# # WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING # # This file is automatically written by generator.py. Any changes # made here will be lost. # # To change the manually written methods edit libvirt-override.py # To change the automatically written methods edit generator.py # # WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING # # # Manually written part of python bindings for libvirt # # On cygwin, the DLL is called cygvirtmod.dll import sys try: import libvirtmod except ImportError: lib_e = sys.exc_info()[1] try: import cygvirtmod as libvirtmod except ImportError: cyg_e = sys.exc_info()[1] if str(cyg_e).count("No module named"): raise lib_e # The root of all libvirt errors. class libvirtError(Exception): def __init__(self, defmsg, conn=None, dom=None, net=None, pool=None, vol=None): # Never call virConnGetLastError(). # virGetLastError() is now thread local err = libvirtmod.virGetLastError() if err is None: msg = defmsg else: msg = err[2] Exception.__init__(self, msg) self.err = err def get_error_code(self): if self.err is None: return None return self.err[0] def get_error_domain(self): if self.err is None: return None return self.err[1] def get_error_message(self): if self.err is None: return None return self.err[2] def get_error_level(self): if self.err is None: return None return self.err[3] def get_str1(self): if self.err is None: return None return self.err[4] def get_str2(self): if self.err is None: return None return self.err[5] def get_str3(self): if self.err is None: return None return self.err[6] def get_int1(self): if self.err is None: return None return self.err[7] def get_int2(self): if self.err is None: return None return self.err[8] # # register the libvirt global error handler # def registerErrorHandler(f, ctx): """Register a Python function for error reporting. The function is called back as f(ctx, error), with error being a list of information about the error being raised. Returns 1 in case of success.""" return libvirtmod.virRegisterErrorHandler(f,ctx) def openAuth(uri, auth, flags=0): ret = libvirtmod.virConnectOpenAuth(uri, auth, flags) if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virConnectOpenAuth() failed') return virConnect(_obj=ret) # # Return library version. # def getVersion (name = None): """If no name parameter is passed (or name is None) then the version of the libvirt library is returned as an integer. If a name is passed and it refers to a driver linked to the libvirt library, then this returns a tuple of (library version, driver version). If the name passed refers to a non-existent driver, then you will get the exception 'no support for hypervisor'. Versions numbers are integers: 1000000*major + 1000*minor + release.""" if name is None: ret = libvirtmod.virGetVersion () else: ret = libvirtmod.virGetVersion (name) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ("virGetVersion() failed") return ret # # Invoke an EventHandle callback # def _eventInvokeHandleCallback(watch, fd, event, opaque, opaquecompat=None): """ Invoke the Event Impl Handle Callback in C """ # libvirt 0.9.2 and earlier required custom event loops to know # that opaque=(cb, original_opaque) and pass the values individually # to this wrapper. This should handle the back compat case, and make # future invocations match the virEventHandleCallback prototype if opaquecompat: callback = opaque opaque = opaquecompat else: callback = opaque[0] opaque = opaque[1] libvirtmod.virEventInvokeHandleCallback(watch, fd, event, callback, opaque) # # Invoke an EventTimeout callback # def _eventInvokeTimeoutCallback(timer, opaque, opaquecompat=None): """ Invoke the Event Impl Timeout Callback in C """ # libvirt 0.9.2 and earlier required custom event loops to know # that opaque=(cb, original_opaque) and pass the values individually # to this wrapper. This should handle the back compat case, and make # future invocations match the virEventTimeoutCallback prototype if opaquecompat: callback = opaque opaque = opaquecompat else: callback = opaque[0] opaque = opaque[1] libvirtmod.virEventInvokeTimeoutCallback(timer, callback, opaque) def _dispatchEventHandleCallback(watch, fd, events, cbData): cb = cbData["cb"] opaque = cbData["opaque"] cb(watch, fd, events, opaque) return 0 def _dispatchEventTimeoutCallback(timer, cbData): cb = cbData["cb"] opaque = cbData["opaque"] cb(timer, opaque) return 0 def virEventAddHandle(fd, events, cb, opaque): """ register a callback for monitoring file handle events @fd: file handle to monitor for events @events: bitset of events to watch from virEventHandleType constants @cb: callback to invoke when an event occurs @opaque: user data to pass to callback Example callback prototype is: def cb(watch, # int id of the handle fd, # int file descriptor the event occurred on events, # int bitmap of events that have occurred opaque): # opaque data passed to eventAddHandle """ cbData = {"cb" : cb, "opaque" : opaque} ret = libvirtmod.virEventAddHandle(fd, events, cbData) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virEventAddHandle() failed') return ret def virEventAddTimeout(timeout, cb, opaque): """ register a callback for a timer event @timeout: time between events in milliseconds @cb: callback to invoke when an event occurs @opaque: user data to pass to callback Setting timeout to -1 will disable the timer. Setting the timeout to zero will cause it to fire on every event loop iteration. Example callback prototype is: def cb(timer, # int id of the timer opaque): # opaque data passed to eventAddTimeout """ cbData = {"cb" : cb, "opaque" : opaque} ret = libvirtmod.virEventAddTimeout(timeout, cbData) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virEventAddTimeout() failed') return ret # # a caller for the ff callbacks for custom event loop implementations # def virEventInvokeFreeCallback(opaque): """ Execute callback which frees the opaque buffer @opaque: the opaque object passed to addHandle or addTimeout WARNING: This function should not be called from any call by libvirt's core. It will most probably cause deadlock in C-level libvirt code. Instead it should be scheduled and called from implementation's stack. See https://libvirt.org/html/libvirt-libvirt-event.html#virEventAddHandleFunc for more information. This function is not dependent on any event loop implementation. """ libvirtmod.virEventInvokeFreeCallback(opaque[2], opaque[1]) # # WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING # # Automatically written part of python bindings for libvirt # # WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING # # Functions from module libvirt-host # def open(name=None): """This function should be called first to get a connection to the Hypervisor and xen store If @name is None, if the LIBVIRT_DEFAULT_URI environment variable is set, then it will be used. Otherwise if the client configuration file has the "uri_default" parameter set, then it will be used. Finally probing will be done to determine a suitable default driver to activate. This involves trying each hypervisor in turn until one successfully opens. If connecting to an unprivileged hypervisor driver which requires the libvirtd daemon to be active, it will automatically be launched if not already running. This can be prevented by setting the environment variable LIBVIRT_AUTOSTART=0 URIs are documented at httsp://libvirt.org/uri.html virConnectClose should be used to release the resources after the connection is no longer needed. """ ret = libvirtmod.virConnectOpen(name) if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virConnectOpen() failed') return virConnect(_obj=ret) def openReadOnly(name=None): """This function should be called first to get a restricted connection to the library functionalities. The set of APIs usable are then restricted on the available methods to control the domains. See virConnectOpen for notes about environment variables which can have an effect on opening drivers and freeing the connection resources URIs are documented at https://libvirt.org/uri.html """ ret = libvirtmod.virConnectOpenReadOnly(name) if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virConnectOpenReadOnly() failed') return virConnect(_obj=ret) # # Functions from module libvirt-event # def virEventRegisterDefaultImpl(): """Registers a default event implementation based on the poll() system call. This is a generic implementation that can be used by any client application which does not have a need to integrate with an external event loop impl. For proper event handling, it is important that the event implementation is registered before a connection to the Hypervisor is opened. Once registered, the application has to invoke virEventRunDefaultImpl() in a loop to process events. Failure to do so may result in connections being closed unexpectedly as a result of keepalive timeout. The default event loop fully supports handle and timeout events, but only wakes up on events registered by libvirt API calls such as virEventAddHandle() or virConnectDomainEventRegisterAny(). """ ret = libvirtmod.virEventRegisterDefaultImpl() if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virEventRegisterDefaultImpl() failed') return ret def virEventRegisterImpl(addHandle, updateHandle, removeHandle, addTimeout, updateTimeout, removeTimeout): """Registers an event implementation, to allow integration with an external event loop. Applications would use this to integrate with the libglib2 event loop, or libevent or the QT event loop. For proper event handling, it is important that the event implementation is registered before a connection to the Hypervisor is opened. Use of the virEventAddHandle() and similar APIs require that the corresponding handler is registered. Use of the virConnectDomainEventRegisterAny() and similar APIs requires that the three timeout handlers are registered. Likewise, the three timeout handlers must be registered if the remote server has been configured to send keepalive messages, or if the client intends to call virConnectSetKeepAlive(), to avoid either side from unexpectedly closing the connection due to inactivity. If an application does not need to integrate with an existing event loop implementation, then the virEventRegisterDefaultImpl() method can be used to setup the generic libvirt implementation. Once registered, the event loop implementation cannot be changed, and must be run continuously. Note that callbacks may remain registered for a short time even after calling virConnectClose on all open connections, so it is not safe to stop running the event loop immediately after closing the connection. """ libvirtmod.virEventRegisterImpl(addHandle, updateHandle, removeHandle, addTimeout, updateTimeout, removeTimeout) def virEventRemoveHandle(watch): """Unregister a callback from a file handle. This function requires that an event loop has previously been registered with virEventRegisterImpl() or virEventRegisterDefaultImpl(). """ ret = libvirtmod.virEventRemoveHandle(watch) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virEventRemoveHandle() failed') return ret def virEventRemoveTimeout(timer): """Unregister a callback for a timer. This function requires that an event loop has previously been registered with virEventRegisterImpl() or virEventRegisterDefaultImpl(). """ ret = libvirtmod.virEventRemoveTimeout(timer) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virEventRemoveTimeout() failed') return ret def virEventRunDefaultImpl(): """Run one iteration of the event loop. Applications will generally want to have a thread which invokes this method in an infinite loop. Furthermore, it is wise to set up a pipe-to-self handler (via virEventAddHandle()) or a timeout (via virEventAddTimeout()) before calling this function, as it will block forever if there are no registered events. static bool quit; while (!quit) { if (virEventRunDefaultImpl() < 0) ...print error... } """ ret = libvirtmod.virEventRunDefaultImpl() if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virEventRunDefaultImpl() failed') return ret def virEventUpdateHandle(watch, events): """Change event set for a monitored file handle. This function requires that an event loop has previously been registered with virEventRegisterImpl() or virEventRegisterDefaultImpl(). Will not fail if fd exists. """ libvirtmod.virEventUpdateHandle(watch, events) def virEventUpdateTimeout(timer, timeout): """Change frequency for a timer. This function requires that an event loop has previously been registered with virEventRegisterImpl() or virEventRegisterDefaultImpl(). Setting frequency to -1 will disable the timer. Setting the frequency to zero will cause it to fire on every event loop iteration. Will not fail if timer exists. """ libvirtmod.virEventUpdateTimeout(timer, timeout) # # Functions from module virterror # def virGetLastError(): """Provide a pointer to the last error caught at the library level The error object is kept in thread local storage, so separate threads can safely access this concurrently. """ ret = libvirtmod.virGetLastError() return ret def virGetLastErrorMessage(): """Get the most recent error message """ ret = libvirtmod.virGetLastErrorMessage() if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virGetLastErrorMessage() failed') return ret # # Functions from module libvirt-host # def virInitialize(): """Initialize the library. This method is invoked automatically by any of the virConnectOpen() API calls, and by virGetVersion(). Since release 1.0.0, there is no need to call this method even in a multithreaded application, since initialization is performed in a thread safe manner; but applications using an older version of the library should manually call this before setting up competing threads that attempt virConnectOpen in parallel. The only other time it would be necessary to call virInitialize is if the application did not invoke virConnectOpen as its first API call, such as when calling virEventRegisterImpl() before setting up connections, or when using virSetErrorFunc() to alter error reporting of the first connection attempt. """ ret = libvirtmod.virInitialize() if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virInitialize() failed') return ret # # Functions from module virterror # def virResetLastError(): """Reset the last error caught at the library level. The error object is kept in thread local storage, so separate threads can safely access this concurrently, only resetting their own error object. """ libvirtmod.virResetLastError() class virDomain(object): def __init__(self, conn, _obj=None): self._conn = conn if type(_obj).__name__ not in ["PyCapsule", "PyCObject"]: raise Exception("Expected a wrapped C Object but got %s" % type(_obj)) self._o = _obj def __del__(self): if self._o is not None: libvirtmod.virDomainFree(self._o) self._o = None def connect(self): return self._conn def c_pointer(self): """Get C pointer to underlying object""" return libvirtmod.virDomain_pointer(self._o) # # virDomain functions from module libvirt-domain # def ID(self): """Get the hypervisor ID number for the domain """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainGetID(self._o) return ret def OSType(self): """Get the type of domain operation system. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainGetOSType(self._o) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virDomainGetOSType() failed', dom=self) return ret # # virDomain functions from module python # def UUID(self): """Extract the UUID unique Identifier of a domain. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainGetUUID(self._o) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virDomainGetUUID() failed', dom=self) return ret def UUIDString(self): """Fetch globally unique ID of the domain as a string. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainGetUUIDString(self._o) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virDomainGetUUIDString() failed', dom=self) return ret # # virDomain functions from module libvirt-domain # def XMLDesc(self, flags=0): """Provide an XML description of the domain. The description may be reused later to relaunch the domain with virDomainCreateXML(). No security-sensitive data will be included unless @flags contains VIR_DOMAIN_XML_SECURE; this flag is rejected on read-only connections. If @flags includes VIR_DOMAIN_XML_INACTIVE, then the XML represents the configuration that will be used on the next boot of a persistent domain; otherwise, the configuration represents the currently running domain. If @flags contains VIR_DOMAIN_XML_UPDATE_CPU, then the portion of the domain XML describing CPU capabilities is modified to match actual capabilities of the host. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainGetXMLDesc(self._o, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virDomainGetXMLDesc() failed', dom=self) return ret def abortJob(self): """Requests that the current background job be aborted at the soonest opportunity. In case the job is a migration in a post-copy mode, virDomainAbortJob will report an error (see virDomainMigrateStartPostCopy for more details). """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainAbortJob(self._o) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainAbortJob() failed', dom=self) return ret def addIOThread(self, iothread_id, flags=0): """Dynamically add an IOThread to the domain. It is left up to the underlying virtual hypervisor to determine the valid range for an @iothread_id and determining whether the @iothread_id already exists. Note that this call can fail if the underlying virtualization hypervisor does not support it or if growing the number is arbitrarily limited. This function requires privileged access to the hypervisor. @flags may include VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_LIVE or VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG. Both flags may be set. If VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_LIVE is set, the change affects a running domain and may fail if domain is not alive. If VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG is set, the change affects persistent state, and will fail for transient domains. If neither flag is specified (that is, @flags is VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CURRENT), then an inactive domain modifies persistent setup, while an active domain is hypervisor-dependent on whether just live or both live and persistent state is changed. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainAddIOThread(self._o, iothread_id, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainAddIOThread() failed', dom=self) return ret def attachDevice(self, xml): """Create a virtual device attachment to backend. This function, having hotplug semantics, is only allowed on an active domain. For compatibility, this method can also be used to change the media in an existing CDROM/Floppy device, however, applications are recommended to use the virDomainUpdateDeviceFlag method instead. Be aware that hotplug changes might not persist across a domain going into S4 state (also known as hibernation) unless you also modify the persistent domain definition. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainAttachDevice(self._o, xml) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainAttachDevice() failed', dom=self) return ret def attachDeviceFlags(self, xml, flags=0): """Attach a virtual device to a domain, using the flags parameter to control how the device is attached. VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CURRENT specifies that the device allocation is made based on current domain state. VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_LIVE specifies that the device shall be allocated to the active domain instance only and is not added to the persisted domain configuration. VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG specifies that the device shall be allocated to the persisted domain configuration only. Note that the target hypervisor must return an error if unable to satisfy flags. E.g. the hypervisor driver will return failure if LIVE is specified but it only supports modifying the persisted device allocation. For compatibility, this method can also be used to change the media in an existing CDROM/Floppy device, however, applications are recommended to use the virDomainUpdateDeviceFlag method instead. Be aware that hotplug changes might not persist across a domain going into S4 state (also known as hibernation) unless you also modify the persistent domain definition. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainAttachDeviceFlags(self._o, xml, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainAttachDeviceFlags() failed', dom=self) return ret # # virDomain functions from module python # def autostart(self): """Extract the autostart flag for a domain """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainGetAutostart(self._o) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainGetAutostart() failed', dom=self) return ret def blkioParameters(self, flags=0): """Get the blkio parameters """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainGetBlkioParameters(self._o, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virDomainGetBlkioParameters() failed', dom=self) return ret # # virDomain functions from module libvirt-domain # def blockCommit(self, disk, base, top, bandwidth=0, flags=0): """Commit changes that were made to temporary top-level files within a disk image backing file chain into a lower-level base file. In other words, take all the difference between @base and @top, and update @base to contain that difference; after the commit, any portion of the chain that previously depended on @top will now depend on @base, and all files after @base up to and including @top will now be invalidated. A typical use of this command is to reduce the length of a backing file chain after taking an external disk snapshot. To move data in the opposite direction, see virDomainBlockPull(). This command starts a long-running commit block job, whose status may be tracked by virDomainBlockJobInfo() with a job type of VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_TYPE_COMMIT, and the operation can be aborted with virDomainBlockJobAbort(). When finished, an asynchronous event is raised to indicate the final status, and the job no longer exists. If the job is aborted, it is up to the hypervisor whether starting a new job will resume from the same point, or start over. As a special case, if @top is the active image (or None), and @flags includes VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_COMMIT_ACTIVE, the block job will have a type of VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_TYPE_ACTIVE_COMMIT, and operates in two phases. In the first phase, the contents are being committed into @base, and the job can only be canceled. The job transitions to the second phase when the job info states cur == end, and remains alive to keep all further changes to @top synchronized into @base; an event with status VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_READY is also issued to mark the job transition. Once in the second phase, the user must choose whether to cancel the job (keeping @top as the active image, but now containing only the changes since the time the job ended) or to pivot the job (adjusting to @base as the active image, and invalidating @top). Be aware that this command may invalidate files even if it is aborted; the user is cautioned against relying on the contents of invalidated intermediate files such as @top (when @top is not the active image) without manually rebasing those files to use a backing file of a read-only copy of @base prior to the point where the commit operation was started (and such a rebase cannot be safely done until the commit has successfully completed). However, the domain itself will not have any issues; the active layer remains valid throughout the entire commit operation. Some hypervisors may support a shortcut where if @flags contains VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_COMMIT_DELETE, then this command will unlink all files that were invalidated, after the commit successfully completes. If @flags contains VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_COMMIT_RELATIVE, the name recorded into the overlay of the @top image (if there is such image) as the path to the new backing file will be kept relative to other images. The operation will fail if libvirt can't infer the name. By default, if @base is None, the commit target will be the bottom of the backing chain; if @flags contains VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_COMMIT_SHALLOW, then the immediate backing file of @top will be used instead. If @top is None, the active image at the top of the chain will be used. Some hypervisors place restrictions on how much can be committed, and might fail if @base is not the immediate backing file of @top, or if @top is the active layer in use by a running domain but @flags did not include VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_COMMIT_ACTIVE, or if @top is not the top-most file; restrictions may differ for online vs. offline domains. The @disk parameter is either an unambiguous source name of the block device (the sub-element, such as "/path/to/image"), or the device target shorthand (the sub-element, such as "vda"). Valid names can be found by calling virDomainGetXMLDesc() and inspecting elements within //domain/devices/disk. The @base and @top parameters can be either paths to files within the backing chain, or the device target shorthand (the sub-element, such as "vda") followed by an index to the backing chain enclosed in square brackets. Backing chain indexes can be found by inspecting //disk//backingStore/@index in the domain XML. Thus, for example, "vda[3]" refers to the backing store with index equal to "3" in the chain of disk "vda". The maximum bandwidth that will be used to do the commit can be specified with the @bandwidth parameter. If set to 0, there is no limit. If @flags includes VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_COMMIT_BANDWIDTH_BYTES, @bandwidth is in bytes/second; otherwise, it is in MiB/second. Values larger than 2^52 bytes/sec may be rejected due to overflow considerations based on the word size of both client and server, and values larger than 2^31 bytes/sec may cause overflow problems if later queried by virDomainGetBlockJobInfo() without scaling. Hypervisors may further restrict the range of valid bandwidth values. Some hypervisors do not support this feature and will return an error if bandwidth is not 0; in this case, it might still be possible for a later call to virDomainBlockJobSetSpeed() to succeed. The actual speed can be determined with virDomainGetBlockJobInfo(). """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainBlockCommit(self._o, disk, base, top, bandwidth, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainBlockCommit() failed', dom=self) return ret # # virDomain functions from module python # def blockCopy(self, disk, destxml, params=None, flags=0): """Copy the guest-visible contents of a disk image to a new file described by destxml """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainBlockCopy(self._o, disk, destxml, params, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainBlockCopy() failed', dom=self) return ret def blockInfo(self, path, flags=0): """Extract information about a domain block device size """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainGetBlockInfo(self._o, path, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virDomainGetBlockInfo() failed', dom=self) return ret def blockIoTune(self, disk, flags=0): """Get the I/O tunables for a block device """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainGetBlockIoTune(self._o, disk, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virDomainGetBlockIoTune() failed', dom=self) return ret # # virDomain functions from module libvirt-domain # def blockJobAbort(self, disk, flags=0): """Cancel the active block job on the given disk. The @disk parameter is either an unambiguous source name of the block device (the sub-element, such as "/path/to/image"), or (since 0.9.5) the device target shorthand (the sub-element, such as "vda"). Valid names can be found by calling virDomainGetXMLDesc() and inspecting elements within //domain/devices/disk. If the current block job for @disk is VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_TYPE_PULL, then by default, this function performs a synchronous operation and the caller may assume that the operation has completed when 0 is returned. However, BlockJob operations may take a long time to cancel, and during this time further domain interactions may be unresponsive. To avoid this problem, pass VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_ABORT_ASYNC in the @flags argument to enable asynchronous behavior, returning as soon as possible. When the job has been canceled, a BlockJob event will be emitted, with status VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_CANCELED (even if the ABORT_ASYNC flag was not used); it is also possible to poll virDomainBlockJobInfo() to see if the job cancellation is still pending. This type of job can be restarted to pick up from where it left off. If the current block job for @disk is VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_TYPE_COPY, then the default is to abort the mirroring and revert to the source disk; likewise, if the current job is VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_TYPE_ACTIVE_COMMIT, the default is to abort without changing the active layer of @disk. Adding @flags of VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_ABORT_PIVOT causes this call to fail with VIR_ERR_BLOCK_COPY_ACTIVE if the copy or commit is not yet ready; otherwise it will swap the disk over to the new active image to end the mirroring or active commit. An event will be issued when the job is ended, and it is possible to use VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_ABORT_ASYNC to control whether this command waits for the completion of the job. Restarting a copy or active commit job requires starting over from the beginning of the first phase. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainBlockJobAbort(self._o, disk, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainBlockJobAbort() failed', dom=self) return ret # # virDomain functions from module python # def blockJobInfo(self, path, flags=0): """Get progress information for a block job """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainGetBlockJobInfo(self._o, path, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virDomainGetBlockJobInfo() failed', dom=self) return ret # # virDomain functions from module libvirt-domain # def blockJobSetSpeed(self, disk, bandwidth, flags=0): """Set the maximimum allowable bandwidth that a block job may consume. If bandwidth is 0, the limit will revert to the hypervisor default of unlimited. If @flags contains VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_SPEED_BANDWIDTH_BYTES, @bandwidth is in bytes/second; otherwise, it is in MiB/second. Values larger than 2^52 bytes/sec may be rejected due to overflow considerations based on the word size of both client and server, and values larger than 2^31 bytes/sec may cause overflow problems if later queried by virDomainGetBlockJobInfo() without scaling. Hypervisors may further restrict the range of valid bandwidth values. The @disk parameter is either an unambiguous source name of the block device (the sub-element, such as "/path/to/image"), or (since 0.9.5) the device target shorthand (the sub-element, such as "vda"). Valid names can be found by calling virDomainGetXMLDesc() and inspecting elements within //domain/devices/disk. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainBlockJobSetSpeed(self._o, disk, bandwidth, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainBlockJobSetSpeed() failed', dom=self) return ret # # virDomain functions from module python # def blockPeek(self, disk, offset, size, flags=0): """Read the contents of domain's disk device """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainBlockPeek(self._o, disk, offset, size, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virDomainBlockPeek() failed', dom=self) return ret # # virDomain functions from module libvirt-domain # def blockPull(self, disk, bandwidth=0, flags=0): """Populate a disk image with data from its backing image. Once all data from its backing image has been pulled, the disk no longer depends on a backing image. This function pulls data for the entire device in the background. Progress of the operation can be checked with virDomainGetBlockJobInfo() and the operation can be aborted with virDomainBlockJobAbort(). When finished, an asynchronous event is raised to indicate the final status. To move data in the opposite direction, see virDomainBlockCommit(). The @disk parameter is either an unambiguous source name of the block device (the sub-element, such as "/path/to/image"), or (since 0.9.5) the device target shorthand (the sub-element, such as "vda"). Valid names can be found by calling virDomainGetXMLDesc() and inspecting elements within //domain/devices/disk. The maximum bandwidth that will be used to do the copy can be specified with the @bandwidth parameter. If set to 0, there is no limit. If @flags includes VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_PULL_BANDWIDTH_BYTES, @bandwidth is in bytes/second; otherwise, it is in MiB/second. Values larger than 2^52 bytes/sec may be rejected due to overflow considerations based on the word size of both client and server, and values larger than 2^31 bytes/sec may cause overflow problems if later queried by virDomainGetBlockJobInfo() without scaling. Hypervisors may further restrict the range of valid bandwidth values. Some hypervisors do not support this feature and will return an error if bandwidth is not 0; in this case, it might still be possible for a later call to virDomainBlockJobSetSpeed() to succeed. The actual speed can be determined with virDomainGetBlockJobInfo(). This is shorthand for virDomainBlockRebase() with a None base. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainBlockPull(self._o, disk, bandwidth, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainBlockPull() failed', dom=self) return ret def blockRebase(self, disk, base, bandwidth=0, flags=0): """Populate a disk image with data from its backing image chain, and setting the backing image to @base, or alternatively copy an entire backing chain to a new file @base. When @flags is 0, this starts a pull, where @base must be the absolute path of one of the backing images further up the chain, or None to convert the disk image so that it has no backing image. Once all data from its backing image chain has been pulled, the disk no longer depends on those intermediate backing images. This function pulls data for the entire device in the background. Progress of the operation can be checked with virDomainGetBlockJobInfo() with a job type of VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_TYPE_PULL, and the operation can be aborted with virDomainBlockJobAbort(). When finished, an asynchronous event is raised to indicate the final status, and the job no longer exists. If the job is aborted, a new one can be started later to resume from the same point. If @flags contains VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_REBASE_RELATIVE, the name recorded into the active disk as the location for @base will be kept relative. The operation will fail if libvirt can't infer the name. When @flags includes VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_REBASE_COPY, this starts a copy, where @base must be the name of a new file to copy the chain to. By default, the copy will pull the entire source chain into the destination file, but if @flags also contains VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_REBASE_SHALLOW, then only the top of the source chain will be copied (the source and destination have a common backing file). By default, @base will be created with the same file format as the source, but this can be altered by adding VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_REBASE_COPY_RAW to force the copy to be raw (does not make sense with the shallow flag unless the source is also raw), or by using VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_REBASE_REUSE_EXT to reuse an existing file which was pre-created with the correct format and metadata and sufficient size to hold the copy. In case the VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_REBASE_SHALLOW flag is used the pre-created file has to exhibit the same guest visible contents as the backing file of the original image. This allows a management app to pre-create files with relative backing file names, rather than the default of absolute backing file names; as a security precaution, you should generally only use reuse_ext with the shallow flag and a non-raw destination file. By default, the copy destination will be treated as type='file', but using VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_REBASE_COPY_DEV treats the destination as type='block' (affecting how virDomainGetBlockInfo() will report allocation after pivoting). A copy job has two parts; in the first phase, the @bandwidth parameter affects how fast the source is pulled into the destination, and the job can only be canceled by reverting to the source file; progress in this phase can be tracked via the virDomainBlockJobInfo() command, with a job type of VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_TYPE_COPY. The job transitions to the second phase when the job info states cur == end, and remains alive to mirror all further changes to both source and destination. The user must call virDomainBlockJobAbort() to end the mirroring while choosing whether to revert to source or pivot to the destination. An event is issued when the job ends, and depending on the hypervisor, an event may also be issued when the job transitions from pulling to mirroring. If the job is aborted, a new job will have to start over from the beginning of the first phase. Some hypervisors will restrict certain actions, such as virDomainSave() or virDomainDetachDevice(), while a copy job is active; they may also restrict a copy job to transient domains. The @disk parameter is either an unambiguous source name of the block device (the sub-element, such as "/path/to/image"), or the device target shorthand (the sub-element, such as "vda"). Valid names can be found by calling virDomainGetXMLDesc() and inspecting elements within //domain/devices/disk. The @base parameter can be either a path to a file within the backing chain, or the device target shorthand (the sub-element, such as "vda") followed by an index to the backing chain enclosed in square brackets. Backing chain indexes can be found by inspecting //disk//backingStore/@index in the domain XML. Thus, for example, "vda[3]" refers to the backing store with index equal to "3" in the chain of disk "vda". The maximum bandwidth that will be used to do the copy can be specified with the @bandwidth parameter. If set to 0, there is no limit. If @flags includes VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_REBASE_BANDWIDTH_BYTES, @bandwidth is in bytes/second; otherwise, it is in MiB/second. Values larger than 2^52 bytes/sec may be rejected due to overflow considerations based on the word size of both client and server, and values larger than 2^31 bytes/sec may cause overflow problems if later queried by virDomainGetBlockJobInfo() without scaling. Hypervisors may further restrict the range of valid bandwidth values. Some hypervisors do not support this feature and will return an error if bandwidth is not 0; in this case, it might still be possible for a later call to virDomainBlockJobSetSpeed() to succeed. The actual speed can be determined with virDomainGetBlockJobInfo(). When @base is None and @flags is 0, this is identical to virDomainBlockPull(). When @flags contains VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_REBASE_COPY, this command is shorthand for virDomainBlockCopy() where the destination XML encodes @base as a , @bandwidth is properly scaled and passed as a typed parameter, the shallow and reuse external flags are preserved, and remaining flags control whether the XML encodes a destination format of raw instead of leaving the destination identical to the source format or probed from the reused file. