_storage._items = nil} public var collectionFormat: String { get {return _storage._collectionFormat} set {_uniqueStorage()._collectionFormat = newValue} } public var `default`: Openapi_V2_Any { get {return _storage._default ?? Openapi_V2_Any()} set {_uniqueStorage()._default = newValue} } /// Returns true if ``default`` has been explicitly set. public var hasDefault: Bool {return _storage._default != nil} /// Clears the value of ``default``. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearDefault() {_storage._default = nil} public var maximum: Double { get {return _storage._maximum} set {_uniqueStorage()._maximum = newValue} } public var exclusiveMaximum: Bool { get {return _storage._exclusiveMaximum} set {_uniqueStorage()._exclusiveMaximum = newValue} } public var minimum: Double { get {return _storage._minimum} set {_uniqueStorage()._minimum = newValue} } public var exclusiveMinimum: Bool { get {return _storage._exclusiveMinimum} set {_uniqueStorage()._exclusiveMinimum = newValue} } public var maxLength: Int64 { get {return _storage._maxLength} set {_uniqueStorage()._maxLength = newValue} } public var minLength: Int64 { get {return _storage._minLength} set {_uniqueStorage()._minLength = newValue} } public var pattern: String { get {return _storage._pattern} set {_uniqueStorage()._pattern = newValue} } public var maxItems: Int64 { get {return _storage._maxItems} set {_uniqueStorage()._maxItems = newValue} } public var minItems: Int64 { get {return _storage._minItems} set {_uniqueStorage()._minItems = newValue} } public var uniqueItems: Bool { get {return _storage._uniqueItems} set {_uniqueStorage()._uniqueItems = newValue} } public var `enum`: [Openapi_V2_Any] { get {return _storage._enum} set {_uniqueStorage()._enum = newValue} } public var multipleOf: Double { get {return _storage._multipleOf} set {_uniqueStorage()._multipleOf = newValue} } public var description_p: String { get {return _storage._description_p} set {_uniqueStorage()._description_p = newValue} } public var vendorExtension: [Openapi_V2_NamedAny] { get {return _storage._vendorExtension} set {_uniqueStorage()._vendorExtension = newValue} } public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { _ = _uniqueStorage() try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._type) case 2: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._format) case 3: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._items) case 4: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._collectionFormat) case 5: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._default) case 6: try decoder.decodeSingularDoubleField(value: &_storage._maximum) case 7: try decoder.decodeSingularBoolField(value: &_storage._exclusiveMaximum) case 8: try decoder.decodeSingularDoubleField(value: &_storage._minimum) case 9: try decoder.decodeSingularBoolField(value: &_storage._exclusiveMinimum) case 10: try decoder.decodeSingularInt64Field(value: &_storage._maxLength) case 11: try decoder.decodeSingularInt64Field(value: &_storage._minLength) case 12: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._pattern) case 13: try decoder.decodeSingularInt64Field(value: &_storage._maxItems) case 14: try decoder.decodeSingularInt64Field(value: &_storage._minItems) case 15: try decoder.decodeSingularBoolField(value: &_storage._uniqueItems) case 16: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &_storage._enum) case 17: try decoder.decodeSingularDoubleField(value: &_storage._multipleOf) case 18: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._description_p) case 19: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &_storage._vendorExtension) default: break } } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in if !_storage._type.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._type, fieldNumber: 1) } if !_storage._format.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._format, fieldNumber: 2) } if let v = _storage._items { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 3) } if !_storage._collectionFormat.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._collectionFormat, fieldNumber: 4) } if let v = _storage._default { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 5) } if _storage._maximum != 0 { try visitor.visitSingularDoubleField(value: _storage._maximum, fieldNumber: 6) } if _storage._exclusiveMaximum != false { try visitor.visitSingularBoolField(value: _storage._exclusiveMaximum, fieldNumber: 7) } if _storage._minimum != 0 { try visitor.visitSingularDoubleField(value: _storage._minimum, fieldNumber: 8) } if _storage._exclusiveMinimum != false { try visitor.visitSingularBoolField(value: _storage._exclusiveMinimum, fieldNumber: 9) } if _storage._maxLength != 0 { try visitor.visitSingularInt64Field(value: _storage._maxLength, fieldNumber: 10) } if _storage._minLength != 0 { try visitor.visitSingularInt64Field(value: _storage._minLength, fieldNumber: 11) } if !_storage._pattern.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._pattern, fieldNumber: 12) } if _storage._maxItems != 0 { try visitor.visitSingularInt64Field(value: _storage._maxItems, fieldNumber: 13) } if _storage._minItems != 0 { try visitor.visitSingularInt64Field(value: _storage._minItems, fieldNumber: 14) } if _storage._uniqueItems != false { try visitor.visitSingularBoolField(value: _storage._uniqueItems, fieldNumber: 15) } if !_storage._enum.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedMessageField(value: _storage._enum, fieldNumber: 16) } if _storage._multipleOf != 0 { try visitor.visitSingularDoubleField(value: _storage._multipleOf, fieldNumber: 17) } if !_storage._description_p.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._description_p, fieldNumber: 18) } if !_storage._vendorExtension.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedMessageField(value: _storage._vendorExtension, fieldNumber: 19) } } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } fileprivate var _storage = _StorageClass.defaultInstance } public struct Openapi_V2_HeaderParameterSubSchema: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".HeaderParameterSubSchema" /// Determines whether or not this parameter is required or optional. public var required: Bool { get {return _storage._required} set {_uniqueStorage()._required = newValue} } /// Determines the location of the parameter. public var `in`: String { get {return _storage._in} set {_uniqueStorage()._in = newValue} } /// A brief description of the parameter. This could contain examples of use. GitHub Flavored Markdown is allowed. public var description_p: String { get {return _storage._description_p} set {_uniqueStorage()._description_p = newValue} } /// The name of the parameter. public var name: String { get {return _storage._name} set {_uniqueStorage()._name = newValue} } public var type: String { get {return _storage._type} set {_uniqueStorage()._type = newValue} } public var format: String { get {return _storage._format} set {_uniqueStorage()._format = newValue} } public var items: Openapi_V2_PrimitivesItems { get {return _storage._items ?? Openapi_V2_PrimitivesItems()} set {_uniqueStorage()._items = newValue} } /// Returns true if `items` has been explicitly set. public var hasItems: Bool {return _storage._items != nil} /// Clears the value of `items`. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearItems() {_storage._items = nil} public var collectionFormat: String { get {return _storage._collectionFormat} set {_uniqueStorage()._collectionFormat = newValue} } public var `default`: Openapi_V2_Any { get {return _storage._default ?? Openapi_V2_Any()} set {_uniqueStorage()._default = newValue} } /// Returns true if ``default`` has been explicitly set. public var hasDefault: Bool {return _storage._default != nil} /// Clears the value of ``default``. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearDefault() {_storage._default = nil} public var maximum: Double { get {return _storage._maximum} set {_uniqueStorage()._maximum = newValue} } public var exclusiveMaximum: Bool { get {return _storage._exclusiveMaximum} set {_uniqueStorage()._exclusiveMaximum = newValue} } public var minimum: Double { get {return _storage._minimum} set {_uniqueStorage()._minimum = newValue} } public var exclusiveMinimum: Bool { get {return _storage._exclusiveMinimum} set {_uniqueStorage()._exclusiveMinimum = newValue} } public var maxLength: Int64 { get {return _storage._maxLength} set {_uniqueStorage()._maxLength = newValue} } public var minLength: Int64 { get {return _storage._minLength} set {_uniqueStorage()._minLength = newValue} } public var pattern: String { get {return _storage._pattern} set {_uniqueStorage()._pattern = newValue} } public var maxItems: Int64 { get {return _storage._maxItems} set {_uniqueStorage()._maxItems = newValue} } public var minItems: Int64 { get {return _storage._minItems} set {_uniqueStorage()._minItems = newValue} } public var uniqueItems: Bool { get {return _storage._uniqueItems} set {_uniqueStorage()._uniqueItems = newValue} } public var `enum`: [Openapi_V2_Any] { get {return _storage._enum} set {_uniqueStorage()._enum = newValue} } public var multipleOf: Double { get {return _storage._multipleOf} set {_uniqueStorage()._multipleOf = newValue} } public var vendorExtension: [Openapi_V2_NamedAny] { get {return _storage._vendorExtension} set {_uniqueStorage()._vendorExtension = newValue} } public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { _ = _uniqueStorage() try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: try decoder.decodeSingularBoolField(value: &_storage._required) case 2: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._in) case 3: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._description_p) case 4: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._name) case 5: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._type) case 6: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._format) case 7: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._items) case 8: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._collectionFormat) case 9: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._default) case 10: try decoder.decodeSingularDoubleField(value: &_storage._maximum) case 11: try decoder.decodeSingularBoolField(value: &_storage._exclusiveMaximum) case 12: try decoder.decodeSingularDoubleField(value: &_storage._minimum) case 13: try decoder.decodeSingularBoolField(value: &_storage._exclusiveMinimum) case 14: try decoder.decodeSingularInt64Field(value: &_storage._maxLength) case 15: try decoder.decodeSingularInt64Field(value: &_storage._minLength) case 16: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._pattern) case 17: try decoder.decodeSingularInt64Field(value: &_storage._maxItems) case 18: try decoder.decodeSingularInt64Field(value: &_storage._minItems) case 19: try decoder.decodeSingularBoolField(value: &_storage._uniqueItems) case 20: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &_storage._enum) case 21: try decoder.decodeSingularDoubleField(value: &_storage._multipleOf) case 22: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &_storage._vendorExtension) default: break } } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in if _storage._required != false { try visitor.visitSingularBoolField(value: _storage._required, fieldNumber: 1) } if !_storage._in.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._in, fieldNumber: 2) } if !_storage._description_p.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._description_p, fieldNumber: 3) } if !_storage._name.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._name, fieldNumber: 4) } if !_storage._type.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._type, fieldNumber: 5) } if !_storage._format.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._format, fieldNumber: 6) } if let v = _storage._items { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 7) } if !_storage._collectionFormat.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._collectionFormat, fieldNumber: 8) } if let v = _storage._default { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 9) } if _storage._maximum != 0 { try visitor.visitSingularDoubleField(value: _storage._maximum, fieldNumber: 10) } if _storage._exclusiveMaximum != false { try visitor.visitSingularBoolField(value: _storage._exclusiveMaximum, fieldNumber: 11) } if _storage._minimum != 0 { try visitor.visitSingularDoubleField(value: _storage._minimum, fieldNumber: 12) } if _storage._exclusiveMinimum != false { try visitor.visitSingularBoolField(value: _storage._exclusiveMinimum, fieldNumber: 13) } if _storage._maxLength != 0 { try visitor.visitSingularInt64Field(value: _storage._maxLength, fieldNumber: 14) } if _storage._minLength != 0 { try visitor.visitSingularInt64Field(value: _storage._minLength, fieldNumber: 15) } if !_storage._pattern.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._pattern, fieldNumber: 16) } if _storage._maxItems != 0 { try visitor.visitSingularInt64Field(value: _storage._maxItems, fieldNumber: 17) } if _storage._minItems != 0 { try visitor.visitSingularInt64Field(value: _storage._minItems, fieldNumber: 18) } if _storage._uniqueItems != false { try visitor.visitSingularBoolField(value: _storage._uniqueItems, fieldNumber: 19) } if !_storage._enum.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedMessageField(value: _storage._enum, fieldNumber: 20) } if _storage._multipleOf != 0 { try visitor.visitSingularDoubleField(value: _storage._multipleOf, fieldNumber: 21) } if !_storage._vendorExtension.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedMessageField(value: _storage._vendorExtension, fieldNumber: 22) } } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } fileprivate var _storage = _StorageClass.defaultInstance } public struct Openapi_V2_Headers: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".Headers" public var additionalProperties: [Openapi_V2_NamedHeader] = [] public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &self.additionalProperties) default: break } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { if !self.additionalProperties.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedMessageField(value: self.additionalProperties, fieldNumber: 1) } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } } /// General information about the API. public struct Openapi_V2_Info: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".Info" /// A unique and precise title of the API. public var title: String { get {return _storage._title} set {_uniqueStorage()._title = newValue} } /// A semantic version number of the API. public var version: String { get {return _storage._version} set {_uniqueStorage()._version = newValue} } /// A longer description of the API. Should be different from the title. GitHub Flavored Markdown is allowed. public var description_p: String { get {return _storage._description_p} set {_uniqueStorage()._description_p = newValue} } /// The terms of service for the API. public var termsOfService: String { get {return _storage._termsOfService} set {_uniqueStorage()._termsOfService = newValue} } public var contact: Openapi_V2_Contact { get {return _storage._contact ?? Openapi_V2_Contact()} set {_uniqueStorage()._contact = newValue} } /// Returns true if `contact` has been explicitly set. public var hasContact: Bool {return _storage._contact != nil} /// Clears the value of `contact`. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearContact() {_storage._contact = nil} public var license: Openapi_V2_License { get {return _storage._license ?? Openapi_V2_License()} set {_uniqueStorage()._license = newValue} } /// Returns true if `license` has been explicitly set. public var hasLicense: Bool {return _storage._license != nil} /// Clears the value of `license`. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearLicense() {_storage._license = nil} public var vendorExtension: [Openapi_V2_NamedAny] { get {return _storage._vendorExtension} set {_uniqueStorage()._vendorExtension = newValue} } public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { _ = _uniqueStorage() try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._title) case 2: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._version) case 3: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._description_p) case 4: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._termsOfService) case 5: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._contact) case 6: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._license) case 7: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &_storage._vendorExtension) default: break } } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in if !_storage._title.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._title, fieldNumber: 1) } if !_storage._version.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._version, fieldNumber: 2) } if !_storage._description_p.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._description_p, fieldNumber: 3) } if !_storage._termsOfService.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._termsOfService, fieldNumber: 4) } if let v = _storage._contact { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 5) } if let v = _storage._license { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 6) } if !_storage._vendorExtension.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedMessageField(value: _storage._vendorExtension, fieldNumber: 7) } } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } fileprivate var _storage = _StorageClass.defaultInstance } public struct Openapi_V2_ItemsItem: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".ItemsItem" public var schema: [Openapi_V2_Schema] = [] public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &self.schema) default: break } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { if !self.schema.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedMessageField(value: self.schema, fieldNumber: 1) } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } } public struct Openapi_V2_JsonReference: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".JsonReference" public var ref: String = String() public var description_p: String = String() public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &self.ref) case 2: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &self.description_p) default: break } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { if !self.ref.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: self.ref, fieldNumber: 1) } if !self.description_p.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: self.description_p, fieldNumber: 2) } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } } public struct Openapi_V2_License: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".License" /// The name of the license type. It's encouraged to use an OSI compatible license. public var name: String = String() /// The URL pointing to the license. public var url: String = String() public var vendorExtension: [Openapi_V2_NamedAny] = [] public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &self.name) case 2: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &self.url) case 3: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &self.vendorExtension) default: break } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { if !self.name.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: self.name, fieldNumber: 1) } if !self.url.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: self.url, fieldNumber: 2) } if !self.vendorExtension.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedMessageField(value: self.vendorExtension, fieldNumber: 3) } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } } /// Automatically-generated message used to represent maps of Any as ordered (name,value) pairs. public struct Openapi_V2_NamedAny: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".NamedAny" /// Map key public var name: String { get {return _storage._name} set {_uniqueStorage()._name = newValue} } /// Mapped value public var value: Openapi_V2_Any { get {return _storage._value ?? Openapi_V2_Any()} set {_uniqueStorage()._value = newValue} } /// Returns true if `value` has been explicitly set. public var hasValue: Bool {return _storage._value != nil} /// Clears the value of `value`. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearValue() {_storage._value = nil} public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { _ = _uniqueStorage() try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._name) case 2: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._value) default: break } } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in if !_storage._name.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._name, fieldNumber: 1) } if let v = _storage._value { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 2) } } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } fileprivate var _storage = _StorageClass.defaultInstance } /// Automatically-generated message used to represent maps of Header as ordered (name,value) pairs. public struct Openapi_V2_NamedHeader: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".NamedHeader" /// Map key public var name: String { get {return _storage._name} set {_uniqueStorage()._name = newValue} } /// Mapped value public var value: Openapi_V2_Header { get {return _storage._value ?? Openapi_V2_Header()} set {_uniqueStorage()._value = newValue} } /// Returns true if `value` has been explicitly set. public var hasValue: Bool {return _storage._value != nil} /// Clears the value of `value`. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearValue() {_storage._value = nil} public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { _ = _uniqueStorage() try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._name) case 2: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._value) default: break } } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in if !_storage._name.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._name, fieldNumber: 1) } if let v = _storage._value { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 2) } } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } fileprivate var _storage = _StorageClass.defaultInstance } /// Automatically-generated message used to represent maps of Parameter as ordered (name,value) pairs. public struct Openapi_V2_NamedParameter: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".NamedParameter" /// Map key public var name: String { get {return _storage._name} set {_uniqueStorage()._name = newValue} } /// Mapped value public var value: Openapi_V2_Parameter { get {return _storage._value ?? Openapi_V2_Parameter()} set {_uniqueStorage()._value = newValue} } /// Returns true if `value` has been explicitly set. public var hasValue: Bool {return _storage._value != nil} /// Clears the value of `value`. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearValue() {_storage._value = nil} public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { _ = _uniqueStorage() try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._name) case 2: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._value) default: break } } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in if !_storage._name.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._name, fieldNumber: 1) } if let v = _storage._value { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 2) } } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } fileprivate var _storage = _StorageClass.defaultInstance } /// Automatically-generated message used to represent maps of PathItem as ordered (name,value) pairs. public struct Openapi_V2_NamedPathItem: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".NamedPathItem" /// Map key public var name: String { get {return _storage._name} set {_uniqueStorage()._name = newValue} } /// Mapped value public var value: Openapi_V2_PathItem { get {return _storage._value ?? Openapi_V2_PathItem()} set {_uniqueStorage()._value = newValue} } /// Returns true if `value` has been explicitly set. public var hasValue: Bool {return _storage._value != nil} /// Clears the value of `value`. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearValue() {_storage._value = nil} public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { _ = _uniqueStorage() try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._name) case 2: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._value) default: break } } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in if !_storage._name.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._name, fieldNumber: 1) } if let v = _storage._value { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 2) } } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } fileprivate var _storage = _StorageClass.defaultInstance } /// Automatically-generated message used to represent maps of Response as ordered (name,value) pairs. public struct Openapi_V2_NamedResponse: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".NamedResponse" /// Map key public var name: String { get {return _storage._name} set {_uniqueStorage()._name = newValue} } /// Mapped value public var value: Openapi_V2_Response { get {return _storage._value ?? Openapi_V2_Response()} set {_uniqueStorage()._value = newValue} } /// Returns true if `value` has been explicitly set. public var hasValue: Bool {return _storage._value != nil} /// Clears the value of `value`. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearValue() {_storage._value = nil} public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { _ = _uniqueStorage() try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._name) case 2: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._value) default: break } } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in if !_storage._name.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._name, fieldNumber: 1) } if let v = _storage._value { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 2) } } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } fileprivate var _storage = _StorageClass.defaultInstance } /// Automatically-generated message used to represent maps of ResponseValue as ordered (name,value) pairs. public struct Openapi_V2_NamedResponseValue: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".NamedResponseValue" /// Map key public var name: String { get {return _storage._name} set {_uniqueStorage()._name = newValue} } /// Mapped value public var value: Openapi_V2_ResponseValue { get {return _storage._value ?? Openapi_V2_ResponseValue()} set {_uniqueStorage()._value = newValue} } /// Returns true if `value` has been explicitly set. public var hasValue: Bool {return _storage._value != nil} /// Clears the value of `value`. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearValue() {_storage._value = nil} public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { _ = _uniqueStorage() try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._name) case 2: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._value) default: break } } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in if !_storage._name.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._name, fieldNumber: 1) } if let v = _storage._value { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 2) } } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } fileprivate var _storage = _StorageClass.defaultInstance } /// Automatically-generated message used to represent maps of Schema as ordered (name,value) pairs. public struct Openapi_V2_NamedSchema: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".NamedSchema" /// Map key public var name: String { get {return _storage._name} set {_uniqueStorage()._name = newValue} } /// Mapped value public var value: Openapi_V2_Schema { get {return _storage._value ?? Openapi_V2_Schema()} set {_uniqueStorage()._value = newValue} } /// Returns true if `value` has been explicitly set. public var hasValue: Bool {return _storage._value != nil} /// Clears the value of `value`. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearValue() {_storage._value = nil} public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { _ = _uniqueStorage() try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._name) case 2: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._value) default: break } } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in if !_storage._name.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._name, fieldNumber: 1) } if let v = _storage._value { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 2) } } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } fileprivate var _storage = _StorageClass.defaultInstance } /// Automatically-generated message used to represent maps of SecurityDefinitionsItem as ordered (name,value) pairs. public struct Openapi_V2_NamedSecurityDefinitionsItem: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".NamedSecurityDefinitionsItem" /// Map key public var name: String { get {return _storage._name} set {_uniqueStorage()._name = newValue} } /// Mapped value public var value: Openapi_V2_SecurityDefinitionsItem { get {return _storage._value ?? Openapi_V2_SecurityDefinitionsItem()} set {_uniqueStorage()._value = newValue} } /// Returns true if `value` has been explicitly set. public var hasValue: Bool {return _storage._value != nil} /// Clears the value of `value`. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearValue() {_storage._value = nil} public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { _ = _uniqueStorage() try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._name) case 2: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._value) default: break } } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in if !_storage._name.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._name, fieldNumber: 1) } if let v = _storage._value { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 2) } } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } fileprivate var _storage = _StorageClass.defaultInstance } /// Automatically-generated message used to represent maps of string as ordered (name,value) pairs. public struct Openapi_V2_NamedString: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".NamedString" /// Map key public var name: String = String() /// Mapped value public var value: String = String() public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &self.name) case 2: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &self.value) default: break } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { if !self.name.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: self.name, fieldNumber: 1) } if !self.value.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: self.value, fieldNumber: 2) } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } } /// Automatically-generated message used to represent maps of StringArray as ordered (name,value) pairs. public struct Openapi_V2_NamedStringArray: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".NamedStringArray" /// Map key public var name: String { get {return _storage._name} set {_uniqueStorage()._name = newValue} } /// Mapped value public var value: Openapi_V2_StringArray { get {return _storage._value ?? Openapi_V2_StringArray()} set {_uniqueStorage()._value = newValue} } /// Returns true if `value` has been explicitly set. public var hasValue: Bool {return _storage._value != nil} /// Clears the value of `value`. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearValue() {_storage._value = nil} public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { _ = _uniqueStorage() try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._name) case 2: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._value) default: break } } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in if !_storage._name.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._name, fieldNumber: 1) } if let v = _storage._value { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 2) } } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } fileprivate var _storage = _StorageClass.defaultInstance } public struct Openapi_V2_NonBodyParameter: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".NonBodyParameter" public var oneof: OneOf_Oneof? { get {return _storage._oneof} set {_uniqueStorage()._oneof = newValue} } public var headerParameterSubSchema: Openapi_V2_HeaderParameterSubSchema { get { if case .headerParameterSubSchema(let v)? = _storage._oneof {return v} return Openapi_V2_HeaderParameterSubSchema() } set {_uniqueStorage()._oneof = .headerParameterSubSchema(newValue)} } public var formDataParameterSubSchema: Openapi_V2_FormDataParameterSubSchema { get { if case .formDataParameterSubSchema(let v)? = _storage._oneof {return v} return Openapi_V2_FormDataParameterSubSchema() } set {_uniqueStorage()._oneof = .formDataParameterSubSchema(newValue)} } public var queryParameterSubSchema: Openapi_V2_QueryParameterSubSchema { get { if case .queryParameterSubSchema(let v)? = _storage._oneof {return v} return Openapi_V2_QueryParameterSubSchema() } set {_uniqueStorage()._oneof = .queryParameterSubSchema(newValue)} } public var pathParameterSubSchema: Openapi_V2_PathParameterSubSchema { get { if case .pathParameterSubSchema(let v)? = _storage._oneof {return v} return Openapi_V2_PathParameterSubSchema() } set {_uniqueStorage()._oneof = .pathParameterSubSchema(newValue)} } public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public enum OneOf_Oneof: Equatable { case headerParameterSubSchema(Openapi_V2_HeaderParameterSubSchema) case formDataParameterSubSchema(Openapi_V2_FormDataParameterSubSchema) case queryParameterSubSchema(Openapi_V2_QueryParameterSubSchema) case pathParameterSubSchema(Openapi_V2_PathParameterSubSchema) public static func ==(lhs: Openapi_V2_NonBodyParameter.OneOf_Oneof, rhs: Openapi_V2_NonBodyParameter.OneOf_Oneof) -> Bool { switch (lhs, rhs) { case (.headerParameterSubSchema(let l), .headerParameterSubSchema(let r)): return l == r case (.formDataParameterSubSchema(let l), .formDataParameterSubSchema(let r)): return l == r case (.queryParameterSubSchema(let l), .queryParameterSubSchema(let r)): return l == r case (.pathParameterSubSchema(let l), .pathParameterSubSchema(let r)): return l == r default: return false } } } public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { _ = _uniqueStorage() try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: var v: Openapi_V2_HeaderParameterSubSchema? if let current = _storage._oneof { try decoder.handleConflictingOneOf() if case .headerParameterSubSchema(let m) = current {v = m} } try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &v) if let v = v {_storage._oneof = .headerParameterSubSchema(v)} case 2: var v: Openapi_V2_FormDataParameterSubSchema? if let current = _storage._oneof { try decoder.handleConflictingOneOf() if case .formDataParameterSubSchema(let m) = current {v = m} } try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &v) if let v = v {_storage._oneof = .formDataParameterSubSchema(v)} case 3: var v: Openapi_V2_QueryParameterSubSchema? if let current = _storage._oneof { try decoder.handleConflictingOneOf() if case .queryParameterSubSchema(let m) = current {v = m} } try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &v) if let v = v {_storage._oneof = .queryParameterSubSchema(v)} case 4: var v: Openapi_V2_PathParameterSubSchema? if let current = _storage._oneof { try decoder.handleConflictingOneOf() if case .pathParameterSubSchema(let m) = current {v = m} } try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &v) if let v = v {_storage._oneof = .pathParameterSubSchema(v)} default: break } } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in switch _storage._oneof { case .headerParameterSubSchema(let v)?: try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 1) case .formDataParameterSubSchema(let v)?: try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 2) case .queryParameterSubSchema(let v)?: try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 3) case .pathParameterSubSchema(let v)?: try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 4) case nil: break } } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } fileprivate var _storage = _StorageClass.defaultInstance } public struct Openapi_V2_Oauth2AccessCodeSecurity: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".Oauth2AccessCodeSecurity" public var type: String { get {return _storage._type} set {_uniqueStorage()._type = newValue} } public var flow: String { get {return _storage._flow} set {_uniqueStorage()._flow = newValue} } public var scopes: Openapi_V2_Oauth2Scopes { get {return _storage._scopes ?? Openapi_V2_Oauth2Scopes()} set {_uniqueStorage()._scopes = newValue} } /// Returns true if `scopes` has been explicitly set. public var hasScopes: Bool {return _storage._scopes != nil} /// Clears the value of `scopes`. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearScopes() {_storage._scopes = nil} public var authorizationURL: String { get {return _storage._authorizationURL} set {_uniqueStorage()._authorizationURL = newValue} } public var tokenURL: String { get {return _storage._tokenURL} set {_uniqueStorage()._tokenURL = newValue} } public var description_p: String { get {return _storage._description_p} set {_uniqueStorage()._description_p = newValue} } public var vendorExtension: [Openapi_V2_NamedAny] { get {return _storage._vendorExtension} set {_uniqueStorage()._vendorExtension = newValue} } public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { _ = _uniqueStorage() try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._type) case 2: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._flow) case 3: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._scopes) case 4: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._authorizationURL) case 5: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._tokenURL) case 6: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._description_p) case 7: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &_storage._vendorExtension) default: break } } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in if !_storage._type.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._type, fieldNumber: 1) } if !_storage._flow.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._flow, fieldNumber: 2) } if let v = _storage._scopes { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 3) } if !_storage._authorizationURL.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._authorizationURL, fieldNumber: 4) } if !_storage._tokenURL.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._tokenURL, fieldNumber: 5) } if !_storage._description_p.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._description_p, fieldNumber: 6) } if !_storage._vendorExtension.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedMessageField(value: _storage._vendorExtension, fieldNumber: 7) } } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } fileprivate var _storage = _StorageClass.defaultInstance } public struct Openapi_V2_Oauth2ApplicationSecurity: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".Oauth2ApplicationSecurity" public var type: String { get {return _storage._type} set {_uniqueStorage()._type = newValue} } public var flow: String { get {return _storage._flow} set {_uniqueStorage()._flow = newValue} } public var scopes: Openapi_V2_Oauth2Scopes { get {return _storage._scopes ?? Openapi_V2_Oauth2Scopes()} set {_uniqueStorage()._scopes = newValue} } /// Returns true if `scopes` has been explicitly set. public var hasScopes: Bool {return _storage._scopes != nil} /// Clears the value of `scopes`. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearScopes() {_storage._scopes = nil} public var tokenURL: String { get {return _storage._tokenURL} set {_uniqueStorage()._tokenURL = newValue} } public var description_p: String { get {return _storage._description_p} set {_uniqueStorage()._description_p = newValue} } public var vendorExtension: [Openapi_V2_NamedAny] { get {return _storage._vendorExtension} set {_uniqueStorage()._vendorExtension = newValue} } public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { _ = _uniqueStorage() try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._type) case 2: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._flow) case 3: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._scopes) case 4: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._tokenURL) case 5: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._description_p) case 6: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &_storage._vendorExtension) default: break } } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in if !_storage._type.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._type, fieldNumber: 1) } if !_storage._flow.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._flow, fieldNumber: 2) } if let v = _storage._scopes { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 3) } if !_storage._tokenURL.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._tokenURL, fieldNumber: 4) } if !_storage._description_p.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._description_p, fieldNumber: 5) } if !_storage._vendorExtension.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedMessageField(value: _storage._vendorExtension, fieldNumber: 6) } } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } fileprivate var _storage = _StorageClass.defaultInstance } public struct Openapi_V2_Oauth2ImplicitSecurity: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".Oauth2ImplicitSecurity" public var type: String { get {return _storage._type} set {_uniqueStorage()._type = newValue} } public var flow: String { get {return _storage._flow} set {_uniqueStorage()._flow = newValue} } public var scopes: Openapi_V2_Oauth2Scopes { get {return _storage._scopes ?? Openapi_V2_Oauth2Scopes()} set {_uniqueStorage()._scopes = newValue} } /// Returns true if `scopes` has been explicitly set. public var hasScopes: Bool {return _storage._scopes != nil} /// Clears the value of `scopes`. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearScopes() {_storage._scopes = nil} public var authorizationURL: String { get {return _storage._authorizationURL} set {_uniqueStorage()._authorizationURL = newValue} } public var description_p: String { get {return _storage._description_p} set {_uniqueStorage()._description_p = newValue} } public var vendorExtension: [Openapi_V2_NamedAny] { get {return _storage._vendorExtension} set {_uniqueStorage()._vendorExtension = newValue} } public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { _ = _uniqueStorage() try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._type) case 2: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._flow) case 3: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._scopes) case 4: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._authorizationURL) case 5: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._description_p) case 6: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &_storage._vendorExtension) default: break } } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in if !_storage._type.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._type, fieldNumber: 1) } if !_storage._flow.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._flow, fieldNumber: 2) } if let v = _storage._scopes { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 3) } if !_storage._authorizationURL.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._authorizationURL, fieldNumber: 4) } if !_storage._description_p.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._description_p, fieldNumber: 5) } if !_storage._vendorExtension.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedMessageField(value: _storage._vendorExtension, fieldNumber: 6) } } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } fileprivate var _storage = _StorageClass.defaultInstance } public struct Openapi_V2_Oauth2PasswordSecurity: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".Oauth2PasswordSecurity" public var type: String { get {return _storage._type} set {_uniqueStorage()._type = newValue} } public var flow: String { get {return _storage._flow} set {_uniqueStorage()._flow = newValue} } public var scopes: Openapi_V2_Oauth2Scopes { get {return _storage._scopes ?? Openapi_V2_Oauth2Scopes()} set {_uniqueStorage()._scopes = newValue} } /// Returns true if `scopes` has been explicitly set. public var hasScopes: Bool {return _storage._scopes != nil} /// Clears the value of `scopes`. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearScopes() {_storage._scopes = nil} public var tokenURL: String { get {return _storage._tokenURL} set {_uniqueStorage()._tokenURL = newValue} } public var description_p: String { get {return _storage._description_p} set {_uniqueStorage()._description_p = newValue} } public var vendorExtension: [Openapi_V2_NamedAny] { get {return _storage._vendorExtension} set {_uniqueStorage()._vendorExtension = newValue} } public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { _ = _uniqueStorage() try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._type) case 2: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._flow) case 3: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._scopes) case 4: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._tokenURL) case 5: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._description_p) case 6: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &_storage._vendorExtension) default: break } } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in if !_storage._type.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._type, fieldNumber: 1) } if !_storage._flow.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._flow, fieldNumber: 2) } if let v = _storage._scopes { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 3) } if !_storage._tokenURL.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._tokenURL, fieldNumber: 4) } if !_storage._description_p.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._description_p, fieldNumber: 5) } if !_storage._vendorExtension.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedMessageField(value: _storage._vendorExtension, fieldNumber: 6) } } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } fileprivate var _storage = _StorageClass.defaultInstance } public struct Openapi_V2_Oauth2Scopes: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".Oauth2Scopes" public var additionalProperties: [Openapi_V2_NamedString] = [] public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &self.additionalProperties) default: break } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { if !self.additionalProperties.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedMessageField(value: self.additionalProperties, fieldNumber: 1) } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } } public struct Openapi_V2_Operation: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".Operation" public var tags: [String] { get {return _storage._tags} set {_uniqueStorage()._tags = newValue} } /// A brief summary of the operation. public var summary: String { get {return _storage._summary} set {_uniqueStorage()._summary = newValue} } /// A longer description of the operation, GitHub Flavored Markdown is allowed. public var description_p: String { get {return _storage._description_p} set {_uniqueStorage()._description_p = newValue} } public var externalDocs: Openapi_V2_ExternalDocs { get {return _storage._externalDocs ?? Openapi_V2_ExternalDocs()} set {_uniqueStorage()._externalDocs = newValue} } /// Returns true if `externalDocs` has been explicitly set. public var hasExternalDocs: Bool {return _storage._externalDocs != nil} /// Clears the value of `externalDocs`. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearExternalDocs() {_storage._externalDocs = nil} /// A unique identifier of the operation. public var operationID: String { get {return _storage._operationID} set {_uniqueStorage()._operationID = newValue} } /// A list of MIME types the API can produce. public var produces: [String] { get {return _storage._produces} set {_uniqueStorage()._produces = newValue} } /// A list of MIME types the API can consume. public var consumes: [String] { get {return _storage._consumes} set {_uniqueStorage()._consumes = newValue} } /// The parameters needed to send a valid API call. public var parameters: [Openapi_V2_ParametersItem] { get {return _storage._parameters} set {_uniqueStorage()._parameters = newValue} } public var responses: Openapi_V2_Responses { get {return _storage._responses ?? Openapi_V2_Responses()} set {_uniqueStorage()._responses = newValue} } /// Returns true if `responses` has been explicitly set. public var hasResponses: Bool {return _storage._responses != nil} /// Clears the value of `responses`. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearResponses() {_storage._responses = nil} /// The transfer protocol of the API. public var schemes: [String] { get {return _storage._schemes} set {_uniqueStorage()._schemes = newValue} } public var deprecated: Bool { get {return _storage._deprecated} set {_uniqueStorage()._deprecated = newValue} } public var security: [Openapi_V2_SecurityRequirement] { get {return _storage._security} set {_uniqueStorage()._security = newValue} } public var vendorExtension: [Openapi_V2_NamedAny] { get {return _storage._vendorExtension} set {_uniqueStorage()._vendorExtension = newValue} } public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { _ = _uniqueStorage() try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: try decoder.decodeRepeatedStringField(value: &_storage._tags) case 2: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._summary) case 3: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._description_p) case 4: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._externalDocs) case 5: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._operationID) case 6: try decoder.decodeRepeatedStringField(value: &_storage._produces) case 7: try decoder.decodeRepeatedStringField(value: &_storage._consumes) case 8: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &_storage._parameters) case 9: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._responses) case 10: try decoder.decodeRepeatedStringField(value: &_storage._schemes) case 11: try decoder.decodeSingularBoolField(value: &_storage._deprecated) case 12: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &_storage._security) case 13: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &_storage._vendorExtension) default: break } } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in if !