// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package packages_test import ( "bytes" "context" "encoding/json" "flag" "fmt" "go/ast" constantpkg "go/constant" "go/parser" "go/token" "go/types" "io/ioutil" "os" "path/filepath" "reflect" "runtime" "sort" "strings" "testing" "time" "golang.org/x/tools/go/packages" "golang.org/x/tools/go/packages/packagestest" "golang.org/x/tools/internal/packagesinternal" "golang.org/x/tools/internal/testenv" ) // testCtx is canceled when the test binary is about to time out. // // If https://golang.org/issue/28135 is accepted, uses of this variable in test // functions should be replaced by t.Context(). var testCtx = context.Background() func TestMain(m *testing.M) { testenv.ExitIfSmallMachine() timeoutFlag := flag.Lookup("test.timeout") if timeoutFlag != nil { if d := timeoutFlag.Value.(flag.Getter).Get().(time.Duration); d != 0 { aBitShorter := d * 95 / 100 var cancel context.CancelFunc testCtx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(testCtx, aBitShorter) defer cancel() } } os.Exit(m.Run()) } // TODO(adonovan): more test cases to write: // // - When the tests fail, make them print a 'cd & load' command // that will allow the maintainer to interact with the failing scenario. // - errors in go-list metadata // - a foo.test package that cannot be built for some reason (e.g. // import error) will result in a JSON blob with no name and a // nonexistent testmain file in GoFiles. Test that we handle this // gracefully. // - test more Flags. // // LoadSyntax & LoadAllSyntax modes: // - Fset may be user-supplied or not. // - Packages.Info is correctly set. // - typechecker configuration is honored // - import cycles are gracefully handled in type checker. // - test typechecking of generated test main and cgo. // The zero-value of Config has LoadFiles mode. func TestLoadZeroConfig(t *testing.T) { testenv.NeedsGoPackages(t) initial, err := packages.Load(nil, "hash") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if len(initial) != 1 { t.Fatalf("got %s, want [hash]", initial) } hash := initial[0] // Even though the hash package has imports, // they are not reported. got := fmt.Sprintf("iamashamedtousethedisabledqueryname=%s srcs=%v imports=%v", hash.Name, srcs(hash), hash.Imports) want := "iamashamedtousethedisabledqueryname=hash srcs=[hash.go] imports=map[]" if got != want { t.Fatalf("got %s, want %s", got, want) } } func TestLoadImportsGraph(t *testing.T) { packagestest.TestAll(t, testLoadImportsGraph) } func testLoadImportsGraph(t *testing.T, exporter packagestest.Exporter) { exported := packagestest.Export(t, exporter, []packagestest.Module{{ Name: "golang.org/fake", Files: map[string]interface{}{ "a/a.go": `package a; const A = 1`, "b/b.go": `package b; import ("golang.org/fake/a"; _ "container/list"); var B = a.A`, "c/c.go": `package c; import (_ "golang.org/fake/b"; _ "unsafe")`, "c/c2.go": "// +build ignore\n\n" + `package c; import _ "fmt"`, "subdir/d/d.go": `package d`, "subdir/d/d_test.go": `package d; import _ "math/bits"`, "subdir/d/x_test.go": `package d_test; import _ "golang.org/fake/subdir/d"`, // TODO(adonovan): test bad import here "subdir/e/d.go": `package e`, "e/e.go": `package main; import _ "golang.org/fake/b"`, "e/e2.go": `package main; import _ "golang.org/fake/c"`, "f/f.go": `package f`, }}}) defer exported.Cleanup() exported.Config.Mode = packages.LoadImports initial, err := packages.Load(exported.Config, "golang.org/fake/c", "golang.org/fake/subdir/d", "golang.org/fake/e") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // Check graph topology. graph, _ := importGraph(initial) wantGraph := ` container/list golang.org/fake/a golang.org/fake/b * golang.org/fake/c * golang.org/fake/e * golang.org/fake/subdir/d * golang.org/fake/subdir/d [golang.org/fake/subdir/d.test] * golang.org/fake/subdir/d.test * golang.org/fake/subdir/d_test [golang.org/fake/subdir/d.test] math/bits unsafe golang.org/fake/b -> container/list golang.org/fake/b -> golang.org/fake/a golang.org/fake/c -> golang.org/fake/b golang.org/fake/c -> unsafe golang.org/fake/e -> golang.org/fake/b golang.org/fake/e -> golang.org/fake/c golang.org/fake/subdir/d [golang.org/fake/subdir/d.test] -> math/bits golang.org/fake/subdir/d.test -> golang.org/fake/subdir/d [golang.org/fake/subdir/d.test] golang.org/fake/subdir/d.test -> golang.org/fake/subdir/d_test [golang.org/fake/subdir/d.test] golang.org/fake/subdir/d.test -> os (pruned) golang.org/fake/subdir/d.test -> testing (pruned) golang.org/fake/subdir/d.test -> testing/internal/testdeps (pruned) golang.org/fake/subdir/d_test [golang.org/fake/subdir/d.test] -> golang.org/fake/subdir/d [golang.org/fake/subdir/d.test] `[1:] if graph != wantGraph { t.Errorf("wrong import graph: got <<%s>>, want <<%s>>", graph, wantGraph) } exported.Config.Tests = true initial, err = packages.Load(exported.Config, "golang.org/fake/c", "golang.org/fake/subdir/d", "golang.org/fake/e") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // Check graph topology. graph, all := importGraph(initial) wantGraph = ` container/list golang.org/fake/a golang.org/fake/b * golang.org/fake/c * golang.org/fake/e * golang.org/fake/subdir/d * golang.org/fake/subdir/d [golang.org/fake/subdir/d.test] * golang.org/fake/subdir/d.test * golang.org/fake/subdir/d_test [golang.org/fake/subdir/d.test] math/bits unsafe golang.org/fake/b -> container/list golang.org/fake/b -> golang.org/fake/a golang.org/fake/c -> golang.org/fake/b golang.org/fake/c -> unsafe golang.org/fake/e -> golang.org/fake/b golang.org/fake/e -> golang.org/fake/c golang.org/fake/subdir/d [golang.org/fake/subdir/d.test] -> math/bits golang.org/fake/subdir/d.test -> golang.org/fake/subdir/d [golang.org/fake/subdir/d.test] golang.org/fake/subdir/d.test -> golang.org/fake/subdir/d_test [golang.org/fake/subdir/d.test] golang.org/fake/subdir/d.test -> os (pruned) golang.org/fake/subdir/d.test -> testing (pruned) golang.org/fake/subdir/d.test -> testing/internal/testdeps (pruned) golang.org/fake/subdir/d_test [golang.org/fake/subdir/d.test] -> golang.org/fake/subdir/d [golang.org/fake/subdir/d.test] `[1:] if graph != wantGraph { t.Errorf("wrong import graph: got <<%s>>, want <<%s>>", graph, wantGraph) } // Check node information: kind, name, srcs. for _, test := range []struct { id string wantName string wantKind string wantSrcs string }{ {"golang.org/fake/a", "a", "package", "a.go"}, {"golang.org/fake/b", "b", "package", "b.go"}, {"golang.org/fake/c", "c", "package", "c.go"}, // c2.go is ignored {"golang.org/fake/e", "main", "command", "e.go e2.go"}, {"container/list", "list", "package", "list.go"}, {"golang.org/fake/subdir/d", "d", "package", "d.go"}, {"golang.org/fake/subdir/d.test", "main", "command", "0.go"}, {"unsafe", "unsafe", "package", ""}, } { p, ok := all[test.id] if !ok { t.Errorf("no package %s", test.id) continue } if p.Name != test.wantName { t.Errorf("%s.Name = %q, want %q", test.id, p.Name, test.wantName) } // kind var kind string if p.Name == "main" { kind += "command" } else { kind += "package" } if kind != test.wantKind { t.Errorf("%s.Kind = %q, want %q", test.id, kind, test.wantKind) } if srcs := strings.Join(srcs(p), " "); srcs != test.wantSrcs { t.Errorf("%s.Srcs = [%s], want [%s]", test.id, srcs, test.wantSrcs) } } // Test an ad-hoc package, analogous to "go run hello.go". if initial, err := packages.Load(exported.Config, exported.File("golang.org/fake", "c/c.go")); len(initial) == 0 { t.Errorf("failed to obtain metadata for ad-hoc package: %s", err) } else { got := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", initial[0].ID, srcs(initial[0])) if want := "command-line-arguments [c.go]"; got != want { t.Errorf("oops: got %s, want %s", got, want) } } // Wildcards // See StdlibTest for effective test of "std" wildcard. // TODO(adonovan): test "all" returns everything in the current module. { // "..." (subdirectory) initial, err = packages.Load(exported.Config, "golang.org/fake/subdir/...") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } graph, _ = importGraph(initial) wantGraph = ` * golang.org/fake/subdir/d * golang.org/fake/subdir/d [golang.org/fake/subdir/d.test] * golang.org/fake/subdir/d.test * golang.org/fake/subdir/d_test [golang.org/fake/subdir/d.test] * golang.org/fake/subdir/e math/bits golang.org/fake/subdir/d [golang.org/fake/subdir/d.test] -> math/bits golang.org/fake/subdir/d.test -> golang.org/fake/subdir/d [golang.org/fake/subdir/d.test] golang.org/fake/subdir/d.test -> golang.org/fake/subdir/d_test [golang.org/fake/subdir/d.test] golang.org/fake/subdir/d.test -> os (pruned) golang.org/fake/subdir/d.test -> testing (pruned) golang.org/fake/subdir/d.test -> testing/internal/testdeps (pruned) golang.org/fake/subdir/d_test [golang.org/fake/subdir/d.test] -> golang.org/fake/subdir/d [golang.org/fake/subdir/d.test] `[1:] if graph != wantGraph { t.Errorf("wrong import graph: got <<%s>>, want <<%s>>", graph, wantGraph) } } } func TestLoadImportsTestVariants(t *testing.T) { packagestest.TestAll(t, testLoadImportsTestVariants) } func testLoadImportsTestVariants(t *testing.T, exporter packagestest.Exporter) { exported := packagestest.Export(t, exporter, []packagestest.Module{{ Name: "golang.org/fake", Files: map[string]interface{}{ "a/a.go": `package a; import _ "golang.org/fake/b"`, "b/b.go": `package b`, "b/b_test.go": `package b`, "b/bx_test.go": `package b_test; import _ "golang.org/fake/a"`, }}}) defer exported.Cleanup() exported.Config.Mode = packages.LoadImports exported.Config.Tests = true initial, err := packages.Load(exported.Config, "golang.org/fake/a", "golang.org/fake/b") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // Check graph topology. graph, _ := importGraph(initial) wantGraph := ` * golang.org/fake/a golang.org/fake/a [golang.org/fake/b.test] * golang.org/fake/b * golang.org/fake/b [golang.org/fake/b.test] * golang.org/fake/b.test * golang.org/fake/b_test [golang.org/fake/b.test] golang.org/fake/a -> golang.org/fake/b golang.org/fake/a [golang.org/fake/b.test] -> golang.org/fake/b [golang.org/fake/b.test] golang.org/fake/b.test -> golang.org/fake/b [golang.org/fake/b.test] golang.org/fake/b.test -> golang.org/fake/b_test [golang.org/fake/b.test] golang.org/fake/b.test -> os (pruned) golang.org/fake/b.test -> testing (pruned) golang.org/fake/b.test -> testing/internal/testdeps (pruned) golang.org/fake/b_test [golang.org/fake/b.test] -> golang.org/fake/a [golang.org/fake/b.test] `[1:] if graph != wantGraph { t.Errorf("wrong import graph: got <<%s>>, want <<%s>>", graph, wantGraph) } } func TestLoadAbsolutePath(t *testing.T) { exported := packagestest.Export(t, packagestest.GOPATH, []packagestest.Module{{ Name: "golang.org/gopatha", Files: map[string]interface{}{ "a/a.go": `package a`, }}, { Name: "golang.org/gopathb", Files: map[string]interface{}{ "b/b.go": `package b`, }}}) defer exported.Cleanup() initial, err := packages.Load(exported.Config, filepath.Dir(exported.File("golang.org/gopatha", "a/a.go")), filepath.Dir(exported.File("golang.org/gopathb", "b/b.go"))) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to load imports: %v", err) } got := []string{} for _, p := range initial { got = append(got, p.ID) } sort.Strings(got) want := []string{"golang.org/gopatha/a", "golang.org/gopathb/b"} if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) { t.Fatalf("initial packages loaded: got [%s], want [%s]", got, want) } } func TestVendorImports(t *testing.T) { exported := packagestest.Export(t, packagestest.GOPATH, []packagestest.Module{{ Name: "golang.org/fake", Files: map[string]interface{}{ "a/a.go": `package a; import _ "b"; import _ "golang.org/fake/c";`, "a/vendor/b/b.go": `package b; import _ "golang.org/fake/c"`, "c/c.go": `package c; import _ "b"`, "c/vendor/b/b.go": `package b`, }}}) defer exported.Cleanup() exported.Config.Mode = packages.LoadImports initial, err := packages.Load(exported.Config, "golang.org/fake/a", "golang.org/fake/c") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } graph, all := importGraph(initial) wantGraph := ` * golang.org/fake/a golang.org/fake/a/vendor/b * golang.org/fake/c golang.org/fake/c/vendor/b golang.org/fake/a -> golang.org/fake/a/vendor/b golang.org/fake/a -> golang.org/fake/c golang.org/fake/a/vendor/b -> golang.org/fake/c golang.org/fake/c -> golang.org/fake/c/vendor/b `[1:] if graph != wantGraph { t.Errorf("wrong import graph: got <<%s>>, want <<%s>>", graph, wantGraph) } for _, test := range []struct { pattern string wantImports string }{ {"golang.org/fake/a", "b:golang.org/fake/a/vendor/b golang.org/fake/c:golang.org/fake/c"}, {"golang.org/fake/c", "b:golang.org/fake/c/vendor/b"}, {"golang.org/fake/a/vendor/b", "golang.org/fake/c:golang.org/fake/c"}, {"golang.org/fake/c/vendor/b", ""}, } { // Test the import paths. pkg := all[test.pattern] if imports := strings.Join(imports(pkg), " "); imports != test.wantImports { t.Errorf("package %q: got %s, want %s", test.pattern, imports, test.wantImports) } } } func imports(p *packages.Package) []string { if p == nil { return nil } keys := make([]string, 0, len(p.Imports)) for k, v := range p.Imports { keys = append(keys, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", k, v.ID)) } sort.Strings(keys) return keys } func TestConfigDir(t *testing.T) { packagestest.TestAll(t, testConfigDir) } func testConfigDir(t *testing.T, exporter packagestest.Exporter) { exported := packagestest.Export(t, exporter, []packagestest.Module{{ Name: "golang.org/fake", Files: map[string]interface{}{ "a/a.go": `package a; const Name = "a" `, "a/b/b.go": `package b; const Name = "a/b"`, "b/b.go": `package b; const Name = "b"`, }}}) defer exported.Cleanup() aDir := filepath.Dir(exported.File("golang.org/fake", "a/a.go")) bDir := filepath.Dir(exported.File("golang.org/fake", "b/b.go")) baseDir := filepath.Dir(aDir) for _, test := range []struct { dir string pattern string want string // value of Name constant fails bool }{ {dir: bDir, pattern: "golang.org/fake/a", want: `"a"`}, {dir: bDir, pattern: "golang.org/fake/b", want: `"b"`}, {dir: bDir, pattern: "./a", fails: true}, {dir: bDir, pattern: "./b", fails: true}, {dir: baseDir, pattern: "golang.org/fake/a", want: `"a"`}, {dir: baseDir, pattern: "golang.org/fake/b", want: `"b"`}, {dir: baseDir, pattern: "./a", want: `"a"`}, {dir: baseDir, pattern: "./b", want: `"b"`}, {dir: aDir, pattern: "golang.org/fake/a", want: `"a"`}, {dir: aDir, pattern: "golang.org/fake/b", want: `"b"`}, {dir: aDir, pattern: "./a", fails: true}, {dir: aDir, pattern: "./b", want: `"a/b"`}, } { exported.Config.Mode = packages.LoadSyntax // Use LoadSyntax to ensure that files can be opened. exported.Config.Dir = test.dir initial, err := packages.Load(exported.Config, test.pattern) var got string fails := false if err != nil { fails = true } else if len(initial) > 0 { if len(initial[0].Errors) > 0 { fails = true } else if c := constant(initial[0], "Name"); c != nil { got = c.Val().String() } } if got != test.want { t.Errorf("dir %q, pattern %q: got %s, want %s", test.dir, test.pattern, got, test.want) } if fails != test.fails { // TODO: remove when go#28023 is fixed if test.fails && strings.HasPrefix(test.pattern, "./") && exporter == packagestest.Modules { // Currently go list in module mode does not handle missing directories correctly. continue } t.Errorf("dir %q, pattern %q: error %v, want %v", test.dir, test.pattern, fails, test.fails) } } } func TestConfigFlags(t *testing.T) { packagestest.TestAll(t, testConfigFlags) } func testConfigFlags(t *testing.T, exporter packagestest.Exporter) { // Test satisfying +build line tags, with -tags flag. exported := packagestest.Export(t, exporter, []packagestest.Module{{ Name: "golang.org/fake", Files: map[string]interface{}{ // package a "a/a.go": `package a; import _ "golang.org/fake/a/b"`, "a/b.go": `// +build tag package a`, "a/c.go": `// +build tag tag2 package a`, "a/d.go": `// +build tag,tag2 package a`, // package a/b "a/b/a.go": `package b`, "a/b/b.go": `// +build tag package b`, }}}) defer exported.Cleanup() for _, test := range []struct { pattern string tags []string wantSrcs string wantImportSrcs string }{ {`golang.org/fake/a`, []string{}, "a.go", "a.go"}, {`golang.org/fake/a`, []string{`-tags=tag`}, "a.go b.go c.go", "a.go b.go"}, {`golang.org/fake/a`, []string{`-tags=tag2`}, "a.go c.go", "a.go"}, {`golang.org/fake/a`, []string{`-tags=tag tag2`}, "a.go b.go c.go d.go", "a.go b.go"}, } { exported.Config.Mode = packages.LoadImports exported.Config.BuildFlags = test.tags initial, err := packages.Load(exported.Config, test.pattern) if err != nil { t.Error(err) continue } if len(initial) != 1 { t.Errorf("test tags %v: pattern %s, expected 1 package, got %d packages.", test.tags, test.pattern, len(initial)) continue } pkg := initial[0] if srcs := strings.Join(srcs(pkg), " "); srcs != test.wantSrcs { t.Errorf("test tags %v: srcs of package %s = [%s], want [%s]", test.tags, test.pattern, srcs, test.wantSrcs) } for path, ipkg := range pkg.Imports { if srcs := strings.Join(srcs(ipkg), " "); srcs != test.wantImportSrcs { t.Errorf("build tags %v: srcs of imported package %s = [%s], want [%s]", test.tags, path, srcs, test.wantImportSrcs) } } } } func TestLoadTypes(t *testing.T) { packagestest.TestAll(t, testLoadTypes) } func testLoadTypes(t *testing.T, exporter packagestest.Exporter) { // In LoadTypes and LoadSyntax modes, the compiler will // fail to generate an export data file for c, because it has // a type error. The loader should fall back loading a and c // from source, but use the export data for b. exported := packagestest.Export(t, exporter, []packagestest.Module{{ Name: "golang.org/fake", Files: map[string]interface{}{ "a/a.go": `package a; import "golang.org/fake/b"; import "golang.org/fake/c"; const A = "a" + b.B + c.C`, "b/b.go": `package b; const B = "b"`, "c/c.go": `package c; const C = "c" + 1`, }}}) defer exported.Cleanup() exported.Config.Mode = packages.LoadTypes initial, err := packages.Load(exported.Config, "golang.org/fake/a") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } graph, all := importGraph(initial) wantGraph := ` * golang.org/fake/a golang.org/fake/b golang.org/fake/c golang.org/fake/a -> golang.org/fake/b golang.org/fake/a -> golang.org/fake/c `[1:] if graph != wantGraph { t.Errorf("wrong import graph: got <<%s>>, want <<%s>>", graph, wantGraph) } for _, id := range []string{ "golang.org/fake/a", "golang.org/fake/b", "golang.org/fake/c", } { p := all[id] if p == nil { t.Errorf("missing package: %s", id) continue } if p.Types == nil { t.Errorf("missing types.Package for %s", p) continue } else if !p.Types.Complete() { t.Errorf("incomplete types.Package for %s", p) } else if p.TypesSizes == nil { t.Errorf("TypesSizes is not filled in for %s", p) } } } // TestLoadTypesBits is equivalent to TestLoadTypes except that it only requests // the types using the NeedTypes bit. func TestLoadTypesBits(t *testing.T) { packagestest.TestAll(t, testLoadTypesBits) } func testLoadTypesBits(t *testing.T, exporter packagestest.Exporter) { exported := packagestest.Export(t, exporter, []packagestest.Module{{ Name: "golang.org/fake", Files: map[string]interface{}{ "a/a.go": `package a; import "golang.org/fake/b"; const A = "a" + b.B`, "b/b.go": `package b; import "golang.org/fake/c"; const B = "b" + c.C`, "c/c.go": `package c; import "golang.org/fake/d"; const C = "c" + d.D`, "d/d.go": `package d; import "golang.org/fake/e"; const D = "d" + e.E`, "e/e.go": `package e; import "golang.org/fake/f"; const E = "e" + f.F`, "f/f.go": `package f; const F = "f"`, }}}) defer exported.Cleanup() exported.Config.Mode = packages.NeedTypes | packages.NeedImports initial, err := packages.Load(exported.Config, "golang.org/fake/a", "golang.org/fake/c") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } graph, all := importGraph(initial) wantGraph := ` * golang.org/fake/a golang.org/fake/b * golang.org/fake/c golang.org/fake/d golang.org/fake/e golang.org/fake/f golang.org/fake/a -> golang.org/fake/b golang.org/fake/b -> golang.org/fake/c golang.org/fake/c -> golang.org/fake/d golang.org/fake/d -> golang.org/fake/e golang.org/fake/e -> golang.org/fake/f `[1:] if graph != wantGraph { t.Errorf("wrong import graph: got <<%s>>, want <<%s>>", graph, wantGraph) } for _, test := range []struct { id string }{ {"golang.org/fake/a"}, {"golang.org/fake/b"}, {"golang.org/fake/c"}, {"golang.org/fake/d"}, {"golang.org/fake/e"}, {"golang.org/fake/f"}, } { p := all[test.id] if p == nil { t.Errorf("missing package: %s", test.id) continue } if p.Types == nil { t.Errorf("missing types.Package for %s", p) continue } // We don't request the syntax, so we shouldn't get it. if p.Syntax != nil { t.Errorf("Syntax unexpectedly provided for %s", p) } if p.Errors != nil { t.Errorf("errors in package: %s: %s", p, p.Errors) } } // Check value of