import binascii import json import six try: from import Mapping, Iterable # Python 3 except ImportError: from collections import Mapping, Iterable # Python 2, will be deprecated in Python 3.8 from jose import jwk from jose.constants import ALGORITHMS from jose.exceptions import JWSError from jose.exceptions import JWSSignatureError from jose.utils import base64url_encode from jose.utils import base64url_decode def sign(payload, key, headers=None, algorithm=ALGORITHMS.HS256): """Signs a claims set and returns a JWS string. Args: payload (str or dict): A string to sign key (str or dict): The key to use for signing the claim set. Can be individual JWK or JWK set. headers (dict, optional): A set of headers that will be added to the default headers. Any headers that are added as additional headers will override the default headers. algorithm (str, optional): The algorithm to use for signing the the claims. Defaults to HS256. Returns: str: The string representation of the header, claims, and signature. Raises: JWSError: If there is an error signing the token. Examples: >>> jws.sign({'a': 'b'}, 'secret', algorithm='HS256') 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhIjoiYiJ9.jiMyrsmD8AoHWeQgmxZ5yq8z0lXS67_QGs52AzC8Ru8' """ if algorithm not in ALGORITHMS.SUPPORTED: raise JWSError('Algorithm %s not supported.' % algorithm) encoded_header = _encode_header(algorithm, additional_headers=headers) encoded_payload = _encode_payload(payload) signed_output = _sign_header_and_claims(encoded_header, encoded_payload, algorithm, key) return signed_output def verify(token, key, algorithms, verify=True): """Verifies a JWS string's signature. Args: token (str): A signed JWS to be verified. key (str or dict): A key to attempt to verify the payload with. Can be individual JWK or JWK set. algorithms (str or list): Valid algorithms that should be used to verify the JWS. Returns: str: The str representation of the payload, assuming the signature is valid. Raises: JWSError: If there is an exception verifying a token. Examples: >>> token = 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhIjoiYiJ9.jiMyrsmD8AoHWeQgmxZ5yq8z0lXS67_QGs52AzC8Ru8' >>> jws.verify(token, 'secret', algorithms='HS256') """ header, payload, signing_input, signature = _load(token) if verify: _verify_signature(signing_input, header, signature, key, algorithms) return payload def get_unverified_header(token): """Returns the decoded headers without verification of any kind. Args: token (str): A signed JWS to decode the headers from. Returns: dict: The dict representation of the token headers. Raises: JWSError: If there is an exception decoding the token. """ header, claims, signing_input, signature = _load(token) return header def get_unverified_headers(token): """Returns the decoded headers without verification of any kind. This is simply a wrapper of get_unverified_header() for backwards compatibility. Args: token (str): A signed JWS to decode the headers from. Returns: dict: The dict representation of the token headers. Raises: JWSError: If there is an exception decoding the token. """ return get_unverified_header(token) def get_unverified_claims(token): """Returns the decoded claims without verification of any kind. Args: token (str): A signed JWS to decode the headers from. Returns: str: The str representation of the token claims. Raises: JWSError: If there is an exception decoding the token. """ header, claims, signing_input, signature = _load(token) return claims def _encode_header(algorithm, additional_headers=None): header = { "typ": "JWT", "alg": algorithm } if additional_headers: header.update(additional_headers) json_header = json.dumps( header, separators=(',', ':'), sort_keys=True, ).encode('utf-8') return base64url_encode(json_header) def _encode_payload(payload): if isinstance(payload, Mapping): try: payload = json.dumps( payload, separators=(',', ':'), ).encode('utf-8') except ValueError: pass return base64url_encode(payload) def _sign_header_and_claims(encoded_header, encoded_claims, algorithm, key_data): signing_input = b'.'.join([encoded_header, encoded_claims]) try: key = jwk.construct(key_data, algorithm) signature = key.sign(signing_input) except Exception as e: raise JWSError(e) encoded_signature = base64url_encode(signature) encoded_string = b'.'.join([encoded_header, encoded_claims, encoded_signature]) return encoded_string.decode('utf-8') def _load(jwt): if isinstance(jwt, six.text_type): jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8') try: signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1) header_segment, claims_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1) header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment) except ValueError: raise JWSError('Not enough segments') except (TypeError, binascii.Error): raise JWSError('Invalid header padding') try: header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8')) except ValueError as e: raise JWSError('Invalid header string: %s' % e) if not isinstance(header, Mapping): raise JWSError('Invalid header string: must be a json object') try: payload = base64url_decode(claims_segment) except (TypeError, binascii.Error): raise JWSError('Invalid payload padding') try: signature = base64url_decode(crypto_segment) except (TypeError, binascii.Error): raise JWSError('Invalid crypto padding') return (header, payload, signing_input, signature) def _sig_matches_keys(keys, signing_input, signature, alg): for key in keys: key = jwk.construct(key, alg) try: if key.verify(signing_input, signature): return True except Exception: pass return False def _get_keys(key): try: key = json.loads(key) except Exception: pass # JWK Set per RFC 7517 if 'keys' in key: return key['keys'] # Individual JWK per RFC 7517 elif 'kty' in key: return (key,) # Some other mapping. Firebase uses just dict of kid, cert pairs elif isinstance(key, Mapping): values = key.values() if values: return values return (key,) # Iterable but not text or mapping => list- or tuple-like elif (isinstance(key, Iterable) and not (isinstance(key, six.string_types) or isinstance(key, Mapping))): return key # Scalar value, wrap in tuple. else: return (key,) def _verify_signature(signing_input, header, signature, key='', algorithms=None): alg = header.get('alg') if not alg: raise JWSError('No algorithm was specified in the JWS header.') if algorithms is not None and alg not in algorithms: raise JWSError('The specified alg value is not allowed') keys = _get_keys(key) try: if not _sig_matches_keys(keys, signing_input, signature, alg): raise JWSSignatureError() except JWSSignatureError: raise JWSError('Signature verification failed.') except JWSError: raise JWSError('Invalid or unsupported algorithm: %s' % alg)