package Net::IPv6Addr; use strict; use warnings; our @ISA = qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT = qw(); our @EXPORT_OK = qw( in_network in_network_of_size ipv6_chkip ipv6_parse is_ipv6 to_string_preferred to_string_compressed to_bigint to_intarray to_array to_string_ip6_int to_string_base85 to_string_ipv4 to_string_ipv4_compressed from_bigint ); our %EXPORT_TAGS = (all => \@EXPORT_OK); our $VERSION = '0.96'; use Carp; use Net::IPv4Addr; use Math::BigInt '1.999813'; use Math::Base85; # ____ _ _ # | _ \ __ _| |_| |_ ___ _ __ _ __ ___ # | |_) / _` | __| __/ _ \ '__| '_ \/ __| # | __/ (_| | |_| || __/ | | | | \__ \ # |_| \__,_|\__|\__\___|_| |_| |_|___/ # # Match one to four digits of hexadecimal my $h = qr/[a-f0-9]{1,4}/i; # Match one to three digits #my $d = qr/[0-9]{1,3}/; my $ipv4 = "((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]?[0-9]{1,2})[.](25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]?[0-9]{1,2})[.](25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]?[0-9]{1,2})[.](25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]?[0-9]{1,2}))"; # base-85 my $digits = $Math::Base85::base85_digits; $digits =~ s/-//; my $x = "[" . $digits . "-]"; my $n = "{20}"; my %ipv6_patterns = ( 'preferred' => [ qr/^(?:$h:){7}$h$/i, \&ipv6_parse_preferred, ], 'compressed' => [ qr/^[a-f0-9]{0,4}::$/i, qr/^:(?::$h){1,7}$/i, qr/^(?:$h:){1,}:$/i, qr/^(?:$h:)(?::$h){1,6}$/i, qr/^(?:$h:){2}(?::$h){1,5}$/i, qr/^(?:$h:){3}(?::$h){1,4}$/i, qr/^(?:$h:){4}(?::$h){1,3}$/i, qr/^(?:$h:){5}(?::$h){1,2}$/i, qr/^(?:$h:){6}(?::$h)$/i, \&ipv6_parse_compressed, ], 'ipv4' => [ qr/^(?:0:){5}ffff:$ipv4$/i, qr/^(?:0:){6}$ipv4$/, \&ipv6_parse_ipv4, ], 'ipv4 compressed' => [ qr/^::(?:ffff:)?$ipv4$/i, \&ipv6_parse_ipv4_compressed, ], 'ipv6v4' => [ qr/^[a-f0-9]{0,4}::$ipv4$/i, # ::1:2:3:4: qr/^::(?:$h:){1,5}$ipv4$/i, qr/^(?:$h:):(?:$h:){1,4}$ipv4$/i, qr/^(?:$h:){2}:(?:$h:){1,3}$ipv4$/i, qr/^(?:$h:){3}:(?:$h:){1,2}$ipv4$/i, qr/^(?:$h:){4}:(?:$h:){1}$ipv4$/i, # 1:2:3:4:5:: qr/^(?:$h:){1,5}:$ipv4$/i, # 1:2:3:4:5:6: qr/^(?:$h:){6}$ipv4$/i, \&parse_mixed_ipv6v4_compressed, ], 'base85' => [ qr/$x$n/, \&ipv6_parse_base85, ], ); # ____ _ _ # | _ \ _ __(_)_ ____ _| |_ ___ # | |_) | '__| \ \ / / _` | __/ _ \ # | __/| | | |\ V / (_| | || __/ # |_| |_| |_| \_/ \__,_|\__\___| # # Errors which include the package name and the subroutine name. This # is for consistency with earlier versions of the module. sub mycroak { my ($message) = @_; my @caller = caller (1); croak $caller[3] . ' -- ' . $message; } # Given one argument with a slash or two arguments, return them as two # arguments, and check there are one or two arguments. sub getargs { my ($ip, $pfx); if (@_ == 2) { ($ip, $pfx) = @_; } elsif (@_ == 1) { ($ip, $pfx) = split(m!/!, $_[0]) } else { mycroak "wrong number of arguments (need 1 or 2)"; } return ($ip, $pfx); } # Match $ip against the regexes of type $type, or die. sub match_or_die { my ($ip, $type) = @_; # Instead of trying to construct a gigantic regex which only # allows two colons in a row, just check here. if ($ip =~ /:::/) { mycroak "invalid address $ip for type $type"; } my $patterns = $ipv6_patterns{$type}; for my $p (@$patterns) { # The last thing in the pattern is a code reference, so this # match indicates no matches were found. if (ref($p) eq 'CODE') { mycroak "invalid address $ip for type $type"; } if ($ip =~ $p) { return; } } } # Make the bit mask for "in_network_of_size". sub bitmask { my ($j) = @_; my $bitmask = '1' x $j . '0' x (16 - $j); my $k = unpack("n",pack("B16", $bitmask)); return $k; } # ____ # | _ \ __ _ _ __ ___ ___ _ __ ___ # | |_) / _` | '__/ __|/ _ \ '__/ __| # | __/ (_| | | \__ \ __/ | \__ \ # |_| \__,_|_| |___/\___|_| |___/ # # Private parser sub ipv6_parse_preferred { my $ip = shift; match_or_die ($ip, 'preferred'); my @pieces = split(/:/, $ip); splice(@pieces, 8); return map { hex } @pieces; } # Private