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainBlockRebase(self._o, disk, base, bandwidth, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainBlockRebase() failed', dom=self) return ret def blockResize(self, disk, size, flags=0): """Resize a block device of domain while the domain is running. If @flags is 0, then @size is in kibibytes (blocks of 1024 bytes); since 0.9.11, if @flags includes VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_RESIZE_BYTES, @size is in bytes instead. @size is taken directly as the new size. Depending on the file format, the hypervisor may round up to the next alignment boundary. The @disk parameter is either an unambiguous source name of the block device (the sub-element, such as "/path/to/image"), or (since 0.9.5) the device target shorthand (the sub-element, such as "vda"). Valid names can be found by calling virDomainGetXMLDesc() and inspecting elements within //domain/devices/disk. Note that this call may fail if the underlying virtualization hypervisor does not support it; this call requires privileged access to the hypervisor. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainBlockResize(self._o, disk, size, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainBlockResize() failed', dom=self) return ret # # virDomain functions from module python # def blockStats(self, path): """Extracts block device statistics for a domain """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainBlockStats(self._o, path) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virDomainBlockStats() failed', dom=self) return ret def blockStatsFlags(self, path, flags=0): """Extracts block device statistics parameters of a running domain """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainBlockStatsFlags(self._o, path, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virDomainBlockStatsFlags() failed', dom=self) return ret def controlInfo(self, flags=0): """Extract details about current state of control interface to a domain. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainGetControlInfo(self._o, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virDomainGetControlInfo() failed', dom=self) return ret # # virDomain functions from module libvirt-domain # def coreDump(self, to, flags=0): """This method will dump the core of a domain on a given file for analysis. Note that for remote Xen Daemon the file path will be interpreted in the remote host. Hypervisors may require the user to manually ensure proper permissions on the file named by @to. If @flags includes VIR_DUMP_CRASH, then leave the guest shut off with a crashed state after the dump completes. If @flags includes VIR_DUMP_LIVE, then make the core dump while continuing to allow the guest to run; otherwise, the guest is suspended during the dump. VIR_DUMP_RESET flag forces reset of the guest after dump. The above three flags are mutually exclusive. Additionally, if @flags includes VIR_DUMP_BYPASS_CACHE, then libvirt will attempt to bypass the file system cache while creating the file, or fail if it cannot do so for the given system; this can allow less pressure on file system cache, but also risks slowing saves to NFS. For more control over the output format, see virDomainCoreDumpWithFormat(). """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainCoreDump(self._o, to, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainCoreDump() failed', dom=self) return ret def coreDumpWithFormat(self, to, dumpformat, flags=0): """This method will dump the core of a domain on a given file for analysis. Note that for remote Xen Daemon the file path will be interpreted in the remote host. Hypervisors may require the user to manually ensure proper permissions on the file named by @to. @dumpformat controls which format the dump will have; use of VIR_DOMAIN_CORE_DUMP_FORMAT_RAW mirrors what virDomainCoreDump() will perform. Not all hypervisors are able to support all formats. If @flags includes VIR_DUMP_CRASH, then leave the guest shut off with a crashed state after the dump completes. If @flags includes VIR_DUMP_LIVE, then make the core dump while continuing to allow the guest to run; otherwise, the guest is suspended during the dump. VIR_DUMP_RESET flag forces reset of the guest after dump. The above three flags are mutually exclusive. Additionally, if @flags includes VIR_DUMP_BYPASS_CACHE, then libvirt will attempt to bypass the file system cache while creating the file, or fail if it cannot do so for the given system; this can allow less pressure on file system cache, but also risks slowing saves to NFS. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainCoreDumpWithFormat(self._o, to, dumpformat, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainCoreDumpWithFormat() failed', dom=self) return ret def create(self): """Launch a defined domain. If the call succeeds the domain moves from the defined to the running domains pools. The domain will be paused only if restoring from managed state created from a paused domain. For more control, see virDomainCreateWithFlags(). """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainCreate(self._o) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainCreate() failed', dom=self) return ret def createWithFlags(self, flags=0): """Launch a defined domain. If the call succeeds the domain moves from the defined to the running domains pools. If the VIR_DOMAIN_START_PAUSED flag is set, or if the guest domain has a managed save image that requested paused state (see virDomainManagedSave()) the guest domain will be started, but its CPUs will remain paused. The CPUs can later be manually started using virDomainResume(). In all other cases, the guest domain will be running. If the VIR_DOMAIN_START_AUTODESTROY flag is set, the guest domain will be automatically destroyed when the virConnectPtr object is finally released. This will also happen if the client application crashes / loses its connection to the libvirtd daemon. Any domains marked for auto destroy will block attempts at migration, save-to-file, or snapshots. If the VIR_DOMAIN_START_BYPASS_CACHE flag is set, and there is a managed save file for this domain (created by virDomainManagedSave()), then libvirt will attempt to bypass the file system cache while restoring the file, or fail if it cannot do so for the given system; this can allow less pressure on file system cache, but also risks slowing loads from NFS. If the VIR_DOMAIN_START_FORCE_BOOT flag is set, then any managed save file for this domain is discarded, and the domain boots from scratch. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainCreateWithFlags(self._o, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainCreateWithFlags() failed', dom=self) return ret def delIOThread(self, iothread_id, flags=0): """Dynamically delete an IOThread from the domain. The @iothread_id to be deleted must not have a resource associated with it and can be any of the currently valid IOThread ID's. Note that this call can fail if the underlying virtualization hypervisor does not support it or if reducing the number is arbitrarily limited. This function requires privileged access to the hypervisor. @flags may include VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_LIVE or VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG. Both flags may be set. If VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_LIVE is set, the change affects a running domain and may fail if domain is not alive. If VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG is set, the change affects persistent state, and will fail for transient domains. If neither flag is specified (that is, @flags is VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CURRENT), then an inactive domain modifies persistent setup, while an active domain is hypervisor-dependent on whether just live or both live and persistent state is changed. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainDelIOThread(self._o, iothread_id, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainDelIOThread() failed', dom=self) return ret def destroy(self): """Destroy the domain object. The running instance is shutdown if not down already and all resources used by it are given back to the hypervisor. This does not free the associated virDomainPtr object. This function may require privileged access. virDomainDestroy first requests that a guest terminate (e.g. SIGTERM), then waits for it to comply. After a reasonable timeout, if the guest still exists, virDomainDestroy will forcefully terminate the guest (e.g. SIGKILL) if necessary (which may produce undesirable results, for example unflushed disk cache in the guest). To avoid this possibility, it's recommended to instead call virDomainDestroyFlags, sending the VIR_DOMAIN_DESTROY_GRACEFUL flag. If the domain is transient and has any snapshot metadata (see virDomainSnapshotNum()), then that metadata will automatically be deleted when the domain quits. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainDestroy(self._o) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainDestroy() failed', dom=self) return ret def destroyFlags(self, flags=0): """Destroy the domain object. The running instance is shutdown if not down already and all resources used by it are given back to the hypervisor. This does not free the associated virDomainPtr object. This function may require privileged access. Calling this function with no @flags set (equal to zero) is equivalent to calling virDomainDestroy, and after a reasonable timeout will forcefully terminate the guest (e.g. SIGKILL) if necessary (which may produce undesirable results, for example unflushed disk cache in the guest). Including VIR_DOMAIN_DESTROY_GRACEFUL in the flags will prevent the forceful termination of the guest, and virDomainDestroyFlags will instead return an error if the guest doesn't terminate by the end of the timeout; at that time, the management application can decide if calling again without VIR_DOMAIN_DESTROY_GRACEFUL is appropriate. Another alternative which may produce cleaner results for the guest's disks is to use virDomainShutdown() instead, but that depends on guest support (some hypervisor/guest combinations may ignore the shutdown request). """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainDestroyFlags(self._o, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainDestroyFlags() failed', dom=self) return ret def detachDevice(self, xml): """This is an equivalent of virDomainDetachDeviceFlags() when called with @flags parameter set to VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_LIVE. See virDomainDetachDeviceFlags() for more details. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainDetachDevice(self._o, xml) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainDetachDevice() failed', dom=self) return ret def detachDeviceFlags(self, xml, flags=0): """Detach a virtual device from a domain, using the flags parameter to control how the device is detached. VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CURRENT specifies that the device allocation is removed based on current domain state. VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_LIVE specifies that the device shall be deallocated from the active domain instance only and is not from the persisted domain configuration. VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG specifies that the device shall be deallocated from the persisted domain configuration only. Note that the target hypervisor must return an error if unable to satisfy flags. E.g. the hypervisor driver will return failure if LIVE is specified but it only supports removing the persisted device allocation. Some hypervisors may prevent this operation if there is a current block copy operation on the device being detached; in that case, use virDomainBlockJobAbort() to stop the block copy first. Beware that depending on the hypervisor and device type, detaching a device from a running domain may be asynchronous. That is, calling virDomainDetachDeviceFlags may just request device removal while the device is actually removed later (in cooperation with a guest OS). Previously, this fact was ignored and the device could have been removed from domain configuration before it was actually removed by the hypervisor causing various failures on subsequent operations. To check whether the device was successfully removed, either recheck domain configuration using virDomainGetXMLDesc() or add a handler for the VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_DEVICE_REMOVED event. In case the device is already gone when virDomainDetachDeviceFlags returns, the event is delivered before this API call ends. To help existing clients work better in most cases, this API will try to transform an asynchronous device removal that finishes shortly after the request into a synchronous removal. In other words, this API may wait a bit for the removal to complete in case it was not synchronous. Be aware that hotplug changes might not persist across a domain going into S4 state (also known as hibernation) unless you also modify the persistent domain definition. The supplied XML description of the device should be as specific as its definition in the domain XML. The set of attributes used to match the device are internal to the drivers. Using a partial definition, or attempting to detach a device that is not present in the domain XML, but shares some specific attributes with one that is present, may lead to unexpected results. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainDetachDeviceFlags(self._o, xml, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainDetachDeviceFlags() failed', dom=self) return ret # # virDomain functions from module python # def diskErrors(self, flags=0): """Extract errors on disk devices. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainGetDiskErrors(self._o, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virDomainGetDiskErrors() failed', dom=self) return ret def emulatorPinInfo(self, flags=0): """Query the CPU affinity setting of the emulator process of domain """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainGetEmulatorPinInfo(self._o, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virDomainGetEmulatorPinInfo() failed', dom=self) return ret # # virDomain functions from module libvirt-domain # def fSTrim(self, mountPoint, minimum, flags=0): """Calls FITRIM within the guest (hence guest agent may be required depending on hypervisor used). Either call it on each mounted filesystem (@mountPoint is None) or just on specified @mountPoint. @minimum hints that free ranges smaller than this may be ignored (this is a hint and the guest may not respect it). By increasing this value, the fstrim operation will complete more quickly for filesystems with badly fragmented free space, although not all blocks will be discarded. If @minimum is not zero, the command may fail. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainFSTrim(self._o, mountPoint, minimum, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainFSTrim() failed', dom=self) return ret # # virDomain functions from module python # def fsInfo(self, flags=0): """Get a list of mapping information for each mounted file systems within the specified guest and the disks. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainGetFSInfo(self._o, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virDomainGetFSInfo() failed', dom=self) return ret def getCPUStats(self, total, flags=0): """Extracts CPU statistics for a running domain. On success it will return a list of data of dictionary type. If boolean total is False or 0, the first element of the list refers to CPU0 on the host, second element is CPU1, and so on. The format of data struct is as follows: [{cpu_time:xxx}, {cpu_time:xxx}, ...] If it is True or 1, it returns total domain CPU statistics in the format of [{cpu_time:xxx, user_time:xxx, system_time:xxx}] """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainGetCPUStats(self._o, total, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virDomainGetCPUStats() failed', dom=self) return ret def guestVcpus(self, flags=0): """returns a dictionary containing information regarding guest vcpus """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainGetGuestVcpus(self._o, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainGetGuestVcpus() failed', dom=self) return ret # # virDomain functions from module libvirt-domain-snapshot # def hasCurrentSnapshot(self, flags=0): """Determine if the domain has a current snapshot. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainHasCurrentSnapshot(self._o, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainHasCurrentSnapshot() failed', dom=self) return ret # # virDomain functions from module libvirt-domain # def hasManagedSaveImage(self, flags=0): """Check if a domain has a managed save image as created by virDomainManagedSave(). Note that any running domain should not have such an image, as it should have been removed on restart. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainHasManagedSaveImage(self._o, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainHasManagedSaveImage() failed', dom=self) return ret def hostname(self, flags=0): """Get the hostname for that domain. Dependent on hypervisor used, this may require a guest agent to be available. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainGetHostname(self._o, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virDomainGetHostname() failed', dom=self) return ret # # virDomain functions from module python # def info(self): """Extract information about a domain. Note that if the connection used to get the domain is limited only a partial set of the information can be extracted. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainGetInfo(self._o) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virDomainGetInfo() failed', dom=self) return ret # # virDomain functions from module libvirt-domain # def injectNMI(self, flags=0): """Send NMI to the guest """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainInjectNMI(self._o, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainInjectNMI() failed', dom=self) return ret # # virDomain functions from module python # def interfaceAddresses(self, source, flags=0): """returns a dictionary of domain interfaces along with their MAC and IP addresses """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainInterfaceAddresses(self._o, source, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virDomainInterfaceAddresses() failed', dom=self) return ret def interfaceParameters(self, device, flags=0): """Get the bandwidth tunables for a interface device """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainGetInterfaceParameters(self._o, device, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virDomainGetInterfaceParameters() failed', dom=self) return ret def interfaceStats(self, path): """Extracts interface device statistics for a domain """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainInterfaceStats(self._o, path) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virDomainInterfaceStats() failed', dom=self) return ret def ioThreadInfo(self, flags=0): """Query the CPU affinity setting of the IOThreads of the domain """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainGetIOThreadInfo(self._o, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virDomainGetIOThreadInfo() failed', dom=self) return ret # # virDomain functions from module libvirt-domain # def isActive(self): """Determine if the domain is currently running """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainIsActive(self._o) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainIsActive() failed', dom=self) return ret def isPersistent(self): """Determine if the domain has a persistent configuration which means it will still exist after shutting down """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainIsPersistent(self._o) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainIsPersistent() failed', dom=self) return ret def isUpdated(self): """Determine if the domain has been updated. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainIsUpdated(self._o) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainIsUpdated() failed', dom=self) return ret # # virDomain functions from module python # def jobInfo(self): """Extract information about an active job being processed for a domain. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainGetJobInfo(self._o) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virDomainGetJobInfo() failed', dom=self) return ret def jobStats(self, flags=0): """Extract information about an active job being processed for a domain. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainGetJobStats(self._o, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virDomainGetJobStats() failed', dom=self) return ret # # virDomain functions from module libvirt-domain # def managedSave(self, flags=0): """This method will suspend a domain and save its memory contents to a file on disk. After the call, if successful, the domain is not listed as running anymore. The difference from virDomainSave() is that libvirt is keeping track of the saved state itself, and will reuse it once the domain is being restarted (automatically or via an explicit libvirt call). As a result any running domain is sure to not have a managed saved image. This also implies that managed save only works on persistent domains, since the domain must still exist in order to use virDomainCreate() to restart it. If @flags includes VIR_DOMAIN_SAVE_BYPASS_CACHE, then libvirt will attempt to bypass the file system cache while creating the file, or fail if it cannot do so for the given system; this can allow less pressure on file system cache, but also risks slowing saves to NFS. Normally, the managed saved state will remember whether the domain was running or paused, and start will resume to the same state. Specifying VIR_DOMAIN_SAVE_RUNNING or VIR_DOMAIN_SAVE_PAUSED in @flags will override the default saved into the file. These two flags are mutually exclusive. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainManagedSave(self._o, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainManagedSave() failed', dom=self) return ret def managedSaveDefineXML(self, dxml, flags=0): """This updates the definition of a domain stored in a saved state file. @dxml can be used to alter host-specific portions of the domain XML that will be used on the next start of the domain. For example, it is possible to alter the backing filename that is associated with a disk device. Normally, the saved state file will remember whether the domain was running or paused, and restore defaults to the same state. Specifying VIR_DOMAIN_SAVE_RUNNING or VIR_DOMAIN_SAVE_PAUSED in @flags will override the default saved into the file; omitting both leaves the file's default unchanged. These two flags are mutually exclusive. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainManagedSaveDefineXML(self._o, dxml, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainManagedSaveDefineXML() failed', dom=self) return ret def managedSaveGetXMLDesc(self, flags=0): """This method will extract the XML description of the managed save state file of a domain. No security-sensitive data will be included unless @flags contains VIR_DOMAIN_XML_SECURE; this flag is rejected on read-only connections. For this API, @flags should not contain either VIR_DOMAIN_XML_INACTIVE or VIR_DOMAIN_XML_UPDATE_CPU. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainManagedSaveGetXMLDesc(self._o, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virDomainManagedSaveGetXMLDesc() failed', dom=self) return ret def managedSaveRemove(self, flags=0): """Remove any managed save image for this domain. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainManagedSaveRemove(self._o, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainManagedSaveRemove() failed', dom=self) return ret def maxMemory(self): """Retrieve the maximum amount of physical memory allocated to a domain. If domain is None, then this get the amount of memory reserved to Domain0 i.e. the domain where the application runs. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainGetMaxMemory(self._o) if ret == 0: raise libvirtError ('virDomainGetMaxMemory() failed', dom=self) return ret def maxVcpus(self): """Provides the maximum number of virtual CPUs supported for the guest VM. If the guest is inactive, this is basically the same as virConnectGetMaxVcpus(). If the guest is running this will reflect the maximum number of virtual CPUs the guest was booted with. For more details, see virDomainGetVcpusFlags(). """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainGetMaxVcpus(self._o) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainGetMaxVcpus() failed', dom=self) return ret # # virDomain functions from module python # def memoryParameters(self, flags=0): """Get the memory parameters """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainGetMemoryParameters(self._o, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virDomainGetMemoryParameters() failed', dom=self) return ret def memoryPeek(self, start, size, flags=0): """Read the contents of domain's memory """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainMemoryPeek(self._o, start, size, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virDomainMemoryPeek() failed', dom=self) return ret def memoryStats(self): """Extracts memory statistics for a domain """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainMemoryStats(self._o) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virDomainMemoryStats() failed', dom=self) return ret # # virDomain functions from module libvirt-domain # def metadata(self, type, uri, flags=0): """Retrieves the appropriate domain element given by @type. If VIR_DOMAIN_METADATA_ELEMENT is requested parameter @uri must be set to the name of the namespace the requested elements belong to, otherwise must be None. If an element of the domain XML is not present, the resulting error will be VIR_ERR_NO_DOMAIN_METADATA. This method forms a shortcut for seeing information from virDomainSetMetadata() without having to go through virDomainGetXMLDesc(). @flags controls whether the live domain or persistent configuration will be queried. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainGetMetadata(self._o, type, uri, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virDomainGetMetadata() failed', dom=self) return ret def migrate(self, dconn, flags=0, dname=None, uri=None, bandwidth=0): """Migrate the domain object from its current host to the destination host given by dconn (a connection to the destination host). This function is similar to virDomainMigrate3, but it only supports a fixed set of parameters: @dname corresponds to VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_DEST_NAME, @uri is VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_URI, and @bandwidth is VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_BANDWIDTH. virDomainFree should be used to free the resources after the returned domain object is no longer needed. """ if dconn is None: dconn__o = None else: dconn__o = dconn._o ret = libvirtmod.virDomainMigrate(self._o, dconn__o, flags, dname, uri, bandwidth) if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virDomainMigrate() failed', dom=self) __tmp = virDomain(self,_obj=ret) return __tmp def migrate2(self, dconn, dxml=None, flags=0, dname=None, uri=None, bandwidth=0): """Migrate the domain object from its current host to the destination host given by dconn (a connection to the destination host). This function is similar to virDomainMigrate3, but it only supports a fixed set of parameters: @dxml corresponds to VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_DEST_XML, @dname is VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_DEST_NAME, @uri is VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_URI, and @bandwidth is VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_BANDWIDTH. virDomainFree should be used to free the resources after the returned domain object is no longer needed. """ if dconn is None: dconn__o = None else: dconn__o = dconn._o ret = libvirtmod.virDomainMigrate2(self._o, dconn__o, dxml, flags, dname, uri, bandwidth) if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virDomainMigrate2() failed', dom=self) __tmp = virDomain(self,_obj=ret) return __tmp # # virDomain functions from module python # def migrate3(self, dconn, params, flags=0): """Migrate the domain object from its current host to the destination host given by dconn (a connection to the destination host). """ if dconn is None: dconn__o = None else: dconn__o = dconn._o ret = libvirtmod.virDomainMigrate3(self._o, dconn__o, params, flags) if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virDomainMigrate3() failed', dom=self) __tmp = virDomain(self,_obj=ret) return __tmp def migrateGetCompressionCache(self, flags=0): """Get current size of the cache (in bytes) used for compressing repeatedly transferred memory pages during live migration. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainMigrateGetCompressionCache(self._o, flags) return ret def migrateGetMaxDowntime(self, flags=0): """Get the current value of the maximum downtime (in milliseconds) allowed during a migration of a guest. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainMigrateGetMaxDowntime(self._o, flags) return ret def migrateGetMaxSpeed(self, flags=0): """Get currently configured maximum migration speed for a domain """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainMigrateGetMaxSpeed(self._o, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainMigrateGetMaxSpeed() failed', dom=self) return ret # # virDomain functions from module libvirt-domain # def migrateSetCompressionCache(self, cacheSize, flags=0): """Sets size of the cache (in bytes) used for compressing repeatedly transferred memory pages during live migration. It's supposed to be called while the domain is being live-migrated as a reaction to migration progress and increasing number of compression cache misses obtained from virDomainGetJobStats. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainMigrateSetCompressionCache(self._o, cacheSize, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainMigrateSetCompressionCache() failed', dom=self) return ret def migrateSetMaxDowntime(self, downtime, flags=0): """Sets maximum tolerable time for which the domain is allowed to be paused at the end of live migration. It's supposed to be called while the domain is being live-migrated as a reaction to migration progress. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainMigrateSetMaxDowntime(self._o, downtime, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainMigrateSetMaxDowntime() failed', dom=self) return ret def migrateSetMaxSpeed(self, bandwidth, flags=0): """The maximum bandwidth (in MiB/s) that will be used to do migration can be specified with the bandwidth parameter. Not all hypervisors will support a bandwidth cap """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainMigrateSetMaxSpeed(self._o, bandwidth, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainMigrateSetMaxSpeed() failed', dom=self) return ret def migrateStartPostCopy(self, flags=0): """Starts post-copy migration. This function has to be called while migration (initiated with VIR_MIGRATE_POSTCOPY flag) is in progress. Traditional pre-copy migration iteratively walks through guest memory pages and migrates those that changed since the previous iteration. The iterative phase stops when the number of dirty pages is low enough so that the virtual CPUs can be paused, all dirty pages transferred to the destination, where the virtual CPUs are unpaused, and all this can happen within a predefined downtime period. It's clear that this process may never converge if downtime is too short and/or the guest keeps changing a lot of memory pages. When migration is switched to post-copy mode, the virtual CPUs are paused immediately, only a minimum set of pages is transferred, and the CPUs are unpaused on destination. The source keeps sending all remaining memory pages to the destination while the guest is already running there. Whenever the guest tries to read a memory page which has not been migrated yet, the hypervisor has to tell the source to transfer that page in a priority channel. To minimize such page faults, it is a good idea to run at least one iteration of pre-copy migration before switching to post-copy. Post-copy migration is guaranteed to converge since each page is transferred at most once no matter how fast it changes. On the other hand once the guest is running on the destination host, the migration can no longer be rolled back because none of the hosts has complete state. If this happens, libvirt will leave the domain paused on both hosts with VIR_DOMAIN_PAUSED_POSTCOPY_FAILED reason. It's up to the upper layer to decide what to do in such case. Because of this, libvirt will refuse to cancel post-copy migration via virDomainAbortJob. The following domain life cycle events are emitted during post-copy migration: VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_SUSPENDED_POSTCOPY (on the source) -- migration entered post-copy mode. VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_RESUMED_POSTCOPY (on the destination) -- the guest is running on the destination host while some of its memory pages still remain on the source host; neither the source nor the destination host contain a complete guest state from this point until migration finishes. VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_RESUMED_MIGRATED (on the destination), VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STOPPED_MIGRATED (on the source) -- migration finished successfully and the destination host holds a complete guest state. VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_SUSPENDED_POSTCOPY_FAILED (on the destination) -- emitted when migration fails in post-copy mode and it's unclear whether any of the hosts has a complete guest state. The progress of a post-copy migration can be monitored normally using virDomainGetJobStats on the source host. Fetching statistics of a completed post-copy migration can also be done on the source host (by calling virDomainGetJobStats or listening to VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_JOB_COMPLETED event, but (in contrast to pre-copy migration) the statistics are not available on the destination host. Thus, VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_JOB_COMPLETED event is the only way of getting statistics of a completed post-copy migration of a transient domain (because the domain is removed after migration and there's no domain to run virDomainGetJobStats on). """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainMigrateStartPostCopy(self._o, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainMigrateStartPostCopy() failed', dom=self) return ret def migrateToURI(self, duri, flags=0, dname=None, bandwidth=0): """Migrate the domain object from its current host to the destination host given by duri. This function is similar to virDomainMigrateToURI3, but it only supports a fixed set of parameters: @dname corresponds to VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_DEST_NAME, and @bandwidth corresponds to VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_BANDWIDTH. The operation of this API hinges on the VIR_MIGRATE_PEER2PEER flag. If the VIR_MIGRATE_PEER2PEER flag IS set, the @duri parameter must be a valid libvirt connection URI, by which the source libvirt driver can connect to the destination libvirt. In other words, @duri corresponds to @dconnuri of virDomainMigrateToURI3. If the VIR_MIGRATE_PEER2PEER flag is NOT set, the @duri parameter takes a hypervisor specific URI used to initiate the migration. In this case @duri corresponds to VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_URI of virDomainMigrateToURI3. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainMigrateToURI(self._o, duri, flags, dname, bandwidth) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainMigrateToURI() failed', dom=self) return ret def migrateToURI2(self, dconnuri=None, miguri=None, dxml=None, flags=0, dname=None, bandwidth=0): """Migrate the domain object from its current host to the destination host given by @dconnuri. This function is similar to virDomainMigrateToURI3, but it only supports a fixed set of parameters: @miguri corresponds to VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_URI, @dxml is VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_DEST_XML, @dname is VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_DEST_NAME, and @bandwidth corresponds to VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_BANDWIDTH. The operation of this API hinges on the VIR_MIGRATE_PEER2PEER flag. If the VIR_MIGRATE_PEER2PEER flag IS set, the @dconnuri parameter must be a valid libvirt connection URI, by which the source libvirt driver can connect to the destination libvirt. In other words, @dconnuri has the same semantics as in virDomainMigrateToURI3. If the VIR_MIGRATE_PEER2PEER flag is NOT set, the @dconnuri must be None and the @miguri parameter takes a hypervisor specific URI used to initiate the migration. In this case @miguri corresponds to VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_URI of virDomainMigrateToURI3. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainMigrateToURI2(self._o, dconnuri, miguri, dxml, flags, dname, bandwidth) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainMigrateToURI2() failed', dom=self) return ret # # virDomain functions from module python # def migrateToURI3(self, dconnuri, params, flags=0): """Migrate the domain object from its current host to the destination host given by URI. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainMigrateToURI3(self._o, dconnuri, params, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainMigrateToURI3() failed', dom=self) return ret # # virDomain functions from module libvirt-domain # def name(self): """Get the public name for that domain """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainGetName(self._o) return ret # # virDomain functions from module python # def numaParameters(self, flags=0): """Get the NUMA parameters """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainGetNumaParameters(self._o, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virDomainGetNumaParameters() failed', dom=self) return ret # # virDomain functions from module libvirt-domain # def openChannel(self, name, st, flags=0): """This opens the host interface associated with a channel device on a guest, if the host interface is supported. If @name is given, it can match either the device alias (e.g. "channel0"), or the virtio target name (e.g. "org.qemu.guest_agent.0"). If @name is omitted, then the first channel is opened. The channel is associated with the passed in @st stream, which should have been opened in non-blocking mode for bi-directional I/O. By default, when @flags is 0, the open will fail if libvirt detects that the channel is already in use by another client; passing VIR_DOMAIN_CHANNEL_FORCE will cause libvirt to forcefully remove the other client prior to opening this channel. """ if st is None: st__o = None else: st__o = st._o ret = libvirtmod.virDomainOpenChannel(self._o, name, st__o, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainOpenChannel() failed', dom=self) return ret def openConsole(self, dev_name, st, flags=0): """This opens the backend associated with a console, serial or parallel port device on a guest, if the backend is supported. If the @dev_name is omitted, then the first console or serial device is opened. The console is associated with the passed in @st stream, which should have been opened in non-blocking mode for bi-directional I/O. By default, when @flags is 0, the open will fail if libvirt detects that the console is already in use by another client; passing VIR_DOMAIN_CONSOLE_FORCE will cause libvirt to forcefully remove the other client prior to opening this console. If flag VIR_DOMAIN_CONSOLE_SAFE the console is opened only in the case where the hypervisor driver supports safe (mutually exclusive) console handling. Older servers did not support either flag, and also did not forbid simultaneous clients on a console, with potentially confusing results. When passing @flags of 0 in order to support a wider range of server versions, it is up to the client to ensure mutual exclusion. """ if st is None: st__o = None else: st__o = st._o ret = libvirtmod.virDomainOpenConsole(self._o, dev_name, st__o, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainOpenConsole() failed', dom=self) return ret def openGraphics(self, idx, fd, flags=0): """This will attempt to connect the file descriptor @fd, to the graphics backend of @dom. If @dom has multiple graphics backends configured, then @idx will determine which one is opened, starting from @idx 0. To disable any authentication, pass the VIR_DOMAIN_OPEN_GRAPHICS_SKIPAUTH constant for @flags. The caller should use an anonymous socketpair to open @fd before invocation. This method can only be used when connected to a local libvirt hypervisor, over a UNIX domain socket. Attempts to use this method over a TCP connection will always fail """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainOpenGraphics(self._o, idx, fd, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainOpenGraphics() failed', dom=self) return ret def openGraphicsFD(self, idx, flags=0): """This will create a socket pair connected to the graphics backend of @dom. One end of the socket will be returned on success, and the other end is handed to the hypervisor. If @dom has multiple graphics backends configured, then @idx will determine which one is opened, starting from @idx 0. To disable any authentication, pass the VIR_DOMAIN_OPEN_GRAPHICS_SKIPAUTH constant for @flags. This method can only be used when connected to a local libvirt hypervisor, over a UNIX domain socket. Attempts to use this method over a TCP connection will always fail. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainOpenGraphicsFD(self._o, idx, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainOpenGraphicsFD() failed', dom=self) return ret def pMSuspendForDuration(self, target, duration, flags=0): """Attempt to have the guest enter the given @target power management suspension level. If @duration is non-zero, also schedule the guest to resume normal operation after that many seconds, if nothing else has resumed it earlier. Some hypervisors require that @duration be 0, for an indefinite suspension. Dependent on hypervisor used, this may require a guest agent to be available, e.g. QEMU. Beware that at least for QEMU, the domain's process will be terminated when VIR_NODE_SUSPEND_TARGET_DISK is used and a new process will be launched when libvirt is asked to wake up the domain. As a result of this, any runtime changes, such as device hotplug or memory settings, are lost unless such changes were made with VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG flag. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainPMSuspendForDuration(self._o, target, duration, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainPMSuspendForDuration() failed', dom=self) return ret def pMWakeup(self, flags=0): """Inject a wakeup into the guest that previously used virDomainPMSuspendForDuration, rather than waiting for the previously requested duration (if any) to elapse. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainPMWakeup(self._o, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainPMWakeup() failed', dom=self) return ret # # virDomain functions from module python # def perfEvents(self, flags=0): """Get all perf events setting. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainGetPerfEvents(self._o, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virDomainGetPerfEvents() failed', dom=self) return ret def pinEmulator(self, cpumap, flags=0): """Dynamically change the real CPUs which can be allocated to the emulator process of a domain. This function requires privileged access to the hypervisor. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainPinEmulator(self._o, cpumap, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainPinEmulator() failed', dom=self) return ret def pinIOThread(self, iothread_val, cpumap, flags=0): """Dynamically change the real CPUs which can be allocated to an IOThread. This function requires privileged access to the hypervisor. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainPinIOThread(self._o, iothread_val, cpumap, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainPinIOThread() failed', dom=self) return ret def pinVcpu(self, vcpu, cpumap): """Dynamically change the real CPUs which can be allocated to a virtual CPU. This function requires privileged access to the hypervisor. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainPinVcpu(self._o, vcpu, cpumap) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainPinVcpu() failed', dom=self) return ret def pinVcpuFlags(self, vcpu, cpumap, flags=0): """Dynamically change the real CPUs which can be allocated to a virtual CPU. This function requires privileged access to the hypervisor. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainPinVcpuFlags(self._o, vcpu, cpumap, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainPinVcpuFlags() failed', dom=self) return ret # # virDomain functions from module libvirt-domain # def reboot(self, flags=0): """Reboot a domain, the domain object is still usable thereafter, but the domain OS is being stopped for a restart. Note that the guest OS may ignore the request. Additionally, the hypervisor may check and support the domain 'on_reboot' XML setting resulting in a domain that shuts down instead of rebooting. If @flags is set to zero, then the hypervisor will choose the method of shutdown it considers best. To have greater control pass one or more of the virDomainRebootFlagValues. The order in which the hypervisor tries each shutdown method is undefined, and a hypervisor is not required to support all methods. To use guest agent (VIR_DOMAIN_REBOOT_GUEST_AGENT) the domain XML must have configured. Due to implementation limitations in some drivers (the qemu driver, for instance) it is not advised to migrate or save a guest that is rebooting as a result of this API. Migrating such a guest can lead to a plain shutdown on the destination. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainReboot(self._o, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainReboot() failed', dom=self) return ret def rename(self, new_name, flags=0): """Rename a domain. New domain name is specified in the second argument. Depending on each driver implementation it may be required that domain is in a specific state. There might be some attributes and/or elements in domain XML that if no value provided at XML defining time, libvirt will derive their value from the domain name. These are not updated by this API. Users are strongly advised to change these after the rename was successful. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainRename(self._o, new_name, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainRename() failed', dom=self) return ret def reset(self, flags=0): """Reset a domain immediately without any guest OS shutdown. Reset emulates the power reset button on a machine, where all hardware sees the RST line set and reinitializes internal state. Note that there is a risk of data loss caused by reset without any guest OS shutdown. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainReset(self._o, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainReset() failed', dom=self) return ret def resume(self): """Resume a suspended domain, the process is restarted from the state where it was frozen by calling virDomainSuspend(). This function may require privileged access Moreover, resume may not be supported if domain is in some special state like VIR_DOMAIN_PMSUSPENDED. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainResume(self._o) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainResume() failed', dom=self) return ret # # virDomain functions from module python # def revertToSnapshot(self, snap, flags=0): """revert the domain to the given snapshot """ if snap is None: snap__o = None else: snap__o = snap._o ret = libvirtmod.virDomainRevertToSnapshot(self._o, snap__o, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainRevertToSnapshot() failed', dom=self) return ret # # virDomain functions from module libvirt-domain # def save(self, to): """This method will suspend a domain and save its memory contents to a file on disk. After the call, if successful, the domain is not listed as running anymore (this ends the life of a transient domain). Use virDomainRestore() to restore a domain after saving. See virDomainSaveFlags() for more control. Also, a save file can be inspected or modified slightly with virDomainSaveImageGetXMLDesc() and virDomainSaveImageDefineXML(). """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainSave(self._o, to) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainSave() failed', dom=self) return ret def saveFlags(self, to, dxml=None, flags=0): """This method will suspend a domain and save its memory contents to a file on disk. After the call, if successful, the domain is not listed as running anymore (this ends the life of a transient domain). Use virDomainRestore() to restore a domain after saving. If the hypervisor supports it, @dxml can be used to alter host-specific portions of the domain XML that will be used when restoring an image. For example, it is possible to alter the backing filename that is associated with a disk device, in order to prepare for file renaming done as part of backing up the disk device while the domain is stopped. If @flags includes VIR_DOMAIN_SAVE_BYPASS_CACHE, then libvirt will attempt to bypass the file system cache while creating the file, or fail if it cannot do so for the given system; this can allow less pressure on file system cache, but also risks slowing saves to NFS. Normally, the saved state file will remember whether the domain was running or paused, and restore defaults to the same state. Specifying VIR_DOMAIN_SAVE_RUNNING or VIR_DOMAIN_SAVE_PAUSED in @flags will override what state gets saved into the file. These two flags are mutually exclusive. A save file can be inspected or modified slightly with virDomainSaveImageGetXMLDesc() and virDomainSaveImageDefineXML(). Some hypervisors may prevent this operation if there is a current block copy operation; in that case, use virDomainBlockJobAbort() to stop the block copy first. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainSaveFlags(self._o, to, dxml, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainSaveFlags() failed', dom=self) return ret # # virDomain functions from module python # def schedulerParameters(self): """Get the scheduler parameters, the @params array will be filled with the values. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainGetSchedulerParameters(self._o) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virDomainGetSchedulerParameters() failed', dom=self) return ret def schedulerParametersFlags(self, flags=0): """Get the scheduler parameters """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainGetSchedulerParametersFlags(self._o, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virDomainGetSchedulerParametersFlags() failed', dom=self) return ret def schedulerType(self): """Get the scheduler type. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainGetSchedulerType(self._o) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virDomainGetSchedulerType() failed', dom=self) return ret # # virDomain functions from module libvirt-domain # def screenshot(self, stream, screen, flags=0): """Take a screenshot of current domain console as a stream. The image format is hypervisor specific. Moreover, some hypervisors supports multiple displays per domain. These can be distinguished by @screen argument. This call sets up a stream; subsequent use of stream API is necessary to transfer actual data, determine how much data is successfully transferred, and detect any errors. The screen ID is the sequential number of screen. In case of multiple graphics cards, heads are enumerated before devices, e.g. having two graphics cards, both with four heads, screen ID 5 addresses the second head on the second card. """ if stream is None: stream__o = None else: stream__o = stream._o ret = libvirtmod.virDomainScreenshot(self._o, stream__o, screen, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virDomainScreenshot() failed', dom=self) return ret # # virDomain functions from module python # def securityLabel(self): """Extract information about the domain security label. Only the first label will be returned. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainGetSecurityLabel(self._o) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virDomainGetSecurityLabel() failed', dom=self) return ret def securityLabelList(self): """Extract information about the domain security label. A list of all labels will be returned. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainGetSecurityLabelList(self._o) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virDomainGetSecurityLabelList() failed', dom=self) return ret # # virDomain functions from module libvirt-domain # def sendKey(self, codeset, holdtime, keycodes, nkeycodes, flags=0): """Send key(s) to the guest. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainSendKey(self._o, codeset, holdtime, keycodes, nkeycodes, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainSendKey() failed', dom=self) return ret def sendProcessSignal(self, pid_value, signum, flags=0): """Send a signal to the designated process in the guest The signal numbers must be taken from the virDomainProcessSignal enum. These will be translated to the corresponding signal number for the guest OS, by the guest agent delivering the signal. If there is no mapping from virDomainProcessSignal to the native OS signals, this API will report an error. If @pid_value is an integer greater than zero, it is treated as a process ID. If @pid_value is an integer less than zero, it is treated as a process group ID. All the @pid_value numbers are from the container/guest namespace. The value zero is not valid. Not all hypervisors will support sending signals to arbitrary processes or process groups. If this API is implemented the minimum requirement is to be able to use @pid_value == 1 (i.e. kill init). No other value is required to be supported. If the @signum is VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_NOP then this API will simply report whether the process is running in the container/guest. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainSendProcessSignal(self._o, pid_value, signum, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainSendProcessSignal() failed', dom=self) return ret def setAutostart(self, autostart): """Configure the domain to be automatically started when the host machine boots. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainSetAutostart(self._o, autostart) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainSetAutostart() failed', dom=self) return ret # # virDomain functions from module python # def setBlkioParameters(self, params, flags=0): """Change the blkio tunables """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainSetBlkioParameters(self._o, params, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainSetBlkioParameters() failed', dom=self) return ret def setBlockIoTune(self, disk, params, flags=0): """Change the I/O tunables for a block device """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainSetBlockIoTune(self._o, disk, params, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainSetBlockIoTune() failed', dom=self) return ret # # virDomain functions from module libvirt-domain # def setBlockThreshold(self, dev, threshold, flags=0): """Set the threshold level for delivering the VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_BLOCK_THRESHOLD if the device or backing chain element described by @dev is written beyond the set threshold level. The threshold level is unset once the event fires. The event might not be delivered at all if libvirtd was not running at the moment when the threshold was reached. Hypervisors report the last written sector of an image in the bulk stats API (virConnectGetAllDomainStats/virDomainListGetStats) as "block..allocation" in the VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_BLOCK group. The current threshold value is reported as "block..threshold". This event allows to use thin-provisioned storage which needs management tools to grow it without the need for polling of the data. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainSetBlockThreshold(self._o, dev, threshold, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainSetBlockThreshold() failed', dom=self) return ret def setGuestVcpus(self, cpumap, state, flags=0): """Sets state of individual vcpus described by @cpumap via guest agent. Other vcpus are not modified. This API requires the VM to run. Various hypervisors or guest agent implementation may limit to operate on just 1 vCPU per call. @cpumap is a list of vCPU numbers. Its syntax is a comma separated list and a special markup using '-' and '^' (ex. '0-4', '0-3,^2'). The '-' denotes the range and the '^' denotes exclusive. The expression is sequentially evaluated, so "0-15,^8" is identical to "9-14,0-7,15" but not identical to "^8,0-15". Note that OSes (notably Linux) may require vCPU 0 to stay online to support low-level features a S3 sleep. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainSetGuestVcpus(self._o, cpumap, state, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainSetGuestVcpus() failed', dom=self) return ret # # virDomain functions from module python # def setInterfaceParameters(self, device, params, flags=0): """Change the bandwidth tunables for a interface device """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainSetInterfaceParameters(self._o, device, params, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainSetInterfaceParameters() failed', dom=self) return ret # # virDomain functions from module libvirt-domain # def setLifecycleAction(self, type, action, flags=0): """Changes the actions of lifecycle events for domain represented as $action in the domain XML. QEMU driver has a limitation that if all lifecycle events are set to destroy when the domain is started, it's not possible to change any action for running domain. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainSetLifecycleAction(self._o, type, action, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainSetLifecycleAction() failed', dom=self) return ret def setMaxMemory(self, memory): """Dynamically change the maximum amount of physical memory allocated to a domain. If domain is None, then this change the amount of memory reserved to Domain0 i.e. the domain where the application runs. This function may require privileged access to the hypervisor. This command is hypervisor-specific for whether active, persistent, or both configurations are changed; for more control, use virDomainSetMemoryFlags(). """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainSetMaxMemory(self._o, memory) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainSetMaxMemory() failed', dom=self) return ret def setMemory(self, memory): """Dynamically change the target amount of physical memory allocated to a domain. If domain is None, then this change the amount of memory reserved to Domain0 i.e. the domain where the application runs. This function may require privileged access to the hypervisor. This command is hypervisor-specific for whether active, persistent, or both configurations are changed; for more control, use virDomainSetMemoryFlags(). """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainSetMemory(self._o, memory) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainSetMemory() failed', dom=self) return ret def setMemoryFlags(self, memory, flags=0): """Dynamically change the target amount of physical memory allocated to a domain. If domain is None, then this change the amount of memory reserved to Domain0 i.e. the domain where the application runs. This function may require privileged access to the hypervisor. @flags may include VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_LIVE or VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG. Both flags may be set. If VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_LIVE is set, the change affects a running domain and will fail if domain is not active. If VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG is set, the change affects persistent state, and will fail for transient domains. If neither flag is specified (that is, @flags is VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CURRENT), then an inactive domain modifies persistent setup, while an active domain is hypervisor-dependent on whether just live or both live and persistent state is changed. If VIR_DOMAIN_MEM_MAXIMUM is set, the change affects domain's maximum memory size rather than current memory size. Not all hypervisors can support all flag combinations. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainSetMemoryFlags(self._o, memory, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainSetMemoryFlags() failed', dom=self) return ret # # virDomain functions from module python # def setMemoryParameters(self, params, flags=0): """Change the memory tunables """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainSetMemoryParameters(self._o, params, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainSetMemoryParameters() failed', dom=self) return ret # # virDomain functions from module libvirt-domain # def setMemoryStatsPeriod(self, period, flags=0): """Dynamically change the domain memory balloon driver statistics collection period. Use 0 to disable and a positive value to enable. @flags may include VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_LIVE or VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG. Both flags may be set. If VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_LIVE is set, the change affects a running domain and will fail if domain is not active. If VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG is set, the change affects persistent state, and will fail for transient domains. If neither flag is specified (that is, @flags is VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CURRENT), then an inactive domain modifies persistent setup, while an active domain is hypervisor-dependent on whether just live or both live and persistent state is changed. Not all hypervisors can support all flag combinations. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainSetMemoryStatsPeriod(self._o, period, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainSetMemoryStatsPeriod() failed', dom=self) return ret def setMetadata(self, type, metadata, key, uri, flags=0): """Sets the appropriate domain element given by @type to the value of @metadata. A @type of VIR_DOMAIN_METADATA_DESCRIPTION is free-form text; VIR_DOMAIN_METADATA_TITLE is free-form, but no newlines are permitted, and should be short (although the length is not enforced). For these two options @key and @uri are irrelevant and must be set to None. For type VIR_DOMAIN_METADATA_ELEMENT @metadata must be well-formed XML belonging to namespace defined by @uri with local name @key. Passing None for @metadata says to remove that element from the domain XML (passing the empty string leaves the element present). The resulting metadata will be present in virDomainGetXMLDesc(), as well as quick access through virDomainGetMetadata(). @flags controls whether the live domain, persistent configuration, or both will be modified. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainSetMetadata(self._o, type, metadata, key, uri, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainSetMetadata() failed', dom=self) return ret # # virDomain functions from module python # def setNumaParameters(self, params, flags=0): """Change the NUMA tunables """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainSetNumaParameters(self._o, params, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainSetNumaParameters() failed', dom=self) return ret def setPerfEvents(self, params, flags=0): """Enable or disable the particular list of perf events """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainSetPerfEvents(self._o, params, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainSetPerfEvents() failed', dom=self) return ret def setSchedulerParameters(self, params): """Change the scheduler parameters """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainSetSchedulerParameters(self._o, params) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainSetSchedulerParameters() failed', dom=self) return ret def setSchedulerParametersFlags(self, params, flags=0): """Change the scheduler parameters """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainSetSchedulerParametersFlags(self._o, params, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainSetSchedulerParametersFlags() failed', dom=self) return ret # # virDomain functions from module libvirt-domain # def setUserPassword(self, user, password, flags=0): """Sets the @user password to the value specified by @password. If @flags contain VIR_DOMAIN_PASSWORD_ENCRYPTED, the password is assumed to be encrypted by the method required by the guest OS. Please note that some hypervisors may require guest agent to be configured and running in order to be able to run this API. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainSetUserPassword(self._o, user, password, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainSetUserPassword() failed', dom=self) return ret def setVcpu(self, vcpumap, state, flags=0): """Enables/disables individual vcpus described by @vcpumap in the hypervisor. Various hypervisor implementations may limit to operate on just 1 hotpluggable entity (which may contain multiple vCPUs on certain platforms). Note that OSes and hypervisors may require vCPU 0 to stay online. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainSetVcpu(self._o, vcpumap, state, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainSetVcpu() failed', dom=self) return ret def setVcpus(self, nvcpus): """Dynamically change the number of virtual CPUs used by the domain. Note that this call may fail if the underlying virtualization hypervisor does not support it or if growing the number is arbitrarily limited. This function may require privileged access to the hypervisor. Note that if this call is executed before the guest has finished booting, the guest may fail to process the change. This command only changes the runtime configuration of the domain, so can only be called on an active domain. It is hypervisor-dependent whether it also affects persistent configuration; for more control, use virDomainSetVcpusFlags(). """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainSetVcpus(self._o, nvcpus) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainSetVcpus() failed', dom=self) return ret def setVcpusFlags(self, nvcpus, flags=0): """Dynamically change the number of virtual CPUs used by the domain. Note that this call may fail if the underlying virtualization hypervisor does not support it or if growing the number is arbitrarily limited. This function may require privileged access to the hypervisor. @flags may include VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_LIVE to affect a running domain (which may fail if domain is not active), or VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG to affect the next boot via the XML description of the domain. Both flags may be set. If neither flag is specified (that is, @flags is VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CURRENT), then an inactive domain modifies persistent setup, while an active domain is hypervisor-dependent on whether just live or both live and persistent state is changed. Note that if this call is executed before the guest has finished booting, the guest may fail to process the change. If @flags includes VIR_DOMAIN_VCPU_MAXIMUM, then VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_LIVE must be clear, and only the maximum virtual CPU limit is altered; generally, this value must be less than or equal to virConnectGetMaxVcpus(). Otherwise, this call affects the current virtual CPU limit, which must be less than or equal to the maximum limit. Note that hypervisors may not allow changing the maximum vcpu count if processor topology is specified. If @flags includes VIR_DOMAIN_VCPU_GUEST, then the state of processors is modified inside the guest instead of the hypervisor. This flag can only be used with live guests and is incompatible with VIR_DOMAIN_VCPU_MAXIMUM. The usage of this flag may require a guest agent configured. Not all hypervisors can support all flag combinations. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainSetVcpusFlags(self._o, nvcpus, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainSetVcpusFlags() failed', dom=self) return ret def shutdown(self): """Shutdown a domain, the domain object is still usable thereafter, but the domain OS is being stopped. Note that the guest OS may ignore the request. Additionally, the hypervisor may check and support the domain 'on_poweroff' XML setting resulting in a domain that reboots instead of shutting down. For guests that react to a shutdown request, the differences from virDomainDestroy() are that the guests disk storage will be in a stable state rather than having the (virtual) power cord pulled, and this command returns as soon as the shutdown request is issued rather than blocking until the guest is no longer running. If the domain is transient and has any snapshot metadata (see virDomainSnapshotNum()), then that metadata will automatically be deleted when the domain quits. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainShutdown(self._o) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainShutdown() failed', dom=self) return ret def shutdownFlags(self, flags=0): """Shutdown a domain, the domain object is still usable thereafter but the domain OS is being stopped. Note that the guest OS may ignore the request. Additionally, the hypervisor may check and support the domain 'on_poweroff' XML setting resulting in a domain that reboots instead of shutting down. For guests that react to a shutdown request, the differences from virDomainDestroy() are that the guest's disk storage will be in a stable state rather than having the (virtual) power cord pulled, and this command returns as soon as the shutdown request is issued rather than blocking until the guest is no longer running. If the domain is transient and has any snapshot metadata (see virDomainSnapshotNum()), then that metadata will automatically be deleted when the domain quits. If @flags is set to zero, then the hypervisor will choose the method of shutdown it considers best. To have greater control pass one or more of the virDomainShutdownFlagValues. The order in which the hypervisor tries each shutdown method is undefined, and a hypervisor is not required to support all methods. To use guest agent (VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTDOWN_GUEST_AGENT) the domain XML must have configured. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainShutdownFlags(self._o, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainShutdownFlags() failed', dom=self) return ret # # virDomain functions from module libvirt-domain-snapshot # def snapshotCreateXML(self, xmlDesc, flags=0): """Creates a new snapshot of a domain based on the snapshot xml contained in xmlDesc. If @flags is 0, the domain can be active, in which case the snapshot will be a system checkpoint (both disk state and runtime VM state such as RAM contents), where reverting to the snapshot is the same as resuming from hibernation (TCP connections may have timed out, but everything else picks up where it left off); or the domain can be inactive, in which case the snapshot includes just the disk state prior to booting. The newly created snapshot becomes current (see virDomainSnapshotCurrent()), and is a child of any previous current snapshot. If @flags includes VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_CREATE_REDEFINE, then this is a request to reinstate snapshot metadata that was previously discarded, rather than creating a new snapshot. This can be used to recreate a snapshot hierarchy on a destination, then remove it on the source, in order to allow migration (since migration normally fails if snapshot metadata still remains on the source machine). When redefining snapshot metadata, the current snapshot will not be altered unless the VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_CREATE_CURRENT flag is also present. It is an error to request the VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_CREATE_CURRENT flag without VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_CREATE_REDEFINE. On some hypervisors, redefining an existing snapshot can be used to alter host-specific portions of the domain XML to be used during revert (such as backing filenames associated with disk devices), but must not alter guest-visible layout. When redefining a snapshot name that does not exist, the hypervisor may validate that reverting to the snapshot appears to be possible (for example, disk images have snapshot contents by the requested name). Not all hypervisors support these flags. If @flags includes VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_CREATE_NO_METADATA, then the domain's disk images are modified according to @xmlDesc, but then the just-created snapshot has its metadata deleted. This flag is incompatible with VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_CREATE_REDEFINE. If @flags includes VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_CREATE_HALT, then the domain will be inactive after the snapshot completes, regardless of whether it was active before; otherwise, a running domain will still be running after the snapshot. This flag is invalid on transient domains, and is incompatible with VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_CREATE_REDEFINE. If @flags includes VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_CREATE_LIVE, then the domain is not paused while creating the snapshot. This increases the size of the memory dump file, but reduces downtime of the guest while taking the snapshot. Some hypervisors only support this flag during external checkpoints. If @flags includes VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_CREATE_DISK_ONLY, then the snapshot will be limited to the disks described in @xmlDesc, and no VM state will be saved. For an active guest, the disk image may be inconsistent (as if power had been pulled), and specifying this with the VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_CREATE_HALT flag risks data loss. If @flags includes VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_CREATE_QUIESCE, then the libvirt will attempt to use guest agent to freeze and thaw all file systems in use within domain OS. However, if the guest agent is not present, an error is thrown. Moreover, this flag requires VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_CREATE_DISK_ONLY to be passed as well. By default, if the snapshot involves external files, and any of the destination files already exist as a non-empty regular file, the snapshot is rejected to avoid losing contents of those files. However, if @flags includes VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_CREATE_REUSE_EXT, then the destination files must be pre-created manually with the correct image format and metadata including backing store path (this allows a management app to pre-create files with relative backing file names, rather than the default of creating with absolute backing file names). Note that only the file specified in the snapshot XML is inserted as a snapshot thus setting incorrect metadata in the pre-created image may lead to the VM being unable to start or other block jobs may fail. Be aware that although libvirt prefers to report errors up front with no other effect, some hypervisors have certain types of failures where the overall command can easily fail even though the guest configuration was partially altered (for example, if a disk snapshot request for two disks fails on the second disk, but the first disk alteration cannot be rolled back). If this API call fails, it is therefore normally necessary to follow up with virDomainGetXMLDesc() and check each disk to determine if any partial changes occurred. However, if @flags contains VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_CREATE_ATOMIC, then libvirt guarantees that this command will not alter any disks unless the entire set of changes can be done atomically, making failure recovery simpler (note that it is still possible to fail after disks have changed, but only in the much rarer cases of running out of memory or disk space). Some hypervisors may prevent this operation if there is a current block copy operation; in that case, use virDomainBlockJobAbort() to stop the block copy first. virDomainSnapshotFree should be used to free the resources after the snapshot object is no longer needed. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainSnapshotCreateXML(self._o, xmlDesc, flags) if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virDomainSnapshotCreateXML() failed', dom=self) __tmp = virDomainSnapshot(self,_obj=ret) return __tmp def snapshotCurrent(self, flags=0): """Get the current snapshot for a domain, if any. virDomainSnapshotFree should be used to free the resources after the snapshot object is no longer needed. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainSnapshotCurrent(self._o, flags) if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virDomainSnapshotCurrent() failed', dom=self) __tmp = virDomainSnapshot(self,_obj=ret) return __tmp # # virDomain functions from module python # def snapshotListNames(self, flags=0): """collect the list of snapshot names for the given domain """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainSnapshotListNames(self._o, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virDomainSnapshotListNames() failed', dom=self) return ret # # virDomain functions from module libvirt-domain-snapshot # def snapshotLookupByName(self, name, flags=0): """Try to lookup a domain snapshot based on its name. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainSnapshotLookupByName(self._o, name, flags) if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virDomainSnapshotLookupByName() failed', dom=self) __tmp = virDomainSnapshot(self,_obj=ret) return __tmp def snapshotNum(self, flags=0): """Provides the number of domain snapshots for this domain. By default, this command covers all snapshots; it is also possible to limit things to just snapshots with no parents, when @flags includes VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_LIST_ROOTS. Additional filters are provided in groups, where each group contains bits that describe mutually exclusive attributes of a snapshot, and where all bits within a group describe all possible snapshots. Some hypervisors might reject explicit bits from a group where the hypervisor cannot make a distinction. For a group supported by a given hypervisor, the behavior when no bits of a group are set is identical to the behavior when all bits in that group are set. When setting bits from more than one group, it is possible to select an impossible combination, in that case a hypervisor may return either 0 or an error. The first group of @flags is VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_LIST_LEAVES and VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_LIST_NO_LEAVES, to filter based on snapshots that have no further children (a leaf snapshot). The next group of @flags is VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_LIST_METADATA and VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_LIST_NO_METADATA, for filtering snapshots based on whether they have metadata that would prevent the removal of the last reference to a domain. The next group of @flags is VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_LIST_INACTIVE, VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_LIST_ACTIVE, and VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_LIST_DISK_ONLY, for filtering snapshots based on what domain state is tracked by the snapshot. The next group of @flags is VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_LIST_INTERNAL and VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_LIST_EXTERNAL, for filtering snapshots based on whether the snapshot is stored inside the disk images or as additional files. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainSnapshotNum(self._o, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainSnapshotNum() failed', dom=self) return ret # # virDomain functions from module python # def state(self, flags=0): """Extract domain state. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainGetState(self._o, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virDomainGetState() failed', dom=self) return ret # # virDomain functions from module libvirt-domain # def suspend(self): """Suspends an active domain, the process is frozen without further access to CPU resources and I/O but the memory used by the domain at the hypervisor level will stay allocated. Use virDomainResume() to reactivate the domain. This function may require privileged access. Moreover, suspend may not be supported if domain is in some special state like VIR_DOMAIN_PMSUSPENDED. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainSuspend(self._o) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainSuspend() failed', dom=self) return ret def undefine(self): """Undefine a domain. If the domain is running, it's converted to transient domain, without stopping it. If the domain is inactive, the domain configuration is removed. If the domain has a managed save image (see virDomainHasManagedSaveImage()), or if it is inactive and has any snapshot metadata (see virDomainSnapshotNum()), then the undefine will fail. See virDomainUndefineFlags() for more control. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainUndefine(self._o) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainUndefine() failed', dom=self) return ret def undefineFlags(self, flags=0): """Undefine a domain. If the domain is running, it's converted to transient domain, without stopping it. If the domain is inactive, the domain configuration is removed. If the domain has a managed save image (see virDomainHasManagedSaveImage()), then including VIR_DOMAIN_UNDEFINE_MANAGED_SAVE in @flags will also remove that file, and omitting the flag will cause the undefine process to fail. If the domain is inactive and has any snapshot metadata (see virDomainSnapshotNum()), then including VIR_DOMAIN_UNDEFINE_SNAPSHOTS_METADATA in @flags will also remove that metadata. Omitting the flag will cause the undefine of an inactive domain to fail. Active snapshots will retain snapshot metadata until the (now-transient) domain halts, regardless of whether this flag is present. On hypervisors where snapshots do not use libvirt metadata, this flag has no effect. If the domain has any nvram specified, the undefine process will fail unless VIR_DOMAIN_UNDEFINE_KEEP_NVRAM is specified, or if VIR_DOMAIN_UNDEFINE_NVRAM is specified to remove the nvram file. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainUndefineFlags(self._o, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainUndefineFlags() failed', dom=self) return ret def updateDeviceFlags(self, xml, flags=0): """Change a virtual device on a domain, using the flags parameter to control how the device is changed. VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CURRENT specifies that the device change is made based on current domain state. VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_LIVE specifies that the device shall be changed on the active domain instance only and is not added to the persisted domain configuration. VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG specifies that the device shall be changed on the persisted domain configuration only. Note that the target hypervisor must return an error if unable to satisfy flags. E.g. the hypervisor driver will return failure if LIVE is specified but it only supports modifying the persisted device allocation. This method is used for actions such changing CDROM/Floppy device media, altering the graphics configuration such as password, reconfiguring the NIC device backend connectivity, etc. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainUpdateDeviceFlags(self._o, xml, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainUpdateDeviceFlags() failed', dom=self) return ret # # virDomain functions from module python # def vcpuPinInfo(self, flags=0): """Query the CPU affinity setting of all virtual CPUs of domain """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainGetVcpuPinInfo(self._o, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virDomainGetVcpuPinInfo() failed', dom=self) return ret def vcpus(self): """Extract information about virtual CPUs of domain, store it in info array and also in cpumaps. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainGetVcpus(self._o) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virDomainGetVcpus() failed', dom=self) return ret # # virDomain functions from module libvirt-domain # def vcpusFlags(self, flags=0): """Query the number of virtual CPUs used by the domain. Note that this call may fail if the underlying virtualization hypervisor does not support it. This function may require privileged access to the hypervisor. If @flags includes VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_LIVE, this will query a running domain (which will fail if domain is not active); if it includes VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG, this will query the XML description of the domain. It is an error to set both flags. If neither flag is set (that is, VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CURRENT), then the configuration queried depends on whether the domain is currently running. If @flags includes VIR_DOMAIN_VCPU_MAXIMUM, then the maximum virtual CPU limit is queried. Otherwise, this call queries the current virtual CPU count. If @flags includes VIR_DOMAIN_VCPU_GUEST, then the state of the processors is queried in the guest instead of the hypervisor. This flag is only usable on live domains. Guest agent may be needed for this flag to be available. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainGetVcpusFlags(self._o, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainGetVcpusFlags() failed', dom=self) return ret # # virDomain methods from virDomain.py (hand coded) # def listAllSnapshots(self, flags=0): """List all snapshots and returns a list of snapshot objects""" ret = libvirtmod.virDomainListAllSnapshots(self._o, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError("virDomainListAllSnapshots() failed", conn=self) retlist = list() for snapptr in ret: retlist.append(virDomainSnapshot(self, _obj=snapptr)) return retlist def createWithFiles(self, files, flags=0): """Launch a defined domain. If the call succeeds the domain moves from the defined to the running domains pools. @files provides an array of file descriptors which will be made available to the 'init' process of the guest. The file handles exposed to the guest will be renumbered to start from 3 (ie immediately following stderr). This is only supported for guests which use container based virtualization technology. If the VIR_DOMAIN_START_PAUSED flag is set, or if the guest domain has a managed save image that requested paused state (see virDomainManagedSave()) the guest domain will be started, but its CPUs will remain paused. The CPUs can later be manually started using virDomainResume(). In all other cases, the guest domain will be running. If the VIR_DOMAIN_START_AUTODESTROY flag is set, the guest domain will be automatically destroyed when the virConnectPtr object is finally released. This will also happen if the client application crashes / loses its connection to the libvirtd daemon. Any domains marked for auto destroy will block attempts at migration, save-to-file, or snapshots. If the VIR_DOMAIN_START_BYPASS_CACHE flag is set, and there is a managed save file for this domain (created by virDomainManagedSave()), then libvirt will attempt to bypass the file system cache while restoring the file, or fail if it cannot do so for the given system; this can allow less pressure on file system cache, but also risks slowing loads from NFS. If the VIR_DOMAIN_START_FORCE_BOOT flag is set, then any managed save file for this domain is discarded, and the domain boots from scratch. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainCreateWithFiles(self._o, files, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainCreateWithFiles() failed', dom=self) return ret def fsFreeze(self, mountpoints=None, flags=0): """Freeze specified filesystems within the guest """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainFSFreeze(self._o, mountpoints, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainFSFreeze() failed', dom=self) return ret def fsThaw(self, mountpoints=None, flags=0): """Thaw specified filesystems within the guest """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainFSThaw(self._o, mountpoints, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainFSThaw() failed', dom=self) return ret def getTime(self, flags=0): """Extract information about guest time """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainGetTime(self._o, flags) if ret == None: raise libvirtError ('virDomainGetTime() failed', dom=self) return ret def setTime(self, time=None, flags=0): """Set guest time to the given value. @time is a dict containing 'seconds' field for seconds and 'nseconds' field for nanoseconds """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainSetTime(self._o, time, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainSetTime() failed', dom=self) return ret class virNetwork(object): def __init__(self, conn, _obj=None): self._conn = conn if type(_obj).__name__ not in ["PyCapsule", "PyCObject"]: raise Exception("Expected a wrapped C Object but got %s" % type(_obj)) self._o = _obj def __del__(self): if self._o is not None: libvirtmod.virNetworkFree(self._o) self._o = None def connect(self): return self._conn def c_pointer(self): """Get C pointer to underlying object""" return libvirtmod.virNetwork_pointer(self._o) # # virNetwork functions from module python # def DHCPLeases(self, mac=None, flags=0): """Returns a list of dhcp leases for interfaces connected to the given virtual network """ ret = libvirtmod.virNetworkGetDHCPLeases(self._o, mac, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virNetworkGetDHCPLeases() failed', net=self) return ret def UUID(self): """Extract the UUID unique Identifier of a network. """ ret = libvirtmod.virNetworkGetUUID(self._o) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virNetworkGetUUID() failed', net=self) return ret def UUIDString(self): """Fetch globally unique ID of the network as a string. """ ret = libvirtmod.virNetworkGetUUIDString(self._o) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virNetworkGetUUIDString() failed', net=self) return ret # # virNetwork functions from module libvirt-network # def XMLDesc(self, flags=0): """Provide an XML description of the network. The description may be reused later to relaunch the network with virNetworkCreateXML(). Normally, if a network included a physical function, the output includes all virtual functions tied to that physical interface. If @flags includes VIR_NETWORK_XML_INACTIVE, then the expansion of virtual interfaces is not performed. """ ret = libvirtmod.virNetworkGetXMLDesc(self._o, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virNetworkGetXMLDesc() failed', net=self) return ret # # virNetwork functions from module python # def autostart(self): """Extract the autostart flag for a network. """ ret = libvirtmod.virNetworkGetAutostart(self._o) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virNetworkGetAutostart() failed', net=self) return ret # # virNetwork functions from module libvirt-network # def bridgeName(self): """Provides a bridge interface name to which a domain may connect a network interface in order to join the network. """ ret = libvirtmod.virNetworkGetBridgeName(self._o) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virNetworkGetBridgeName() failed', net=self) return ret def create(self): """Create and start a defined network. If the call succeed the network moves from the defined to the running networks pools. """ ret = libvirtmod.virNetworkCreate(self._o) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virNetworkCreate() failed', net=self) return ret def destroy(self): """Destroy the network object. The running instance is shutdown if not down already and all resources used by it are given back to the hypervisor. This does not free the associated virNetworkPtr object. This function may require privileged access """ ret = libvirtmod.virNetworkDestroy(self._o) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virNetworkDestroy() failed', net=self) return ret def isActive(self): """Determine if the network is currently running """ ret = libvirtmod.virNetworkIsActive(self._o) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virNetworkIsActive() failed', net=self) return ret def isPersistent(self): """Determine if the network has a persistent configuration which means it will still exist after shutting down """ ret = libvirtmod.virNetworkIsPersistent(self._o) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virNetworkIsPersistent() failed', net=self) return ret def name(self): """Get the public name for that network """ ret = libvirtmod.virNetworkGetName(self._o) return ret def setAutostart(self, autostart): """Configure the network to be automatically started when the host machine boots. """ ret = libvirtmod.virNetworkSetAutostart(self._o, autostart) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virNetworkSetAutostart() failed', net=self) return ret def undefine(self): """Undefine a network but does not stop it if it is running """ ret = libvirtmod.virNetworkUndefine(self._o) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virNetworkUndefine() failed', net=self) return ret def update(self, command, section, parentIndex, xml, flags=0): """Update the definition of an existing network, either its live running state, its persistent configuration, or both. """ ret = libvirtmod.virNetworkUpdate(self._o, command, section, parentIndex, xml, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virNetworkUpdate() failed', net=self) return ret class virInterface(object): def __init__(self, conn, _obj=None): self._conn = conn if type(_obj).__name__ not in ["PyCapsule", "PyCObject"]: raise Exception("Expected a wrapped C Object but got %s" % type(_obj)) self._o = _obj def __del__(self): if self._o is not None: libvirtmod.virInterfaceFree(self._o) self._o = None def connect(self): return self._conn def c_pointer(self): """Get C pointer to underlying object""" return libvirtmod.virInterface_pointer(self._o) # # virInterface functions from module libvirt-interface # def MACString(self): """Get the MAC for an interface as string. For more information about MAC see RFC4122. """ ret = libvirtmod.virInterfaceGetMACString(self._o) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virInterfaceGetMACString() failed', net=self) return ret def XMLDesc(self, flags=0): """VIR_INTERFACE_XML_INACTIVE - return the static configuration, suitable for use redefining the interface via virInterfaceDefineXML() Provide an XML description of the interface. If VIR_INTERFACE_XML_INACTIVE is set, the description may be reused later to redefine the interface with virInterfaceDefineXML(). If it is not set, the ip address and netmask will be the current live setting of the interface, not the settings from the config files. """ ret = libvirtmod.virInterfaceGetXMLDesc(self._o, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virInterfaceGetXMLDesc() failed', net=self) return ret def create(self, flags=0): """Activate an interface (i.e. call "ifup"). If there was an open network config transaction at the time this interface was defined (that is, if virInterfaceChangeBegin() had been called), the interface will be brought back down (and then undefined) if virInterfaceChangeRollback() is called. """ ret = libvirtmod.virInterfaceCreate(self._o, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virInterfaceCreate() failed', net=self) return ret def destroy(self, flags=0): """deactivate an interface (ie call "ifdown") This does not remove the interface from the config, and does not free the associated virInterfacePtr object. If there is an open network config transaction at the time this interface is destroyed (that is, if virInterfaceChangeBegin() had been called), and if the interface is later undefined and then virInterfaceChangeRollback() is called, the restoral of the interface definition will also bring the interface back up. """ ret = libvirtmod.virInterfaceDestroy(self._o, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virInterfaceDestroy() failed', net=self) return ret def isActive(self): """Determine if the interface is currently running """ ret = libvirtmod.virInterfaceIsActive(self._o) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virInterfaceIsActive() failed', net=self) return ret def name(self): """Get the public name for that interface """ ret = libvirtmod.virInterfaceGetName(self._o) return ret def undefine(self): """Undefine an interface, ie remove it from the config. This does not free the associated virInterfacePtr object. Normally this change in the interface configuration is permanent/persistent, but if virInterfaceChangeBegin() has been previously called (i.e. if an interface config transaction is open), the removal of the interface definition will only become permanent if virInterfaceChangeCommit() is called prior to the next reboot of the system running libvirtd. Prior to that time, the definition can be explicitly restored using virInterfaceChangeRollback(), or will be automatically restored during the next reboot of the system running libvirtd. """ ret = libvirtmod.virInterfaceUndefine(self._o) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virInterfaceUndefine() failed', net=self) return ret class virStoragePool(object): def __init__(self, conn, _obj=None): self._conn = conn if not isinstance(conn, virConnect): self._conn = conn._conn if type(_obj).__name__ not in ["PyCapsule", "PyCObject"]: raise Exception("Expected a wrapped C Object but got %s" % type(_obj)) self._o = _obj def __del__(self): if self._o is not None: libvirtmod.virStoragePoolFree(self._o) self._o = None def connect(self): return self._conn def c_pointer(self): """Get C pointer to underlying object""" return libvirtmod.virStoragePool_pointer(self._o) # # virStoragePool functions from module python # def UUID(self): """Extract the UUID unique Identifier of a storage pool. """ ret = libvirtmod.virStoragePoolGetUUID(self._o) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virStoragePoolGetUUID() failed', pool=self) return ret def UUIDString(self): """Fetch globally unique ID of the storage pool as a string. """ ret = libvirtmod.virStoragePoolGetUUIDString(self._o) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virStoragePoolGetUUIDString() failed', pool=self) return ret # # virStoragePool functions from module libvirt-storage # def XMLDesc(self, flags=0): """Fetch an XML document describing all aspects of the storage pool. This is suitable for later feeding back into the virStoragePoolCreateXML method. """ ret = libvirtmod.virStoragePoolGetXMLDesc(self._o, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virStoragePoolGetXMLDesc() failed', pool=self) return ret # # virStoragePool functions from module python # def autostart(self): """Extract the autostart flag for a storage pool """ ret = libvirtmod.virStoragePoolGetAutostart(self._o) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virStoragePoolGetAutostart() failed', pool=self) return ret # # virStoragePool functions from module libvirt-storage # def build(self, flags=0): """Currently only filesystem pool accepts flags VIR_STORAGE_POOL_BUILD_OVERWRITE and VIR_STORAGE_POOL_BUILD_NO_OVERWRITE. Build the underlying storage pool """ ret = libvirtmod.virStoragePoolBuild(self._o, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virStoragePoolBuild() failed', pool=self) return ret def create(self, flags=0): """Starts an inactive storage pool """ ret = libvirtmod.virStoragePoolCreate(self._o, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virStoragePoolCreate() failed', pool=self) return ret def createXML(self, xmlDesc, flags=0): """Create a storage volume within a pool based on an XML description. Not all pools support creation of volumes. Since 1.0.1 VIR_STORAGE_VOL_CREATE_PREALLOC_METADATA in flags can be used to get higher performance with qcow2 image files which don't support full preallocation, by creating a sparse image file with metadata. virStorageVolFree should be used to free the resources after the storage volume object is no longer needed. """ ret = libvirtmod.virStorageVolCreateXML(self._o, xmlDesc, flags) if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virStorageVolCreateXML() failed', pool=self) __tmp = virStorageVol(self, _obj=ret) return __tmp def createXMLFrom(self, xmlDesc, clonevol, flags=0): """Create a storage volume in the parent pool, using the 'clonevol' volume as input. Information for the new volume (name, perms) are passed via a typical volume XML description. Since 1.0.1 VIR_STORAGE_VOL_CREATE_PREALLOC_METADATA in flags can be used to get higher performance with qcow2 image files which don't support full preallocation, by creating a sparse image file with metadata. virStorageVolFree should be used to free the resources after the storage volume object is no longer needed. """ if clonevol is None: clonevol__o = None else: clonevol__o = clonevol._o ret = libvirtmod.virStorageVolCreateXMLFrom(self._o, xmlDesc, clonevol__o, flags) if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virStorageVolCreateXMLFrom() failed', pool=self) __tmp = virStorageVol(self, _obj=ret) return __tmp def delete(self, flags=0): """Delete the underlying pool resources. This is a non-recoverable operation. The virStoragePoolPtr object itself is not free'd. """ ret = libvirtmod.virStoragePoolDelete(self._o, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virStoragePoolDelete() failed', pool=self) return ret def destroy(self): """Destroy an active storage pool. This will deactivate the pool on the host, but keep any persistent config associated with it. If it has a persistent config it can later be restarted with virStoragePoolCreate(). This does not free the associated virStoragePoolPtr object. """ ret = libvirtmod.virStoragePoolDestroy(self._o) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virStoragePoolDestroy() failed', pool=self) return ret # # virStoragePool functions from module python # def info(self): """Extract information about a storage pool. Note that if the connection used to get the domain is limited only a partial set of the information can be extracted. """ ret = libvirtmod.virStoragePoolGetInfo(self._o) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virStoragePoolGetInfo() failed', pool=self) return ret # # virStoragePool functions from module libvirt-storage # def isActive(self): """Determine if the storage pool is currently running """ ret = libvirtmod.virStoragePoolIsActive(self._o) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virStoragePoolIsActive() failed', pool=self) return ret def isPersistent(self): """Determine if the storage pool has a persistent configuration which means it will still exist after shutting down """ ret = libvirtmod.virStoragePoolIsPersistent(self._o) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virStoragePoolIsPersistent() failed', pool=self) return ret # # virStoragePool functions from module python # def listVolumes(self): """list the storage volumes, stores the pointers to the names in @names """ ret = libvirtmod.virStoragePoolListVolumes(self._o) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virStoragePoolListVolumes() failed', pool=self) return ret # # virStoragePool functions from module libvirt-storage # def name(self): """Fetch the locally unique name of the storage pool """ ret = libvirtmod.virStoragePoolGetName(self._o) return ret def numOfVolumes(self): """Fetch the number of storage volumes within a pool """ ret = libvirtmod.virStoragePoolNumOfVolumes(self._o) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virStoragePoolNumOfVolumes() failed', pool=self) return ret def refresh(self, flags=0): """Request that the pool refresh its list of volumes. This may involve communicating with a remote server, and/or initializing new devices at the OS layer """ ret = libvirtmod.virStoragePoolRefresh(self._o, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virStoragePoolRefresh() failed', pool=self) return ret def setAutostart(self, autostart): """Sets the autostart flag """ ret = libvirtmod.virStoragePoolSetAutostart(self._o, autostart) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virStoragePoolSetAutostart() failed', pool=self) return ret def storageVolLookupByName(self, name): """Fetch a pointer to a storage volume based on its name within a pool virStorageVolFree should be used to free the resources after the storage volume object is no longer needed. """ ret = libvirtmod.virStorageVolLookupByName(self._o, name) if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virStorageVolLookupByName() failed', pool=self) __tmp = virStorageVol(self, _obj=ret) return __tmp def undefine(self): """Undefine an inactive storage pool """ ret = libvirtmod.virStoragePoolUndefine(self._o) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virStoragePoolUndefine() failed', pool=self) return ret # # virStoragePool methods from virStoragePool.py (hand coded) # def listAllVolumes(self, flags=0): """List all storage volumes and returns a list of storage volume objects""" ret = libvirtmod.virStoragePoolListAllVolumes(self._o, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError("virStoragePoolListAllVolumes() failed", conn=self) retlist = list() for volptr in ret: retlist.append(virStorageVol(self, _obj=volptr)) return retlist class virStorageVol(object): def __init__(self, conn, _obj=None): self._conn = conn if not isinstance(conn, virConnect): self._conn = conn._conn if type(_obj).__name__ not in ["PyCapsule", "PyCObject"]: raise Exception("Expected a wrapped C Object but got %s" % type(_obj)) self._o = _obj def __del__(self): if self._o is not None: libvirtmod.virStorageVolFree(self._o) self._o = None def connect(self): return self._conn def c_pointer(self): """Get C pointer to underlying object""" return libvirtmod.virStorageVol_pointer(self._o) # # virStorageVol functions from module libvirt-storage # def XMLDesc(self, flags=0): """Fetch an XML document describing all aspects of the storage volume """ ret = libvirtmod.virStorageVolGetXMLDesc(self._o, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virStorageVolGetXMLDesc() failed', vol=self) return ret def delete(self, flags=0): """Delete the storage volume from the pool """ ret = libvirtmod.virStorageVolDelete(self._o, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virStorageVolDelete() failed', vol=self) return ret def download(self, stream, offset, length, flags=0): """Download the content of the volume as a stream. If @length is zero, then the remaining contents of the volume after @offset will be downloaded. If VIR_STORAGE_VOL_DOWNLOAD_SPARSE_STREAM is set in @flags effective transmission of holes is enabled. This assumes using the @stream with combination of virStreamSparseRecvAll() or virStreamRecvFlags(stream, ..., flags = VIR_STREAM_RECV_STOP_AT_HOLE) for honouring holes sent by server. This call sets up an asynchronous stream; subsequent use of stream APIs is necessary to transfer the actual data, determine how much data is successfully transferred, and detect any errors. The results will be unpredictable if another active stream is writing to the storage volume. """ if stream is None: stream__o = None else: stream__o = stream._o ret = libvirtmod.virStorageVolDownload(self._o, stream__o, offset, length, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virStorageVolDownload() failed', vol=self) return ret # # virStorageVol functions from module python # def info(self): """Extract information about a storage volume. Note that if the connection used to get the domain is limited only a partial set of the information can be extracted. """ ret = libvirtmod.virStorageVolGetInfo(self._o) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virStorageVolGetInfo() failed', vol=self) return ret def infoFlags(self, flags=0): """Extract information about a storage volume. Note that if the connection used to get the domain is limited only a partial set of the information can be extracted. """ ret = libvirtmod.virStorageVolGetInfoFlags(self._o, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virStorageVolGetInfoFlags() failed', vol=self) return ret # # virStorageVol functions from module libvirt-storage # def key(self): """Fetch the storage volume key. This is globally unique, so the same volume will have the same key no matter what host it is accessed from """ ret = libvirtmod.virStorageVolGetKey(self._o) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virStorageVolGetKey() failed', vol=self) return ret def name(self): """Fetch the storage volume name. This is unique within the scope of a pool """ ret = libvirtmod.virStorageVolGetName(self._o) return ret def path(self): """Fetch the storage volume path. Depending on the pool configuration this is either persistent across hosts, or dynamically assigned at pool startup. Consult pool documentation for information on getting the persistent naming """ ret = libvirtmod.virStorageVolGetPath(self._o) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virStorageVolGetPath() failed', vol=self) return ret def resize(self, capacity, flags=0): """Changes the capacity of the storage volume @vol to @capacity. The operation will fail if the new capacity requires allocation that would exceed the remaining free space in the parent pool. The contents of the new capacity will appear as all zero bytes. The capacity value will be rounded to the granularity supported by the hypervisor. Normally, the operation will attempt to affect capacity with a minimum impact on allocation (that is, the default operation favors a sparse resize). If @flags contains VIR_STORAGE_VOL_RESIZE_ALLOCATE, then the operation will ensure that allocation is sufficient for the new capacity; this may make the operation take noticeably longer. Normally, the operation treats @capacity as the new size in bytes; but if @flags contains VIR_STORAGE_VOL_RESIZE_DELTA, then @capacity represents the size difference to add to the current size. It is up to the storage pool implementation whether unaligned requests are rounded up to the next valid boundary, or rejected. Normally, this operation should only be used to enlarge capacity; but if @flags contains VIR_STORAGE_VOL_RESIZE_SHRINK, it is possible to attempt a reduction in capacity even though it might cause data loss. If VIR_STORAGE_VOL_RESIZE_DELTA is also present, then @capacity is subtracted from the current size; without it, @capacity represents the absolute new size regardless of whether it is larger or smaller than the current size. """ ret = libvirtmod.virStorageVolResize(self._o, capacity, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virStorageVolResize() failed', vol=self) return ret def storagePoolLookupByVolume(self): """Fetch a storage pool which contains a particular volume virStoragePoolFree should be used to free the resources after the storage pool object is no longer needed. """ ret = libvirtmod.virStoragePoolLookupByVolume(self._o) if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virStoragePoolLookupByVolume() failed', vol=self) __tmp = virStoragePool(self, _obj=ret) return __tmp def upload(self, stream, offset, length, flags=0): """Upload new content to the volume from a stream. This call will fail if @offset + @length exceeds the size of the volume. Otherwise, if @length is non-zero, an error will be raised if an attempt is made to upload greater than @length bytes of data. If VIR_STORAGE_VOL_UPLOAD_SPARSE_STREAM is set in @flags effective transmission of holes is enabled. This assumes using the @stream with combination of virStreamSparseSendAll() or virStreamSendHole() to preserve source file sparseness. This call sets up an asynchronous stream; subsequent use of stream APIs is necessary to transfer the actual data, determine how much data is successfully transferred, and detect any errors. The results will be unpredictable if another active stream is writing to the storage volume. When the data stream is closed whether the upload is successful or not the target storage pool will be refreshed to reflect pool and volume changes as a result of the upload. Depending on the target volume storage backend and the source stream type for a successful upload, the target volume may take on the characteristics from the source stream such as format type, capacity, and allocation. """ if stream is None: stream__o = None else: stream__o = stream._o ret = libvirtmod.virStorageVolUpload(self._o, stream__o, offset, length, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virStorageVolUpload() failed', vol=self) return ret def wipe(self, flags=0): """Ensure data previously on a volume is not accessible to future reads. The data to be wiped may include the format and possibly size information, so non-raw images might become raw with a different size. It is storage backend dependent whether the format and size information is regenerated once the initial volume wipe is completed. Depending on the actual volume representation, this call may not overwrite the physical location of the volume. For instance, files stored journaled, log structured, copy-on-write, versioned, and network file systems are known to be problematic. """ ret = libvirtmod.virStorageVolWipe(self._o, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virStorageVolWipe() failed', vol=self) return ret def wipePattern(self, algorithm, flags=0): """Similar to virStorageVolWipe, but one can choose between different wiping algorithms. Also note, that depending on the actual volume representation, this call may not really overwrite the physical location of the volume. For instance, files stored journaled, log structured, copy-on-write, versioned, and network file systems are known to be problematic. """ ret = libvirtmod.virStorageVolWipePattern(self._o, algorithm, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virStorageVolWipePattern() failed', vol=self) return ret class virConnect(object): def __init__(self, _obj=None): if type(_obj).