package mod import ( "bytes" "context" "fmt" "go/token" "strings" "" "" "" "" "" errors "" ) func Hover(ctx context.Context, snapshot source.Snapshot, fh source.FileHandle, position protocol.Position) (*protocol.Hover, error) { var found bool for _, uri := range snapshot.ModFiles() { if fh.URI() == uri { found = true break } } // We only provide hover information for the view's go.mod files. if !found { return nil, nil } ctx, done := event.Start(ctx, "mod.Hover") defer done() // Get the position of the cursor. pm, err := snapshot.ParseMod(ctx, fh) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Errorf("getting modfile handle: %w", err) } spn, err := pm.Mapper.PointSpan(position) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Errorf("computing cursor position: %w", err) } hoverRng, err := spn.Range(pm.Mapper.Converter) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Errorf("computing hover range: %w", err) } // Confirm that the cursor is at the position of a require statement. var req *modfile.Require var startPos, endPos int for _, r := range pm.File.Require { dep := []byte(r.Mod.Path) s, e := r.Syntax.Start.Byte, r.Syntax.End.Byte i := bytes.Index(pm.Mapper.Content[s:e], dep) if i == -1 { continue } // Shift the start position to the location of the // dependency within the require statement. startPos, endPos = s+i, s+i+len(dep) if token.Pos(startPos) <= hoverRng.Start && hoverRng.Start <= token.Pos(endPos) { req = r break } } // The cursor position is not on a require statement. if req == nil { return nil, nil } // Get the `go mod why` results for the given file. why, err := snapshot.ModWhy(ctx, fh) if err != nil { return nil, err } explanation, ok := why[req.Mod.Path] if !ok { return nil, nil } // Get the range to highlight for the hover. line, col, err := pm.Mapper.Converter.ToPosition(startPos) if err != nil { return nil, err } start := span.NewPoint(line, col, startPos) line, col, err = pm.Mapper.Converter.ToPosition(endPos) if err != nil { return nil, err } end := span.NewPoint(line, col, endPos) spn = span.New(fh.URI(), start, end) rng, err := pm.Mapper.Range(spn) if err != nil { return nil, err } options := snapshot.View().Options() isPrivate := snapshot.View().IsGoPrivatePath(req.Mod.Path) explanation = formatExplanation(explanation, req, options, isPrivate) return &protocol.Hover{ Contents: protocol.MarkupContent{ Kind: options.PreferredContentFormat, Value: explanation, }, Range: rng, }, nil } func formatExplanation(text string, req *modfile.Require, options *source.Options, isPrivate bool) string { text = strings.TrimSuffix(text, "\n") splt := strings.Split(text, "\n") length := len(splt) var b strings.Builder // Write the heading as an H3. b.WriteString("##" + splt[0]) if options.PreferredContentFormat == protocol.Markdown { b.WriteString("\n\n") } else { b.WriteRune('\n') } // If the explanation is 2 lines, then it is of the form: // # // (main module does not need package if length == 2 { b.WriteString(splt[1]) return b.String() } imp := splt[length-1] // import path reference := imp // See golang/go#36998: don't link to modules matching GOPRIVATE. if !isPrivate && options.PreferredContentFormat == protocol.Markdown { target := imp if strings.ToLower(options.LinkTarget) == "" { target = strings.Replace(target, req.Mod.Path, req.Mod.String(), 1) } reference = fmt.Sprintf("[%s](%s)", imp, source.BuildLink(options.LinkTarget, target, "")) } b.WriteString("This module is necessary because " + reference + " is imported in") // If the explanation is 3 lines, then it is of the form: // # // modtest // if length == 3 { msg := fmt.Sprintf(" `%s`.", splt[1]) b.WriteString(msg) return b.String() } // If the explanation is more than 3 lines, then it is of the form: // # // // // b.WriteString(":\n```text") dash := "" for _, imp := range splt[1 : length-1] { dash += "-" b.WriteString("\n" + dash + " " + imp) } b.WriteString("\n```") return b.String() }