// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package protocol import ( "context" "fmt" "io" "strings" "sync" "time" "golang.org/x/tools/internal/jsonrpc2" ) type loggingStream struct { stream jsonrpc2.Stream logMu sync.Mutex log io.Writer } // LoggingStream returns a stream that does LSP protocol logging too func LoggingStream(str jsonrpc2.Stream, w io.Writer) jsonrpc2.Stream { return &loggingStream{stream: str, log: w} } func (s *loggingStream) Read(ctx context.Context) (jsonrpc2.Message, int64, error) { msg, count, err := s.stream.Read(ctx) if err == nil { s.logCommon(msg, true) } return msg, count, err } func (s *loggingStream) Write(ctx context.Context, msg jsonrpc2.Message) (int64, error) { s.logCommon(msg, false) count, err := s.stream.Write(ctx, msg) return count, err } func (s *loggingStream) Close() error { return s.stream.Close() } type req struct { method string start time.Time } type mapped struct { mu sync.Mutex clientCalls map[string]req serverCalls map[string]req } var maps = &mapped{ sync.Mutex{}, make(map[string]req), make(map[string]req), } // these 4 methods are each used exactly once, but it seemed // better to have the encapsulation rather than ad hoc mutex // code in 4 places func (m *mapped) client(id string) req { m.mu.Lock() defer m.mu.Unlock() v := m.clientCalls[id] delete(m.clientCalls, id) return v } func (m *mapped) server(id string) req { m.mu.Lock() defer m.mu.Unlock() v := m.serverCalls[id] delete(m.serverCalls, id) return v } func (m *mapped) setClient(id string, r req) { m.mu.Lock() defer m.mu.Unlock() m.clientCalls[id] = r } func (m *mapped) setServer(id string, r req) { m.mu.Lock() defer m.mu.Unlock() m.serverCalls[id] = r } const eor = "\r\n\r\n\r\n" func (s *loggingStream) logCommon(msg jsonrpc2.Message, isRead bool) { s.logMu.Lock() defer s.logMu.Unlock() direction, pastTense := "Received", "Received" get, set := maps.client, maps.setServer if isRead { direction, pastTense = "Sending", "Sent" get, set = maps.server, maps.setClient } if msg == nil || s.log == nil { return } tm := time.Now() tmfmt := tm.Format("15:04:05.000 PM") buf := strings.Builder{} fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "[Trace - %s] ", tmfmt) // common beginning switch msg := msg.(type) { case *jsonrpc2.Call: id := fmt.Sprint(msg.ID()) fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%s request '%s - (%s)'.\n", direction, msg.Method(), id) fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "Params: %s%s", msg.Params(), eor) set(id, req{method: msg.Method(), start: tm}) case *jsonrpc2.Notification: fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%s notification '%s'.\n", direction, msg.Method()) fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "Params: %s%s", msg.Params(), eor) case *jsonrpc2.Response: id := fmt.Sprint(msg.ID()) if err := msg.Err(); err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(s.log, "[Error - %s] %s #%s %s%s", pastTense, tmfmt, id, err, eor) return } cc := get(id) elapsed := tm.Sub(cc.start) fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%s response '%s - (%s)' in %dms.\n", direction, cc.method, id, elapsed/time.Millisecond) fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "Result: %s%s", msg.Result(), eor) } s.log.Write([]byte(buf.String())) }