from __future__ import print_function ## This file is part of PyANTLR. See LICENSE.txt for license ## details..........Copyright (C) Wolfgang Haefelinger, 2004. ## This file was copied for use with xlwt from the 2.7.7 ANTLR distribution. Yes, it ## says 2.7.5 below. The 2.7.5 distribution version didn't have a ## version in it. ## Here is the contents of the ANTLR 2.7.7 LICENSE.txt referred to above. # SOFTWARE RIGHTS # # ANTLR 1989-2006 Developed by Terence Parr # Partially supported by University of San Francisco & # # We reserve no legal rights to the ANTLR--it is fully in the # public domain. An individual or company may do whatever # they wish with source code distributed with ANTLR or the # code generated by ANTLR, including the incorporation of # ANTLR, or its output, into commerical software. # # We encourage users to develop software with ANTLR. However, # we do ask that credit is given to us for developing # ANTLR. By "credit", we mean that if you use ANTLR or # incorporate any source code into one of your programs # (commercial product, research project, or otherwise) that # you acknowledge this fact somewhere in the documentation, # research report, etc... If you like ANTLR and have # developed a nice tool with the output, please mention that # you developed it using ANTLR. In addition, we ask that the # headers remain intact in our source code. As long as these # guidelines are kept, we expect to continue enhancing this # system and expect to make other tools available as they are # completed. # # The primary ANTLR guy: # # Terence Parr # # ## End of contents of the ANTLR 2.7.7 LICENSE.txt ######################## ## get sys module import sys from .compat import long, basestring, int_types, xrange ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### ### global symbols ### ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### ### ANTLR Standard Tokens SKIP = -1 INVALID_TYPE = 0 EOF_TYPE = 1 EOF = 1 NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD = 3 MIN_USER_TYPE = 4 ### ANTLR's EOF Symbol EOF_CHAR = '' ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### ### general functions ### ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### ## Version should be automatically derived from For now, ## we need to bump it ourselfs. Don't remove the tags. ## def version(): r = { 'major' : '2', 'minor' : '7', 'micro' : '5', 'patch' : '' , 'version': '2.7.5' } return r ## def error(fmt,*args): if fmt: print("error: ", fmt % tuple(args)) def ifelse(cond,_then,_else): if cond : r = _then else: r = _else return r def is_string_type(x): # return (isinstance(x,str) or isinstance(x,unicode)) # Simplify; xlwt doesn't support Python < 2.3 return isinstance(basestring) def assert_string_type(x): assert is_string_type(x) pass ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### ### ANTLR Exceptions ### ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### class ANTLRException(Exception): def __init__(self, *args): Exception.__init__(self, *args) class RecognitionException(ANTLRException): def __init__(self, *args): ANTLRException.__init__(self, *args) self.fileName = None self.line = -1 self.column = -1 if len(args) >= 2: self.fileName = args[1] if len(args) >= 3: self.line = args[2] if len(args) >= 4: self.column = args[3] def __str__(self): buf = [''] if self.fileName: buf.append(self.fileName + ":") if self.line != -1: if not self.fileName: buf.append("line ") buf.append(str(self.line)) if self.column != -1: buf.append(":" + str(self.column)) buf.append(":") buf.append(" ") return str('').join(buf) __repr__ = __str__ class NoViableAltException(RecognitionException): def __init__(self, *args): RecognitionException.__init__(self, *args) self.token = None self.node = None if isinstance(args[0],AST): self.node = args[0] elif isinstance(args[0],Token): self.token = args[0] else: raise TypeError("NoViableAltException requires Token or AST argument") def __str__(self): if self.token: line = self.token.getLine() col = self.token.getColumn() text = self.token.getText() return "unexpected symbol at line %s (column %s): \"%s\"" % (line,col,text) if self.node == ASTNULL: return "unexpected end of subtree" assert self.node ### hackish, we assume that an AST contains method getText return "unexpected node: %s" % (self.node.getText()) __repr__ = __str__ class NoViableAltForCharException(RecognitionException): def __init__(self, *args): self.foundChar = None if len(args) == 2: self.foundChar = args[0] scanner = args[1] RecognitionException.__init__(self, "NoViableAlt", scanner.getFilename(), scanner.getLine(), scanner.getColumn()) elif len(args) == 4: self.foundChar = args[0] fileName = args[1] line = args[2] column = args[3] RecognitionException.__init__(self, "NoViableAlt", fileName, line, column) else: RecognitionException.__init__(self, "NoViableAlt", '', -1, -1) def __str__(self): mesg = "unexpected char: " if self.foundChar >= ' ' and self.foundChar <= '~': mesg += "'" + self.foundChar + "'" elif self.foundChar: mesg += "0x" + hex(ord(self.foundChar)).upper()[2:] else: mesg += "" return mesg __repr__ = __str__ class SemanticException(RecognitionException): def __init__(self, *args): RecognitionException.__init__(self, *args) class MismatchedCharException(RecognitionException): NONE = 0 CHAR = 1 NOT_CHAR = 2 RANGE = 3 NOT_RANGE = 4 SET = 5 NOT_SET = 6 def __init__(self, *args): self.args = args if len(args) == 5: # Expected range / not range if args[3]: self.mismatchType = MismatchedCharException.NOT_RANGE else: self.mismatchType = MismatchedCharException.RANGE self.foundChar = args[0] self.expecting = args[1] self.upper = args[2] self.scanner = args[4] RecognitionException.__init__(self, "Mismatched char range", self.scanner.getFilename(), self.scanner.getLine(), self.scanner.getColumn()) elif len(args) == 4 and is_string_type(args[1]): # Expected char / not char if args[2]: self.mismatchType = MismatchedCharException.NOT_CHAR else: self.mismatchType = MismatchedCharException.CHAR self.foundChar = args[0] self.expecting = args[1] self.scanner = args[3] RecognitionException.__init__(self, "Mismatched char", self.scanner.getFilename(), self.scanner.getLine(), self.scanner.getColumn()) elif len(args) == 4 and isinstance(args[1], BitSet): # Expected BitSet / not BitSet if args[2]: self.mismatchType = MismatchedCharException.NOT_SET else: self.mismatchType = MismatchedCharException.SET self.foundChar = args[0] self.set = args[1] self.scanner = args[3] RecognitionException.__init__(self, "Mismatched char set", self.scanner.getFilename(), self.scanner.getLine(), self.scanner.getColumn()) else: self.mismatchType = MismatchedCharException.NONE RecognitionException.__init__(self, "Mismatched char") ## Append a char to the msg buffer. If special, # then show escaped version # def appendCharName(self, sb, c): if not c or c == 65535: # 65535 = (char) -1 = EOF sb.append("''") elif c == '\n': sb.append("'\\n'") elif c == '\r': sb.append("'\\r'"); elif c == '\t': sb.append("'\\t'") else: sb.append('\'' + c + '\'') ## # Returns an error message with line number/column information # def __str__(self): sb = [''] sb.append(RecognitionException.