_storage._tags.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedStringField(value: _storage._tags, fieldNumber: 1) } if !_storage._summary.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._summary, fieldNumber: 2) } if !_storage._description_p.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._description_p, fieldNumber: 3) } if let v = _storage._externalDocs { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 4) } if !_storage._operationID.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._operationID, fieldNumber: 5) } if !_storage._produces.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedStringField(value: _storage._produces, fieldNumber: 6) } if !_storage._consumes.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedStringField(value: _storage._consumes, fieldNumber: 7) } if !_storage._parameters.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedMessageField(value: _storage._parameters, fieldNumber: 8) } if let v = _storage._responses { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 9) } if !_storage._schemes.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedStringField(value: _storage._schemes, fieldNumber: 10) } if _storage._deprecated != false { try visitor.visitSingularBoolField(value: _storage._deprecated, fieldNumber: 11) } if !_storage._security.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedMessageField(value: _storage._security, fieldNumber: 12) } if !_storage._vendorExtension.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedMessageField(value: _storage._vendorExtension, fieldNumber: 13) } } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } fileprivate var _storage = _StorageClass.defaultInstance } public struct Openapi_V2_Parameter: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".Parameter" public var oneof: OneOf_Oneof? { get {return _storage._oneof} set {_uniqueStorage()._oneof = newValue} } public var bodyParameter: Openapi_V2_BodyParameter { get { if case .bodyParameter(let v)? = _storage._oneof {return v} return Openapi_V2_BodyParameter() } set {_uniqueStorage()._oneof = .bodyParameter(newValue)} } public var nonBodyParameter: Openapi_V2_NonBodyParameter { get { if case .nonBodyParameter(let v)? = _storage._oneof {return v} return Openapi_V2_NonBodyParameter() } set {_uniqueStorage()._oneof = .nonBodyParameter(newValue)} } public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public enum OneOf_Oneof: Equatable { case bodyParameter(Openapi_V2_BodyParameter) case nonBodyParameter(Openapi_V2_NonBodyParameter) public static func ==(lhs: Openapi_V2_Parameter.OneOf_Oneof, rhs: Openapi_V2_Parameter.OneOf_Oneof) -> Bool { switch (lhs, rhs) { case (.bodyParameter(let l), .bodyParameter(let r)): return l == r case (.nonBodyParameter(let l), .nonBodyParameter(let r)): return l == r default: return false } } } public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { _ = _uniqueStorage() try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: var v: Openapi_V2_BodyParameter? if let current = _storage._oneof { try decoder.handleConflictingOneOf() if case .bodyParameter(let m) = current {v = m} } try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &v) if let v = v {_storage._oneof = .bodyParameter(v)} case 2: var v: Openapi_V2_NonBodyParameter? if let current = _storage._oneof { try decoder.handleConflictingOneOf() if case .nonBodyParameter(let m) = current {v = m} } try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &v) if let v = v {_storage._oneof = .nonBodyParameter(v)} default: break } } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in switch _storage._oneof { case .bodyParameter(let v)?: try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 1) case .nonBodyParameter(let v)?: try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 2) case nil: break } } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } fileprivate var _storage = _StorageClass.defaultInstance } /// One or more JSON representations for parameters public struct Openapi_V2_ParameterDefinitions: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".ParameterDefinitions" public var additionalProperties: [Openapi_V2_NamedParameter] = [] public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &self.additionalProperties) default: break } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { if !self.additionalProperties.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedMessageField(value: self.additionalProperties, fieldNumber: 1) } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } } public struct Openapi_V2_ParametersItem: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".ParametersItem" public var oneof: OneOf_Oneof? { get {return _storage._oneof} set {_uniqueStorage()._oneof = newValue} } public var parameter: Openapi_V2_Parameter { get { if case .parameter(let v)? = _storage._oneof {return v} return Openapi_V2_Parameter() } set {_uniqueStorage()._oneof = .parameter(newValue)} } public var jsonReference: Openapi_V2_JsonReference { get { if case .jsonReference(let v)? = _storage._oneof {return v} return Openapi_V2_JsonReference() } set {_uniqueStorage()._oneof = .jsonReference(newValue)} } public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public enum OneOf_Oneof: Equatable { case parameter(Openapi_V2_Parameter) case jsonReference(Openapi_V2_JsonReference) public static func ==(lhs: Openapi_V2_ParametersItem.OneOf_Oneof, rhs: Openapi_V2_ParametersItem.OneOf_Oneof) -> Bool { switch (lhs, rhs) { case (.parameter(let l), .parameter(let r)): return l == r case (.jsonReference(let l), .jsonReference(let r)): return l == r default: return false } } } public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { _ = _uniqueStorage() try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: var v: Openapi_V2_Parameter? if let current = _storage._oneof { try decoder.handleConflictingOneOf() if case .parameter(let m) = current {v = m} } try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &v) if let v = v {_storage._oneof = .parameter(v)} case 2: var v: Openapi_V2_JsonReference? if let current = _storage._oneof { try decoder.handleConflictingOneOf() if case .jsonReference(let m) = current {v = m} } try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &v) if let v = v {_storage._oneof = .jsonReference(v)} default: break } } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in switch _storage._oneof { case .parameter(let v)?: try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 1) case .jsonReference(let v)?: try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 2) case nil: break } } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } fileprivate var _storage = _StorageClass.defaultInstance } public struct Openapi_V2_PathItem: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".PathItem" public var ref: String { get {return _storage._ref} set {_uniqueStorage()._ref = newValue} } public var get: Openapi_V2_Operation { get {return _storage._get ?? Openapi_V2_Operation()} set {_uniqueStorage()._get = newValue} } /// Returns true if `get` has been explicitly set. public var hasGet: Bool {return _storage._get != nil} /// Clears the value of `get`. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearGet() {_storage._get = nil} public var put: Openapi_V2_Operation { get {return _storage._put ?? Openapi_V2_Operation()} set {_uniqueStorage()._put = newValue} } /// Returns true if `put` has been explicitly set. public var hasPut: Bool {return _storage._put != nil} /// Clears the value of `put`. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearPut() {_storage._put = nil} public var post: Openapi_V2_Operation { get {return _storage._post ?? Openapi_V2_Operation()} set {_uniqueStorage()._post = newValue} } /// Returns true if `post` has been explicitly set. public var hasPost: Bool {return _storage._post != nil} /// Clears the value of `post`. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearPost() {_storage._post = nil} public var delete: Openapi_V2_Operation { get {return _storage._delete ?? Openapi_V2_Operation()} set {_uniqueStorage()._delete = newValue} } /// Returns true if `delete` has been explicitly set. public var hasDelete: Bool {return _storage._delete != nil} /// Clears the value of `delete`. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearDelete() {_storage._delete = nil} public var options: Openapi_V2_Operation { get {return _storage._options ?? Openapi_V2_Operation()} set {_uniqueStorage()._options = newValue} } /// Returns true if `options` has been explicitly set. public var hasOptions: Bool {return _storage._options != nil} /// Clears the value of `options`. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearOptions() {_storage._options = nil} public var head: Openapi_V2_Operation { get {return _storage._head ?? Openapi_V2_Operation()} set {_uniqueStorage()._head = newValue} } /// Returns true if `head` has been explicitly set. public var hasHead: Bool {return _storage._head != nil} /// Clears the value of `head`. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearHead() {_storage._head = nil} public var patch: Openapi_V2_Operation { get {return _storage._patch ?? Openapi_V2_Operation()} set {_uniqueStorage()._patch = newValue} } /// Returns true if `patch` has been explicitly set. public var hasPatch: Bool {return _storage._patch != nil} /// Clears the value of `patch`. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearPatch() {_storage._patch = nil} /// The parameters needed to send a valid API call. public var parameters: [Openapi_V2_ParametersItem] { get {return _storage._parameters} set {_uniqueStorage()._parameters = newValue} } public var vendorExtension: [Openapi_V2_NamedAny] { get {return _storage._vendorExtension} set {_uniqueStorage()._vendorExtension = newValue} } public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { _ = _uniqueStorage() try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._ref) case 2: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._get) case 3: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._put) case 4: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._post) case 5: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._delete) case 6: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._options) case 7: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._head) case 8: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._patch) case 9: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &_storage._parameters) case 10: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &_storage._vendorExtension) default: break } } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in if !_storage._ref.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._ref, fieldNumber: 1) } if let v = _storage._get { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 2) } if let v = _storage._put { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 3) } if let v = _storage._post { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 4) } if let v = _storage._delete { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 5) } if let v = _storage._options { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 6) } if let v = _storage._head { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 7) } if let v = _storage._patch { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 8) } if !_storage._parameters.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedMessageField(value: _storage._parameters, fieldNumber: 9) } if !_storage._vendorExtension.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedMessageField(value: _storage._vendorExtension, fieldNumber: 10) } } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } fileprivate var _storage = _StorageClass.defaultInstance } public struct Openapi_V2_PathParameterSubSchema: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".PathParameterSubSchema" /// Determines whether or not this parameter is required or optional. public var required: Bool { get {return _storage._required} set {_uniqueStorage()._required = newValue} } /// Determines the location of the parameter. public var `in`: String { get {return _storage._in} set {_uniqueStorage()._in = newValue} } /// A brief description of the parameter. This could contain examples of use. GitHub Flavored Markdown is allowed. public var description_p: String { get {return _storage._description_p} set {_uniqueStorage()._description_p = newValue} } /// The name of the parameter. public var name: String { get {return _storage._name} set {_uniqueStorage()._name = newValue} } public var type: String { get {return _storage._type} set {_uniqueStorage()._type = newValue} } public var format: String { get {return _storage._format} set {_uniqueStorage()._format = newValue} } public var items: Openapi_V2_PrimitivesItems { get {return _storage._items ?? Openapi_V2_PrimitivesItems()} set {_uniqueStorage()._items = newValue} } /// Returns true if `items` has been explicitly set. public var hasItems: Bool {return _storage._items != nil} /// Clears the value of `items`. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearItems() {_storage._items = nil} public var collectionFormat: String { get {return _storage._collectionFormat} set {_uniqueStorage()._collectionFormat = newValue} } public var `default`: Openapi_V2_Any { get {return _storage._default ?? Openapi_V2_Any()} set {_uniqueStorage()._default = newValue} } /// Returns true if ``default`` has been explicitly set. public var hasDefault: Bool {return _storage._default != nil} /// Clears the value of ``default``. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearDefault() {_storage._default = nil} public var maximum: Double { get {return _storage._maximum} set {_uniqueStorage()._maximum = newValue} } public var exclusiveMaximum: Bool { get {return _storage._exclusiveMaximum} set {_uniqueStorage()._exclusiveMaximum = newValue} } public var minimum: Double { get {return _storage._minimum} set {_uniqueStorage()._minimum = newValue} } public var exclusiveMinimum: Bool { get {return _storage._exclusiveMinimum} set {_uniqueStorage()._exclusiveMinimum = newValue} } public var maxLength: Int64 { get {return _storage._maxLength} set {_uniqueStorage()._maxLength = newValue} } public var minLength: Int64 { get {return _storage._minLength} set {_uniqueStorage()._minLength = newValue} } public var pattern: String { get {return _storage._pattern} set {_uniqueStorage()._pattern = newValue} } public var maxItems: Int64 { get {return _storage._maxItems} set {_uniqueStorage()._maxItems = newValue} } public var minItems: Int64 { get {return _storage._minItems} set {_uniqueStorage()._minItems = newValue} } public var uniqueItems: Bool { get {return _storage._uniqueItems} set {_uniqueStorage()._uniqueItems = newValue} } public var `enum`: [Openapi_V2_Any] { get {return _storage._enum} set {_uniqueStorage()._enum = newValue} } public var multipleOf: Double { get {return _storage._multipleOf} set {_uniqueStorage()._multipleOf = newValue} } public var vendorExtension: [Openapi_V2_NamedAny] { get {return _storage._vendorExtension} set {_uniqueStorage()._vendorExtension = newValue} } public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { _ = _uniqueStorage() try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: try decoder.decodeSingularBoolField(value: &_storage._required) case 2: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._in) case 3: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._description_p) case 4: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._name) case 5: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._type) case 6: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._format) case 7: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._items) case 8: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._collectionFormat) case 9: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._default) case 10: try decoder.decodeSingularDoubleField(value: &_storage._maximum) case 11: try decoder.decodeSingularBoolField(value: &_storage._exclusiveMaximum) case 12: try decoder.decodeSingularDoubleField(value: &_storage._minimum) case 13: try decoder.decodeSingularBoolField(value: &_storage._exclusiveMinimum) case 14: try decoder.decodeSingularInt64Field(value: &_storage._maxLength) case 15: try decoder.decodeSingularInt64Field(value: &_storage._minLength) case 16: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._pattern) case 17: try decoder.decodeSingularInt64Field(value: &_storage._maxItems) case 18: try decoder.decodeSingularInt64Field(value: &_storage._minItems) case 19: try decoder.decodeSingularBoolField(value: &_storage._uniqueItems) case 20: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &_storage._enum) case 21: try decoder.decodeSingularDoubleField(value: &_storage._multipleOf) case 22: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &_storage._vendorExtension) default: break } } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in if _storage._required != false { try visitor.visitSingularBoolField(value: _storage._required, fieldNumber: 1) } if !_storage._in.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._in, fieldNumber: 2) } if !_storage._description_p.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._description_p, fieldNumber: 3) } if !_storage._name.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._name, fieldNumber: 4) } if !_storage._type.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._type, fieldNumber: 5) } if !_storage._format.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._format, fieldNumber: 6) } if let v = _storage._items { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 7) } if !_storage._collectionFormat.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._collectionFormat, fieldNumber: 8) } if let v = _storage._default { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 9) } if _storage._maximum != 0 { try visitor.visitSingularDoubleField(value: _storage._maximum, fieldNumber: 10) } if _storage._exclusiveMaximum != false { try visitor.visitSingularBoolField(value: _storage._exclusiveMaximum, fieldNumber: 11) } if _storage._minimum != 0 { try visitor.visitSingularDoubleField(value: _storage._minimum, fieldNumber: 12) } if _storage._exclusiveMinimum != false { try visitor.visitSingularBoolField(value: _storage._exclusiveMinimum, fieldNumber: 13) } if _storage._maxLength != 0 { try visitor.visitSingularInt64Field(value: _storage._maxLength, fieldNumber: 14) } if _storage._minLength != 0 { try visitor.visitSingularInt64Field(value: _storage._minLength, fieldNumber: 15) } if !_storage._pattern.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._pattern, fieldNumber: 16) } if _storage._maxItems != 0 { try visitor.visitSingularInt64Field(value: _storage._maxItems, fieldNumber: 17) } if _storage._minItems != 0 { try visitor.visitSingularInt64Field(value: _storage._minItems, fieldNumber: 18) } if _storage._uniqueItems != false { try visitor.visitSingularBoolField(value: _storage._uniqueItems, fieldNumber: 19) } if !_storage._enum.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedMessageField(value: _storage._enum, fieldNumber: 20) } if _storage._multipleOf != 0 { try visitor.visitSingularDoubleField(value: _storage._multipleOf, fieldNumber: 21) } if !_storage._vendorExtension.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedMessageField(value: _storage._vendorExtension, fieldNumber: 22) } } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } fileprivate var _storage = _StorageClass.defaultInstance } /// Relative paths to the individual endpoints. They must be relative to the 'basePath'. public struct Openapi_V2_Paths: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".Paths" public var vendorExtension: [Openapi_V2_NamedAny] = [] public var path: [Openapi_V2_NamedPathItem] = [] public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &self.vendorExtension) case 2: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &self.path) default: break } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { if !self.vendorExtension.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedMessageField(value: self.vendorExtension, fieldNumber: 1) } if !self.path.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedMessageField(value: self.path, fieldNumber: 2) } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } } public struct Openapi_V2_PrimitivesItems: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".PrimitivesItems" public var type: String { get {return _storage._type} set {_uniqueStorage()._type = newValue} } public var format: String { get {return _storage._format} set {_uniqueStorage()._format = newValue} } public var items: Openapi_V2_PrimitivesItems { get {return _storage._items ?? Openapi_V2_PrimitivesItems()} set {_uniqueStorage()._items = newValue} } /// Returns true if `items` has been explicitly set. public var hasItems: Bool {return _storage._items != nil} /// Clears the value of `items`. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearItems() {_storage._items = nil} public var collectionFormat: String { get {return _storage._collectionFormat} set {_uniqueStorage()._collectionFormat = newValue} } public var `default`: Openapi_V2_Any { get {return _storage._default ?? Openapi_V2_Any()} set {_uniqueStorage()._default = newValue} } /// Returns true if ``default`` has been explicitly set. public var hasDefault: Bool {return _storage._default != nil} /// Clears the value of ``default``. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearDefault() {_storage._default = nil} public var maximum: Double { get {return _storage._maximum} set {_uniqueStorage()._maximum = newValue} } public var exclusiveMaximum: Bool { get {return _storage._exclusiveMaximum} set {_uniqueStorage()._exclusiveMaximum = newValue} } public var minimum: Double { get {return _storage._minimum} set {_uniqueStorage()._minimum = newValue} } public var exclusiveMinimum: Bool { get {return _storage._exclusiveMinimum} set {_uniqueStorage()._exclusiveMinimum = newValue} } public var maxLength: Int64 { get {return _storage._maxLength} set {_uniqueStorage()._maxLength = newValue} } public var minLength: Int64 { get {return _storage._minLength} set {_uniqueStorage()._minLength = newValue} } public var pattern: String { get {return _storage._pattern} set {_uniqueStorage()._pattern = newValue} } public var maxItems: Int64 { get {return _storage._maxItems} set {_uniqueStorage()._maxItems = newValue} } public var minItems: Int64 { get {return _storage._minItems} set {_uniqueStorage()._minItems = newValue} } public var uniqueItems: Bool { get {return _storage._uniqueItems} set {_uniqueStorage()._uniqueItems = newValue} } public var `enum`: [Openapi_V2_Any] { get {return _storage._enum} set {_uniqueStorage()._enum = newValue} } public var multipleOf: Double { get {return _storage._multipleOf} set {_uniqueStorage()._multipleOf = newValue} } public var vendorExtension: [Openapi_V2_NamedAny] { get {return _storage._vendorExtension} set {_uniqueStorage()._vendorExtension = newValue} } public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { _ = _uniqueStorage() try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._type) case 2: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._format) case 3: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._items) case 4: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._collectionFormat) case 5: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._default) case 6: try decoder.decodeSingularDoubleField(value: &_storage._maximum) case 7: try decoder.decodeSingularBoolField(value: &_storage._exclusiveMaximum) case 8: try decoder.decodeSingularDoubleField(value: &_storage._minimum) case 9: try decoder.decodeSingularBoolField(value: &_storage._exclusiveMinimum) case 10: try decoder.decodeSingularInt64Field(value: &_storage._maxLength) case 11: try decoder.decodeSingularInt64Field(value: &_storage._minLength) case 12: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._pattern) case 13: try decoder.decodeSingularInt64Field(value: &_storage._maxItems) case 14: try decoder.decodeSingularInt64Field(value: &_storage._minItems) case 15: try decoder.decodeSingularBoolField(value: &_storage._uniqueItems) case 16: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &_storage._enum) case 17: try decoder.decodeSingularDoubleField(value: &_storage._multipleOf) case 18: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &_storage._vendorExtension) default: break } } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in if !_storage._type.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._type, fieldNumber: 1) } if !