/* card */ .card { box-shadow: 3px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05); } .card-header { border-bottom: none; } /* Stubbing out .nwf-card-header selector here for future Angular component development */ .nwf-card-header { /* begin taken from BS card-header default style */ padding: $card-spacer-y $card-spacer-x; margin-bottom: 0; // Removes the default margin-bottom of color: $card-cap-color; /* end taken from BS card-header default style */ align-items: flex-start; display: flex; padding-top: $luci-space-lg; .card-is-collapsed & { padding-bottom: $luci-space-lg; } .card-is-collapsible & { padding-right: $luci-space-xxl; } .card-title { flex-grow: 1; margin: 0; } & + .card-body { padding-top: 0; } > .btn { &:first-child { margin-right: 2px; margin-left: -18px; /* animates chevron icon when collapsing */ &[aria-expanded="false"], .card-is-collapsed & { .nwf-icon { transition: 0.1s ease-out transform; transform: rotate(180deg); } } } } > .btn, > .dropdown { margin-bottom: -6px; margin-top: -$luci-space-xs; &:not(:first-child) { margin-left: $luci-space-xxs; } &:last-child { margin-right: -$luci-space-xs; } } .card-is-collapsible & { > .btn, > .dropdown { &:last-child { margin-right: -$luci-space-xl; } } } } .card-title { font-size: $luci-font-size-h4-lg - 2px; font-weight: $luci-font-weight-light; /* Buttons within card titles are to the right, like kabobs */ .btn { float: right; position: relative; bottom: $luci-space-xs; left: $luci-space-sm; margin-bottom: -$luci-space-md; } } .card-body { /* collapsible cards have bigger padding */ .card-is-collapsible & { padding-bottom: $luci-space-xxl; padding-right: $luci-space-xxl; padding-left: $luci-space-xxl; } /* remove right padding to accomodate scrollbar width */ .card-is-scrollable & { padding-right: 0; /* override .dx-scrollable default styles instances inside card-is-scrollable */ .dx-scrollable { &:hover { .dx-scrollbar-hoverable { background: $luci-color-neutral-96; } } .dx-scrollable-scroll { padding: 0; width: $luci-space-xs !important; } .dx-scrollable-scroll-content { background: $luci-color-neutral-76; } .dx-scrollbar-hoverable { width: $luci-space-xs !important; &.dx-state-hover { background: $luci-color-neutral-96; } } } } }