__str__(self)) if self.mismatchType == MismatchedCharException.CHAR: sb.append("expecting ") self.appendCharName(sb, self.expecting) sb.append(", found ") self.appendCharName(sb, self.foundChar) elif self.mismatchType == MismatchedCharException.NOT_CHAR: sb.append("expecting anything but '") self.appendCharName(sb, self.expecting) sb.append("'; got it anyway") elif self.mismatchType in [MismatchedCharException.RANGE, MismatchedCharException.NOT_RANGE]: sb.append("expecting char ") if self.mismatchType == MismatchedCharException.NOT_RANGE: sb.append("NOT ") sb.append("in range: ") self.appendCharName(sb, self.expecting) sb.append("..") self.appendCharName(sb, self.upper) sb.append(", found ") self.appendCharName(sb, self.foundChar) elif self.mismatchType in [MismatchedCharException.SET, MismatchedCharException.NOT_SET]: sb.append("expecting ") if self.mismatchType == MismatchedCharException.NOT_SET: sb.append("NOT ") sb.append("one of (") for i in range(len(self.set)): self.appendCharName(sb, self.set[i]) sb.append("), found ") self.appendCharName(sb, self.foundChar) return str().join(sb).strip() __repr__ = __str__ class MismatchedTokenException(RecognitionException): NONE = 0 TOKEN = 1 NOT_TOKEN = 2 RANGE = 3 NOT_RANGE = 4 SET = 5 NOT_SET = 6 def __init__(self, *args): self.args = args self.tokenNames = [] self.token = None self.tokenText = '' self.node = None if len(args) == 6: # Expected range / not range if args[3]: self.mismatchType = MismatchedTokenException.NOT_RANGE else: self.mismatchType = MismatchedTokenException.RANGE self.tokenNames = args[0] self.expecting = args[2] self.upper = args[3] self.fileName = args[5] elif len(args) == 4 and isinstance(args[2], int): # Expected token / not token if args[3]: self.mismatchType = MismatchedTokenException.NOT_TOKEN else: self.mismatchType = MismatchedTokenException.TOKEN self.tokenNames = args[0] self.expecting = args[2] elif len(args) == 4 and isinstance(args[2], BitSet): # Expected BitSet / not BitSet if args[3]: self.mismatchType = MismatchedTokenException.NOT_SET else: self.mismatchType = MismatchedTokenException.SET self.tokenNames = args[0] self.set = args[2] else: self.mismatchType = MismatchedTokenException.NONE RecognitionException.__init__(self, "Mismatched Token: expecting any AST node", "", -1, -1) if len(args) >= 2: if isinstance(args[1],Token): self.token = args[1] self.tokenText = self.token.getText() RecognitionException.__init__(self, "Mismatched Token", self.fileName, self.token.getLine(), self.token.getColumn()) elif isinstance(args[1],AST): self.node = args[1] self.tokenText = str(self.node) RecognitionException.__init__(self, "Mismatched Token", "", self.node.getLine(), self.node.getColumn()) else: self.tokenText = "" RecognitionException.__init__(self, "Mismatched Token", "", -1, -1) def appendTokenName(self, sb, tokenType): if tokenType == INVALID_TYPE: sb.append("") elif tokenType < 0 or tokenType >= len(self.tokenNames): sb.append("<" + str(tokenType) + ">") else: sb.append(self.tokenNames[tokenType]) ## # Returns an error message with line number/column information # def __str__(self): sb = [''] sb.append(RecognitionException.__str__(self)) if self.mismatchType == MismatchedTokenException.TOKEN: sb.append("expecting ") self.appendTokenName(sb, self.expecting) sb.append(", found " + self.tokenText) elif self.mismatchType == MismatchedTokenException.NOT_TOKEN: sb.append("expecting anything but '") self.appendTokenName(sb, self.expecting) sb.append("'; got it anyway") elif self.mismatchType in [MismatchedTokenException.RANGE, MismatchedTokenException.NOT_RANGE]: sb.append("expecting token ") if self.mismatchType == MismatchedTokenException.NOT_RANGE: sb.append("NOT ") sb.append("in range: ") self.appendTokenName(sb, self.expecting) sb.append("..") self.appendTokenName(sb, self.upper) sb.append(", found " + self.tokenText) elif self.mismatchType in [MismatchedTokenException.SET, MismatchedTokenException.NOT_SET]: sb.append("expecting ") if self.mismatchType == MismatchedTokenException.NOT_SET: sb.append("NOT ") sb.append("one of (") for i in range(len(self.set)): self.appendTokenName(sb, self.set[i]) sb.append("), found " + self.tokenText) return str().join(sb).strip() __repr__ = __str__ class TokenStreamException(ANTLRException): def __init__(self, *args): ANTLRException.__init__(self, *args) # Wraps an Exception in a TokenStreamException class TokenStreamIOException(TokenStreamException): def __init__(self, *args): if args and isinstance(args[0], Exception): io = args[0] TokenStreamException.__init__(self, str(io)) = io else: TokenStreamException.__init__(self, *args) = self # Wraps a RecognitionException in a TokenStreamException class TokenStreamRecognitionException(TokenStreamException): def __init__(self, *args): if args and isinstance(args[0], RecognitionException): recog = args[0] TokenStreamException.__init__(self, str(recog)) self.recog = recog else: raise TypeError("TokenStreamRecognitionException requires RecognitionException argument") def __str__(self): return str(self.recog) __repr__ = __str__ class TokenStreamRetryException(TokenStreamException): def __init__(self, *args): TokenStreamException.__init__(self, *args) class CharStreamException(ANTLRException): def __init__(self, *args): ANTLRException.__init__(self, *args) # Wraps an Exception in a CharStreamException class CharStreamIOException(CharStreamException): def __init__(self, *args): if args and isinstance(args[0], Exception): io = args[0] CharStreamException.__init__(self, str(io)) = io else: CharStreamException.__init__(self, *args) = self class TryAgain(Exception): pass ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### ### Token ### ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### class Token(object): SKIP = -1 INVALID_TYPE = 0 EOF_TYPE = 1 EOF = 1 NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD = 3 MIN_USER_TYPE = 4 def __init__(self,**argv): try: self.type = argv['type'] except: self.type = INVALID_TYPE try: self.text = argv['text'] except: self.text = "" def isEOF(self): return (self.type == EOF_TYPE) def getColumn(self): return 0 def getLine(self): return 0 def getFilename(self): return None def setFilename(self,name): return self def getText(self): return "" def setText(self,text): if is_string_type(text): pass else: raise TypeError("Token.setText requires string argument") return self def setColumn(self,column): return self def setLine(self,line): return self def getType(self): return self.type def setType(self,type): if isinstance(type,int): self.type = type else: raise TypeError("Token.setType requires integer argument") return self def toString(self): ## not optimal type_ = self.type if type_ == 3: tval = 'NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD' elif type_ == 1: tval = 'EOF_TYPE' elif type_ == 0: tval = 'INVALID_TYPE' elif type_ == -1: tval = 'SKIP' else: tval = type_ return '["%s",<%s>]' % (self.getText(),tval) __str__ = toString __repr__ = toString ### static attribute .. Token.badToken = Token( type=INVALID_TYPE, text="") if __name__ == "__main__": print("testing ..") T = Token.badToken print(T) ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### ### CommonToken ### ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### class CommonToken(Token): def __init__(self,**argv): Token.__init__(self,**argv) self.line = 0 self.col = 0 try: self.line = argv['line'] except: pass try: self.col = argv['col'] except: pass def getLine(self): return self.line def getText(self): return self.text def getColumn(self): return self.col def setLine(self,line): self.line = line return self def setText(self,text): self.text = text return self def setColumn(self,col): self.col = col return self def toString(self): ## not optimal type_ = self.type if type_ == 3: tval = 'NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD' elif type_ == 1: tval = 'EOF_TYPE' elif type_ == 0: tval = 'INVALID_TYPE' elif type_ == -1: tval = 'SKIP' else: tval = type_ d = { 'text' : self.text, 'type' : tval, 'line' : self.line, 'colm' : self.col } fmt = '["%(text)s",<%(type)s>,line=%(line)s,col=%(colm)s]' return fmt % d __str__ = toString __repr__ = toString if __name__ == '__main__' : T = CommonToken() print(T) T = CommonToken(col=15,line=1,text="some text", type=5) print(T) T = CommonToken() T.setLine(1).setColumn(15).setText("some text").setType(5) print(T) print(T.getLine()) print(T.getColumn()) print(T.getText()) print(T.getType()) ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### ### CommonHiddenStreamToken ### ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### class CommonHiddenStreamToken(CommonToken): def __init__(self,*args): CommonToken.