_storage._format.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._format, fieldNumber: 2) } if let v = _storage._items { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 3) } if !_storage._collectionFormat.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._collectionFormat, fieldNumber: 4) } if let v = _storage._default { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 5) } if _storage._maximum != 0 { try visitor.visitSingularDoubleField(value: _storage._maximum, fieldNumber: 6) } if _storage._exclusiveMaximum != false { try visitor.visitSingularBoolField(value: _storage._exclusiveMaximum, fieldNumber: 7) } if _storage._minimum != 0 { try visitor.visitSingularDoubleField(value: _storage._minimum, fieldNumber: 8) } if _storage._exclusiveMinimum != false { try visitor.visitSingularBoolField(value: _storage._exclusiveMinimum, fieldNumber: 9) } if _storage._maxLength != 0 { try visitor.visitSingularInt64Field(value: _storage._maxLength, fieldNumber: 10) } if _storage._minLength != 0 { try visitor.visitSingularInt64Field(value: _storage._minLength, fieldNumber: 11) } if !_storage._pattern.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._pattern, fieldNumber: 12) } if _storage._maxItems != 0 { try visitor.visitSingularInt64Field(value: _storage._maxItems, fieldNumber: 13) } if _storage._minItems != 0 { try visitor.visitSingularInt64Field(value: _storage._minItems, fieldNumber: 14) } if _storage._uniqueItems != false { try visitor.visitSingularBoolField(value: _storage._uniqueItems, fieldNumber: 15) } if !_storage._enum.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedMessageField(value: _storage._enum, fieldNumber: 16) } if _storage._multipleOf != 0 { try visitor.visitSingularDoubleField(value: _storage._multipleOf, fieldNumber: 17) } if !_storage._vendorExtension.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedMessageField(value: _storage._vendorExtension, fieldNumber: 18) } } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } fileprivate var _storage = _StorageClass.defaultInstance } public struct Openapi_V2_Properties: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".Properties" public var additionalProperties: [Openapi_V2_NamedSchema] = [] public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &self.additionalProperties) default: break } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { if !self.additionalProperties.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedMessageField(value: self.additionalProperties, fieldNumber: 1) } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } } public struct Openapi_V2_QueryParameterSubSchema: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".QueryParameterSubSchema" /// Determines whether or not this parameter is required or optional. public var required: Bool { get {return _storage._required} set {_uniqueStorage()._required = newValue} } /// Determines the location of the parameter. public var `in`: String { get {return _storage._in} set {_uniqueStorage()._in = newValue} } /// A brief description of the parameter. This could contain examples of use. GitHub Flavored Markdown is allowed. public var description_p: String { get {return _storage._description_p} set {_uniqueStorage()._description_p = newValue} } /// The name of the parameter. public var name: String { get {return _storage._name} set {_uniqueStorage()._name = newValue} } /// allows sending a parameter by name only or with an empty value. public var allowEmptyValue: Bool { get {return _storage._allowEmptyValue} set {_uniqueStorage()._allowEmptyValue = newValue} } public var type: String { get {return _storage._type} set {_uniqueStorage()._type = newValue} } public var format: String { get {return _storage._format} set {_uniqueStorage()._format = newValue} } public var items: Openapi_V2_PrimitivesItems { get {return _storage._items ?? Openapi_V2_PrimitivesItems()} set {_uniqueStorage()._items = newValue} } /// Returns true if `items` has been explicitly set. public var hasItems: Bool {return _storage._items != nil} /// Clears the value of `items`. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearItems() {_storage._items = nil} public var collectionFormat: String { get {return _storage._collectionFormat} set {_uniqueStorage()._collectionFormat = newValue} } public var `default`: Openapi_V2_Any { get {return _storage._default ?? Openapi_V2_Any()} set {_uniqueStorage()._default = newValue} } /// Returns true if ``default`` has been explicitly set. public var hasDefault: Bool {return _storage._default != nil} /// Clears the value of ``default``. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearDefault() {_storage._default = nil} public var maximum: Double { get {return _storage._maximum} set {_uniqueStorage()._maximum = newValue} } public var exclusiveMaximum: Bool { get {return _storage._exclusiveMaximum} set {_uniqueStorage()._exclusiveMaximum = newValue} } public var minimum: Double { get {return _storage._minimum} set {_uniqueStorage()._minimum = newValue} } public var exclusiveMinimum: Bool { get {return _storage._exclusiveMinimum} set {_uniqueStorage()._exclusiveMinimum = newValue} } public var maxLength: Int64 { get {return _storage._maxLength} set {_uniqueStorage()._maxLength = newValue} } public var minLength: Int64 { get {return _storage._minLength} set {_uniqueStorage()._minLength = newValue} } public var pattern: String { get {return _storage._pattern} set {_uniqueStorage()._pattern = newValue} } public var maxItems: Int64 { get {return _storage._maxItems} set {_uniqueStorage()._maxItems = newValue} } public var minItems: Int64 { get {return _storage._minItems} set {_uniqueStorage()._minItems = newValue} } public var uniqueItems: Bool { get {return _storage._uniqueItems} set {_uniqueStorage()._uniqueItems = newValue} } public var `enum`: [Openapi_V2_Any] { get {return _storage._enum} set {_uniqueStorage()._enum = newValue} } public var multipleOf: Double { get {return _storage._multipleOf} set {_uniqueStorage()._multipleOf = newValue} } public var vendorExtension: [Openapi_V2_NamedAny] { get {return _storage._vendorExtension} set {_uniqueStorage()._vendorExtension = newValue} } public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { _ = _uniqueStorage() try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: try decoder.decodeSingularBoolField(value: &_storage._required) case 2: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._in) case 3: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._description_p) case 4: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._name) case 5: try decoder.decodeSingularBoolField(value: &_storage._allowEmptyValue) case 6: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._type) case 7: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._format) case 8: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._items) case 9: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._collectionFormat) case 10: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._default) case 11: try decoder.decodeSingularDoubleField(value: &_storage._maximum) case 12: try decoder.decodeSingularBoolField(value: &_storage._exclusiveMaximum) case 13: try decoder.decodeSingularDoubleField(value: &_storage._minimum) case 14: try decoder.decodeSingularBoolField(value: &_storage._exclusiveMinimum) case 15: try decoder.decodeSingularInt64Field(value: &_storage._maxLength) case 16: try decoder.decodeSingularInt64Field(value: &_storage._minLength) case 17: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._pattern) case 18: try decoder.decodeSingularInt64Field(value: &_storage._maxItems) case 19: try decoder.decodeSingularInt64Field(value: &_storage._minItems) case 20: try decoder.decodeSingularBoolField(value: &_storage._uniqueItems) case 21: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &_storage._enum) case 22: try decoder.decodeSingularDoubleField(value: &_storage._multipleOf) case 23: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &_storage._vendorExtension) default: break } } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in if _storage._required != false { try visitor.visitSingularBoolField(value: _storage._required, fieldNumber: 1) } if !_storage._in.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._in, fieldNumber: 2) } if !_storage._description_p.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._description_p, fieldNumber: 3) } if !_storage._name.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._name, fieldNumber: 4) } if _storage._allowEmptyValue != false { try visitor.visitSingularBoolField(value: _storage._allowEmptyValue, fieldNumber: 5) } if !_storage._type.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._type, fieldNumber: 6) } if !_storage._format.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._format, fieldNumber: 7) } if let v = _storage._items { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 8) } if !_storage._collectionFormat.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._collectionFormat, fieldNumber: 9) } if let v = _storage._default { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 10) } if _storage._maximum != 0 { try visitor.visitSingularDoubleField(value: _storage._maximum, fieldNumber: 11) } if _storage._exclusiveMaximum != false { try visitor.visitSingularBoolField(value: _storage._exclusiveMaximum, fieldNumber: 12) } if _storage._minimum != 0 { try visitor.visitSingularDoubleField(value: _storage._minimum, fieldNumber: 13) } if _storage._exclusiveMinimum != false { try visitor.visitSingularBoolField(value: _storage._exclusiveMinimum, fieldNumber: 14) } if _storage._maxLength != 0 { try visitor.visitSingularInt64Field(value: _storage._maxLength, fieldNumber: 15) } if _storage._minLength != 0 { try visitor.visitSingularInt64Field(value: _storage._minLength, fieldNumber: 16) } if !_storage._pattern.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._pattern, fieldNumber: 17) } if _storage._maxItems != 0 { try visitor.visitSingularInt64Field(value: _storage._maxItems, fieldNumber: 18) } if _storage._minItems != 0 { try visitor.visitSingularInt64Field(value: _storage._minItems, fieldNumber: 19) } if _storage._uniqueItems != false { try visitor.visitSingularBoolField(value: _storage._uniqueItems, fieldNumber: 20) } if !_storage._enum.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedMessageField(value: _storage._enum, fieldNumber: 21) } if _storage._multipleOf != 0 { try visitor.visitSingularDoubleField(value: _storage._multipleOf, fieldNumber: 22) } if !_storage._vendorExtension.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedMessageField(value: _storage._vendorExtension, fieldNumber: 23) } } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } fileprivate var _storage = _StorageClass.defaultInstance } public struct Openapi_V2_Response: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".Response" public var description_p: String { get {return _storage._description_p} set {_uniqueStorage()._description_p = newValue} } public var schema: Openapi_V2_SchemaItem { get {return _storage._schema ?? Openapi_V2_SchemaItem()} set {_uniqueStorage()._schema = newValue} } /// Returns true if `schema` has been explicitly set. public var hasSchema: Bool {return _storage._schema != nil} /// Clears the value of `schema`. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearSchema() {_storage._schema = nil} public var headers: Openapi_V2_Headers { get {return _storage._headers ?? Openapi_V2_Headers()} set {_uniqueStorage()._headers = newValue} } /// Returns true if `headers` has been explicitly set. public var hasHeaders: Bool {return _storage._headers != nil} /// Clears the value of `headers`. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearHeaders() {_storage._headers = nil} public var examples: Openapi_V2_Examples { get {return _storage._examples ?? Openapi_V2_Examples()} set {_uniqueStorage()._examples = newValue} } /// Returns true if `examples` has been explicitly set. public var hasExamples: Bool {return _storage._examples != nil} /// Clears the value of `examples`. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearExamples() {_storage._examples = nil} public var vendorExtension: [Openapi_V2_NamedAny] { get {return _storage._vendorExtension} set {_uniqueStorage()._vendorExtension = newValue} } public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { _ = _uniqueStorage() try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._description_p) case 2: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._schema) case 3: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._headers) case 4: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._examples) case 5: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &_storage._vendorExtension) default: break } } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in if !_storage._description_p.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._description_p, fieldNumber: 1) } if let v = _storage._schema { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 2) } if let v = _storage._headers { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 3) } if let v = _storage._examples { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 4) } if !_storage._vendorExtension.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedMessageField(value: _storage._vendorExtension, fieldNumber: 5) } } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } fileprivate var _storage = _StorageClass.defaultInstance } /// One or more JSON representations for parameters public struct Openapi_V2_ResponseDefinitions: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".ResponseDefinitions" public var additionalProperties: [Openapi_V2_NamedResponse] = [] public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &self.additionalProperties) default: break } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { if !self.additionalProperties.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedMessageField(value: self.additionalProperties, fieldNumber: 1) } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } } public struct Openapi_V2_ResponseValue: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".ResponseValue" public var oneof: OneOf_Oneof? { get {return _storage._oneof} set {_uniqueStorage()._oneof = newValue} } public var response: Openapi_V2_Response { get { if case .response(let v)? = _storage._oneof {return v} return Openapi_V2_Response() } set {_uniqueStorage()._oneof = .response(newValue)} } public var jsonReference: Openapi_V2_JsonReference { get { if case .jsonReference(let v)? = _storage._oneof {return v} return Openapi_V2_JsonReference() } set {_uniqueStorage()._oneof = .jsonReference(newValue)} } public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public enum OneOf_Oneof: Equatable { case response(Openapi_V2_Response) case jsonReference(Openapi_V2_JsonReference) public static func ==(lhs: Openapi_V2_ResponseValue.OneOf_Oneof, rhs: Openapi_V2_ResponseValue.OneOf_Oneof) -> Bool { switch (lhs, rhs) { case (.response(let l), .response(let r)): return l == r case (.jsonReference(let l), .jsonReference(let r)): return l == r default: return false } } } public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { _ = _uniqueStorage() try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: var v: Openapi_V2_Response? if let current = _storage._oneof { try decoder.handleConflictingOneOf() if case .response(let m) = current {v = m} } try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &v) if let v = v {_storage._oneof = .response(v)} case 2: var v: Openapi_V2_JsonReference? if let current = _storage._oneof { try decoder.handleConflictingOneOf() if case .jsonReference(let m) = current {v = m} } try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &v) if let v = v {_storage._oneof = .jsonReference(v)} default: break } } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in switch _storage._oneof { case .response(let v)?: try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 1) case .jsonReference(let v)?: try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 2) case nil: break } } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } fileprivate var _storage = _StorageClass.defaultInstance } /// Response objects names can either be any valid HTTP status code or 'default'. public struct Openapi_V2_Responses: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".Responses" public var responseCode: [Openapi_V2_NamedResponseValue] = [] public var vendorExtension: [Openapi_V2_NamedAny] = [] public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &self.responseCode) case 2: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &self.vendorExtension) default: break } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { if !self.responseCode.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedMessageField(value: self.responseCode, fieldNumber: 1) } if !self.vendorExtension.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedMessageField(value: self.vendorExtension, fieldNumber: 2) } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } } /// A deterministic version of a JSON Schema object. public struct Openapi_V2_Schema: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".Schema" public var ref: String { get {return _storage._ref} set {_uniqueStorage()._ref = newValue} } public var format: String { get {return _storage._format} set {_uniqueStorage()._format = newValue} } public var title: String { get {return _storage._title} set {_uniqueStorage()._title = newValue} } public var description_p: String { get {return _storage._description_p} set {_uniqueStorage()._description_p = newValue} } public var `default`: Openapi_V2_Any { get {return _storage._default ?? Openapi_V2_Any()} set {_uniqueStorage()._default = newValue} } /// Returns true if ``default`` has been explicitly set. public var hasDefault: Bool {return _storage._default != nil} /// Clears the value of ``default``. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearDefault() {_storage._default = nil} public var multipleOf: Double { get {return _storage._multipleOf} set {_uniqueStorage()._multipleOf = newValue} } public var maximum: Double { get {return _storage._maximum} set {_uniqueStorage()._maximum = newValue} } public var exclusiveMaximum: Bool { get {return _storage._exclusiveMaximum} set {_uniqueStorage()._exclusiveMaximum = newValue} } public var minimum: Double { get {return _storage._minimum} set {_uniqueStorage()._minimum = newValue} } public var exclusiveMinimum: Bool { get {return _storage._exclusiveMinimum} set {_uniqueStorage()._exclusiveMinimum = newValue} } public var maxLength: Int64 { get {return _storage._maxLength} set {_uniqueStorage()._maxLength = newValue} } public var minLength: Int64 { get {return _storage._minLength} set {_uniqueStorage()._minLength = newValue} } public var pattern: String { get {return _storage._pattern} set {_uniqueStorage()._pattern = newValue} } public var maxItems: Int64 { get {return _storage._maxItems} set {_uniqueStorage()._maxItems = newValue} } public var minItems: Int64 { get {return _storage._minItems} set {_uniqueStorage()._minItems = newValue} } public var uniqueItems: Bool { get {return _storage._uniqueItems} set {_uniqueStorage()._uniqueItems = newValue} } public var maxProperties: Int64 { get {return _storage._maxProperties} set {_uniqueStorage()._maxProperties = newValue} } public var minProperties: Int64 { get {return _storage._minProperties} set {_uniqueStorage()._minProperties = newValue} } public var required: [String] { get {return _storage._required} set {_uniqueStorage()._required = newValue} } public var `enum`: [Openapi_V2_Any] { get {return _storage._enum} set {_uniqueStorage()._enum = newValue} } public var additionalProperties: Openapi_V2_AdditionalPropertiesItem { get {return _storage._additionalProperties ?? Openapi_V2_AdditionalPropertiesItem()} set {_uniqueStorage()._additionalProperties = newValue} } /// Returns true if `additionalProperties` has been explicitly set. public var hasAdditionalProperties: Bool {return _storage._additionalProperties != nil} /// Clears the value of `additionalProperties`. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearAdditionalProperties() {_storage._additionalProperties = nil} public var type: Openapi_V2_TypeItem { get {return _storage._type ?? Openapi_V2_TypeItem()} set {_uniqueStorage()._type = newValue} } /// Returns true if `type` has been explicitly set. public var hasType: Bool {return _storage._type != nil} /// Clears the value of `type`. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearType() {_storage._type = nil} public var items: Openapi_V2_ItemsItem { get {return _storage._items ?? Openapi_V2_ItemsItem()} set {_uniqueStorage()._items = newValue} } /// Returns true if `items` has been explicitly set. public var hasItems: Bool {return _storage._items != nil} /// Clears the value of `items`. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearItems() {_storage._items = nil} public var allOf: [Openapi_V2_Schema] { get {return _storage._allOf} set {_uniqueStorage()._allOf = newValue} } public var properties: Openapi_V2_Properties { get {return _storage._properties ?? Openapi_V2_Properties()} set {_uniqueStorage()._properties = newValue} } /// Returns true if `properties` has been explicitly set. public var hasProperties: Bool {return _storage._properties != nil} /// Clears the value of `properties`. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearProperties() {_storage._properties = nil} public var discriminator: String { get {return _storage._discriminator} set {_uniqueStorage()._discriminator = newValue} } public var readOnly: Bool { get {return _storage._readOnly} set {_uniqueStorage()._readOnly = newValue} } public var xml: Openapi_V2_Xml { get {return _storage._xml ?? Openapi_V2_Xml()} set {_uniqueStorage()._xml = newValue} } /// Returns true if `xml` has been explicitly set. public var hasXml: Bool {return _storage._xml != nil} /// Clears the value of `xml`. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearXml() {_storage._xml = nil} public var externalDocs: Openapi_V2_ExternalDocs { get {return _storage._externalDocs ?? Openapi_V2_ExternalDocs()} set {_uniqueStorage()._externalDocs = newValue} } /// Returns true if `externalDocs` has been explicitly set. public var hasExternalDocs: Bool {return _storage._externalDocs != nil} /// Clears the value of `externalDocs`. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearExternalDocs() {_storage._externalDocs = nil} public var example: Openapi_V2_Any { get {return _storage._example ?? Openapi_V2_Any()} set {_uniqueStorage()._example = newValue} } /// Returns true if `example` has been explicitly set. public var hasExample: Bool {return _storage._example != nil} /// Clears the value of `example`. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearExample() {_storage._example = nil} public var vendorExtension: [Openapi_V2_NamedAny] { get {return _storage._vendorExtension} set {_uniqueStorage()._vendorExtension = newValue} } public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { _ = _uniqueStorage() try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._ref) case 2: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._format) case 3: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._title) case 4: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._description_p) case 5: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._default) case 6: try decoder.decodeSingularDoubleField(value: &_storage._multipleOf) case 7: try decoder.decodeSingularDoubleField(value: &_storage._maximum) case 8: try decoder.decodeSingularBoolField(value: &_storage._exclusiveMaximum) case 9: try decoder.decodeSingularDoubleField(value: &_storage._minimum) case 10: try decoder.decodeSingularBoolField(value: &_storage._exclusiveMinimum) case 11: try decoder.decodeSingularInt64Field(value: &_storage._maxLength) case 12: try decoder.decodeSingularInt64Field(value: &_storage._minLength) case 13: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._pattern) case 14: try decoder.decodeSingularInt64Field(value: &_storage._maxItems) case 15: try decoder.decodeSingularInt64Field(value: &_storage._minItems) case 16: try decoder.decodeSingularBoolField(value: &_storage._uniqueItems) case 17: try decoder.decodeSingularInt64Field(value: &_storage._maxProperties) case 18: try decoder.decodeSingularInt64Field(value: &_storage._minProperties) case 19: try decoder.decodeRepeatedStringField(value: &_storage._required) case 20: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &_storage._enum) case 21: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._additionalProperties) case 22: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._type) case 23: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._items) case 24: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &_storage._allOf) case 25: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._properties) case 26: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._discriminator) case 27: try decoder.decodeSingularBoolField(value: &_storage._readOnly) case 28: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._xml) case 29: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._externalDocs) case 30: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._example) case 31: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &_storage._vendorExtension) default: break } } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in if !