#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright © 2014-2016 NetApp, Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: THIS SOFTWARE CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION OF # NETAPP, INC. USE, DISCLOSURE OR REPRODUCTION IS PROHIBITED WITHOUT THE PRIOR # EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION OF NETAPP, INC. from __future__ import unicode_literals import json from uuid import UUID from future.utils import with_metaclass KNOWN_CONVERSIONS = { type(set): list, UUID: str } def _as_ascii(val): """ Helper method for enforcing ascii encoding. :param val: any string, basestring, or unicode string :type val: basestring :return: a string """ return str(val.encode('ascii', 'ignore')) def serialize(val): """ DataObject serializer value based on MetaData attributes. :param val: any value :return: the serialized value """ if hasattr(val, 'custom_to_json'): return_value = val.custom_to_json() elif hasattr(val, 'to_json'): return_value = val.to_json() elif type(val) in KNOWN_CONVERSIONS: return_value = KNOWN_CONVERSIONS[type(val)](val) elif isinstance(val, dict): return_value = dict((k, serialize(v)) for k, v in val.items()) elif isinstance(val, list): return_value = list(serialize(v) for v in val) elif hasattr(val, '_optional') and val.optional(): return_value = None else: return_value = val return return_value def extract(typ, src): """ DataObject value type converter. :param typ: the type to extract. :param src: the source to extract as type typ. :return: if the type has the ability to extract (convert), otherwise the original version is returned. """ if hasattr(typ, 'extract'): return_value = typ.extract(src, False) elif type(src) == typ: return_value = src elif typ == UUID: return_value = UUID(src) elif typ.__init__(src) is not None: return_value = typ.__init__(src) else: return_value = src return return_value class ModelProperty(object): """ ModelProperty metadata container for API data type information. """ def __init__(self, member_name, member_type, array=False, optional=False, documentation=None, dictionaryType = None): """ ModelProperty constructor. :param member_name: the name of the property. :type member_name: str :param member_type: the type of the property. :type member_type: str :param array: is the property an array. :type array: bool :param optional: is the property optional. :type optional: bool :param documentation: documentation for the property. :type documentation: str """ self._member_name = member_name self._member_type = member_type self._array = array self._optional = optional self._documentation = documentation self._dictionaryType = dictionaryType def __repr__(self): if self._array: arr = '[]' else: arr = '' full_type = '{}'.format(self._member_type).replace('\'>', arr + '\'>') return full_type def extend_json(self, out, data): """ Serialize the property as json-like structure. :param out: the resulting output. :param data: the data to be converted. """ if data is None or hasattr(data, '_member_type'): # HACK ALERT if not self._optional: # We want to catch this error. raise ValueError(self._member_name+" is a required parameter.") # THE OLD WAY! #out[self._member_name] = None elif self._array: out[self._member_name] = [serialize(x) for x in data] elif self._optional: optional_data = serialize(data) if optional_data is not None: out[self._member_name] = optional_data else: out[self._member_name] = serialize(data) def extract_from(self, data): """ Deserialize the property from json. :param data: the data to be converted. :return: the extracted data. """ if self._array: return [] if data is None else [extract(self._member_type, x) for x in data] if self._dictionaryType: newdict = dict() for key in data: newdict[key] = extract(self._dictionaryType, data[key]) return newdict else: return None if data is None else extract(self._member_type, data) def member_name(self): """ :return: the member name. """ return self._member_name def member_type(self): """ :return: the member type. """ return self._member_type def array(self): """ :return: is the property an array """ return self._array def optional(self): """ :return: is the property optional """ return self._optional def documentation(self): """ :return: the property documentation """ return self._documentation def known_default(self): """ Helps convert a property to a default value. :return: a known default for a type. """ if self._member_type is int: return 0 elif self._member_type is float: return 0.0 elif self._member_type is str: return '' elif self._member_type is bool: return False else: pass class MetaDataObject(type): """ MetaDataObject defines a method for attributing ModelProperties to a type. """ def __init__(cls, name, bases, classdict): super(MetaDataObject, cls).