# see the xlwt.license module for details of licensing. # Utilities for work with reference to cells and with sheetnames import re from .ExcelMagic import MAX_ROW, MAX_COL from .compat import xrange _re_cell_ex = re.compile(r"(\$?)([A-I]?[A-Z])(\$?)(\d+)", re.IGNORECASE) _re_row_range = re.compile(r"\$?(\d+):\$?(\d+)") _re_col_range = re.compile(r"\$?([A-I]?[A-Z]):\$?([A-I]?[A-Z])", re.IGNORECASE) _re_cell_range = re.compile(r"\$?([A-I]?[A-Z]\$?\d+):\$?([A-I]?[A-Z]\$?\d+)", re.IGNORECASE) _re_cell_ref = re.compile(r"\$?([A-I]?[A-Z]\$?\d+)", re.IGNORECASE) def col_by_name(colname): """'A' -> 0, 'Z' -> 25, 'AA' -> 26, etc """ col = 0 power = 1 for i in xrange(len(colname)-1, -1, -1): ch = colname[i] col += (ord(ch) - ord('A') + 1) * power power *= 26 return col - 1 def cell_to_rowcol(cell): """Convert an Excel cell reference string in A1 notation to numeric row/col notation. Returns: row, col, row_abs, col_abs """ m = _re_cell_ex.match(cell) if not m: raise Exception("Ill-formed single_cell reference: %s" % cell) col_abs, col, row_abs, row = m.groups() row_abs = bool(row_abs) col_abs = bool(col_abs) row = int(row) - 1 col = col_by_name(col.upper()) return row, col, row_abs, col_abs def cell_to_rowcol2(cell): """Convert an Excel cell reference string in A1 notation to numeric row/col notation. Returns: row, col """ m = _re_cell_ex.match(cell) if not m: raise Exception("Error in cell format") col_abs, col, row_abs, row = m.groups() # Convert base26 column string to number # All your Base are belong to us. row = int(row) - 1 col = col_by_name(col.upper()) return row, col def rowcol_to_cell(row, col, row_abs=False, col_abs=False): """Convert numeric row/col notation to an Excel cell reference string in A1 notation. """ assert 0 <= row < MAX_ROW # MAX_ROW counts from 1 assert 0 <= col < MAX_COL # MAX_COL counts from 1 d = col // 26 m = col % 26 chr1 = "" # Most significant character in AA1 if row_abs: row_abs = '$' else: row_abs = '' if col_abs: col_abs = '$' else: col_abs = '' if d > 0: chr1 = chr(ord('A') + d - 1) chr2 = chr(ord('A') + m) # Zero index to 1-index return col_abs + chr1 + chr2 + row_abs + str(row + 1) def rowcol_pair_to_cellrange(row1, col1, row2, col2, row1_abs=False, col1_abs=False, row2_abs=False, col2_abs=False): """Convert two (row,column) pairs into a cell range string in A1:B2 notation. Returns: cell range string """ assert row1 <= row2 assert col1 <= col2 return ( rowcol_to_cell(row1, col1, row1_abs, col1_abs) + ":" + rowcol_to_cell(row2, col2, row2_abs, col2_abs) ) def cellrange_to_rowcol_pair(cellrange): """Convert cell range string in A1 notation to numeric row/col pair. Returns: row1, col1, row2, col2 """ cellrange = cellrange.upper() # Convert a row range: '1:3' res = _re_row_range.match(cellrange) if res: row1 = int(res.group(1)) - 1 col1 = 0 row2 = int(res.group(2)) - 1 col2 = -1 return row1, col1, row2, col2 # Convert a column range: 'A:A' or 'B:G'. # A range such as A:A is equivalent to A1:A16384, so add rows as required res = _re_col_range.match(cellrange) if res: col1 = col_by_name(res.group(1).upper()) row1 = 0 col2 = col_by_name(res.group(2).upper()) row2 = -1 return row1, col1, row2, col2 # Convert a cell range: 'A1:B7' res = _re_cell_range.match(cellrange) if res: row1, col1 = cell_to_rowcol2(res.group(1)) row2, col2 = cell_to_rowcol2(res.group(2)) return row1, col1, row2, col2 # Convert a cell reference: 'A1' or 'AD2000' res = _re_cell_ref.match(cellrange) if res: row1, col1 = cell_to_rowcol2(res.group(1)) return row1, col1, row1, col1 raise Exception("Unknown cell reference %s" % (cellrange)) def cell_to_packed_rowcol(cell): """ pack row and column into the required 4 byte format """ row, col, row_abs, col_abs = cell_to_rowcol(cell) if col >= MAX_COL: raise Exception("Column %s greater than IV in formula" % cell) if row >= MAX_ROW: # this for BIFF8. for BIFF7 available 2^14 raise Exception("Row %s greater than %d in formula" % (cell, MAX_ROW)) col |= int(not row_abs) << 15 col |= int(not col_abs) << 14 return row, col # === sheetname functions === def valid_sheet_name(sheet_name): if sheet_name == u"" or sheet_name[0] == u"'" or len(sheet_name) > 31: return False for c in sheet_name: if c in u"[]:\\?/*\x00": return False return True def quote_sheet_name(unquoted_sheet_name): if not valid_sheet_name(unquoted_sheet_name): raise Exception( 'attempt to quote an invalid worksheet name %r' % unquoted_sheet_name) return u"'" + unquoted_sheet_name.replace(u"'", u"''") + u"'"