_storage._ref.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._ref, fieldNumber: 1) } if !_storage._format.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._format, fieldNumber: 2) } if !_storage._title.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._title, fieldNumber: 3) } if !_storage._description_p.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._description_p, fieldNumber: 4) } if let v = _storage._default { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 5) } if _storage._multipleOf != 0 { try visitor.visitSingularDoubleField(value: _storage._multipleOf, fieldNumber: 6) } if _storage._maximum != 0 { try visitor.visitSingularDoubleField(value: _storage._maximum, fieldNumber: 7) } if _storage._exclusiveMaximum != false { try visitor.visitSingularBoolField(value: _storage._exclusiveMaximum, fieldNumber: 8) } if _storage._minimum != 0 { try visitor.visitSingularDoubleField(value: _storage._minimum, fieldNumber: 9) } if _storage._exclusiveMinimum != false { try visitor.visitSingularBoolField(value: _storage._exclusiveMinimum, fieldNumber: 10) } if _storage._maxLength != 0 { try visitor.visitSingularInt64Field(value: _storage._maxLength, fieldNumber: 11) } if _storage._minLength != 0 { try visitor.visitSingularInt64Field(value: _storage._minLength, fieldNumber: 12) } if !_storage._pattern.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._pattern, fieldNumber: 13) } if _storage._maxItems != 0 { try visitor.visitSingularInt64Field(value: _storage._maxItems, fieldNumber: 14) } if _storage._minItems != 0 { try visitor.visitSingularInt64Field(value: _storage._minItems, fieldNumber: 15) } if _storage._uniqueItems != false { try visitor.visitSingularBoolField(value: _storage._uniqueItems, fieldNumber: 16) } if _storage._maxProperties != 0 { try visitor.visitSingularInt64Field(value: _storage._maxProperties, fieldNumber: 17) } if _storage._minProperties != 0 { try visitor.visitSingularInt64Field(value: _storage._minProperties, fieldNumber: 18) } if !_storage._required.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedStringField(value: _storage._required, fieldNumber: 19) } if !_storage._enum.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedMessageField(value: _storage._enum, fieldNumber: 20) } if let v = _storage._additionalProperties { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 21) } if let v = _storage._type { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 22) } if let v = _storage._items { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 23) } if !_storage._allOf.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedMessageField(value: _storage._allOf, fieldNumber: 24) } if let v = _storage._properties { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 25) } if !_storage._discriminator.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._discriminator, fieldNumber: 26) } if _storage._readOnly != false { try visitor.visitSingularBoolField(value: _storage._readOnly, fieldNumber: 27) } if let v = _storage._xml { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 28) } if let v = _storage._externalDocs { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 29) } if let v = _storage._example { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 30) } if !_storage._vendorExtension.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedMessageField(value: _storage._vendorExtension, fieldNumber: 31) } } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } fileprivate var _storage = _StorageClass.defaultInstance } public struct Openapi_V2_SchemaItem: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".SchemaItem" public var oneof: OneOf_Oneof? { get {return _storage._oneof} set {_uniqueStorage()._oneof = newValue} } public var schema: Openapi_V2_Schema { get { if case .schema(let v)? = _storage._oneof {return v} return Openapi_V2_Schema() } set {_uniqueStorage()._oneof = .schema(newValue)} } public var fileSchema: Openapi_V2_FileSchema { get { if case .fileSchema(let v)? = _storage._oneof {return v} return Openapi_V2_FileSchema() } set {_uniqueStorage()._oneof = .fileSchema(newValue)} } public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public enum OneOf_Oneof: Equatable { case schema(Openapi_V2_Schema) case fileSchema(Openapi_V2_FileSchema) public static func ==(lhs: Openapi_V2_SchemaItem.OneOf_Oneof, rhs: Openapi_V2_SchemaItem.OneOf_Oneof) -> Bool { switch (lhs, rhs) { case (.schema(let l), .schema(let r)): return l == r case (.fileSchema(let l), .fileSchema(let r)): return l == r default: return false } } } public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { _ = _uniqueStorage() try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: var v: Openapi_V2_Schema? if let current = _storage._oneof { try decoder.handleConflictingOneOf() if case .schema(let m) = current {v = m} } try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &v) if let v = v {_storage._oneof = .schema(v)} case 2: var v: Openapi_V2_FileSchema? if let current = _storage._oneof { try decoder.handleConflictingOneOf() if case .fileSchema(let m) = current {v = m} } try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &v) if let v = v {_storage._oneof = .fileSchema(v)} default: break } } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in switch _storage._oneof { case .schema(let v)?: try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 1) case .fileSchema(let v)?: try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 2) case nil: break } } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } fileprivate var _storage = _StorageClass.defaultInstance } public struct Openapi_V2_SecurityDefinitions: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".SecurityDefinitions" public var additionalProperties: [Openapi_V2_NamedSecurityDefinitionsItem] = [] public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &self.additionalProperties) default: break } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { if !self.additionalProperties.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedMessageField(value: self.additionalProperties, fieldNumber: 1) } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } } public struct Openapi_V2_SecurityDefinitionsItem: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".SecurityDefinitionsItem" public var oneof: OneOf_Oneof? { get {return _storage._oneof} set {_uniqueStorage()._oneof = newValue} } public var basicAuthenticationSecurity: Openapi_V2_BasicAuthenticationSecurity { get { if case .basicAuthenticationSecurity(let v)? = _storage._oneof {return v} return Openapi_V2_BasicAuthenticationSecurity() } set {_uniqueStorage()._oneof = .basicAuthenticationSecurity(newValue)} } public var apiKeySecurity: Openapi_V2_ApiKeySecurity { get { if case .apiKeySecurity(let v)? = _storage._oneof {return v} return Openapi_V2_ApiKeySecurity() } set {_uniqueStorage()._oneof = .apiKeySecurity(newValue)} } public var oauth2ImplicitSecurity: Openapi_V2_Oauth2ImplicitSecurity { get { if case .oauth2ImplicitSecurity(let v)? = _storage._oneof {return v} return Openapi_V2_Oauth2ImplicitSecurity() } set {_uniqueStorage()._oneof = .oauth2ImplicitSecurity(newValue)} } public var oauth2PasswordSecurity: Openapi_V2_Oauth2PasswordSecurity { get { if case .oauth2PasswordSecurity(let v)? = _storage._oneof {return v} return Openapi_V2_Oauth2PasswordSecurity() } set {_uniqueStorage()._oneof = .oauth2PasswordSecurity(newValue)} } public var oauth2ApplicationSecurity: Openapi_V2_Oauth2ApplicationSecurity { get { if case .oauth2ApplicationSecurity(let v)? = _storage._oneof {return v} return Openapi_V2_Oauth2ApplicationSecurity() } set {_uniqueStorage()._oneof = .oauth2ApplicationSecurity(newValue)} } public var oauth2AccessCodeSecurity: Openapi_V2_Oauth2AccessCodeSecurity { get { if case .oauth2AccessCodeSecurity(let v)? = _storage._oneof {return v} return Openapi_V2_Oauth2AccessCodeSecurity() } set {_uniqueStorage()._oneof = .oauth2AccessCodeSecurity(newValue)} } public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public enum OneOf_Oneof: Equatable { case basicAuthenticationSecurity(Openapi_V2_BasicAuthenticationSecurity) case apiKeySecurity(Openapi_V2_ApiKeySecurity) case oauth2ImplicitSecurity(Openapi_V2_Oauth2ImplicitSecurity) case oauth2PasswordSecurity(Openapi_V2_Oauth2PasswordSecurity) case oauth2ApplicationSecurity(Openapi_V2_Oauth2ApplicationSecurity) case oauth2AccessCodeSecurity(Openapi_V2_Oauth2AccessCodeSecurity) public static func ==(lhs: Openapi_V2_SecurityDefinitionsItem.OneOf_Oneof, rhs: Openapi_V2_SecurityDefinitionsItem.OneOf_Oneof) -> Bool { switch (lhs, rhs) { case (.basicAuthenticationSecurity(let l), .basicAuthenticationSecurity(let r)): return l == r case (.apiKeySecurity(let l), .apiKeySecurity(let r)): return l == r case (.oauth2ImplicitSecurity(let l), .oauth2ImplicitSecurity(let r)): return l == r case (.oauth2PasswordSecurity(let l), .oauth2PasswordSecurity(let r)): return l == r case (.oauth2ApplicationSecurity(let l), .oauth2ApplicationSecurity(let r)): return l == r case (.oauth2AccessCodeSecurity(let l), .oauth2AccessCodeSecurity(let r)): return l == r default: return false } } } public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { _ = _uniqueStorage() try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: var v: Openapi_V2_BasicAuthenticationSecurity? if let current = _storage._oneof { try decoder.handleConflictingOneOf() if case .basicAuthenticationSecurity(let m) = current {v = m} } try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &v) if let v = v {_storage._oneof = .basicAuthenticationSecurity(v)} case 2: var v: Openapi_V2_ApiKeySecurity? if let current = _storage._oneof { try decoder.handleConflictingOneOf() if case .apiKeySecurity(let m) = current {v = m} } try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &v) if let v = v {_storage._oneof = .apiKeySecurity(v)} case 3: var v: Openapi_V2_Oauth2ImplicitSecurity? if let current = _storage._oneof { try decoder.handleConflictingOneOf() if case .oauth2ImplicitSecurity(let m) = current {v = m} } try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &v) if let v = v {_storage._oneof = .oauth2ImplicitSecurity(v)} case 4: var v: Openapi_V2_Oauth2PasswordSecurity? if let current = _storage._oneof { try decoder.handleConflictingOneOf() if case .oauth2PasswordSecurity(let m) = current {v = m} } try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &v) if let v = v {_storage._oneof = .oauth2PasswordSecurity(v)} case 5: var v: Openapi_V2_Oauth2ApplicationSecurity? if let current = _storage._oneof { try decoder.handleConflictingOneOf() if case .oauth2ApplicationSecurity(let m) = current {v = m} } try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &v) if let v = v {_storage._oneof = .oauth2ApplicationSecurity(v)} case 6: var v: Openapi_V2_Oauth2AccessCodeSecurity? if let current = _storage._oneof { try decoder.handleConflictingOneOf() if case .oauth2AccessCodeSecurity(let m) = current {v = m} } try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &v) if let v = v {_storage._oneof = .oauth2AccessCodeSecurity(v)} default: break } } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in switch _storage._oneof { case .basicAuthenticationSecurity(let v)?: try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 1) case .apiKeySecurity(let v)?: try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 2) case .oauth2ImplicitSecurity(let v)?: try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 3) case .oauth2PasswordSecurity(let v)?: try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 4) case .oauth2ApplicationSecurity(let v)?: try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 5) case .oauth2AccessCodeSecurity(let v)?: try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 6) case nil: break } } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } fileprivate var _storage = _StorageClass.defaultInstance } public struct Openapi_V2_SecurityRequirement: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".SecurityRequirement" public var additionalProperties: [Openapi_V2_NamedStringArray] = [] public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &self.additionalProperties) default: break } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { if !self.additionalProperties.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedMessageField(value: self.additionalProperties, fieldNumber: 1) } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } } public struct Openapi_V2_StringArray: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".StringArray" public var value: [String] = [] public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: try decoder.decodeRepeatedStringField(value: &self.value) default: break } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { if !self.value.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedStringField(value: self.value, fieldNumber: 1) } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } } public struct Openapi_V2_Tag: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".Tag" public var name: String { get {return _storage._name} set {_uniqueStorage()._name = newValue} } public var description_p: String { get {return _storage._description_p} set {_uniqueStorage()._description_p = newValue} } public var externalDocs: Openapi_V2_ExternalDocs { get {return _storage._externalDocs ?? Openapi_V2_ExternalDocs()} set {_uniqueStorage()._externalDocs = newValue} } /// Returns true if `externalDocs` has been explicitly set. public var hasExternalDocs: Bool {return _storage._externalDocs != nil} /// Clears the value of `externalDocs`. Subsequent reads from it will return its default value. public mutating func clearExternalDocs() {_storage._externalDocs = nil} public var vendorExtension: [Openapi_V2_NamedAny] { get {return _storage._vendorExtension} set {_uniqueStorage()._vendorExtension = newValue} } public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { _ = _uniqueStorage() try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._name) case 2: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &_storage._description_p) case 3: try decoder.decodeSingularMessageField(value: &_storage._externalDocs) case 4: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &_storage._vendorExtension) default: break } } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { try withExtendedLifetime(_storage) { (_storage: _StorageClass) in if !_storage._name.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._name, fieldNumber: 1) } if !_storage._description_p.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: _storage._description_p, fieldNumber: 2) } if let v = _storage._externalDocs { try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: 3) } if !_storage._vendorExtension.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedMessageField(value: _storage._vendorExtension, fieldNumber: 4) } } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } fileprivate var _storage = _StorageClass.defaultInstance } public struct Openapi_V2_TypeItem: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".TypeItem" public var value: [String] = [] public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: try decoder.decodeRepeatedStringField(value: &self.value) default: break } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { if !self.value.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedStringField(value: self.value, fieldNumber: 1) } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } } /// Any property starting with x- is valid. public struct Openapi_V2_VendorExtension: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".VendorExtension" public var additionalProperties: [Openapi_V2_NamedAny] = [] public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &self.additionalProperties) default: break } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { if !self.additionalProperties.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedMessageField(value: self.additionalProperties, fieldNumber: 1) } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } } public struct Openapi_V2_Xml: SwiftProtobuf.Message { public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".Xml" public var name: String = String() public var namespace: String = String() public var prefix: String = String() public var attribute: Bool = false public var wrapped: Bool = false public var vendorExtension: [Openapi_V2_NamedAny] = [] public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage() public init() {} /// Used by the decoding initializers in the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `init(serializedData:)`, `init(jsonUTF8Data:)`, and other decoding /// initializers are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the Message and /// Message+*Additions` files. public mutating func decodeMessage(decoder: inout D) throws { while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() { switch fieldNumber { case 1: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &self.name) case 2: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &self.namespace) case 3: try decoder.decodeSingularStringField(value: &self.prefix) case 4: try decoder.decodeSingularBoolField(value: &self.attribute) case 5: try decoder.decodeSingularBoolField(value: &self.wrapped) case 6: try decoder.decodeRepeatedMessageField(value: &self.vendorExtension) default: break } } } /// Used by the encoding methods of the SwiftProtobuf library, not generally /// used directly. `Message.serializedData()`, `Message.jsonUTF8Data()`, and /// other serializer methods are defined in the SwiftProtobuf library. See the /// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files. public func traverse(visitor: inout V) throws { if !self.name.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: self.name, fieldNumber: 1) } if !self.namespace.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: self.namespace, fieldNumber: 2) } if !self.prefix.isEmpty { try visitor.visitSingularStringField(value: self.prefix, fieldNumber: 3) } if self.attribute != false { try visitor.visitSingularBoolField(value: self.attribute, fieldNumber: 4) } if self.wrapped != false { try visitor.visitSingularBoolField(value: self.wrapped, fieldNumber: 5) } if !self.vendorExtension.isEmpty { try visitor.visitRepeatedMessageField(value: self.vendorExtension, fieldNumber: 6) } try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor) } } // MARK: - Code below here is support for the SwiftProtobuf runtime. fileprivate let _protobuf_package = "openapi.v2" extension Openapi_V2_AdditionalPropertiesItem: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .same(proto: "schema"), 2: .same(proto: "boolean"), ] fileprivate class _StorageClass { var _oneof: Openapi_V2_AdditionalPropertiesItem.OneOf_Oneof? static let defaultInstance = _StorageClass() private init() {} init(copying source: _StorageClass) { _oneof = source._oneof } } fileprivate mutating func _uniqueStorage() -> _StorageClass { if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&_storage) { _storage = _StorageClass(copying: _storage) } return _storage } public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_AdditionalPropertiesItem) -> Bool { if _storage !== other._storage { let storagesAreEqual: Bool = withExtendedLifetime((_storage, other._storage)) { (_storage, other_storage) in if _storage._oneof != other_storage._oneof {return false} return true } if !storagesAreEqual {return false} } if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_Any: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .same(proto: "value"), 2: .same(proto: "yaml"), ] fileprivate class _StorageClass { var _value: SwiftProtobuf.Google_Protobuf_Any? = nil var _yaml: String = String() static let defaultInstance = _StorageClass() private init() {} init(copying source: _StorageClass) { _value = source._value _yaml = source._yaml } } fileprivate mutating func _uniqueStorage() -> _StorageClass { if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&_storage) { _storage = _StorageClass(copying: _storage) } return _storage } public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_Any) -> Bool { if _storage !== other._storage { let storagesAreEqual: Bool = withExtendedLifetime((_storage, other._storage)) { (_storage, other_storage) in if _storage._value != other_storage._value {return false} if _storage._yaml != other_storage._yaml {return false} return true } if !storagesAreEqual {return false} } if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_ApiKeySecurity: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .same(proto: "type"), 2: .same(proto: "name"), 3: .same(proto: "in"), 4: .same(proto: "description"), 5: .standard(proto: "vendor_extension"), ] public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_ApiKeySecurity) -> Bool { if self.type != other.type {return false} if self.name != other.name {return false} if self.`in` != other.`in` {return false} if self.description_p != other.description_p {return false} if self.vendorExtension != other.vendorExtension {return false} if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_BasicAuthenticationSecurity: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .same(proto: "type"), 2: .same(proto: "description"), 3: .standard(proto: "vendor_extension"), ] public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_BasicAuthenticationSecurity) -> Bool { if self.type != other.type {return false} if self.description_p != other.description_p {return false} if self.vendorExtension != other.vendorExtension {return false} if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_BodyParameter: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .same(proto: "description"), 2: .same(proto: "name"), 3: .same(proto: "in"), 4: .same(proto: "required"), 5: .same(proto: "schema"), 6: .standard(proto: "vendor_extension"), ] fileprivate class _StorageClass { var _description_p: String = String() var _name: String = String() var _in: String = String() var _required: Bool = false var _schema: Openapi_V2_Schema? = nil var _vendorExtension: [Openapi_V2_NamedAny] = [] static let defaultInstance = _StorageClass() private init() {} init(copying source: _StorageClass) { _description_p = source._description_p _name = source._name _in = source._in _required = source._required _schema = source._schema _vendorExtension = source._vendorExtension } } fileprivate mutating func _uniqueStorage() -> _StorageClass { if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&_storage) { _storage = _StorageClass(copying: _storage) } return _storage } public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_BodyParameter) -> Bool { if _storage !== other._storage { let storagesAreEqual: Bool = withExtendedLifetime((_storage, other._storage)) { (_storage, other_storage) in if _storage._description_p != other_storage._description_p {return false} if _storage._name != other_storage._name {return false} if _storage._in != other_storage._in {return false} if _storage._required != other_storage._required {return false} if _storage._schema != other_storage._schema {return false} if _storage._vendorExtension != other_storage._vendorExtension {return false} return true } if !storagesAreEqual {return false} } if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_Contact: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .same(proto: "name"), 2: .same(proto: "url"), 3: .same(proto: "email"), 4: .standard(proto: "vendor_extension"), ] public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_Contact) -> Bool { if self.name != other.name {return false} if self.url != other.url {return false} if self.email != other.email {return false} if self.vendorExtension != other.vendorExtension {return false} if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_Default: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .standard(proto: "additional_properties"), ] public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_Default) -> Bool { if self.additionalProperties != other.additionalProperties {return false} if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_Definitions: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .standard(proto: "additional_properties"), ] public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_Definitions) -> Bool { if self.additionalProperties != other.additionalProperties {return false} if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_Document: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .same(proto: "swagger"), 2: .same(proto: "info"), 3: .same(proto: "host"), 4: .standard(proto: "base_path"), 5: .same(proto: "schemes"), 6: .same(proto: "consumes"), 7: .same(proto: "produces"), 8: .same(proto: "paths"), 9: .same(proto: "definitions"), 10: .same(proto: "parameters"), 11: .same(proto: "responses"), 12: .same(proto: "security"), 13: .standard(proto: "security_definitions"), 14: .same(proto: "tags"), 15: .standard(proto: "external_docs"), 16: .standard(proto: "vendor_extension"), ] fileprivate class _StorageClass { var _swagger: String = String() var _info: Openapi_V2_Info? = nil var _host: String = String() var _basePath: String = String() var _schemes: [String] = [] var _consumes: [String] = [] var _produces: [String] = [] var _paths: Openapi_V2_Paths? = nil var _definitions: Openapi_V2_Definitions? = nil var _parameters: Openapi_V2_ParameterDefinitions? = nil var _responses: Openapi_V2_ResponseDefinitions? = nil var _security: [Openapi_V2_SecurityRequirement] = [] var _securityDefinitions: Openapi_V2_SecurityDefinitions? = nil var _tags: [Openapi_V2_Tag] = [] var _externalDocs: Openapi_V2_ExternalDocs? = nil var _vendorExtension: [Openapi_V2_NamedAny] = [] static let defaultInstance = _StorageClass() private init() {} init(copying source: _StorageClass) { _swagger = source._swagger _info = source._info _host = source._host _basePath = source._basePath _schemes = source._schemes _consumes = source._consumes _produces = source._produces _paths = source._paths _definitions = source._definitions _parameters = source._parameters _responses = source._responses _security = source._security _securityDefinitions = source._securityDefinitions _tags = source._tags _externalDocs = source._externalDocs _vendorExtension = source._vendorExtension } } fileprivate mutating func _uniqueStorage() -> _StorageClass { if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&_storage) { _storage = _StorageClass(copying: _storage) } return _storage } public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_Document) -> Bool { if _storage !