__name__ not in ["PyCapsule", "PyCObject"]: raise Exception("Expected a wrapped C Object but got %s" % type(_obj)) self._o = _obj def c_pointer(self): """Get C pointer to underlying object""" return libvirtmod.virConnect_pointer(self._o) # # virConnect functions from module python # def allocPages(self, pages, startCell=0, cellCount=0, flags=0): """Allocate or free some pages in the huge pages pool """ ret = libvirtmod.virNodeAllocPages(self._o, pages, startCell, cellCount, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virNodeAllocPages() failed', conn=self) return ret def baselineCPU(self, xmlCPUs, flags=0): """Computes the most feature-rich CPU which is compatible with all given host CPUs. """ ret = libvirtmod.virConnectBaselineCPU(self._o, xmlCPUs, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virConnectBaselineCPU() failed', conn=self) return ret # # virConnect functions from module libvirt-interface # def changeBegin(self, flags=0): """This function creates a restore point to which one can return later by calling virInterfaceChangeRollback(). This function should be called before any transaction with interface configuration. Once it is known that a new configuration works, it can be committed via virInterfaceChangeCommit(), which frees the restore point. If virInterfaceChangeBegin() is called when a transaction is already opened, this function will fail, and a VIR_ERR_INVALID_OPERATION will be logged. """ ret = libvirtmod.virInterfaceChangeBegin(self._o, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virInterfaceChangeBegin() failed', conn=self) return ret def changeCommit(self, flags=0): """This commits the changes made to interfaces and frees the restore point created by virInterfaceChangeBegin(). If virInterfaceChangeCommit() is called when a transaction is not opened, this function will fail, and a VIR_ERR_INVALID_OPERATION will be logged. """ ret = libvirtmod.virInterfaceChangeCommit(self._o, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virInterfaceChangeCommit() failed', conn=self) return ret def changeRollback(self, flags=0): """This cancels changes made to interfaces settings by restoring previous state created by virInterfaceChangeBegin(). If virInterfaceChangeRollback() is called when a transaction is not opened, this function will fail, and a VIR_ERR_INVALID_OPERATION will be logged. """ ret = libvirtmod.virInterfaceChangeRollback(self._o, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virInterfaceChangeRollback() failed', conn=self) return ret # # virConnect functions from module libvirt-host # def close(self): """This function closes the connection to the Hypervisor. This should not be called if further interaction with the Hypervisor are needed especially if there is running domain which need further monitoring by the application. Connections are reference counted; the count is explicitly increased by the initial open (virConnectOpen, virConnectOpenAuth, and the like) as well as virConnectRef; it is also temporarily increased by other API that depend on the connection remaining alive. The open and every virConnectRef call should have a matching virConnectClose, and all other references will be released after the corresponding operation completes. """ ret = libvirtmod.virConnectClose(self._o) self._o = None if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virConnectClose() failed', conn=self) return ret def compareCPU(self, xmlDesc, flags=0): """Compares the given CPU description with the host CPU """ ret = libvirtmod.virConnectCompareCPU(self._o, xmlDesc, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virConnectCompareCPU() failed', conn=self) return ret # # virConnect functions from module libvirt-domain # def createLinux(self, xmlDesc, flags=0): """Deprecated after 0.4.6. Renamed to virDomainCreateXML() providing identical functionality. This existing name will be left indefinitely for API compatibility. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainCreateLinux(self._o, xmlDesc, flags) if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virDomainCreateLinux() failed', conn=self) __tmp = virDomain(self,_obj=ret) return __tmp def createXML(self, xmlDesc, flags=0): """Launch a new guest domain, based on an XML description similar to the one returned by virDomainGetXMLDesc() This function may require privileged access to the hypervisor. The domain is not persistent, so its definition will disappear when it is destroyed, or if the host is restarted (see virDomainDefineXML() to define persistent domains). If the VIR_DOMAIN_START_PAUSED flag is set, the guest domain will be started, but its CPUs will remain paused. The CPUs can later be manually started using virDomainResume. If the VIR_DOMAIN_START_AUTODESTROY flag is set, the guest domain will be automatically destroyed when the virConnectPtr object is finally released. This will also happen if the client application crashes / loses its connection to the libvirtd daemon. Any domains marked for auto destroy will block attempts at migration, save-to-file, or snapshots. virDomainFree should be used to free the resources after the domain object is no longer needed. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainCreateXML(self._o, xmlDesc, flags) if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virDomainCreateXML() failed', conn=self) __tmp = virDomain(self,_obj=ret) return __tmp def defineXML(self, xml): """Define a domain, but does not start it. This definition is persistent, until explicitly undefined with virDomainUndefine(). A previous definition for this domain would be overridden if it already exists. Some hypervisors may prevent this operation if there is a current block copy operation on a transient domain with the same id as the domain being defined; in that case, use virDomainBlockJobAbort() to stop the block copy first. virDomainFree should be used to free the resources after the domain object is no longer needed. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainDefineXML(self._o, xml) if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virDomainDefineXML() failed', conn=self) __tmp = virDomain(self,_obj=ret) return __tmp def defineXMLFlags(self, xml, flags=0): """Defines a domain, but does not start it. This definition is persistent, until explicitly undefined with virDomainUndefine(). A previous definition for this domain would be overridden if it already exists. Some hypervisors may prevent this operation if there is a current block copy operation on a transient domain with the same id as the domain being defined; in that case, use virDomainBlockJobAbort() to stop the block copy first. virDomainFree should be used to free the resources after the domain object is no longer needed. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainDefineXMLFlags(self._o, xml, flags) if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virDomainDefineXMLFlags() failed', conn=self) __tmp = virDomain(self,_obj=ret) return __tmp def domainXMLFromNative(self, nativeFormat, nativeConfig, flags=0): """Reads native configuration data describing a domain, and generates libvirt domain XML. The format of the native data is hypervisor dependent. """ ret = libvirtmod.virConnectDomainXMLFromNative(self._o, nativeFormat, nativeConfig, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virConnectDomainXMLFromNative() failed', conn=self) return ret def domainXMLToNative(self, nativeFormat, domainXml, flags=0): """Reads a domain XML configuration document, and generates a native configuration file describing the domain. The format of the native data is hypervisor dependent. """ ret = libvirtmod.virConnectDomainXMLToNative(self._o, nativeFormat, domainXml, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virConnectDomainXMLToNative() failed', conn=self) return ret # # virConnect functions from module libvirt-storage # def findStoragePoolSources(self, type, srcSpec, flags=0): """Talks to a storage backend and attempts to auto-discover the set of available storage pool sources. e.g. For iSCSI this would be a set of iSCSI targets. For NFS this would be a list of exported paths. The srcSpec (optional for some storage pool types, e.g. local ones) is an instance of the storage pool's source element specifying where to look for the pools. srcSpec is not required for some types (e.g., those querying local storage resources only) """ ret = libvirtmod.virConnectFindStoragePoolSources(self._o, type, srcSpec, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virConnectFindStoragePoolSources() failed', conn=self) return ret # # virConnect functions from module python # def getCPUMap(self, flags=0): """Get node CPU information """ ret = libvirtmod.virNodeGetCPUMap(self._o, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virNodeGetCPUMap() failed', conn=self) return ret def getCPUModelNames(self, arch, flags=0): """Get the list of supported CPU models. """ ret = libvirtmod.virConnectGetCPUModelNames(self._o, arch, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virConnectGetCPUModelNames() failed', conn=self) return ret def getCPUStats(self, cpuNum, flags=0): """Extract node's CPU statistics. """ ret = libvirtmod.virNodeGetCPUStats(self._o, cpuNum, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virNodeGetCPUStats() failed', conn=self) return ret # # virConnect functions from module libvirt-host # def getCapabilities(self): """Provides capabilities of the hypervisor / driver. """ ret = libvirtmod.virConnectGetCapabilities(self._o) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virConnectGetCapabilities() failed', conn=self) return ret # # virConnect functions from module python # def getCellsFreeMemory(self, startCell, maxCells): """Returns the available memory for a list of cells """ ret = libvirtmod.virNodeGetCellsFreeMemory(self._o, startCell, maxCells) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virNodeGetCellsFreeMemory() failed', conn=self) return ret # # virConnect functions from module libvirt-domain # def getDomainCapabilities(self, emulatorbin, arch, machine, virttype, flags=0): """Prior creating a domain (for instance via virDomainCreateXML or virDomainDefineXML) it may be suitable to know what the underlying emulator and/or libvirt is capable of. For instance, if host, libvirt and qemu is capable of VFIO passthrough and so on. """ ret = libvirtmod.virConnectGetDomainCapabilities(self._o, emulatorbin, arch, machine, virttype, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virConnectGetDomainCapabilities() failed', conn=self) return ret # # virConnect functions from module libvirt-host # def getFreeMemory(self): """provides the free memory available on the Node Note: most libvirt APIs provide memory sizes in kibibytes, but in this function the returned value is in bytes. Divide by 1024 as necessary. """ ret = libvirtmod.virNodeGetFreeMemory(self._o) return ret # # virConnect functions from module python # def getFreePages(self, pages, startCell, maxCells, flags=0): """Returns the number of available pages for a list of cells and page sizes """ ret = libvirtmod.virNodeGetFreePages(self._o, pages, startCell, maxCells, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virNodeGetFreePages() failed', conn=self) return ret # # virConnect functions from module libvirt-host # def getHostname(self): """This returns a system hostname on which the hypervisor is running (based on the result of the gethostname system call, but possibly expanded to a fully-qualified domain name via getaddrinfo). If we are connected to a remote system, then this returns the hostname of the remote system. """ ret = libvirtmod.virConnectGetHostname(self._o) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virConnectGetHostname() failed', conn=self) return ret # # virConnect functions from module python # def getInfo(self): """Extract hardware information about the Node. Note that the memory size is reported in MiB instead of KiB. """ ret = libvirtmod.virNodeGetInfo(self._o) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virNodeGetInfo() failed', conn=self) return ret def getLibVersion(self): """Returns the libvirt version of the connection host """ ret = libvirtmod.virConnectGetLibVersion(self._o) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virConnectGetLibVersion() failed', conn=self) return ret # # virConnect functions from module libvirt-host # def getMaxVcpus(self, type): """Provides the maximum number of virtual CPUs supported for a guest VM of a specific type. The 'type' parameter here corresponds to the 'type' attribute in the element of the XML. This API doesn't take emulator limits into consideration, hence the returned value is not guaranteed to be usable. It is recommended to use virConnectGetDomainCapabilities() and look for "" in its output instead. """ ret = libvirtmod.virConnectGetMaxVcpus(self._o, type) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virConnectGetMaxVcpus() failed', conn=self) return ret # # virConnect functions from module python # def getMemoryParameters(self, flags=0): """Get the node memory parameters """ ret = libvirtmod.virNodeGetMemoryParameters(self._o, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virNodeGetMemoryParameters() failed', conn=self) return ret def getMemoryStats(self, cellNum, flags=0): """Extract node's memory statistics. """ ret = libvirtmod.virNodeGetMemoryStats(self._o, cellNum, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virNodeGetMemoryStats() failed', conn=self) return ret def getSecurityModel(self): """Extract information about the hypervisor security model """ ret = libvirtmod.virNodeGetSecurityModel(self._o) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virNodeGetSecurityModel() failed', conn=self) return ret # # virConnect functions from module libvirt-host # def getSysinfo(self, flags=0): """This returns the XML description of the sysinfo details for the host on which the hypervisor is running, in the same format as the element of a domain XML. This information is generally available only for hypervisors running with root privileges. """ ret = libvirtmod.virConnectGetSysinfo(self._o, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virConnectGetSysinfo() failed', conn=self) return ret def getType(self): """Get the name of the Hypervisor driver used. This is merely the driver name; for example, both KVM and QEMU guests are serviced by the driver for the qemu:// URI, so a return of "QEMU" does not indicate whether KVM acceleration is present. For more details about the hypervisor, use virConnectGetCapabilities(). """ ret = libvirtmod.virConnectGetType(self._o) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virConnectGetType() failed', conn=self) return ret def getURI(self): """This returns the URI (name) of the hypervisor connection. Normally this is the same as or similar to the string passed to the virConnectOpen/virConnectOpenReadOnly call, but the driver may make the URI canonical. If name == None was passed to virConnectOpen, then the driver will return a non-None URI which can be used to connect to the same hypervisor later. """ ret = libvirtmod.virConnectGetURI(self._o) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virConnectGetURI() failed', conn=self) return ret # # virConnect functions from module python # def getVersion(self): """Returns the running hypervisor version of the connection host """ ret = libvirtmod.virConnectGetVersion(self._o) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virConnectGetVersion() failed', conn=self) return ret # # virConnect functions from module libvirt-interface # def interfaceDefineXML(self, xml, flags=0): """Define an inactive persistent physical host interface or modify an existing persistent one from the XML description. Normally this change in the interface configuration is immediately permanent/persistent, but if virInterfaceChangeBegin() has been previously called (i.e. if an interface config transaction is open), the new interface definition will only become permanent if virInterfaceChangeCommit() is called prior to the next reboot of the system running libvirtd. Prior to that time, it can be explicitly removed using virInterfaceChangeRollback(), or will be automatically removed during the next reboot of the system running libvirtd. virInterfaceFree should be used to free the resources after the interface object is no longer needed. """ ret = libvirtmod.virInterfaceDefineXML(self._o, xml, flags) if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virInterfaceDefineXML() failed', conn=self) __tmp = virInterface(self, _obj=ret) return __tmp def interfaceLookupByMACString(self, macstr): """Try to lookup an interface on the given hypervisor based on its MAC. virInterfaceFree should be used to free the resources after the interface object is no longer needed. """ ret = libvirtmod.virInterfaceLookupByMACString(self._o, macstr) if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virInterfaceLookupByMACString() failed', conn=self) __tmp = virInterface(self, _obj=ret) return __tmp def interfaceLookupByName(self, name): """Try to lookup an interface on the given hypervisor based on its name. virInterfaceFree should be used to free the resources after the interface object is no longer needed. """ ret = libvirtmod.virInterfaceLookupByName(self._o, name) if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virInterfaceLookupByName() failed', conn=self) __tmp = virInterface(self, _obj=ret) return __tmp # # virConnect functions from module libvirt-host # def isAlive(self): """Determine if the connection to the hypervisor is still alive A connection will be classed as alive if it is either local, or running over a channel (TCP or UNIX socket) which is not closed. """ ret = libvirtmod.virConnectIsAlive(self._o) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virConnectIsAlive() failed', conn=self) return ret def isEncrypted(self): """Determine if the connection to the hypervisor is encrypted """ ret = libvirtmod.virConnectIsEncrypted(self._o) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virConnectIsEncrypted() failed', conn=self) return ret def isSecure(self): """Determine if the connection to the hypervisor is secure A connection will be classed as secure if it is either encrypted, or running over a channel which is not exposed to eavesdropping (eg a UNIX domain socket, or pipe) """ ret = libvirtmod.virConnectIsSecure(self._o) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virConnectIsSecure() failed', conn=self) return ret # # virConnect functions from module python # def listDefinedDomains(self): """list the defined domains, stores the pointers to the names in @names """ ret = libvirtmod.virConnectListDefinedDomains(self._o) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virConnectListDefinedDomains() failed', conn=self) return ret def listDefinedInterfaces(self): """list the defined interfaces, stores the pointers to the names in @names """ ret = libvirtmod.virConnectListDefinedInterfaces(self._o) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virConnectListDefinedInterfaces() failed', conn=self) return ret def listDefinedNetworks(self): """list the defined networks, stores the pointers to the names in @names """ ret = libvirtmod.virConnectListDefinedNetworks(self._o) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virConnectListDefinedNetworks() failed', conn=self) return ret def listDefinedStoragePools(self): """list the defined storage pool, stores the pointers to the names in @names """ ret = libvirtmod.virConnectListDefinedStoragePools(self._o) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virConnectListDefinedStoragePools() failed', conn=self) return ret def listDevices(self, cap, flags=0): """list the node devices """ ret = libvirtmod.virNodeListDevices(self._o, cap, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virNodeListDevices() failed', conn=self) return ret def listDomainsID(self): """Returns the list of the ID of the domains on the hypervisor """ ret = libvirtmod.virConnectListDomainsID(self._o) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virConnectListDomainsID() failed', conn=self) return ret def listInterfaces(self): """list the running interfaces, stores the pointers to the names in @names """ ret = libvirtmod.virConnectListInterfaces(self._o) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virConnectListInterfaces() failed', conn=self) return ret # # virConnect functions from module libvirt # def listNWFilters(self): """List the defined network filters """ ret = libvirtmod.virConnectListNWFilters(self._o) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virConnectListNWFilters() failed', conn=self) return ret # # virConnect functions from module python # def listNetworks(self): """list the networks, stores the pointers to the names in @names """ ret = libvirtmod.virConnectListNetworks(self._o) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virConnectListNetworks() failed', conn=self) return ret # # virConnect functions from module libvirt # def listSecrets(self): """List the defined secret IDs """ ret = libvirtmod.virConnectListSecrets(self._o) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virConnectListSecrets() failed', conn=self) return ret # # virConnect functions from module python # def listStoragePools(self): """list the storage pools, stores the pointers to the names in @names """ ret = libvirtmod.virConnectListStoragePools(self._o) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virConnectListStoragePools() failed', conn=self) return ret # # virConnect functions from module libvirt-domain # def lookupByID(self, id): """Try to find a domain based on the hypervisor ID number Note that this won't work for inactive domains which have an ID of -1, in that case a lookup based on the Name or UUId need to be done instead. virDomainFree should be used to free the resources after the domain object is no longer needed. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainLookupByID(self._o, id) if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virDomainLookupByID() failed', conn=self) __tmp = virDomain(self,_obj=ret) return __tmp def lookupByName(self, name): """Try to lookup a domain on the given hypervisor based on its name. virDomainFree should be used to free the resources after the domain object is no longer needed. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainLookupByName(self._o, name) if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virDomainLookupByName() failed', conn=self) __tmp = virDomain(self,_obj=ret) return __tmp # # virConnect functions from module python # def lookupByUUID(self, uuid): """Try to lookup a domain on the given hypervisor based on its UUID. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainLookupByUUID(self._o, uuid) if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virDomainLookupByUUID() failed', conn=self) __tmp = virDomain(self,_obj=ret) return __tmp # # virConnect functions from module libvirt-domain # def lookupByUUIDString(self, uuidstr): """Try to lookup a domain on the given hypervisor based on its UUID. virDomainFree should be used to free the resources after the domain object is no longer needed. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainLookupByUUIDString(self._o, uuidstr) if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virDomainLookupByUUIDString() failed', conn=self) __tmp = virDomain(self,_obj=ret) return __tmp # # virConnect functions from module libvirt-network # def networkCreateXML(self, xmlDesc): """Create and start a new virtual network, based on an XML description similar to the one returned by virNetworkGetXMLDesc() virNetworkFree should be used to free the resources after the network object is no longer needed. """ ret = libvirtmod.virNetworkCreateXML(self._o, xmlDesc) if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virNetworkCreateXML() failed', conn=self) __tmp = virNetwork(self, _obj=ret) return __tmp def networkDefineXML(self, xml): """Define an inactive persistent virtual network or modify an existing persistent one from the XML description. virNetworkFree should be used to free the resources after the network object is no longer needed. """ ret = libvirtmod.virNetworkDefineXML(self._o, xml) if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virNetworkDefineXML() failed', conn=self) __tmp = virNetwork(self, _obj=ret) return __tmp def networkLookupByName(self, name): """Try to lookup a network on the given hypervisor based on its name. virNetworkFree should be used to free the resources after the network object is no longer needed. """ ret = libvirtmod.virNetworkLookupByName(self._o, name) if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virNetworkLookupByName() failed', conn=self) __tmp = virNetwork(self, _obj=ret) return __tmp # # virConnect functions from module python # def networkLookupByUUID(self, uuid): """Try to lookup a network on the given hypervisor based on its UUID. """ ret = libvirtmod.virNetworkLookupByUUID(self._o, uuid) if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virNetworkLookupByUUID() failed', conn=self) __tmp = virNetwork(self, _obj=ret) return __tmp # # virConnect functions from module libvirt-network # def networkLookupByUUIDString(self, uuidstr): """Try to lookup a network on the given hypervisor based on its UUID. """ ret = libvirtmod.virNetworkLookupByUUIDString(self._o, uuidstr) if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virNetworkLookupByUUIDString() failed', conn=self) __tmp = virNetwork(self, _obj=ret) return __tmp # # virConnect functions from module libvirt-stream # def newStream(self, flags=0): """Creates a new stream object which can be used to perform streamed I/O with other public API function. When no longer needed, a stream object must be released with virStreamFree. If a data stream has been used, then the application must call virStreamFinish or virStreamAbort before free'ing to, in order to notify the driver of termination. If a non-blocking data stream is required passed VIR_STREAM_NONBLOCK for flags, otherwise pass 0. """ ret = libvirtmod.virStreamNew(self._o, flags) if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virStreamNew() failed', conn=self) __tmp = virStream(self, _obj=ret) return __tmp # # virConnect functions from module libvirt-nodedev # def nodeDeviceCreateXML(self, xmlDesc, flags=0): """Create a new device on the VM host machine, for example, virtual HBAs created using vport_create. virNodeDeviceFree should be used to free the resources after the node device object is no longer needed. """ ret = libvirtmod.virNodeDeviceCreateXML(self._o, xmlDesc, flags) if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virNodeDeviceCreateXML() failed', conn=self) __tmp = virNodeDevice(self, _obj=ret) return __tmp def nodeDeviceLookupByName(self, name): """Lookup a node device by its name. virNodeDeviceFree should be used to free the resources after the node device object is no longer needed. """ ret = libvirtmod.virNodeDeviceLookupByName(self._o, name) if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virNodeDeviceLookupByName() failed', conn=self) __tmp = virNodeDevice(self, _obj=ret) return __tmp def nodeDeviceLookupSCSIHostByWWN(self, wwnn, wwpn, flags=0): """Lookup SCSI Host which is capable with 'fc_host' by its WWNN and WWPN. virNodeDeviceFree should be used to free the resources after the node device object is no longer needed. """ ret = libvirtmod.virNodeDeviceLookupSCSIHostByWWN(self._o, wwnn, wwpn, flags) if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virNodeDeviceLookupSCSIHostByWWN() failed', conn=self) __tmp = virNodeDevice(self, _obj=ret) return __tmp # # virConnect functions from module libvirt-domain # def numOfDefinedDomains(self): """Provides the number of defined but inactive domains. """ ret = libvirtmod.virConnectNumOfDefinedDomains(self._o) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virConnectNumOfDefinedDomains() failed', conn=self) return ret # # virConnect functions from module libvirt-interface # def numOfDefinedInterfaces(self): """Provides the number of defined (inactive) interfaces on the physical host. """ ret = libvirtmod.virConnectNumOfDefinedInterfaces(self._o) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virConnectNumOfDefinedInterfaces() failed', conn=self) return ret # # virConnect functions from module libvirt-network # def numOfDefinedNetworks(self): """Provides the number of inactive networks. """ ret = libvirtmod.virConnectNumOfDefinedNetworks(self._o) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virConnectNumOfDefinedNetworks() failed', conn=self) return ret # # virConnect functions from module libvirt-storage # def numOfDefinedStoragePools(self): """Provides the number of inactive storage pools """ ret = libvirtmod.virConnectNumOfDefinedStoragePools(self._o) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virConnectNumOfDefinedStoragePools() failed', conn=self) return ret # # virConnect functions from module libvirt-nodedev # def numOfDevices(self, cap, flags=0): """Provides the number of node devices. If the optional 'cap' argument is non-None, then the count will be restricted to devices with the specified capability """ ret = libvirtmod.virNodeNumOfDevices(self._o, cap, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virNodeNumOfDevices() failed', conn=self) return ret # # virConnect functions from module libvirt-domain # def numOfDomains(self): """Provides the number of active domains. """ ret = libvirtmod.virConnectNumOfDomains(self._o) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virConnectNumOfDomains() failed', conn=self) return ret # # virConnect functions from module libvirt-interface # def numOfInterfaces(self): """Provides the number of active interfaces on the physical host. """ ret = libvirtmod.virConnectNumOfInterfaces(self._o) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virConnectNumOfInterfaces() failed', conn=self) return ret # # virConnect functions from module libvirt-nwfilter # def numOfNWFilters(self): """Provides the number of nwfilters. """ ret = libvirtmod.virConnectNumOfNWFilters(self._o) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virConnectNumOfNWFilters() failed', conn=self) return ret # # virConnect functions from module libvirt-network # def numOfNetworks(self): """Provides the number of active networks. """ ret = libvirtmod.virConnectNumOfNetworks(self._o) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virConnectNumOfNetworks() failed', conn=self) return ret # # virConnect functions from module libvirt-secret # def numOfSecrets(self): """Fetch number of currently defined secrets. """ ret = libvirtmod.virConnectNumOfSecrets(self._o) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virConnectNumOfSecrets() failed', conn=self) return ret # # virConnect functions from module libvirt-storage # def numOfStoragePools(self): """Provides the number of active storage pools """ ret = libvirtmod.virConnectNumOfStoragePools(self._o) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virConnectNumOfStoragePools() failed', conn=self) return ret # # virConnect functions from module libvirt-nwfilter # def nwfilterDefineXML(self, xmlDesc): """Define a new network filter, based on an XML description similar to the one returned by virNWFilterGetXMLDesc() virNWFilterFree should be used to free the resources after the nwfilter object is no longer needed. """ ret = libvirtmod.virNWFilterDefineXML(self._o, xmlDesc) if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virNWFilterDefineXML() failed', conn=self) __tmp = virNWFilter(self, _obj=ret) return __tmp def nwfilterLookupByName(self, name): """Try to lookup a network filter on the given hypervisor based on its name. virNWFilterFree should be used to free the resources after the nwfilter object is no longer needed. """ ret = libvirtmod.virNWFilterLookupByName(self._o, name) if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virNWFilterLookupByName() failed', conn=self) __tmp = virNWFilter(self, _obj=ret) return __tmp # # virConnect functions from module python # def nwfilterLookupByUUID(self, uuid): """Try to lookup a network filter on the given hypervisor based on its UUID. """ ret = libvirtmod.virNWFilterLookupByUUID(self._o, uuid) if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virNWFilterLookupByUUID() failed', conn=self) __tmp = virNWFilter(self, _obj=ret) return __tmp # # virConnect functions from module libvirt-nwfilter # def nwfilterLookupByUUIDString(self, uuidstr): """Try to lookup an nwfilter on the given hypervisor based on its UUID. virNWFilterFree should be used to free the resources after the nwfilter object is no longer needed. """ ret = libvirtmod.virNWFilterLookupByUUIDString(self._o, uuidstr) if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virNWFilterLookupByUUIDString() failed', conn=self) __tmp = virNWFilter(self, _obj=ret) return __tmp # # virConnect functions from module libvirt-domain # def restore(self, frm): """This method will restore a domain saved to disk by virDomainSave(). See virDomainRestoreFlags() for more control. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainRestore(self._o, frm) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainRestore() failed', conn=self) return ret def restoreFlags(self, frm, dxml=None, flags=0): """This method will restore a domain saved to disk by virDomainSave(). If the hypervisor supports it, @dxml can be used to alter host-specific portions of the domain XML that will be used when restoring an image. For example, it is possible to alter the backing filename that is associated with a disk device, in order to prepare for file renaming done as part of backing up the disk device while the domain is stopped. If @flags includes VIR_DOMAIN_SAVE_BYPASS_CACHE, then libvirt will attempt to bypass the file system cache while restoring the file, or fail if it cannot do so for the given system; this can allow less pressure on file system cache, but also risks slowing restores from NFS. Normally, the saved state file will remember whether the domain was running or paused, and restore defaults to the same state. Specifying VIR_DOMAIN_SAVE_RUNNING or VIR_DOMAIN_SAVE_PAUSED in @flags will override the default read from the file. These two flags are mutually exclusive. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainRestoreFlags(self._o, frm, dxml, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainRestoreFlags() failed', conn=self) return ret def saveImageDefineXML(self, file, dxml, flags=0): """This updates the definition of a domain stored in a saved state file. @file must be a file created previously by virDomainSave() or virDomainSaveFlags(). @dxml can be used to alter host-specific portions of the domain XML that will be used when restoring an image. For example, it is possible to alter the backing filename that is associated with a disk device, to match renaming done as part of backing up the disk device while the domain is stopped. Normally, the saved state file will remember whether the domain was running or paused, and restore defaults to the same state. Specifying VIR_DOMAIN_SAVE_RUNNING or VIR_DOMAIN_SAVE_PAUSED in @flags will override the default saved into the file; omitting both leaves the file's default unchanged. These two flags are mutually exclusive. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainSaveImageDefineXML(self._o, file, dxml, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainSaveImageDefineXML() failed', conn=self) return ret def saveImageGetXMLDesc(self, file, flags=0): """This method will extract the XML describing the domain at the time a saved state file was created. @file must be a file created previously by virDomainSave() or virDomainSaveFlags(). No security-sensitive data will be included unless @flags contains VIR_DOMAIN_XML_SECURE; this flag is rejected on read-only connections. For this API, @flags should not contain either VIR_DOMAIN_XML_INACTIVE or VIR_DOMAIN_XML_UPDATE_CPU. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainSaveImageGetXMLDesc(self._o, file, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virDomainSaveImageGetXMLDesc() failed', conn=self) return ret # # virConnect functions from module libvirt-secret # def secretDefineXML(self, xml, flags=0): """If XML specifies a UUID, locates the specified secret and replaces all attributes of the secret specified by UUID by attributes specified in xml (any attributes not specified in xml are discarded). Otherwise, creates a new secret with an automatically chosen UUID, and initializes its attributes from xml. virSecretFree should be used to free the resources after the secret object is no longer needed. """ ret = libvirtmod.virSecretDefineXML(self._o, xml, flags) if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virSecretDefineXML() failed', conn=self) __tmp = virSecret(self, _obj=ret) return __tmp # # virConnect functions from module python # def secretLookupByUUID(self, uuid): """Try to lookup a secret on the given hypervisor based on its UUID. """ ret = libvirtmod.virSecretLookupByUUID(self._o, uuid) if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virSecretLookupByUUID() failed', conn=self) __tmp = virSecret(self, _obj=ret) return __tmp # # virConnect functions from module libvirt-secret # def secretLookupByUUIDString(self, uuidstr): """Try to lookup a secret on the given hypervisor based on its UUID. Uses the printable string value to describe the UUID virSecretFree should be used to free the resources after the secret object is no longer needed. """ ret = libvirtmod.virSecretLookupByUUIDString(self._o, uuidstr) if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virSecretLookupByUUIDString() failed', conn=self) __tmp = virSecret(self, _obj=ret) return __tmp def secretLookupByUsage(self, usageType, usageID): """Try to lookup a secret on the given hypervisor based on its usage The usageID is unique within the set of secrets sharing the same usageType value. virSecretFree should be used to free the resources after the secret object is no longer needed. """ ret = libvirtmod.virSecretLookupByUsage(self._o, usageType, usageID) if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virSecretLookupByUsage() failed', conn=self) __tmp = virSecret(self, _obj=ret) return __tmp # # virConnect functions from module libvirt-host # def setKeepAlive(self, interval, count): """Start sending keepalive messages after @interval seconds of inactivity and consider the connection to be broken when no response is received after @count keepalive messages sent in a row. In other words, sending count + 1 keepalive message results in closing the connection. When @interval is <= 0, no keepalive messages will be sent. When @count is 0, the connection will be automatically closed after @interval seconds of inactivity without sending any keepalive messages. Note: The client has to implement and run an event loop with virEventRegisterImpl() or virEventRegisterDefaultImpl() to be able to use keepalive messages. Failure to do so may result in connections being closed unexpectedly. Note: This API function controls only keepalive messages sent by the client. If the server is configured to use keepalive you still need to run the event loop to respond to them, even if you disable keepalives by this function. """ ret = libvirtmod.virConnectSetKeepAlive(self._o, interval, count) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virConnectSetKeepAlive() failed', conn=self) return ret # # virConnect functions from module python # def setMemoryParameters(self, params, flags=0): """Change the node memory tunables """ ret = libvirtmod.virNodeSetMemoryParameters(self._o, params, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virNodeSetMemoryParameters() failed', conn=self) return ret # # virConnect functions from module libvirt-storage # def storagePoolCreateXML(self, xmlDesc, flags=0): """Create a new storage based on its XML description. The pool is not persistent, so its definition will disappear when it is destroyed, or if the host is restarted virStoragePoolFree should be used to free the resources after the storage pool object is no longer needed. """ ret = libvirtmod.virStoragePoolCreateXML(self._o, xmlDesc, flags) if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virStoragePoolCreateXML() failed', conn=self) __tmp = virStoragePool(self, _obj=ret) return __tmp def storagePoolDefineXML(self, xml, flags=0): """Define an inactive persistent storage pool or modify an existing persistent one from the XML description. virStoragePoolFree should be used to free the resources after the storage pool object is no longer needed. """ ret = libvirtmod.virStoragePoolDefineXML(self._o, xml, flags) if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virStoragePoolDefineXML() failed', conn=self) __tmp = virStoragePool(self, _obj=ret) return __tmp def storagePoolLookupByName(self, name): """Fetch a storage pool based on its unique name virStoragePoolFree should be used to free the resources after the storage pool object is no longer needed. """ ret = libvirtmod.virStoragePoolLookupByName(self._o, name) if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virStoragePoolLookupByName() failed', conn=self) __tmp = virStoragePool(self, _obj=ret) return __tmp def storagePoolLookupByUUID(self, uuid): """Fetch a storage pool based on its globally unique id virStoragePoolFree should be used to free the resources after the storage pool object is no longer needed. """ ret = libvirtmod.virStoragePoolLookupByUUID(self._o, uuid) if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virStoragePoolLookupByUUID() failed', conn=self) __tmp = virStoragePool(self, _obj=ret) return __tmp def storagePoolLookupByUUIDString(self, uuidstr): """Fetch a storage pool based on its globally unique id virStoragePoolFree should be used to free the resources after the storage pool object is no longer needed. """ ret = libvirtmod.virStoragePoolLookupByUUIDString(self._o, uuidstr) if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virStoragePoolLookupByUUIDString() failed', conn=self) __tmp = virStoragePool(self, _obj=ret) return __tmp def storageVolLookupByKey(self, key): """Fetch a pointer to a storage volume based on its globally unique key virStorageVolFree should be used to free the resources after the storage volume object is no longer needed. """ ret = libvirtmod.virStorageVolLookupByKey(self._o, key) if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virStorageVolLookupByKey() failed', conn=self) __tmp = virStorageVol(self, _obj=ret) return __tmp def storageVolLookupByPath(self, path): """Fetch a pointer to a storage volume based on its locally (host) unique path virStorageVolFree should be used to free the resources after the storage volume object is no longer needed. """ ret = libvirtmod.virStorageVolLookupByPath(self._o, path) if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virStorageVolLookupByPath() failed', conn=self) __tmp = virStorageVol(self, _obj=ret) return __tmp # # virConnect functions from module libvirt-host # def suspendForDuration(self, target, duration, flags=0): """Attempt to suspend the node (host machine) for the given duration of time in the specified state (Suspend-to-RAM, Suspend-to-Disk or Hybrid-Suspend). Schedule the node's Real-Time-Clock interrupt to resume the node after the duration is complete. """ ret = libvirtmod.virNodeSuspendForDuration(self._o, target, duration, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virNodeSuspendForDuration() failed', conn=self) return ret # # virConnect functions from module virterror # def virConnGetLastError(self): """Provide a pointer to the last error caught on that connection This method is not protected against access from multiple threads. In a multi-threaded application, always use the global virGetLastError() API which is backed by thread local storage. If the connection object was discovered to be invalid by an API call, then the error will be reported against the global error object. Since 0.6.0, all errors reported in the per-connection object are also duplicated in the global error object. As such an application can always use virGetLastError(). This method remains for backwards compatibility. """ ret = libvirtmod.virConnGetLastError(self._o) return ret def virConnResetLastError(self): """The error object is kept in thread local storage, so separate threads can safely access this concurrently. Reset the last error caught on that connection """ libvirtmod.virConnResetLastError(self._o) # # virConnect methods from virConnect.py (hand coded) # def __del__(self): try: for cb,opaque in self.domainEventCallbacks.items(): del self.domainEventCallbacks[cb] del self.domainEventCallbacks libvirtmod.virConnectDomainEventDeregister(self._o, self) except AttributeError: pass if self._o is not None: libvirtmod.virConnectClose(self._o) self._o = None def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type_, exc_value_, traceback_): self.close() def domainEventDeregister(self, cb): """Removes a Domain Event Callback. De-registering for a domain callback will disable delivery of this event type """ try: del self.domainEventCallbacks[cb] if len(self.domainEventCallbacks) == 0: del self.domainEventCallbacks ret = libvirtmod.virConnectDomainEventDeregister(self._o, self) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virConnectDomainEventDeregister() failed', conn=self) except AttributeError: pass def domainEventRegister(self, cb, opaque): """Adds a Domain Event Callback. Registering for a domain callback will enable delivery of the events """ try: self.domainEventCallbacks[cb] = opaque except AttributeError: self.domainEventCallbacks = {cb:opaque} ret = libvirtmod.virConnectDomainEventRegister(self._o, self) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virConnectDomainEventRegister() failed', conn=self) def _dispatchDomainEventCallbacks(self, dom, event, detail): """Dispatches events to python user domain event callbacks """ try: for cb,opaque in self.domainEventCallbacks.items(): cb(self, virDomain(self, _obj=dom), event, detail, opaque) return 0 except AttributeError: pass def _dispatchDomainEventLifecycleCallback(self, dom, event, detail, cbData): """Dispatches events to python user domain lifecycle event callbacks """ cb = cbData["cb"] opaque = cbData["opaque"] cb(self, virDomain(self, _obj=dom), event, detail, opaque) return 0 def _dispatchDomainEventGenericCallback(self, dom, cbData): """Dispatches events to python user domain generic event callbacks """ cb = cbData["cb"] opaque = cbData["opaque"] cb(self, virDomain(self, _obj=dom), opaque) return 0 def _dispatchDomainEventRTCChangeCallback(self, dom, offset, cbData): """Dispatches events to python user domain RTC change event callbacks """ cb = cbData["cb"] opaque = cbData["opaque"] cb(self, virDomain(self, _obj=dom), offset ,opaque) return 0 def _dispatchDomainEventWatchdogCallback(self, dom, action, cbData): """Dispatches events to python user domain watchdog event callbacks """ cb = cbData["cb"] opaque = cbData["opaque"] cb(self, virDomain(self, _obj=dom), action, opaque) return 0 def _dispatchDomainEventIOErrorCallback(self, dom, srcPath, devAlias, action, cbData): """Dispatches events to python user domain IO error event callbacks """ cb = cbData["cb"] opaque = cbData["opaque"] cb(self, virDomain(self, _obj=dom), srcPath, devAlias, action, opaque) return 0 def _dispatchDomainEventIOErrorReasonCallback(self, dom, srcPath, devAlias, action, reason, cbData): """Dispatches events to python user domain IO error event callbacks """ cb = cbData["cb"] opaque = cbData["opaque"] cb(self, virDomain(self, _obj=dom), srcPath, devAlias, action, reason, opaque) return 0 def _dispatchDomainEventGraphicsCallback(self, dom, phase, localAddr, remoteAddr, authScheme, subject, cbData): """Dispatches events to python user domain graphics event callbacks """ cb = cbData["cb"] opaque = cbData["opaque"] cb(self, virDomain(self, _obj=dom), phase, localAddr, remoteAddr, authScheme, subject, opaque) return 0 def _dispatchDomainEventBlockJobCallback(self, dom, disk, type, status, cbData): """Dispatches events to python user domain blockJob/blockJob2 event callbacks """ try: cb = cbData["cb"] opaque = cbData["opaque"] cb(self, virDomain(self, _obj=dom), disk, type, status, opaque) return 0 except AttributeError: pass def _dispatchDomainEventDiskChangeCallback(self, dom, oldSrcPath, newSrcPath, devAlias, reason, cbData): """Dispatches event to python user domain diskChange event callbacks """ cb = cbData["cb"] opaque = cbData["opaque"] cb(self, virDomain(self, _obj=dom), oldSrcPath, newSrcPath, devAlias, reason, opaque) return 0 def _dispatchDomainEventTrayChangeCallback(self, dom, devAlias, reason, cbData): """Dispatches event to python user domain trayChange event callbacks """ cb = cbData["cb"] opaque = cbData["opaque"] cb(self, virDomain(self, _obj=dom), devAlias, reason, opaque) return 0 def _dispatchDomainEventPMWakeupCallback(self, dom, reason, cbData): """Dispatches event to python user domain pmwakeup event callbacks """ cb = cbData["cb"] opaque = cbData["opaque"] cb(self, virDomain(self, _obj=dom), reason, opaque) return 0 def _dispatchDomainEventPMSuspendCallback(self, dom, reason, cbData): """Dispatches event to python user domain pmsuspend event callbacks """ cb = cbData["cb"] opaque = cbData["opaque"] cb(self, virDomain(self, _obj=dom), reason, opaque) return 0 def _dispatchDomainEventBalloonChangeCallback(self, dom, actual, cbData): """Dispatches events to python user domain balloon change event callbacks """ cb = cbData["cb"] opaque = cbData["opaque"] cb(self, virDomain(self, _obj=dom), actual, opaque) return 0 def _dispatchDomainEventPMSuspendDiskCallback(self, dom, reason, cbData): """Dispatches event to python user domain pmsuspend-disk event callbacks """ cb = cbData["cb"] opaque = cbData["opaque"] cb(self, virDomain(self, _obj=dom), reason, opaque) return 0 def _dispatchDomainEventDeviceRemovedCallback(self, dom, devAlias, cbData): """Dispatches event to python user domain device removed event callbacks """ cb = cbData["cb"] opaque = cbData["opaque"] cb(self, virDomain(self, _obj=dom), devAlias, opaque) return 0 def _dispatchDomainEventTunableCallback(self, dom, params, cbData): """Dispatches event to python user domain tunable event callbacks """ cb = cbData["cb"] opaque = cbData["opaque"] cb(self, virDomain(self, _obj=dom), params, opaque) return 0 def _dispatchDomainEventAgentLifecycleCallback(self, dom, state, reason, cbData): """Dispatches event to python user domain agent lifecycle event callback """ cb = cbData["cb"] opaque = cbData["opaque"] cb(self, virDomain(self, _obj=dom), state, reason, opaque) return 0 def _dispatchDomainEventDeviceAddedCallback(self, dom, devAlias, cbData): """Dispatches event to python user domain device added event callbacks """ cb = cbData["cb"] opaque = cbData["opaque"] cb(self, virDomain(self, _obj=dom), devAlias, opaque) return 0 def _dispatchDomainEventMigrationIterationCallback(self, dom, iteration, cbData): """Dispatches event to python user domain migration iteration event callbacks """ cb = cbData["cb"] opaque = cbData["opaque"] cb(self, virDomain(self, _obj=dom), iteration, opaque) return 0 def _dispatchDomainEventJobCompletedCallback(self, dom, params, cbData): """Dispatches event to python user domain job completed callbacks """ cb = cbData["cb"] opaque = cbData["opaque"] cb(self, virDomain(self, _obj=dom), params, opaque) return 0 def _dispatchDomainEventDeviceRemovalFailedCallback(self, dom, devAlias, cbData): """Dispatches event to python user domain device removal failed event callbacks """ cb = cbData["cb"] opaque = cbData["opaque"] cb(self, virDomain(self, _obj=dom), devAlias, opaque) return 0 def _dispatchDomainEventMetadataChangeCallback(self, dom, mtype, nsuri, cbData): """Dispatches event to python user domain metadata change event callbacks """ cb = cbData["cb"] opaque = cbData["opaque"] cb(self, virDomain(self, _obj=dom), mtype, nsuri, opaque) return 0 def _dispatchDomainEventBlockThresholdCallback(self, dom, dev, path, threshold, excess, cbData): """Dispatches event to python user domain block device threshold event callbacks """ cb = cbData["cb"] opaque = cbData["opaque"] cb(self, virDomain(self, _obj=dom), dev, path, threshold, excess, opaque) return 0 def domainEventDeregisterAny(self, callbackID): """Removes a Domain Event Callback. De-registering for a domain callback will disable delivery of this event type """ try: ret = libvirtmod.virConnectDomainEventDeregisterAny(self._o, callbackID) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virConnectDomainEventDeregisterAny() failed', conn=self) del self.domainEventCallbackID[callbackID] except AttributeError: pass def _dispatchNetworkEventLifecycleCallback(self, net, event, detail, cbData): """Dispatches events to python user network lifecycle event callbacks """ cb = cbData["cb"] opaque = cbData["opaque"] cb(self, virNetwork(self, _obj=net), event, detail, opaque) return 0 def networkEventDeregisterAny(self, callbackID): """Removes a Network Event Callback. De-registering for a network callback will disable delivery of this event type""" try: ret = libvirtmod.virConnectNetworkEventDeregisterAny(self._o, callbackID) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virConnectNetworkEventDeregisterAny() failed', conn=self) del self.networkEventCallbackID[callbackID] except AttributeError: pass def networkEventRegisterAny(self, net, eventID, cb, opaque): """Adds a Network Event Callback. Registering for a network callback will enable delivery of the events""" if not hasattr(self, 'networkEventCallbackID'): self.networkEventCallbackID = {} cbData = { "cb": cb, "conn": self, "opaque": opaque } if net is None: ret = libvirtmod.virConnectNetworkEventRegisterAny(self._o, None, eventID, cbData) else: ret = libvirtmod.virConnectNetworkEventRegisterAny(self._o, net._o, eventID, cbData) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virConnectNetworkEventRegisterAny() failed', conn=self) self.networkEventCallbackID[ret] = opaque return ret def domainEventRegisterAny(self, dom, eventID, cb, opaque): """Adds a Domain Event Callback. Registering for a domain callback will enable delivery of the events """ if not hasattr(self, 'domainEventCallbackID'): self.domainEventCallbackID = {} cbData = { "cb": cb, "conn": self, "opaque": opaque } if dom is None: ret = libvirtmod.virConnectDomainEventRegisterAny(self._o, None, eventID, cbData) else: ret = libvirtmod.virConnectDomainEventRegisterAny(self._o, dom._o, eventID, cbData) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virConnectDomainEventRegisterAny() failed', conn=self) self.domainEventCallbackID[ret] = opaque return ret def _dispatchStoragePoolEventLifecycleCallback(self, pool, event, detail, cbData): """Dispatches events to python user storage pool lifecycle event callbacks """ cb = cbData["cb"] opaque = cbData["opaque"] cb(self, virStoragePool(self, _obj=pool), event, detail, opaque) return 0 def _dispatchStoragePoolEventGenericCallback(self, pool, cbData): """Dispatches events to python user storage pool generic event callbacks """ cb = cbData["cb"] opaque = cbData["opaque"] cb(self, virStoragePool(self, _obj=pool), opaque) return 0 def storagePoolEventDeregisterAny(self, callbackID): """Removes a Storage Pool Event Callback. De-registering for a storage pool callback will disable delivery of this event type""" try: ret = libvirtmod.virConnectStoragePoolEventDeregisterAny(self._o, callbackID) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virConnectStoragePoolEventDeregisterAny() failed', conn=self) del self.storagePoolEventCallbackID[callbackID] except AttributeError: pass def storagePoolEventRegisterAny(self, pool, eventID, cb, opaque): """Adds a Storage Pool Event Callback. Registering for a storage pool callback will enable delivery of the events""" if not hasattr(self, 'storagePoolEventCallbackID'): self.storagePoolEventCallbackID = {} cbData = { "cb": cb, "conn": self, "opaque": opaque } if pool is None: ret = libvirtmod.virConnectStoragePoolEventRegisterAny(self._o, None, eventID, cbData) else: ret = libvirtmod.virConnectStoragePoolEventRegisterAny(self._o, pool._o, eventID, cbData) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virConnectStoragePoolEventRegisterAny() failed', conn=self) self.storagePoolEventCallbackID[ret] = opaque return ret def _dispatchNodeDeviceEventLifecycleCallback(self, dev, event, detail, cbData): """Dispatches events to python user node device lifecycle event callbacks """ cb = cbData["cb"] opaque = cbData["opaque"] cb(self, virNodeDevice(self, _obj=dev), event, detail, opaque) return 0 def _dispatchNodeDeviceEventGenericCallback(self, dev, cbData): """Dispatches events to python user node device generic event callbacks """ cb = cbData["cb"] opaque = cbData["opaque"] cb(self, virNodeDevice(self, _obj=dev), opaque) return 0 def nodeDeviceEventDeregisterAny(self, callbackID): """Removes a Node Device Event Callback. De-registering for a node device callback will disable delivery of this event type""" try: ret = libvirtmod.virConnectNodeDeviceEventDeregisterAny(self._o, callbackID) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virConnectNodeDeviceEventDeregisterAny() failed', conn=self) del self.nodeDeviceEventCallbackID[callbackID] except AttributeError: pass def nodeDeviceEventRegisterAny(self, dev, eventID, cb, opaque): """Adds a Node Device Event Callback. Registering for a node device callback will enable delivery of the events""" if not hasattr(self, 'nodeDeviceEventCallbackID'): self.nodeDeviceEventCallbackID = {} cbData = { "cb": cb, "conn": self, "opaque": opaque } if dev is None: ret = libvirtmod.virConnectNodeDeviceEventRegisterAny(self._o, None, eventID, cbData) else: ret = libvirtmod.virConnectNodeDeviceEventRegisterAny(self._o, dev._o, eventID, cbData) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virConnectNodeDeviceEventRegisterAny() failed', conn=self) self.nodeDeviceEventCallbackID[ret] = opaque return ret def _dispatchSecretEventLifecycleCallback(self, secret, event, detail, cbData): """Dispatches events to python user secret lifecycle event callbacks """ cb = cbData["cb"] opaque = cbData["opaque"] cb(self, virSecret(self, _obj=secret), event, detail, opaque) return 0 def _dispatchSecretEventGenericCallback(self, secret, cbData): """Dispatches events to python user secret generic event callbacks """ cb = cbData["cb"] opaque = cbData["opaque"] cb(self, virSecret(self, _obj=secret), opaque) return 0 def secretEventDeregisterAny(self, callbackID): """Removes a Secret Event Callback. De-registering for a secret callback will disable delivery of this event type""" try: ret = libvirtmod.virConnectSecretEventDeregisterAny(self._o, callbackID) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virConnectSecretEventDeregisterAny() failed', conn=self) del self.secretEventCallbackID[callbackID] except AttributeError: pass def secretEventRegisterAny(self, secret, eventID, cb, opaque): """Adds a Secret Event Callback. Registering for a secret callback will enable delivery of the events""" if not hasattr(self, 'secretEventCallbackID'): self.secretEventCallbackID = {} cbData = { "cb": cb, "conn": self, "opaque": opaque } if secret is None: ret = libvirtmod.virConnectSecretEventRegisterAny(self._o, None, eventID, cbData) else: ret = libvirtmod.virConnectSecretEventRegisterAny(self._o, secret._o, eventID, cbData) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virConnectSecretEventRegisterAny() failed', conn=self) self.secretEventCallbackID[ret] = opaque return ret def listAllDomains(self, flags=0): """List all domains and returns a list of domain objects""" ret = libvirtmod.virConnectListAllDomains(self._o, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError("virConnectListAllDomains() failed", conn=self) retlist = list() for domptr in ret: retlist.append(virDomain(self, _obj=domptr)) return retlist def listAllStoragePools(self, flags=0): """Returns a list of storage pool objects""" ret = libvirtmod.virConnectListAllStoragePools(self._o, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError("virConnectListAllStoragePools() failed", conn=self) retlist = list() for poolptr in ret: retlist.append(virStoragePool(self, _obj=poolptr)) return retlist def listAllNetworks(self, flags=0): """Returns a list of network objects""" ret = libvirtmod.virConnectListAllNetworks(self._o, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError("virConnectListAllNetworks() failed", conn=self) retlist = list() for netptr in ret: retlist.append(virNetwork(self, _obj=netptr)) return retlist def listAllInterfaces(self, flags=0): """Returns a list of interface objects""" ret = libvirtmod.virConnectListAllInterfaces(self._o, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError("virConnectListAllInterfaces() failed", conn=self) retlist = list() for ifaceptr in ret: retlist.append(virInterface(self, _obj=ifaceptr)) return retlist def listAllDevices(self, flags=0): """Returns a list of host node device objects""" ret = libvirtmod.virConnectListAllNodeDevices(self._o, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError("virConnectListAllNodeDevices() failed", conn=self) retlist = list() for devptr in ret: retlist.append(virNodeDevice(self, _obj=devptr)) return retlist def listAllNWFilters(self, flags=0): """Returns a list of network filter objects""" ret = libvirtmod.virConnectListAllNWFilters(self._o, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError("virConnectListAllNWFilters() failed", conn=self) retlist = list() for filter_ptr in ret: retlist.append(virNWFilter(self, _obj=filter_ptr)) return retlist def listAllSecrets(self, flags=0): """Returns a list of secret objects""" ret = libvirtmod.virConnectListAllSecrets(self._o, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError("virConnectListAllSecrets() failed", conn=self) retlist = list() for secret_ptr in ret: retlist.append(virSecret(self, _obj=secret_ptr)) return retlist def _dispatchCloseCallback(self, reason, cbData): """Dispatches events to python user close callback""" cb = cbData["cb"] opaque = cbData["opaque"] cb(self, reason, opaque) return 0 def unregisterCloseCallback(self): """Removes a close event callback""" ret = libvirtmod.virConnectUnregisterCloseCallback(self._o) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virConnectUnregisterCloseCallback() failed', conn=self) def registerCloseCallback(self, cb, opaque): """Adds a close event callback, providing a notification when a connection fails / closes""" cbData = { "cb": cb, "conn": self, "opaque": opaque } ret = libvirtmod.virConnectRegisterCloseCallback(self._o, cbData) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virConnectRegisterCloseCallback() failed', conn=self) return ret def createXMLWithFiles(self, xmlDesc, files, flags=0): """Launch a new guest domain, based on an XML description similar to the one returned by virDomainGetXMLDesc() This function may require privileged access to the hypervisor. The domain is not persistent, so its definition will disappear when it is destroyed, or if the host is restarted (see virDomainDefineXML() to define persistent domains). @files provides an array of file descriptors which will be made available to the 'init' process of the guest. The file handles exposed to the guest will be renumbered to start from 3 (ie immediately following stderr). This is only supported for guests which use container based virtualization technology. If the VIR_DOMAIN_START_PAUSED flag is set, the guest domain will be started, but its CPUs will remain paused. The CPUs can later be manually started using virDomainResume. If the VIR_DOMAIN_START_AUTODESTROY flag is set, the guest domain will be automatically destroyed when the virConnectPtr object is finally released. This will also happen if the client application crashes / loses its connection to the libvirtd daemon. Any domains marked for auto destroy will block attempts at migration, save-to-file, or snapshots. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainCreateXMLWithFiles(self._o, xmlDesc, files, flags) if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virDomainCreateXMLWithFiles() failed', conn=self) __tmp = virDomain(self,_obj=ret) return __tmp def getAllDomainStats(self, stats = 0, flags=0): """Query statistics for all domains on a given connection. Report statistics of various parameters for a running VM according to @stats field. The statistics are returned as an array of structures for each queried domain. The structure contains an array of typed parameters containing the individual statistics. The typed parameter name for each statistic field consists of a dot-separated string containing name of the requested group followed by a group specific description of the statistic value. The statistic groups are enabled using the @stats parameter which is a binary-OR of enum virDomainStatsTypes. The following groups are available (although not necessarily implemented for each hypervisor): VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_STATE: Return domain state and reason for entering that state. The typed parameter keys are in this format: "state.state" - state of the VM, returned as int from virDomainState enum "state.reason" - reason for entering given state, returned as int from virDomain*Reason enum corresponding to given state. Using 0 for @stats returns all stats groups supported by the given hypervisor. Specifying VIR_CONNECT_GET_ALL_DOMAINS_STATS_ENFORCE_STATS as @flags makes the function return error in case some of the stat types in @stats were not recognized by the daemon. Similarly to virConnectListAllDomains, @flags can contain various flags to filter the list of domains to provide stats for. VIR_CONNECT_GET_ALL_DOMAINS_STATS_ACTIVE selects online domains while VIR_CONNECT_GET_ALL_DOMAINS_STATS_INACTIVE selects offline ones. VIR_CONNECT_GET_ALL_DOMAINS_STATS_PERSISTENT and VIR_CONNECT_GET_ALL_DOMAINS_STATS_TRANSIENT allow to filter the list according to their persistence. To filter the list of VMs by domain state @flags can contain VIR_CONNECT_GET_ALL_DOMAINS_STATS_RUNNING, VIR_CONNECT_GET_ALL_DOMAINS_STATS_PAUSED, VIR_CONNECT_GET_ALL_DOMAINS_STATS_SHUTOFF and/or VIR_CONNECT_GET_ALL_DOMAINS_STATS_OTHER for all other states. """ ret = libvirtmod.virConnectGetAllDomainStats(self._o, stats, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError("virConnectGetAllDomainStats() failed", conn=self) retlist = list() for elem in ret: record = (virDomain(self, _obj=elem[0]) , elem[1]) retlist.append(record) return retlist def domainListGetStats(self, doms, stats=0, flags=0): """ Query statistics for given domains. Report statistics of various parameters for a running VM according to @stats field. The statistics are returned as an array of structures for each queried domain. The structure contains an array of typed parameters containing the individual statistics. The typed parameter name for each statistic field consists of a dot-separated string containing name of the requested group followed by a group specific description of the statistic value. The statistic groups are enabled using the @stats parameter which is a binary-OR of enum virDomainStatsTypes. The following groups are available (although not necessarily implemented for each hypervisor): VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_STATE: Return domain state and reason for entering that state. The typed parameter keys are in this format: "state.state" - state of the VM, returned as int from virDomainState enum "state.reason" - reason for entering given state, returned as int from virDomain*Reason enum corresponding to given state. Using 0 for @stats returns all stats groups supported by the given hypervisor. Specifying VIR_CONNECT_GET_ALL_DOMAINS_STATS_ENFORCE_STATS as @flags makes the function return error in case some of the stat types in @stats were not recognized by the daemon. Get statistics about domains provided as a list in @doms. @stats is a bit field selecting requested statistics types.""" domlist = list() for dom in doms: if not isinstance(dom, virDomain): raise libvirtError("domain list contains non-domain elements", conn=self) domlist.append(dom._o) ret = libvirtmod.virDomainListGetStats(self._o, domlist, stats, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError("virDomainListGetStats() failed", conn=self) retlist = list() for elem in ret: record = (virDomain(self, _obj=elem[0]) , elem[1]) retlist.append(record) return retlist class virNodeDevice(object): def __init__(self, conn, _obj=None): self._conn = conn if type(_obj).__name__ not in ["PyCapsule", "PyCObject"]: raise Exception("Expected a wrapped C Object but got %s" % type(_obj)) self._o = _obj def __del__(self): if self._o is not None: libvirtmod.virNodeDeviceFree(self._o) self._o = None def connect(self): return self._conn def c_pointer(self): """Get C pointer to underlying object""" return libvirtmod.virNodeDevice_pointer(self._o) # # virNodeDevice functions from module libvirt-nodedev # def XMLDesc(self, flags=0): """Fetch an XML document describing all aspects of the device. """ ret = libvirtmod.virNodeDeviceGetXMLDesc(self._o, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virNodeDeviceGetXMLDesc() failed') return ret def destroy(self): """Destroy the device object. The virtual device (only works for vHBA currently) is removed from the host operating system. This function may require privileged access. """ ret = libvirtmod.virNodeDeviceDestroy(self._o) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virNodeDeviceDestroy() failed') return ret def detachFlags(self, driverName, flags=0): """Detach the node device from the node itself so that it may be assigned to a guest domain. Depending on the hypervisor, this may involve operations such as unbinding any device drivers from the device, binding the device to a dummy device driver and resetting the device. Different backend drivers expect the device to be bound to different dummy devices. For example, QEMU's "kvm" backend driver (the default) expects the device to be bound to "pci-stub", but its "vfio" backend driver expects the device to be bound to "vfio-pci". If the device is currently in use by the node, this method may fail. Once the device is not assigned to any guest, it may be re-attached to the node using the virNodeDeviceReAttach() method. """ ret = libvirtmod.virNodeDeviceDetachFlags(self._o, driverName, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virNodeDeviceDetachFlags() failed') return ret def dettach(self): """Dettach the node device from the node itself so that it may be assigned to a guest domain. Depending on the hypervisor, this may involve operations such as unbinding any device drivers from the device, binding the device to a dummy device driver and resetting the device. If the device is currently in use by the node, this method may fail. Once the device is not assigned to any guest, it may be re-attached to the node using the virNodeDeviceReattach() method. If the caller needs control over which backend driver will be used during PCI device assignment (to use something other than the default, for example VFIO), the newer virNodeDeviceDetachFlags() API should be used instead. """ ret = libvirtmod.virNodeDeviceDettach(self._o) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virNodeDeviceDettach() failed') return ret # # virNodeDevice functions from module python # def listCaps(self): """list the node device's capabilities """ ret = libvirtmod.virNodeDeviceListCaps(self._o) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virNodeDeviceListCaps() failed') return ret # # virNodeDevice functions from module libvirt-nodedev # def name(self): """Just return the device name """ ret = libvirtmod.virNodeDeviceGetName(self._o) return ret def numOfCaps(self): """Accessor for the number of capabilities supported by the device. """ ret = libvirtmod.virNodeDeviceNumOfCaps(self._o) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virNodeDeviceNumOfCaps() failed') return ret def parent(self): """Accessor for the parent of the device """ ret = libvirtmod.virNodeDeviceGetParent(self._o) return ret def reAttach(self): """Re-attach a previously detached node device to the node so that it may be used by the node again. Depending on the hypervisor, this may involve operations such as resetting the device, unbinding it from a dummy device driver and binding it to its appropriate driver. If the device is currently in use by a guest, this method may fail. """ ret = libvirtmod.virNodeDeviceReAttach(self._o) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virNodeDeviceReAttach() failed') return ret def reset(self): """Reset a previously detached node device to the node before or after assigning it to a guest. The exact reset semantics depends on the hypervisor and device type but, for example, KVM will attempt to reset PCI devices with a Function Level Reset, Secondary Bus Reset or a Power Management D-State reset. If the reset will affect other devices which are currently in use, this function may fail. """ ret = libvirtmod.virNodeDeviceReset(self._o) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virNodeDeviceReset() failed') return ret class virSecret(object): def __init__(self, conn, _obj=None): self._conn = conn if type(_obj).