Debug AnyCPU 2.0 {fd19f68e-72c8-4576-9775-b4480b0db686} 2015.6.5.0 Documentation Documentation Documentation ..\Working\Documentation\ Documentation Summary, Parameter, Returns, AutoDocumentCtors, Namespace, TypeParameter, AutoDocumentDispose InheritedMembers, InheritedFrameworkMembers, Protected, SealedProtected, ProtectedInternalAsProtected Website .NET Framework 4.5 Json.NET Documentation VS2013 MemberName ..\Working\Src\Newtonsoft.Json\bin\Release\Net45 The <b>Newtonsoft.Json</b> namespace provides classes that are used to implement the core services of the framework. The <b>Newtonsoft.Json.Converters</b> namespace provides classes that inherit from <a href="T_Newtonsoft_Json_JsonConverter.htm">JsonConverter</a>. The <b>Newtonsoft.Json.Linq</b> namespace provides classes that are used to implement LINQ to JSON. The <b>Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.ComponentModel</b> namespace provides classes for LINQ to JSON databinding. <para>The <b>Newtonsoft.Json.Schema</b> namespace provides classes that are used to implement JSON schema.</para> <para><b>Obsolete.</b> JSON Schema validation has been moved to its own package. See <a href=""></a> for more details.</para> The <b>Newtonsoft.Json.Linq</b> namespace provides classes that are used when serializing and deserializing JSON. The <b>Newtonsoft.Json.Linq</b> namespace provides classes that are used to implement BSON. True API Reference {@HelpFormatOutputPaths} False OnlyWarningsAndErrors True False False True C# Blank False en-US AboveNamespaces 2 False &lt%3ba href=&quot%3b../../&quot%3b&gt%3bJson.NET Home&lt%3b/a&gt%3b tick tick cross cross performance performance logo logo