constant. aA := constant(all["golang.org/fake/a"], "A") if aA == nil { t.Fatalf("a.A: got nil") } if got, want := fmt.Sprintf("%v %v", aA, aA.Val()), `const golang.org/fake/a.A untyped string "abcdef"`; got != want { t.Errorf("a.A: got %s, want %s", got, want) } } func TestLoadSyntaxOK(t *testing.T) { packagestest.TestAll(t, testLoadSyntaxOK) } func testLoadSyntaxOK(t *testing.T, exporter packagestest.Exporter) { exported := packagestest.Export(t, exporter, []packagestest.Module{{ Name: "golang.org/fake", Files: map[string]interface{}{ "a/a.go": `package a; import "golang.org/fake/b"; const A = "a" + b.B`, "b/b.go": `package b; import "golang.org/fake/c"; const B = "b" + c.C`, "c/c.go": `package c; import "golang.org/fake/d"; const C = "c" + d.D`, "d/d.go": `package d; import "golang.org/fake/e"; const D = "d" + e.E`, "e/e.go": `package e; import "golang.org/fake/f"; const E = "e" + f.F`, "f/f.go": `package f; const F = "f"`, }}}) defer exported.Cleanup() exported.Config.Mode = packages.LoadSyntax initial, err := packages.Load(exported.Config, "golang.org/fake/a", "golang.org/fake/c") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } graph, all := importGraph(initial) wantGraph := ` * golang.org/fake/a golang.org/fake/b * golang.org/fake/c golang.org/fake/d golang.org/fake/e golang.org/fake/f golang.org/fake/a -> golang.org/fake/b golang.org/fake/b -> golang.org/fake/c golang.org/fake/c -> golang.org/fake/d golang.org/fake/d -> golang.org/fake/e golang.org/fake/e -> golang.org/fake/f `[1:] if graph != wantGraph { t.Errorf("wrong import graph: got <<%s>>, want <<%s>>", graph, wantGraph) } for _, test := range []struct { id string wantSyntax bool wantComplete bool }{ {"golang.org/fake/a", true, true}, // source package {"golang.org/fake/b", true, true}, // source package because depends on initial package {"golang.org/fake/c", true, true}, // source package {"golang.org/fake/d", false, true}, // export data package {"golang.org/fake/e", false, false}, // export data package {"golang.org/fake/f", false, false}, // export data package } { // TODO(matloob): LoadSyntax and LoadAllSyntax are now equivalent, wantSyntax and wantComplete // are true for all packages in the transitive dependency set. Add test cases on the individual // Need* fields to check the equivalents on the new API. p := all[test.id] if p == nil { t.Errorf("missing package: %s", test.id) continue } if p.Types == nil { t.Errorf("missing types.Package for %s", p) continue } else if p.Types.Complete() != test.wantComplete { if test.wantComplete { t.Errorf("incomplete types.Package for %s", p) } else { t.Errorf("unexpected complete types.Package for %s", p) } } if (p.Syntax != nil) != test.wantSyntax { if test.wantSyntax { t.Errorf("missing ast.Files for %s", p) } else { t.Errorf("unexpected ast.Files for for %s", p) } } if p.Errors != nil { t.Errorf("errors in package: %s: %s", p, p.Errors) } } // Check value of constant. aA := constant(all["golang.org/fake/a"], "A") if aA == nil { t.Fatalf("a.A: got nil") } if got, want := fmt.Sprintf("%v %v", aA, aA.Val()), `const golang.org/fake/a.A untyped string "abcdef"`; got != want { t.Errorf("a.A: got %s, want %s", got, want) } } func TestLoadDiamondTypes(t *testing.T) { packagestest.TestAll(t, testLoadDiamondTypes) } func testLoadDiamondTypes(t *testing.T, exporter packagestest.Exporter) { // We make a diamond dependency and check the type d.D is the same through both paths exported := packagestest.Export(t, exporter, []packagestest.Module{{ Name: "golang.org/fake", Files: map[string]interface{}{ "a/a.go": `package a; import ("golang.org/fake/b"; "golang.org/fake/c"); var _ = b.B == c.C`, "b/b.go": `package b; import "golang.org/fake/d"; var B d.D`, "c/c.go": `package c; import "golang.org/fake/d"; var C d.D`, "d/d.go": `package d; type D int`, }}}) defer exported.Cleanup() exported.Config.Mode = packages.LoadSyntax initial, err := packages.Load(exported.Config, "golang.org/fake/a") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } packages.Visit(initial, nil, func(pkg *packages.Package) { for _, err := range pkg.Errors { t.Errorf("package %s: %v", pkg.ID, err) } }) graph, _ := importGraph(initial) wantGraph := ` * golang.org/fake/a golang.org/fake/b golang.org/fake/c golang.org/fake/d golang.org/fake/a -> golang.org/fake/b golang.org/fake/a -> golang.org/fake/c golang.org/fake/b -> golang.org/fake/d golang.org/fake/c -> golang.org/fake/d `[1:] if graph != wantGraph { t.Errorf("wrong import graph: got <<%s>>, want <<%s>>", graph, wantGraph) } } func TestLoadSyntaxError(t *testing.T) { packagestest.TestAll(t, testLoadSyntaxError) } func testLoadSyntaxError(t *testing.T, exporter packagestest.Exporter) { // A type error in a lower-level package (e) prevents go list // from producing export data for all packages that depend on it // [a-e]. Only f should be loaded from export data, and the rest // should be IllTyped. exported := packagestest.Export(t, exporter, []packagestest.Module{{ Name: "golang.org/fake", Files: map[string]interface{}{ "a/a.go": `package a; import "golang.org/fake/b"; const A = "a" + b.B`, "b/b.go": `package b; import "golang.org/fake/c"; const B = "b" + c.C`, "c/c.go": `package c; import "golang.org/fake/d"; const C = "c" + d.D`, "d/d.go": `package d; import "golang.org/fake/e"; const D = "d" + e.E`, "e/e.go": `package e; import "golang.org/fake/f"; const E = "e" + f.F + 1`, // type error "f/f.go": `package f; const F = "f"`, }}}) defer exported.Cleanup() exported.Config.Mode = packages.LoadSyntax initial, err := packages.Load(exported.Config, "golang.org/fake/a", "golang.org/fake/c") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } all := make(map[string]*packages.Package) packages.Visit(initial, nil, func(p *packages.Package) { all[p.ID] = p }) for _, test := range []struct { id string wantSyntax bool wantIllTyped bool }{ {"golang.org/fake/a", true, true}, {"golang.org/fake/b", true, true}, {"golang.org/fake/c", true, true}, {"golang.org/fake/d", true, true}, {"golang.org/fake/e", true, true}, {"golang.org/fake/f", false, false}, } { p := all[test.id] if p == nil { t.Errorf("missing package: %s", test.id) continue } if p.Types == nil { t.Errorf("missing types.Package for %s", p) continue } else if !p.Types.Complete() { t.Errorf("incomplete types.Package for %s", p) } if (p.Syntax != nil) != test.wantSyntax { if test.wantSyntax { t.Errorf("missing ast.Files for %s", test.id) } else { t.Errorf("unexpected ast.Files for for %s", test.id) } } if p.IllTyped != test.wantIllTyped { t.Errorf("IllTyped was %t for %s", p.IllTyped, test.id) } } // Check value of constant. aA := constant(all["golang.org/fake/a"], "A") if aA == nil { t.Fatalf("a.A: got nil") } if got, want := aA.String(), `const golang.org/fake/a.A invalid type`; got != want { t.Errorf("a.A: got %s, want %s", got, want) } } // This function tests use of the ParseFile hook to modify // the AST after parsing. func TestParseFileModifyAST(t *testing.T) { packagestest.TestAll(t, testParseFileModifyAST) } func testParseFileModifyAST(t *testing.T, exporter packagestest.Exporter) { exported := packagestest.Export(t, exporter, []packagestest.Module{{ Name: "golang.org/fake", Files: map[string]interface{}{ "a/a.go": `package a; const A = "a" `, }}}) defer exported.Cleanup() exported.Config.Mode = packages.LoadAllSyntax exported.Config.ParseFile = func(fset *token.FileSet, filename string, src []byte) (*ast.File, error) { const mode = parser.AllErrors | parser.ParseComments f, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, filename, src, mode) // modify AST to change `const A = "a"` to `const A = "b"` spec := f.Decls[0].(*ast.GenDecl).Specs[0].(*ast.ValueSpec) spec.Values[0].(*ast.BasicLit).Value = `"b"` return f, err } initial, err := packages.Load(exported.Config, "golang.org/fake/a") if err != nil { t.Error(err) } // Check value of a.A has been set to "b" a := initial[0] got := constant(a, "A").Val().String() if got != `"b"` { t.Errorf("a.A: got %s, want %s", got, `"b"`) } } func TestOverlay(t *testing.T) { packagestest.TestAll(t, testOverlay) } func testOverlay(t *testing.T, exporter packagestest.Exporter) { exported := packagestest.Export(t, exporter, []packagestest.Module{{ Name: "golang.org/fake", Files: map[string]interface{}{ "a/a.go": `package a; import "golang.org/fake/b"; const A = "a" + b.B`, "b/b.go": `package b; import "golang.org/fake/c"; const B = "b" + c.C`, "c/c.go": `package c; const C = "c"`, "c/c_test.go": `package c; import "testing"; func TestC(t *testing.T) {}`, "d/d.go": `package d; const D = "d"`, }}}) defer exported.Cleanup() for i, test := range []struct { overlay map[string][]byte want string // expected value of a.A wantErrs []string }{ {nil, `"abc"`, nil}, // default {map[string][]byte{}, `"abc"`, nil}, // empty overlay {map[string][]byte{exported.File("golang.org/fake", "c/c.go"): []byte(`package c; const C = "C"`)}, `"abC"`, nil}, {map[string][]byte{exported.File("golang.org/fake", "b/b.go"): []byte(`package b; import "golang.org/fake/c"; const B = "B" + c.C`)}, `"aBc"`, nil}, // Overlay with an existing file in an existing package adding a new import. {map[string][]byte{exported.File("golang.org/fake", "b/b.go"): []byte(`package b; import "golang.org/fake/d"; const B = "B" + d.D`)}, `"aBd"`, nil}, // Overlay with an existing file in an existing package. {map[string][]byte{exported.File("golang.org/fake", "c/c.go"): []byte(`package c; import "net/http"; const C = http.MethodGet`)}, `"abGET"`, nil}, // Overlay with a new file in an existing package. {map[string][]byte{ exported.File("golang.org/fake", "c/c.go"): []byte(`package c;`), filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(exported.File("golang.org/fake", "c/c.go")), "c_new_file.go"): []byte(`package c; const C = "Ç"`)}, `"abÇ"`, nil}, // Overlay with a new file in an existing package, adding a new dependency to that package. {map[string][]byte{ exported.File("golang.org/fake", "c/c.go"): []byte(`package c;`), filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(exported.File("golang.org/fake", "c/c.go")), "c_new_file.go"): []byte(`package c; import "golang.org/fake/d"; const C = "c" + d.D`)}, `"abcd"`, nil}, } { exported.Config.Overlay = test.overlay exported.Config.Mode = packages.LoadAllSyntax initial, err := packages.Load(exported.Config, "golang.org/fake/a") if err != nil { t.Error(err) continue } // Check value of a.A. a := initial[0] aA := constant(a, "A") if aA == nil { t.Errorf("%d. a.A: got nil", i) continue } got := aA.Val().String() if got != test.want { t.Errorf("%d. a.A: got %s, want %s", i, got, test.want) } // Check errors. var errors []packages.Error packages.Visit(initial, nil, func(pkg *packages.Package) { errors = append(errors, pkg.Errors...) }) if errs := errorMessages(errors); !reflect.DeepEqual(errs, test.wantErrs) { t.Errorf("%d. got errors %s, want %s", i, errs, test.wantErrs) } } } func TestOverlayDeps(t *testing.T) { packagestest.TestAll(t, testOverlayDeps) } func testOverlayDeps(t *testing.T, exporter packagestest.Exporter) { exported := packagestest.Export(t, exporter, []packagestest.Module{{ Name: "golang.org/fake", Files: map[string]interface{}{ "c/c.go": `package c; const C = "c"`, "c/c_test.go": `package c; import "testing"; func TestC(t *testing.T) {}`, }, }}) defer exported.Cleanup() exported.Config.Overlay = map[string][]byte{exported.File("golang.org/fake", "c/c.go"): []byte(`package c; import "net/http"; const C = http.MethodGet`)} exported.Config.Mode = packages.NeedName | packages.NeedFiles | packages.NeedCompiledGoFiles | packages.NeedImports | packages.NeedDeps | packages.NeedTypesSizes initial, err := packages.Load(exported.Config, fmt.Sprintf("file=%s", exported.File("golang.org/fake", "c/c.go"))) if err != nil { t.Error(err) } contains := func(imports map[string]*packages.Package, wantImport string) bool { for imp := range imports { if imp == wantImport { return true } } return false } for _, pkg := range initial { if !contains(pkg.Imports, "net/http") { t.Errorf("expected %s import in %s", "net/http", pkg.ID) } } } func TestNewPackagesInOverlay(t *testing.T) { packagestest.TestAll(t, testNewPackagesInOverlay) } func testNewPackagesInOverlay(t *testing.T, exporter packagestest.Exporter) { exported := packagestest.Export(t, exporter, []packagestest.Module{ { Name: "golang.org/fake", Files: map[string]interface{}{ "a/a.go": `package a; import "golang.org/fake/b"; const A = "a" + b.B`, "b/b.go": `package b; import "golang.org/fake/c"; const B = "b" + c.C`, "c/c.go": `package c; const C = "c"`, "d/d.go": `package d; const D = "d"`, }, }, { Name: "example.com/extramodule", Files: map[string]interface{}{ "pkg/x.go": "package pkg\n", }, }, }) defer exported.Cleanup() dir := filepath.Dir(filepath.Dir(exported.File("golang.org/fake", "a/a.go"))) for _, test := range []struct { name string overlay map[string][]byte want string // expected value of e.E }{ {"one_file", map[string][]byte{ filepath.Join(dir, "e", "e.go"): []byte(`package e; import "golang.org/fake/a"; const E = "e" + a.A`)}, `"eabc"`}, {"multiple_files_same_package", map[string][]byte{ filepath.Join(dir, "e", "e.go"): []byte(`package e; import "golang.org/fake/a"; const E = "e" + a.A + underscore`), filepath.Join(dir, "e", "e_util.go"): []byte(`package e; const underscore = "_"`), }, `"eabc_"`}, {"multiple_files_two_packages", map[string][]byte{ filepath.Join(dir, "e", "e.go"): []byte(`package e; import "golang.org/fake/f"; const E = "e" + f.F + underscore`), filepath.Join(dir, "e", "e_util.go"): []byte(`package e; const underscore = "_"`), filepath.Join(dir, "f", "f.go"): []byte(`package f; const F = "f"`), }, `"ef_"`}, {"multiple_files_three_packages", map[string][]byte{ filepath.Join(dir, "e", "e.go"): []byte(`package e; import "golang.org/fake/f"; const E = "e" + f.F + underscore`), filepath.Join(dir, "e", "e_util.go"): []byte(`package e; const underscore = "_"`), filepath.Join(dir, "f", "f.go"): []byte(`package f; import "golang.org/fake/g"; const F = "f" + g.G`), filepath.Join(dir, "g", "g.go"): []byte(`package g; const G = "g"`), }, `"efg_"`}, {"multiple_files_four_packages", map[string][]byte{ filepath.Join(dir, "e", "e.go"): []byte(`package e; import "golang.org/fake/f"; import "golang.org/fake/h"; const E = "e" + f.F + h.H + underscore`), filepath.Join(dir, "e", "e_util.go"): []byte(`package e; const underscore = "_"`), filepath.Join(dir, "f", "f.go"): []byte(`package f; import "golang.org/fake/g"; const F = "f" + g.G`), filepath.Join(dir, "g", "g.go"): []byte(`package g; const G = "g"`), filepath.Join(dir, "h", "h.go"): []byte(`package h; const H = "h"`), }, `"efgh_"`}, {"multiple_files_four_packages_again", map[string][]byte{ filepath.Join(dir, "e", "e.go"): []byte(`package e; import "golang.org/fake/f"; const E = "e" + f.F + underscore`), filepath.Join(dir, "e", "e_util.go"): []byte(`package e; const underscore = "_"`), filepath.Join(dir, "f", "f.go"): []byte(`package f; import "golang.org/fake/g"; const F = "f" + g.G`), filepath.Join(dir, "g", "g.go"): []byte(`package g; import "golang.org/fake/h"; const G = "g" + h.H`), filepath.Join(dir, "h", "h.go"): []byte(`package h; const H = "h"`), }, `"efgh_"`}, {"main_overlay", map[string][]byte{ filepath.Join(dir, "e", "main.go"): []byte(`package main; import "golang.org/fake/a"; const E = "e" + a.A; func main(){}`)}, `"eabc"`}, } { t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) { exported.Config.Overlay = test.overlay exported.Config.Mode = packages.LoadAllSyntax exported.Config.Logf = t.Logf // With an overlay, we don't know the expected import path, // so load with the absolute path of the directory. initial, err := packages.Load(exported.Config, filepath.Join(dir, "e")) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // Check value of e.E. e := initial[0] eE := constant(e, "E") if eE == nil { t.Fatalf("e.E: was nil in %#v", e) } got := eE.Val().String() if got != test.want { t.Fatalf("e.E: got %s, want %s", got, test.want) } }) } } // Test that we can create a package and its test package in an overlay. func TestOverlayNewPackageAndTest(t *testing.T) { packagestest.TestAll(t, testOverlayNewPackageAndTest) } func testOverlayNewPackageAndTest(t *testing.T, exporter packagestest.Exporter) { exported := packagestest.Export(t, exporter, []packagestest.Module{ { Name: "golang.org/fake", Files: map[string]interface{}{ "foo.txt": "placeholder", }, }, }) defer exported.Cleanup() dir := filepath.Dir(exported.File("golang.org/fake", "foo.txt")) exported.Config.Overlay = map[string][]byte{ filepath.Join(dir, "a.go"): []byte(`package a;`), filepath.Join(dir, "a_test.go"): []byte(`package a; import "testing";`), } initial, err := packages.Load(exported.Config, "file="+filepath.Join(dir, "a.go"), "file="+filepath.Join(dir, "a_test.go")) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if len(initial) != 2 { t.Errorf("got %v packages, wanted %v", len(initial), 2) } } func TestAdHocPackagesBadImport(t *testing.T) { // This test doesn't use packagestest because we are testing ad-hoc packages, // which are outside of $GOPATH and outside of a module. tmp, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "a") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } defer os.RemoveAll(tmp) filename := filepath.Join(tmp, "a.go") content := []byte(`package a import _ "badimport" const A = 1 `) if err := ioutil.WriteFile(filename, content, 0775); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // Make sure that the user's value of GO111MODULE does not affect test results. for _, go111module := range []string{"off", "auto", "on"} { config := &packages.Config{ Env: append(os.Environ(), "GOPACKAGESDRIVER=off", fmt.Sprintf("GO111MODULE=%s", go111module)), Dir: tmp, Mode: packages.LoadAllSyntax, Logf: t.Logf, } initial, err := packages.Load(config, fmt.Sprintf("file=%s", filename)) if err != nil { t.Error(err) } if len(initial) == 0 { t.Fatalf("no packages for %s with GO111MODULE=%s", filename, go111module) } // Check value of a.A. a := initial[0] // There's an error because there's a bad import. aA := constant(a, "A") if aA == nil { t.Errorf("a.A: got nil") return } got := aA.Val().String() if want := "1"; got != want { t.Errorf("a.A: got %s, want %s", got, want) } } } func TestAdHocOverlays(t *testing.T) { testenv.NeedsTool(t, "go") // This test doesn't use packagestest because we are testing ad-hoc packages, // which are outside of $GOPATH and outside of a module. tmp, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "testAdHocOverlays") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } defer os.RemoveAll(tmp) filename := filepath.Join(tmp, "a.go") content := []byte(`package a const A = 1 `) // Make sure that the user's value of GO111MODULE does not affect test results. for _, go111module := range []string{"off", "auto", "on"} { t.Run("GO111MODULE="+go111module, func(t *testing.T) { config := &packages.Config{ Dir: tmp, Env: append(os.Environ(), "GOPACKAGESDRIVER=off", fmt.Sprintf("GO111MODULE=%s", go111module)), Mode: packages.LoadAllSyntax, Overlay: map[string][]byte{ filename: content, }, Logf: t.Logf, } initial, err := packages.Load(config, fmt.Sprintf("file=%s", filename)) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if len(initial) == 0 { t.Fatalf("no packages for %s", filename) } // Check value of a.A. a := initial[0] if a.Errors != nil { t.Fatalf("a: got errors %+v, want no error", err) } aA := constant(a, "A") if aA == nil { t.Errorf("a.A: got nil") return } got := aA.Val().String() if want := "1"; got != want { t.Errorf("a.A: got %s, want %s", got, want) } }) } } // TestOverlayModFileChanges tests the behavior resulting from having files from // multiple modules in overlays. func TestOverlayModFileChanges(t *testing.T) { testenv.NeedsTool(t, "go") // Create two unrelated modules in a temporary directory. tmp, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "tmp") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } defer os.RemoveAll(tmp) // mod1 has a dependency on golang.org/x/xerrors. mod1, err := ioutil.TempDir(tmp, "mod1") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if err := ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(mod1, "go.mod"), []byte(`module mod1 require ( golang.org/x/xerrors v0.0.0-20190717185122-a985d3407aa7 ) `), 0775); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // mod2 does not have any dependencies. mod2, err := ioutil.TempDir(tmp, "mod2") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } want := `module mod2 go 1.11 ` if err := ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(mod2, "go.mod"), []byte(want), 0775); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // Run packages.Load on mod2, while passing the contents over mod1/main.go in the overlay. config := &packages.Config{ Dir: mod2, Env: append(os.Environ(), "GOPACKAGESDRIVER=off"), Mode: packages.LoadImports, Overlay: map[string][]byte{ filepath.Join(mod1, "main.go"): []byte(`package main import "golang.org/x/xerrors" func main() { _ = errors.New("") } `), filepath.Join(mod2, "main.go"): []byte(`package main func main() {} `), }, } if _, err := packages.Load(config, fmt.Sprintf("file=%s", filepath.Join(mod2, "main.go"))); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // Check that mod2/go.mod has not been modified. got, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(mod2, "go.mod")) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if string(got) != want { t.Errorf("expected %s, got %s", want, string(got)) } } func TestOverlayGOPATHVendoring(t *testing.T) { exported := packagestest.Export(t, packagestest.GOPATH, []packagestest.Module{{ Name: "golang.org/fake", Files: map[string]interface{}{ "vendor/vendor.com/foo/foo.go": `package foo; const X = "hi"`, "user/user.go": `package user`, }, }}) defer exported.Cleanup() exported.Config.Mode = packages.LoadAllSyntax exported.Config.Logf = t.Logf exported.Config.Overlay = map[string][]byte{ exported.File("golang.org/fake", "user/user.go"): []byte(`package user; import "vendor.com/foo"; var x = foo.X`), } initial, err := packages.Load(exported.Config, "golang.org/fake/user") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } user := initial[0] if len(user.Imports) != 1 { t.Fatal("no imports for user") } if user.Imports["vendor.com/foo"].Name != "foo" { t.Errorf("failed to load vendored package foo, imports: %#v", user.Imports["vendor.com/foo"]) } } func TestLoadAllSyntaxImportErrors(t *testing.T) { packagestest.TestAll(t, testLoadAllSyntaxImportErrors) } func testLoadAllSyntaxImportErrors(t *testing.T, exporter packagestest.Exporter) { // TODO(matloob): Remove this once go list -e -compiled is fixed. // See https://golang.org/issue/26755 t.Skip("go list -compiled -e fails with non-zero exit status for empty packages") exported := packagestest.Export(t, exporter, []packagestest.Module{{ Name: "golang.org/fake", Files: map[string]interface{}{ "unicycle/unicycle.go": `package unicycle; import _ "unicycle"`, "bicycle1/bicycle1.go": `package bicycle1; import _ "bicycle2"`, "bicycle2/bicycle2.go": `package bicycle2; import _ "bicycle1"`, "bad/bad.go": `not a package declaration`, "empty/README.txt": `not a go file`, "root/root.go": `package root import ( _ "bicycle1" _ "unicycle" _ "nonesuch" _ "empty" _ "bad" )`, }}}) defer exported.Cleanup() exported.Config.Mode = packages.LoadAllSyntax initial, err := packages.Load(exported.Config, "root") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // Cycle-forming edges are removed from the graph: // bicycle2 -> bicycle1 // unicycle -> unicycle graph, all := importGraph(initial) wantGraph := ` bicycle1 bicycle2 * root unicycle bicycle1 -> bicycle2 root -> bicycle1 root -> unicycle `[1:] if graph != wantGraph { t.Errorf("wrong import graph: got <<%s>>, want <<%s>>", graph, wantGraph) } for _, test := range []struct { id string wantErrs []string }{ {"bicycle1", nil}, {"bicycle2", []string{ "could not import bicycle1 (import cycle: [root bicycle1 bicycle2])", }}, {"unicycle", []string{ "could not import unicycle (import cycle: [root unicycle])", }}, {"root", []string{ `could not import bad (missing package: "bad")`, `could not import empty (missing package: "empty")`, `could not import nonesuch (missing package: "nonesuch")`, }}, } { p := all[test.id] if p == nil { t.Errorf("missing package: %s", test.id) continue } if p.Types == nil { t.Errorf("missing types.Package for %s", test.id) } if p.Syntax == nil { t.Errorf("missing ast.Files for %s", test.id) } if !p.IllTyped { t.Errorf("IllTyped was false for %s", test.id) } if errs := errorMessages(p.Errors); !reflect.DeepEqual(errs, test.wantErrs) { t.Errorf("in package %s, got errors %s, want %s", p, errs, test.wantErrs) } } } func TestAbsoluteFilenames(t *testing.T) { packagestest.TestAll(t, testAbsoluteFilenames) } func testAbsoluteFilenames(t *testing.T, exporter packagestest.Exporter) { exported := packagestest.Export(t, exporter, []packagestest.Module{{ Name: "golang.org/fake", Files: map[string]interface{}{ "a/a.go": `package a; const A = 1`, "b/b.go": `package b; import ("golang.org/fake/a"; _ "errors"); var B = a.A`, "b/vendor/a/a.go": `package a; const A = 1`, "c/c.go": `package c; import (_ "golang.org/fake/b"; _ "unsafe")`, "c/c2.go": "// +build ignore\n\n" + `package c; import _ "fmt"`, "subdir/d/d.go": `package d`, "subdir/e/d.go": `package e`, "e/e.go": `package main; import _ "golang.org/fake/b"`, "e/e2.go": `package main; import _ "golang.org/fake/c"`, "f/f.go": `package f`, "f/f.s": ``, }}}) defer exported.Cleanup() exported.Config.Dir = filepath.Dir(filepath.Dir(exported.File("golang.org/fake", "a/a.go"))) checkFile := func(filename string) { if !filepath.IsAbs(filename) { t.Errorf("filename is not absolute: %s", filename) } if _, err := os.Stat(filename); err != nil { t.Errorf("stat error, %s: %v", filename, err) } } for _, test := range []struct { pattern string want string }{ // Import paths {"golang.org/fake/a", "a.go"}, {"golang.org/fake/b/vendor/a", "a.go"}, {"golang.org/fake/b", "b.go"}, {"golang.org/fake/c", "c.go"}, {"golang.org/fake/subdir/d", "d.go"}, {"golang.org/fake/subdir/e", "d.go"}, {"golang.org/fake/e", "e.go e2.go"}, {"golang.org/fake/f", "f.go f.s"}, // Relative paths {"./a", "a.go"}, {"./b/vendor/a", "a.go"}, {"./b", "b.go"}, {"./c", "c.go"}, {"./subdir/d", "d.go"}, {"./subdir/e", "d.go"}, {"./e", "e.go e2.go"}, {"./f", "f.go f.s"}, } { exported.Config.Mode = packages.LoadFiles pkgs, err := packages.Load(exported.Config, test.pattern) if err != nil { t.Errorf("pattern %s: %v", test.pattern, err) continue } if got := strings.Join(srcs(pkgs[0]), " "); got != test.want { t.Errorf("in package %s, got %s, want %s", test.pattern, got, test.want) } // Test that files in all packages exist and are absolute paths. _, all := importGraph(pkgs) for _, pkg := range all { for _, filename := range pkg.GoFiles { checkFile(filename) } for _, filename := range pkg.OtherFiles { checkFile(filename) } } } } func TestContains(t *testing.T) { packagestest.TestAll(t, testContains) } func testContains(t *testing.T, exporter packagestest.Exporter) { exported := packagestest.Export(t, exporter, []packagestest.Module{{ Name: "golang.org/fake", Files: map[string]interface{}{ "a/a.go": `package a; import "golang.org/fake/b"`, "b/b.go": `package b; import "golang.org/fake/c"`, "c/c.go": `package c`, }}}) defer exported.Cleanup() bFile := exported.File("golang.org/fake", "b/b.go") exported.Config.Mode = packages.LoadImports initial, err := packages.Load(exported.Config, "file="+bFile) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } graph, _ := importGraph(initial) wantGraph := ` * golang.org/fake/b golang.org/fake/c golang.org/fake/b -> golang.org/fake/c `[1:] if graph != wantGraph { t.Errorf("wrong import graph: got <<%s>>, want <<%s>>", graph, wantGraph) } } func TestContainsOverlay(t *testing.T) { packagestest.TestAll(t, testContainsOverlay) } func testContainsOverlay(t *testing.T, exporter packagestest.Exporter) { exported := packagestest.Export(t, exporter, []packagestest.Module{{ Name: "golang.org/fake", Files: map[string]interface{}{ "a/a.go": `package a; import "golang.org/fake/b"`, "b/b.go": `package b; import "golang.org/fake/c"`, "c/c.go": `package c`, }}}) defer exported.Cleanup() bOverlayFile := filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(exported.File("golang.org/fake", "b/b.go")), "b_overlay.go") exported.Config.Mode = packages.LoadImports exported.Config.Overlay = map[string][]byte{bOverlayFile: []byte(`package b;`)} initial, err := packages.Load(exported.Config, "file="+bOverlayFile) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } graph, _ := importGraph(initial) wantGraph := ` * golang.org/fake/b golang.org/fake/c golang.org/fake/b -> golang.org/fake/c `[1:] if graph != wantGraph { t.Errorf("wrong import graph: got <<%s>>, want <<%s>>", graph, wantGraph) } } func TestContainsOverlayXTest(t *testing.T) { packagestest.TestAll(t, testContainsOverlayXTest) } func testContainsOverlayXTest(t *testing.T, exporter packagestest.Exporter) { exported := packagestest.Export(t, exporter, []packagestest.Module{{ Name: "golang.org/fake", Files: map[string]interface{}{ "a/a.go": `package a; import "golang.org/fake/b"`, "b/b.go": `package b; import "golang.org/fake/c"`, "c/c.go": `package c`, }}}) defer exported.Cleanup() bOverlayXTestFile := filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(exported.File("golang.org/fake", "b/b.go")), "b_overlay_x_test.go") exported.Config.Mode = packages.NeedName | packages.NeedFiles | packages.NeedImports exported.Config.Overlay = map[string][]byte{bOverlayXTestFile: []byte(`package b_test; import "golang.org/fake/b"`)} initial, err := packages.Load(exported.Config, "file="+bOverlayXTestFile) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } graph, _ := importGraph(initial) wantGraph := ` golang.org/fake/b * golang.org/fake/b_test golang.org/fake/c golang.org/fake/b -> golang.org/fake/c golang.org/fake/b_test -> golang.org/fake/b `[1:] if graph != wantGraph { t.Errorf("wrong import graph: got <<%s>>, want <<%s>>", graph, wantGraph) } } // This test ensures that the effective GOARCH variable in the // application determines the Sizes function used by the type checker. // This behavior is a stop-gap until we make the build system's query // too report the correct sizes function for the actual configuration. func TestSizes(t *testing.T) { packagestest.TestAll(t, testSizes) } func testSizes(t *testing.T, exporter packagestest.Exporter) { // Only run this test on operating systems that have both an amd64 and 386 port. switch runtime.GOOS { case "darwin", "linux", "windows", "freebsd", "openbsd", "android": default: t.Skipf("skipping test on %s", runtime.GOOS) } exported := packagestest.Export(t, exporter, []packagestest.Module{{ Name: "golang.org/fake", Files: map[string]interface{}{ "a/a.go": `package a; import "unsafe"; const WordSize = 8*unsafe.Sizeof(int(0))`, }}}) defer exported.Cleanup() exported.Config.Mode = packages.LoadSyntax savedEnv := exported.Config.Env for arch, wantWordSize := range map[string]int64{"386": 32, "amd64": 64} { exported.Config.Env = append(savedEnv, "GOARCH="+arch) initial, err := packages.Load(exported.Config, "golang.org/fake/a") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if packages.PrintErrors(initial) > 0 { t.Fatal("there were errors") } gotWordSize, _ := constantpkg.Int64Val(constant(initial[0], "WordSize").Val()) if gotWordSize != wantWordSize { t.Errorf("for GOARCH=%s, got word size %d, want %d", arch, gotWordSize, wantWordSize) } } } // TestContainsFallbackSticks ensures that when there are both contains and non-contains queries // the decision whether to fallback to the pre-1.11 go list sticks across both sets of calls to // go list. func TestContainsFallbackSticks(t *testing.T) { packagestest.TestAll(t, testContainsFallbackSticks) } func testContainsFallbackSticks(t *testing.T, exporter packagestest.Exporter) { exported := packagestest.Export(t, exporter, []packagestest.Module{{ Name: "golang.org/fake", Files: map[string]interface{}{ "a/a.go": `package a; import "golang.org/fake/b"`, "b/b.go": `package b; import "golang.org/fake/c"`, "c/c.go": `package c`, }}}) defer exported.Cleanup() exported.Config.Mode = packages.LoadImports bFile := exported.File("golang.org/fake", "b/b.go") initial, err := packages.Load(exported.Config, "golang.org/fake/a", "file="+bFile) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } graph, _ := importGraph(initial) wantGraph := ` * golang.org/fake/a * golang.org/fake/b golang.org/fake/c golang.org/fake/a -> golang.org/fake/b golang.org/fake/b -> golang.org/fake/c `[1:] if graph != wantGraph { t.Errorf("wrong import graph: got <<%s>>, want <<%s>>", graph, wantGraph) } } // Test that Load with no patterns is equivalent to loading "." via the golist // driver. func TestNoPatterns(t *testing.T) { packagestest.TestAll(t, testNoPatterns) } func testNoPatterns(t *testing.T, exporter packagestest.Exporter) { exported := packagestest.Export(t, exporter, []packagestest.Module{{ Name: "golang.org/fake", Files: map[string]interface{}{ "a/a.go": `package a;`, "a/b/b.go": `package b;`, }}}) defer exported.Cleanup() aDir := filepath.Dir(exported.File("golang.org/fake", "a/a.go")) exported.Config.Dir = aDir initial, err := packages.Load(exported.Config) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if len(initial) != 1 || initial[0].Name != "a" { t.Fatalf(`Load() = %v, wanted just the package in the current directory`, initial) } } func TestJSON(t *testing.T) { packagestest.TestAll(t, testJSON) } func testJSON(t *testing.T, exporter packagestest.Exporter) { //TODO: add in some errors exported := packagestest.Export(t, exporter, []packagestest.Module{{ Name: "golang.org/fake", Files: map[string]interface{}{ "a/a.go": `package a; const A = 1`, "b/b.go": `package b; import "golang.org/fake/a"; var B = a.A`, "c/c.go": `package c; import "golang.org/fake/b" ; var C = b.B`, "d/d.go": `package d; import "golang.org/fake/b" ; var D = b.B`, }}}) defer exported.Cleanup() exported.Config.Mode = packages.LoadImports initial, err := packages.Load(exported.Config, "golang.org/fake/c", "golang.org/fake/d") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // Visit and print all packages. buf := &bytes.Buffer{} enc := json.NewEncoder(buf) enc.SetIndent("", "\t") packages.Visit(initial, nil, func(pkg *packages.Package) { // trim the source lists for stable results pkg.GoFiles = cleanPaths(pkg.GoFiles) pkg.CompiledGoFiles = cleanPaths(pkg.CompiledGoFiles) pkg.OtherFiles = cleanPaths(pkg.OtherFiles) if err := enc.Encode(pkg); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } }) wantJSON := ` { "ID": "golang.org/fake/a", "Name": "a", "PkgPath": "golang.org/fake/a", "GoFiles": [ "a.go" ], "CompiledGoFiles": [ "a.go" ] } { "ID": "golang.org/fake/b", "Name": "b", "PkgPath": "golang.org/fake/b", "GoFiles": [ "b.go" ], "CompiledGoFiles": [ "b.go" ], "Imports": { "golang.org/fake/a": "golang.org/fake/a" } } { "ID": "golang.org/fake/c", "Name": "c", "PkgPath": "golang.org/fake/c", "GoFiles": [ "c.go" ], "CompiledGoFiles": [ "c.go" ], "Imports": { "golang.org/fake/b": "golang.org/fake/b" } } { "ID": "golang.org/fake/d", "Name": "d", "PkgPath": "golang.org/fake/d", "GoFiles": [ "d.go" ], "CompiledGoFiles": [ "d.go" ], "Imports": { "golang.org/fake/b": "golang.org/fake/b" } } `[1:] if buf.String() != wantJSON { t.Errorf("wrong JSON: got <<%s>>, want <<%s>>", buf.String(), wantJSON) } // now decode it again var decoded []*packages.Package dec := json.NewDecoder(buf) for dec.More() { p := new(packages.Package) if err := dec.Decode(p); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } decoded = append(decoded, p) } if len(decoded) != 4 { t.Fatalf("got %d packages, want 4", len(decoded)) } for i, want := range []*packages.Package{{ ID: "golang.org/fake/a", Name: "a", }, { ID: "golang.org/fake/b", Name: "b", Imports: map[string]*packages.Package{ "golang.org/fake/a": {ID: "golang.org/fake/a"}, }, }, { ID: "golang.org/fake/c", Name: "c", Imports: map[string]*packages.Package{ "golang.org/fake/b": {ID: "golang.org/fake/b"}, }, }, { ID: "golang.org/fake/d", Name: "d", Imports: map[string]*packages.Package{ "golang.org/fake/b": {ID: "golang.org/fake/b"}, }, }} { got := decoded[i] if got.ID != want.ID { t.Errorf("Package %d has ID %q want %q", i, got.ID, want.ID) } if got.Name != want.Name { t.Errorf("Package %q has Name %q want %q", got.ID, got.Name, want.Name) } if len(got.Imports) != len(want.Imports) { t.Errorf("Package %q has %d imports want %d", got.ID, len(got.Imports), len(want.Imports)) continue } for path, ipkg := range got.Imports { if want.Imports[path] == nil { t.Errorf("Package %q has unexpected import %q", got.ID, path) continue } if want.Imports[path].ID != ipkg.ID { t.Errorf("Package %q import %q is %q want %q", got.ID, path, ipkg.ID, want.Imports[path].ID) } } } } func TestRejectInvalidQueries(t *testing.T) { queries := []string{"key=", "key=value"} cfg := &packages.Config{ Mode: packages.LoadImports, Env: append(os.Environ(), "GO111MODULE=off", "GOPACKAGESDRIVER=off"), } for _, q := range queries { if _, err := packages.Load(cfg, q); err == nil { t.Errorf("packages.Load(%q) succeeded. Expected \"invalid query type\" error", q) } else if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "invalid query type") { t.Errorf("packages.Load(%q): got error %v, want \"invalid query type\" error", q, err) } } } func TestPatternPassthrough(t *testing.T) { packagestest.TestAll(t, testPatternPassthrough) } func testPatternPassthrough(t *testing.T, exporter packagestest.Exporter) { exported := packagestest.Export(t, exporter, []packagestest.Module{{ Name: "golang.org/fake", Files: map[string]interface{}{ "a/a.go": `package a;`, }}}) defer exported.Cleanup() initial, err := packages.Load(exported.Config, "pattern=a") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } graph, _ := importGraph(initial) wantGraph := ` * a `[1:] if graph != wantGraph { t.Errorf("wrong import graph: got <<%s>>, want <<%s>>", graph, wantGraph) } } func TestConfigDefaultEnv(t *testing.T) { packagestest.TestAll(t, testConfigDefaultEnv) } func testConfigDefaultEnv(t *testing.T, exporter packagestest.Exporter) { const driverJSON = `{ "Roots": ["gopackagesdriver"], "Packages": [{"ID": "gopackagesdriver", "Name": "gopackagesdriver"}] }` var ( pathKey string driverScript packagestest.Writer ) switch runtime.GOOS { case "android": t.Skip("doesn't run on android") case "windows": // TODO(jayconrod): write an equivalent batch script for windows. // Hint: "type" can be used to read a file to stdout. t.Skip("test requires sh") case "plan9": pathKey = "path" driverScript = packagestest.Script(`#!/bin/rc cat <<'EOF' ` + driverJSON + ` EOF `) default: pathKey = "PATH" driverScript = packagestest.Script(`#!/bin/sh cat - <<'EOF' ` + driverJSON + ` EOF `) } exported := packagestest.Export(t, exporter, []packagestest.Module{{ Name: "golang.org/fake", Files: map[string]interface{}{ "bin/gopackagesdriver": driverScript, "golist/golist.go": "package golist", }}}) defer exported.Cleanup() driver := exported.File("golang.org/fake", "bin/gopackagesdriver") binDir := filepath.Dir(driver) if err := os.Chmod(driver, 0755); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } path, ok := os.LookupEnv(pathKey) var pathWithDriver string if ok { pathWithDriver = binDir + string(os.PathListSeparator) + path } else { pathWithDriver = binDir } for _, test := range []struct { desc string path string driver string wantIDs string }{ { desc: "driver_off", path: pathWithDriver, driver: "off", wantIDs: "[golist]", }, { desc: "driver_unset", path: pathWithDriver, driver: "", wantIDs: "[gopackagesdriver]", }, { desc: "driver_set", path: "", driver: driver, wantIDs: "[gopackagesdriver]", }, } { t.Run(test.desc, func(t *testing.T) { oldPath := os.Getenv(pathKey) os.Setenv(pathKey, test.path) defer os.Setenv(pathKey, oldPath) // Clone exported.Config config := exported.Config config.Env = append([]string{}, exported.Config.Env...) config.Env = append(config.Env, "GOPACKAGESDRIVER="+test.driver) pkgs, err := packages.Load(exported.Config, "golist") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } gotIds := make([]string, len(pkgs)) for i, pkg := range pkgs { gotIds[i] = pkg.ID } if fmt.Sprint(pkgs) != test.wantIDs { t.Errorf("got %v; want %v", gotIds, test.wantIDs) } }) } } // This test that a simple x test package layout loads correctly. // There was a bug in go list where it returned multiple copies of the same // package (specifically in this case of golang.org/fake/a), and this triggered // a bug in go/packages where it would leave an empty entry in the root package // list. This would then cause a nil pointer crash. // This bug was triggered by the simple package layout below, and thus this // test will make sure the bug remains fixed. func TestBasicXTest(t *testing.T) { packagestest.TestAll(t, testBasicXTest) } func testBasicXTest(t *testing.T, exporter packagestest.Exporter) { exported := packagestest.Export(t, exporter, []packagestest.Module{{ Name: "golang.org/fake", Files: map[string]interface{}{ "a/a.go": `package a;`, "a/a_test.go": `package a_test;`, }}}) defer exported.Cleanup() exported.Config.Mode = packages.LoadFiles exported.Config.Tests = true _, err := packages.Load(exported.Config, "golang.org/fake/a") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } func TestErrorMissingFile(t *testing.T) { packagestest.TestAll(t, testErrorMissingFile) } func testErrorMissingFile(t *testing.T, exporter packagestest.Exporter) { exported := packagestest.Export(t, exporter, []packagestest.Module{{ Name: "golang.org/fake", Files: map[string]interface{}{ "a/a_test.go": `package a;`, }}}) defer exported.Cleanup() exported.Config.Mode = packages.LoadSyntax exported.Config.Tests = false pkgs, err := packages.Load(exported.Config, "missing.go") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if len(pkgs) == 0 && runtime.GOOS == "windows" { t.Skip("Issue #31344: the ad-hoc command-line-arguments package isn't created on windows") } if len(pkgs) != 1 || (pkgs[0].PkgPath != "command-line-arguments" && pkgs[0].PkgPath != "missing.go") { t.Fatalf("packages.Load: want [command-line-arguments] or [missing.go], got %v", pkgs) } if len(pkgs[0].Errors) == 0 { t.Errorf("result of Load: want package with errors, got none: %+v", pkgs[0]) } } func TestReturnErrorWhenUsingNonGoFiles(t *testing.T) { packagestest.TestAll(t, testReturnErrorWhenUsingNonGoFiles) } func testReturnErrorWhenUsingNonGoFiles(t *testing.T, exporter packagestest.Exporter) { exported := packagestest.Export(t, exporter, []packagestest.Module{{ Name: "golang.org/gopatha", Files: map[string]interface{}{ "a/a.go": `package a`, }}, { Name: "golang.org/gopathb", Files: map[string]interface{}{ "b/b.c": `package b`, }}}) defer exported.Cleanup() config := packages.Config{Env: append(os.Environ(), "GOPACKAGESDRIVER=off")} pkgs, err := packages.Load(&config, "b/b.c") if err != nil { return } // Go <1.14 calls the package command-line-arguments while Go 1.14+ uses the file names. if len(pkgs) != 1 || (pkgs[0].PkgPath != "command-line-arguments" && pkgs[0].PkgPath != "b/b.c") { t.Fatalf("packages.Load: want [command-line-arguments] or [b/b.c], got %v", pkgs) } if len(pkgs[0].Errors) != 1 { t.Fatalf("result of Load: want package with one error, got: %+v", pkgs[0]) } } func TestReturnErrorWhenUsingGoFilesInMultipleDirectories(t *testing.T) { packagestest.TestAll(t, testReturnErrorWhenUsingGoFilesInMultipleDirectories) } func testReturnErrorWhenUsingGoFilesInMultipleDirectories(t *testing.T, exporter packagestest.Exporter) { exported := packagestest.Export(t, exporter, []packagestest.Module{{ Name: "golang.org/gopatha", Files: map[string]interface{}{ "a/a.go": `package a`, "b/b.go": `package b`, }}}) defer exported.Cleanup() want := "named files must all be in one directory" pkgs, err := packages.Load(exported.Config, exported.File("golang.org/gopatha", "a/a.go"), exported.File("golang.org/gopatha", "b/b.go")) if err != nil { // Check if the error returned is the one we expected. if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), want) { t.Fatalf("want error message: %s, got: %s", want, err.Error()) } return } if len(pkgs) != 1 || pkgs[0].PkgPath != "command-line-arguments" { t.Fatalf("packages.Load: want [command-line-arguments], got %v", pkgs) } if len(pkgs[0].Errors) != 1 { t.Fatalf("result of Load: want package with one error, got: %+v", pkgs[0]) } got := pkgs[0].Errors[0].Error() if !strings.Contains(got, want) { t.Fatalf("want error message: %s, got: %s", want, got) } } func TestReturnErrorForUnexpectedDirectoryLayout(t *testing.T) { packagestest.TestAll(t, testReturnErrorForUnexpectedDirectoryLayout) } func testReturnErrorForUnexpectedDirectoryLayout(t *testing.T, exporter packagestest.Exporter) { exported := packagestest.Export(t, exporter, []packagestest.Module{{ Name: "golang.org/gopatha", Files: map[string]interface{}{ "a/testdata/a.go": `package a; import _ "b"`, "a/vendor/b/b.go": `package b; import _ "fmt"`, }}}) defer exported.Cleanup() want := "unexpected directory layout" // triggering this error requires a relative package path exported.Config.Dir = filepath.Dir(exported.File("golang.org/gopatha", "a/testdata/a.go")) pkgs, err := packages.Load(exported.Config, ".") // This error doesn't seem to occur in module mode; so only // complain if we get zero packages while also getting no error. if err == nil { if len(pkgs) == 0 { // TODO(dh): we'll need to expand on the error check if/when Go stops emitting this error t.Fatalf("want error, got nil") } return } // Check if the error returned is the one we expected. if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), want) { t.Fatalf("want error message: %s, got: %s", want, err.Error()) } } func TestMissingDependency(t *testing.T) { packagestest.TestAll(t, testMissingDependency) } func testMissingDependency(t *testing.T, exporter packagestest.Exporter) { exported := packagestest.Export(t, exporter, []packagestest.Module{{ Name: "golang.org/fake", Files: map[string]interface{}{ "a/a.go": `package a; import _ "this/package/doesnt/exist"`, }}}) defer exported.Cleanup() exported.Config.Mode = packages.LoadAllSyntax pkgs, err := packages.Load(exported.Config, "golang.org/fake/a") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if len(pkgs) != 1 && pkgs[0].PkgPath != "golang.org/fake/a" { t.Fatalf("packages.Load: want [golang.org/fake/a], got %v", pkgs) } if len(pkgs[0].Errors) == 0 { t.Errorf("result of Load: want package with errors, got none: %+v", pkgs[0]) } } func TestAdHocContains(t *testing.T) { packagestest.TestAll(t, testAdHocContains) } func testAdHocContains(t *testing.T, exporter packagestest.Exporter) { exported := packagestest.Export(t, exporter, []packagestest.Module{{ Name: "golang.org/fake", Files: map[string]interface{}{ "a/a.go": `package a;`, }}}) defer exported.Cleanup() tmpfile, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "adhoc*.go") filename := tmpfile.Name() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } fmt.Fprint(tmpfile, `package main; import "fmt"; func main() { fmt.Println("time for coffee") }`) if err := tmpfile.Close(); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } defer func() { if err := os.Remove(filename); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } }() exported.Config.Mode = packages.NeedImports | packages.NeedFiles pkgs, err := packages.Load(exported.Config, "file="+filename) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if len(pkgs) != 1 && pkgs[0].PkgPath != "command-line-arguments" { t.Fatalf("packages.Load: want [command-line-arguments], got %v", pkgs) } pkg := pkgs[0] if _, ok := pkg.Imports["fmt"]; !ok || len(pkg.Imports) != 1 { t.Fatalf("Imports of loaded package: want [fmt], got %v", pkg.Imports) } if len(pkg.GoFiles) != 1 || pkg.GoFiles[0] != filename { t.Fatalf("GoFiles of loaded package: want [%s], got %v", filename, pkg.GoFiles) } } func TestCgoNoCcompiler(t *testing.T) { packagestest.TestAll(t, testCgoNoCcompiler) } func testCgoNoCcompiler(t *testing.T, exporter packagestest.Exporter) { exported := packagestest.Export(t, exporter, []packagestest.Module{{ Name: "golang.org/fake", Files: map[string]interface{}{ "a/a.go": `package a import "net/http" const A = http.MethodGet `, }}}) defer exported.Cleanup() // Explicitly enable cgo but configure a nonexistent C compiler. exported.Config.Env = append(exported.Config.Env, "CGO_ENABLED=1", "CC=doesnotexist") exported.Config.Mode = packages.LoadAllSyntax initial, err := packages.Load(exported.Config, "golang.org/fake/a") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // Check value of a.A. a := initial[0] aA := constant(a, "A") if aA == nil { t.Fatalf("a.A: got nil") } got := aA.Val().String() if got != "\"GET\"" { t.Errorf("a.A: got %s, want %s", got, "\"GET\"") } } func TestCgoMissingFile(t *testing.T) { packagestest.TestAll(t, testCgoMissingFile) } func testCgoMissingFile(t *testing.T, exporter packagestest.Exporter) { exported := packagestest.Export(t, exporter, []packagestest.Module{{ Name: "golang.org/fake", Files: map[string]interface{}{ "a/a.go": `package a // #include "foo.h" import "C" const A = 4 `, }}}) defer exported.Cleanup() // Explicitly enable cgo. exported.Config.Env = append(exported.Config.Env, "CGO_ENABLED=1") exported.Config.Mode = packages.LoadAllSyntax initial, err := packages.Load(exported.Config, "golang.org/fake/a") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // Check value of a.A. a := initial[0] aA := constant(a, "A") if aA == nil { t.Fatalf("a.A: got nil") } got := aA.Val().String() if got != "4" { t.Errorf("a.A: got %s, want %s", got, "4") } } func TestIssue32814(t *testing.T) { packagestest.TestAll(t, testIssue32814) } func testIssue32814(t *testing.T, exporter packagestest.Exporter) { exported := packagestest.Export(t, exporter, []packagestest.Module{{ Name: "golang.org/fake", Files: map[string]interface{}{}}}) defer exported.Cleanup() exported.Config.Mode = packages.NeedName | packages.NeedTypes | packages.NeedSyntax | packages.NeedTypesInfo | packages.NeedTypesSizes pkgs, err := packages.Load(exported.Config, "fmt") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if len(pkgs) != 1 && pkgs[0].PkgPath != "fmt" { t.Fatalf("packages.Load: want [fmt], got %v", pkgs) } pkg := pkgs[0] if len(pkg.Errors) != 0 { t.Fatalf("Errors for fmt pkg: got %v, want none", pkg.Errors) } if !pkg.Types.Complete() { t.Fatalf("Types.Complete() for fmt pkg: got %v, want true", pkgs[0].Types.Complete()) } } func TestLoadTypesInfoWithoutNeedDeps(t *testing.T) { packagestest.TestAll(t, testLoadTypesInfoWithoutNeedDeps) } func testLoadTypesInfoWithoutNeedDeps(t *testing.T, exporter packagestest.Exporter) { exported := packagestest.Export(t, exporter, []packagestest.Module{{ Name: "golang.org/fake", Files: map[string]interface{}{ "a/a.go": `package a; import _ "golang.org/fake/b"`, "b/b.go": `package b`, }}}) defer exported.Cleanup() exported.Config.Mode = packages.NeedTypes | packages.NeedTypesInfo | packages.NeedImports pkgs, err := packages.Load(exported.Config, "golang.org/fake/a") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } pkg := pkgs[0] if pkg.IllTyped { t.Fatal("Loaded package is ill typed") } const expectedImport = "golang.org/fake/b" if _, ok := pkg.Imports[expectedImport]; !ok || len(pkg.Imports) != 1 { t.Fatalf("Imports of loaded package: want [%s], got %v", expectedImport, pkg.Imports) } } func TestLoadWithNeedDeps(t *testing.T) { packagestest.TestAll(t, testLoadWithNeedDeps) } func testLoadWithNeedDeps(t *testing.T, exporter packagestest.Exporter) { exported := packagestest.Export(t, exporter, []packagestest.Module{{ Name: "golang.org/fake", Files: map[string]interface{}{ "a/a.go": `package a; import _ "golang.org/fake/b"`, "b/b.go": `package b; import _ "golang.org/fake/c"`, "c/c.go": `package c`, }}}) defer exported.Cleanup() exported.Config.Mode = packages.NeedTypes | packages.NeedTypesInfo | packages.NeedImports | packages.NeedDeps pkgs, err := packages.Load(exported.Config, "golang.org/fake/a") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if len(pkgs) != 1 { t.Fatalf("Expected 1 package, got %d", len(pkgs)) } pkgA := pkgs[0] if pkgA.IllTyped { t.Fatal("Loaded package is ill typed") } pkgB := pkgA.Imports["golang.org/fake/b"] if pkgB == nil || len(pkgA.Imports) != 1 { t.Fatalf("Imports of loaded package 'a' are invalid: %v", pkgA.Imports) } if pkgB.Types == nil || !pkgB.Types.Complete() || pkgB.TypesInfo == nil { t.Fatalf("Types of package 'b' are nil or incomplete: %v, %v", pkgB.Types, pkgB.TypesInfo) } pkgC := pkgB.Imports["golang.org/fake/c"] if pkgC == nil || len(pkgB.Imports) != 1 { t.Fatalf("Imports of loaded package 'c' are invalid: %v", pkgB.Imports) } if pkgC.Types == nil || !pkgC.Types.Complete() || pkgC.TypesInfo == nil { t.Fatalf("Types of package 'b' are nil or incomplete: %v, %v", pkgC.Types, pkgC.TypesInfo) } } func TestImpliedLoadMode(t *testing.T) { packagestest.TestAll(t, testImpliedLoadMode) } func testImpliedLoadMode(t *testing.T, exporter packagestest.Exporter) { exported := packagestest.Export(t, exporter, []packagestest.Module{{ Name: "golang.org/fake", Files: map[string]interface{}{ "a/a.go": `package a; import _ "golang.org/fake/b"`, "b/b.go": `package b`, }}}) defer exported.Cleanup() exported.Config.Mode = packages.NeedTypes | packages.NeedTypesInfo pkgs, err := packages.Load(exported.Config, "golang.org/fake/a") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if len(pkgs) != 1 { t.Fatalf("Expected 1 package, got %d", len(pkgs)) } pkg := pkgs[0] if pkg.IllTyped { t.Fatalf("Loaded package is ill typed: %v", pkg.Errors) } // Check that packages.NeedTypesInfo worked well. if !pkg.Types.Complete() { t.Fatalf("Loaded package types are incomplete") } // Check that implied packages.NeedImports by packages.NeedTypesInfo // didn't add Imports. if len(pkg.Imports) != 0 { t.Fatalf("Package imports weren't requested but were returned: %v", pkg.Imports) } } func TestIssue35331(t *testing.T) { packagestest.TestAll(t, testIssue35331) } func testIssue35331(t *testing.T, exporter packagestest.Exporter) { exported := packagestest.Export(t, exporter, []packagestest.Module{{ Name: "golang.org/fake", }}) defer exported.Cleanup() exported.Config.Mode = packages.NeedName | packages.NeedFiles | packages.NeedCompiledGoFiles | packages.NeedImports | packages.NeedDeps | packages.NeedSyntax exported.Config.Tests = false pkgs, err := packages.Load(exported.Config, "strconv") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if len(pkgs) != 1 { t.Fatalf("Expected 1 package, got %v", pkgs) } packages.Visit(pkgs, func(pkg *packages.Package) bool { if len(pkg.Errors) > 0 { t.Errorf("Expected no errors in package %q, got %v", pkg.ID, pkg.Errors) } if len(pkg.Syntax) == 0 && pkg.ID != "unsafe" { t.Errorf("Expected syntax on package %q, got none.", pkg.ID) } return true }, nil) } func TestLoadModeStrings(t *testing.T) { testcases := []struct { mode packages.LoadMode expected string }{ { packages.LoadMode(0), "LoadMode(0)", }, { packages.NeedName, "LoadMode(NeedName)", }, { packages.NeedFiles, "LoadMode(NeedFiles)", }, { packages.NeedCompiledGoFiles, "LoadMode(NeedCompiledGoFiles)", }, { packages.NeedImports, "LoadMode(NeedImports)", }, { packages.NeedDeps, "LoadMode(NeedDeps)", }, { packages.NeedExportsFile, "LoadMode(NeedExportsFile)", }, { packages.NeedTypes, "LoadMode(NeedTypes)", }, { packages.NeedSyntax, "LoadMode(NeedSyntax)", }, { packages.NeedTypesInfo, "LoadMode(NeedTypesInfo)", }, { packages.NeedTypesSizes, "LoadMode(NeedTypesSizes)", }, { packages.NeedName | packages.NeedExportsFile, "LoadMode(NeedName|NeedExportsFile)", }, { packages.NeedName | packages.NeedFiles | packages.NeedCompiledGoFiles | packages.NeedImports | packages.NeedDeps | packages.NeedExportsFile | packages.NeedTypes | packages.NeedSyntax | packages.NeedTypesInfo | packages.NeedTypesSizes, "LoadMode(NeedName|NeedFiles|NeedCompiledGoFiles|NeedImports|NeedDeps|NeedExportsFile|NeedTypes|NeedSyntax|NeedTypesInfo|NeedTypesSizes)", }, { packages.NeedName | 8192, "LoadMode(NeedName|Unknown)", }, { 4096, "LoadMode(Unknown)", }, } for tcInd, tc := range testcases { t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("test-%d", tcInd), func(t *testing.T) { actual := tc.mode.String() if tc.expected != actual { t.Errorf("want %#v, got %#v", tc.expected, actual) } }) } } func TestCycleImportStack(t *testing.T) { packagestest.TestAll(t, testCycleImportStack) } func testCycleImportStack(t *testing.T, exporter packagestest.Exporter) { exported := packagestest.Export(t, exporter, []packagestest.Module{{ Name: "golang.org/fake", Files: map[string]interface{}{ "a/a.go": `package a; import _ "golang.org/fake/b"`, "b/b.go": `package b; import _ "golang.org/fake/a"`, }}}) defer exported.Cleanup() exported.Config.Mode = packages.NeedName | packages.NeedImports pkgs, err := packages.Load(exported.Config, "golang.org/fake/a") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if len(pkgs) != 1 { t.Fatalf("Expected 1 package, got %v", pkgs) } pkg := pkgs[0] if len(pkg.Errors) != 1 { t.Fatalf("Expected one error in package, got %v", pkg.Errors) } expected := "import cycle not allowed: import stack: [golang.org/fake/a golang.org/fake/b golang.org/fake/a]" if pkg.Errors[0].Msg != expected { t.Fatalf("Expected error %q, got %q", expected, pkg.Errors[0].Msg) } } func TestForTestField(t *testing.T) { packagestest.TestAll(t, testForTestField) } func testForTestField(t *testing.T, exporter packagestest.Exporter) { exported := packagestest.Export(t, exporter, []packagestest.Module{{ Name: "golang.org/fake", Files: map[string]interface{}{ "a/a.go": `package a; func hello() {};`, "a/a_test.go": `package a; import "testing"; func TestA1(t *testing.T) {};`, "a/x_test.go": `package a_test; import "testing"; func TestA2(t *testing.T) {};`, }}}) defer exported.Cleanup() // Add overlays to make sure they don't affect anything. exported.Config.Overlay = map[string][]byte{ "a/a_test.go": []byte(`package a; import "testing"; func TestA1(t *testing.T) { hello(); };`), "a/x_test.go": []byte(`package a_test; import "testing"; func TestA2(t *testing.T) { hello(); };`), } exported.Config.Tests = true exported.Config.Mode = packages.NeedName | packages.NeedImports forTest := "golang.org/fake/a" pkgs, err := packages.Load(exported.Config, forTest) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if len(pkgs) != 4 { t.Errorf("expected 4 packages, got %v", len(pkgs)) } for _, pkg := range pkgs { var hasTestFile bool for _, f := range pkg.CompiledGoFiles { if strings.Contains(f, "a_test.go") || strings.Contains(f, "x_test.go") { hasTestFile = true break } } if !hasTestFile { continue } got := packagesinternal.GetForTest(pkg) if got != forTest { t.Errorf("expected %q, got %q", forTest, got) } } } func errorMessages(errors []packages.Error) []string { var msgs []string for _, err := range errors { msgs = append(msgs, err.Msg) } return msgs } func srcs(p *packages.Package) []string { return cleanPaths(append(p.GoFiles, p.OtherFiles...)) } // cleanPaths attempts to reduce path names to stable forms func cleanPaths(paths []string) []string { result := make([]string, len(paths)) for i, src := range paths { // If the source file doesn't have an extension like .go or .s, // it comes from GOCACHE. The names there aren't predictable. name := filepath.Base(src) if !strings.Contains(name, ".") { result[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%d.go", i) // make cache names predictable } else { result[i] = name } } return result } // importGraph returns the import graph as a user-friendly string, // and a map containing all packages keyed by ID. func importGraph(initial []*packages.Package) (string, map[string]*packages.Package) { out := new(bytes.Buffer) initialSet := make(map[*packages.Package]bool) for _, p := range initial { initialSet[p] = true } // We can't use Visit because we need to prune // the traversal of specific edges, not just nodes. var nodes, edges []string res := make(map[string]*packages.Package) seen := make(map[*packages.Package]bool) var visit func(p *packages.Package) visit = func(p *packages.Package) { if !seen[p] { seen[p] = true if res[p.ID] != nil { panic("duplicate ID: " + p.ID) } res[p.ID] = p star := ' ' // mark initial packages with a star if initialSet[p] { star = '*' } nodes = append(nodes, fmt.Sprintf("%c %s", star, p.ID)) // To avoid a lot of noise, // we prune uninteresting dependencies of testmain packages, // which we identify by this import: isTestMain := p.Imports["testing/internal/testdeps"] != nil for _, imp := range p.Imports { if isTestMain { switch imp.ID { case "os", "testing", "testing/internal/testdeps": edges = append(edges, fmt.Sprintf("%s -> %s (pruned)", p, imp)) continue } } // math/bits took on a dependency on unsafe in 1.12, which breaks some // tests. As a short term hack, prune that edge. // ditto for ("errors", "internal/reflectlite") in 1.13. // TODO(matloob): think of a cleaner solution, or remove math/bits from the test. if p.ID == "math/bits" && imp.ID == "unsafe" { continue } edges = append(edges, fmt.Sprintf("%s -> %s", p, imp)) visit(imp) } } } for _, p := range initial { visit(p) } // Sort, ignoring leading optional star prefix. sort.Slice(nodes, func(i, j int) bool { return nodes[i][2:] < nodes[j][2:] }) for _, node := range nodes { fmt.Fprintf(out, "%s\n", node) } sort.Strings(edges) for _, edge := range edges { fmt.Fprintf(out, " %s\n", edge) } return out.String(), res } func constant(p *packages.Package, name string) *types.Const { if p == nil || p.Types == nil { return nil } c := p.Types.Scope().Lookup(name) if c == nil { return nil } return c.(*types.Const) } func copyAll(srcPath, dstPath string) error { return filepath.Walk(srcPath, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, _ error) error { if info.IsDir() { return nil } contents, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path) if err != nil { return err } rel, err := filepath.Rel(srcPath, path) if err != nil { return err } dstFilePath := strings.Replace(filepath.Join(dstPath, rel), "definitelynot_go.mod", "go.mod", -1) if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(dstFilePath), 0755); err != nil { return err } if err := ioutil.WriteFile(dstFilePath, contents, 0644); err != nil { return err } return nil }) }