# # WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING # # This file is automatically written by generator.py. Any changes # made here will be lost. # # To change the manually written methods edit libvirt-lxc-override.py # To change the automatically written methods edit generator.py # # WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING # # # WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING # # Automatically written part of python bindings for libvirt # # WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING import sys try: import libvirtmod_lxc except ImportError: lib_e = sys.exc_info()[1] try: import cygvirtmod_lxc as libvirtmod_lxc except ImportError: cyg_e = sys.exc_info()[1] if str(cyg_e).count("No module named"): raise lib_e import libvirt # # Functions from module libvirt-lxc # def lxcEnterCGroup(domain, flags): """This API is LXC specific, so it will only work with hypervisor connections to the LXC driver. Attaches the process to the control cgroups associated with the container @domain. """ ret = libvirtmod_lxc.virDomainLxcEnterCGroup(domain._o, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirt.libvirtError('virDomainLxcEnterCGroup() failed') return ret def lxcOpenNamespace(domain, flags): """This API is LXC specific, so it will only work with hypervisor connections to the LXC driver. Open the namespaces associated with the container @domain and return a list of file descriptors associated with the container. The returned file descriptors are intended to be used with the setns() system call. """ ret = libvirtmod_lxc.virDomainLxcOpenNamespace(domain._o, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirt.libvirtError('virDomainLxcOpenNamespace() failed') return ret