__init__(self,*args) self.hiddenBefore = None self.hiddenAfter = None def getHiddenAfter(self): return self.hiddenAfter def getHiddenBefore(self): return self.hiddenBefore def setHiddenAfter(self,t): self.hiddenAfter = t def setHiddenBefore(self, t): self.hiddenBefore = t ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### ### Queue ### ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### ## Shall be a circular buffer on tokens .. class Queue(object): def __init__(self): self.buffer = [] # empty list def append(self,item): self.buffer.append(item) def elementAt(self,index): return self.buffer[index] def reset(self): self.buffer = [] def removeFirst(self): self.buffer.pop(0) def length(self): return len(self.buffer) def __str__(self): return str(self.buffer) ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### ### InputBuffer ### ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### class InputBuffer(object): def __init__(self): self.nMarkers = 0 self.markerOffset = 0 self.numToConsume = 0 self.queue = Queue() def __str__(self): return "(%s,%s,%s,%s)" % ( self.nMarkers, self.markerOffset, self.numToConsume, self.queue) def __repr__(self): return str(self) def commit(self): self.nMarkers -= 1 def consume(self) : self.numToConsume += 1 ## probably better to return a list of items ## because of unicode. Or return a unicode ## string .. def getLAChars(self) : i = self.markerOffset n = self.queue.length() s = '' while i 0: if self.nMarkers > 0: # guess mode -- leave leading characters and bump offset. self.markerOffset += 1 else: # normal mode -- remove first character self.queue.removeFirst() self.numToConsume -= 1 ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### ### CharBuffer ### ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### class CharBuffer(InputBuffer): def __init__(self,reader): ##assert isinstance(reader,file) super(CharBuffer,self).__init__() ## a reader is supposed to be anything that has ## a method 'read(int)'. self.input = reader def __str__(self): base = super(CharBuffer,self).__str__() return "CharBuffer{%s,%s" % (base,str(input)) def fill(self,amount): try: self.syncConsume() while self.queue.length() < (amount + self.markerOffset) : ## retrieve just one char - what happend at end ## of input? c = ### python's behaviour is to return the empty string on ### EOF, ie. no exception whatsoever is thrown. An empty ### python string has the nice feature that it is of ### type 'str' and "not ''" would return true. Contrary, ### one can't do this: '' in 'abc'. This should return ### false, but all we get is then a TypeError as an ### empty string is not a character. ### Let's assure then that we have either seen a ### character or an empty string (EOF). assert len(c) == 0 or len(c) == 1 ### And it shall be of type string (ASCII or UNICODE). assert is_string_type(c) ### Just append EOF char to buffer. Note that buffer may ### contain then just more than one EOF char .. ### use unicode chars instead of ASCII .. self.queue.append(c) except Exception as e: raise CharStreamIOException(e) ##except: # (mk) Cannot happen ... ##error ("unexpected exception caught ..") ##assert 0 ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### ### LexerSharedInputState ### ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### class LexerSharedInputState(object): def __init__(self,ibuf): assert isinstance(ibuf,InputBuffer) self.input = ibuf self.column = 1 self.line = 1 self.tokenStartColumn = 1 self.tokenStartLine = 1 self.guessing = 0 self.filename = None def reset(self): self.column = 1 self.line = 1 self.tokenStartColumn = 1 self.tokenStartLine = 1 self.guessing = 0 self.filename = None self.input.reset() def LA(self,k): return self.input.LA(k) ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### ### TokenStream ### ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### class TokenStream(object): def nextToken(self): pass def __iter__(self): return TokenStreamIterator(self) ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### ### TokenStreamIterator ### ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### class TokenStreamIterator(object): def __init__(self,inst): if isinstance(inst,TokenStream): self.inst = inst return raise TypeError("TokenStreamIterator requires TokenStream object") def next(self): assert self.inst item = self.inst.nextToken() if not item or item.isEOF(): raise StopIteration() return item ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### ### TokenStreamSelector ### ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### class TokenStreamSelector(TokenStream): def __init__(self): self._input = None self._stmap = {} self._stack = [] def addInputStream(self,stream,key): self._stmap[key] = stream def getCurrentStream(self): return self._input def getStream(self,sname): try: stream = self._stmap[sname] except: raise ValueError("TokenStream " + sname + " not found"); return stream; def nextToken(self): while 1: try: return self._input.nextToken() except TokenStreamRetryException: ### just retry "forever" pass def pop(self): stream = self._stack.pop();; return stream; def push(self,arg): self._stack.append(self._input); def retry(self): raise TokenStreamRetryException() def select(self,arg): if isinstance(arg,TokenStream): self._input = arg return if is_string_type(arg): self._input = self.getStream(arg) return raise TypeError(" requires " + "TokenStream or string argument") ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### ### TokenStreamBasicFilter ### ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### class TokenStreamBasicFilter(TokenStream): def __init__(self,input): self.input = input; self.discardMask = BitSet() def discard(self,arg): if isinstance(arg,int): self.discardMask.add(arg) return if isinstance(arg,BitSet): self.discardMark = arg return raise TypeError("TokenStreamBasicFilter.discard requires" + "integer or BitSet argument") def nextToken(self): tok = self.input.nextToken() while tok and self.discardMask.member(tok.getType()): tok = self.input.nextToken() return tok ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### ### TokenStreamHiddenTokenFilter ### ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### class TokenStreamHiddenTokenFilter(TokenStreamBasicFilter): def __init__(self,input): TokenStreamBasicFilter.