/* Copyright 2014 CoreOS, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ /* Package raft provides an implementation of the raft consensus algorithm. The primary object in raft is a Node. You either start a Node from scratch using raft.StartNode or start a Node from some initial state using raft.RestartNode. n := raft.StartNode(0x01, []int64{0x02, 0x03}, 3, 1) Now that you are holding onto a Node you have a few responsibilities: First, you need to push messages that you receive from other machines into the Node with n.Step(). func recvRaftRPC(ctx context.Context, m raftpb.Message) { n.Step(ctx, m) } Second, you need to save log entries to storage, process committed log entries through your application and then send pending messages to peers by reading the channel returned by n.Ready(). It is important that the user persist any entries that require stable storage before sending messages to other peers to ensure fault-tolerance. And finally you need to service timeouts with Tick(). Raft has two important timeouts: heartbeat and the election timeout. However, internally to the raft package time is represented by an abstract "tick". The user is responsible for calling Tick() on their raft.Node on a regular interval in order to service these timeouts. The total state machine handling loop will look something like this: for { select { case <-s.Ticker: n.Tick() case rd := <-s.Node.Ready(): saveToStable(rd.State, rd.Entries) send(rd.Messages) process(rd.CommittedEntries) s.Node.Advance() case <-s.done: return } } To propose changes to the state machine from your node take your application data, serialize it into a byte slice and call: n.Propose(ctx, data) If the proposal is committed, data will appear in committed entries with type raftpb.EntryNormal. To add or remove node in a cluster, build ConfChange struct 'cc' and call: n.ProposeConfChange(ctx, cc) After config change is committed, some committed entry with type raftpb.EntryConfChange will be returned. You should apply it to node through: var cc raftpb.ConfChange cc.Unmarshal(data) n.ApplyConfChange(cc) Note: An ID represents a unique node in a cluster. A given ID MUST be used only once even if the old node has been removed. */ package raft