$modal-takover-dialog-max-width: 1200px; $modal-takover-body-container-max-width: 840px; .modal-header { align-items: center; @include states; border-bottom: none; padding-bottom: $luci-space-inset-md; padding-top: $luci-space-inset-md; .close { padding: 12px; margin: -14px; } /* I need to add margin to the bottom of the headers that are is- (states) */ &[class*=" is-"] { margin-bottom: $luci-space-inset-lg; } &.is-warning { g#icon-status-warning #glyph { fill: $luci-feedback-color-warning-background; } } &.is-info { g#icon-mc-status-info { path#base-layer { fill: $luci-icon-color-default; } #glyph { fill: $luci-background-color-lightest-blue; } } } &.is-error, &.is-critical { g#icon-mc-status-critical #glyph { fill: $luci-feedback-color-error-background; } } &.is-success { g#icon-mc-status-OKcirclecheck { path#base-layer { fill: $luci-feedback-color-success-primary; } #glyph { fill: $luci-feedback-color-success-background; } } } } .modal-title { font-size: $luci-font-size-h4-md; font-weight: $luci-font-weight-semi-bold; display: flex; align-items: center; flex-grow: 1; flex-wrap: wrap; } .modal-content { border: 0; box-shadow: $luci-box-shadow-default; } .modal-body { padding-top: 0; padding-bottom: 0; } /* Takeover Modal */ body.nwf-takeover-modal { &.modal-open { overflow: visible; padding-right: 0px !important; /* the id of nwf-mainbody is applied in the mainbody.component.ts, and scopes this to that main tag exclusively */ main#nwf-mainbody { /* NgB Modal adds the aria-hidden true attribute to all content that is hidden BEHIND the ngbModal. In our takeover case, we want these display: none, because takeover modal COVERS or removes all the content not overlays it! */ [aria-hidden="true"]:not(ngb-modal-backdrop):not(span) { display: none; } /* First child IS the actual container for the body content we wish to hide - ngb does not add the aria-hidden true to this, and we have to hide it */ /* I display none on ui-view and ng-upgrade (for hybrid) it in case of takeover modal, first child of
which is the content of the page, so the takeover modal appears */ > ui-view, [ui-view], ui-view-ng-upgrade { display: none; } } } /* This is the modal itself */ .nwf-takeover-modal.modal { position: static; .modal-dialog { max-width: $modal-takover-dialog-max-width; margin-bottom: 50px; } &.is-full { .modal-dialog { max-width: 100%; } } .modal-content { padding: 40px; > * { display: block; margin: 0 auto; max-width: $modal-takover-body-container-max-width; width: 100%; } } .modal-title { font-size: $luci-font-size-h3-lg; } .modal-footer { justify-content: flex-start; } } } .modal-backdrop.nwf-takeover-modal { opacity: 0; } .modal.nwf-confirmation-modal-dialog { z-index: 1600 !important; } .close { opacity: 1 !important; &:hover { color: $luci-icon-color-hover; } } /* Move later to a page-alert and alert theme sheet */ @each $status, $colorMap in $alert-color-theme { $border: map-get($colorMap, border); .alert-#{$status} { border-color: $border; } } .alert.is-page-level { color: black; position: fixed; left: 0; right: 0; top: 53px; z-index: $zindex-modal; } .leftnav-is-open { .alert.is-page-level { left: 200px; //this is hard coded to the width of the leftnav, not great, but I think we are standardized. } }