__init__(self,input) self.hideMask = BitSet() self.nextMonitoredToken = None self.lastHiddenToken = None self.firstHidden = None def consume(self): self.nextMonitoredToken = self.input.nextToken() def consumeFirst(self): self.consume() p = None; while self.hideMask.member(self.LA(1).getType()) or \ self.discardMask.member(self.LA(1).getType()): if self.hideMask.member(self.LA(1).getType()): if not p: p = self.LA(1) else: p.setHiddenAfter(self.LA(1)) self.LA(1).setHiddenBefore(p) p = self.LA(1) self.lastHiddenToken = p if not self.firstHidden: self.firstHidden = p self.consume() def getDiscardMask(self): return self.discardMask def getHiddenAfter(self,t): return t.getHiddenAfter() def getHiddenBefore(self,t): return t.getHiddenBefore() def getHideMask(self): return self.hideMask def getInitialHiddenToken(self): return self.firstHidden def hide(self,m): if isinstance(m,int): self.hideMask.add(m) return if isinstance(m.BitMask): self.hideMask = m return def LA(self,i): return self.nextMonitoredToken def nextToken(self): if not self.LA(1): self.consumeFirst() monitored = self.LA(1) monitored.setHiddenBefore(self.lastHiddenToken) self.lastHiddenToken = None self.consume() p = monitored while self.hideMask.member(self.LA(1).getType()) or \ self.discardMask.member(self.LA(1).getType()): if self.hideMask.member(self.LA(1).getType()): p.setHiddenAfter(self.LA(1)) if p != monitored: self.LA(1).setHiddenBefore(p) p = self.lastHiddenToken = self.LA(1) self.consume() return monitored ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### ### StringBuffer ### ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### class StringBuffer: def __init__(self,string=None): if string: self.text = list(string) else: self.text = [] def setLength(self,sz): if not sz : self.text = [] return assert sz>0 if sz >= self.length(): return ### just reset to empty buffer self.text = self.text[0:sz] def length(self): return len(self.text) def append(self,c): self.text.append(c) ### return buffer as string. Arg 'a' is used as index ## into the buffer and 2nd argument shall be the length. ## If 2nd args is absent, we return chars till end of ## buffer starting with 'a'. def getString(self,a=None,length=None): if not a : a = 0 assert a>=0 if a>= len(self.text) : return "" if not length: ## no second argument L = self.text[a:] else: assert (a+length) <= len(self.text) b = a + length L = self.text[a:b] s = "" for x in L : s += x return s toString = getString ## alias def __str__(self): return str(self.text) ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### ### Reader ### ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### ## When reading Japanese chars, it happens that a stream returns a ## 'char' of length 2. This looks like a bug in the appropriate ## codecs - but I'm rather unsure about this. Anyway, if this is ## the case, I'm going to split this string into a list of chars ## and put them on hold, ie. on a buffer. Next time when called ## we read from buffer until buffer is empty. ## wh: nov, 25th -> problem does not appear in Python 2.4.0.c1. class Reader(object): def __init__(self,stream): self.cin = stream self.buf = [] def read(self,num): assert num==1 if len(self.buf): return self.buf.pop() ## Read a char - this may return a string. ## Is this a bug in codecs/Python? c = if not c or len(c)==1: return c L = list(c) L.reverse() for x in L: self.buf.append(x) ## read one char .. return ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### ### CharScanner ### ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### class CharScanner(TokenStream): ## class members NO_CHAR = 0 EOF_CHAR = '' ### EOF shall be the empty string. def __init__(self, *argv, **kwargs): super(CharScanner, self).__init__() self.saveConsumedInput = True self.tokenClass = None self.caseSensitive = True self.caseSensitiveLiterals = True self.literals = None self.tabsize = 8 self._returnToken = None self.commitToPath = False self.traceDepth = 0 self.text = StringBuffer() self.hashString = hash(self) self.setTokenObjectClass(CommonToken) self.setInput(*argv) def __iter__(self): return CharScannerIterator(self) def setInput(self,*argv): ## case 1: ## if there's no arg we default to read from ## standard input if not argv: import sys self.setInput(sys.stdin) return ## get 1st argument arg1 = argv[0] ## case 2: ## if arg1 is a string, we assume it's a file name ## and open a stream using 2nd argument as open ## mode. If there's no 2nd argument we fall back to ## mode '+rb'. if is_string_type(arg1): f = open(arg1,"rb") self.setInput(f) self.setFilename(arg1) return ## case 3: ## if arg1 is a file we wrap it by a char buffer ( ## some additional checks?? No, can't do this in ## general). if isinstance(arg1,file): self.setInput(CharBuffer(arg1)) return ## case 4: ## if arg1 is of type SharedLexerInputState we use ## argument as is. if isinstance(arg1,LexerSharedInputState): self.inputState = arg1 return ## case 5: ## check whether argument type is of type input ## buffer. If so create a SharedLexerInputState and ## go ahead. if isinstance(arg1,InputBuffer): self.setInput(LexerSharedInputState(arg1)) return ## case 6: ## check whether argument type has a method read(int) ## If so create CharBuffer ... try: if rd = Reader(arg1) cb = CharBuffer(rd) ss = LexerSharedInputState(cb) self.inputState = ss return except: pass ## case 7: ## raise wrong argument exception raise TypeError(argv) def setTabSize(self,size) : self.tabsize = size def getTabSize(self) : return self.tabsize def setCaseSensitive(self,t) : self.caseSensitive = t def setCommitToPath(self,commit) : self.commitToPath = commit def setFilename(self,f) : self.inputState.filename = f def setLine(self,line) : self.inputState.line = line def setText(self,s) : self.resetText() self.text.append(s) def getCaseSensitive(self) : return self.caseSensitive def getCaseSensitiveLiterals(self) : return self.caseSensitiveLiterals def getColumn(self) : return self.inputState.column def setColumn(self,c) : self.inputState.column = c def getCommitToPath(self) : return self.commitToPath def getFilename(self) : return self.inputState.filename def getInputBuffer(self) : return self.inputState.input def getInputState(self) : return self.inputState def setInputState(self,state) : assert isinstance(state,LexerSharedInputState) self.inputState = state def getLine(self) : return self.inputState.line def getText(self) : return str(self.text) def getTokenObject(self) : return self._returnToken def LA(self,i) : c = self.inputState.input.LA(i) if not self.caseSensitive: ### E0006 c = c.__class__.lower(c) return c def makeToken(self,type) : try: ## dynamically load a class assert self.tokenClass tok = self.tokenClass() tok.setType(type) tok.setColumn(self.inputState.tokenStartColumn) tok.setLine(self.inputState.tokenStartLine) return tok except: self.panic("unable to create new token") return Token.badToken def mark(self) : return self.inputState.input.mark() def _match_bitset(self,b) : if b.member(self.LA(1)): self.consume() else: raise MismatchedCharException(self.LA(1), b, False, self) def _match_string(self,s) : for c in s: if self.LA(1) == c: self.consume() else: raise MismatchedCharException(self.LA(1), c, False, self) def match(self,item): if is_string_type(item): return self._match_string(item) else: return self._match_bitset(item) def matchNot(self,c) : if self.LA(1) != c: self.consume() else: raise MismatchedCharException(self.LA(1), c, True, self) def matchRange(self,c1,c2) : if self.LA(1) < c1 or self.LA(1) > c2 : raise MismatchedCharException(self.LA(1), c1, c2, False, self) else: self.consume() def newline(self) : self.inputState.line += 1 self.inputState.column = 1 def tab(self) : c = self.getColumn() nc = ( ((c-1)/self.tabsize) + 1) * self.tabsize + 1 self.setColumn(nc) def panic(self,s='') : print("CharScanner: panic: " + s) sys.exit(1) def reportError(self,s) : if not self.getFilename(): print("error: " + str(s)) else: print(self.getFilename() + ": error: " + str(s)) def reportWarning(self,s) : if not self.getFilename(): print("warning: " + str(s)) else: print(self.getFilename() + ": warning: " + str(s)) def resetText(self) : self.text.setLength(0) self.inputState.tokenStartColumn = self.inputState.column self.inputState.tokenStartLine = self.inputState.line def rewind(self,pos) : self.inputState.input.rewind(pos) def setTokenObjectClass(self,cl): self.tokenClass = cl def testForLiteral(self,token): if not token: return assert isinstance(token,Token) _type = token.getType() ## special tokens can't be literals if _type in [SKIP,INVALID_TYPE,EOF_TYPE,NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD] : return _text = token.getText() if not _text: return assert is_string_type(_text) _type = self.testLiteralsTable(_text,_type) token.setType(_type) return _type def testLiteralsTable(self,*args): if is_string_type(args[0]): s = args[0] i = args[1] else: s = self.text.getString() i = args[0] ## check whether integer has been given if not isinstance(i,int): assert isinstance(i,int) ## check whether we have a dict assert isinstance(self.literals,dict) try: ## E0010 if not self.caseSensitiveLiterals: s = s.