// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package regtest import ( "testing" "golang.org/x/tools/internal/lsp/fake" "golang.org/x/tools/internal/lsp/protocol" ) const symbolSetup = ` -- go.mod -- module mod.com go 1.12 -- main.go -- package main import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" ) func main() { // function fmt.Println("Hello") } var myvar int // variable type myType string // basic type type myDecoder json.Decoder // to use the encoding/json import func (m *myType) Blahblah() {} // method type myStruct struct { // struct type myStructField int // struct field } type myInterface interface { // interface DoSomeCoolStuff() string // interface method } -- p/p.go -- package p const Message = "Hello World." // constant ` var caseSensitiveSymbolChecks = map[string]*expSymbolInformation{ "main": { Name: pString("main.main"), Kind: pKind(protocol.Function), Location: &expLocation{ Path: pString("main.go"), Range: &expRange{ Start: &expPos{ Line: pInt(7), Column: pInt(5), }, }, }, }, "Message": { Name: pString("p.Message"), Kind: pKind(protocol.Constant), Location: &expLocation{ Path: pString("p/p.go"), Range: &expRange{ Start: &expPos{ Line: pInt(2), Column: pInt(6), }, }, }, }, "myvar": { Name: pString("main.myvar"), Kind: pKind(protocol.Variable), Location: &expLocation{ Path: pString("main.go"), Range: &expRange{ Start: &expPos{ Line: pInt(11), Column: pInt(4), }, }, }, }, "myType": { Name: pString("main.myType"), Kind: pKind(protocol.String), Location: &expLocation{ Path: pString("main.go"), Range: &expRange{ Start: &expPos{ Line: pInt(13), Column: pInt(5), }, }, }, }, "Blahblah": { Name: pString("main.myType.Blahblah"), Kind: pKind(protocol.Method), Location: &expLocation{ Path: pString("main.go"), Range: &expRange{ Start: &expPos{ Line: pInt(17), Column: pInt(17), }, }, }, }, "NewEncoder": { Name: pString("json.NewEncoder"), Kind: pKind(protocol.Function), }, "myStruct": { Name: pString("main.myStruct"), Kind: pKind(protocol.Struct), Location: &expLocation{ Path: pString("main.go"), Range: &expRange{ Start: &expPos{ Line: pInt(19), Column: pInt(5), }, }, }, }, // TODO: not sure we should be returning struct fields "myStructField": { Name: pString("main.myStruct.myStructField"), Kind: pKind(protocol.Field), Location: &expLocation{ Path: pString("main.go"), Range: &expRange{ Start: &expPos{ Line: pInt(20), Column: pInt(1), }, }, }, }, "myInterface": { Name: pString("main.myInterface"), Kind: pKind(protocol.Interface), Location: &expLocation{ Path: pString("main.go"), Range: &expRange{ Start: &expPos{ Line: pInt(23), Column: pInt(5), }, }, }, }, // TODO: not sure we should be returning interface methods "DoSomeCoolStuff": { Name: pString("main.myInterface.DoSomeCoolStuff"), Kind: pKind(protocol.Method), Location: &expLocation{ Path: pString("main.go"), Range: &expRange{ Start: &expPos{ Line: pInt(24), Column: pInt(1), }, }, }, }, } var caseInsensitiveSymbolChecks = map[string]*expSymbolInformation{ "Main": caseSensitiveSymbolChecks["main"], } var fuzzySymbolChecks = map[string]*expSymbolInformation{ "Mn": caseSensitiveSymbolChecks["main"], } // TestSymbolPos tests that, at a basic level, we get the correct position // information for symbols matches that are returned. func TestSymbolPos(t *testing.T) { checkChecks(t, "caseSensitive", caseSensitiveSymbolChecks) checkChecks(t, "caseInsensitive", caseInsensitiveSymbolChecks) checkChecks(t, "fuzzy", fuzzySymbolChecks) } func checkChecks(t *testing.T, matcher string, checks map[string]*expSymbolInformation) { t.Helper() opts := []RunOption{ WithEditorConfig(fake.EditorConfig{SymbolMatcher: &matcher}), } runner.Run(t, symbolSetup, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { t.Run(matcher, func(t *testing.T) { for query, exp := range checks { t.Run(query, func(t *testing.T) { res := env.Symbol(query) if !exp.matchAgainst(res) { t.Fatalf("failed to find a match against query %q for %v,\ngot: %v", query, exp, res) } }) } }) }, opts...) }