version = 0 name = "CreateIndexes" documentation = "CreateIndexes performs a createIndexes operation." [properties] enabled = ["write concern"] [command] name = "createIndexes" parameter = "collection" [request.indexes] type = "array" constructor = true documentation = "An array containing index specification documents for the indexes being created." [request.maxTimeMS] type = "int64" documentation = "MaxTimeMS specifies the maximum amount of time to allow the query to run." [request.commitQuorum] type = "value" minWireVersionRequired = 9 documentation = """ The number of data-bearing members of a replica set, including the primary, that must complete the index builds successfully before the primary marks the indexes as ready. This should either be a string or int32 value. """ [response] name = "CreateIndexesResult" [response.field.createdCollectionAutomatically] type = "boolean" documentation = "If the collection was created automatically." [response.field.indexesBefore] type = "int32" documentation = "The number of indexes existing before this command." [response.field.indexesAfter] type = "int32" documentation = "The number of indexes existing after this command."