__class__.lower(s) i = self.literals[s] except: pass return i def toLower(self,c): return c.__class__.lower() def traceIndent(self): print(' ' * self.traceDepth) def traceIn(self,rname): self.traceDepth += 1 self.traceIndent() print("> lexer %s c== %s" % (rname,self.LA(1))) def traceOut(self,rname): self.traceIndent() print("< lexer %s c== %s" % (rname,self.LA(1))) self.traceDepth -= 1 def uponEOF(self): pass def append(self,c): if self.saveConsumedInput : self.text.append(c) def commit(self): self.inputState.input.commit() def consume(self): if not self.inputState.guessing: c = self.LA(1) if self.caseSensitive: self.append(c) else: # use input.LA(), not LA(), to get original case # CharScanner.LA() would toLower it. c = self.inputState.input.LA(1) self.append(c) if c and c in "\t": else: self.inputState.column += 1 self.inputState.input.consume() ## Consume chars until one matches the given char def consumeUntil_char(self,c): while self.LA(1) != EOF_CHAR and self.LA(1) != c: self.consume() ## Consume chars until one matches the given set def consumeUntil_bitset(self,bitset): while self.LA(1) != EOF_CHAR and not self.set.member(self.LA(1)): self.consume() ### If symbol seen is EOF then generate and set token, otherwise ### throw exception. def default(self,la1): if not la1 : self.uponEOF() self._returnToken = self.makeToken(EOF_TYPE) else: self.raise_NoViableAlt(la1) def filterdefault(self,la1,*args): if not la1: self.uponEOF() self._returnToken = self.makeToken(EOF_TYPE) return if not args: self.consume() raise TryAgain() else: ### apply filter object self.commit(); try: func=args[0] func(*args[1:]) except RecognitionException as e: ## catastrophic failure self.reportError(e); self.consume(); raise TryAgain() def raise_NoViableAlt(self,la1=None): if not la1: la1 = self.LA(1) fname = self.getFilename() line = self.getLine() col = self.getColumn() raise NoViableAltForCharException(la1,fname,line,col) def set_return_token(self,_create,_token,_ttype,_offset): if _create and not _token and (not _ttype == SKIP): string = self.text.getString(_offset) _token = self.makeToken(_ttype) _token.setText(string) self._returnToken = _token return _token ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### ### CharScannerIterator ### ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### class CharScannerIterator: def __init__(self,inst): if isinstance(inst,CharScanner): self.inst = inst return raise TypeError("CharScannerIterator requires CharScanner object") def next(self): assert self.inst item = self.inst.nextToken() if not item or item.isEOF(): raise StopIteration() return item ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### ### BitSet ### ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### ### I'm assuming here that a long is 64bits. It appears however, that ### a long is of any size. That means we can use a single long as the ### bitset (!), ie. Python would do almost all the work (TBD). class BitSet(object): BITS = 64 NIBBLE = 4 LOG_BITS = 6 MOD_MASK = BITS -1 def __init__(self,data=None): if not data: BitSet.__init__(self,[long(0)]) return if isinstance(data,int): BitSet.__init__(self,[long(data)]) return if isinstance(data,long): BitSet.__init__(self,[data]) return if not isinstance(data,list): raise TypeError("BitSet requires integer, long, or " + "list argument") for x in data: if not isinstance(x, int_types): raise TypeError(self,"List argument item is " + "not a long: %s" % (x)) = data def __str__(self): bits = len( * BitSet.BITS s = "" for i in xrange(0,bits): if s += "1" else: s += "o" if not ((i+1) % 10): s += '|%s|' % (i+1) return s def __repr__(self): return str(self) def member(self,item): if not item: return False if isinstance(item,int): return if not is_string_type(item): raise TypeError(self,"char or unichar expected: %s" % (item)) ## char is a (unicode) string with at most lenght 1, ie. ## a char. if len(item) != 1: raise TypeError(self,"char expected: %s" % (item)) ### handle ASCII/UNICODE char num = ord(item) ### check whether position num is in bitset return def wordNumber(self,bit): return bit >> BitSet.LOG_BITS def bitMask(self,bit): pos = bit & BitSet.MOD_MASK ## bit mod BITS return (1 << pos) def set(self,bit,on=True): # grow bitset as required (use with care!) i = self.wordNumber(bit) mask = self.bitMask(bit) if i>=len( d = i - len( + 1 for x in xrange(0,d): assert len( == i+1 if on:[i] |= mask else:[i] &= (~mask) ### make add an alias for set add = set def off(self,bit,off=True): self.set(bit,not off) def at(self,bit): i = self.wordNumber(bit) v =[i] m = self.bitMask(bit) return v & m ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### ### some further funcs ### ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### def illegalarg_ex(func): raise ValueError( "%s is only valid if parser is built for debugging" % (func.func_name)) def runtime_ex(func): raise RuntimeError( "%s is only valid if parser is built for debugging" % (func.func_name)) ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### ### TokenBuffer ### ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### class TokenBuffer(object): def __init__(self,stream): self.input = stream self.nMarkers = 0 self.markerOffset = 0 self.numToConsume = 0 self.queue = Queue() def reset(self) : self.nMarkers = 0 self.markerOffset = 0 self.numToConsume = 0 self.queue.reset() def consume(self) : self.numToConsume += 1 def fill(self, amount): self.syncConsume() while self.queue.length() < (amount + self.markerOffset): self.queue.append(self.input.nextToken()) def getInput(self): return self.input def LA(self,k) : self.fill(k) return self.queue.elementAt(self.markerOffset + k - 1).type def LT(self,k) : self.fill(k) return self.queue.elementAt(self.markerOffset + k - 1) def mark(self) : self.syncConsume() self.nMarkers += 1 return self.markerOffset def rewind(self,mark) : self.syncConsume() self.markerOffset = mark self.nMarkers -= 1 def syncConsume(self) : while self.numToConsume > 0: if self.nMarkers > 0: # guess mode -- leave leading characters and bump offset. self.markerOffset += 1 else: # normal mode -- remove first character self.queue.removeFirst() self.numToConsume -= 1 def __str__(self): return "(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)" % ( self.input, self.nMarkers, self.markerOffset, self.numToConsume, self.queue) def __repr__(self): return str(self) ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### ### ParserSharedInputState ### ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### class ParserSharedInputState(object): def __init__(self): self.input = None self.reset() def reset(self): self.guessing = 0 self.filename = None if self.input: self.input.reset() ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### ### Parser ### ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### class Parser(object): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.tokenNames = None self.returnAST = None self.astFactory = None self.tokenTypeToASTClassMap = {} self.ignoreInvalidDebugCalls = False self.traceDepth = 0 if not args: self.inputState = ParserSharedInputState() return arg0 = args[0] assert isinstance(arg0,ParserSharedInputState) self.inputState = arg0 return def getTokenTypeToASTClassMap(self): return self.tokenTypeToASTClassMap def addMessageListener(self, l): if not self.ignoreInvalidDebugCalls: illegalarg_ex(self.addMessageListener) def addParserListener(self,l) : if (not self.ignoreInvalidDebugCalls) : illegalarg_ex(self.addParserListener) def addParserMatchListener(self, l) : if (not self.ignoreInvalidDebugCalls) : illegalarg_ex(self.addParserMatchListener) def addParserTokenListener(self, l) : if (not self.ignoreInvalidDebugCalls): illegalarg_ex(self.addParserTokenListener) def addSemanticPredicateListener(self, l) : if (not self.ignoreInvalidDebugCalls): illegalarg_ex(self.addSemanticPredicateListener) def addSyntacticPredicateListener(self, l) : if (not self.ignoreInvalidDebugCalls): illegalarg_ex(self.addSyntacticPredicateListener) def addTraceListener(self, l) : if (not self.ignoreInvalidDebugCalls): illegalarg_ex(self.addTraceListener) def consume(self): raise NotImplementedError() def _consumeUntil_type(self,tokenType): while self.LA(1) != EOF_TYPE and self.LA(1) != tokenType: self.consume() def _consumeUntil_bitset(self, set): while self.LA(1) != EOF_TYPE and not set.member(self.LA(1)): self.consume() def consumeUntil(self,arg): if isinstance(arg,int): self._consumeUntil_type(arg) else: self._consumeUntil_bitset(arg) def defaultDebuggingSetup(self): pass def getAST(self) : return self.returnAST def getASTFactory(self) : return self.astFactory def getFilename(self) : return self.inputState.filename def getInputState(self) : return self.inputState def setInputState(self, state) : self.inputState = state def getTokenName(self,num) : return self.tokenNames[num] def getTokenNames(self) : return self.tokenNames def isDebugMode(self) : return self.false def LA(self, i): raise NotImplementedError() def LT(self, i): raise NotImplementedError() def mark(self): return self.inputState.input.mark() def _match_int(self,t): if (self.LA(1) != t): raise MismatchedTokenException( self.tokenNames, self.LT(1), t, False, self.getFilename()) else: self.consume() def _match_set(self, b): if (not b.member(self.LA(1))): raise MismatchedTokenException( self.tokenNames,self.LT(1), b, False, self.getFilename()) else: self.consume() def match(self,set) : if isinstance(set,int): self._match_int(set) return if isinstance(set,BitSet): self._match_set(set) return raise TypeError("Parser.match requires integer ot BitSet argument") def matchNot(self,t): if self.LA(1) == t: raise MismatchedTokenException( self.tokenNames, self.LT(1), t, True, self.getFilename()) else: self.consume() def removeMessageListener(self, l) : if (not self.ignoreInvalidDebugCalls): runtime_ex(self.removeMessageListener) def removeParserListener(self, l) : if (not self.ignoreInvalidDebugCalls): runtime_ex(self.removeParserListener) def removeParserMatchListener(self, l) : if (not self.ignoreInvalidDebugCalls): runtime_ex(self.removeParserMatchListener) def removeParserTokenListener(self, l) : if (not self.ignoreInvalidDebugCalls): runtime_ex(self.removeParserTokenListener) def removeSemanticPredicateListener(self, l) : if (not self.ignoreInvalidDebugCalls): runtime_ex(self.removeSemanticPredicateListener) def removeSyntacticPredicateListener(self, l) : if (not self.ignoreInvalidDebugCalls): runtime_ex(self.removeSyntacticPredicateListener) def removeTraceListener(self, l) : if (not self.ignoreInvalidDebugCalls): runtime_ex(self.removeTraceListener) def reportError(self,x) : fmt = "syntax error:" f = self.getFilename() if f: fmt = ("%s:" % f) + fmt if isinstance(x,Token): line = x.getColumn() col = x.getLine() text = x.getText() fmt = fmt + 'unexpected symbol at line %s (column %s) : "%s"' print(fmt % (line,col,text), file=sys.stderr) else: print(fmt,str(x), file=sys.stderr) def reportWarning(self,s): f = self.getFilename() if f: print("%s:warning: %s" % (f,str(s))) else: print("warning: %s" % (str(s))) def rewind(self, pos) : self.inputState.input.rewind(pos) def setASTFactory(self, f) : self.astFactory = f def setASTNodeClass(self, cl) : self.astFactory.setASTNodeType(cl) def setASTNodeType(self, nodeType) : self.setASTNodeClass(nodeType) def setDebugMode(self, debugMode) : if (not self.ignoreInvalidDebugCalls): runtime_ex(self.setDebugMode) def setFilename(self, f) : self.inputState.filename = f def setIgnoreInvalidDebugCalls(self, value) : self.ignoreInvalidDebugCalls = value def setTokenBuffer(self, t) : self.inputState.input = t def traceIndent(self): print(" " * self.traceDepth) def traceIn(self,rname): self.traceDepth += 1 self.trace("> ", rname) def traceOut(self,rname): self.trace("< ", rname) self.traceDepth -= 1 ### wh: moved from ASTFactory to Parser def addASTChild(self,currentAST, child): if not child: return if not currentAST.root: currentAST.root = child elif not currentAST.child: currentAST.root.setFirstChild(child) else: currentAST.child.setNextSibling(child) currentAST.child = child currentAST.advanceChildToEnd() ### wh: moved from ASTFactory to Parser def makeASTRoot(self,currentAST,root) : if root: ### Add the current root as a child of new root root.addChild(currentAST.root) ### The new current child is the last sibling of the old root currentAST.child = currentAST.root currentAST.advanceChildToEnd() ### Set the new root currentAST.root = root ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### ### LLkParser ### ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### class LLkParser(Parser): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): try: arg1 = args[0] except: arg1 = 1 if isinstance(arg1,int): super(LLkParser,self).__init__() self.k = arg1 return if isinstance(arg1,ParserSharedInputState): super(LLkParser,self).__init__(arg1) self.set_k(1,*args) return if isinstance(arg1,TokenBuffer): super(LLkParser,self).__init__() self.setTokenBuffer(arg1) self.set_k(1,*args) return if isinstance(arg1,TokenStream): super(LLkParser,self).__init__() tokenBuf = TokenBuffer(arg1) self.setTokenBuffer(tokenBuf) self.set_k(1,*args) return ### unknown argument raise TypeError("LLkParser requires integer, " + "ParserSharedInputStream or TokenStream argument") def consume(self): self.inputState.input.consume() def LA(self,i): return self.inputState.input.LA(i) def LT(self,i): return self.inputState.input.LT(i) def set_k(self,index,*args): try: self.k = args[index] except: self.k = 1 def trace(self,ee,rname): print(type(self)) self.traceIndent() guess = "" if self.inputState.guessing > 0: guess = " [guessing]" print((ee + rname + guess)) for i in xrange(1,self.k+1): if i != 1: print(", ") if self.LT(i) : v = self.LT(i).getText() else: v = "null" print("LA(%s) == %s" % (i,v)) print("\n") def traceIn(self,rname): self.traceDepth += 1; self.trace("> ", rname); def traceOut(self,rname): self.trace("< ", rname); self.traceDepth -= 1; ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### ### TreeParserSharedInputState ### ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### class TreeParserSharedInputState(object): def __init__(self): self.guessing = 0 ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### ### TreeParser ### ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### class TreeParser(object): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.inputState = TreeParserSharedInputState() self._retTree = None self.tokenNames = [] self.returnAST = None self.astFactory = ASTFactory() self.traceDepth = 0 def getAST(self): return self.returnAST def getASTFactory(self): return self.astFactory