import logging import logging.config import os import sys import click import click.core import click.testing import copy import csv import pkg_resources from pkg_resources import Requirement, resource_filename import struct import base64 logging.basicConfig( level=logging.WARNING, format=('%(asctime)s - %(name)s: in %(filename)s at %(lineno)s - %(levelname)s: %(message)s')) LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONTEXT_SETTINGS = dict(auto_envvar_prefix='SOLIDFIRE', token_normalize_func=lambda x: x.lower()) HELP_STRING = """Welcome to the SolidFire Command Line Interface """ + pkg_resources.require("solidfire-cli")[0].version + """. For more information about how to use this, see the readme here:""" DEBUG_LOGGING_MAP = { 0: logging.CRITICAL, 1: logging.WARNING, 2: logging.INFO, 3: logging.DEBUG } CLI_VERSION = 'v1' click.disable_unicode_literals_warning = True class Context(): def __init__(self): self.logger = None self.verbose = False self.home = os.getcwd() self.connections = dict() self.element = None self.depth = None self.json = None self.pickle = None self.filter_tree = None self.table = None self.verifyssl = None self.timeout = 30 self.nocache = None def log(self, msg, *args): """Logs a message to stderr.""" if args: msg %= args click.echo(msg, file=sys.stderr) def vlog(self, msg, *args): """Logs a message to stderr only if verbose is enabled.""" if self.verbose: self.log(msg, *args) pass_context = click.make_pass_decorator(Context, ensure=True) cmd_folder = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'commands')) class SolidFireCLI(click.MultiCommand): def list_commands(self, ctx): rv = [] for filename in os.listdir(cmd_folder): if filename.endswith('.py') and \ filename.startswith('cmd_'): rv.append(filename[4:-3]) rv.sort() return rv def get_command(self, ctx, name): try: if sys.version_info[0] == 2: name = name.encode('ascii', 'replace') import_string = ( "element.cli.commands.cmd_%s" % (name.lower())) mod = __import__(import_string, None, None, ['cli']) except ImportError as e: LOG.error(name.lower()+" is not a valid module. Please run 'sfcli --help' for a list of valid modules.") exit(1) return mod.cli class SolidFireParsingState(click.parser.ParsingState): def __init__(self, args): self.subparameters = [] click.parser.ParsingState.__init__(self, args) class SolidFireParser(click.parser.OptionParser): # We overrided this guy because we needed to inject our custom parsing # state parameter into the native ParsingState. Other than that, the # logic is all the same. def parse_args(self, args): """Parses positional arguments and returns ``(values, args, order)`` for the parsed options and arguments as well as the leftover arguments if there are any. The order is a list of objects as they appear on the command line. If arguments appear multiple times they will be memorized multiple times as well. """ state = SolidFireParsingState(args) try: self._process_args_for_options(state) self._process_args_for_args(state) except click.parser.UsageError: if self.ctx is None or not self.ctx.resilient_parsing: raise return state.opts, state.largs, state.order # Basically, this is the thing we're overriding. Typically, this function will # consume the array of arguments that come directly from the user. What I'm # doing is adding in the subparameters as null whenever they are not provided # by the user. def _match_long_opt(self, opt, explicit_value, state): option = self._long_opt.get(opt, None) if option != None: if type(option.obj) == SolidFireOption and\ option.obj.is_sub_parameter and\ opt[2:] not in state.subparameters: raise click.parser.BadOptionUsage(opt+" is a subparameter and cannot be provided in this context.") if state.subparameters != [] and opt[2:] not in state.subparameters: # If we find out that there were some options we were expecting # that didn't show up, we account for them by setting them to # none here, pushing them into the state machine, and returning. # We'll process them in the next iteration. extraParams = [] for paramName in state.subparameters: extraParams.append("--"+paramName) extraParams.append("") extraParams.append(opt) state.rargs = extraParams + state.rargs return # If we've gotten here, it implies that we are either handling # an expected subparameter (ie opt[2:] in state.subparameters) # or we're handling a regular parameter (ie state.subparameters=[]) # If it is a subparameter, # First, remove it from the expected subparameters list because # we found it! if opt[2:] in state.subparameters: state.subparameters.remove(opt[2:]) # Now, one way or another, we process it. # This kicks us out with an error if option=None. Hence, everything # following definitely has an option. click.OptionParser._match_long_opt(self, opt, explicit_value, state) # Finally, if this is a regular parameter, there is a chance it has # subparameters we need to expect. We add them to the state machine # here. These will be expected in the next iteration. Note well, by # the time we're handling regular parameters, state.subparameters=[]. if state.subparameters == [] and type(option.obj) == SolidFireOption: state.subparameters = copy.deepcopy(option.obj.subparameters) # This is the edge case: If we've run out of rargs # but we still are expecting some subparams, empty # them into rargs now. if state.rargs == [] and state.subparameters != []: for paramName in state.subparameters: state.rargs.append("--" + paramName) state.rargs.append("") class SolidFireOption(click.core.Option): def __init__(self, param_decls=None, subparameters=[], is_sub_parameter=False, *args, **kwargs): self.subparameters = subparameters # This is simply a list of names that depend on our given param. self.is_sub_parameter = is_sub_parameter if is_sub_parameter and subparameters != []: raise click.BadParameter("An option cannot be both a super parameter and a subparameter.") click.core.Option.