################################################################## # Net::SCP::Expect # # Wrapper for scp, with the ability to send passwords via Expect. # # See POD for more details. ################################################################## package Net::SCP::Expect; use strict; use Expect; use File::Basename; use Carp; use Cwd; use Net::IPv6Addr; BEGIN{ use vars qw/$VERSION/; $VERSION = '0.16'; } # Options added as needed sub new{ my($class,%arg) = @_; my $self = { _host => $arg{host}, _user => $arg{user} || $ENV{'USER'}, _password => $arg{password}, _cipher => $arg{cipher}, _port => $arg{port}, _error_handler => $arg{error_handler}, _preserve => $arg{preserve} || 0, _recursive => $arg{recursive} || 0, _verbose => $arg{verbose} || 0, _auto_yes => $arg{auto_yes} || 0, _terminator => $arg{terminator} || "\n", _timeout => $arg{timeout} || 10, _timeout_auto => $arg{timeout_auto} || 1, _timeout_err => $arg{timeout_err} || undef, _no_check => $arg{no_check} || 0, _protocol => $arg{protocol} || undef, _identity_file => $arg{identity_file} || undef, _option => $arg{option} || undef, _subsystem => $arg{subsystem} || undef, _scp_path => $arg{scp_path} || undef, _auto_quote => $arg{auto_quote} || 1, _compress => $arg{compress} || 0, _force_ipv4 => $arg{force_ipv4} || 0, _force_ipv6 => $arg{force_ipv6} || 0, }; bless($self,$class); } sub _get{ my($self,$attr) = @_; return $self->{"_$attr"}; } sub _set{ my($self,$attr,$val) = @_; croak("No attribute supplied to 'set()' method") unless defined $attr; $self->{"_$attr"} = $val; } sub auto_yes{ my($self,$val) = @_; croak("No value passed to 'auto_yes()' method") unless defined $val; $self->_set('auto_yes',$val); } sub error_handler{ my($self,$sub) = @_; croak("No sub supplied to 'error_handler()' method") unless defined $sub; $self->_set('error_handler',$sub) } sub login{ my($self,$user,$password) = @_; croak("No user supplied to 'login()' method") unless defined $user; croak("No password supplied to 'login()' method") if @_ > 2 && !defined $password; $self->_set('user',$user); $self->_set('password',$password); } sub password{ my($self,$password) = @_; croak("No password supplied to 'password()' method"); $self->_set('password',$password) unless $password; } sub host{ my($self,$host) = @_; croak("No host supplied to 'host()' method") unless $host; # If host is an IPv6 address, strip any enclosing brackets if used $host = substr($host, 1, length($host)-2) if $host && $host =~ /^\[/ && $host =~ /\]$/; $self->_set('host',$host); } sub user{ my($self,$user) = @_; croak("No user supplied to 'user()' method") unless $user; $self->_set('user',$user); } #+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # If the hostname is not included as part of the source, it is assumed to # be part of the destination. #+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ sub scp{ my($self,$from,$to) = @_; my $login = $self->_get('user'); my $password = $self->_get('password'); my $timeout = $self->_get('timeout'); my $timeout_auto = $self->_get('timeout_auto'); my $timeout_err = $self->_get('timeout_err'); my $cipher = $self->_get('cipher'); my $port = $self->_get('port'); my $recursive = $self->_get('recursive'); my $verbose = $self->_get('verbose'); my $preserve = $self->_get('preserve'); my $handler = $self->_get('error_handler'); my $auto_yes = $self->_get('auto_yes'); my $no_check = $self->_get('no_check'); my $terminator = $self->_get('terminator'); my $protocol = $self->_get('protocol'); my $identity_file = $self->_get('identity_file'); my $option = $self->_get('option'); my $subsystem = $self->_get('subsystem'); my $scp_path = $self->_get('scp_path'); my $auto_quote = $self->_get('auto_quote'); my $compress = $self->_get('compress'); my $force_ipv4 = $self->_get('force_ipv4'); my $force_ipv6 = $self->_get('force_ipv6'); ################################################################## # If the second argument is not provided, the remote file will be # given the same (base) name as the local file (or vice-versa). ################################################################## unless($to){ $to = basename($from); } my($host,$dest); # Parse the to/from string. If the $from contains a ':', assume it is a Remote to Local transfer if($from =~ /:/){ ($login,$host,$dest) = $self->_parse_scp_string($from); $from = $login . '@' . $self->_format_host_string($host) . ':'; $from .= "$dest" if $dest; } else{ # Local to Remote transfer ($login,$host,$dest) = $self->_parse_scp_string($to); $to = $login . '@' . $self->_format_host_string($host) . ':'; $to .