== other._storage { let storagesAreEqual: Bool = withExtendedLifetime((_storage, other._storage)) { (_storage, other_storage) in if _storage._swagger != other_storage._swagger {return false} if _storage._info != other_storage._info {return false} if _storage._host != other_storage._host {return false} if _storage._basePath != other_storage._basePath {return false} if _storage._schemes != other_storage._schemes {return false} if _storage._consumes != other_storage._consumes {return false} if _storage._produces != other_storage._produces {return false} if _storage._paths != other_storage._paths {return false} if _storage._definitions != other_storage._definitions {return false} if _storage._parameters != other_storage._parameters {return false} if _storage._responses != other_storage._responses {return false} if _storage._security != other_storage._security {return false} if _storage._securityDefinitions != other_storage._securityDefinitions {return false} if _storage._tags != other_storage._tags {return false} if _storage._externalDocs != other_storage._externalDocs {return false} if _storage._vendorExtension != other_storage._vendorExtension {return false} return true } if !storagesAreEqual {return false} } if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_Examples: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .standard(proto: "additional_properties"), ] public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_Examples) -> Bool { if self.additionalProperties != other.additionalProperties {return false} if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_ExternalDocs: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .same(proto: "description"), 2: .same(proto: "url"), 3: .standard(proto: "vendor_extension"), ] public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_ExternalDocs) -> Bool { if self.description_p != other.description_p {return false} if self.url != other.url {return false} if self.vendorExtension != other.vendorExtension {return false} if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_FileSchema: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .same(proto: "format"), 2: .same(proto: "title"), 3: .same(proto: "description"), 4: .same(proto: "default"), 5: .same(proto: "required"), 6: .same(proto: "type"), 7: .standard(proto: "read_only"), 8: .standard(proto: "external_docs"), 9: .same(proto: "example"), 10: .standard(proto: "vendor_extension"), ] fileprivate class _StorageClass { var _format: String = String() var _title: String = String() var _description_p: String = String() var _default: Openapi_V2_Any? = nil var _required: [String] = [] var _type: String = String() var _readOnly: Bool = false var _externalDocs: Openapi_V2_ExternalDocs? = nil var _example: Openapi_V2_Any? = nil var _vendorExtension: [Openapi_V2_NamedAny] = [] static let defaultInstance = _StorageClass() private init() {} init(copying source: _StorageClass) { _format = source._format _title = source._title _description_p = source._description_p _default = source._default _required = source._required _type = source._type _readOnly = source._readOnly _externalDocs = source._externalDocs _example = source._example _vendorExtension = source._vendorExtension } } fileprivate mutating func _uniqueStorage() -> _StorageClass { if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&_storage) { _storage = _StorageClass(copying: _storage) } return _storage } public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_FileSchema) -> Bool { if _storage !== other._storage { let storagesAreEqual: Bool = withExtendedLifetime((_storage, other._storage)) { (_storage, other_storage) in if _storage._format != other_storage._format {return false} if _storage._title != other_storage._title {return false} if _storage._description_p != other_storage._description_p {return false} if _storage._default != other_storage._default {return false} if _storage._required != other_storage._required {return false} if _storage._type != other_storage._type {return false} if _storage._readOnly != other_storage._readOnly {return false} if _storage._externalDocs != other_storage._externalDocs {return false} if _storage._example != other_storage._example {return false} if _storage._vendorExtension != other_storage._vendorExtension {return false} return true } if !storagesAreEqual {return false} } if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_FormDataParameterSubSchema: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .same(proto: "required"), 2: .same(proto: "in"), 3: .same(proto: "description"), 4: .same(proto: "name"), 5: .standard(proto: "allow_empty_value"), 6: .same(proto: "type"), 7: .same(proto: "format"), 8: .same(proto: "items"), 9: .standard(proto: "collection_format"), 10: .same(proto: "default"), 11: .same(proto: "maximum"), 12: .standard(proto: "exclusive_maximum"), 13: .same(proto: "minimum"), 14: .standard(proto: "exclusive_minimum"), 15: .standard(proto: "max_length"), 16: .standard(proto: "min_length"), 17: .same(proto: "pattern"), 18: .standard(proto: "max_items"), 19: .standard(proto: "min_items"), 20: .standard(proto: "unique_items"), 21: .same(proto: "enum"), 22: .standard(proto: "multiple_of"), 23: .standard(proto: "vendor_extension"), ] fileprivate class _StorageClass { var _required: Bool = false var _in: String = String() var _description_p: String = String() var _name: String = String() var _allowEmptyValue: Bool = false var _type: String = String() var _format: String = String() var _items: Openapi_V2_PrimitivesItems? = nil var _collectionFormat: String = String() var _default: Openapi_V2_Any? = nil var _maximum: Double = 0 var _exclusiveMaximum: Bool = false var _minimum: Double = 0 var _exclusiveMinimum: Bool = false var _maxLength: Int64 = 0 var _minLength: Int64 = 0 var _pattern: String = String() var _maxItems: Int64 = 0 var _minItems: Int64 = 0 var _uniqueItems: Bool = false var _enum: [Openapi_V2_Any] = [] var _multipleOf: Double = 0 var _vendorExtension: [Openapi_V2_NamedAny] = [] static let defaultInstance = _StorageClass() private init() {} init(copying source: _StorageClass) { _required = source._required _in = source._in _description_p = source._description_p _name = source._name _allowEmptyValue = source._allowEmptyValue _type = source._type _format = source._format _items = source._items _collectionFormat = source._collectionFormat _default = source._default _maximum = source._maximum _exclusiveMaximum = source._exclusiveMaximum _minimum = source._minimum _exclusiveMinimum = source._exclusiveMinimum _maxLength = source._maxLength _minLength = source._minLength _pattern = source._pattern _maxItems = source._maxItems _minItems = source._minItems _uniqueItems = source._uniqueItems _enum = source._enum _multipleOf = source._multipleOf _vendorExtension = source._vendorExtension } } fileprivate mutating func _uniqueStorage() -> _StorageClass { if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&_storage) { _storage = _StorageClass(copying: _storage) } return _storage } public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_FormDataParameterSubSchema) -> Bool { if _storage !== other._storage { let storagesAreEqual: Bool = withExtendedLifetime((_storage, other._storage)) { (_storage, other_storage) in if _storage._required != other_storage._required {return false} if _storage._in != other_storage._in {return false} if _storage._description_p != other_storage._description_p {return false} if _storage._name != other_storage._name {return false} if _storage._allowEmptyValue != other_storage._allowEmptyValue {return false} if _storage._type != other_storage._type {return false} if _storage._format != other_storage._format {return false} if _storage._items != other_storage._items {return false} if _storage._collectionFormat != other_storage._collectionFormat {return false} if _storage._default != other_storage._default {return false} if _storage._maximum != other_storage._maximum {return false} if _storage._exclusiveMaximum != other_storage._exclusiveMaximum {return false} if _storage._minimum != other_storage._minimum {return false} if _storage._exclusiveMinimum != other_storage._exclusiveMinimum {return false} if _storage._maxLength != other_storage._maxLength {return false} if _storage._minLength != other_storage._minLength {return false} if _storage._pattern != other_storage._pattern {return false} if _storage._maxItems != other_storage._maxItems {return false} if _storage._minItems != other_storage._minItems {return false} if _storage._uniqueItems != other_storage._uniqueItems {return false} if _storage._enum != other_storage._enum {return false} if _storage._multipleOf != other_storage._multipleOf {return false} if _storage._vendorExtension != other_storage._vendorExtension {return false} return true } if !storagesAreEqual {return false} } if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_Header: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .same(proto: "type"), 2: .same(proto: "format"), 3: .same(proto: "items"), 4: .standard(proto: "collection_format"), 5: .same(proto: "default"), 6: .same(proto: "maximum"), 7: .standard(proto: "exclusive_maximum"), 8: .same(proto: "minimum"), 9: .standard(proto: "exclusive_minimum"), 10: .standard(proto: "max_length"), 11: .standard(proto: "min_length"), 12: .same(proto: "pattern"), 13: .standard(proto: "max_items"), 14: .standard(proto: "min_items"), 15: .standard(proto: "unique_items"), 16: .same(proto: "enum"), 17: .standard(proto: "multiple_of"), 18: .same(proto: "description"), 19: .standard(proto: "vendor_extension"), ] fileprivate class _StorageClass { var _type: String = String() var _format: String = String() var _items: Openapi_V2_PrimitivesItems? = nil var _collectionFormat: String = String() var _default: Openapi_V2_Any? = nil var _maximum: Double = 0 var _exclusiveMaximum: Bool = false var _minimum: Double = 0 var _exclusiveMinimum: Bool = false var _maxLength: Int64 = 0 var _minLength: Int64 = 0 var _pattern: String = String() var _maxItems: Int64 = 0 var _minItems: Int64 = 0 var _uniqueItems: Bool = false var _enum: [Openapi_V2_Any] = [] var _multipleOf: Double = 0 var _description_p: String = String() var _vendorExtension: [Openapi_V2_NamedAny] = [] static let defaultInstance = _StorageClass() private init() {} init(copying source: _StorageClass) { _type = source._type _format = source._format _items = source._items _collectionFormat = source._collectionFormat _default = source._default _maximum = source._maximum _exclusiveMaximum = source._exclusiveMaximum _minimum = source._minimum _exclusiveMinimum = source._exclusiveMinimum _maxLength = source._maxLength _minLength = source._minLength _pattern = source._pattern _maxItems = source._maxItems _minItems = source._minItems _uniqueItems = source._uniqueItems _enum = source._enum _multipleOf = source._multipleOf _description_p = source._description_p _vendorExtension = source._vendorExtension } } fileprivate mutating func _uniqueStorage() -> _StorageClass { if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&_storage) { _storage = _StorageClass(copying: _storage) } return _storage } public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_Header) -> Bool { if _storage !== other._storage { let storagesAreEqual: Bool = withExtendedLifetime((_storage, other._storage)) { (_storage, other_storage) in if _storage._type != other_storage._type {return false} if _storage._format != other_storage._format {return false} if _storage._items != other_storage._items {return false} if _storage._collectionFormat != other_storage._collectionFormat {return false} if _storage._default != other_storage._default {return false} if _storage._maximum != other_storage._maximum {return false} if _storage._exclusiveMaximum != other_storage._exclusiveMaximum {return false} if _storage._minimum != other_storage._minimum {return false} if _storage._exclusiveMinimum != other_storage._exclusiveMinimum {return false} if _storage._maxLength != other_storage._maxLength {return false} if _storage._minLength != other_storage._minLength {return false} if _storage._pattern != other_storage._pattern {return false} if _storage._maxItems != other_storage._maxItems {return false} if _storage._minItems != other_storage._minItems {return false} if _storage._uniqueItems != other_storage._uniqueItems {return false} if _storage._enum != other_storage._enum {return false} if _storage._multipleOf != other_storage._multipleOf {return false} if _storage._description_p != other_storage._description_p {return false} if _storage._vendorExtension != other_storage._vendorExtension {return false} return true } if !storagesAreEqual {return false} } if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_HeaderParameterSubSchema: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .same(proto: "required"), 2: .same(proto: "in"), 3: .same(proto: "description"), 4: .same(proto: "name"), 5: .same(proto: "type"), 6: .same(proto: "format"), 7: .same(proto: "items"), 8: .standard(proto: "collection_format"), 9: .same(proto: "default"), 10: .same(proto: "maximum"), 11: .standard(proto: "exclusive_maximum"), 12: .same(proto: "minimum"), 13: .standard(proto: "exclusive_minimum"), 14: .standard(proto: "max_length"), 15: .standard(proto: "min_length"), 16: .same(proto: "pattern"), 17: .standard(proto: "max_items"), 18: .standard(proto: "min_items"), 19: .standard(proto: "unique_items"), 20: .same(proto: "enum"), 21: .standard(proto: "multiple_of"), 22: .standard(proto: "vendor_extension"), ] fileprivate class _StorageClass { var _required: Bool = false var _in: String = String() var _description_p: String = String() var _name: String = String() var _type: String = String() var _format: String = String() var _items: Openapi_V2_PrimitivesItems? = nil var _collectionFormat: String = String() var _default: Openapi_V2_Any? = nil var _maximum: Double = 0 var _exclusiveMaximum: Bool = false var _minimum: Double = 0 var _exclusiveMinimum: Bool = false var _maxLength: Int64 = 0 var _minLength: Int64 = 0 var _pattern: String = String() var _maxItems: Int64 = 0 var _minItems: Int64 = 0 var _uniqueItems: Bool = false var _enum: [Openapi_V2_Any] = [] var _multipleOf: Double = 0 var _vendorExtension: [Openapi_V2_NamedAny] = [] static let defaultInstance = _StorageClass() private init() {} init(copying source: _StorageClass) { _required = source._required _in = source._in _description_p = source._description_p _name = source._name _type = source._type _format = source._format _items = source._items _collectionFormat = source._collectionFormat _default = source._default _maximum = source._maximum _exclusiveMaximum = source._exclusiveMaximum _minimum = source._minimum _exclusiveMinimum = source._exclusiveMinimum _maxLength = source._maxLength _minLength = source._minLength _pattern = source._pattern _maxItems = source._maxItems _minItems = source._minItems _uniqueItems = source._uniqueItems _enum = source._enum _multipleOf = source._multipleOf _vendorExtension = source._vendorExtension } } fileprivate mutating func _uniqueStorage() -> _StorageClass { if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&_storage) { _storage = _StorageClass(copying: _storage) } return _storage } public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_HeaderParameterSubSchema) -> Bool { if _storage !== other._storage { let storagesAreEqual: Bool = withExtendedLifetime((_storage, other._storage)) { (_storage, other_storage) in if _storage._required != other_storage._required {return false} if _storage._in != other_storage._in {return false} if _storage._description_p != other_storage._description_p {return false} if _storage._name != other_storage._name {return false} if _storage._type != other_storage._type {return false} if _storage._format != other_storage._format {return false} if _storage._items != other_storage._items {return false} if _storage._collectionFormat != other_storage._collectionFormat {return false} if _storage._default != other_storage._default {return false} if _storage._maximum != other_storage._maximum {return false} if _storage._exclusiveMaximum != other_storage._exclusiveMaximum {return false} if _storage._minimum != other_storage._minimum {return false} if _storage._exclusiveMinimum != other_storage._exclusiveMinimum {return false} if _storage._maxLength != other_storage._maxLength {return false} if _storage._minLength != other_storage._minLength {return false} if _storage._pattern != other_storage._pattern {return false} if _storage._maxItems != other_storage._maxItems {return false} if _storage._minItems != other_storage._minItems {return false} if _storage._uniqueItems != other_storage._uniqueItems {return false} if _storage._enum != other_storage._enum {return false} if _storage._multipleOf != other_storage._multipleOf {return false} if _storage._vendorExtension != other_storage._vendorExtension {return false} return true } if !storagesAreEqual {return false} } if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_Headers: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .standard(proto: "additional_properties"), ] public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_Headers) -> Bool { if self.additionalProperties != other.additionalProperties {return false} if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_Info: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .same(proto: "title"), 2: .same(proto: "version"), 3: .same(proto: "description"), 4: .standard(proto: "terms_of_service"), 5: .same(proto: "contact"), 6: .same(proto: "license"), 7: .standard(proto: "vendor_extension"), ] fileprivate class _StorageClass { var _title: String = String() var _version: String = String() var _description_p: String = String() var _termsOfService: String = String() var _contact: Openapi_V2_Contact? = nil var _license: Openapi_V2_License? = nil var _vendorExtension: [Openapi_V2_NamedAny] = [] static let defaultInstance = _StorageClass() private init() {} init(copying source: _StorageClass) { _title = source._title _version = source._version _description_p = source._description_p _termsOfService = source._termsOfService _contact = source._contact _license = source._license _vendorExtension = source._vendorExtension } } fileprivate mutating func _uniqueStorage() -> _StorageClass { if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&_storage) { _storage = _StorageClass(copying: _storage) } return _storage } public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_Info) -> Bool { if _storage !== other._storage { let storagesAreEqual: Bool = withExtendedLifetime((_storage, other._storage)) { (_storage, other_storage) in if _storage._title != other_storage._title {return false} if _storage._version != other_storage._version {return false} if _storage._description_p != other_storage._description_p {return false} if _storage._termsOfService != other_storage._termsOfService {return false} if _storage._contact != other_storage._contact {return false} if _storage._license != other_storage._license {return false} if _storage._vendorExtension != other_storage._vendorExtension {return false} return true } if !storagesAreEqual {return false} } if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_ItemsItem: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .same(proto: "schema"), ] public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_ItemsItem) -> Bool { if self.schema != other.schema {return false} if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_JsonReference: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .standard(proto: "_ref"), 2: .same(proto: "description"), ] public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_JsonReference) -> Bool { if self.ref != other.ref {return false} if self.description_p != other.description_p {return false} if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_License: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .same(proto: "name"), 2: .same(proto: "url"), 3: .standard(proto: "vendor_extension"), ] public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_License) -> Bool { if self.name != other.name {return false} if self.url != other.url {return false} if self.vendorExtension != other.vendorExtension {return false} if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_NamedAny: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .same(proto: "name"), 2: .same(proto: "value"), ] fileprivate class _StorageClass { var _name: String = String() var _value: Openapi_V2_Any? = nil static let defaultInstance = _StorageClass() private init() {} init(copying source: _StorageClass) { _name = source._name _value = source._value } } fileprivate mutating func _uniqueStorage() -> _StorageClass { if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&_storage) { _storage = _StorageClass(copying: _storage) } return _storage } public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_NamedAny) -> Bool { if _storage !== other._storage { let storagesAreEqual: Bool = withExtendedLifetime((_storage, other._storage)) { (_storage, other_storage) in if _storage._name != other_storage._name {return false} if _storage._value != other_storage._value {return false} return true } if !storagesAreEqual {return false} } if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_NamedHeader: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .same(proto: "name"), 2: .same(proto: "value"), ] fileprivate class _StorageClass { var _name: String = String() var _value: Openapi_V2_Header? = nil static let defaultInstance = _StorageClass() private init() {} init(copying source: _StorageClass) { _name = source._name _value = source._value } } fileprivate mutating func _uniqueStorage() -> _StorageClass { if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&_storage) { _storage = _StorageClass(copying: _storage) } return _storage } public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_NamedHeader) -> Bool { if _storage !== other._storage { let storagesAreEqual: Bool = withExtendedLifetime((_storage, other._storage)) { (_storage, other_storage) in if _storage._name != other_storage._name {return false} if _storage._value != other_storage._value {return false} return true } if !storagesAreEqual {return false} } if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_NamedParameter: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .same(proto: "name"), 2: .same(proto: "value"), ] fileprivate class _StorageClass { var _name: String = String() var _value: Openapi_V2_Parameter? = nil static let defaultInstance = _StorageClass() private init() {} init(copying source: _StorageClass) { _name = source._name _value = source._value } } fileprivate mutating func _uniqueStorage() -> _StorageClass { if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&_storage) { _storage = _StorageClass(copying: _storage) } return _storage } public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_NamedParameter) -> Bool { if _storage !