package grpc_zap_test import ( "context" "time" grpc_middleware "" grpc_zap "" "" grpc_ctxtags "" pb_testproto "" "" "" "" ) var ( zapLogger *zap.Logger customFunc grpc_zap.CodeToLevel ) // Initialization shows a relatively complex initialization sequence. func Example_initialization() { // Shared options for the logger, with a custom gRPC code to log level function. opts := []grpc_zap.Option{ grpc_zap.WithLevels(customFunc), } // Make sure that log statements internal to gRPC library are logged using the zapLogger as well. grpc_zap.ReplaceGrpcLoggerV2(zapLogger) // Create a server, make sure we put the grpc_ctxtags context before everything else. _ = grpc.NewServer( grpc_middleware.WithUnaryServerChain( grpc_ctxtags.UnaryServerInterceptor(grpc_ctxtags.WithFieldExtractor(grpc_ctxtags.CodeGenRequestFieldExtractor)), grpc_zap.UnaryServerInterceptor(zapLogger, opts...), ), grpc_middleware.WithStreamServerChain( grpc_ctxtags.StreamServerInterceptor(grpc_ctxtags.WithFieldExtractor(grpc_ctxtags.CodeGenRequestFieldExtractor)), grpc_zap.StreamServerInterceptor(zapLogger, opts...), ), ) } // Initialization shows an initialization sequence with the duration field generation overridden. func Example_initializationWithDurationFieldOverride() { opts := []grpc_zap.Option{ grpc_zap.WithDurationField(func(duration time.Duration) zapcore.Field { return zap.Int64("grpc.time_ns", duration.Nanoseconds()) }), } _ = grpc.NewServer( grpc_middleware.WithUnaryServerChain( grpc_ctxtags.UnaryServerInterceptor(), grpc_zap.UnaryServerInterceptor(zapLogger, opts...), ), grpc_middleware.WithStreamServerChain( grpc_ctxtags.StreamServerInterceptor(), grpc_zap.StreamServerInterceptor(zapLogger, opts...), ), ) } // Simple unary handler that adds custom fields to the requests's context. These will be used for all log statements. func ExampleExtract_unary() { _ = func(ctx context.Context, ping *pb_testproto.PingRequest) (*pb_testproto.PingResponse, error) { // Add fields the ctxtags of the request which will be added to all extracted loggers. grpc_ctxtags.Extract(ctx).Set("custom_tags.string", "something").Set("", 1337) // Extract a single request-scoped zap.Logger and log messages. (containing the tags) l := ctxzap.Extract(ctx) l.Info("some ping") l.Info("another ping") return &pb_testproto.PingResponse{Value: ping.Value}, nil } } func Example_initializationWithDecider() { opts := []grpc_zap.Option{ grpc_zap.WithDecider(func(fullMethodName string, err error) bool { // will not log gRPC calls if it was a call to healthcheck and no error was raised if err == nil && fullMethodName == "" { return false } // by default everything will be logged return true }), } _ = []grpc.ServerOption{ grpc_middleware.WithStreamServerChain( grpc_ctxtags.StreamServerInterceptor(), grpc_zap.StreamServerInterceptor(zap.NewNop(), opts...)), grpc_middleware.WithUnaryServerChain( grpc_ctxtags.UnaryServerInterceptor(), grpc_zap.UnaryServerInterceptor(zap.NewNop(), opts...)), } }