import weakref import six from sqlalchemy import types from sqlalchemy.dialects import oracle, postgresql, sqlite from sqlalchemy.ext.mutable import Mutable from ..exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured from .scalar_coercible import ScalarCoercible passlib = None try: import passlib from passlib.context import LazyCryptContext except ImportError: pass class Password(Mutable, object): @classmethod def coerce(cls, key, value): if isinstance(value, Password): return value if isinstance(value, (six.string_types, six.binary_type)): return cls(value, secret=True) super(Password, cls).coerce(key, value) def __init__(self, value, context=None, secret=False): # Store the hash (if it is one). self.hash = value if not secret else None # Store the secret if we have one. self.secret = value if secret else None # The hash should be bytes. if isinstance(self.hash, six.text_type): self.hash = self.hash.encode('utf8') # Save weakref of the password context (if we have one) self.context = weakref.proxy(context) if context is not None else None def __eq__(self, value): if self.hash is None or value is None: # Ensure that we don't continue comparison if one of us is None. return self.hash is value if isinstance(value, Password): # Comparing 2 hashes isn't very useful; but this equality # method breaks otherwise. return value.hash == self.hash if self.context is None: # Compare 2 hashes again as we don't know how to validate. return value == self if isinstance(value, (six.string_types, six.binary_type)): valid, new = self.context.verify_and_update(value, self.hash) if valid and new: # New hash was calculated due to various reasons; stored one # wasn't optimal, etc. self.hash = new # The hash should be bytes. if isinstance(self.hash, six.string_types): self.hash = self.hash.encode('utf8') self.changed() return valid return False def __ne__(self, value): return not (self == value) class PasswordType(types.TypeDecorator, ScalarCoercible): """ PasswordType hashes passwords as they come into the database and allows verifying them using a Pythonic interface. This Pythonic interface relies on setting up automatic data type coercion using the :func:`~sqlalchemy_utils.listeners.force_auto_coercion` function. All keyword arguments (aside from max_length) are forwarded to the construction of a `passlib.context.LazyCryptContext` object, which also supports deferred configuration via the `onload` callback. The following usage will create a password column that will automatically hash new passwords as `pbkdf2_sha512` but still compare passwords against pre-existing `md5_crypt` hashes. As passwords are compared; the password hash in the database will be updated to be `pbkdf2_sha512`. :: class Model(Base): password = sa.Column(PasswordType( schemes=[ 'pbkdf2_sha512', 'md5_crypt' ], deprecated=['md5_crypt'] )) Verifying password is as easy as: :: target = Model() target.password = 'b' # '$5$rounds=80000$H.............' target.password == 'b' # True Lazy configuration of the type with Flask config: :: import flask from sqlalchemy_utils import PasswordType, force_auto_coercion force_auto_coercion() class User(db.Model): __tablename__ = 'user' password = db.Column( PasswordType( # The returned dictionary is forwarded to the CryptContext onload=lambda **kwargs: dict( schemes=flask.current_app.config['PASSWORD_SCHEMES'], **kwargs ), ), unique=False, nullable=False, ) """ impl = types.VARBINARY(1024) python_type = Password def __init__(self, max_length=None, **kwargs): # Fail if passlib is not found. if passlib is None: raise ImproperlyConfigured( "'passlib' is required to use 'PasswordType'" ) # Construct the passlib crypt context. self.context = LazyCryptContext(**kwargs) self._max_length = max_length @property def length(self): """Get column length.""" if self._max_length is None: self._max_length = self.calculate_max_length() return self._max_length def calculate_max_length(self): # Calculate the largest possible encoded password. # name + rounds + salt + hash + ($ * 4) of largest hash max_lengths = [1024] for name in self.context.schemes(): scheme = getattr(__import__('passlib.hash').hash, name) length = 4 + len( length += len(str(getattr(scheme, 'max_rounds', ''))) length += (getattr(scheme, 'max_salt_size', 0) or 0) length += getattr( scheme, 'encoded_checksum_size', scheme.checksum_size ) max_lengths.append(length) # Return the maximum calculated max length. return max(max_lengths) def load_dialect_impl(self, dialect): if == 'postgresql': # Use a BYTEA type for postgresql. impl = postgresql.BYTEA(self.length) elif == 'oracle': # Use a RAW type for oracle. impl = oracle.RAW(self.length) elif == 'sqlite': # Use a BLOB type for sqlite impl = sqlite.BLOB(self.length) else: # Use a VARBINARY for all other dialects. impl = types.VARBINARY(self.length) return dialect.type_descriptor(impl) def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect): if isinstance(value, Password): # If were given a password secret; encrypt it. if value.secret is not None: return self.context.encrypt(value.secret).encode('utf8') # Value has already been hashed. return value.hash if isinstance(value, six.string_types): # Assume value has not been hashed. return self.context.encrypt(value).encode('utf8') def process_result_value(self, value, dialect): if value is not None: return Password(value, self.context) def _coerce(self, value): if value is None: return if not isinstance(value, Password): # Hash the password using the default scheme. value = self.context.encrypt(value).encode('utf8') return Password(value, context=self.context) else: # If were given a password object; ensure the context is right. value.context = weakref.proxy(self.context) # If were given a password secret; encrypt it. if value.secret is not None: value.hash = self.context.encrypt(value.secret).encode('utf8') value.secret = None return value @property def python_type(self): return self.impl.type.python_type Password.associate_with(PasswordType)