/* Custom form elements for radios, checkboxes, and selects - following BS4 semantics */ /* Custom control stacks (doesn't contain .control-inline means default (Stack) */ .custom-control:not(.custom-control-inline) { /* This is the default (normal size) bottom margin between divs*/ margin-bottom: $luci-space-xs; /* This means a stack of large custom radios or checkboxes */ &.custom-radio-lg, &.custom-checkbox-lg { margin-bottom: $luci-space-md; } /* last one in the stack gets no bottom margin */ &:last-child { margin: 0; } } $indeterminate-icon-size: 10px; $indeterminate-icon-size-sm: 8px; .custom-checkbox { font-size: $luci-font-size-sm; line-height: $luci-font-line-height-body; min-height: 0; small.form-text.text-muted { font-size: $luci-font-size-sm; } > .custom-control-label { &::before { top: 1px; left: -24px; border: 1px solid $gray-400; height: 18px; width: 18px; } &::after { background-size: 15px; top: 1px; left: -24px; } } /* The box itself */ .custom-control-input { &:checked ~ .custom-control-label::before { border: 1px solid $lucix-interactive-color-default; } &:indeterminate ~ .custom-control-label { position: relative; &::before { background-color: $luci-background-color-white; border: 1px solid $gray-400; } &::after { background: $luci-interactive-color-default; width: $indeterminate-icon-size-sm; height: $indeterminate-icon-size-sm; background-image: none !important; left: -19px; top: 6px; margin: 0; padding: 0; border-radius: 2px; } } } /* large has some tweaks */ &.custom-checkbox-lg { .custom-control-input { &:indeterminate ~ .custom-control-label { &::after { width: $indeterminate-icon-size; height: $indeterminate-icon-size; left: -18px; top: 7px; } } } } } /* Small additional label */ .custom-checkbox-sm { small.form-text.text-muted { font-size: $luci-font-size-xs; margin: $luci-space-stack-xs; } } $lg-dims: 22px; /* Custom Radio */ .custom-radio { font-size: $luci-font-size-sm; line-height: $luci-font-line-height-body; min-height: 0; small.form-text.text-muted { font-size: $luci-font-size-sm; } > .custom-control-label { &::before { top: 0; left: -24px; border: 1px solid $gray-400; height: 18px; width: 18px; } &::after { background-size: 14px; top: 1px; left: -23px; } } .custom-control-input { &:checked ~ .custom-control-label::before { border: 2px solid $lucix-interactive-color-default; background-color: $white; } } } .custom-radio-sm { small.form-text.text-muted { font-size: $luci-font-size-xs; margin: $luci-space-stack-xs; } } /* Consistent parts for large checkboxes and radios */ .custom-checkbox-lg, .custom-radio-lg { font-size: $luci-font-size-md; > .custom-control-label { padding-left: $luci-space-sm; &::before { border-width: 2px !important; width: $lg-dims; height: $lg-dims; top: 1px; } &::after { background-size: 45% !important; left: -1.95rem; width: $lg-dims; height: $lg-dims; padding-left: $lg-dims + $luci-space-sm; margin-right: 30px; top: 1px; } } } /* little extra tweak for large custom radios */ .custom-radio-lg { > .custom-control-label { &::after { background-size: 17px !important; left: -30px; top: 1px; } } } /* Invalid */ .custom-control-input { &.ng-invalid:not(.ng-untouched) ~ .custom-control-label { &::before { box-shadow: $form-box-shadow-error; } } } /* Custom select */ .custom-select { &:disabled { background: $custom-select-indicator-disabled no-repeat right $custom-select-padding-x center / $custom-select-bg-size; } } /* Custom control icon and button containers */ .custom-control-icon-container { position: relative; .form-control { padding-right: 40px; &.form-control-sm { padding-right: 28px; } } } .custom-control-button { position: absolute; top: 1px; right: 1px; &.btn-icon-only.custom-control-button:hover:not(:disabled) { border-color: $luci-icon-color-hover; background-color: $luci-icon-color-hover; } &.custom-control-button-sm { min-height: 28px; max-width: 28px; > nwf-icon { svg { height: $luci-icon-size-xs; width: $luci-icon-size-xs; } } } }