/* Copyright The Helm Authors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package helm import ( "crypto/tls" "time" "github.com/golang/protobuf/proto" "golang.org/x/net/context" "google.golang.org/grpc/metadata" cpb "k8s.io/helm/pkg/proto/hapi/chart" "k8s.io/helm/pkg/proto/hapi/release" rls "k8s.io/helm/pkg/proto/hapi/services" "k8s.io/helm/pkg/version" ) // Option allows specifying various settings configurable by // the helm client user for overriding the defaults used when // issuing rpc's to the Tiller release server. type Option func(*options) // options specify optional settings used by the helm client. type options struct { // value of helm home override host string // if set dry-run helm client calls dryRun bool // if set enable TLS on helm client calls useTLS bool // if set, re-use an existing name reuseName bool // if set, performs pod restart during upgrade/rollback recreate bool // if set, force resource update through delete/recreate if needed force bool // if set, skip running hooks disableHooks bool // if set, skip CRD hook only disableCRDHook bool // name of release releaseName string // tls.Config to use for rpc if tls enabled tlsConfig *tls.Config // release list options are applied directly to the list releases request listReq rls.ListReleasesRequest // release install options are applied directly to the install release request instReq rls.InstallReleaseRequest // release update options are applied directly to the update release request updateReq rls.UpdateReleaseRequest // release uninstall options are applied directly to the uninstall release request uninstallReq rls.UninstallReleaseRequest // release get status options are applied directly to the get release status request statusReq rls.GetReleaseStatusRequest // release get content options are applied directly to the get release content request contentReq rls.GetReleaseContentRequest // release rollback options are applied directly to the rollback release request rollbackReq rls.RollbackReleaseRequest // before intercepts client calls before sending before func(context.Context, proto.Message) error // release history options are applied directly to the get release history request histReq rls.GetHistoryRequest // resetValues instructs Tiller to reset values to their defaults. resetValues bool // reuseValues instructs Tiller to reuse the values from the last release. reuseValues bool // release test options are applied directly to the test release history request testReq rls.TestReleaseRequest // connectTimeout specifies the time duration Helm will wait to establish a connection to tiller connectTimeout time.Duration } // Host specifies the host address of the Tiller release server, (default = ":44134"). func Host(host string) Option { return func(opts *options) { opts.host = host } } // WithTLS specifies the tls configuration if the helm client is enabled to use TLS. func WithTLS(cfg *tls.Config) Option { return func(opts *options) { opts.useTLS = true opts.tlsConfig = cfg } } // BeforeCall returns an option that allows intercepting a helm client rpc // before being sent OTA to tiller. The intercepting function should return // an error to indicate that the call should not proceed or nil otherwise. func BeforeCall(fn func(context.Context, proto.Message) error) Option { return func(opts *options) { opts.before = fn } } // ReleaseListOption allows specifying various settings // configurable by the helm client user for overriding // the defaults used when running the `helm list` command. type ReleaseListOption func(*options) // ReleaseListOffset specifies the offset into a list of releases. func ReleaseListOffset(offset string) ReleaseListOption { return func(opts *options) { opts.listReq.Offset = offset } } // ReleaseListFilter specifies a filter to apply a list of releases. func ReleaseListFilter(filter string) ReleaseListOption { return func(opts *options) { opts.listReq.Filter = filter } } // ReleaseListLimit set an upper bound on the number of releases returned. func ReleaseListLimit(limit int) ReleaseListOption { return func(opts *options) { opts.listReq.Limit = int64(limit) } } // ReleaseListOrder specifies how to order a list of releases. func ReleaseListOrder(order int32) ReleaseListOption { return func(opts *options) { opts.listReq.SortOrder = rls.ListSort_SortOrder(order) } } // ReleaseListSort specifies how to sort a release list. func ReleaseListSort(sort int32) ReleaseListOption { return func(opts *options) { opts.listReq.SortBy = rls.ListSort_SortBy(sort) } } // ReleaseListStatuses specifies which status codes should be returned. func ReleaseListStatuses(statuses []release.Status_Code) ReleaseListOption { return func(opts *options) { if len(statuses) == 0 { statuses = []release.Status_Code{release.Status_DEPLOYED} } opts.listReq.StatusCodes = statuses } } // ReleaseListNamespace specifies the namespace to list releases from func ReleaseListNamespace(namespace string) ReleaseListOption { return func(opts *options) { opts.listReq.Namespace = namespace } } // InstallOption allows specifying various settings // configurable by the helm client user for overriding // the defaults used