__name__ not in ["PyCapsule", "PyCObject"]: raise Exception("Expected a wrapped C Object but got %s" % type(_obj)) self._o = _obj def __del__(self): if self._o is not None: libvirtmod.virSecretFree(self._o) self._o = None def connect(self): return self._conn def c_pointer(self): """Get C pointer to underlying object""" return libvirtmod.virSecret_pointer(self._o) # # virSecret functions from module python # def UUID(self): """Extract the UUID unique Identifier of a secret. """ ret = libvirtmod.virSecretGetUUID(self._o) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virSecretGetUUID() failed') return ret def UUIDString(self): """Fetch globally unique ID of the secret as a string. """ ret = libvirtmod.virSecretGetUUIDString(self._o) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virSecretGetUUIDString() failed') return ret # # virSecret functions from module libvirt-secret # def XMLDesc(self, flags=0): """Fetches an XML document describing attributes of the secret. """ ret = libvirtmod.virSecretGetXMLDesc(self._o, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virSecretGetXMLDesc() failed') return ret # # virSecret functions from module libvirt # def setValue(self, value, flags=0): """Associates a value with a secret. """ ret = libvirtmod.virSecretSetValue(self._o, value, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virSecretSetValue() failed') return ret # # virSecret functions from module libvirt-secret # def undefine(self): """Deletes the specified secret. This does not free the associated virSecretPtr object. """ ret = libvirtmod.virSecretUndefine(self._o) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virSecretUndefine() failed') return ret def usageID(self): """Get the unique identifier of the object with which this secret is to be used. The format of the identifier is dependent on the usage type of the secret. For a secret with a usage type of VIR_SECRET_USAGE_TYPE_VOLUME the identifier will be a fully qualified path name. The identifiers are intended to be unique within the set of all secrets sharing the same usage type. ie, there shall only ever be one secret for each volume path. """ ret = libvirtmod.virSecretGetUsageID(self._o) return ret def usageType(self): """Get the type of object which uses this secret. The returned value is one of the constants defined in the virSecretUsageType enumeration. More values may be added to this enumeration in the future, so callers should expect to see usage types they do not explicitly know about. """ ret = libvirtmod.virSecretGetUsageType(self._o) return ret # # virSecret functions from module libvirt # def value(self, flags=0): """Fetches the value associated with a secret. """ ret = libvirtmod.virSecretGetValue(self._o, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virSecretGetValue() failed') return ret class virNWFilter(object): def __init__(self, conn, _obj=None): self._conn = conn if type(_obj).__name__ not in ["PyCapsule", "PyCObject"]: raise Exception("Expected a wrapped C Object but got %s" % type(_obj)) self._o = _obj def __del__(self): if self._o is not None: libvirtmod.virNWFilterFree(self._o) self._o = None def connect(self): return self._conn def c_pointer(self): """Get C pointer to underlying object""" return libvirtmod.virNWFilter_pointer(self._o) # # virNWFilter functions from module python # def UUID(self): """Extract the UUID unique Identifier of a network filter. """ ret = libvirtmod.virNWFilterGetUUID(self._o) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virNWFilterGetUUID() failed') return ret def UUIDString(self): """Fetch globally unique ID of the network filter as a string. """ ret = libvirtmod.virNWFilterGetUUIDString(self._o) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virNWFilterGetUUIDString() failed') return ret # # virNWFilter functions from module libvirt-nwfilter # def XMLDesc(self, flags=0): """Provide an XML description of the network filter. The description may be reused later to redefine the network filter with virNWFilterCreateXML(). """ ret = libvirtmod.virNWFilterGetXMLDesc(self._o, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virNWFilterGetXMLDesc() failed') return ret def name(self): """Get the public name for the network filter """ ret = libvirtmod.virNWFilterGetName(self._o) return ret def undefine(self): """Undefine the nwfilter object. This call will not succeed if a running VM is referencing the filter. This does not free the associated virNWFilterPtr object. """ ret = libvirtmod.virNWFilterUndefine(self._o) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virNWFilterUndefine() failed') return ret class virStream(object): def __init__(self, conn, _obj=None): self._conn = conn if type(_obj).__name__ not in ["PyCapsule", "PyCObject"]: raise Exception("Expected a wrapped C Object but got %s" % type(_obj)) self._o = _obj def connect(self): return self._conn def c_pointer(self): """Get C pointer to underlying object""" return libvirtmod.virStream_pointer(self._o) # # virStream functions from module libvirt-stream # def abort(self): """Request that the in progress data transfer be cancelled abnormally before the end of the stream has been reached. For output streams this can be used to inform the driver that the stream is being terminated early. For input streams this can be used to inform the driver that it should stop sending data. If the stream is non-blocking, any callback must be removed beforehand. """ ret = libvirtmod.virStreamAbort(self._o) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virStreamAbort() failed') return ret def eventRemoveCallback(self): """Remove an event callback from the stream """ ret = libvirtmod.virStreamEventRemoveCallback(self._o) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virStreamEventRemoveCallback() failed') return ret def eventUpdateCallback(self, events): """Changes the set of events to monitor for a stream. This allows for event notification to be changed without having to unregister & register the callback completely. This method is guaranteed to succeed if a callback is already registered """ ret = libvirtmod.virStreamEventUpdateCallback(self._o, events) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virStreamEventUpdateCallback() failed') return ret def finish(self): """Indicate that there is no further data to be transmitted on the stream. For output streams this should be called once all data has been written. For input streams this should be called once virStreamRecv returns end-of-file. This method is a synchronization point for all asynchronous errors, so if this returns a success code the application can be sure that all data has been successfully processed. If the stream is non-blocking, any callback must be removed beforehand. """ ret = libvirtmod.virStreamFinish(self._o) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virStreamFinish() failed') return ret # # virStream methods from virStream.py (hand coded) # def __del__(self): try: if self.cb: libvirtmod.virStreamEventRemoveCallback(self._o) except AttributeError: pass if self._o is not None: libvirtmod.virStreamFree(self._o) self._o = None def _dispatchStreamEventCallback(self, events, cbData): """ Dispatches events to python user's stream event callbacks """ cb = cbData["cb"] opaque = cbData["opaque"] cb(self, events, opaque) return 0 def eventAddCallback(self, events, cb, opaque): self.cb = cb cbData = {"stream": self, "cb" : cb, "opaque" : opaque} ret = libvirtmod.virStreamEventAddCallback(self._o, events, cbData) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virStreamEventAddCallback() failed') def recvAll(self, handler, opaque): """Receive the entire data stream, sending the data to the requested data sink. This is simply a convenient alternative to virStreamRecv, for apps that do blocking-I/O. A hypothetical handler function looks like: def handler(stream, # virStream instance buf, # string containing received data opaque): # extra data passed to recvAll as opaque fd = opaque return os.write(fd, buf) """ while True: got = self.recv(1024*64) if got == -2: raise libvirtError("cannot use recvAll with " "nonblocking stream") if len(got) == 0: break try: ret = handler(self, got, opaque) if type(ret) is int and ret < 0: raise RuntimeError("recvAll handler returned %d" % ret) except Exception: e = sys.exc_info()[1] try: self.abort() except: pass raise e def sendAll(self, handler, opaque): """ Send the entire data stream, reading the data from the requested data source. This is simply a convenient alternative to virStreamSend, for apps that do blocking-I/O. A hypothetical handler function looks like: def handler(stream, # virStream instance nbytes, # int amt of data to read opaque): # extra data passed to recvAll as opaque fd = opaque return os.read(fd, nbytes) """ while True: try: got = handler(self, 1024*64, opaque) except: e = sys.exc_info()[1] try: self.abort() except: pass raise e if not got: break ret = self.send(got) if ret == -2: raise libvirtError("cannot use sendAll with " "nonblocking stream") def recv(self, nbytes): """Reads a series of bytes from the stream. This method may block the calling application for an arbitrary amount of time. Errors are not guaranteed to be reported synchronously with the call, but may instead be delayed until a subsequent call. On success, the received data is returned. On failure, an exception is raised. If the stream is a NONBLOCK stream and the request would block, integer -2 is returned. """ ret = libvirtmod.virStreamRecv(self._o, nbytes) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virStreamRecv() failed') return ret def send(self, data): """Write a series of bytes to the stream. This method may block the calling application for an arbitrary amount of time. Once an application has finished sending data it should call virStreamFinish to wait for successful confirmation from the driver, or detect any error This method may not be used if a stream source has been registered Errors are not guaranteed to be reported synchronously with the call, but may instead be delayed until a subsequent call. """ ret = libvirtmod.virStreamSend(self._o, data) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virStreamSend() failed') return ret def recvHole(self, flags = 0): """This method is used to determine the length in bytes of the empty space to be created in a stream's target file when uploading or downloading sparsely populated files. This is the counterpart to sendHole. """ ret = libvirtmod.virStreamRecvHole(self._o, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virStreamRecvHole() failed') return ret def sendHole(self, length, flags = 0): """Rather than transmitting empty file space, this method directs the stream target to create length bytes of empty space. This method would be used when uploading or downloading sparsely populated files to avoid the needless copy of empty file space. """ ret = libvirtmod.virStreamSendHole(self._o, length, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError('virStreamSendHole() failed') return ret def recvFlags(self, nbytes, flags = 0): """Reads a series of bytes from the stream. This method may block the calling application for an arbitrary amount of time. This is just like recv except it has flags argument. Errors are not guaranteed to be reported synchronously with the call, but may instead be delayed until a subsequent call. On success, the received data is returned. On failure, an exception is raised. If the stream is a NONBLOCK stream and the request would block, integer -2 is returned. """ ret = libvirtmod.virStreamRecvFlags(self._o, nbytes, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virStreamRecvFlags() failed') return ret def sparseRecvAll(self, handler, holeHandler, opaque): """Receive the entire data stream, sending the data to the requested data sink handler and calling the skip holeHandler to generate holes for sparse stream targets. This is simply a convenient alternative to recvFlags, for apps that do blocking-I/O and want to preserve sparseness. Hypothetical callbacks can look like this: def handler(stream, # virStream instance buf, # string containing received data opaque): # extra data passed to sparseRecvAll as opaque fd = opaque return os.write(fd, buf) def holeHandler(stream, # virStream instance length, # number of bytes to skip opaque): # extra data passed to sparseRecvAll as opaque fd = opaque cur = os.lseek(fd, length, os.SEEK_CUR) return os.ftruncate(fd, cur) # take this extra step to # actually allocate the hole """ while True: want = 64 * 1024 got = self.recvFlags(want, VIR_STREAM_RECV_STOP_AT_HOLE) if got == -2: raise libvirtError("cannot use sparseRecvAll with " "nonblocking stream") if got == -3: length = self.recvHole() if length is None: self.abort() raise RuntimeError("recvHole handler failed") ret = holeHandler(self, length, opaque) if type(ret) is int and ret < 0: self.abort() raise RuntimeError("holeHandler handler returned %d" % ret) continue if len(got) == 0: break ret = handler(self, got, opaque) if type(ret) is int and ret < 0: self.abort() raise RuntimeError("sparseRecvAll handler returned %d" % ret) def sparseSendAll(self, handler, holeHandler, skipHandler, opaque): """Send the entire data stream, reading the data from the requested data source. This is simply a convenient alternative to virStreamSend, for apps that do blocking-I/O and want to preserve sparseness. Hypothetical callbacks can look like this: def handler(stream, # virStream instance nbytes, # int amt of data to read opaque): # extra data passed to sparseSendAll as opaque fd = opaque return os.read(fd, nbytes) def holeHandler(stream, # virStream instance opaque): # extra data passed to sparseSendAll as opaque fd = opaque cur = os.lseek(fd, 0, os.SEEK_CUR) # ... find out current section and its boundaries # and set inData = True/False and sectionLen correspondingly os.lseek(fd, cur, os.SEEK_SET) return [inData, sectionLen] def skipHandler(stream, # virStream instance length, # number of bytes to skip opaque): # extra data passed to sparseSendAll as opaque fd = opaque return os.lseek(fd, length, os.SEEK_CUR) """ while True: [inData, sectionLen] = holeHandler(self, opaque) if (inData == False and sectionLen > 0): if (self.sendHole(sectionLen) < 0 or skipHandler(self, sectionLen, opaque) < 0): self.abort() continue want = 64 * 1024 if (want > sectionLen): want = sectionLen got = handler(self, want, opaque) if type(got) is int and got < 0: self.abort() raise RuntimeError("sparseSendAll handler returned %d" % got) if not got: break ret = self.send(got) if ret == -2: raise libvirtError("cannot use sparseSendAll with " "nonblocking stream") class virDomainSnapshot(object): def __init__(self, dom, _obj=None): self._dom = dom self._conn = dom.connect() if type(_obj).__name__ not in ["PyCapsule", "PyCObject"]: raise Exception("Expected a wrapped C Object but got %s" % type(_obj)) self._o = _obj def __del__(self): if self._o is not None: libvirtmod.virDomainSnapshotFree(self._o) self._o = None def connect(self): return self._conn def domain(self): return self._dom def c_pointer(self): """Get C pointer to underlying object""" return libvirtmod.virDomainSnapshot_pointer(self._o) # # virDomainSnapshot functions from module libvirt-domain-snapshot # def delete(self, flags=0): """Delete the snapshot. If @flags is 0, then just this snapshot is deleted, and changes from this snapshot are automatically merged into children snapshots. If @flags includes VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_DELETE_CHILDREN, then this snapshot and any descendant snapshots are deleted. If @flags includes VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_DELETE_CHILDREN_ONLY, then any descendant snapshots are deleted, but this snapshot remains. These two flags are mutually exclusive. If @flags includes VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_DELETE_METADATA_ONLY, then any snapshot metadata tracked by libvirt is removed while keeping the snapshot contents intact; if a hypervisor does not require any libvirt metadata to track snapshots, then this flag is silently ignored. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainSnapshotDelete(self._o, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainSnapshotDelete() failed') return ret def getName(self): """Get the public name for that snapshot """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainSnapshotGetName(self._o) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virDomainSnapshotGetName() failed') return ret def getParent(self, flags=0): """Get the parent snapshot for @snapshot, if any. virDomainSnapshotFree should be used to free the resources after the snapshot object is no longer needed. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainSnapshotGetParent(self._o, flags) if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virDomainSnapshotGetParent() failed', dom=self._dom) __tmp = virDomainSnapshot(self,_obj=ret) return __tmp def getXMLDesc(self, flags=0): """Provide an XML description of the domain snapshot. No security-sensitive data will be included unless @flags contains VIR_DOMAIN_XML_SECURE; this flag is rejected on read-only connections. For this API, @flags should not contain either VIR_DOMAIN_XML_INACTIVE or VIR_DOMAIN_XML_UPDATE_CPU. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainSnapshotGetXMLDesc(self._o, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virDomainSnapshotGetXMLDesc() failed') return ret def hasMetadata(self, flags=0): """Determine if the given snapshot is associated with libvirt metadata that would prevent the deletion of the domain. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainSnapshotHasMetadata(self._o, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainSnapshotHasMetadata() failed') return ret def isCurrent(self, flags=0): """Determine if the given snapshot is the domain's current snapshot. See also virDomainHasCurrentSnapshot(). """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainSnapshotIsCurrent(self._o, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainSnapshotIsCurrent() failed') return ret # # virDomainSnapshot functions from module python # def listChildrenNames(self, flags=0): """collect the list of child snapshot names for the given snapshot """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainSnapshotListChildrenNames(self._o, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError ('virDomainSnapshotListChildrenNames() failed') return ret # # virDomainSnapshot functions from module libvirt-domain-snapshot # def numChildren(self, flags=0): """Provides the number of child snapshots for this domain snapshot. By default, this command covers only direct children; it is also possible to expand things to cover all descendants, when @flags includes VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_LIST_DESCENDANTS. Also, some filters are provided in groups, where each group contains bits that describe mutually exclusive attributes of a snapshot, and where all bits within a group describe all possible snapshots. Some hypervisors might reject explicit bits from a group where the hypervisor cannot make a distinction. For a group supported by a given hypervisor, the behavior when no bits of a group are set is identical to the behavior when all bits in that group are set. When setting bits from more than one group, it is possible to select an impossible combination, in that case a hypervisor may return either 0 or an error. The first group of @flags is VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_LIST_LEAVES and VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_LIST_NO_LEAVES, to filter based on snapshots that have no further children (a leaf snapshot). The next group of @flags is VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_LIST_METADATA and VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_LIST_NO_METADATA, for filtering snapshots based on whether they have metadata that would prevent the removal of the last reference to a domain. The next group of @flags is VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_LIST_INACTIVE, VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_LIST_ACTIVE, and VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_LIST_DISK_ONLY, for filtering snapshots based on what domain state is tracked by the snapshot. The next group of @flags is VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_LIST_INTERNAL and VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_LIST_EXTERNAL, for filtering snapshots based on whether the snapshot is stored inside the disk images or as additional files. """ ret = libvirtmod.virDomainSnapshotNumChildren(self._o, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainSnapshotNumChildren() failed') return ret # # virDomainSnapshot methods from virDomainSnapshot.py (hand coded) # def getConnect(self): """Get the connection that owns the domain that a snapshot was created for""" return self.connect() def getDomain(self): """Get the domain that a snapshot was created for""" return self.domain() def listAllChildren(self, flags=0): """List all child snapshots and returns a list of snapshot objects""" ret = libvirtmod.virDomainSnapshotListAllChildren(self._o, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirtError("virDomainSnapshotListAllChildren() failed", conn=self) retlist = list() for snapptr in ret: retlist.append(virDomainSnapshot(self, _obj=snapptr)) return retlist # virBlkioParameterType VIR_DOMAIN_BLKIO_PARAM_INT = 1 VIR_DOMAIN_BLKIO_PARAM_UINT = 2 VIR_DOMAIN_BLKIO_PARAM_LLONG = 3 VIR_DOMAIN_BLKIO_PARAM_ULLONG = 4 VIR_DOMAIN_BLKIO_PARAM_DOUBLE = 5 VIR_DOMAIN_BLKIO_PARAM_BOOLEAN = 6 # virCPUCompareResult VIR_CPU_COMPARE_ERROR = -1 VIR_CPU_COMPARE_INCOMPATIBLE = 0 VIR_CPU_COMPARE_IDENTICAL = 1 VIR_CPU_COMPARE_SUPERSET = 2 # virConnectBaselineCPUFlags VIR_CONNECT_BASELINE_CPU_EXPAND_FEATURES = 1 VIR_CONNECT_BASELINE_CPU_MIGRATABLE = 2 # virConnectCloseReason VIR_CONNECT_CLOSE_REASON_ERROR = 0 VIR_CONNECT_CLOSE_REASON_EOF = 1 VIR_CONNECT_CLOSE_REASON_KEEPALIVE = 2 VIR_CONNECT_CLOSE_REASON_CLIENT = 3 # virConnectCompareCPUFlags VIR_CONNECT_COMPARE_CPU_FAIL_INCOMPATIBLE = 1 # virConnectCredentialType VIR_CRED_USERNAME = 1 VIR_CRED_AUTHNAME = 2 VIR_CRED_LANGUAGE = 3 VIR_CRED_CNONCE = 4 VIR_CRED_PASSPHRASE = 5 VIR_CRED_ECHOPROMPT = 6 VIR_CRED_NOECHOPROMPT = 7 VIR_CRED_REALM = 8 VIR_CRED_EXTERNAL = 9 # virConnectDomainEventAgentLifecycleReason VIR_CONNECT_DOMAIN_EVENT_AGENT_LIFECYCLE_REASON_UNKNOWN = 0 VIR_CONNECT_DOMAIN_EVENT_AGENT_LIFECYCLE_REASON_DOMAIN_STARTED = 1 VIR_CONNECT_DOMAIN_EVENT_AGENT_LIFECYCLE_REASON_CHANNEL = 2 # virConnectDomainEventAgentLifecycleState VIR_CONNECT_DOMAIN_EVENT_AGENT_LIFECYCLE_STATE_CONNECTED = 1 VIR_CONNECT_DOMAIN_EVENT_AGENT_LIFECYCLE_STATE_DISCONNECTED = 2 # virConnectDomainEventBlockJobStatus VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_COMPLETED = 0 VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_FAILED = 1 VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_CANCELED = 2 VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_READY = 3 # virConnectDomainEventDiskChangeReason VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_DISK_CHANGE_MISSING_ON_START = 0 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_DISK_DROP_MISSING_ON_START = 1 # virConnectFlags VIR_CONNECT_RO = 1 VIR_CONNECT_NO_ALIASES = 2 # virConnectGetAllDomainStatsFlags VIR_CONNECT_GET_ALL_DOMAINS_STATS_ACTIVE = 1 VIR_CONNECT_GET_ALL_DOMAINS_STATS_INACTIVE = 2 VIR_CONNECT_GET_ALL_DOMAINS_STATS_PERSISTENT = 4 VIR_CONNECT_GET_ALL_DOMAINS_STATS_TRANSIENT = 8 VIR_CONNECT_GET_ALL_DOMAINS_STATS_RUNNING = 16 VIR_CONNECT_GET_ALL_DOMAINS_STATS_PAUSED = 32 VIR_CONNECT_GET_ALL_DOMAINS_STATS_SHUTOFF = 64 VIR_CONNECT_GET_ALL_DOMAINS_STATS_OTHER = 128 VIR_CONNECT_GET_ALL_DOMAINS_STATS_BACKING = 1073741824 VIR_CONNECT_GET_ALL_DOMAINS_STATS_ENFORCE_STATS = 2147483648 # virConnectListAllDomainsFlags VIR_CONNECT_LIST_DOMAINS_ACTIVE = 1 VIR_CONNECT_LIST_DOMAINS_INACTIVE = 2 VIR_CONNECT_LIST_DOMAINS_PERSISTENT = 4 VIR_CONNECT_LIST_DOMAINS_TRANSIENT = 8 VIR_CONNECT_LIST_DOMAINS_RUNNING = 16 VIR_CONNECT_LIST_DOMAINS_PAUSED = 32 VIR_CONNECT_LIST_DOMAINS_SHUTOFF = 64 VIR_CONNECT_LIST_DOMAINS_OTHER = 128 VIR_CONNECT_LIST_DOMAINS_MANAGEDSAVE = 256 VIR_CONNECT_LIST_DOMAINS_NO_MANAGEDSAVE = 512 VIR_CONNECT_LIST_DOMAINS_AUTOSTART = 1024 VIR_CONNECT_LIST_DOMAINS_NO_AUTOSTART = 2048 VIR_CONNECT_LIST_DOMAINS_HAS_SNAPSHOT = 4096 VIR_CONNECT_LIST_DOMAINS_NO_SNAPSHOT = 8192 # virConnectListAllInterfacesFlags VIR_CONNECT_LIST_INTERFACES_INACTIVE = 1 VIR_CONNECT_LIST_INTERFACES_ACTIVE = 2 # virConnectListAllNetworksFlags VIR_CONNECT_LIST_NETWORKS_INACTIVE = 1 VIR_CONNECT_LIST_NETWORKS_ACTIVE = 2 VIR_CONNECT_LIST_NETWORKS_PERSISTENT = 4 VIR_CONNECT_LIST_NETWORKS_TRANSIENT = 8 VIR_CONNECT_LIST_NETWORKS_AUTOSTART = 16 VIR_CONNECT_LIST_NETWORKS_NO_AUTOSTART = 32 # virConnectListAllNodeDeviceFlags VIR_CONNECT_LIST_NODE_DEVICES_CAP_SYSTEM = 1 VIR_CONNECT_LIST_NODE_DEVICES_CAP_PCI_DEV = 2 VIR_CONNECT_LIST_NODE_DEVICES_CAP_USB_DEV = 4 VIR_CONNECT_LIST_NODE_DEVICES_CAP_USB_INTERFACE = 8 VIR_CONNECT_LIST_NODE_DEVICES_CAP_NET = 16 VIR_CONNECT_LIST_NODE_DEVICES_CAP_SCSI_HOST = 32 VIR_CONNECT_LIST_NODE_DEVICES_CAP_SCSI_TARGET = 64 VIR_CONNECT_LIST_NODE_DEVICES_CAP_SCSI = 128 VIR_CONNECT_LIST_NODE_DEVICES_CAP_STORAGE = 256 VIR_CONNECT_LIST_NODE_DEVICES_CAP_FC_HOST = 512 VIR_CONNECT_LIST_NODE_DEVICES_CAP_VPORTS = 1024 VIR_CONNECT_LIST_NODE_DEVICES_CAP_SCSI_GENERIC = 2048 VIR_CONNECT_LIST_NODE_DEVICES_CAP_DRM = 4096 VIR_CONNECT_LIST_NODE_DEVICES_CAP_MDEV_TYPES = 8192 VIR_CONNECT_LIST_NODE_DEVICES_CAP_MDEV = 16384 VIR_CONNECT_LIST_NODE_DEVICES_CAP_CCW_DEV = 32768 # virConnectListAllSecretsFlags VIR_CONNECT_LIST_SECRETS_EPHEMERAL = 1 VIR_CONNECT_LIST_SECRETS_NO_EPHEMERAL = 2 VIR_CONNECT_LIST_SECRETS_PRIVATE = 4 VIR_CONNECT_LIST_SECRETS_NO_PRIVATE = 8 # virConnectListAllStoragePoolsFlags VIR_CONNECT_LIST_STORAGE_POOLS_INACTIVE = 1 VIR_CONNECT_LIST_STORAGE_POOLS_ACTIVE = 2 VIR_CONNECT_LIST_STORAGE_POOLS_PERSISTENT = 4 VIR_CONNECT_LIST_STORAGE_POOLS_TRANSIENT = 8 VIR_CONNECT_LIST_STORAGE_POOLS_AUTOSTART = 16 VIR_CONNECT_LIST_STORAGE_POOLS_NO_AUTOSTART = 32 VIR_CONNECT_LIST_STORAGE_POOLS_DIR = 64 VIR_CONNECT_LIST_STORAGE_POOLS_FS = 128 VIR_CONNECT_LIST_STORAGE_POOLS_NETFS = 256 VIR_CONNECT_LIST_STORAGE_POOLS_LOGICAL = 512 VIR_CONNECT_LIST_STORAGE_POOLS_DISK = 1024 VIR_CONNECT_LIST_STORAGE_POOLS_ISCSI = 2048 VIR_CONNECT_LIST_STORAGE_POOLS_SCSI = 4096 VIR_CONNECT_LIST_STORAGE_POOLS_MPATH = 8192 VIR_CONNECT_LIST_STORAGE_POOLS_RBD = 16384 VIR_CONNECT_LIST_STORAGE_POOLS_SHEEPDOG = 32768 VIR_CONNECT_LIST_STORAGE_POOLS_GLUSTER = 65536 VIR_CONNECT_LIST_STORAGE_POOLS_ZFS = 131072 VIR_CONNECT_LIST_STORAGE_POOLS_VSTORAGE = 262144 # virDomainBlockCommitFlags VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_COMMIT_SHALLOW = 1 VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_COMMIT_DELETE = 2 VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_COMMIT_ACTIVE = 4 VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_COMMIT_RELATIVE = 8 VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_COMMIT_BANDWIDTH_BYTES = 16 # virDomainBlockCopyFlags VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_COPY_SHALLOW = 1 VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_COPY_REUSE_EXT = 2 VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_COPY_TRANSIENT_JOB = 4 # virDomainBlockJobAbortFlags VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_ABORT_ASYNC = 1 VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_ABORT_PIVOT = 2 # virDomainBlockJobInfoFlags VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_INFO_BANDWIDTH_BYTES = 1 # virDomainBlockJobSetSpeedFlags VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_SPEED_BANDWIDTH_BYTES = 1 # virDomainBlockJobType VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0 VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_TYPE_PULL = 1 VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_TYPE_COPY = 2 VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_TYPE_COMMIT = 3 VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_TYPE_ACTIVE_COMMIT = 4 # virDomainBlockPullFlags VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_PULL_BANDWIDTH_BYTES = 64 # virDomainBlockRebaseFlags VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_REBASE_SHALLOW = 1 VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_REBASE_REUSE_EXT = 2 VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_REBASE_COPY_RAW = 4 VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_REBASE_COPY = 8 VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_REBASE_RELATIVE = 16 VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_REBASE_COPY_DEV = 32 VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_REBASE_BANDWIDTH_BYTES = 64 # virDomainBlockResizeFlags VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_RESIZE_BYTES = 1 # virDomainBlockedReason VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCKED_UNKNOWN = 0 # virDomainChannelFlags VIR_DOMAIN_CHANNEL_FORCE = 1 # virDomainConsoleFlags VIR_DOMAIN_CONSOLE_FORCE = 1 VIR_DOMAIN_CONSOLE_SAFE = 2 # virDomainControlErrorReason VIR_DOMAIN_CONTROL_ERROR_REASON_NONE = 0 VIR_DOMAIN_CONTROL_ERROR_REASON_UNKNOWN = 1 VIR_DOMAIN_CONTROL_ERROR_REASON_MONITOR = 2 VIR_DOMAIN_CONTROL_ERROR_REASON_INTERNAL = 3 # virDomainControlState VIR_DOMAIN_CONTROL_OK = 0 VIR_DOMAIN_CONTROL_JOB = 1 VIR_DOMAIN_CONTROL_OCCUPIED = 2 VIR_DOMAIN_CONTROL_ERROR = 3 # virDomainCoreDumpFlags VIR_DUMP_CRASH = 1 VIR_DUMP_LIVE = 2 VIR_DUMP_BYPASS_CACHE = 4 VIR_DUMP_RESET = 8 VIR_DUMP_MEMORY_ONLY = 16 # virDomainCoreDumpFormat VIR_DOMAIN_CORE_DUMP_FORMAT_RAW = 0 VIR_DOMAIN_CORE_DUMP_FORMAT_KDUMP_ZLIB = 1 VIR_DOMAIN_CORE_DUMP_FORMAT_KDUMP_LZO = 2 VIR_DOMAIN_CORE_DUMP_FORMAT_KDUMP_SNAPPY = 3 # virDomainCrashedReason VIR_DOMAIN_CRASHED_UNKNOWN = 0 VIR_DOMAIN_CRASHED_PANICKED = 1 # virDomainCreateFlags VIR_DOMAIN_NONE = 0 VIR_DOMAIN_START_PAUSED = 1 VIR_DOMAIN_START_AUTODESTROY = 2 VIR_DOMAIN_START_BYPASS_CACHE = 4 VIR_DOMAIN_START_FORCE_BOOT = 8 VIR_DOMAIN_START_VALIDATE = 16 # virDomainDefineFlags VIR_DOMAIN_DEFINE_VALIDATE = 1 # virDomainDestroyFlagsValues VIR_DOMAIN_DESTROY_DEFAULT = 0 VIR_DOMAIN_DESTROY_GRACEFUL = 1 # virDomainDeviceModifyFlags VIR_DOMAIN_DEVICE_MODIFY_CURRENT = 0 VIR_DOMAIN_DEVICE_MODIFY_LIVE = 1 VIR_DOMAIN_DEVICE_MODIFY_CONFIG = 2 VIR_DOMAIN_DEVICE_MODIFY_FORCE = 4 # virDomainDiskErrorCode VIR_DOMAIN_DISK_ERROR_NONE = 0 VIR_DOMAIN_DISK_ERROR_UNSPEC = 1 VIR_DOMAIN_DISK_ERROR_NO_SPACE = 2 # virDomainEventCrashedDetailType VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_CRASHED_PANICKED = 0 # virDomainEventDefinedDetailType VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_DEFINED_ADDED = 0 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_DEFINED_UPDATED = 1 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_DEFINED_RENAMED = 2 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_DEFINED_FROM_SNAPSHOT = 3 # virDomainEventGraphicsAddressType VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_GRAPHICS_ADDRESS_IPV4 = 0 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_GRAPHICS_ADDRESS_IPV6 = 1 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_GRAPHICS_ADDRESS_UNIX = 2 # virDomainEventGraphicsPhase VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_GRAPHICS_CONNECT = 0 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_GRAPHICS_INITIALIZE = 1 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_GRAPHICS_DISCONNECT = 2 # virDomainEventID VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_LIFECYCLE = 0 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_REBOOT = 1 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_RTC_CHANGE = 2 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_WATCHDOG = 3 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_IO_ERROR = 4 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_GRAPHICS = 5 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_IO_ERROR_REASON = 6 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_CONTROL_ERROR = 7 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_BLOCK_JOB = 8 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_DISK_CHANGE = 9 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_TRAY_CHANGE = 10 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_PMWAKEUP = 11 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_PMSUSPEND = 12 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_BALLOON_CHANGE = 13 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_PMSUSPEND_DISK = 14 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_DEVICE_REMOVED = 15 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_BLOCK_JOB_2 = 16 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_TUNABLE = 17 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_AGENT_LIFECYCLE = 18 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_DEVICE_ADDED = 19 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_MIGRATION_ITERATION = 20 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_JOB_COMPLETED = 21 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_DEVICE_REMOVAL_FAILED = 22 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_METADATA_CHANGE = 23 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_BLOCK_THRESHOLD = 24 # virDomainEventIOErrorAction VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_IO_ERROR_NONE = 0 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_IO_ERROR_PAUSE = 1 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_IO_ERROR_REPORT = 2 # virDomainEventPMSuspendedDetailType VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_PMSUSPENDED_MEMORY = 0 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_PMSUSPENDED_DISK = 1 # virDomainEventResumedDetailType VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_RESUMED_UNPAUSED = 0 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_RESUMED_MIGRATED = 1 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_RESUMED_FROM_SNAPSHOT = 2 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_RESUMED_POSTCOPY = 3 # virDomainEventShutdownDetailType VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_SHUTDOWN_FINISHED = 0 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_SHUTDOWN_GUEST = 1 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_SHUTDOWN_HOST = 2 # virDomainEventStartedDetailType VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STARTED_BOOTED = 0 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STARTED_MIGRATED = 1 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STARTED_RESTORED = 2 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STARTED_FROM_SNAPSHOT = 3 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STARTED_WAKEUP = 4 # virDomainEventStoppedDetailType VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STOPPED_SHUTDOWN = 0 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STOPPED_DESTROYED = 1 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STOPPED_CRASHED = 2 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STOPPED_MIGRATED = 3 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STOPPED_SAVED = 4 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STOPPED_FAILED = 5 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STOPPED_FROM_SNAPSHOT = 6 # virDomainEventSuspendedDetailType VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_SUSPENDED_PAUSED = 0 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_SUSPENDED_MIGRATED = 1 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_SUSPENDED_IOERROR = 2 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_SUSPENDED_WATCHDOG = 3 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_SUSPENDED_RESTORED = 4 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_SUSPENDED_FROM_SNAPSHOT = 5 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_SUSPENDED_API_ERROR = 6 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_SUSPENDED_POSTCOPY = 7 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_SUSPENDED_POSTCOPY_FAILED = 8 # virDomainEventTrayChangeReason VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_TRAY_CHANGE_OPEN = 0 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_TRAY_CHANGE_CLOSE = 1 # virDomainEventType VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_DEFINED = 0 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_UNDEFINED = 1 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STARTED = 2 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_SUSPENDED = 3 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_RESUMED = 4 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STOPPED = 5 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_SHUTDOWN = 6 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_PMSUSPENDED = 7 