= "$dest" if $dest; } croak("No login. Can't scp") unless $login; croak("No password or identity file. Can't scp") unless $password || $identity_file; croak("No host specified. Can't scp") unless $host; # Define argument auto-quote my $qt = $auto_quote ? '\'' : ''; # Gather flags. my $flags; $flags .= "-c $qt$cipher$qt " if $cipher; $flags .= "-P $qt$port$qt " if $port; $flags .= "-r " if $recursive; $flags .= "-v " if $verbose; $flags .= "-p " if $preserve; $flags .= "-$qt$protocol$qt " if $protocol; $flags .= "-q "; # Always pass this option (no progress meter) $flags .= "-s $qt$subsystem$qt " if $subsystem; $flags .= "-o $qt$option$qt " if $option; $flags .= "-i $qt$identity_file$qt " if $identity_file; $flags .= "-C " if $compress; $flags .= "-4 " if $force_ipv4; $flags .= "-6 " if $force_ipv6; my $scp = Expect->new; #if($verbose){ $scp->raw_pty(1) } #$scp->debug(1); # Use scp specified by the user, if possible $scp_path = defined $scp_path ? "$qt$scp_path$qt" : "scp "; # Escape quotes if ($auto_quote) { $from =~ s/'/'"'"'/go; $to =~ s/'/'"'"'/go; } my $scp_string = "$scp_path $flags $qt$from$qt $qt$to$qt"; $scp = Expect->spawn($scp_string); unless ($scp) { if($handler){ $handler->($!); return; } else { croak("Couldn't start program: $!"); } } $scp->log_stdout(0); if($auto_yes){ while($scp->expect($timeout_auto,-re=>'[Yy]es\/[Nn]o')){ $scp->send("yes\n"); } } if ($password) { unless($scp->expect($timeout,-re=>'[Pp]assword.*?:|[Pp]assphrase.*?:')){ my $err = $scp->before() || $scp->match(); if($err){ if($handler){ $handler->($err); return; } else { croak("Problem performing scp: $err"); } } $err = "scp timed out while trying to connect to $host"; if($handler){ $handler->($err); return; } else{ croak($err) }; } if($verbose){ print $scp->before() } $password .= $terminator if $terminator; $scp->send($password); } ################################################################ # Check to see if we sent the correct password, or if we got # some other bizarre error. Anything passed back to the # terminal at this point means that something went wrong. # # The exception to this is verbose output, which can mistakenly # be picked up by Expect. ################################################################ my $error; my $eof = 0; unless($no_check || $verbose){ $error = ($scp->expect($timeout_err, [qr/[Pp]ass.*/ => sub{ my $error = $scp->before() || $scp->match(); if($handler){ $handler->($error); return; } else{ croak("Error: Bad password [$error]"); } } ], [qr/\w+.*/ => sub{ my $error = $scp->match() || $scp->before(); if($handler){ $handler->($error); return; } else{ croak("Error: last line returned was: $error"); } } ], ['eof' => sub{ $eof = 1 } ], ))[1]; } else{ $error = ($scp->expect($timeout_err, ['eof' => sub { $eof = 1 }]))[1]; } if($verbose){ print $scp->after(),"\n" } # Ignore error if it was due to scp auto-exiting successfully (which may trigger false positives on some platforms) if ($error && !($eof && $error =~ m/^(2|3)/o)) { if ($handler) { $handler->($error); return; } else { croak("scp processing error occured: $error"); } } # Insure we check exit state of process $scp->hard_close(); if ($scp->exitstatus > 0) { #ignore -1, in case there's a waitpid portability issue if ($handler) { $handler->($scp->exitstatus); return; } else { croak("scp exited with non-success state: " . $scp->exitstatus); } } return 1; } # Break the from/to line into its various parts sub _parse_scp_string{ my($self,$string) = @_; my @parts; my($user,$host,$dest); @parts = split(/@/,$string,2); if(scalar(@parts) == 2){ $user = shift(@parts); } else{ $user = $self->_get("user"); } my $temp = join('',@parts); @parts = split(/:/,$temp); if (@parts) { if (@parts > 1) { $host = join('',@parts[0,1..scalar(@parts)-2]); $dest = $parts[-1]; } else { $host = $parts[0]; } } # scp('file','file') syntax, where local to remote is assumed unless($dest){ $dest = $host; $host = $self->_get("host"); } $host ||= $self->_get("host"); # If host is an IPv6 address, strip any enclosing brackets if used $host = substr($host, 1, length($host)-2) if $host && $host =~ /^\[/ && $host =~ /\]$/; return ($user,$host,$dest); } sub _format_host_string{ my ($self,$host) = @_; # If host is an IPv6 address, verify it is correctly formatted for scp if ($host) { $host = substr($host, 1, length($host)-2) if $host =~ /^\[/ && $host =~ /\]$/; local $@; $host = "[$host]" if eval { Net::IPv6Addr::ipv6_parse($host) }; } return $host; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Net::SCP::Expect - Wrapper for scp that allows passwords via Expect. =head1 SYNOPSIS B my $scpe = Net::SCP::Expect->new; $scpe->login('user