# $Id: //depot/prod/test/Rsierranevada/storage/hdd/NADQ_SEA/NDATE/FILER_INFO/FILERS_LIST#3 $ # This file contains filers information and useful for creating host files using wrapper script. # commented out unwanted host files with a hash (#) at the starting of the line # Format: # ######################################################################################### # For Ironcity: # NOTE: 1.PartnerHost are optional but You need to give 'NULL' if you are not enter the value. # # Filer model Filer id Filer ip Terminal serv ip Port no Gateway ip TFTP serv ip kernerl file PartnerHost #------------ -------- -------- ---------------- ------- ---------- ------------ ------------ ----------- # # Note: 1. Commented out all the BR files or remove it. # # 1-FAS2000 Unique id 6023 RironcityN_081106_2230 hdd-112 # 2-FAS3000 (hdd-112) # 3-FAS6000 # 4-FAS960 # ######################################################################################### # ######################################################################################### # For Boilermaker: # # NOTE: 1. Provide Kernel file as '' seperated by space. # 2. NetApp Internal users must create soft link for the desired kernel to netboot before running NDATE3.0 # 'ln -s /rlse/DOT/