""" A module that implements tooling to enable easy warnings about deprecations. """ import logging import warnings from typing import Any, Optional, TextIO, Type, Union from pip._vendor.packaging.version import parse from pip import __version__ as current_version DEPRECATION_MSG_PREFIX = "DEPRECATION: " class PipDeprecationWarning(Warning): pass _original_showwarning: Any = None # Warnings <-> Logging Integration def _showwarning( message: Union[Warning, str], category: Type[Warning], filename: str, lineno: int, file: Optional[TextIO] = None, line: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: if file is not None: if _original_showwarning is not None: _original_showwarning(message, category, filename, lineno, file, line) elif issubclass(category, PipDeprecationWarning): # We use a specially named logger which will handle all of the # deprecation messages for pip. logger = logging.getLogger("pip._internal.deprecations") logger.warning(message) else: _original_showwarning(message, category, filename, lineno, file, line) def install_warning_logger() -> None: # Enable our Deprecation Warnings warnings.simplefilter("default", PipDeprecationWarning, append=True) global _original_showwarning if _original_showwarning is None: _original_showwarning = warnings.showwarning warnings.showwarning = _showwarning def deprecated( reason: str, replacement: Optional[str], gone_in: Optional[str], issue: Optional[int] = None, ) -> None: """Helper to deprecate existing functionality. reason: Textual reason shown to the user about why this functionality has been deprecated. replacement: Textual suggestion shown to the user about what alternative functionality they can use. gone_in: The version of pip does this functionality should get removed in. Raises errors if pip's current version is greater than or equal to this. issue: Issue number on the tracker that would serve as a useful place for users to find related discussion and provide feedback. Always pass replacement, gone_in and issue as keyword arguments for clarity at the call site. """ # Construct a nice message. # This is eagerly formatted as we want it to get logged as if someone # typed this entire message out. sentences = [ (reason, DEPRECATION_MSG_PREFIX + "{}"), (gone_in, "pip {} will remove support for this functionality."), (replacement, "A possible replacement is {}."), ( issue, ( "You can find discussion regarding this at " "https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/{}." ), ), ] message = " ".join( template.format(val) for val, template in sentences if val is not None ) # Raise as an error if it has to be removed. if gone_in is not None and parse(current_version) >= parse(gone_in): raise PipDeprecationWarning(message) warnings.warn(message, category=PipDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)