#ifdef NDEBUG #undef NDEBUG #endif #include #include #include #include #include "json.h" static void test_example_int(struct json_object *jo1, const char *json_pointer, int expected_int) { struct json_object *jo2 = NULL; assert(0 == json_pointer_get(jo1, json_pointer, NULL)); assert(0 == json_pointer_get(jo1, json_pointer, &jo2)); assert(json_object_is_type(jo2, json_type_int)); assert(expected_int == json_object_get_int(jo2)); printf("PASSED - GET - %s == %d\n", json_pointer, expected_int); } static const char *input_json_str = "{ " "'foo': ['bar', 'baz'], " "'': 0, " "'a/b': 1, " "'c%d': 2, " "'e^f': 3, " "'g|h': 4, " "'i\\\\j': 5, " "'k\\\"l': 6, " "' ': 7, " "'m~n': 8 " "}"; /* clang-format off */ static const char *rec_input_json_str = "{" "'arr' : [" "{" "'obj': [" "{},{}," "{" "'obj1': 0," "'obj2': \"1\"" "}" "]" "}" "]," "'obj' : {" "'obj': {" "'obj': [" "{" "'obj1': 0," "'obj2': \"1\"" "}" "]" "}" "}" "}"; /* clang-format on */ /* Example from RFC */ static void test_example_get(void) { int i; struct json_object *jo1, *jo2, *jo3; struct json_pointer_map_s_i { const char *s; int i; }; /* Create a map to iterate over for the ints */ /* clang-format off */ struct json_pointer_map_s_i json_pointers[] = { { "/", 0 }, { "/a~1b", 1 }, {"/c%d", 2 }, {"/e^f", 3 }, { "/g|h", 4 }, { "/i\\j", 5 }, { "/k\"l", 6 }, { "/ ", 7 }, { "/m~0n", 8 }, { NULL, 0} }; /* clang-format on */ jo1 = json_tokener_parse(input_json_str); assert(NULL != jo1); printf("PASSED - GET - LOADED TEST JSON\n"); printf("%s\n", json_object_get_string(jo1)); /* Test empty string returns entire object */ jo2 = NULL; /* For each test, we're trying to see that NULL **value works (does no segfault) */ assert(0 == json_pointer_get(jo1, "", NULL)); assert(0 == json_pointer_get(jo1, "", &jo2)); assert(json_object_equal(jo2, jo1)); printf("PASSED - GET - ENTIRE OBJECT WORKED\n"); /* Test /foo == ['bar', 'baz'] */ jo3 = json_object_new_array(); json_object_array_add(jo3, json_object_new_string("bar")); json_object_array_add(jo3, json_object_new_string("baz")); jo2 = NULL; assert(0 == json_pointer_get(jo1, "/foo", NULL)); assert(0 == json_pointer_get(jo1, "/foo", &jo2)); assert(NULL != jo2); assert(json_object_equal(jo2, jo3)); json_object_put(jo3); printf("PASSED - GET - /foo == ['bar', 'baz']\n"); /* Test /foo/0 == 'bar' */ jo2 = NULL; assert(0 == json_pointer_get(jo1, "/foo/0", NULL)); assert(0 == json_pointer_get(jo1, "/foo/0", &jo2)); assert(NULL != jo2); assert(0 == strcmp("bar", json_object_get_string(jo2))); printf("PASSED - GET - /foo/0 == 'bar'\n"); for (i = 0; json_pointers[i].s; i++) test_example_int(jo1, json_pointers[i].s, json_pointers[i].i); json_object_put(jo1); } /* I'm not too happy with the RFC example to test the recusion of the json_pointer_get() function */ static void test_recursion_get(void) { struct json_object *jo2, *jo1 = json_tokener_parse(rec_input_json_str); jo2 = NULL; assert(jo1 != NULL); printf("%s\n", json_object_get_string(jo1)); assert(0 == json_pointer_get(jo1, "/arr/0/obj/2/obj1", &jo2)); assert(json_object_is_type(jo2, json_type_int)); assert(0 == json_object_get_int(jo2)); assert(0 == json_pointer_get(jo1, "/arr/0/obj/2/obj2", &jo2)); assert(json_object_is_type(jo2, json_type_string)); assert(0 == strcmp("1", json_object_get_string(jo2))); assert(0 == json_pointer_getf(jo1, &jo2, "/%s/%d/%s/%d/%s", "arr", 0, "obj", 2, "obj2")); assert(json_object_is_type(jo2, json_type_string)); assert(0 == strcmp("1", json_object_get_string(jo2))); assert(jo1 != NULL); assert(0 == json_pointer_get(jo1, "/obj/obj/obj/0/obj1", &jo2)); assert(json_object_is_type(jo2, json_type_int)); assert(0 == json_object_get_int(jo2)); assert(0 == json_pointer_get(jo1, "/obj/obj/obj/0/obj2", &jo2)); assert(json_object_is_type(jo2, json_type_string)); assert(0 == strcmp("1", json_object_get_string(jo2))); assert(0 == json_pointer_getf(jo1, &jo2, "%s", "\0")); printf("PASSED - GET - RECURSION TEST\n"); json_object_put(jo1); } static void test_wrong_inputs_get(void) { struct json_object *jo2, *jo1 = json_tokener_parse(input_json_str); assert(NULL != jo1); printf("PASSED - GET - LOADED TEST JSON\n"); printf("%s\n", json_object_get_string(jo1)); /* Test leading '/' missing */ jo2 = NULL; errno = 0; assert(0 != json_pointer_get(jo1, "foo/bar", NULL)); assert(0 != json_pointer_get(jo1, "foo/bar", &jo2)); assert(errno == EINVAL); assert(jo2 == NULL); printf("PASSED - GET - MISSING /\n"); /* Test combinations of NULL params for input json & path */ errno = 0; assert(0 != json_pointer_get(NULL, "foo/bar", NULL)); assert(errno == EINVAL); errno = 0; assert(0 != json_pointer_get(NULL, NULL, NULL)); assert(errno == EINVAL); errno = 0; assert(0 != json_pointer_getf(NULL, NULL, NULL)); assert(errno == EINVAL); errno = 0; assert(0 != json_pointer_get(jo1, NULL, NULL)); assert(errno == EINVAL); errno = 0; assert(0 != json_pointer_getf(jo1, NULL, NULL)); assert(errno == EINVAL); printf("PASSED - GET - NULL INPUTS\n"); /* Test invalid indexes for array */ errno = 0; assert(0 != json_pointer_get(jo1, "/foo/a", NULL)); assert(errno == EINVAL); errno = 0; assert(0 != json_pointer_get(jo1, "/foo/01", NULL)); assert(errno == EINVAL); errno = 0; assert(0 != json_pointer_getf(jo1, NULL, "/%s/a", "foo")); assert(errno == EINVAL); errno = 0; assert(0 != json_pointer_get(jo1, "/foo/-", NULL)); assert(errno == EINVAL); errno = 0; /* Test optimized array path */ assert(0 != json_pointer_get(jo1, "/foo/4", NULL)); assert(errno == ENOENT); errno = 0; /* Test non-optimized array path */ assert(0 != json_pointer_getf(jo1, NULL, "%s", "/foo/22")); assert(errno == ENOENT); errno = 0; assert(0 != json_pointer_getf(jo1, NULL, "/%s/%d", "foo", 22)); assert(errno == ENOENT); errno = 0; assert(0 != json_pointer_get(jo1, "/foo/-1", NULL)); assert(errno == EINVAL); errno = 0; assert(0 != json_pointer_get(jo1, "/foo/10", NULL)); assert(errno == ENOENT); printf("PASSED - GET - INVALID INDEXES\n"); json_object_put(jo1); } static void test_example_set(void) { struct json_object *jo2, *jo1 = json_tokener_parse(input_json_str); assert(jo1 != NULL); printf("PASSED - SET - LOADED TEST JSON\n"); printf("%s\n", json_object_get_string(jo1)); assert(0 == json_pointer_set(&jo1, "/foo/1", json_object_new_string("cod"))); assert(0 == strcmp("cod", json_object_get_string(json_object_array_get_idx( json_object_object_get(jo1, "foo"), 1)))); printf("PASSED - SET - 'cod' in /foo/1\n"); assert(0 != json_pointer_set(&jo1, "/fud/gaw", (jo2 = json_tokener_parse("[1,2,3]")))); assert(errno == ENOENT); printf("PASSED - SET - non-existing /fud/gaw\n"); assert(0 == json_pointer_set(&jo1, "/fud", json_object_new_object())); printf("PASSED - SET - /fud == {}\n"); assert(0 == json_pointer_set(&jo1, "/fud/gaw", jo2)); /* re-using jo2 from above */ printf("PASSED - SET - /fug/gaw == [1,2,3]\n"); assert(0 == json_pointer_set(&jo1, "/fud/gaw/0", json_object_new_int(0))); assert(0 == json_pointer_setf(&jo1, json_object_new_int(0), "%s%s/%d", "/fud", "/gaw", 0)); printf("PASSED - SET - /fug/gaw == [0,2,3]\n"); assert(0 == json_pointer_set(&jo1, "/fud/gaw/-", json_object_new_int(4))); printf("PASSED - SET - /fug/gaw == [0,2,3,4]\n"); assert(0 == json_pointer_set(&jo1, "/", json_object_new_int(9))); printf("PASSED - SET - / == 9\n"); jo2 = json_tokener_parse( "{ 'foo': [ 'bar', 'cod' ], '': 9, 'a/b': 1, 'c%d': 2, 'e^f': 3, 'g|h': 4, 'i\\\\j': " "5, 'k\\\"l': 6, ' ': 7, 'm~n': 8, 'fud': { 'gaw': [ 0, 2, 3, 4 ] } }"); assert(json_object_equal(jo2, jo1)); printf("PASSED - SET - Final JSON is: %s\n", json_object_get_string(jo1)); json_object_put(jo2); assert(0 == json_pointer_set(&jo1, "", json_object_new_int(10))); assert(10 == json_object_get_int(jo1)); printf("%s\n", json_object_get_string(jo1)); json_object_put(jo1); } static void test_wrong_inputs_set(void) { struct json_object *jo2, *jo1 = json_tokener_parse(input_json_str); assert(jo1 != NULL); printf("PASSED - SET - LOADED TEST JSON\n"); printf("%s\n", json_object_get_string(jo1)); assert(0 != json_pointer_set(NULL, NULL, NULL)); assert(0 != json_pointer_setf(NULL, NULL, NULL)); assert(0 != json_pointer_set(&jo1, NULL, NULL)); assert(0 != json_pointer_setf(&jo1, NULL, NULL)); printf("PASSED - SET - failed with NULL params for input json & path\n"); assert(0 != json_pointer_set(&jo1, "foo/bar", (jo2 = json_object_new_string("cod")))); printf("PASSED - SET - failed 'cod' with path 'foo/bar'\n"); json_object_put(jo2); assert(0 != json_pointer_setf(&jo1, (jo2 = json_object_new_string("cod")), "%s", "foo/bar")); printf("PASSED - SET - failed 'cod' with path 'foo/bar'\n"); json_object_put(jo2); assert(0 != json_pointer_set(&jo1, "0", (jo2 = json_object_new_string("cod")))); printf("PASSED - SET - failed with invalid array index'\n"); json_object_put(jo2); jo2 = json_object_new_string("whatever"); assert(0 != json_pointer_set(&jo1, "/fud/gaw", jo2)); assert(0 == json_pointer_set(&jo1, "/fud", json_object_new_object())); assert(0 == json_pointer_set(&jo1, "/fud/gaw", jo2)); /* re-using jo2 from above */ // ownership of jo2 transferred into jo1 jo2 = json_object_new_int(0); assert(0 != json_pointer_set(&jo1, "/fud/gaw/0", jo2)); json_object_put(jo2); jo2 = json_object_new_int(0); assert(0 != json_pointer_set(&jo1, "/fud/gaw/", jo2)); json_object_put(jo2); printf("PASSED - SET - failed to set index to non-array\n"); assert(0 == json_pointer_setf(&jo1, json_object_new_string("cod"), "%s", "\0")); json_object_put(jo1); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { test_example_get(); test_recursion_get(); test_wrong_inputs_get(); test_example_set(); test_wrong_inputs_set(); return 0; }