== other._storage { let storagesAreEqual: Bool = withExtendedLifetime((_storage, other._storage)) { (_storage, other_storage) in if _storage._name != other_storage._name {return false} if _storage._value != other_storage._value {return false} return true } if !storagesAreEqual {return false} } if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_NamedPathItem: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .same(proto: "name"), 2: .same(proto: "value"), ] fileprivate class _StorageClass { var _name: String = String() var _value: Openapi_V2_PathItem? = nil static let defaultInstance = _StorageClass() private init() {} init(copying source: _StorageClass) { _name = source._name _value = source._value } } fileprivate mutating func _uniqueStorage() -> _StorageClass { if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&_storage) { _storage = _StorageClass(copying: _storage) } return _storage } public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_NamedPathItem) -> Bool { if _storage !== other._storage { let storagesAreEqual: Bool = withExtendedLifetime((_storage, other._storage)) { (_storage, other_storage) in if _storage._name != other_storage._name {return false} if _storage._value != other_storage._value {return false} return true } if !storagesAreEqual {return false} } if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_NamedResponse: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .same(proto: "name"), 2: .same(proto: "value"), ] fileprivate class _StorageClass { var _name: String = String() var _value: Openapi_V2_Response? = nil static let defaultInstance = _StorageClass() private init() {} init(copying source: _StorageClass) { _name = source._name _value = source._value } } fileprivate mutating func _uniqueStorage() -> _StorageClass { if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&_storage) { _storage = _StorageClass(copying: _storage) } return _storage } public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_NamedResponse) -> Bool { if _storage !== other._storage { let storagesAreEqual: Bool = withExtendedLifetime((_storage, other._storage)) { (_storage, other_storage) in if _storage._name != other_storage._name {return false} if _storage._value != other_storage._value {return false} return true } if !storagesAreEqual {return false} } if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_NamedResponseValue: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .same(proto: "name"), 2: .same(proto: "value"), ] fileprivate class _StorageClass { var _name: String = String() var _value: Openapi_V2_ResponseValue? = nil static let defaultInstance = _StorageClass() private init() {} init(copying source: _StorageClass) { _name = source._name _value = source._value } } fileprivate mutating func _uniqueStorage() -> _StorageClass { if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&_storage) { _storage = _StorageClass(copying: _storage) } return _storage } public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_NamedResponseValue) -> Bool { if _storage !== other._storage { let storagesAreEqual: Bool = withExtendedLifetime((_storage, other._storage)) { (_storage, other_storage) in if _storage._name != other_storage._name {return false} if _storage._value != other_storage._value {return false} return true } if !storagesAreEqual {return false} } if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_NamedSchema: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .same(proto: "name"), 2: .same(proto: "value"), ] fileprivate class _StorageClass { var _name: String = String() var _value: Openapi_V2_Schema? = nil static let defaultInstance = _StorageClass() private init() {} init(copying source: _StorageClass) { _name = source._name _value = source._value } } fileprivate mutating func _uniqueStorage() -> _StorageClass { if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&_storage) { _storage = _StorageClass(copying: _storage) } return _storage } public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_NamedSchema) -> Bool { if _storage !== other._storage { let storagesAreEqual: Bool = withExtendedLifetime((_storage, other._storage)) { (_storage, other_storage) in if _storage._name != other_storage._name {return false} if _storage._value != other_storage._value {return false} return true } if !storagesAreEqual {return false} } if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_NamedSecurityDefinitionsItem: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .same(proto: "name"), 2: .same(proto: "value"), ] fileprivate class _StorageClass { var _name: String = String() var _value: Openapi_V2_SecurityDefinitionsItem? = nil static let defaultInstance = _StorageClass() private init() {} init(copying source: _StorageClass) { _name = source._name _value = source._value } } fileprivate mutating func _uniqueStorage() -> _StorageClass { if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&_storage) { _storage = _StorageClass(copying: _storage) } return _storage } public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_NamedSecurityDefinitionsItem) -> Bool { if _storage !== other._storage { let storagesAreEqual: Bool = withExtendedLifetime((_storage, other._storage)) { (_storage, other_storage) in if _storage._name != other_storage._name {return false} if _storage._value != other_storage._value {return false} return true } if !storagesAreEqual {return false} } if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_NamedString: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .same(proto: "name"), 2: .same(proto: "value"), ] public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_NamedString) -> Bool { if self.name != other.name {return false} if self.value != other.value {return false} if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_NamedStringArray: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .same(proto: "name"), 2: .same(proto: "value"), ] fileprivate class _StorageClass { var _name: String = String() var _value: Openapi_V2_StringArray? = nil static let defaultInstance = _StorageClass() private init() {} init(copying source: _StorageClass) { _name = source._name _value = source._value } } fileprivate mutating func _uniqueStorage() -> _StorageClass { if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&_storage) { _storage = _StorageClass(copying: _storage) } return _storage } public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_NamedStringArray) -> Bool { if _storage !== other._storage { let storagesAreEqual: Bool = withExtendedLifetime((_storage, other._storage)) { (_storage, other_storage) in if _storage._name != other_storage._name {return false} if _storage._value != other_storage._value {return false} return true } if !storagesAreEqual {return false} } if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_NonBodyParameter: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .standard(proto: "header_parameter_sub_schema"), 2: .standard(proto: "form_data_parameter_sub_schema"), 3: .standard(proto: "query_parameter_sub_schema"), 4: .standard(proto: "path_parameter_sub_schema"), ] fileprivate class _StorageClass { var _oneof: Openapi_V2_NonBodyParameter.OneOf_Oneof? static let defaultInstance = _StorageClass() private init() {} init(copying source: _StorageClass) { _oneof = source._oneof } } fileprivate mutating func _uniqueStorage() -> _StorageClass { if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&_storage) { _storage = _StorageClass(copying: _storage) } return _storage } public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_NonBodyParameter) -> Bool { if _storage !== other._storage { let storagesAreEqual: Bool = withExtendedLifetime((_storage, other._storage)) { (_storage, other_storage) in if _storage._oneof != other_storage._oneof {return false} return true } if !storagesAreEqual {return false} } if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_Oauth2AccessCodeSecurity: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .same(proto: "type"), 2: .same(proto: "flow"), 3: .same(proto: "scopes"), 4: .standard(proto: "authorization_url"), 5: .standard(proto: "token_url"), 6: .same(proto: "description"), 7: .standard(proto: "vendor_extension"), ] fileprivate class _StorageClass { var _type: String = String() var _flow: String = String() var _scopes: Openapi_V2_Oauth2Scopes? = nil var _authorizationURL: String = String() var _tokenURL: String = String() var _description_p: String = String() var _vendorExtension: [Openapi_V2_NamedAny] = [] static let defaultInstance = _StorageClass() private init() {} init(copying source: _StorageClass) { _type = source._type _flow = source._flow _scopes = source._scopes _authorizationURL = source._authorizationURL _tokenURL = source._tokenURL _description_p = source._description_p _vendorExtension = source._vendorExtension } } fileprivate mutating func _uniqueStorage() -> _StorageClass { if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&_storage) { _storage = _StorageClass(copying: _storage) } return _storage } public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_Oauth2AccessCodeSecurity) -> Bool { if _storage !== other._storage { let storagesAreEqual: Bool = withExtendedLifetime((_storage, other._storage)) { (_storage, other_storage) in if _storage._type != other_storage._type {return false} if _storage._flow != other_storage._flow {return false} if _storage._scopes != other_storage._scopes {return false} if _storage._authorizationURL != other_storage._authorizationURL {return false} if _storage._tokenURL != other_storage._tokenURL {return false} if _storage._description_p != other_storage._description_p {return false} if _storage._vendorExtension != other_storage._vendorExtension {return false} return true } if !storagesAreEqual {return false} } if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_Oauth2ApplicationSecurity: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .same(proto: "type"), 2: .same(proto: "flow"), 3: .same(proto: "scopes"), 4: .standard(proto: "token_url"), 5: .same(proto: "description"), 6: .standard(proto: "vendor_extension"), ] fileprivate class _StorageClass { var _type: String = String() var _flow: String = String() var _scopes: Openapi_V2_Oauth2Scopes? = nil var _tokenURL: String = String() var _description_p: String = String() var _vendorExtension: [Openapi_V2_NamedAny] = [] static let defaultInstance = _StorageClass() private init() {} init(copying source: _StorageClass) { _type = source._type _flow = source._flow _scopes = source._scopes _tokenURL = source._tokenURL _description_p = source._description_p _vendorExtension = source._vendorExtension } } fileprivate mutating func _uniqueStorage() -> _StorageClass { if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&_storage) { _storage = _StorageClass(copying: _storage) } return _storage } public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_Oauth2ApplicationSecurity) -> Bool { if _storage !== other._storage { let storagesAreEqual: Bool = withExtendedLifetime((_storage, other._storage)) { (_storage, other_storage) in if _storage._type != other_storage._type {return false} if _storage._flow != other_storage._flow {return false} if _storage._scopes != other_storage._scopes {return false} if _storage._tokenURL != other_storage._tokenURL {return false} if _storage._description_p != other_storage._description_p {return false} if _storage._vendorExtension != other_storage._vendorExtension {return false} return true } if !storagesAreEqual {return false} } if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_Oauth2ImplicitSecurity: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .same(proto: "type"), 2: .same(proto: "flow"), 3: .same(proto: "scopes"), 4: .standard(proto: "authorization_url"), 5: .same(proto: "description"), 6: .standard(proto: "vendor_extension"), ] fileprivate class _StorageClass { var _type: String = String() var _flow: String = String() var _scopes: Openapi_V2_Oauth2Scopes? = nil var _authorizationURL: String = String() var _description_p: String = String() var _vendorExtension: [Openapi_V2_NamedAny] = [] static let defaultInstance = _StorageClass() private init() {} init(copying source: _StorageClass) { _type = source._type _flow = source._flow _scopes = source._scopes _authorizationURL = source._authorizationURL _description_p = source._description_p _vendorExtension = source._vendorExtension } } fileprivate mutating func _uniqueStorage() -> _StorageClass { if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&_storage) { _storage = _StorageClass(copying: _storage) } return _storage } public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_Oauth2ImplicitSecurity) -> Bool { if _storage !== other._storage { let storagesAreEqual: Bool = withExtendedLifetime((_storage, other._storage)) { (_storage, other_storage) in if _storage._type != other_storage._type {return false} if _storage._flow != other_storage._flow {return false} if _storage._scopes != other_storage._scopes {return false} if _storage._authorizationURL != other_storage._authorizationURL {return false} if _storage._description_p != other_storage._description_p {return false} if _storage._vendorExtension != other_storage._vendorExtension {return false} return true } if !storagesAreEqual {return false} } if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_Oauth2PasswordSecurity: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .same(proto: "type"), 2: .same(proto: "flow"), 3: .same(proto: "scopes"), 4: .standard(proto: "token_url"), 5: .same(proto: "description"), 6: .standard(proto: "vendor_extension"), ] fileprivate class _StorageClass { var _type: String = String() var _flow: String = String() var _scopes: Openapi_V2_Oauth2Scopes? = nil var _tokenURL: String = String() var _description_p: String = String() var _vendorExtension: [Openapi_V2_NamedAny] = [] static let defaultInstance = _StorageClass() private init() {} init(copying source: _StorageClass) { _type = source._type _flow = source._flow _scopes = source._scopes _tokenURL = source._tokenURL _description_p = source._description_p _vendorExtension = source._vendorExtension } } fileprivate mutating func _uniqueStorage() -> _StorageClass { if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&_storage) { _storage = _StorageClass(copying: _storage) } return _storage } public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_Oauth2PasswordSecurity) -> Bool { if _storage !== other._storage { let storagesAreEqual: Bool = withExtendedLifetime((_storage, other._storage)) { (_storage, other_storage) in if _storage._type != other_storage._type {return false} if _storage._flow != other_storage._flow {return false} if _storage._scopes != other_storage._scopes {return false} if _storage._tokenURL != other_storage._tokenURL {return false} if _storage._description_p != other_storage._description_p {return false} if _storage._vendorExtension != other_storage._vendorExtension {return false} return true } if !storagesAreEqual {return false} } if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_Oauth2Scopes: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .standard(proto: "additional_properties"), ] public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_Oauth2Scopes) -> Bool { if self.additionalProperties != other.additionalProperties {return false} if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_Operation: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .same(proto: "tags"), 2: .same(proto: "summary"), 3: .same(proto: "description"), 4: .standard(proto: "external_docs"), 5: .standard(proto: "operation_id"), 6: .same(proto: "produces"), 7: .same(proto: "consumes"), 8: .same(proto: "parameters"), 9: .same(proto: "responses"), 10: .same(proto: "schemes"), 11: .same(proto: "deprecated"), 12: .same(proto: "security"), 13: .standard(proto: "vendor_extension"), ] fileprivate class _StorageClass { var _tags: [String] = [] var _summary: String = String() var _description_p: String = String() var _externalDocs: Openapi_V2_ExternalDocs? = nil var _operationID: String = String() var _produces: [String] = [] var _consumes: [String] = [] var _parameters: [Openapi_V2_ParametersItem] = [] var _responses: Openapi_V2_Responses? = nil var _schemes: [String] = [] var _deprecated: Bool = false var _security: [Openapi_V2_SecurityRequirement] = [] var _vendorExtension: [Openapi_V2_NamedAny] = [] static let defaultInstance = _StorageClass() private init() {} init(copying source: _StorageClass) { _tags = source._tags _summary = source._summary _description_p = source._description_p _externalDocs = source._externalDocs _operationID = source._operationID _produces = source._produces _consumes = source._consumes _parameters = source._parameters _responses = source._responses _schemes = source._schemes _deprecated = source._deprecated _security = source._security _vendorExtension = source._vendorExtension } } fileprivate mutating func _uniqueStorage() -> _StorageClass { if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&_storage) { _storage = _StorageClass(copying: _storage) } return _storage } public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_Operation) -> Bool { if _storage !== other._storage { let storagesAreEqual: Bool = withExtendedLifetime((_storage, other._storage)) { (_storage, other_storage) in if _storage._tags != other_storage._tags {return false} if _storage._summary != other_storage._summary {return false} if _storage._description_p != other_storage._description_p {return false} if _storage._externalDocs != other_storage._externalDocs {return false} if _storage._operationID != other_storage._operationID {return false} if _storage._produces != other_storage._produces {return false} if _storage._consumes != other_storage._consumes {return false} if _storage._parameters != other_storage._parameters {return false} if _storage._responses != other_storage._responses {return false} if _storage._schemes != other_storage._schemes {return false} if _storage._deprecated != other_storage._deprecated {return false} if _storage._security != other_storage._security {return false} if _storage._vendorExtension != other_storage._vendorExtension {return false} return true } if !storagesAreEqual {return false} } if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_Parameter: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .standard(proto: "body_parameter"), 2: .standard(proto: "non_body_parameter"), ] fileprivate class _StorageClass { var _oneof: Openapi_V2_Parameter.OneOf_Oneof? static let defaultInstance = _StorageClass() private init() {} init(copying source: _StorageClass) { _oneof = source._oneof } } fileprivate mutating func _uniqueStorage() -> _StorageClass { if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&_storage) { _storage = _StorageClass(copying: _storage) } return _storage } public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_Parameter) -> Bool { if _storage !== other._storage { let storagesAreEqual: Bool = withExtendedLifetime((_storage, other._storage)) { (_storage, other_storage) in if _storage._oneof != other_storage._oneof {return false} return true } if !storagesAreEqual {return false} } if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_ParameterDefinitions: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .standard(proto: "additional_properties"), ] public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_ParameterDefinitions) -> Bool { if self.additionalProperties != other.additionalProperties {return false} if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_ParametersItem: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .same(proto: "parameter"), 2: .standard(proto: "json_reference"), ] fileprivate class _StorageClass { var _oneof: Openapi_V2_ParametersItem.OneOf_Oneof? static let defaultInstance = _StorageClass() private init() {} init(copying source: _StorageClass) { _oneof = source._oneof } } fileprivate mutating func _uniqueStorage() -> _StorageClass { if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&_storage) { _storage = _StorageClass(copying: _storage) } return _storage } public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_ParametersItem) -> Bool { if _storage !== other._storage { let storagesAreEqual: Bool = withExtendedLifetime((_storage, other._storage)) { (_storage, other_storage) in if _storage._oneof != other_storage._oneof {return false} return true } if !storagesAreEqual {return false} } if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_PathItem: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .standard(proto: "_ref"), 2: .same(proto: "get"), 3: .same(proto: "put"), 4: .same(proto: "post"), 5: .same(proto: "delete"), 6: .same(proto: "options"), 7: .same(proto: "head"), 8: .same(proto: "patch"), 9: .same(proto: "parameters"), 10: .standard(proto: "vendor_extension"), ] fileprivate class _StorageClass { var _ref: String = String() var _get: Openapi_V2_Operation? = nil var _put: Openapi_V2_Operation? = nil var _post: Openapi_V2_Operation? = nil var _delete: Openapi_V2_Operation? = nil var _options: Openapi_V2_Operation? = nil var _head: Openapi_V2_Operation? = nil var _patch: Openapi_V2_Operation? = nil var _parameters: [Openapi_V2_ParametersItem] = [] var _vendorExtension: [Openapi_V2_NamedAny] = [] static let defaultInstance = _StorageClass() private init() {} init(copying source: _StorageClass) { _ref = source._ref _get = source._get _put = source._put _post = source._post _delete = source._delete _options = source._options _head = source._head _patch = source._patch _parameters = source._parameters _vendorExtension = source._vendorExtension } } fileprivate mutating func _uniqueStorage() -> _StorageClass { if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&_storage) { _storage = _StorageClass(copying: _storage) } return _storage } public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_PathItem) -> Bool { if _storage !== other._storage { let storagesAreEqual: Bool = withExtendedLifetime((_storage, other._storage)) { (_storage, other_storage) in if _storage._ref != other_storage._ref {return false} if _storage._get != other_storage._get {return false} if _storage._put != other_storage._put {return false} if _storage._post != other_storage._post {return false} if _storage._delete != other_storage._delete {return false} if _storage._options != other_storage._options {return false} if _storage._head != other_storage._head {return false} if _storage._patch != other_storage._patch {return false} if _storage._parameters != other_storage._parameters {return false} if _storage._vendorExtension != other_storage._vendorExtension {return false} return true } if !storagesAreEqual {return false} } if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_PathParameterSubSchema: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .same(proto: "required"), 2: .same(proto: "in"), 3: .same(proto: "description"), 4: .same(proto: "name"), 5: .same(proto: "type"), 6: .same(proto: "format"), 7: .same(proto: "items"), 8: .standard(proto: "collection_format"), 9: .same(proto: "default"), 10: .same(proto: "maximum"), 11: .standard(proto: "exclusive_maximum"), 12: .same(proto: "minimum"), 13: .standard(proto: "exclusive_minimum"), 14: .standard(proto: "max_length"), 15: .standard(proto: "min_length"), 16: .same(proto: "pattern"), 17: .standard(proto: "max_items"), 18: .standard(proto: "min_items"), 19: .standard(proto: "unique_items"), 20: .same(proto: "enum"), 21: .standard(proto: "multiple_of"), 22: .standard(proto: "vendor_extension"), ] fileprivate class _StorageClass { var _required: Bool = false var _in: String = String() var _description_p: String = String() var _name: String = String() var _type: String = String() var _format: String = String() var _items: Openapi_V2_PrimitivesItems? = nil var _collectionFormat: String = String() var _default: Openapi_V2_Any? = nil var _maximum: Double = 0 var _exclusiveMaximum: Bool = false var _minimum: Double = 0 var _exclusiveMinimum: Bool = false var _maxLength: Int64 = 0 var _minLength: Int64 = 0 var _pattern: String = String() var _maxItems: Int64 = 0 var _minItems: Int64 = 0 var _uniqueItems: Bool = false var _enum: [Openapi_V2_Any] = [] var _multipleOf: Double = 0 var _vendorExtension: [Openapi_V2_NamedAny] = [] static let defaultInstance = _StorageClass() private init() {} init(copying source: _StorageClass) { _required = source._required _in = source._in _description_p = source._description_p _name = source._name _type = source._type _format = source._format _items = source._items _collectionFormat = source._collectionFormat _default = source._default _maximum = source._maximum _exclusiveMaximum = source._exclusiveMaximum _minimum = source._minimum _exclusiveMinimum = source._exclusiveMinimum _maxLength = source._maxLength _minLength = source._minLength _pattern = source._pattern _maxItems = source._maxItems _minItems = source._minItems _uniqueItems = source._uniqueItems _enum = source._enum _multipleOf = source._multipleOf _vendorExtension = source._vendorExtension } } fileprivate mutating func _uniqueStorage() -> _StorageClass { if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&_storage) { _storage = _StorageClass(copying: _storage) } return _storage } public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_PathParameterSubSchema) -> Bool { if _storage !