// Copyright 2017, OpenCensus Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // package zpages import ( "fmt" "io" "log" "math" "net/http" "sort" "sync" "text/tabwriter" "time" "go.opencensus.io/plugin/ocgrpc" "go.opencensus.io/stats/view" ) const bytesPerKb = 1024 var ( programStartTime = time.Now() mu sync.Mutex // protects snaps snaps = make(map[methodKey]*statSnapshot) // viewType lists the views we are interested in for RPC stats. // A view's map value indicates whether that view contains data for received // RPCs. viewType = map[*view.View]bool{ ocgrpc.ClientCompletedRPCsView: false, ocgrpc.ClientSentBytesPerRPCView: false, ocgrpc.ClientSentMessagesPerRPCView: false, ocgrpc.ClientReceivedBytesPerRPCView: false, ocgrpc.ClientReceivedMessagesPerRPCView: false, ocgrpc.ClientRoundtripLatencyView: false, ocgrpc.ServerCompletedRPCsView: true, ocgrpc.ServerReceivedBytesPerRPCView: true, ocgrpc.ServerReceivedMessagesPerRPCView: true, ocgrpc.ServerSentBytesPerRPCView: true, ocgrpc.ServerSentMessagesPerRPCView: true, ocgrpc.ServerLatencyView: true, } ) func registerRPCViews() { views := make([]*view.View, 0, len(viewType)) for v := range viewType { views = append(views, v) } if err := view.Register(views...); err != nil { log.Printf("error subscribing to views: %v", err) } view.RegisterExporter(snapExporter{}) } func rpczHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8") WriteHTMLRpczPage(w) } // WriteHTMLRpczPage writes an HTML document to w containing per-method RPC stats. func WriteHTMLRpczPage(w io.Writer) { if err := headerTemplate.Execute(w, headerData{Title: "RPC Stats"}); err != nil { log.Printf("zpages: executing template: %v", err) } WriteHTMLRpczSummary(w) if err := footerTemplate.Execute(w, nil); err != nil { log.Printf("zpages: executing template: %v", err) } } // WriteHTMLRpczSummary writes HTML to w containing per-method RPC stats. // // It includes neither a header nor footer, so you can embed this data in other pages. func WriteHTMLRpczSummary(w io.Writer) { mu.Lock() if err := statsTemplate.Execute(w, getStatsPage()); err != nil { log.Printf("zpages: executing template: %v", err) } mu.Unlock() } // WriteTextRpczPage writes formatted text to w containing per-method RPC stats. func WriteTextRpczPage(w io.Writer) { mu.Lock() defer mu.Unlock() page := getStatsPage() for i, sg := range page.StatGroups { switch i { case 0: fmt.Fprint(w, "Sent:\n") case 1: fmt.Fprint(w, "\nReceived:\n") } tw := tabwriter.NewWriter(w, 6, 8, 1, ' ', 0) fmt.Fprint(tw, "Method\tCount\t\t\tAvgLat\t\t\tMaxLat\t\t\tRate\t\t\tIn (MiB/s)\t\t\tOut (MiB/s)\t\t\tErrors\t\t\n") fmt.Fprint(tw, "\tMin\tHr\tTot\tMin\tHr\tTot\tMin\tHr\tTot\tMin\tHr\tTot\tMin\tHr\tTot\tMin\tHr\tTot\tMin\tHr\tTot\n") for _, s := range sg.Snapshots { fmt.Fprintf(tw, "%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%v\t%v\t%v\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%d\t%d\t%d\n", s.Method, s.CountMinute, s.CountHour, s.CountTotal, s.AvgLatencyMinute, s.AvgLatencyHour, s.AvgLatencyTotal, s.RPCRateMinute, s.RPCRateHour, s.RPCRateTotal, s.InputRateMinute/bytesPerKb, s.InputRateHour/bytesPerKb, s.InputRateTotal/bytesPerKb, s.OutputRateMinute/bytesPerKb, s.OutputRateHour/bytesPerKb, s.OutputRateTotal/bytesPerKb, s.ErrorsMinute, s.ErrorsHour, s.ErrorsTotal) } tw.Flush() } } // headerData contains data for the header template. type headerData struct { Title string } // statsPage aggregates stats on the page for 'sent' and 'received' categories type statsPage struct { StatGroups []*statGroup } // statGroup aggregates snapshots for a directional category type statGroup struct { Direction string Snapshots []*statSnapshot } func (s *statGroup) Len() int { return len(s.Snapshots) } func (s *statGroup) Swap(i, j