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_CRASHED = 8 # virDomainEventUndefinedDetailType VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_UNDEFINED_REMOVED = 0 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_UNDEFINED_RENAMED = 1 # virDomainEventWatchdogAction VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_WATCHDOG_NONE = 0 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_WATCHDOG_PAUSE = 1 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_WATCHDOG_RESET = 2 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_WATCHDOG_POWEROFF = 3 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_WATCHDOG_SHUTDOWN = 4 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_WATCHDOG_DEBUG = 5 VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_WATCHDOG_INJECTNMI = 6 # virDomainGetJobStatsFlags VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_STATS_COMPLETED = 1 # virDomainInterfaceAddressesSource VIR_DOMAIN_INTERFACE_ADDRESSES_SRC_LEASE = 0 VIR_DOMAIN_INTERFACE_ADDRESSES_SRC_AGENT = 1 # virDomainJobOperation VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_OPERATION_UNKNOWN = 0 VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_OPERATION_START = 1 VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_OPERATION_SAVE = 2 VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_OPERATION_RESTORE = 3 VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_OPERATION_MIGRATION_IN = 4 VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_OPERATION_MIGRATION_OUT = 5 VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_OPERATION_SNAPSHOT = 6 VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_OPERATION_SNAPSHOT_REVERT = 7 VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_OPERATION_DUMP = 8 # virDomainJobType VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_NONE = 0 VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_BOUNDED = 1 VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_UNBOUNDED = 2 VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_COMPLETED = 3 VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_FAILED = 4 VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_CANCELLED = 5 # virDomainLifecycle VIR_DOMAIN_LIFECYCLE_POWEROFF = 0 VIR_DOMAIN_LIFECYCLE_REBOOT = 1 VIR_DOMAIN_LIFECYCLE_CRASH = 2 # virDomainLifecycleAction VIR_DOMAIN_LIFECYCLE_ACTION_DESTROY = 0 VIR_DOMAIN_LIFECYCLE_ACTION_RESTART = 1 VIR_DOMAIN_LIFECYCLE_ACTION_RESTART_RENAME = 2 VIR_DOMAIN_LIFECYCLE_ACTION_PRESERVE = 3 VIR_DOMAIN_LIFECYCLE_ACTION_COREDUMP_DESTROY = 4 VIR_DOMAIN_LIFECYCLE_ACTION_COREDUMP_RESTART = 5 # virDomainMemoryFlags VIR_MEMORY_VIRTUAL = 1 VIR_MEMORY_PHYSICAL = 2 # virDomainMemoryModFlags VIR_DOMAIN_MEM_CURRENT = 0 VIR_DOMAIN_MEM_LIVE = 1 VIR_DOMAIN_MEM_CONFIG = 2 VIR_DOMAIN_MEM_MAXIMUM = 4 # virDomainMemoryStatTags VIR_DOMAIN_MEMORY_STAT_SWAP_IN = 0 VIR_DOMAIN_MEMORY_STAT_SWAP_OUT = 1 VIR_DOMAIN_MEMORY_STAT_MAJOR_FAULT = 2 VIR_DOMAIN_MEMORY_STAT_MINOR_FAULT = 3 VIR_DOMAIN_MEMORY_STAT_UNUSED = 4 VIR_DOMAIN_MEMORY_STAT_AVAILABLE = 5 VIR_DOMAIN_MEMORY_STAT_ACTUAL_BALLOON = 6 VIR_DOMAIN_MEMORY_STAT_RSS = 7 VIR_DOMAIN_MEMORY_STAT_USABLE = 8 VIR_DOMAIN_MEMORY_STAT_LAST_UPDATE = 9 VIR_DOMAIN_MEMORY_STAT_LAST = 10 VIR_DOMAIN_MEMORY_STAT_NR = 10 # virDomainMetadataType VIR_DOMAIN_METADATA_DESCRIPTION = 0 VIR_DOMAIN_METADATA_TITLE = 1 VIR_DOMAIN_METADATA_ELEMENT = 2 # virDomainMigrateFlags VIR_MIGRATE_LIVE = 1 VIR_MIGRATE_PEER2PEER = 2 VIR_MIGRATE_TUNNELLED = 4 VIR_MIGRATE_PERSIST_DEST = 8 VIR_MIGRATE_UNDEFINE_SOURCE = 16 VIR_MIGRATE_PAUSED = 32 VIR_MIGRATE_NON_SHARED_DISK = 64 VIR_MIGRATE_NON_SHARED_INC = 128 VIR_MIGRATE_CHANGE_PROTECTION = 256 VIR_MIGRATE_UNSAFE = 512 VIR_MIGRATE_OFFLINE = 1024 VIR_MIGRATE_COMPRESSED = 2048 VIR_MIGRATE_ABORT_ON_ERROR = 4096 VIR_MIGRATE_AUTO_CONVERGE = 8192 VIR_MIGRATE_RDMA_PIN_ALL = 16384 VIR_MIGRATE_POSTCOPY = 32768 VIR_MIGRATE_TLS = 65536 # virDomainModificationImpact VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CURRENT = 0 VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_LIVE = 1 VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG = 2 # virDomainNostateReason VIR_DOMAIN_NOSTATE_UNKNOWN = 0 # virDomainNumatuneMemMode VIR_DOMAIN_NUMATUNE_MEM_STRICT = 0 VIR_DOMAIN_NUMATUNE_MEM_PREFERRED = 1 VIR_DOMAIN_NUMATUNE_MEM_INTERLEAVE = 2 # virDomainOpenGraphicsFlags VIR_DOMAIN_OPEN_GRAPHICS_SKIPAUTH = 1 # virDomainPMSuspendedDiskReason VIR_DOMAIN_PMSUSPENDED_DISK_UNKNOWN = 0 # virDomainPMSuspendedReason VIR_DOMAIN_PMSUSPENDED_UNKNOWN = 0 # virDomainPausedReason VIR_DOMAIN_PAUSED_UNKNOWN = 0 VIR_DOMAIN_PAUSED_USER = 1 VIR_DOMAIN_PAUSED_MIGRATION = 2 VIR_DOMAIN_PAUSED_SAVE = 3 VIR_DOMAIN_PAUSED_DUMP = 4 VIR_DOMAIN_PAUSED_IOERROR = 5 VIR_DOMAIN_PAUSED_WATCHDOG = 6 VIR_DOMAIN_PAUSED_FROM_SNAPSHOT = 7 VIR_DOMAIN_PAUSED_SHUTTING_DOWN = 8 VIR_DOMAIN_PAUSED_SNAPSHOT = 9 VIR_DOMAIN_PAUSED_CRASHED = 10 VIR_DOMAIN_PAUSED_STARTING_UP = 11 VIR_DOMAIN_PAUSED_POSTCOPY = 12 VIR_DOMAIN_PAUSED_POSTCOPY_FAILED = 13 # virDomainProcessSignal VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_NOP = 0 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_HUP = 1 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_INT = 2 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_QUIT = 3 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_ILL = 4 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_TRAP = 5 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_ABRT = 6 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_BUS = 7 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_FPE = 8 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_KILL = 9 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_USR1 = 10 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_SEGV = 11 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_USR2 = 12 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_PIPE = 13 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_ALRM = 14 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_TERM = 15 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_STKFLT = 16 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_CHLD = 17 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_CONT = 18 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_STOP = 19 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_TSTP = 20 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_TTIN = 21 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_TTOU = 22 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_URG = 23 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_XCPU = 24 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_XFSZ = 25 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_VTALRM = 26 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_PROF = 27 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_WINCH = 28 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_POLL = 29 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_PWR = 30 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_SYS = 31 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_RT0 = 32 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_RT1 = 33 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_RT2 = 34 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_RT3 = 35 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_RT4 = 36 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_RT5 = 37 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_RT6 = 38 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_RT7 = 39 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_RT8 = 40 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_RT9 = 41 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_RT10 = 42 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_RT11 = 43 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_RT12 = 44 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_RT13 = 45 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_RT14 = 46 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_RT15 = 47 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_RT16 = 48 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_RT17 = 49 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_RT18 = 50 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_RT19 = 51 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_RT20 = 52 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_RT21 = 53 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_RT22 = 54 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_RT23 = 55 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_RT24 = 56 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_RT25 = 57 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_RT26 = 58 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_RT27 = 59 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_RT28 = 60 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_RT29 = 61 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_RT30 = 62 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_RT31 = 63 VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_RT32 = 64 # virDomainRebootFlagValues VIR_DOMAIN_REBOOT_DEFAULT = 0 VIR_DOMAIN_REBOOT_ACPI_POWER_BTN = 1 VIR_DOMAIN_REBOOT_GUEST_AGENT = 2 VIR_DOMAIN_REBOOT_INITCTL = 4 VIR_DOMAIN_REBOOT_SIGNAL = 8 VIR_DOMAIN_REBOOT_PARAVIRT = 16 # virDomainRunningReason VIR_DOMAIN_RUNNING_UNKNOWN = 0 VIR_DOMAIN_RUNNING_BOOTED = 1 VIR_DOMAIN_RUNNING_MIGRATED = 2 VIR_DOMAIN_RUNNING_RESTORED = 3 VIR_DOMAIN_RUNNING_FROM_SNAPSHOT = 4 VIR_DOMAIN_RUNNING_UNPAUSED = 5 VIR_DOMAIN_RUNNING_MIGRATION_CANCELED = 6 VIR_DOMAIN_RUNNING_SAVE_CANCELED = 7 VIR_DOMAIN_RUNNING_WAKEUP = 8 VIR_DOMAIN_RUNNING_CRASHED = 9 VIR_DOMAIN_RUNNING_POSTCOPY = 10 # virDomainSaveRestoreFlags VIR_DOMAIN_SAVE_BYPASS_CACHE = 1 VIR_DOMAIN_SAVE_RUNNING = 2 VIR_DOMAIN_SAVE_PAUSED = 4 # virDomainSetTimeFlags VIR_DOMAIN_TIME_SYNC = 1 # virDomainSetUserPasswordFlags VIR_DOMAIN_PASSWORD_ENCRYPTED = 1 # virDomainShutdownFlagValues VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTDOWN_DEFAULT = 0 VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTDOWN_ACPI_POWER_BTN = 1 VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTDOWN_GUEST_AGENT = 2 VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTDOWN_INITCTL = 4 VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTDOWN_SIGNAL = 8 VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTDOWN_PARAVIRT = 16 # virDomainShutdownReason VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTDOWN_UNKNOWN = 0 VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTDOWN_USER = 1 # virDomainShutoffReason VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTOFF_UNKNOWN = 0 VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTOFF_SHUTDOWN = 1 VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTOFF_DESTROYED = 2 VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTOFF_CRASHED = 3 VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTOFF_MIGRATED = 4 VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTOFF_SAVED = 5 VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTOFF_FAILED = 6 VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTOFF_FROM_SNAPSHOT = 7 # virDomainSnapshotCreateFlags VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_CREATE_REDEFINE = 1 VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_CREATE_CURRENT = 2 VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_CREATE_NO_METADATA = 4 VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_CREATE_HALT = 8 VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_CREATE_DISK_ONLY = 16 VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_CREATE_REUSE_EXT = 32 VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_CREATE_QUIESCE = 64 VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_CREATE_ATOMIC = 128 VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_CREATE_LIVE = 256 # virDomainSnapshotDeleteFlags VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_DELETE_CHILDREN = 1 VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_DELETE_METADATA_ONLY = 2 VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_DELETE_CHILDREN_ONLY = 4 # virDomainSnapshotListFlags VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_LIST_DESCENDANTS = 1 VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_LIST_ROOTS = 1 VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_LIST_METADATA = 2 VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_LIST_LEAVES = 4 VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_LIST_NO_LEAVES = 8 VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_LIST_NO_METADATA = 16 VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_LIST_INACTIVE = 32 VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_LIST_ACTIVE = 64 VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_LIST_DISK_ONLY = 128 VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_LIST_INTERNAL = 256 VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_LIST_EXTERNAL = 512 # virDomainSnapshotRevertFlags VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_REVERT_RUNNING = 1 VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_REVERT_PAUSED = 2 VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_REVERT_FORCE = 4 # virDomainState VIR_DOMAIN_NOSTATE = 0 VIR_DOMAIN_RUNNING = 1 VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCKED = 2 VIR_DOMAIN_PAUSED = 3 VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTDOWN = 4 VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTOFF = 5 VIR_DOMAIN_CRASHED = 6 VIR_DOMAIN_PMSUSPENDED = 7 # virDomainStatsTypes VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_STATE = 1 VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_CPU_TOTAL = 2 VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_BALLOON = 4 VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_VCPU = 8 VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_INTERFACE = 16 VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_BLOCK = 32 VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_PERF = 64 # virDomainUndefineFlagsValues VIR_DOMAIN_UNDEFINE_MANAGED_SAVE = 1 VIR_DOMAIN_UNDEFINE_SNAPSHOTS_METADATA = 2 VIR_DOMAIN_UNDEFINE_NVRAM = 4 VIR_DOMAIN_UNDEFINE_KEEP_NVRAM = 8 # virDomainVcpuFlags VIR_DOMAIN_VCPU_CURRENT = 0 VIR_DOMAIN_VCPU_LIVE = 1 VIR_DOMAIN_VCPU_CONFIG = 2 VIR_DOMAIN_VCPU_MAXIMUM = 4 VIR_DOMAIN_VCPU_GUEST = 8 VIR_DOMAIN_VCPU_HOTPLUGGABLE = 16 # virDomainXMLFlags VIR_DOMAIN_XML_SECURE = 1 VIR_DOMAIN_XML_INACTIVE = 2 VIR_DOMAIN_XML_UPDATE_CPU = 4 VIR_DOMAIN_XML_MIGRATABLE = 8 # virErrorDomain VIR_FROM_NONE = 0 VIR_FROM_XEN = 1 VIR_FROM_XEND = 2 VIR_FROM_XENSTORE = 3 VIR_FROM_SEXPR = 4 VIR_FROM_XML = 5 VIR_FROM_DOM = 6 VIR_FROM_RPC = 7 VIR_FROM_PROXY = 8 VIR_FROM_CONF = 9 VIR_FROM_QEMU = 10 VIR_FROM_NET = 11 VIR_FROM_TEST = 12 VIR_FROM_REMOTE = 13 VIR_FROM_OPENVZ = 14 VIR_FROM_XENXM = 15 VIR_FROM_STATS_LINUX = 16 VIR_FROM_LXC = 17 VIR_FROM_STORAGE = 18 VIR_FROM_NETWORK = 19 VIR_FROM_DOMAIN = 20 VIR_FROM_UML = 21 VIR_FROM_NODEDEV = 22 VIR_FROM_XEN_INOTIFY = 23 VIR_FROM_SECURITY = 24 VIR_FROM_VBOX = 25 VIR_FROM_INTERFACE = 26 VIR_FROM_ONE = 27 VIR_FROM_ESX = 28 VIR_FROM_PHYP = 29 VIR_FROM_SECRET = 30 VIR_FROM_CPU = 31 VIR_FROM_XENAPI = 32 VIR_FROM_NWFILTER = 33 VIR_FROM_HOOK = 34 VIR_FROM_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT = 35 VIR_FROM_AUDIT = 36 VIR_FROM_SYSINFO = 37 VIR_FROM_STREAMS = 38 VIR_FROM_VMWARE = 39 VIR_FROM_EVENT = 40 VIR_FROM_LIBXL = 41 VIR_FROM_LOCKING = 42 VIR_FROM_HYPERV = 43 VIR_FROM_CAPABILITIES = 44 VIR_FROM_URI = 45 VIR_FROM_AUTH = 46 VIR_FROM_DBUS = 47 VIR_FROM_PARALLELS = 48 VIR_FROM_DEVICE = 49 VIR_FROM_SSH = 50 VIR_FROM_LOCKSPACE = 51 VIR_FROM_INITCTL = 52 VIR_FROM_IDENTITY = 53 VIR_FROM_CGROUP = 54 VIR_FROM_ACCESS = 55 VIR_FROM_SYSTEMD = 56 VIR_FROM_BHYVE = 57 VIR_FROM_CRYPTO = 58 VIR_FROM_FIREWALL = 59 VIR_FROM_POLKIT = 60 VIR_FROM_THREAD = 61 VIR_FROM_ADMIN = 62 VIR_FROM_LOGGING = 63 VIR_FROM_XENXL = 64 VIR_FROM_PERF = 65 VIR_FROM_LIBSSH = 66 VIR_FROM_RESCTRL = 67 # virErrorLevel VIR_ERR_NONE = 0 VIR_ERR_WARNING = 1 VIR_ERR_ERROR = 2 # virErrorNumber VIR_ERR_OK = 0 VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR = 1 VIR_ERR_NO_MEMORY = 2 VIR_ERR_NO_SUPPORT = 3 VIR_ERR_UNKNOWN_HOST = 4 VIR_ERR_NO_CONNECT = 5 VIR_ERR_INVALID_CONN = 6 VIR_ERR_INVALID_DOMAIN = 7 VIR_ERR_INVALID_ARG = 8 VIR_ERR_OPERATION_FAILED = 9 VIR_ERR_GET_FAILED = 10 VIR_ERR_POST_FAILED = 11 VIR_ERR_HTTP_ERROR = 12 VIR_ERR_SEXPR_SERIAL = 13 VIR_ERR_NO_XEN = 14 VIR_ERR_XEN_CALL = 15 VIR_ERR_OS_TYPE = 16 VIR_ERR_NO_KERNEL = 17 VIR_ERR_NO_ROOT = 18 VIR_ERR_NO_SOURCE = 19 VIR_ERR_NO_TARGET = 20 VIR_ERR_NO_NAME = 21 VIR_ERR_NO_OS = 22 VIR_ERR_NO_DEVICE = 23 VIR_ERR_NO_XENSTORE = 24 VIR_ERR_DRIVER_FULL = 25 VIR_ERR_CALL_FAILED = 26 VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR = 27 VIR_ERR_DOM_EXIST = 28 VIR_ERR_OPERATION_DENIED = 29 VIR_ERR_OPEN_FAILED = 30 VIR_ERR_READ_FAILED = 31 VIR_ERR_PARSE_FAILED = 32 VIR_ERR_CONF_SYNTAX = 33 VIR_ERR_WRITE_FAILED = 34 VIR_ERR_XML_DETAIL = 35 VIR_ERR_INVALID_NETWORK = 36 VIR_ERR_NETWORK_EXIST = 37 VIR_ERR_SYSTEM_ERROR = 38 VIR_ERR_RPC = 39 VIR_ERR_GNUTLS_ERROR = 40 VIR_WAR_NO_NETWORK = 41 VIR_ERR_NO_DOMAIN = 42 VIR_ERR_NO_NETWORK = 43 VIR_ERR_INVALID_MAC = 44 VIR_ERR_AUTH_FAILED = 45 VIR_ERR_INVALID_STORAGE_POOL = 46 VIR_ERR_INVALID_STORAGE_VOL = 47 VIR_WAR_NO_STORAGE = 48 VIR_ERR_NO_STORAGE_POOL = 49 VIR_ERR_NO_STORAGE_VOL = 50 VIR_WAR_NO_NODE = 51 VIR_ERR_INVALID_NODE_DEVICE = 52 VIR_ERR_NO_NODE_DEVICE = 53 VIR_ERR_NO_SECURITY_MODEL = 54 VIR_ERR_OPERATION_INVALID = 55 VIR_WAR_NO_INTERFACE = 56 VIR_ERR_NO_INTERFACE = 57 VIR_ERR_INVALID_INTERFACE = 58 VIR_ERR_MULTIPLE_INTERFACES = 59 VIR_WAR_NO_NWFILTER = 60 VIR_ERR_INVALID_NWFILTER = 61 VIR_ERR_NO_NWFILTER = 62 VIR_ERR_BUILD_FIREWALL = 63 VIR_WAR_NO_SECRET = 64 VIR_ERR_INVALID_SECRET = 65 VIR_ERR_NO_SECRET = 66 VIR_ERR_CONFIG_UNSUPPORTED = 67 VIR_ERR_OPERATION_TIMEOUT = 68 VIR_ERR_MIGRATE_PERSIST_FAILED = 69 VIR_ERR_HOOK_SCRIPT_FAILED = 70 VIR_ERR_INVALID_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT = 71 VIR_ERR_NO_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT = 72 VIR_ERR_INVALID_STREAM = 73 VIR_ERR_ARGUMENT_UNSUPPORTED = 74 VIR_ERR_STORAGE_PROBE_FAILED = 75 VIR_ERR_STORAGE_POOL_BUILT = 76 VIR_ERR_SNAPSHOT_REVERT_RISKY = 77 VIR_ERR_OPERATION_ABORTED = 78 VIR_ERR_AUTH_CANCELLED = 79 VIR_ERR_NO_DOMAIN_METADATA = 80 VIR_ERR_MIGRATE_UNSAFE = 81 VIR_ERR_OVERFLOW = 82 VIR_ERR_BLOCK_COPY_ACTIVE = 83 VIR_ERR_OPERATION_UNSUPPORTED = 84 VIR_ERR_SSH = 85 VIR_ERR_AGENT_UNRESPONSIVE = 86 VIR_ERR_RESOURCE_BUSY = 87 VIR_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED = 88 VIR_ERR_DBUS_SERVICE = 89 VIR_ERR_STORAGE_VOL_EXIST = 90 VIR_ERR_CPU_INCOMPATIBLE = 91 VIR_ERR_XML_INVALID_SCHEMA = 92 VIR_ERR_MIGRATE_FINISH_OK = 93 VIR_ERR_AUTH_UNAVAILABLE = 94 VIR_ERR_NO_SERVER = 95 VIR_ERR_NO_CLIENT = 96 VIR_ERR_AGENT_UNSYNCED = 97 VIR_ERR_LIBSSH = 98 # virEventHandleType VIR_EVENT_HANDLE_READABLE = 1 VIR_EVENT_HANDLE_WRITABLE = 2 VIR_EVENT_HANDLE_ERROR = 4 VIR_EVENT_HANDLE_HANGUP = 8 # virIPAddrType VIR_IP_ADDR_TYPE_IPV4 = 0 VIR_IP_ADDR_TYPE_IPV6 = 1 # virInterfaceXMLFlags VIR_INTERFACE_XML_INACTIVE = 1 # virKeycodeSet VIR_KEYCODE_SET_LINUX = 0 VIR_KEYCODE_SET_XT = 1 VIR_KEYCODE_SET_ATSET1 = 2 VIR_KEYCODE_SET_ATSET2 = 3 VIR_KEYCODE_SET_ATSET3 = 4 VIR_KEYCODE_SET_OSX = 5 VIR_KEYCODE_SET_XT_KBD = 6 VIR_KEYCODE_SET_USB = 7 VIR_KEYCODE_SET_WIN32 = 8 VIR_KEYCODE_SET_RFB = 9 # virMemoryParameterType VIR_DOMAIN_MEMORY_PARAM_INT = 1 VIR_DOMAIN_MEMORY_PARAM_UINT = 2 VIR_DOMAIN_MEMORY_PARAM_LLONG = 3 VIR_DOMAIN_MEMORY_PARAM_ULLONG = 4 VIR_DOMAIN_MEMORY_PARAM_DOUBLE = 5 VIR_DOMAIN_MEMORY_PARAM_BOOLEAN = 6 # virNetworkEventID VIR_NETWORK_EVENT_ID_LIFECYCLE = 0 # virNetworkEventLifecycleType VIR_NETWORK_EVENT_DEFINED = 0 VIR_NETWORK_EVENT_UNDEFINED = 1 VIR_NETWORK_EVENT_STARTED = 2 VIR_NETWORK_EVENT_STOPPED = 3 # virNetworkUpdateCommand VIR_NETWORK_UPDATE_COMMAND_NONE = 0 VIR_NETWORK_UPDATE_COMMAND_MODIFY = 1 VIR_NETWORK_UPDATE_COMMAND_DELETE = 2 VIR_NETWORK_UPDATE_COMMAND_ADD_LAST = 3 VIR_NETWORK_UPDATE_COMMAND_ADD_FIRST = 4 # virNetworkUpdateFlags VIR_NETWORK_UPDATE_AFFECT_CURRENT = 0 VIR_NETWORK_UPDATE_AFFECT_LIVE = 1 VIR_NETWORK_UPDATE_AFFECT_CONFIG = 2 # virNetworkUpdateSection VIR_NETWORK_SECTION_NONE = 0 VIR_NETWORK_SECTION_BRIDGE = 1 VIR_NETWORK_SECTION_DOMAIN = 2 VIR_NETWORK_SECTION_IP = 3 VIR_NETWORK_SECTION_IP_DHCP_HOST = 4 VIR_NETWORK_SECTION_IP_DHCP_RANGE = 5 VIR_NETWORK_SECTION_FORWARD = 6 VIR_NETWORK_SECTION_FORWARD_INTERFACE = 7 VIR_NETWORK_SECTION_FORWARD_PF = 8 VIR_NETWORK_SECTION_PORTGROUP = 9 VIR_NETWORK_SECTION_DNS_HOST = 10 VIR_NETWORK_SECTION_DNS_TXT = 11 VIR_NETWORK_SECTION_DNS_SRV = 12 # virNetworkXMLFlags VIR_NETWORK_XML_INACTIVE = 1 # virNodeAllocPagesFlags VIR_NODE_ALLOC_PAGES_ADD = 0 VIR_NODE_ALLOC_PAGES_SET = 1 # virNodeDeviceEventID VIR_NODE_DEVICE_EVENT_ID_LIFECYCLE = 0 VIR_NODE_DEVICE_EVENT_ID_UPDATE = 1 # virNodeDeviceEventLifecycleType VIR_NODE_DEVICE_EVENT_CREATED = 0 VIR_NODE_DEVICE_EVENT_DELETED = 1 # virNodeGetCPUStatsAllCPUs VIR_NODE_CPU_STATS_ALL_CPUS = -1 # virNodeGetMemoryStatsAllCells VIR_NODE_MEMORY_STATS_ALL_CELLS = -1 # virNodeSuspendTarget VIR_NODE_SUSPEND_TARGET_MEM = 0 VIR_NODE_SUSPEND_TARGET_DISK = 1 VIR_NODE_SUSPEND_TARGET_HYBRID = 2 # virSchedParameterType VIR_DOMAIN_SCHED_FIELD_INT = 1 VIR_DOMAIN_SCHED_FIELD_UINT = 2 VIR_DOMAIN_SCHED_FIELD_LLONG = 3 VIR_DOMAIN_SCHED_FIELD_ULLONG = 4 VIR_DOMAIN_SCHED_FIELD_DOUBLE = 5 VIR_DOMAIN_SCHED_FIELD_BOOLEAN = 6 # virSecretEventID VIR_SECRET_EVENT_ID_LIFECYCLE = 0 VIR_SECRET_EVENT_ID_VALUE_CHANGED = 1 # virSecretEventLifecycleType VIR_SECRET_EVENT_DEFINED = 0 VIR_SECRET_EVENT_UNDEFINED = 1 # virSecretUsageType VIR_SECRET_USAGE_TYPE_NONE = 0 VIR_SECRET_USAGE_TYPE_VOLUME = 1 VIR_SECRET_USAGE_TYPE_CEPH = 2 VIR_SECRET_USAGE_TYPE_ISCSI = 3 VIR_SECRET_USAGE_TYPE_TLS = 4 # virStoragePoolBuildFlags VIR_STORAGE_POOL_BUILD_NEW = 0 VIR_STORAGE_POOL_BUILD_REPAIR = 1 VIR_STORAGE_POOL_BUILD_RESIZE = 2 VIR_STORAGE_POOL_BUILD_NO_OVERWRITE = 4 VIR_STORAGE_POOL_BUILD_OVERWRITE = 8 # virStoragePoolCreateFlags VIR_STORAGE_POOL_CREATE_NORMAL = 0 VIR_STORAGE_POOL_CREATE_WITH_BUILD = 1 VIR_STORAGE_POOL_CREATE_WITH_BUILD_OVERWRITE = 2 VIR_STORAGE_POOL_CREATE_WITH_BUILD_NO_OVERWRITE = 4 # virStoragePoolDeleteFlags VIR_STORAGE_POOL_DELETE_NORMAL = 0 VIR_STORAGE_POOL_DELETE_ZEROED = 1 # virStoragePoolEventID VIR_STORAGE_POOL_EVENT_ID_LIFECYCLE = 0 VIR_STORAGE_POOL_EVENT_ID_REFRESH = 1 # virStoragePoolEventLifecycleType VIR_STORAGE_POOL_EVENT_DEFINED = 0 VIR_STORAGE_POOL_EVENT_UNDEFINED = 1 VIR_STORAGE_POOL_EVENT_STARTED = 2 VIR_STORAGE_POOL_EVENT_STOPPED = 3 VIR_STORAGE_POOL_EVENT_CREATED = 4 VIR_STORAGE_POOL_EVENT_DELETED = 5 # virStoragePoolState VIR_STORAGE_POOL_INACTIVE = 0 VIR_STORAGE_POOL_BUILDING = 1 VIR_STORAGE_POOL_RUNNING = 2 VIR_STORAGE_POOL_DEGRADED = 3 VIR_STORAGE_POOL_INACCESSIBLE = 4 # virStorageVolCreateFlags VIR_STORAGE_VOL_CREATE_PREALLOC_METADATA = 1 VIR_STORAGE_VOL_CREATE_REFLINK = 2 # virStorageVolDeleteFlags VIR_STORAGE_VOL_DELETE_NORMAL = 0 VIR_STORAGE_VOL_DELETE_ZEROED = 1 VIR_STORAGE_VOL_DELETE_WITH_SNAPSHOTS = 2 # virStorageVolDownloadFlags VIR_STORAGE_VOL_DOWNLOAD_SPARSE_STREAM = 1 # virStorageVolInfoFlags VIR_STORAGE_VOL_USE_ALLOCATION = 0 VIR_STORAGE_VOL_GET_PHYSICAL = 1 # virStorageVolResizeFlags VIR_STORAGE_VOL_RESIZE_ALLOCATE = 1 VIR_STORAGE_VOL_RESIZE_DELTA = 2 VIR_STORAGE_VOL_RESIZE_SHRINK = 4 # virStorageVolType VIR_STORAGE_VOL_FILE = 0 VIR_STORAGE_VOL_BLOCK = 1 VIR_STORAGE_VOL_DIR = 2 VIR_STORAGE_VOL_NETWORK = 3 VIR_STORAGE_VOL_NETDIR = 4 VIR_STORAGE_VOL_PLOOP = 5 # virStorageVolUploadFlags VIR_STORAGE_VOL_UPLOAD_SPARSE_STREAM = 1 # virStorageVolWipeAlgorithm VIR_STORAGE_VOL_WIPE_ALG_ZERO = 0 VIR_STORAGE_VOL_WIPE_ALG_NNSA = 1 VIR_STORAGE_VOL_WIPE_ALG_DOD = 2 VIR_STORAGE_VOL_WIPE_ALG_BSI = 3 VIR_STORAGE_VOL_WIPE_ALG_GUTMANN = 4 VIR_STORAGE_VOL_WIPE_ALG_SCHNEIER = 5 VIR_STORAGE_VOL_WIPE_ALG_PFITZNER7 = 6 VIR_STORAGE_VOL_WIPE_ALG_PFITZNER33 = 7 VIR_STORAGE_VOL_WIPE_ALG_RANDOM = 8 VIR_STORAGE_VOL_WIPE_ALG_TRIM = 9 # virStorageXMLFlags VIR_STORAGE_XML_INACTIVE = 1 # virStreamEventType VIR_STREAM_EVENT_READABLE = 1 VIR_STREAM_EVENT_WRITABLE = 2 VIR_STREAM_EVENT_ERROR = 4 VIR_STREAM_EVENT_HANGUP = 8 # virStreamFlags VIR_STREAM_NONBLOCK = 1 # virStreamRecvFlagsValues VIR_STREAM_RECV_STOP_AT_HOLE = 1 # virTypedParameterFlags VIR_TYPED_PARAM_STRING_OKAY = 4 # virTypedParameterType VIR_TYPED_PARAM_INT = 1 VIR_TYPED_PARAM_UINT = 2 VIR_TYPED_PARAM_LLONG = 3 VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG = 4 VIR_TYPED_PARAM_DOUBLE = 5 VIR_TYPED_PARAM_BOOLEAN = 6 VIR_TYPED_PARAM_STRING = 7 # virVcpuState VIR_VCPU_OFFLINE = 0 VIR_VCPU_RUNNING = 1 VIR_VCPU_BLOCKED = 2 # typed parameter names VIR_DOMAIN_BANDWIDTH_IN_AVERAGE = "inbound.average" VIR_DOMAIN_BANDWIDTH_IN_BURST = "inbound.burst" VIR_DOMAIN_BANDWIDTH_IN_FLOOR = "inbound.floor" VIR_DOMAIN_BANDWIDTH_IN_PEAK = "inbound.peak" VIR_DOMAIN_BANDWIDTH_OUT_AVERAGE = "outbound.average" VIR_DOMAIN_BANDWIDTH_OUT_BURST = "outbound.burst" VIR_DOMAIN_BANDWIDTH_OUT_PEAK = "outbound.peak" VIR_DOMAIN_BLKIO_DEVICE_READ_BPS = "device_read_bytes_sec" VIR_DOMAIN_BLKIO_DEVICE_READ_IOPS = "device_read_iops_sec" VIR_DOMAIN_BLKIO_DEVICE_WEIGHT = "device_weight" VIR_DOMAIN_BLKIO_DEVICE_WRITE_BPS = "device_write_bytes_sec" VIR_DOMAIN_BLKIO_DEVICE_WRITE_IOPS = "device_write_iops_sec" VIR_DOMAIN_BLKIO_WEIGHT = "weight" VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_COPY_BANDWIDTH = "bandwidth" VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_COPY_BUF_SIZE = "buf-size" VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_COPY_GRANULARITY = "granularity" VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_IOTUNE_GROUP_NAME = "group_name" VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_IOTUNE_READ_BYTES_SEC = "read_bytes_sec" VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_IOTUNE_READ_BYTES_SEC_MAX = "read_bytes_sec_max" VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_IOTUNE_READ_BYTES_SEC_MAX_LENGTH = "read_bytes_sec_max_length" VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_IOTUNE_READ_IOPS_SEC = "read_iops_sec" VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_IOTUNE_READ_IOPS_SEC_MAX = "read_iops_sec_max" VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_IOTUNE_READ_IOPS_SEC_MAX_LENGTH = "read_iops_sec_max_length" VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_IOTUNE_SIZE_IOPS_SEC = "size_iops_sec" VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_IOTUNE_TOTAL_BYTES_SEC = "total_bytes_sec" VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_IOTUNE_TOTAL_BYTES_SEC_MAX = "total_bytes_sec_max" VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_IOTUNE_TOTAL_BYTES_SEC_MAX_LENGTH = "total_bytes_sec_max_length" VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_IOTUNE_TOTAL_IOPS_SEC = "total_iops_sec" VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_IOTUNE_TOTAL_IOPS_SEC_MAX = "total_iops_sec_max" VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_IOTUNE_TOTAL_IOPS_SEC_MAX_LENGTH = "total_iops_sec_max_length" VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_IOTUNE_WRITE_BYTES_SEC = "write_bytes_sec" VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_IOTUNE_WRITE_BYTES_SEC_MAX = "write_bytes_sec_max" VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_IOTUNE_WRITE_BYTES_SEC_MAX_LENGTH = "write_bytes_sec_max_length" VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_IOTUNE_WRITE_IOPS_SEC = "write_iops_sec" VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_IOTUNE_WRITE_IOPS_SEC_MAX = "write_iops_sec_max" VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_IOTUNE_WRITE_IOPS_SEC_MAX_LENGTH = "write_iops_sec_max_length" VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_STATS_ERRS = "errs" VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_STATS_FLUSH_REQ = "flush_operations" VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_STATS_FLUSH_TOTAL_TIMES = "flush_total_times" VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_STATS_READ_BYTES = "rd_bytes" VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_STATS_READ_REQ = "rd_operations" VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_STATS_READ_TOTAL_TIMES = "rd_total_times" VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_STATS_WRITE_BYTES = "wr_bytes" VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_STATS_WRITE_REQ = "wr_operations" VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_STATS_WRITE_TOTAL_TIMES = "wr_total_times" VIR_DOMAIN_CPU_STATS_CPUTIME = "cpu_time" VIR_DOMAIN_CPU_STATS_SYSTEMTIME = "system_time" VIR_DOMAIN_CPU_STATS_USERTIME = "user_time" VIR_DOMAIN_CPU_STATS_VCPUTIME = "vcpu_time" VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_AUTO_CONVERGE_THROTTLE = "auto_converge_throttle" VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_COMPRESSION_BYTES = "compression_bytes" VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_COMPRESSION_CACHE = "compression_cache" VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_COMPRESSION_CACHE_MISSES = "compression_cache_misses" VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_COMPRESSION_OVERFLOW = "compression_overflow" VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_COMPRESSION_PAGES = "compression_pages" VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_DATA_PROCESSED = "data_processed" VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_DATA_REMAINING = "data_remaining" VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_DATA_TOTAL = "data_total" VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_DISK_BPS = "disk_bps" VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_DISK_PROCESSED = "disk_processed" VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_DISK_REMAINING = "disk_remaining" VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_DISK_TOTAL = "disk_total" VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_DOWNTIME = "downtime" VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_DOWNTIME_NET = "downtime_net" VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_MEMORY_BPS = "memory_bps" VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_MEMORY_CONSTANT = "memory_constant" VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_MEMORY_DIRTY_RATE = "memory_dirty_rate" VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_MEMORY_ITERATION = "memory_iteration" VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_MEMORY_NORMAL = "memory_normal" VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_MEMORY_NORMAL_BYTES = "memory_normal_bytes" VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_MEMORY_PAGE_SIZE = "memory_page_size" VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_MEMORY_PROCESSED = "memory_processed" VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_MEMORY_REMAINING = "memory_remaining" VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_MEMORY_TOTAL = "memory_total" VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_OPERATION = "operation" VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_SETUP_TIME = "setup_time" VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_TIME_ELAPSED = "time_elapsed" VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_TIME_ELAPSED_NET = "time_elapsed_net" VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_TIME_REMAINING = "time_remaining" VIR_DOMAIN_MEMORY_HARD_LIMIT = "hard_limit" VIR_DOMAIN_MEMORY_MIN_GUARANTEE = "min_guarantee" VIR_DOMAIN_MEMORY_SOFT_LIMIT = "soft_limit" VIR_DOMAIN_MEMORY_SWAP_HARD_LIMIT = "swap_hard_limit" VIR_DOMAIN_NUMA_MODE = "numa_mode" VIR_DOMAIN_NUMA_NODESET = "numa_nodeset" VIR_DOMAIN_SCHEDULER_CAP = "cap" VIR_DOMAIN_SCHEDULER_CPU_SHARES = "cpu_shares" VIR_DOMAIN_SCHEDULER_EMULATOR_PERIOD = "emulator_period" VIR_DOMAIN_SCHEDULER_EMULATOR_QUOTA = "emulator_quota" VIR_DOMAIN_SCHEDULER_GLOBAL_PERIOD = "global_period" VIR_DOMAIN_SCHEDULER_GLOBAL_QUOTA = "global_quota" VIR_DOMAIN_SCHEDULER_IOTHREAD_PERIOD = "iothread_period" VIR_DOMAIN_SCHEDULER_IOTHREAD_QUOTA = "iothread_quota" VIR_DOMAIN_SCHEDULER_LIMIT = "limit" VIR_DOMAIN_SCHEDULER_RESERVATION = "reservation" VIR_DOMAIN_SCHEDULER_SHARES = "shares" VIR_DOMAIN_SCHEDULER_VCPU_PERIOD = "vcpu_period" VIR_DOMAIN_SCHEDULER_VCPU_QUOTA = "vcpu_quota" VIR_DOMAIN_SCHEDULER_WEIGHT = "weight" VIR_DOMAIN_TUNABLE_BLKDEV_DISK = "blkdeviotune.disk" VIR_DOMAIN_TUNABLE_BLKDEV_GROUP_NAME = "blkdeviotune.group_name" VIR_DOMAIN_TUNABLE_BLKDEV_READ_BYTES_SEC = "blkdeviotune.read_bytes_sec" VIR_DOMAIN_TUNABLE_BLKDEV_READ_BYTES_SEC_MAX = "blkdeviotune.read_bytes_sec_max" VIR_DOMAIN_TUNABLE_BLKDEV_READ_BYTES_SEC_MAX_LENGTH = "blkdeviotune.read_bytes_sec_max_length" VIR_DOMAIN_TUNABLE_BLKDEV_READ_IOPS_SEC = "blkdeviotune.read_iops_sec" VIR_DOMAIN_TUNABLE_BLKDEV_READ_IOPS_SEC_MAX = "blkdeviotune.read_iops_sec_max" VIR_DOMAIN_TUNABLE_BLKDEV_READ_IOPS_SEC_MAX_LENGTH = "blkdeviotune.read_iops_sec_max_length" VIR_DOMAIN_TUNABLE_BLKDEV_SIZE_IOPS_SEC = "blkdeviotune.size_iops_sec" VIR_DOMAIN_TUNABLE_BLKDEV_TOTAL_BYTES_SEC = "blkdeviotune.total_bytes_sec" VIR_DOMAIN_TUNABLE_BLKDEV_TOTAL_BYTES_SEC_MAX = "blkdeviotune.total_bytes_sec_max" VIR_DOMAIN_TUNABLE_BLKDEV_TOTAL_BYTES_SEC_MAX_LENGTH = "blkdeviotune.total_bytes_sec_max_length" VIR_DOMAIN_TUNABLE_BLKDEV_TOTAL_IOPS_SEC = "blkdeviotune.total_iops_sec" VIR_DOMAIN_TUNABLE_BLKDEV_TOTAL_IOPS_SEC_MAX = "blkdeviotune.total_iops_sec_max" VIR_DOMAIN_TUNABLE_BLKDEV_TOTAL_IOPS_SEC_MAX_LENGTH = "blkdeviotune.total_iops_sec_max_length" VIR_DOMAIN_TUNABLE_BLKDEV_WRITE_BYTES_SEC = "blkdeviotune.write_bytes_sec" VIR_DOMAIN_TUNABLE_BLKDEV_WRITE_BYTES_SEC_MAX = "blkdeviotune.write_bytes_sec_max" VIR_DOMAIN_TUNABLE_BLKDEV_WRITE_BYTES_SEC_MAX_LENGTH = "blkdeviotune.write_bytes_sec_max_length" VIR_DOMAIN_TUNABLE_BLKDEV_WRITE_IOPS_SEC = "blkdeviotune.write_iops_sec" VIR_DOMAIN_TUNABLE_BLKDEV_WRITE_IOPS_SEC_MAX = "blkdeviotune.write_iops_sec_max" VIR_DOMAIN_TUNABLE_BLKDEV_WRITE_IOPS_SEC_MAX_LENGTH = "blkdeviotune.write_iops_sec_max_length" VIR_DOMAIN_TUNABLE_CPU_CPU_SHARES = "cputune.cpu_shares" VIR_DOMAIN_TUNABLE_CPU_EMULATORPIN = "cputune.emulatorpin" VIR_DOMAIN_TUNABLE_CPU_EMULATOR_PERIOD = "cputune.emulator_period" VIR_DOMAIN_TUNABLE_CPU_EMULATOR_QUOTA = "cputune.emulator_quota" VIR_DOMAIN_TUNABLE_CPU_GLOBAL_PERIOD = "cputune.global_period" VIR_DOMAIN_TUNABLE_CPU_GLOBAL_QUOTA = "cputune.global_quota" VIR_DOMAIN_TUNABLE_CPU_IOTHREADSPIN = "cputune.iothreadpin%u" VIR_DOMAIN_TUNABLE_CPU_IOTHREAD_PERIOD = "cputune.iothread_period" VIR_DOMAIN_TUNABLE_CPU_IOTHREAD_QUOTA = "cputune.iothread_quota" VIR_DOMAIN_TUNABLE_CPU_VCPUPIN = "cputune.vcpupin%u" VIR_DOMAIN_TUNABLE_CPU_VCPU_PERIOD = "cputune.vcpu_period" VIR_DOMAIN_TUNABLE_CPU_VCPU_QUOTA = "cputune.vcpu_quota" VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_AUTO_CONVERGE_INCREMENT = "auto_converge.increment" VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_AUTO_CONVERGE_INITIAL = "auto_converge.initial" VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_BANDWIDTH = "bandwidth" VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_COMPRESSION = "compression" VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_COMPRESSION_MT_DTHREADS = "compression.mt.dthreads" VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_COMPRESSION_MT_LEVEL = "compression.mt.level" VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_COMPRESSION_MT_THREADS = "compression.mt.threads" VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_COMPRESSION_XBZRLE_CACHE = "compression.xbzrle.cache" VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_DEST_NAME = "destination_name" VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_DEST_XML = "destination_xml" VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_DISKS_PORT = "disks_port" VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_GRAPHICS_URI = "graphics_uri" VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_LISTEN_ADDRESS = "listen_address" VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_MIGRATE_DISKS = "migrate_disks" VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_PERSIST_XML = "persistent_xml" VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_URI = "migrate_uri" VIR_NODE_CPU_STATS_IDLE = "idle" VIR_NODE_CPU_STATS_INTR = "intr" VIR_NODE_CPU_STATS_IOWAIT = "iowait" VIR_NODE_CPU_STATS_KERNEL = "kernel" VIR_NODE_CPU_STATS_USER = "user" VIR_NODE_CPU_STATS_UTILIZATION = "utilization" VIR_NODE_MEMORY_SHARED_FULL_SCANS = "shm_full_scans" VIR_NODE_MEMORY_SHARED_MERGE_ACROSS_NODES = "shm_merge_across_nodes" VIR_NODE_MEMORY_SHARED_PAGES_SHARED = "shm_pages_shared" VIR_NODE_MEMORY_SHARED_PAGES_SHARING = "shm_pages_sharing" VIR_NODE_MEMORY_SHARED_PAGES_TO_SCAN = "shm_pages_to_scan" VIR_NODE_MEMORY_SHARED_PAGES_UNSHARED = "shm_pages_unshared" VIR_NODE_MEMORY_SHARED_PAGES_VOLATILE = "shm_pages_volatile" VIR_NODE_MEMORY_SHARED_SLEEP_MILLISECS = "shm_sleep_millisecs" VIR_NODE_MEMORY_STATS_BUFFERS = "buffers" VIR_NODE_MEMORY_STATS_CACHED = "cached" VIR_NODE_MEMORY_STATS_FREE = "free" VIR_NODE_MEMORY_STATS_TOTAL = "total" VIR_PERF_PARAM_ALIGNMENT_FAULTS = "alignment_faults" VIR_PERF_PARAM_BRANCH_INSTRUCTIONS = "branch_instructions" VIR_PERF_PARAM_BRANCH_MISSES = "branch_misses" VIR_PERF_PARAM_BUS_CYCLES = "bus_cycles" VIR_PERF_PARAM_CACHE_MISSES = "cache_misses" VIR_PERF_PARAM_CACHE_REFERENCES = "cache_references" VIR_PERF_PARAM_CMT = "cmt" VIR_PERF_PARAM_CONTEXT_SWITCHES = "context_switches" VIR_PERF_PARAM_CPU_CLOCK = "cpu_clock" VIR_PERF_PARAM_CPU_CYCLES = "cpu_cycles" VIR_PERF_PARAM_CPU_MIGRATIONS = "cpu_migrations" VIR_PERF_PARAM_EMULATION_FAULTS = "emulation_faults" VIR_PERF_PARAM_INSTRUCTIONS = "instructions" VIR_PERF_PARAM_MBML = "mbml" VIR_PERF_PARAM_MBMT = "mbmt" VIR_PERF_PARAM_PAGE_FAULTS = "page_faults" VIR_PERF_PARAM_PAGE_FAULTS_MAJ = "page_faults_maj" VIR_PERF_PARAM_PAGE_FAULTS_MIN = "page_faults_min" VIR_PERF_PARAM_REF_CPU_CYCLES = "ref_cpu_cycles" VIR_PERF_PARAM_STALLED_CYCLES_BACKEND = "stalled_cycles_backend" VIR_PERF_PARAM_STALLED_CYCLES_FRONTEND = "stalled_cycles_frontend" VIR_PERF_PARAM_TASK_CLOCK = "task_clock"