when running the `helm install` command. type InstallOption func(*options) // ValueOverrides specifies a list of values to include when installing. func ValueOverrides(raw []byte) InstallOption { return func(opts *options) { opts.instReq.Values = &cpb.Config{Raw: string(raw)} } } // ReleaseName specifies the name of the release when installing. func ReleaseName(name string) InstallOption { return func(opts *options) { opts.instReq.Name = name } } // ConnectTimeout specifies the duration (in seconds) Helm will wait to establish a connection to tiller func ConnectTimeout(timeout int64) Option { return func(opts *options) { opts.connectTimeout = time.Duration(timeout) * time.Second } } // InstallTimeout specifies the number of seconds before kubernetes calls timeout func InstallTimeout(timeout int64) InstallOption { return func(opts *options) { opts.instReq.Timeout = timeout } } // UpgradeTimeout specifies the number of seconds before kubernetes calls timeout func UpgradeTimeout(timeout int64) UpdateOption { return func(opts *options) { opts.updateReq.Timeout = timeout } } // DeleteTimeout specifies the number of seconds before kubernetes calls timeout func DeleteTimeout(timeout int64) DeleteOption { return func(opts *options) { opts.uninstallReq.Timeout = timeout } } // ReleaseTestTimeout specifies the number of seconds before kubernetes calls timeout func ReleaseTestTimeout(timeout int64) ReleaseTestOption { return func(opts *options) { opts.testReq.Timeout = timeout } } // ReleaseTestCleanup is a boolean value representing whether to cleanup test pods func ReleaseTestCleanup(cleanup bool) ReleaseTestOption { return func(opts *options) { opts.testReq.Cleanup = cleanup } } // ReleaseTestParallel is a boolean value representing whether to run test pods in parallel func ReleaseTestParallel(parallel bool) ReleaseTestOption { return func(opts *options) { opts.testReq.Parallel = parallel } } // ReleaseTestMaxParallel specifies the maximum number of test pods to run in parallel func ReleaseTestMaxParallel(max uint32) ReleaseTestOption { return func(opts *options) { opts.testReq.MaxParallel = max } } // ReleaseTestLogs is a boolean value representing whether to dump the logs from test pods func ReleaseTestLogs(logs bool) ReleaseTestOption { return func(opts *options) { opts.testReq.Logs = logs } } // RollbackTimeout specifies the number of seconds before kubernetes calls timeout func RollbackTimeout(timeout int64) RollbackOption { return func(opts *options) { opts.rollbackReq.Timeout = timeout } } // InstallWait specifies whether or not to wait for all resources to be ready func InstallWait(wait bool) InstallOption { return func(opts *options) { opts.instReq.Wait = wait } } // UpgradeWait specifies whether or not to wait for all resources to be ready func UpgradeWait(wait bool) UpdateOption { return func(opts *options) { opts.updateReq.Wait = wait } } // RollbackWait specifies whether or not to wait for all resources to be ready func RollbackWait(wait bool) RollbackOption { return func(opts *options) { opts.rollbackReq.Wait = wait } } // UpdateValueOverrides specifies a list of values to include when upgrading func UpdateValueOverrides(raw []byte) UpdateOption { return func(opts *options) { opts.updateReq.Values = &cpb.Config{Raw: string(raw)} } } // InstallDescription specifies the description for the release func InstallDescription(description string) InstallOption { return func(opts *options) { opts.instReq.Description = description } } // UpgradeDescription specifies the description for the update func UpgradeDescription(description string) UpdateOption { return func(opts *options) { opts.updateReq.Description = description } } // RollbackDescription specifies the description for the release func RollbackDescription(description string) RollbackOption { return func(opts *options) { opts.rollbackReq.Description = description } } // DeleteDescription specifies the description for the release func DeleteDescription(description string) DeleteOption { return func(opts *options) { opts.uninstallReq.Description = description } } // UpgradeCleanupOnFail allows deletion of new resources created in this upgrade when upgrade failed func UpgradeCleanupOnFail(cleanupOnFail bool) UpdateOption { return func(opts *options) { opts.updateReq.CleanupOnFail = cleanupOnFail } } // RollbackCleanupOnFail allows deletion of new resources created in this rollback when rollback failed func RollbackCleanupOnFail(cleanupOnFail bool) RollbackOption { return func(opts *options) { opts.rollbackReq.CleanupOnFail = cleanupOnFail } } // DeleteDisableHooks will disable hooks for a deletion operation. func DeleteDisableHooks(disable bool) DeleteOption { return func(opts *options) { opts.disableHooks = disable } } // DeleteDryRun will (if true) execute a deletion as a dry run. func DeleteDryRun(dry bool) DeleteOption { return func(opts *options) { opts.dryRun = dry } } // DeletePurge removes the release from the store and make its name free for later use. func DeletePurge(purge bool) DeleteOption { return func(opts *options) { opts.uninstallReq.Purge = purge } } // InstallDryRun will (if true) execute an installation