== other._storage { let storagesAreEqual: Bool = withExtendedLifetime((_storage, other._storage)) { (_storage, other_storage) in if _storage._required != other_storage._required {return false} if _storage._in != other_storage._in {return false} if _storage._description_p != other_storage._description_p {return false} if _storage._name != other_storage._name {return false} if _storage._type != other_storage._type {return false} if _storage._format != other_storage._format {return false} if _storage._items != other_storage._items {return false} if _storage._collectionFormat != other_storage._collectionFormat {return false} if _storage._default != other_storage._default {return false} if _storage._maximum != other_storage._maximum {return false} if _storage._exclusiveMaximum != other_storage._exclusiveMaximum {return false} if _storage._minimum != other_storage._minimum {return false} if _storage._exclusiveMinimum != other_storage._exclusiveMinimum {return false} if _storage._maxLength != other_storage._maxLength {return false} if _storage._minLength != other_storage._minLength {return false} if _storage._pattern != other_storage._pattern {return false} if _storage._maxItems != other_storage._maxItems {return false} if _storage._minItems != other_storage._minItems {return false} if _storage._uniqueItems != other_storage._uniqueItems {return false} if _storage._enum != other_storage._enum {return false} if _storage._multipleOf != other_storage._multipleOf {return false} if _storage._vendorExtension != other_storage._vendorExtension {return false} return true } if !storagesAreEqual {return false} } if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_Paths: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .standard(proto: "vendor_extension"), 2: .same(proto: "path"), ] public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_Paths) -> Bool { if self.vendorExtension != other.vendorExtension {return false} if self.path != other.path {return false} if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_PrimitivesItems: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .same(proto: "type"), 2: .same(proto: "format"), 3: .same(proto: "items"), 4: .standard(proto: "collection_format"), 5: .same(proto: "default"), 6: .same(proto: "maximum"), 7: .standard(proto: "exclusive_maximum"), 8: .same(proto: "minimum"), 9: .standard(proto: "exclusive_minimum"), 10: .standard(proto: "max_length"), 11: .standard(proto: "min_length"), 12: .same(proto: "pattern"), 13: .standard(proto: "max_items"), 14: .standard(proto: "min_items"), 15: .standard(proto: "unique_items"), 16: .same(proto: "enum"), 17: .standard(proto: "multiple_of"), 18: .standard(proto: "vendor_extension"), ] fileprivate class _StorageClass { var _type: String = String() var _format: String = String() var _items: Openapi_V2_PrimitivesItems? = nil var _collectionFormat: String = String() var _default: Openapi_V2_Any? = nil var _maximum: Double = 0 var _exclusiveMaximum: Bool = false var _minimum: Double = 0 var _exclusiveMinimum: Bool = false var _maxLength: Int64 = 0 var _minLength: Int64 = 0 var _pattern: String = String() var _maxItems: Int64 = 0 var _minItems: Int64 = 0 var _uniqueItems: Bool = false var _enum: [Openapi_V2_Any] = [] var _multipleOf: Double = 0 var _vendorExtension: [Openapi_V2_NamedAny] = [] static let defaultInstance = _StorageClass() private init() {} init(copying source: _StorageClass) { _type = source._type _format = source._format _items = source._items _collectionFormat = source._collectionFormat _default = source._default _maximum = source._maximum _exclusiveMaximum = source._exclusiveMaximum _minimum = source._minimum _exclusiveMinimum = source._exclusiveMinimum _maxLength = source._maxLength _minLength = source._minLength _pattern = source._pattern _maxItems = source._maxItems _minItems = source._minItems _uniqueItems = source._uniqueItems _enum = source._enum _multipleOf = source._multipleOf _vendorExtension = source._vendorExtension } } fileprivate mutating func _uniqueStorage() -> _StorageClass { if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&_storage) { _storage = _StorageClass(copying: _storage) } return _storage } public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_PrimitivesItems) -> Bool { if _storage !== other._storage { let storagesAreEqual: Bool = withExtendedLifetime((_storage, other._storage)) { (_storage, other_storage) in if _storage._type != other_storage._type {return false} if _storage._format != other_storage._format {return false} if _storage._items != other_storage._items {return false} if _storage._collectionFormat != other_storage._collectionFormat {return false} if _storage._default != other_storage._default {return false} if _storage._maximum != other_storage._maximum {return false} if _storage._exclusiveMaximum != other_storage._exclusiveMaximum {return false} if _storage._minimum != other_storage._minimum {return false} if _storage._exclusiveMinimum != other_storage._exclusiveMinimum {return false} if _storage._maxLength != other_storage._maxLength {return false} if _storage._minLength != other_storage._minLength {return false} if _storage._pattern != other_storage._pattern {return false} if _storage._maxItems != other_storage._maxItems {return false} if _storage._minItems != other_storage._minItems {return false} if _storage._uniqueItems != other_storage._uniqueItems {return false} if _storage._enum != other_storage._enum {return false} if _storage._multipleOf != other_storage._multipleOf {return false} if _storage._vendorExtension != other_storage._vendorExtension {return false} return true } if !storagesAreEqual {return false} } if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_Properties: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .standard(proto: "additional_properties"), ] public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_Properties) -> Bool { if self.additionalProperties != other.additionalProperties {return false} if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_QueryParameterSubSchema: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .same(proto: "required"), 2: .same(proto: "in"), 3: .same(proto: "description"), 4: .same(proto: "name"), 5: .standard(proto: "allow_empty_value"), 6: .same(proto: "type"), 7: .same(proto: "format"), 8: .same(proto: "items"), 9: .standard(proto: "collection_format"), 10: .same(proto: "default"), 11: .same(proto: "maximum"), 12: .standard(proto: "exclusive_maximum"), 13: .same(proto: "minimum"), 14: .standard(proto: "exclusive_minimum"), 15: .standard(proto: "max_length"), 16: .standard(proto: "min_length"), 17: .same(proto: "pattern"), 18: .standard(proto: "max_items"), 19: .standard(proto: "min_items"), 20: .standard(proto: "unique_items"), 21: .same(proto: "enum"), 22: .standard(proto: "multiple_of"), 23: .standard(proto: "vendor_extension"), ] fileprivate class _StorageClass { var _required: Bool = false var _in: String = String() var _description_p: String = String() var _name: String = String() var _allowEmptyValue: Bool = false var _type: String = String() var _format: String = String() var _items: Openapi_V2_PrimitivesItems? = nil var _collectionFormat: String = String() var _default: Openapi_V2_Any? = nil var _maximum: Double = 0 var _exclusiveMaximum: Bool = false var _minimum: Double = 0 var _exclusiveMinimum: Bool = false var _maxLength: Int64 = 0 var _minLength: Int64 = 0 var _pattern: String = String() var _maxItems: Int64 = 0 var _minItems: Int64 = 0 var _uniqueItems: Bool = false var _enum: [Openapi_V2_Any] = [] var _multipleOf: Double = 0 var _vendorExtension: [Openapi_V2_NamedAny] = [] static let defaultInstance = _StorageClass() private init() {} init(copying source: _StorageClass) { _required = source._required _in = source._in _description_p = source._description_p _name = source._name _allowEmptyValue = source._allowEmptyValue _type = source._type _format = source._format _items = source._items _collectionFormat = source._collectionFormat _default = source._default _maximum = source._maximum _exclusiveMaximum = source._exclusiveMaximum _minimum = source._minimum _exclusiveMinimum = source._exclusiveMinimum _maxLength = source._maxLength _minLength = source._minLength _pattern = source._pattern _maxItems = source._maxItems _minItems = source._minItems _uniqueItems = source._uniqueItems _enum = source._enum _multipleOf = source._multipleOf _vendorExtension = source._vendorExtension } } fileprivate mutating func _uniqueStorage() -> _StorageClass { if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&_storage) { _storage = _StorageClass(copying: _storage) } return _storage } public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_QueryParameterSubSchema) -> Bool { if _storage !== other._storage { let storagesAreEqual: Bool = withExtendedLifetime((_storage, other._storage)) { (_storage, other_storage) in if _storage._required != other_storage._required {return false} if _storage._in != other_storage._in {return false} if _storage._description_p != other_storage._description_p {return false} if _storage._name != other_storage._name {return false} if _storage._allowEmptyValue != other_storage._allowEmptyValue {return false} if _storage._type != other_storage._type {return false} if _storage._format != other_storage._format {return false} if _storage._items != other_storage._items {return false} if _storage._collectionFormat != other_storage._collectionFormat {return false} if _storage._default != other_storage._default {return false} if _storage._maximum != other_storage._maximum {return false} if _storage._exclusiveMaximum != other_storage._exclusiveMaximum {return false} if _storage._minimum != other_storage._minimum {return false} if _storage._exclusiveMinimum != other_storage._exclusiveMinimum {return false} if _storage._maxLength != other_storage._maxLength {return false} if _storage._minLength != other_storage._minLength {return false} if _storage._pattern != other_storage._pattern {return false} if _storage._maxItems != other_storage._maxItems {return false} if _storage._minItems != other_storage._minItems {return false} if _storage._uniqueItems != other_storage._uniqueItems {return false} if _storage._enum != other_storage._enum {return false} if _storage._multipleOf != other_storage._multipleOf {return false} if _storage._vendorExtension != other_storage._vendorExtension {return false} return true } if !storagesAreEqual {return false} } if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_Response: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .same(proto: "description"), 2: .same(proto: "schema"), 3: .same(proto: "headers"), 4: .same(proto: "examples"), 5: .standard(proto: "vendor_extension"), ] fileprivate class _StorageClass { var _description_p: String = String() var _schema: Openapi_V2_SchemaItem? = nil var _headers: Openapi_V2_Headers? = nil var _examples: Openapi_V2_Examples? = nil var _vendorExtension: [Openapi_V2_NamedAny] = [] static let defaultInstance = _StorageClass() private init() {} init(copying source: _StorageClass) { _description_p = source._description_p _schema = source._schema _headers = source._headers _examples = source._examples _vendorExtension = source._vendorExtension } } fileprivate mutating func _uniqueStorage() -> _StorageClass { if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&_storage) { _storage = _StorageClass(copying: _storage) } return _storage } public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_Response) -> Bool { if _storage !== other._storage { let storagesAreEqual: Bool = withExtendedLifetime((_storage, other._storage)) { (_storage, other_storage) in if _storage._description_p != other_storage._description_p {return false} if _storage._schema != other_storage._schema {return false} if _storage._headers != other_storage._headers {return false} if _storage._examples != other_storage._examples {return false} if _storage._vendorExtension != other_storage._vendorExtension {return false} return true } if !storagesAreEqual {return false} } if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_ResponseDefinitions: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .standard(proto: "additional_properties"), ] public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_ResponseDefinitions) -> Bool { if self.additionalProperties != other.additionalProperties {return false} if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_ResponseValue: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .same(proto: "response"), 2: .standard(proto: "json_reference"), ] fileprivate class _StorageClass { var _oneof: Openapi_V2_ResponseValue.OneOf_Oneof? static let defaultInstance = _StorageClass() private init() {} init(copying source: _StorageClass) { _oneof = source._oneof } } fileprivate mutating func _uniqueStorage() -> _StorageClass { if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&_storage) { _storage = _StorageClass(copying: _storage) } return _storage } public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_ResponseValue) -> Bool { if _storage !== other._storage { let storagesAreEqual: Bool = withExtendedLifetime((_storage, other._storage)) { (_storage, other_storage) in if _storage._oneof != other_storage._oneof {return false} return true } if !storagesAreEqual {return false} } if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_Responses: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .standard(proto: "response_code"), 2: .standard(proto: "vendor_extension"), ] public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_Responses) -> Bool { if self.responseCode != other.responseCode {return false} if self.vendorExtension != other.vendorExtension {return false} if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_Schema: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .standard(proto: "_ref"), 2: .same(proto: "format"), 3: .same(proto: "title"), 4: .same(proto: "description"), 5: .same(proto: "default"), 6: .standard(proto: "multiple_of"), 7: .same(proto: "maximum"), 8: .standard(proto: "exclusive_maximum"), 9: .same(proto: "minimum"), 10: .standard(proto: "exclusive_minimum"), 11: .standard(proto: "max_length"), 12: .standard(proto: "min_length"), 13: .same(proto: "pattern"), 14: .standard(proto: "max_items"), 15: .standard(proto: "min_items"), 16: .standard(proto: "unique_items"), 17: .standard(proto: "max_properties"), 18: .standard(proto: "min_properties"), 19: .same(proto: "required"), 20: .same(proto: "enum"), 21: .standard(proto: "additional_properties"), 22: .same(proto: "type"), 23: .same(proto: "items"), 24: .standard(proto: "all_of"), 25: .same(proto: "properties"), 26: .same(proto: "discriminator"), 27: .standard(proto: "read_only"), 28: .same(proto: "xml"), 29: .standard(proto: "external_docs"), 30: .same(proto: "example"), 31: .standard(proto: "vendor_extension"), ] fileprivate class _StorageClass { var _ref: String = String() var _format: String = String() var _title: String = String() var _description_p: String = String() var _default: Openapi_V2_Any? = nil var _multipleOf: Double = 0 var _maximum: Double = 0 var _exclusiveMaximum: Bool = false var _minimum: Double = 0 var _exclusiveMinimum: Bool = false var _maxLength: Int64 = 0 var _minLength: Int64 = 0 var _pattern: String = String() var _maxItems: Int64 = 0 var _minItems: Int64 = 0 var _uniqueItems: Bool = false var _maxProperties: Int64 = 0 var _minProperties: Int64 = 0 var _required: [String] = [] var _enum: [Openapi_V2_Any] = [] var _additionalProperties: Openapi_V2_AdditionalPropertiesItem? = nil var _type: Openapi_V2_TypeItem? = nil var _items: Openapi_V2_ItemsItem? = nil var _allOf: [Openapi_V2_Schema] = [] var _properties: Openapi_V2_Properties? = nil var _discriminator: String = String() var _readOnly: Bool = false var _xml: Openapi_V2_Xml? = nil var _externalDocs: Openapi_V2_ExternalDocs? = nil var _example: Openapi_V2_Any? = nil var _vendorExtension: [Openapi_V2_NamedAny] = [] static let defaultInstance = _StorageClass() private init() {} init(copying source: _StorageClass) { _ref = source._ref _format = source._format _title = source._title _description_p = source._description_p _default = source._default _multipleOf = source._multipleOf _maximum = source._maximum _exclusiveMaximum = source._exclusiveMaximum _minimum = source._minimum _exclusiveMinimum = source._exclusiveMinimum _maxLength = source._maxLength _minLength = source._minLength _pattern = source._pattern _maxItems = source._maxItems _minItems = source._minItems _uniqueItems = source._uniqueItems _maxProperties = source._maxProperties _minProperties = source._minProperties _required = source._required _enum = source._enum _additionalProperties = source._additionalProperties _type = source._type _items = source._items _allOf = source._allOf _properties = source._properties _discriminator = source._discriminator _readOnly = source._readOnly _xml = source._xml _externalDocs = source._externalDocs _example = source._example _vendorExtension = source._vendorExtension } } fileprivate mutating func _uniqueStorage() -> _StorageClass { if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&_storage) { _storage = _StorageClass(copying: _storage) } return _storage } public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_Schema) -> Bool { if _storage !== other._storage { let storagesAreEqual: Bool = withExtendedLifetime((_storage, other._storage)) { (_storage, other_storage) in if _storage._ref != other_storage._ref {return false} if _storage._format != other_storage._format {return false} if _storage._title != other_storage._title {return false} if _storage._description_p != other_storage._description_p {return false} if _storage._default != other_storage._default {return false} if _storage._multipleOf != other_storage._multipleOf {return false} if _storage._maximum != other_storage._maximum {return false} if _storage._exclusiveMaximum != other_storage._exclusiveMaximum {return false} if _storage._minimum != other_storage._minimum {return false} if _storage._exclusiveMinimum != other_storage._exclusiveMinimum {return false} if _storage._maxLength != other_storage._maxLength {return false} if _storage._minLength != other_storage._minLength {return false} if _storage._pattern != other_storage._pattern {return false} if _storage._maxItems != other_storage._maxItems {return false} if _storage._minItems != other_storage._minItems {return false} if _storage._uniqueItems != other_storage._uniqueItems {return false} if _storage._maxProperties != other_storage._maxProperties {return false} if _storage._minProperties != other_storage._minProperties {return false} if _storage._required != other_storage._required {return false} if _storage._enum != other_storage._enum {return false} if _storage._additionalProperties != other_storage._additionalProperties {return false} if _storage._type != other_storage._type {return false} if _storage._items != other_storage._items {return false} if _storage._allOf != other_storage._allOf {return false} if _storage._properties != other_storage._properties {return false} if _storage._discriminator != other_storage._discriminator {return false} if _storage._readOnly != other_storage._readOnly {return false} if _storage._xml != other_storage._xml {return false} if _storage._externalDocs != other_storage._externalDocs {return false} if _storage._example != other_storage._example {return false} if _storage._vendorExtension != other_storage._vendorExtension {return false} return true } if !storagesAreEqual {return false} } if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_SchemaItem: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .same(proto: "schema"), 2: .standard(proto: "file_schema"), ] fileprivate class _StorageClass { var _oneof: Openapi_V2_SchemaItem.OneOf_Oneof? static let defaultInstance = _StorageClass() private init() {} init(copying source: _StorageClass) { _oneof = source._oneof } } fileprivate mutating func _uniqueStorage() -> _StorageClass { if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&_storage) { _storage = _StorageClass(copying: _storage) } return _storage } public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_SchemaItem) -> Bool { if _storage !== other._storage { let storagesAreEqual: Bool = withExtendedLifetime((_storage, other._storage)) { (_storage, other_storage) in if _storage._oneof != other_storage._oneof {return false} return true } if !storagesAreEqual {return false} } if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_SecurityDefinitions: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .standard(proto: "additional_properties"), ] public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_SecurityDefinitions) -> Bool { if self.additionalProperties != other.additionalProperties {return false} if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_SecurityDefinitionsItem: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .standard(proto: "basic_authentication_security"), 2: .standard(proto: "api_key_security"), 3: .standard(proto: "oauth2_implicit_security"), 4: .standard(proto: "oauth2_password_security"), 5: .standard(proto: "oauth2_application_security"), 6: .standard(proto: "oauth2_access_code_security"), ] fileprivate class _StorageClass { var _oneof: Openapi_V2_SecurityDefinitionsItem.OneOf_Oneof? static let defaultInstance = _StorageClass() private init() {} init(copying source: _StorageClass) { _oneof = source._oneof } } fileprivate mutating func _uniqueStorage() -> _StorageClass { if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&_storage) { _storage = _StorageClass(copying: _storage) } return _storage } public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_SecurityDefinitionsItem) -> Bool { if _storage !== other._storage { let storagesAreEqual: Bool = withExtendedLifetime((_storage, other._storage)) { (_storage, other_storage) in if _storage._oneof != other_storage._oneof {return false} return true } if !storagesAreEqual {return false} } if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_SecurityRequirement: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .standard(proto: "additional_properties"), ] public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_SecurityRequirement) -> Bool { if self.additionalProperties != other.additionalProperties {return false} if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_StringArray: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .same(proto: "value"), ] public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_StringArray) -> Bool { if self.value != other.value {return false} if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_Tag: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .same(proto: "name"), 2: .same(proto: "description"), 3: .standard(proto: "external_docs"), 4: .standard(proto: "vendor_extension"), ] fileprivate class _StorageClass { var _name: String = String() var _description_p: String = String() var _externalDocs: Openapi_V2_ExternalDocs? = nil var _vendorExtension: [Openapi_V2_NamedAny] = [] static let defaultInstance = _StorageClass() private init() {} init(copying source: _StorageClass) { _name = source._name _description_p = source._description_p _externalDocs = source._externalDocs _vendorExtension = source._vendorExtension } } fileprivate mutating func _uniqueStorage() -> _StorageClass { if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&_storage) { _storage = _StorageClass(copying: _storage) } return _storage } public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_Tag) -> Bool { if _storage !== other._storage { let storagesAreEqual: Bool = withExtendedLifetime((_storage, other._storage)) { (_storage, other_storage) in if _storage._name != other_storage._name {return false} if _storage._description_p != other_storage._description_p {return false} if _storage._externalDocs != other_storage._externalDocs {return false} if _storage._vendorExtension != other_storage._vendorExtension {return false} return true } if !storagesAreEqual {return false} } if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_TypeItem: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .same(proto: "value"), ] public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_TypeItem) -> Bool { if self.value != other.value {return false} if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_VendorExtension: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .standard(proto: "additional_properties"), ] public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_VendorExtension) -> Bool { if self.additionalProperties != other.additionalProperties {return false} if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } } extension Openapi_V2_Xml: SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding { public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [ 1: .same(proto: "name"), 2: .same(proto: "namespace"), 3: .same(proto: "prefix"), 4: .same(proto: "attribute"), 5: .same(proto: "wrapped"), 6: .standard(proto: "vendor_extension"), ] public func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: Openapi_V2_Xml) -> Bool { if self.name != other.name {return false} if self.namespace != other.namespace {return false} if self.prefix != other.prefix {return false} if self.attribute != other.attribute {return false} if self.wrapped != other.wrapped {return false} if self.vendorExtension != other.vendorExtension {return false} if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false} return true } }