name', 'password'); $scpe->scp('file','host:/some/dir'); B my $scpe = Net::SCP::Expect->new(host=>'host', user=>'user', password=>'xxxx'); $scpe->scp('file','/some/dir'); # 'file' copied to 'host' at '/some/dir' B my $scpe = Net::SCP::Expect->new(user=>'user',password=>'xxxx'); $scpe->scp('host:/some/dir/filename','newfilename'); B my $scpe = Net::SCP::Expect->new; $scpe->login('user name', 'password'); $scpe->scp('file','[ipv6-host]:/some/dir'); # <-- Important: scp() with explicit IPv6 host in to or from address must use square brackets See the B method for more information on valid syntax. =head1 PREREQUISITES Expect 1.14. May work with earlier versions, but was tested with 1.14 (and now 1.15) only. Term::ReadPassword 0.01 is required if you want to execute the interactive test script. =head1 DESCRIPTION This module is simply a wrapper around the scp call. The primary difference between this module and I is that you may send a password programmatically, instead of being forced to deal with interactive sessions. =head1 USAGE =head2 Bnew(>Ival>, ...B<)> Creates a new object and optionally takes a series of options (see L<"OPTIONS"> below). All L<"OBJECT METHODS"> apply to this constructor. =head1 OBJECT METHODS =head2 B Set this to 1 if you want to automatically pass a 'yes' string to any yes or no questions that you may encounter before actually being asked for a password, e.g. "Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?" for first time connections, etc. =head2 BIB<)> This sets up an error handler to catch any problems with a call to 'scp()'. If you do not define an error handler, then a simple 'croak()' call will occur, with the last line sent to the terminal added as part of the error message. The method will immediately return with a void value after your error handler has been called. =head2 BIB<)> Sets the host for the current object =head2 BIB<)> If the login and password are not passed as options to the constructor, they must be passed with this method (or set individually - see 'user' and 'password' methods). If they were already set, this method will overwrite them with the new values. Password will not be changed if only one argument is passed (user). =head2 BIB<)> Sets the password for the current user, or the passphrase for the identify file if identity_file option is specified in the constructor =head2 BIB<)> Sets the user for the current object =head2 B Copies the file from source to destination. If no host is specified, you will be using 'scp' as an expensive form of 'cp'. There are several valid ways to use this method =head3 Local to Remote BIB<);> BIB<);> # Same as previous, with IPv6 host BIB<);> # User already defined BIB<);> # Same as previous, with IPv6 host BIB<);> # User and host already defined BIB<);> # Same as previous BIB<);> # Same as previous; destination will use base name of source =head3 Remote to Local BIB<);> BIB<);> # Same as previous, with IPv6 host BIB<);> BI<[ipv6-host]:source, destination>B<);> # Same as previous, with IPv6 host BI<:source, destination>B<);> =head1 OPTIONS B - Auto-encapsulate all option values and scp from/to arguments in single-quotes to insure that special characters, such as spaces in file names, do not cause inadvertant shell exceptions. Default is enabled. Note: Be aware that this feature may break backward compatibility with scripts that manually quoted input arguments to work around unquoted argument limitations in 0.12 or earlier of this module; in such cases, try disabling it or update your script to take advantage of the auto_quote feature. B - Set this to 1 if you want to automatically pass a 'yes' string to any yes or no questions that you may encounter before actually being asked for a password, e.g. "Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?" for first time connections, etc. B - Selects the cipher to use for encrypting the data transfer. B - Compression enable. Passes the -C flag to ssh(1) to enable compression. B - Forces scp to use IPv4 addresses only. B - Forces scp to use IPv6 addresses only. B - Specify the host name. This is now useful for both local-to-remote and remote-to-local transfers. For IPv6 addresses, either regular or square-bracket encapsulated host are allowed (since command-line scp normally expects IPv6 addresses to be encapsulated in square brackets). B - Specify the identify file to use. B - Set this to 1 if you want to turn off error checking. Use this if you're absolutely positive you won't encounter any errors and you want to speed up your scp calls - up to 2 seconds per call (based on the defaults). B