int) { s.Snapshots[i], s.Snapshots[j] = s.Snapshots[j], s.Snapshots[i] } func (s *statGroup) Less(i, j int) bool { return s.Snapshots[i].Method < s.Snapshots[j].Method } // statSnapshot holds the data items that are presented in a single row of RPC // stat information. type statSnapshot struct { // TODO: compute hour/minute values from cumulative Method string Received bool CountMinute uint64 CountHour uint64 CountTotal uint64 AvgLatencyMinute time.Duration AvgLatencyHour time.Duration AvgLatencyTotal time.Duration RPCRateMinute float64 RPCRateHour float64 RPCRateTotal float64 InputRateMinute float64 InputRateHour float64 InputRateTotal float64 OutputRateMinute float64 OutputRateHour float64 OutputRateTotal float64 ErrorsMinute uint64 ErrorsHour uint64 ErrorsTotal uint64 } type methodKey struct { method string received bool } type snapExporter struct{} func (s snapExporter) ExportView(vd *view.Data) { received, ok := viewType[vd.View] if !ok { return } if len(vd.Rows) == 0 { return } ageSec := float64(time.Since(programStartTime)) / float64(time.Second) computeRate := func(maxSec, x float64) float64 { dur := ageSec if maxSec > 0 && dur > maxSec { dur = maxSec } return x / dur } convertTime := func(ms float64) time.Duration { if math.IsInf(ms, 0) || math.IsNaN(ms) { return 0 } return time.Duration(float64(time.Millisecond) * ms) } haveResetErrors := make(map[string]struct{}) mu.Lock() defer mu.Unlock() for _, row := range vd.Rows { var method string for _, tag := range row.Tags { if tag.Key == ocgrpc.KeyClientMethod || tag.Key == ocgrpc.KeyServerMethod { method = tag.Value break } } key := methodKey{method: method, received: received} s := snaps[key] if s == nil { s = &statSnapshot{Method: method, Received: received} snaps[key] = s } var ( sum float64 count float64 ) switch v := row.Data.(type) { case *view.CountData: sum = float64(v.Value) count = float64(v.Value) case *view.DistributionData: sum = v.Sum() count = float64(v.Count) case *view.SumData: sum = v.Value count = v.Value } // Update field of s corresponding to the view. switch vd.View { case ocgrpc.ClientCompletedRPCsView: if _, ok := haveResetErrors[method]; !ok { haveResetErrors[method] = struct{}{} s.ErrorsTotal = 0 } for _, tag := range row.Tags { if tag.Key == ocgrpc.KeyClientStatus && tag.Value != "OK" { s.ErrorsTotal += uint64(count) } } case ocgrpc.ClientRoundtripLatencyView: s.AvgLatencyTotal = convertTime(sum / count) case ocgrpc.ClientSentBytesPerRPCView: s.OutputRateTotal = computeRate(0, sum) case ocgrpc.ClientReceivedBytesPerRPCView: s.InputRateTotal = computeRate(0, sum) case ocgrpc.ClientSentMessagesPerRPCView: s.CountTotal = uint64(count) s.RPCRateTotal = computeRate(0, count) case ocgrpc.ClientReceivedMessagesPerRPCView: // currently unused case ocgrpc.ServerCompletedRPCsView: if _, ok := haveResetErrors[method]; !ok { haveResetErrors[method] = struct{}{} s.ErrorsTotal = 0 } for _, tag := range row.Tags { if tag.Key == ocgrpc.KeyServerStatus && tag.Value != "OK" { s.ErrorsTotal += uint64(count) } } case ocgrpc.ServerLatencyView: s.AvgLatencyTotal = convertTime(sum / count) case ocgrpc.ServerSentBytesPerRPCView: s.OutputRateTotal = computeRate(0, sum) case ocgrpc.ServerReceivedMessagesPerRPCView: s.CountTotal = uint64(count) s.RPCRateTotal = computeRate(0, count) case ocgrpc.ServerSentMessagesPerRPCView: // currently unused } } } func getStatsPage() *statsPage { sentStats := statGroup{Direction: "Sent"} receivedStats := statGroup{Direction: "Received"} for key, sg := range snaps { if key.received { receivedStats.Snapshots = append(receivedStats.Snapshots, sg) } else { sentStats.Snapshots = append(sentStats.Snapshots, sg) } } sort.Sort(&sentStats) sort.Sort(&receivedStats) return &statsPage{ StatGroups: []*statGroup{&sentStats, &receivedStats}, } }