#!/usr/bin/env python # $Id: create_unimap.py 5174 2007-05-31 00:01:52Z wiemann $ # Author: Lea Wiemann # Copyright: This file has been placed in the public domain. # Call: create_unimap.py < unicode.xml > unicode_latex.py # # Get unicode.xml from # . from xml.dom import minidom import sys import pprint def w(s): if isinstance(s, str): s = s.encode('utf8') sys.stdout.write(s) text_map = {} math_map = {} class Visitor: """Node visitor for contents of unicode.xml.""" def visit_character(self, node): for n in node.childNodes: if n.nodeName == 'latex': code = node.attributes['dec'].value if '-' in code: # I don't know what this means, but we probably # don't need it.... continue if int(code) < 128: # Wrong (maps "-" to "$-$", which is too wide) and # unnecessary (maps "a" to "{a}"). continue latex_code = n.childNodes[0].nodeValue.encode('ascii').strip() if node.attributes['mode'].value == 'math': math_map[chr(int(code))] = '$%s$' % latex_code else: text_map[chr(int(code))] = '{%s}' % latex_code def call_visitor(node, visitor=Visitor()): if isinstance(node, minidom.Text): name = 'Text' else: name = node.nodeName.replace('#', '_') if hasattr(visitor, 'visit_' + name): getattr(visitor, 'visit_' + name)(node) for child in node.childNodes: call_visitor(child) if hasattr(visitor, 'depart_' + name): getattr(visitor, 'depart_' + name)(node) document = minidom.parse(sys.stdin) call_visitor(document) unicode_map = math_map unicode_map.update(text_map) # Now unicode_map contains the text entries plus dollar-enclosed math # entries for those chars for which no text entry exists. print('# $%s$' % 'Id') print('# Author: Lea Wiemann ') print('# Copyright: This file has been placed in the public domain.') print() print('# This is a mapping of Unicode characters to LaTeX equivalents.') print('# The information has been extracted from') print('# , written by') print('# David Carlisle and Sebastian Rahtz.') print('#') print('# The extraction has been done by the "create_unimap.py" script') print('# located at .') print() print('unicode_map = %s' % pprint.pformat(unicode_map, indent=0))