as a dry run. func InstallDryRun(dry bool) InstallOption { return func(opts *options) { opts.dryRun = dry } } // InstallDisableHooks disables hooks during installation. func InstallDisableHooks(disable bool) InstallOption { return func(opts *options) { opts.disableHooks = disable } } // InstallDisableCRDHook disables CRD hook during installation. func InstallDisableCRDHook(disable bool) InstallOption { return func(opts *options) { opts.disableCRDHook = disable } } // InstallReuseName will (if true) instruct Tiller to re-use an existing name. func InstallReuseName(reuse bool) InstallOption { return func(opts *options) { opts.reuseName = reuse } } // InstallSubNotes will (if true) instruct Tiller to render SubChart Notes func InstallSubNotes(enable bool) InstallOption { return func(opts *options) { opts.instReq.SubNotes = enable } } // UpgradeSubNotes will (if true) instruct Tiller to render SubChart Notes func UpgradeSubNotes(enable bool) UpdateOption { return func(opts *options) { opts.updateReq.SubNotes = enable } } // RollbackDisableHooks will disable hooks for a rollback operation func RollbackDisableHooks(disable bool) RollbackOption { return func(opts *options) { opts.disableHooks = disable } } // RollbackDryRun will (if true) execute a rollback as a dry run. func RollbackDryRun(dry bool) RollbackOption { return func(opts *options) { opts.dryRun = dry } } // RollbackRecreate will (if true) recreate pods after rollback. func RollbackRecreate(recreate bool) RollbackOption { return func(opts *options) { opts.recreate = recreate } } // RollbackForce will (if true) force resource update through delete/recreate if needed func RollbackForce(force bool) RollbackOption { return func(opts *options) { opts.force = force } } // RollbackVersion sets the version of the release to deploy. func RollbackVersion(ver int32) RollbackOption { return func(opts *options) { opts.rollbackReq.Version = ver } } // UpgradeDisableHooks will disable hooks for an upgrade operation. func UpgradeDisableHooks(disable bool) UpdateOption { return func(opts *options) { opts.disableHooks = disable } } // UpgradeDryRun will (if true) execute an upgrade as a dry run. func UpgradeDryRun(dry bool) UpdateOption { return func(opts *options) { opts.dryRun = dry } } // ResetValues will (if true) trigger resetting the values to their original state. func ResetValues(reset bool) UpdateOption { return func(opts *options) { opts.resetValues = reset } } // ReuseValues will cause Tiller to reuse the values from the last release. // This is ignored if ResetValues is true. func ReuseValues(reuse bool) UpdateOption { return func(opts *options) { opts.reuseValues = reuse } } // UpgradeRecreate will (if true) recreate pods after upgrade. func UpgradeRecreate(recreate bool) UpdateOption { return func(opts *options) { opts.recreate = recreate } } // UpgradeForce will (if true) force resource update through delete/recreate if needed func UpgradeForce(force bool) UpdateOption { return func(opts *options) { opts.force = force } } // ContentOption allows setting optional attributes when // performing a GetReleaseContent tiller rpc. type ContentOption func(*options) // ContentReleaseVersion will instruct Tiller to retrieve the content // of a particular version of a release. func ContentReleaseVersion(version int32) ContentOption { return func(opts *options) { opts.contentReq.Version = version } } // StatusOption allows setting optional attributes when // performing a GetReleaseStatus tiller rpc. type StatusOption func(*options) // StatusReleaseVersion will instruct Tiller to retrieve the status // of a particular version of a release. func StatusReleaseVersion(version int32) StatusOption { return func(opts *options) { opts.statusReq.Version = version } } // DeleteOption allows setting optional attributes when // performing a UninstallRelease tiller rpc. type DeleteOption func(*options) // VersionOption -- TODO type VersionOption func(*options) // UpdateOption allows specifying various settings // configurable by the helm client user for overriding // the defaults used when running the `helm upgrade` command. type UpdateOption func(*options) // RollbackOption allows specifying various settings configurable // by the helm client user for overriding the defaults used when // running the `helm rollback` command. type RollbackOption func(*options) // HistoryOption allows configuring optional request data for // issuing a GetHistory rpc. type HistoryOption func(*options) // WithMaxHistory sets the max number of releases to return // in a release history query. func WithMaxHistory(max int32) HistoryOption { return func(opts *options) { opts.histReq.Max = max } } // NewContext creates a versioned context. func NewContext() context.Context { return FromContext(context.TODO()) } // FromContext returns a versioned context from a parent context func FromContext(ctx context.Context) context.Context { md := metadata.Pairs("x-helm-api-client", version.GetVersion()) return metadata.NewOutgoingContext(ctx, md) } // ReleaseTestOption allows configuring optional request data for // issuing a TestRelease rpc. type ReleaseTestOption func(*options)