def getTokenName(self,num) : return self.tokenNames[num] def getTokenNames(self): return self.tokenNames def match(self,t,set) : assert isinstance(set,int) or isinstance(set,BitSet) if not t or t == ASTNULL: raise MismatchedTokenException(self.getTokenNames(), t,set, False) if isinstance(set,int) and t.getType() != set: raise MismatchedTokenException(self.getTokenNames(), t,set, False) if isinstance(set,BitSet) and not set.member(t.getType): raise MismatchedTokenException(self.getTokenNames(), t,set, False) def matchNot(self,t, ttype) : if not t or (t == ASTNULL) or (t.getType() == ttype): raise MismatchedTokenException(self.getTokenNames(), t, ttype, True) def reportError(self,ex): print("error:",ex, file=sys.stderr) def reportWarning(self, s): print("warning:",s) def setASTFactory(self,f): self.astFactory = f def setASTNodeType(self,nodeType): self.setASTNodeClass(nodeType) def setASTNodeClass(self,nodeType): self.astFactory.setASTNodeType(nodeType) def traceIndent(self): print(" " * self.traceDepth) def traceIn(self,rname,t): self.traceDepth += 1 self.traceIndent() print(("> " + rname + "(" + ifelse(t,str(t),"null") + ")" + ifelse(self.inputState.guessing>0,"[guessing]",""))) def traceOut(self,rname,t): self.traceIndent() print(("< " + rname + "(" + ifelse(t,str(t),"null") + ")" + ifelse(self.inputState.guessing>0,"[guessing]",""))) self.traceDepth -= 1 ### wh: moved from ASTFactory to TreeParser def addASTChild(self,currentAST, child): if not child: return if not currentAST.root: currentAST.root = child elif not currentAST.child: currentAST.root.setFirstChild(child) else: currentAST.child.setNextSibling(child) currentAST.child = child currentAST.advanceChildToEnd() ### wh: moved from ASTFactory to TreeParser def makeASTRoot(self,currentAST,root): if root: ### Add the current root as a child of new root root.addChild(currentAST.root) ### The new current child is the last sibling of the old root currentAST.child = currentAST.root currentAST.advanceChildToEnd() ### Set the new root currentAST.root = root ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### ### funcs to work on trees ### ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### def rightmost(ast): if ast: while(ast.right): ast = ast.right return ast def cmptree(s,t,partial): while(s and t): ### as a quick optimization, check roots first. if not s.equals(t): return False ### if roots match, do full list match test on children. if not cmptree(s.getFirstChild(),t.getFirstChild(),partial): return False s = s.getNextSibling() t = t.getNextSibling() r = ifelse(partial,not t,not s and not t) return r ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### ### AST ### ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### class AST(object): def __init__(self): pass def addChild(self, c): pass def equals(self, t): return False def equalsList(self, t): return False def equalsListPartial(self, t): return False def equalsTree(self, t): return False def equalsTreePartial(self, t): return False def findAll(self, tree): return None def findAllPartial(self, subtree): return None def getFirstChild(self): return self def getNextSibling(self): return self def getText(self): return "" def getType(self): return INVALID_TYPE def getLine(self): return 0 def getColumn(self): return 0 def getNumberOfChildren(self): return 0 def initialize(self, t): pass def setFirstChild(self, c): pass def setNextSibling(self, n): pass def setText(self, text): pass def setType(self, ttype): pass def toString(self): self.getText() __str__ = toString def toStringList(self): return self.getText() def toStringTree(self): return self.getText() ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### ### ASTNULLType ### ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### ### There is only one instance of this class **/ class ASTNULLType(AST): def __init__(self): AST.__init__(self) pass def getText(self): return "" def getType(self): return NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### ### BaseAST ### ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### class BaseAST(AST): verboseStringConversion = False tokenNames = None def __init__(self): self.down = None ## kid self.right = None ## sibling def addChild(self,node): if node: t = rightmost(self.down) if t: t.right = node else: assert not self.down self.down = node def getNumberOfChildren(self): t = self.down n = 0 while t: n += 1 t = t.right return n def doWorkForFindAll(self,v,target,partialMatch): sibling = self while sibling: c1 = partialMatch and sibling.equalsTreePartial(target) if c1: v.append(sibling) else: c2 = not partialMatch and sibling.equalsTree(target) if c2: v.append(sibling) ### regardless of match or not, check any children for matches if sibling.getFirstChild(): sibling.getFirstChild().doWorkForFindAll(v,target,partialMatch) sibling = sibling.getNextSibling() ### Is node t equal to 'self' in terms of token type and text? def equals(self,t): if not t: return False return self.getText() == t.getText() and self.getType() == t.getType() ### Is t an exact structural and equals() match of this tree. The ### 'self' reference is considered the start of a sibling list. ### def equalsList(self, t): return cmptree(self, t, partial=False) ### Is 't' a subtree of this list? ### The siblings of the root are NOT ignored. ### def equalsListPartial(self,t): return cmptree(self,t,partial=True) ### Is tree rooted at 'self' equal to 't'? The siblings ### of 'self' are ignored. ### def equalsTree(self, t): return self.equals(t) and \ cmptree(self.getFirstChild(), t.getFirstChild(), partial=False) ### Is 't' a subtree of the tree rooted at 'self'? The siblings ### of 'self' are ignored. ### def equalsTreePartial(self, t): if not t: return True return self.equals(t) and cmptree( self.getFirstChild(), t.getFirstChild(), partial=True) ### Walk the tree looking for all exact subtree matches. Return ### an ASTEnumerator that lets the caller walk the list ### of subtree roots found herein. def findAll(self,target): roots = [] ### the empty tree cannot result in an enumeration if not target: return None # find all matches recursively self.doWorkForFindAll(roots, target, False) return roots ### Walk the tree looking for all subtrees. Return ### an ASTEnumerator that lets the caller walk the list ### of subtree roots found herein. def findAllPartial(self,sub): roots = [] ### the empty tree cannot result in an enumeration if not sub: return None self.doWorkForFindAll(roots, sub, True) ### find all matches recursively return roots ### Get the first child of this node None if not children def getFirstChild(self): return self.down ### Get the next sibling in line after this one def getNextSibling(self): return self.right ### Get the token text for this node def getText(self): return "" ### Get the token type for this node def getType(self): return 0 def getLine(self): return 0 def getColumn(self): return 0 ### Remove all children */ def removeChildren(self): self.down = None def setFirstChild(self,c): self.down = c def setNextSibling(self, n): self.right = n ### Set the token text for this node def setText(self, text): pass ### Set the token type for this node def setType(self, ttype): pass ### static def setVerboseStringConversion(verbose,names): verboseStringConversion = verbose tokenNames = names setVerboseStringConversion = staticmethod(setVerboseStringConversion) ### Return an array of strings that maps token ID to it's text. ## @since 2.7.3 def getTokenNames(): return tokenNames def toString(self): return self.getText() ### return tree as lisp string - sibling included def toStringList(self): ts = self.toStringTree() sib = self.getNextSibling() if sib: ts += sib.toStringList() return ts __str__ = toStringList ### return tree as string - siblings ignored def toStringTree(self): ts = "" kid = self.getFirstChild() if kid: ts += " (" ts += " " + self.toString() if kid: ts += kid.toStringList() ts += " )" return ts ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### ### CommonAST ### ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### ### Common AST node implementation class CommonAST(BaseAST): def __init__(self,token=None): super(CommonAST,self).