// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package cmd import ( "context" "flag" "fmt" "golang.org/x/tools/internal/lsp/protocol" "golang.org/x/tools/internal/lsp/source" "golang.org/x/tools/internal/tool" ) // workspace is a top-level command for working with the gopls workspace. This // is experimental and subject to change. The idea is that subcommands could be // used for manipulating the workspace mod file, rather than editing it // manually. type workspace struct { app *Application } func (w *workspace) subCommands() []tool.Application { return []tool.Application{ &generateWorkspaceMod{app: w.app}, } } func (w *workspace) Name() string { return "workspace" } func (w *workspace) Usage() string { return " [args...]" } func (w *workspace) ShortHelp() string { return "manage the gopls workspace (experimental: under development)" } func (w *workspace) DetailedHelp(f *flag.FlagSet) { fmt.Fprint(f.Output(), "\nsubcommands:\n") for _, c := range w.subCommands() { fmt.Fprintf(f.Output(), " %s: %s\n", c.Name(), c.ShortHelp()) } f.PrintDefaults() } func (w *workspace) Run(ctx context.Context, args ...string) error { if len(args) == 0 { return tool.CommandLineErrorf("must provide subcommand to %q", w.Name()) } command, args := args[0], args[1:] for _, c := range w.subCommands() { if c.Name() == command { return tool.Run(ctx, c, args) } } return tool.CommandLineErrorf("unknown command %v", command) } // generateWorkspaceMod (re)generates the gopls.mod file for the current // workspace. type generateWorkspaceMod struct { app *Application } func (c *generateWorkspaceMod) Name() string { return "generate" } func (c *generateWorkspaceMod) Usage() string { return "" } func (c *generateWorkspaceMod) ShortHelp() string { return "generate a gopls.mod file for a workspace" } func (c *generateWorkspaceMod) DetailedHelp(f *flag.FlagSet) { f.PrintDefaults() } func (c *generateWorkspaceMod) Run(ctx context.Context, args ...string) error { origOptions := c.app.options c.app.options = func(opts *source.Options) { origOptions(opts) opts.ExperimentalWorkspaceModule = true } conn, err := c.app.connect(ctx) if err != nil { return err } defer conn.terminate(ctx) params := &protocol.ExecuteCommandParams{Command: source.CommandGenerateGoplsMod.Name} if _, err := conn.ExecuteCommand(ctx, params); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("executing server command: %v", err) } return nil }