version = 0 name = "Distinct" documentation = "Distinct performs a distinct operation." [properties] enabled = ["read concern", "read preference"] retryable = {mode = "once per command", type = "reads"} [command] name = "distinct" parameter = "collection" [request.key] type = "string" constructor = true documentation = "Key specifies which field to return distinct values for." [request.query] type = "document" constructor = true documentation = "Query specifies which documents to return distinct values from." [request.maxTimeMS] type = "int64" documentation = "MaxTimeMS specifies the maximum amount of time to allow the query to run." [request.collation] type = "document" minWireVersionRequired = 5 documentation = "Collation specifies a collation to be used." [response] name = "DistinctResult" [response.field.values] type = "value" documentation = "The distinct values for the field."