# ------------------------------------------------------- # ZipSrc.ps1 # # Zips the source tree for DotNetZip. This is used when producing a # release. # # This script is part of DotNetZip. # DotNetZip is Copyright 2008-2011 Dino Chiesa. # # DotNetZip is licensed under the MS-PL. See the accompanying # License.txt file. # # Last Updated: <2011-July-30 15:56:10> # # ------------------------------------------------------- function ZipUp-Files ( $directory ) { $children = get-childitem -path $directory foreach ($o in $children) { if (!$BaseDir -or ($BaseDir -eq "")) { $ix = $o.PSParentPath.IndexOf("::") $BaseDir = $o.PSParentPath.Substring($ix+2) $x = get-item $BaseDir $ix = $x.PSParentPath.IndexOf("::") $ParentOfBase = $x.PSParentPath.Substring($ix+2) + "\\" } if ($o.Name -ne "TestResults" -and $o.Name -ne "_UpgradeReport_Files" -and $o.Name -ne "obj" -and $o.Name -ne "releases" -and $o.Name -ne "bin" -and $o.Name -ne "_tfs" -and $o.Name -ne "notused" -and $o.Name -ne "Todo.txt" -and $o.Name -ne "AppNote.txt" -and $o.Name -ne "AppNote.iz.txt" -and $o.Name -ne "CodePlex-Readme.txt" -and $o.Name -ne "ReadThis.txt" -and $o.Name -ne "Ionic.snk" -and $o.Name -ne "Ionic.pfx" -and $o.Name -ne "Debug" -and $o.Name -ne "Release" ) # -and $o.Name -ne "Resources" ) { if ($o.PSIsContainer) { ZipUp-Files ( $o.FullName ) } else { #Write-output $o.FullName if ($o.Name -and $o.Name -ne "" -and $o.Name -ne ".tfs-ignore" -and (!$o.Name.StartsWith("UpgradeLog")) -and (!$o.Name.EndsWith("~")) -and (!$o.Name.EndsWith("#")) -and (!$o.Name.EndsWith(".vsp")) -and (!$o.Name.EndsWith(".vspscc")) -and (!$o.Name.EndsWith(".psess")) -and (!$o.Name.EndsWith(".user")) -and (!$o.Name.EndsWith(".cache")) # -and (!$o.Name.EndsWith(".zip")) # was eliminating test cases ) { Write-output $o.FullName.Replace($ParentOfBase, "") $e= $zipfile.AddFile($o.FullName.Replace($ParentOfBase, "")) } } } } } [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom("c:\\dev\\dotnet\\Ionic.Zip.dll"); $version = get-content -path 'DotNetZip\SolutionInfo.cs' | select-string -pattern 'AssemblyFileVersion\("[0-9]+(\.([0-9]+|\*)){1,3}"\)' | %{$_ -replace "[^0-9.]",""} $ZipFileName = "DotNetZip-src-v$version.zip" $zipfile = new-object Ionic.Zip.ZipFile($ZipFileName); ZipUp-Files "DotNetZip" $zipfile.Save()