# check that all the required ODBC drivers are available, and install any that are missing Function DownloadFileFromUrl ($url, $file_path) { # try multiple times to download the file $success = $false $attempt_number = 1 $max_attempts = 5 while ($true) { try { Start-FileDownload -Url $url -FileName $file_path $success = $true } catch { Write-Error $_ Write-Output "WARNING: download attempt number $attempt_number of $max_attempts failed" } if ($success) {return} if ($attempt_number -ge $max_attempts) {break} Start-Sleep -Seconds 10 $attempt_number += 1 } # delete the file, just in case, to indicate failure if (Test-Path $file_path) { Remove-Item $file_path } } Function CheckAndInstallMsiFromUrl ($driver_name, $driver_bitness, $driver_url, $msifile_path, $msiexec_paras) { Write-Output "" # check whether the driver is already installed $d = Get-OdbcDriver -Name $driver_name -Platform $driver_bitness -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue if ($?) { Write-Output "*** Driver ""$driver_name"" ($driver_bitness) already installed: $($d.Attribute.Driver)" return } else { Write-Output "*** Driver ""$driver_name"" ($driver_bitness) not found" } # get the driver's msi file, check the AppVeyor cache first if (Test-Path $msifile_path) { Write-Output "Driver's msi file found in the cache" } else { DownloadFileFromUrl -url $driver_url -file_path $msifile_path If (-Not (Test-Path $msifile_path)) { Write-Output "ERROR: Could not download the msi file from ""$driver_url""" return } } # install the driver's msi file # Note, there is an alternate method of calling msiexec.exe using cmd: # cmd /c start /wait msiexec.exe /i "$msifile_path" /quiet /qn /norestart # if (!$?) {...} Write-Output "Installing the driver..." $msi_args = @("/quiet", "/passive", "/qn", "/norestart", "/i", ('"{0}"' -f $msifile_path)) if ($msiexec_paras) { $msi_args += $msiexec_paras } $result = Start-Process "msiexec.exe" -ArgumentList $msi_args -Wait -PassThru if ($result.ExitCode -ne 0) { Write-Output "ERROR: Driver installation failed" Write-Output $result return } Write-Output "...driver installed successfully" } Function CheckAndInstallZippedMsiFromUrl ($driver_name, $driver_bitness, $driver_url, $zipfile_path, $zip_internal_msi_file, $msifile_path) { Write-Output "" # check whether the driver is already installed if ($d = Get-OdbcDriver -Name $driver_name -Platform $driver_bitness -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue) { Write-Output "*** Driver ""$driver_name"" ($driver_bitness) already installed: $($d.Attribute.Driver)" return } else { Write-Output "*** Driver ""$driver_name"" ($driver_bitness) not found" } if (Test-Path $msifile_path) { Write-Output "Driver's msi file found in the cache" } else { DownloadFileFromUrl -url $driver_url -file_path $zipfile_path If (-Not (Test-Path $zipfile_path)) { Write-Output "ERROR: Could not download the zip file from $driver_url" return } Write-Output "Unzipping..." Expand-Archive -Path $zipfile_path -DestinationPath $temp_dir Copy-Item -Path "$temp_dir\$zip_internal_msi_file" -Destination $msifile_path -Force } Write-Output "Installing the driver..." $msi_args = @("/i", ('"{0}"' -f $msifile_path), "/quiet", "/qn", "/norestart") $result = Start-Process "msiexec.exe" -ArgumentList $msi_args -Wait -PassThru if ($result.ExitCode -ne 0) { Write-Output "ERROR: Driver installation failed" Write-Output $result return } Write-Output "...driver installed successfully" } # get Python version and bitness $python_major_version = cmd /c "${env:PYTHON_HOME}\python" -c "import sys; sys.stdout.write(str(sys.version_info.major))" $python_minor_version = cmd /c "${env:PYTHON_HOME}\python" -c "import sys; sys.stdout.write(str(sys.version_info.minor))" $python_arch = cmd /c "${env:PYTHON_HOME}\python" -c "import sys; sys.stdout.write('64' if sys.maxsize > 2**32 else '32')" # directories used exclusively by AppVeyor $cache_dir = "$env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER\apvyr_cache" If (Test-Path $cache_dir) { Write-Output "*** Contents of the cache directory: $cache_dir" Get-ChildItem $cache_dir } else { Write-Output "*** Creating directory ""$cache_dir""..." New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $cache_dir | out-null } $temp_dir = "$env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER\apvyr_tmp" If (-Not (Test-Path $temp_dir)) { Write-Output "*** Creating directory ""$temp_dir""..." New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $temp_dir | out-null } # output the already available ODBC drivers before installation If (${env:APVYR_VERBOSE} -eq "true") { Write-Output "" Write-Output "*** Installed ODBC drivers:" Get-OdbcDriver } # Microsoft SQL