Debug AnyCPU 2.0 {47122ab7-f040-4735-a59a-5b2d7f073b57} Documentation Documentation Documentation .\bin\MSHelp2 DotNetZipLib-v1.9.1.6 DotNetZip is a small, easy-to-use class library for manipulating .zip files. It can enable .NET applications written in VB.NET, C#, any .NET language, to easily create, read, and update zip files. DotNetZip is donationware: Summary, Parameter, Returns, AutoDocumentCtors, Namespace, TypeParameter InheritedMembers, InheritedFrameworkMembers, Protected, SealedProtected c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\microsoft shared\Help 2.0 Compiler\ 3.0 Ionic Zip Library v1.9.1.6 Prototype The Ionic namespace includes supporting classes used in the DotNetZip library. Classes in the Ionic.Zip namespace allow applications to read and write zip files according to the format described by pkware, at: This implementation utilizes a DeflateStream class implemented in managed code, in the Ionic.Zlib namespace. It does not use System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream in the .NET Framework v2.0 base class library. DotNetZip is donationware. Please donate. Proceeds go to the Boys & Girls Club in Pennsylvania, USA. Ionic.Zlib namespace includes classes for doing ZLIB, DEFLATE, and GZIP compression and decompression, according to RFC 1950, RFC 1951, and RFC 1952. It includes stream classes that can directly replace the DeflateStream and GZipStream classes that are included in the Base Class Library of the .NET Framework. Copyright 2009-2011, Dino Chiesa True Reference MSHelp2