__init__(name, bases, classdict) cls._create_properties() def _create_properties(self): pass class DataObject(with_metaclass(MetaDataObject, ModelProperty)): """ DataObject is the base type for all generated types, including the MetaData properties, as described from the api descriptors. """ _properties = None @classmethod def _create_properties(cls): """ Maps api descriptor attributes to the MetaData properties for this object. """ cls._properties = {} for name in dir(cls): prop = getattr(cls, name, None) if isinstance(prop, ModelProperty): cls._properties[name] = prop def __init__(self, **kwargs): # Iterate through available properties and start removing them # from kwargs for name, property in type(self)._properties.items(): if not property.optional() and name not in kwargs.keys() and name != "secret": raise ValueError(name+" is a required parameter.") if name in kwargs: setattr(self, name, kwargs[name]) del kwargs[name] if(len(kwargs.keys()) != 0): raise ValueError("The following params are invalid: "+str(kwargs.keys())) def get_properties(self): """ Exposes the type properties for a Data Object. :return: the dictionary of property names and thier type information. :rtype: dict """ return self._properties def __repr__(self): """ Base repr() for all generated objects. """ props = [] member_items = self._properties for name, prop in sorted(member_items.items()): if prop.array() and hasattr(self, name): try: iter(getattr(self, name)) except TypeError: attrs = [] else: attrs = (repr(x) for x in getattr(self, name)) msg_fmt = '[{arr}]' attr_repr = msg_fmt.format( arr=str.join(str(', '), attrs)) else: if hasattr(self, name): attr_repr = getattr(self, name) else: attr_repr = None msg_fmt = '{name}={repr!r}' msg = msg_fmt.format(name=name, repr=attr_repr) props.append(msg) return str.format(str('{cls}({props})'), cls=type(self).__name__, props=str.join(str(', '), props)) def to_json(self): """ Converts DataObject to json. :return: the DataObject as a json structure. """ out = {} for name, prop in type(self)._properties.items(): prop.extend_json(out, getattr(self, name, None)) return out @classmethod def extract(cls, data, strict=True): """ Converts json to a DataObject. :param data: json data to be deserialized back to a DataObject :type data: str :param strict: If True, missing values will raise an error, otherwise, missing values will None or empty. :type strict: bool :return: a class deserialized from the data provided. """ ctor_dict = {} for name, prop in cls._properties.items(): # If it has data if data is None: pass # If it is a chap secret elif hasattr(prop.member_type(), 'custom_extract'): ctor_dict[name] = prop.member_type().custom_extract( data[prop.member_name()]) # If it has the right data which matches the data we need, set it elif prop.member_name() in data: data_val = data[prop.member_name()] ctor_dict[name] = prop.extract_from(data_val) # If we're dealing with an optional property which hasn't been provided elif prop.optional(): ctor_dict[name] = None # If we're dealing with an empty array elif prop.array(): ctor_dict[name] = [] elif not strict: ctor_dict[name] = None else: msg_fmt = 'Can not create {typ}: ' \ 'missing required property "{name}" in {data}' msg = msg_fmt.format(typ=cls.__name__, name=prop.member_name(), data=json.dumps(data) ) raise TypeError(msg) return cls(**ctor_dict) def property(member_name, member_type, array = False, optional = False, documentation = None, dictionaryType = None): """ Constructs the type for a DataObject property. :param member_name: the name of the property. :type member_name: str :param member_type: the type of the property. :type member_type: type :param array: is the property an array. :type array: bool :param optional: is the property optional. :type optional: bool :param documentation: documentation for the property. :type documentation: str or NoneType :return: the constructed type of a property """ msg_fmt = 'Property of type {typ}{arr}' msg = msg_fmt.format( typ=member_type, arr='[]' if array else '' ) documentation = documentation or msg typ = type(_as_ascii(member_name), (ModelProperty,), { '__doc__': documentation, }) return typ(member_name=member_name, member_type=member_type, array=array, optional=optional, documentation=documentation, dictionaryType=dictionaryType)