Server # AppVeyor build servers are always 64-bit and therefore only the 64-bit # SQL Server ODBC driver msi files can be installed on them. However, # the 64-bit msi files include both 32-bit and 64-bit drivers anyway. # The "SQL Server Native Client 10.0" and "SQL Server Native Client 11.0" driver # downloads do not appear to be available, hence cannot be installed. CheckAndInstallMsiFromUrl ` -driver_name "ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server" ` -driver_bitness "64-bit" ` -driver_url "https://download.microsoft.com/download/5/7/2/57249A3A-19D6-4901-ACCE-80924ABEB267/ENU/x64/msodbcsql.msi" ` -msifile_path "$cache_dir\msodbcsql_11.0.0.0_x64.msi" ` -msiexec_paras @("IACCEPTMSODBCSQLLICENSETERMS=YES", "ADDLOCAL=ALL"); # with the 13.0 driver, some tests fail for Python 2.7 so using version 13.1 # 13.0: https://download.microsoft.com/download/1/E/7/1E7B1181-3974-4B29-9A47-CC857B271AA2/English/X64/msodbcsql.msi # 13.1: https://download.microsoft.com/download/D/5/E/D5EEF288-A277-45C8-855B-8E2CB7E25B96/x64/msodbcsql.msi CheckAndInstallMsiFromUrl ` -driver_name "ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server" ` -driver_bitness "64-bit" ` -driver_url "https://download.microsoft.com/download/D/5/E/D5EEF288-A277-45C8-855B-8E2CB7E25B96/x64/msodbcsql.msi" ` -msifile_path "$cache_dir\msodbcsql_13.1.0.0_x64.msi" ` -msiexec_paras @("IACCEPTMSODBCSQLLICENSETERMS=YES", "ADDLOCAL=ALL"); CheckAndInstallMsiFromUrl ` -driver_name "ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server" ` -driver_bitness "64-bit" ` -driver_url "https://download.microsoft.com/download/E/6/B/E6BFDC7A-5BCD-4C51-9912-635646DA801E/en-US/" ` -msifile_path "$cache_dir\msodbcsql_17.5.1.1_x64.msi" ` -msiexec_paras @("IACCEPTMSODBCSQLLICENSETERMS=YES", "ADDLOCAL=ALL"); # some drivers must be installed in alignment with Python's bitness if ($python_arch -eq "64") { CheckAndInstallZippedMsiFromUrl ` -driver_name "PostgreSQL Unicode(x64)" ` -driver_bitness "64-bit" ` -driver_url "https://ftp.postgresql.org/pub/odbc/versions/msi/psqlodbc_11_01_0000-x64.zip" ` -zipfile_path "$temp_dir\psqlodbc_11_01_0000-x64.zip" ` -zip_internal_msi_file "psqlodbc_x64.msi" ` -msifile_path "$cache_dir\psqlodbc_11_01_0000-x64.msi"; # MySQL 8.0 drivers apparently don't work on Python 2.7 ("system error 126"). # Note, installing MySQL 8.0 ODBC drivers causes the 5.3 drivers to be uninstalled. if ($python_major_version -eq "2") { CheckAndInstallMsiFromUrl ` -driver_name "MySQL ODBC 5.3 ANSI Driver" ` -driver_bitness "64-bit" ` -driver_url "https://dev.mysql.com/get/Downloads/Connector-ODBC/5.3/mysql-connector-odbc-5.3.14-winx64.msi" ` -msifile_path "$cache_dir\mysql-connector-odbc-5.3.14-winx64.msi"; } else { CheckAndInstallMsiFromUrl ` -driver_name "MySQL ODBC 8.0 ANSI Driver" ` -driver_bitness "64-bit" ` -driver_url "https://dev.mysql.com/get/Downloads/Connector-ODBC/8.0/mysql-connector-odbc-8.0.19-winx64.msi" ` -msifile_path "$cache_dir\mysql-connector-odbc-8.0.19-winx64.msi"; } } elseif ($python_arch -eq "32") { CheckAndInstallZippedMsiFromUrl ` -driver_name "PostgreSQL Unicode" ` -driver_bitness "32-bit" ` -driver_url "https://ftp.postgresql.org/pub/odbc/versions/msi/psqlodbc_11_01_0000-x86.zip" ` -zipfile_path "$temp_dir\psqlodbc_11_01_0000-x86.zip" ` -zip_internal_msi_file "psqlodbc_x86.msi" ` -msifile_path "$cache_dir\psqlodbc_11_01_0000-x86.msi"; # MySQL 8.0 drivers apparently don't work on Python 2.7 ("system error 126") so install 5.3 instead. # Note, installing MySQL 8.0 ODBC drivers causes the 5.3 drivers to be uninstalled. if ($python_major_version -eq 2) { CheckAndInstallMsiFromUrl ` -driver_name "MySQL ODBC 5.3 ANSI Driver" ` -driver_bitness "32-bit" ` -driver_url "https://dev.mysql.com/get/Downloads/Connector-ODBC/5.3/mysql-connector-odbc-5.3.14-win32.msi" ` -msifile_path "$cache_dir\mysql-connector-odbc-5.3.14-win32.msi"; } else { CheckAndInstallMsiFromUrl ` -driver_name "MySQL ODBC 8.0 ANSI Driver" ` -driver_bitness "32-bit" ` -driver_url "https://dev.mysql.com/get/Downloads/Connector-ODBC/8.0/mysql-connector-odbc-8.0.19-win32.msi" ` -msifile_path "$cache_dir\mysql-connector-odbc-8.0.19-win32.msi"; } } else { Write-Output "ERROR: Unexpected Python architecture:" Write-Output $python_arch } # output the contents of the temporary AppVeyor directories and # the ODBC drivers now available after installation If (${env:APVYR_VERBOSE} -eq "true") { Write-Output "" Write-Output "*** Contents of the cache directory: $cache_dir" Get-ChildItem $cache_dir Write-Output "" Write-Output "*** Contents of the temporary directory: $temp_dir" Get-ChildItem $temp_dir Write-Output "" Write-Output "*** Installed ODBC drivers:" Get-OdbcDriver }