package stats import "math" // MedianAbsoluteDeviation finds the median of the absolute deviations from the dataset median func MedianAbsoluteDeviation(input Float64Data) (mad float64, err error) { return MedianAbsoluteDeviationPopulation(input) } // MedianAbsoluteDeviationPopulation finds the median of the absolute deviations from the population median func MedianAbsoluteDeviationPopulation(input Float64Data) (mad float64, err error) { if input.Len() == 0 { return math.NaN(), EmptyInputErr } i := copyslice(input) m, _ := Median(i) for key, value := range i { i[key] = math.Abs(value - m) } return Median(i) } // StandardDeviation the amount of variation in the dataset func StandardDeviation(input Float64Data) (sdev float64, err error) { return StandardDeviationPopulation(input) } // StandardDeviationPopulation finds the amount of variation from the population func StandardDeviationPopulation(input Float64Data) (sdev float64, err error) { if input.Len() == 0 { return math.NaN(), EmptyInputErr } // Get the population variance vp, _ := PopulationVariance(input) // Return the population standard deviation return math.Pow(vp, 0.5), nil } // StandardDeviationSample finds the amount of variation from a sample func StandardDeviationSample(input Float64Data) (sdev float64, err error) { if input.Len() == 0 { return math.NaN(), EmptyInputErr } // Get the sample variance vs, _ := SampleVariance(input) // Return the sample standard deviation return math.Pow(vs, 0.5), nil }