""" This module defines packable types, that is types than can be easily converted to a binary format as used in MachO headers. """ import struct import sys try: from itertools import izip, imap except ImportError: izip, imap = zip, map from itertools import chain, starmap __all__ = """ sizeof BasePackable Structure pypackable p_char p_byte p_ubyte p_short p_ushort p_int p_uint p_long p_ulong p_longlong p_ulonglong p_int8 p_uint8 p_int16 p_uint16 p_int32 p_uint32 p_int64 p_uint64 p_float p_double """.split() def sizeof(s): """ Return the size of an object when packed """ if hasattr(s, '_size_'): return s._size_ elif isinstance(s, bytes): return len(s) raise ValueError(s) class MetaPackable(type): """ Fixed size struct.unpack-able types use from_tuple as their designated initializer """ def from_mmap(cls, mm, ptr, **kw): return cls.from_str(mm[ptr:ptr+cls._size_], **kw) def from_fileobj(cls, f, **kw): return cls.from_str(f.read(cls._size_), **kw) def from_str(cls, s, **kw): endian = kw.get('_endian_', cls._endian_) return cls.from_tuple(struct.unpack(endian + cls._format_, s), **kw) def from_tuple(cls, tpl, **kw): return cls(tpl[0], **kw) class BasePackable(object): _endian_ = '>' def to_str(self): raise NotImplementedError def to_fileobj(self, f): f.write(self.to_str()) def to_mmap(self, mm, ptr): mm[ptr:ptr+self._size_] = self.to_str() # This defines a class with a custom metaclass, we'd normally # use "class Packable(BasePackable, metaclass=MetaPackage)", # but that syntax is not valid in Python 2 (and likewise the # python 2 syntax is not valid in Python 3) def _make(): def to_str(self): cls = type(self) endian = getattr(self, '_endian_', cls._endian_) return struct.pack(endian + cls._format_, self) return MetaPackable("Packable", (BasePackable,), {'to_str': to_str}) Packable = _make() del _make def pypackable(name, pytype, format): """ Create a "mix-in" class with a python type and a Packable with the given struct format """ size, items = _formatinfo(format) def __new__(cls, *args, **kwds): if '_endian_' in kwds: _endian_ = kwds.pop('_endian_') else: _endian_ = cls._endian_ result = pytype.__new__(cls, *args, **kwds) result._endian_ = _endian_ return result return type(Packable)(name, (pytype, Packable), { '_format_': format, '_size_': size, '_items_': items, '__new__': __new__, }) def _formatinfo(format): """ Calculate the size and number of items in a struct format. """ size = struct.calcsize(format) return size, len(struct.unpack(format, b'\x00' * size)) class MetaStructure(MetaPackable): """ The metaclass of Structure objects that does all the magic. Since we can assume that all Structures have a fixed size, we can do a bunch of calculations up front and pack or unpack the whole thing in one struct call. """ def __new__(cls, clsname, bases, dct): fields = dct['_fields_'] names = [] types = [] structmarks = [] format = '' items = 0 size = 0 def struct_property(name, typ): def _get(self): return self._objects_[name] def _set(self, obj): if type(obj) is not typ: obj = typ(obj) self._objects_[name] = obj return property(_get, _set, typ.__name__) for name, typ in fields: dct[name] = struct_property(name, typ) names.append(name) types.append(typ) format += typ._format_ size += typ._size_ if (typ._items_ > 1): structmarks.append((items, typ._items_, typ)) items += typ._items_ dct['_structmarks_'] = structmarks dct['_names_'] = names dct['_types_'] = types dct['_size_'] = size dct['_items_'] = items dct['_format_'] = format return super(MetaStructure, cls).__new__(cls, clsname, bases, dct) def from_tuple(cls, tpl, **kw): values = [] current = 0 for begin, length, typ in cls._structmarks_: if begin > current: values.extend(tpl[current:begin]) current = begin + length values.append(typ.from_tuple(tpl[begin:current], **kw)) values.extend(tpl[current:]) return cls(*values, **kw) # See metaclass discussion earlier in this file def _make(): class_dict = {} class_dict['_fields_'] = () def as_method(function): class_dict[function.__name__] = function @as_method def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if len(args) == 1 and not kwargs and type(args[0]) is type(self): kwargs = args[0]._objects_ args = () self._objects_ = {} iargs = chain(izip(self._names_, args), kwargs.items()) for key, value in iargs: if key not in self._names_ and key != "_endian_": raise TypeError setattr(self, key, value) for key, typ in izip(self._names_, self._types_): if key not in self._objects_: self._objects_[key] = typ() @as_method def _get_packables(self): for obj in imap(self._objects_.__getitem__, self._names_): if hasattr(obj, '_get_packables'): for obj in obj._get_packables(): yield obj else: yield obj @as_method def to_str(self): return struct.pack( self._endian_ + self._format_, *self._get_packables()) @as_method def __cmp__(self, other): if type(other) is not type(self): raise TypeError( 'Cannot compare objects of type %r to objects of type %r' % ( type(other), type(self))) if sys.version_info[0] == 2: _cmp = cmp # noqa: F821 else: def _cmp(a, b): if a < b: return -1 elif a > b: return 1 elif a == b: return 0 else: raise TypeError() for cmpval in starmap( _cmp, izip(self._get_packables(), other._get_packables())): if cmpval != 0: return cmpval return 0 @as_method def __eq__(self, other): r = self.__cmp__(other) return r == 0 @as_method def __ne__(self, other): r = self.__cmp__(other) return r != 0 @as_method def __lt__(self, other): r = self.__cmp__(other) return r < 0 @as_method def __le__(self, other): r = self.__cmp__(other) return r <= 0 @as_method def __gt__(self, other): r = self.__cmp__(other) return r > 0 @as_method def __ge__(self, other): r = self.__cmp__(other) return r >= 0 @as_method def __repr__(self): result = [] result.append('<') result.append(type(self).__name__) for nm in self._names_: result.append(' %s=%r' % (nm, getattr(self, nm))) result.append('>') return ''.join(result) return MetaStructure("Structure", (BasePackable,), class_dict) Structure = _make() del _make try: long except NameError: long = int # export common packables with predictable names p_char = pypackable('p_char', bytes, 'c') p_int8 = pypackable('p_int8', int, 'b') p_uint8 = pypackable('p_uint8', int, 'B') p_int16 = pypackable('p_int16', int, 'h') p_uint16 = pypackable('p_uint16', int, 'H') p_int32 = pypackable('p_int32', int, 'i') p_uint32 = pypackable('p_uint32', long, 'I') p_int64 = pypackable('p_int64', long, 'q') p_uint64 = pypackable('p_uint64', long, 'Q') p_float = pypackable('p_float', float, 'f') p_double = pypackable('p_double', float, 'd') # Deprecated names, need trick to emit deprecation warning. p_byte = p_int8 p_ubyte = p_uint8 p_short = p_int16 p_ushort = p_uint16 p_int = p_long = p_int32 p_uint = p_ulong = p_uint32 p_longlong = p_int64 p_ulonglong = p_uint64