# Copyright 2014 Insight Software Consortium. # Copyright 2004-2008 Roman Yakovenko. # Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. # See http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt import os import time import hashlib try: import cPickle as pickle except ImportError: import pickle from pygccxml import utils from . import config as cxx_parsers_cfg def file_signature(filename): if not os.path.isfile(filename): return None if not os.path.exists(filename): return None # Extend here to use md5 hash for signature # - This change allows duplicate autogenerated files to be recognized # return os.path.getmtime( source ) sig = hashlib.md5() f = open(filename, 'rb') buf = f.read() sig.update(buf) f.close() return sig.hexdigest() def configuration_signature(config): """ Return a signature for a configuration (gccxml_configuration_t) object. This can then be used as a key in the cache. This method must take into account anything about a configuration that could cause the declarations generated to be different between runs. """ sig = hashlib.md5() if isinstance(config, cxx_parsers_cfg.gccxml_configuration_t): sig.update(str(config.gccxml_path).encode()) sig.update(str(config.working_directory).encode('utf-8')) if isinstance(config, cxx_parsers_cfg.gccxml_configuration_t): sig.update(str(config.cflags).encode('utf-8')) for p in config.include_paths: sig.update(str(p).encode('utf-8')) for s in config.define_symbols: sig.update(str(s).encode('utf-8')) for u in config.undefine_symbols: sig.update(str(u).encode('utf-8')) return sig.hexdigest() class cache_base_t(object): logger = utils.loggers.declarations_cache def __init__(self): object.__init__(self) def flush(self): """ Flush (write out) the cache to disk if needed. """ raise NotImplementedError() def update(self, source_file, configuration, declarations, included_files): """ update cache entry :param source_file: path to the C++ source file being parsed :param configuration: configuration used in parsing :class:`gccxml_configuration_t` :param declarations: declaration tree found when parsing :param included_files: files included by parsing. """ raise NotImplementedError() def cached_value(self, source_file, configuration): """ Return declarations, we have cached, for the source_file and the given configuration. :param source_file: path to the C++ source file being parsed. :param configuration: configuration(:class:`gccxml_configuration_t`) that was used for parsing """ raise NotImplementedError() class record_t(object): def __init__( self, source_signature, config_signature, included_files, included_files_signature, declarations): self.__source_signature = source_signature self.__config_signature = config_signature self.__included_files = included_files self.__included_files_signature = included_files_signature self.__declarations = declarations self.__was_hit = True # Track if there was a cache hit @property def was_hit(self): return self.__was_hit @was_hit.setter def was_hit(self, was_hit): self.__was_hit = was_hit def key(self): return (self.__source_signature, self.__config_signature) @staticmethod def create_key(source_file, configuration): return ( file_signature(source_file), configuration_signature(configuration)) @property def source_signature(self): return self.__source_signature @property def config_signature(self): return self.__config_signature @property def included_files(self): return self.__included_files @property def included_files_signature(self): return self.__included_files_signature @property def declarations(self): return self.__declarations class file_cache_t(cache_base_t): """ Cache implementation to store data in a pickled form in a file. This class contains some cache logic that keeps track of which entries have been 'hit' in the cache and if an entry has not been hit then it is deleted at the time of the flush(). This keeps the cache from growing larger when files change and are not used again. """ def __init__(self, name): """ :param name: name of the cache file. """ cache_base_t.__init__(self) self.__name = name # Name of cache file # Map record_key to record_t self.__cache = self.__load(self.__name) self.__needs_flushed = not bool( self.__cache) # If empty then we need to flush for entry in self.__cache.values(): # Clear hit flags entry.was_hit = False @staticmethod def __load(file_name): " Load pickled cache from file and return the object. " cache = None if os.path.exists(file_name) and not os.path.isfile(file_name): raise RuntimeError( 'Cache should be initialized with valid full file name') if not os.path.exists(file_name): open(file_name, 'w+b').close() return {} cache_file_obj = open(file_name, 'rb') try: file_cache_t.logger.info('Loading cache file "%s".' % file_name) start_time = time.clock() cache = pickle.load(cache_file_obj) file_cache_t.logger.debug( "Cache file has been loaded in %.1f secs" % (time.clock() - start_time)) file_cache_t.logger.debug("Found cache in file: [%s] entries: %s" % (file_name, len(list(cache.keys())))) except Exception as error: file_cache_t.logger.exception( "Error occured while reading cache file: %s", error) cache_file_obj.close() file_cache_t.logger.info( "Invalid cache file: [%s] Regenerating." % file_name) open(file_name, 'w+b').close() # Create empty file cache = {} # Empty cache return cache def flush(self): # If not marked as needing flushed, then return immediately if not self.__needs_flushed: self.logger.debug("Cache did not change, ignoring flush.") return # Remove entries that did not get a cache hit num_removed = 0 for key in list(self.__cache.keys()): if not self.__cache[key].was_hit: num_removed += 1 del self.__cache[key] if num_removed > 0: self.logger.debug( "There are %s removed entries from cache." % num_removed) # Save out the cache to disk cache_file = open(self.__name, 'w+b') pickle.dump(self.__cache, cache_file, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) cache_file.close() def update(self, source_file, configuration, declarations, included_files): """ Update a cached record with the current key and value contents. """ record = record_t( source_signature=file_signature(source_file), config_signature=configuration_signature(configuration), included_files=included_files, included_files_signature=list( map( file_signature, included_files)), declarations=declarations) # Switched over to holding full record in cache so we don't have # to keep creating records in the next method. self.__cache[record.key()] = record self.__cache[record.key()].was_hit = True self.__needs_flushed = True def cached_value(self, source_file, configuration): """ Attempt to lookup the cached declarations for the given file and configuration. If not found or signature check fails, returns None. """ key = record_t.create_key(source_file, configuration) if key not in self.__cache: return None record = self.__cache[key] if self.__is_valid_signature(record): record.was_hit = True # Record cache hit return record.declarations else: # some file has been changed del self.__cache[key] return None def __is_valid_signature(self, record): # This is now part of key # if self.__signature( record.source_file ) != \ # record.source_file_signature: # return False for index, included_file in enumerate(record.included_files): if file_signature(included_file) != \ record.included_files_signature[index]: return False return True class dummy_cache_t(cache_base_t): def __init__(self): cache_base_t.__init__(self) def flush(self): pass def update(self, source_file, configuration, declarations, included_files): pass def cached_value(self, source_file, configuration): return None