/* Copyright 2014 CoreOS, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package client import ( "errors" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "net/http" "net/url" "time" "github.com/coreos/etcd/Godeps/_workspace/src/golang.org/x/net/context" ) var ( ErrTimeout = context.DeadlineExceeded ErrCanceled = context.Canceled ErrNoEndpoints = errors.New("no endpoints available") ErrTooManyRedirects = errors.New("too many redirects") DefaultRequestTimeout = 5 * time.Second DefaultMaxRedirects = 10 ) type SyncableHTTPClient interface { HTTPClient Sync(context.Context) error Endpoints() []string } type HTTPClient interface { Do(context.Context, HTTPAction) (*http.Response, []byte, error) } type HTTPAction interface { HTTPRequest(url.URL) *http.Request } // CancelableTransport mimics http.Transport to provide an interface which can be // substituted for testing (since the RoundTripper interface alone does not // require the CancelRequest method) type CancelableTransport interface { http.RoundTripper CancelRequest(req *http.Request) } func NewHTTPClient(tr CancelableTransport, eps []string) (SyncableHTTPClient, error) { return newHTTPClusterClient(tr, eps) } func newHTTPClusterClient(tr CancelableTransport, eps []string) (*httpClusterClient, error) { c := httpClusterClient{ transport: tr, endpoints: eps, clients: make([]HTTPClient, len(eps)), } for i, ep := range eps { u, err := url.Parse(ep) if err != nil { return nil, err } c.clients[i] = &redirectFollowingHTTPClient{ max: DefaultMaxRedirects, client: &httpClient{ transport: tr, endpoint: *u, }, } } return &c, nil } type httpClusterClient struct { transport CancelableTransport endpoints []string clients []HTTPClient } func (c *httpClusterClient) Do(ctx context.Context, act HTTPAction) (resp *http.Response, body []byte, err error) { if len(c.clients) == 0 { return nil, nil, ErrNoEndpoints } for _, hc := range c.clients { resp, body, err = hc.Do(ctx, act) if err != nil { if err == ErrTimeout || err == ErrCanceled { return nil, nil, err } continue } if resp.StatusCode/100 == 5 { continue } break } return } func (c *httpClusterClient) Endpoints() []string { return c.endpoints } func (c *httpClusterClient) Sync(ctx context.Context) error { mAPI := NewMembersAPI(c) ms, err := mAPI.List(ctx) if err != nil { return err } eps := make([]string, 0) for _, m := range ms { eps = append(eps, m.ClientURLs...) } if len(eps) == 0 { return ErrNoEndpoints } nc, err := newHTTPClusterClient(c.transport, eps) if err != nil { return err } *c = *nc return nil } type roundTripResponse struct { resp *http.Response err error } type httpClient struct { transport CancelableTransport endpoint url.URL } func (c *httpClient) Do(ctx context.Context, act HTTPAction) (*http.Response, []byte, error) { req := act.HTTPRequest(c.endpoint) rtchan := make(chan roundTripResponse, 1) go func() { resp, err := c.transport.RoundTrip(req) rtchan <- roundTripResponse{resp: resp, err: err} close(rtchan) }() var resp *http.Response var err error select { case rtresp := <-rtchan: resp, err = rtresp.resp, rtresp.err case <-ctx.Done(): c.transport.CancelRequest(req) // wait for request to actually exit before continuing <-rtchan err = ctx.Err() } // always check for resp nil-ness to deal with possible // race conditions between channels above defer func() { if resp != nil { resp.Body.Close() } }() if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) return resp, body, err } type redirectFollowingHTTPClient struct { client HTTPClient max int } func (r *redirectFollowingHTTPClient) Do(ctx context.Context, act HTTPAction) (*http.Response, []byte, error) { for i := 0; i <= r.max; i++ { resp, body, err := r.client.Do(ctx, act) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } if resp.StatusCode/100 == 3 { hdr := resp.Header.Get("Location") if hdr == "" { return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("Location header not set") } loc, err := url.Parse(hdr) if err != nil { return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("Location header not valid URL: %s", hdr) } act = &redirectedHTTPAction{ action: act, location: *loc, } continue } return resp, body, nil } return nil, nil, ErrTooManyRedirects } type redirectedHTTPAction struct { action HTTPAction location url.URL } func (r *redirectedHTTPAction) HTTPRequest(ep url.URL) *http.Request { orig := r.action.HTTPRequest(ep) orig.URL = &r.location return orig }