# The configuration file that holds locations for 3rd party solvers # This is an appropriate configuration file for linux uses and in this case is assuming that the # needed libraries are in the same directory as the config file (note this is not ideal and # may change in later versions) # Libraries are ordered in the needed order to resolve dependancies and CoinMP is loaded last # a windows specific configuation file is pulp.cfg.win #$Id: pulp.cfg 1704 2007-12-20 21:56:14Z smit023 $ [locations] CoinMPPath = %(here)s/../../parts/coinMP/lib/libCoinUtils.so, %(here)s/../../parts/coinMP/lib/libClp.so, %(here)s/../../parts/coinMP/lib/libOsi.so, %(here)s/../../parts/coinMP/lib/libOsiClp.so, %(here)s/../../parts/coinMP/lib/libCgl.so, %(here)s/../../parts/coinMP/lib/libCbc.so, %(here)s/../../parts/coinMP/lib/libOsiCbc.so, %(here)s/../../parts/coinMP/lib/libCbcSolver.so, %(here)s/../../parts/coinMP/lib/libCoinMP.so CplexPath = /usr/ilog/cplex/bin/x86_rhel4.0_3.4/libcplex110.so #note the recommended gurobi changes must be made to your PATH #and LD_LIBRARY_PATH enviroment variables GurobiPath = /opt/gurobi201/linux32/lib/python2.5 CbcPath = %(here)s/../../parts/cbc/bin/cbc GlpkPath = %(here)s/../../parts/glpk/bin/glpsol