#!/usr/bin/env python # $Id: test_buildhtml.py 6370 2010-07-10 06:57:08Z grubert $ # Author: engelbert gruber # Copyright: This module has been placed in the public domain. """ test buildhtml options, because ``--local`` is broken. Build-HTML Options ------------------ --recurse Recursively scan subdirectories for files to process. This is the default. --local Do not scan subdirectories for files to process. --prune= Do not process files in . This option may be used more than once to specify multiple directories. --ignore= Recursively ignore files or directories matching any of the given wildcard (shell globbing) patterns (separated by colons). Default: ".svn:CVS" --silent Work silently (no progress messages). Independent of "--quiet". """ import unittest import os import re def process_and_return_filelist(options): dirs = [] files = [] cin, cout = os.popen4("../buildhtml.py "+options) while 1: ln = cout.readline() if not ln: break # BUG no colon in filename/path allowed item = ln.split(":")[-1].strip() if ln.startswith(" "): files.append(item) else: dirs.append(item) return (dirs, files) class BuildHtmlTests(unittest.TestCase): tree = ( "_tmp_test_tree", "_tmp_test_tree/one.txt", "_tmp_test_tree/two.txt", "_tmp_test_tree/dir1", "_tmp_test_tree/dir1/one.txt", "_tmp_test_tree/dir1/two.txt", "_tmp_test_tree/dir2", "_tmp_test_tree/dir2/one.txt", "_tmp_test_tree/dir2/two.txt", "_tmp_test_tree/dir2/sub", "_tmp_test_tree/dir2/sub/one.txt", "_tmp_test_tree/dir2/sub/two.txt", ) def setUp(self): self.root = os.tempnam() os.mkdir(self.root) for s in self.tree: s = os.path.join(self.root, s) if not "." in s: os.mkdir(s) else: open(s, "w").write("dummy") def tearDown(self): for i in range(len(self.tree) - 1, -1, -1): s = os.path.join(self.root, self.tree[i]) if not "." in s: os.rmdir(s) else: os.remove(s) os.rmdir(self.root) def test_1(self): opts = "--dry-run "+ self.root dirs, files = process_and_return_filelist( opts ) self.assertEqual(files.count("one.txt"), 4) def test_local(self): opts = "--dry-run --local "+ self.root dirs, files = process_and_return_filelist( opts ) self.assertEqual( len(dirs), 1) self.assertEqual( files, []) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()