# PuLP : Python LP Modeler # Version 1.4.2 # Copyright (c) 2002-2005, Jean-Sebastien Roy (js@jeannot.org) # Modifications Copyright (c) 2007- Stuart Anthony Mitchell (s.mitchell@auckland.ac.nz) # $Id:solvers.py 1791 2008-04-23 22:54:34Z smit023 $ # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS # OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY # CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, # TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE # SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.""" from .core import LpSolver, PulpSolverError from .. import constants import sys class MOSEK(LpSolver): """Mosek lp and mip solver (via Mosek Optimizer API).""" name = 'MOSEK' try: global mosek import mosek except ImportError: def available(self): """True if Mosek is available.""" return False def actualSolve(self, lp, callback = None): """Solves a well-formulated lp problem.""" raise PulpSolverError("MOSEK : Not Available") else: def __init__(self, mip = True, msg = True, options = {}, task_file_name = "", sol_type = mosek.soltype.bas): """Initializes the Mosek solver. Keyword arguments: @param mip: If False, then solve MIP as LP. @param msg: Enable Mosek log output. @param options: Accepts a dictionary of Mosek solver parameters. Ignore to use default parameter values. Eg: options = {mosek.dparam.mio_max_time:30} sets the maximum time spent by the Mixed Integer optimizer to 30 seconds. Equivalently, one could also write: options = {"MSK_DPAR_MIO_MAX_TIME":30} which uses the generic parameter name as used within the solver, instead of using an object from the Mosek Optimizer API (Python), as before. @param task_file_name: Writes a Mosek task file of the given name. By default, no task file will be written. Eg: task_file_name = "eg1.opf". @param sol_type: Mosek supports three types of solutions: mosek.soltype.bas (Basic solution, default), mosek.soltype.itr (Interior-point solution) and mosek.soltype.itg (Integer solution). For a full list of Mosek parameters (for the Mosek Optimizer API) and supported task file formats, please see https://docs.mosek.com/9.1/pythonapi/parameters.html#doc-all-parameter-list. """ self.mip = mip self.msg = msg self.task_file_name = task_file_name self.solution_type = sol_type self.options = options def available(self): """True if Mosek is available.""" return(True) def setOutStream(self, text): """Sets the log-output stream.""" sys.stdout.write(text) sys.stdout.flush() def buildSolverModel(self, lp, inf=1e20): """Translate the problem into a Mosek task object.""" self.cons = lp.constraints self.numcons = len(self.cons) self.cons_dict = {} i = 0 for c in self.cons: self.cons_dict[c] = i i = i+1 self.vars = list(lp.variables()) self.numvars = len(self.vars) self.var_dict = {} #Checking for repeated names lp.checkDuplicateVars() #Creating a MOSEK environment self.env = mosek.Env() self.task = self.env.Task() self.task.appendcons(self.numcons) self.task.appendvars(self.numvars) if self.msg: self.task.set_Stream(mosek.streamtype.log,self.setOutStream) #Adding variables for i in range(self.numvars): vname = self.vars[i].name self.var_dict[vname] = i self.task.putvarname(i,vname) #Variable type (Default: Continuous) if self.mip & (self.vars[i].cat == constants.LpInteger): self.task.putvartype(i,mosek.variabletype.type_int) self.solution_type = mosek.soltype.itg #Variable bounds vbkey = mosek.boundkey.fr vup = inf vlow = -inf if self.vars[i].lowBound != None: vlow = self.vars[i].lowBound if self.vars[i].upBound != None: vup = self.vars[i].upBound vbkey = mosek.boundkey.ra else: vbkey = mosek.boundkey.lo elif self.vars[i].upBound != None: vup = self.vars[i].upBound vbkey = mosek.boundkey.up self.task.putvarbound(i,vbkey,vlow,vup) #Objective coefficient for the current variable. self.task.putcj(i,lp.objective.get(self.vars[i],0.0)) #Coefficient matrix self.A_rows,self.A_cols,self.A_vals = zip(*[[self.cons_dict[row],self.var_dict[col],coeff] for col,row,coeff in lp.coefficients()]) self.task.putaijlist(self.A_rows,self.A_cols,self.A_vals) #Constraints self.constraint_data_list = [] for c in self.cons: cname = self.cons[c].name if cname != None: self.task.putconname(self.cons_dict[c],cname) else: self.task.putconname(self.cons_dict[c],c) csense = self.cons[c].sense cconst = -self.cons[c].constant clow = -inf cup = inf #Constraint bounds if csense == constants.LpConstraintEQ: cbkey = mosek.boundkey.fx clow = cconst cup = cconst elif csense == constants.LpConstraintGE: cbkey = mosek.boundkey.lo clow = cconst elif csense == constants.LpConstraintLE: cbkey = mosek.boundkey.up cup = cconst else: raise PulpSolverError('Invalid constraint type.') self.constraint_data_list.append([self.cons_dict[c],cbkey,clow,cup]) self.cons_id_list,self.cbkey_list,self.clow_list,self.cup_list = zip(*self.constraint_data_list) self.task.putconboundlist(self.cons_id_list,self.cbkey_list,self.clow_list,self.cup_list) #Objective sense if lp.sense == constants.LpMaximize: self.task.putobjsense(mosek.objsense.maximize) else: self.task.putobjsense(mosek.objsense.minimize) def findSolutionValues(self, lp): """ Read the solution values and status from the Mosek task object. Note: Since the status map from mosek.solsta to LpStatus is not exact, it is recommended that one enables the log output and then refer to Mosek documentation for a better understanding of the solution (especially in the case of mip problems). """ self.solsta = self.task.getsolsta(self.solution_type) self.solution_status_dict = {mosek.solsta.optimal: constants.LpStatusOptimal, mosek.solsta.prim_infeas_cer: constants.LpStatusInfeasible, mosek.solsta.dual_infeas_cer: constants.LpStatusUnbounded, mosek.solsta.unknown: constants.LpStatusUndefined, mosek.solsta.integer_optimal: constants.LpStatusOptimal, mosek.solsta.prim_illposed_cer: constants.LpStatusNotSolved, mosek.solsta.dual_illposed_cer: constants.LpStatusNotSolved, mosek.solsta.prim_feas: constants.LpStatusNotSolved, mosek.solsta.dual_feas: constants.LpStatusNotSolved, mosek.solsta.prim_and_dual_feas: constants.LpStatusNotSolved} #Variable values. try: self.xx = [0.]*self.numvars self.task.getxx(self.solution_type,self.xx) for var in lp.variables(): var.varValue = self.xx[self.var_dict[var.name]] except mosek.Error: pass #Constraint slack variables. try: self.xc = [0.]*self.numcons self.task.getxc(self.solution_type,self.xc) for con in lp.constraints: lp.constraints[con].slack = -(self.cons[con].constant + self.xc[self.cons_dict[con]]) except mosek.Error: pass #Reduced costs. if self.solution_type != mosek.soltype.itg: try: self.x_rc = [0.]*self.numvars self.task.getreducedcosts(self.solution_type,0,self.numvars,self.x_rc) for var in lp.variables(): var.dj = self.x_rc[self.var_dict[var.name]] except mosek.Error: pass #Constraint Pi variables. try: self.y = [0.]*self.numcons self.task.gety(self.solution_type,self.y) for con in lp.constraints: lp.constraints[con].pi = self.y[self.cons_dict[con]] except mosek.Error: pass def putparam(self, par, val): """ Pass the values of valid parameters to Mosek. """ if isinstance(par, mosek.dparam): self.task.putdouparam(par, val) elif isinstance(par, mosek.iparam): self.task.putintparam(par, val) elif isinstance(par, mosek.sparam): self.task.putstrparam(par, val) elif isinstance(par, str): if par.startswith("MSK_DPAR_"): self.task.putnadouparam(par, val) elif par.startswith("MSK_IPAR_"): self.task.putnaintparam(par, val) elif par.startswith("MSK_SPAR_"): self.task.putnastrparam(par, val) else: raise PulpSolverError("Invalid MOSEK parameter: '{}'. Check MOSEK documentation for a list of valid parameters.".format(par)) def actualSolve(self, lp): """ Solve a well-formulated lp problem. """ self.buildSolverModel(lp) #Set solver parameters for msk_par in self.options: self.putparam(msk_par,self.options[msk_par]) #Task file if self.task_file_name: self.task.writedata(self.task_file_name) #Optimize self.task.optimize() #Mosek solver log (default: standard output stream) if self.msg: self.task.solutionsummary(mosek.streamtype.msg) self.findSolutionValues(lp) lp.assignStatus(self.solution_status_dict[self.solsta]) for var in lp.variables(): var.modified = False for con in lp.constraints.values(): con.modified = False return(lp.status) def actualResolve(self, lp, inf=1e20, **kwargs): """ Modify constraints and re-solve an lp. The Mosek task object created in the first solve is used. """ for c in self.cons: if self.cons[c].modified: csense = self.cons[c].sense cconst = -self.cons[c].constant clow = -inf cup = inf #Constraint bounds if csense == constants.LpConstraintEQ: cbkey = mosek.boundkey.fx clow = cconst cup = cconst elif csense == constants.LpConstraintGE: cbkey = mosek.boundkey.lo clow = cconst elif csense == constants.LpConstraintLE: cbkey = mosek.boundkey.up cup = cconst else: raise PulpSolverError('Invalid constraint type.') self.task.putconbound(self.cons_dict[c],cbkey,clow,cup) #Re-solve self.task.optimize() self.findSolutionValues(lp) lp.assignStatus(self.solution_status_dict[self.solsta]) for var in lp.variables(): var.modified = False for con in lp.constraints.values(): con.modified = False return(lp.status)