__init__(self, param_decls, *args, **kwargs) def type_cast_value(self, ctx, value): """Given a value this runs it properly through the type system. This automatically handles things like `nargs` and `multiple` as well as composite types. """ if self.type.is_composite: if self.nargs <= 1: raise TypeError('Attempted to invoke composite type ' 'but nargs has been set to %s. This is ' 'not supported; nargs needs to be set to ' 'a fixed value > 1.' % self.nargs) if self.multiple: return tuple(self.type(x or (), self, ctx) for x in value or ()) return self.type(value or (), self, ctx) def _convert(value, level): if level == 0: if value == "": #if self.required and self.is_sub_parameter: # raise click.BadParameter(" is a required member of its parameter group. Please provide it inline after the associated superparameter.") return None return self.type(value, self, ctx) return tuple(_convert(x, level - 1) for x in value or ()) v = _convert(value, (self.nargs != 1) + bool(self.multiple)) return _convert(value, (self.nargs != 1) + bool(self.multiple)) class SolidFireCommand(click.Command): def make_parser(self, ctx): """Creates the underlying option parser for this command.""" parser = SolidFireParser(ctx) parser.allow_interspersed_args = ctx.allow_interspersed_args parser.ignore_unknown_options = ctx.ignore_unknown_options for param in self.get_params(ctx): param.add_to_parser(parser, ctx) return parser @click.command(cls=SolidFireCLI, context_settings=CONTEXT_SETTINGS, help=HELP_STRING) @click.option('--mvip', '-m', default=None, help="SolidFire MVIP.", required=False) @click.option('--username', '-u', default=None, help="SolidFire Cluster username.", required=False) @click.option('--password', '-p', default=None, help="SolidFire cluster password.", required=False) @click.option('--version', '-v', default=None, help='The version you would like to connect on.', required=False) @click.option('--port', '-q', default=443, help="The port number on which you wish to connect.", required=False) @click.option('--name', '-n', default = None, help="The name of the connection you wish to use in connections.csv. You can use this if you have previously stored away a connection with 'sfcli connection push'.", required=False) @click.option('--connectionIndex', '-c', default=None, type=click.INT, help="The index of the connection you wish to use in connections.csv. You can use this if you have previously stored away a connection with 'sfcli connection push'.", required=False) @click.option('--verifyssl', '-s', default = False, help="Enable this to check ssl connection for errors especially when using a hostname. It is invalid to set this to true when using an IP address in the target.", required=False, is_flag=True) @click.option('--timeout', '-t', default=30, help="The request timeout in seconds.", required=False) @click.option('--json', '-j', is_flag=True, required=False, help="To print the full output in json format, use this flag.") @click.option('--pickle', '-k', is_flag=True, required=False, help="To print the full output in a pickled json format, use this flag.") @click.option('--depth', '-d', type=int, required=False, help="To print the output as a tree and specify the depth, use this option.") @click.option('--filter_tree', '-f', required=False, type=click.STRING, help="To filter the fields that will be displayed in a tree, use this parameter. Supply fields in a comma separated list of keypaths. For example, to filter accounts list, if I wanted only the username and status, I could supply 'accounts.username,accounts.status'.") @click.option('--debug', required=False, default="1", help="Set the debug level", type=click.Choice(sorted([str(key) for key in DEBUG_LOGGING_MAP.keys()]))) @click.option('--nocache', required=False, is_flag=True, help="If you do not wish to cache the connection, supply this flag.") @pass_context def cli(ctx, mvip=None, username=None, password=None, name=None, port=None, verifyssl=False, timeout=30, connectionindex=None, json=None, pickle=None, depth=None, filter_tree=None, debug=0, verbose=0, version=None, nocache=None): """Welcome to the SolidFire command line interface! For more information about how to use this, see the readme here:""" # NOTE(jdg): This method is actually our console entry point, # if/when we introduce a v2 of the shell and client, we may # need to define a new entry point one level up that parses # out what version we want to uses ctx.debug = debug LOG.setLevel(DEBUG_LOGGING_MAP[int(debug)]) element_logger = logging.getLogger('solidfire.Element') element_logger.setLevel(DEBUG_LOGGING_MAP[int(debug)]) for h in element_logger.handlers: element_logger.removeHandler(h) #if element_logger.hasHandlers(): # element_logger.handlers.clear() ctx.logger = LOG ctx.verbose = verbose ctx.username = username ctx.password = password = name ctx.port = port ctx.connectionindex = connectionindex ctx.mvip = mvip ctx.json = json ctx.pickle = pickle ctx.depth = depth ctx.filter_tree = filter_tree ctx.verifyssl = verifyssl ctx.timeout = timeout ctx.version = version ctx.nocache = nocache if __name__ == '__main__': """ #pass_context() #ctx = click.globals.get_current_context() runner = click.testing.CliRunner() runner.invoke(element_cli.cli, ["account", "list"]) runner.invoke(element_cli.cli, ['--mvip', "", "--login", "admin", "--password", "admin", "--name", "b", "Connection", "PushConnection"])""" cli.main()