__init__() self.ttype = INVALID_TYPE self.text = "" self.line = 0 self.column= 0 self.initialize(token) #assert self.text ### Get the token text for this node def getText(self): return self.text ### Get the token type for this node def getType(self): return self.ttype ### Get the line for this node def getLine(self): return self.line ### Get the column for this node def getColumn(self): return self.column def initialize(self,*args): if not args: return arg0 = args[0] if isinstance(arg0,int): arg1 = args[1] self.setType(arg0) self.setText(arg1) return if isinstance(arg0,AST) or isinstance(arg0,Token): self.setText(arg0.getText()) self.setType(arg0.getType()) self.line = arg0.getLine() self.column = arg0.getColumn() return ### Set the token text for this node def setText(self,text_): assert is_string_type(text_) self.text = text_ ### Set the token type for this node def setType(self,ttype_): assert isinstance(ttype_,int) self.ttype = ttype_ ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### ### CommonASTWithHiddenTokens ### ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### class CommonASTWithHiddenTokens(CommonAST): def __init__(self,*args): CommonAST.__init__(self,*args) self.hiddenBefore = None self.hiddenAfter = None def getHiddenAfter(self): return self.hiddenAfter def getHiddenBefore(self): return self.hiddenBefore def initialize(self,*args): CommonAST.initialize(self,*args) if args and isinstance(args[0],Token): assert isinstance(args[0],CommonHiddenStreamToken) self.hiddenBefore = args[0].getHiddenBefore() self.hiddenAfter = args[0].getHiddenAfter() ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### ### ASTPair ### ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### class ASTPair(object): def __init__(self): self.root = None ### current root of tree self.child = None ### current child to which siblings are added ### Make sure that child is the last sibling */ def advanceChildToEnd(self): if self.child: while self.child.getNextSibling(): self.child = self.child.getNextSibling() ### Copy an ASTPair. Don't call it clone() because we want type-safety */ def copy(self): tmp = ASTPair() tmp.root = self.root tmp.child = self.child return tmp def toString(self): r = ifelse(not root,"null",self.root.getText()) c = ifelse(not child,"null",self.child.getText()) return "[%s,%s]" % (r,c) __str__ = toString __repr__ = toString ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### ### ASTFactory ### ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### class ASTFactory(object): def __init__(self,table=None): self._class = None self._classmap = ifelse(table,table,None) def create(self,*args): if not args: return self.create(INVALID_TYPE) arg0 = args[0] arg1 = None arg2 = None try: arg1 = args[1] arg2 = args[2] except: pass # ctor(int) if isinstance(arg0,int) and not arg2: ### get class for 'self' type c = self.getASTNodeType(arg0) t = self.create(c) if t: t.initialize(arg0, ifelse(arg1,arg1,"")) return t # ctor(int,something) if isinstance(arg0,int) and arg2: t = self.create(arg2) if t: t.initialize(arg0,arg1) return t # ctor(AST) if isinstance(arg0,AST): t = self.create(arg0.getType()) if t: t.initialize(arg0) return t # ctor(token) if isinstance(arg0,Token) and not arg1: ttype = arg0.getType() assert isinstance(ttype,int) t = self.create(ttype) if t: t.initialize(arg0) return t # ctor(token,class) if isinstance(arg0,Token) and arg1: assert isinstance(arg1,type) assert issubclass(arg1,AST) # this creates instance of 'arg1' using 'arg0' as # argument. Wow, that's magic! t = arg1(arg0) assert t and isinstance(t,AST) return t # ctor(class) if isinstance(arg0,type): ### next statement creates instance of type (!) t = arg0() assert isinstance(t,AST) return t def setASTNodeClass(self,className=None): if not className: return assert isinstance(className,type) assert issubclass(className,AST) self._class = className ### kind of misnomer - use setASTNodeClass instead. setASTNodeType = setASTNodeClass def getASTNodeClass(self): return self._class def getTokenTypeToASTClassMap(self): return self._classmap def setTokenTypeToASTClassMap(self,amap): self._classmap = amap def error(self, e): import sys print(e, file=sys.stderr) def setTokenTypeASTNodeType(self, tokenType, className): """ Specify a mapping between a token type and a (AST) class. """ if not self._classmap: self._classmap = {} if not className: try: del self._classmap[tokenType] except: pass else: ### here we should also perform actions to ensure that ### a. class can be loaded ### b. class is a subclass of AST ### assert isinstance(className,type) assert issubclass(className,AST) ## a & b ### enter the class self._classmap[tokenType] = className def getASTNodeType(self,tokenType): """ For a given token type return the AST node type. First we lookup a mapping table, second we try _class and finally we resolve to "antlr.CommonAST". """ # first if self._classmap: try: c = self._classmap[tokenType] if c: return c except: pass # second if self._class: return self._class # default return CommonAST ### methods that have been moved to file scope - just listed ### here to be somewhat consistent with original API def dup(self,t): return dup(t,self) def dupList(self,t): return dupList(t,self) def dupTree(self,t): return dupTree(t,self) ### methods moved to other classes ### 1. makeASTRoot -> Parser ### 2. addASTChild -> Parser ### non-standard: create alias for longish method name maptype = setTokenTypeASTNodeType ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### ### ASTVisitor ### ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### class ASTVisitor(object): def __init__(self,*args): pass def visit(self,ast): pass ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### ### static methods and variables ### ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx### ASTNULL = ASTNULLType() ### wh: moved from ASTFactory as there's nothing ASTFactory-specific ### in this method. def make(*nodes): if not nodes: return None for i in xrange(0,len(nodes)): node = nodes[i] if node: assert isinstance(node,AST) root = nodes[0] tail = None if root: root.setFirstChild(None) for i in xrange(1,len(nodes)): if not nodes[i]: continue if not root: root = tail = nodes[i] elif not tail: root.setFirstChild(nodes[i]) tail = root.getFirstChild() else: tail.setNextSibling(nodes[i]) tail = tail.getNextSibling() ### Chase tail to last sibling while tail.getNextSibling(): tail = tail.getNextSibling() return root def dup(t,factory): if not t: return None if factory: dup_t = factory.create(t.__class__) else: raise TypeError("dup function requires ASTFactory argument") dup_t.initialize(t) return dup_t def dupList(t,factory): result = dupTree(t,factory) nt = result while t: ## for each sibling of the root t = t.getNextSibling() nt.setNextSibling(dupTree(t,factory)) nt = nt.getNextSibling() return result def dupTree(t,factory): result = dup(t,factory) if t: result.setFirstChild(dupList(t.getFirstChild(),factory)) return result ###xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ### $Id$ # Local Variables: *** # mode: python *** # py-indent-offset: 4 *** # End: ***