// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // This file contains tests for the unmarshal checker. package testdata import ( "encoding/gob" "encoding/json" "encoding/xml" "io" ) func _() { type t struct { a int } var v t var r io.Reader json.Unmarshal([]byte{}, v) // want "call of Unmarshal passes non-pointer as second argument" json.Unmarshal([]byte{}, &v) json.NewDecoder(r).Decode(v) // want "call of Decode passes non-pointer" json.NewDecoder(r).Decode(&v) gob.NewDecoder(r).Decode(v) // want "call of Decode passes non-pointer" gob.NewDecoder(r).Decode(&v) xml.Unmarshal([]byte{}, v) // want "call of Unmarshal passes non-pointer as second argument" xml.Unmarshal([]byte{}, &v) xml.NewDecoder(r).Decode(v) // want "call of Decode passes non-pointer" xml.NewDecoder(r).Decode(&v) var p *t json.Unmarshal([]byte{}, p) json.Unmarshal([]byte{}, *p) // want "call of Unmarshal passes non-pointer as second argument" json.NewDecoder(r).Decode(p) json.NewDecoder(r).Decode(*p) // want "call of Decode passes non-pointer" gob.NewDecoder(r).Decode(p) gob.NewDecoder(r).Decode(*p) // want "call of Decode passes non-pointer" xml.Unmarshal([]byte{}, p) xml.Unmarshal([]byte{}, *p) // want "call of Unmarshal passes non-pointer as second argument" xml.NewDecoder(r).Decode(p) xml.NewDecoder(r).Decode(*p) // want "call of Decode passes non-pointer" var i interface{} json.Unmarshal([]byte{}, i) json.NewDecoder(r).Decode(i) json.Unmarshal([]byte{}, nil) // want "call of Unmarshal passes non-pointer as second argument" json.Unmarshal([]byte{}, []t{}) // want "call of Unmarshal passes non-pointer as second argument" json.Unmarshal([]byte{}, map[string]int{}) // want "call of Unmarshal passes non-pointer as second argument" json.NewDecoder(r).Decode(nil) // want "call of Decode passes non-pointer" json.NewDecoder(r).Decode([]t{}) // want "call of Decode passes non-pointer" json.NewDecoder(r).Decode(map[string]int{}) // want "call of Decode passes non-pointer" json.Unmarshal(func() ([]byte, interface{}) { return []byte{}, v }()) }