parser sub ipv6_parse_compressed { my $ip = shift; my $type = 'compressed'; match_or_die ($ip, $type); my $colons = ($ip =~ tr/:/:/); my $expanded = ':' x (9 - $colons); $ip =~ s/::/$expanded/; my @pieces = split(/:/, $ip, 8); return map { hex } @pieces; } sub parse_mixed_ipv6v4_compressed { my $ip = shift; match_or_die ($ip, 'ipv6v4'); my @result; my $v4addr; my $colons; $colons = ($ip =~ tr/:/:/); my $expanded = ':' x (8 - $colons); $ip =~ s/::/$expanded/; my @v6pcs = split(/:/, $ip, 7); $v4addr = $v6pcs[-1]; splice(@v6pcs, 6); push @result, map { hex } @v6pcs; Net::IPv4Addr::ipv4_parse($v4addr); my @v4pcs = split(/\./, $v4addr); splice(@v4pcs, 4); push @result, unpack("n", pack("CC", @v4pcs[0,1])); push @result, unpack("n", pack("CC", @v4pcs[2,3])); return @result; } # Private parser sub ipv6_parse_ipv4 { my $ip = shift; match_or_die ($ip, 'ipv4'); my @result; my $v4addr; my @v6pcs = split(/:/, $ip); $v4addr = $v6pcs[-1]; splice(@v6pcs, 6); push @result, map { hex } @v6pcs; Net::IPv4Addr::ipv4_parse($v4addr); my @v4pcs = split(/\./, $v4addr); push @result, unpack("n", pack("CC", @v4pcs[0,1])); push @result, unpack("n", pack("CC", @v4pcs[2,3])); return @result; } # Private parser sub ipv6_parse_ipv4_compressed { my $ip = shift; match_or_die ($ip, 'ipv4 compressed'); my @result; my $v4addr; my $colons; $colons = ($ip =~ tr/:/:/); my $expanded = ':' x (8 - $colons); $ip =~ s/::/$expanded/; my @v6pcs = split(/:/, $ip, 7); $v4addr = $v6pcs[-1]; splice(@v6pcs, 6); push @result, map { hex } @v6pcs; Net::IPv4Addr::ipv4_parse($v4addr); my @v4pcs = split(/\./, $v4addr); splice(@v4pcs, 4); push @result, unpack("n", pack("CC", @v4pcs[0,1])); push @result, unpack("n", pack("CC", @v4pcs[2,3])); return @result; } # Private parser sub ipv6_parse_base85 { my $ip = shift; match_or_die ($ip, 'base85'); my $r; my $bigint = Math::Base85::from_base85($ip); my @result; while ($bigint > 0) { $r = $bigint & 0xffff; unshift @result, sprintf("%d", $r); $bigint = $bigint >> 16; } foreach $r ($#result+1..7) { $result[$r] = 0; } return @result; } # ____ _ _ _ # | _ \ _ _| |__ | (_) ___ # | |_) | | | | '_ \| | |/ __| # | __/| |_| | |_) | | | (__ # |_| \__,_|_.__/|_|_|\___| # sub new { my $proto = shift; my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; my $maybe_ip = shift; my $parser = ipv6_chkip($maybe_ip); if (ref $parser ne 'CODE') { mycroak "invalid IPv6 address $maybe_ip"; } my @hexadecets = $parser->($maybe_ip); my $self = \@hexadecets; bless $self, $class; return $self; } sub ipv6_chkip { my $ip = shift; my $parser = undef; TYPE: for my $k (keys %ipv6_patterns) { my @patlist = @{$ipv6_patterns{$k}}; PATTERN: for my $pattern (@patlist) { last PATTERN if (ref($pattern) eq 'CODE'); if ($ip =~ $pattern) { $parser = $patlist[-1]; last TYPE; } } } return $parser; } sub ipv6_parse { my ($ip, $pfx) = getargs (@_); if (! ipv6_chkip($ip)) { mycroak "invalid IPv6 address $ip"; } if (! defined $pfx) { return $ip; } $pfx =~ s/\s+//g; if ($pfx =~ /^[0-9]+$/) { if ($pfx > 128) { mycroak "invalid prefix length $pfx"; } } else { mycroak "non-numeric prefix length $pfx"; } if (wantarray ()) { return ($ip, $pfx); } return "$ip/$pfx"; } sub is_ipv6 { my $r; eval { $r = ipv6_parse (@_); }; if ($@) { return undef; } return $r; } sub to_string_preferred { my $self = shift; if (ref $self ne __PACKAGE__) { $self = Net::IPv6Addr->new ($self); } return v6part (@$self); } sub to_string_compressed { my $self = shift; if (ref $self ne __PACKAGE__) { $self = Net::IPv6Addr->new ($self); } my $expanded = v6part (@$self); $expanded =~ s/^0:/:/; $expanded =~ s/:0/:/g; if ($expanded =~ s/:::::::/_/ or $expanded =~ s/::::::/_/ or $expanded =~ s/:::::/_/ or $expanded =~ s/::::/_/ or $expanded =~ s/:::/_/ or $expanded =~ s/::/_/ ) { $expanded =~ s/:(?=:)/:0/g; $expanded =~ s/^:(?=[0-9a-f])/0:/; $expanded =~ s/([0-9a-f]):$/$1:0/; $expanded =~ s/_/::/; } return $expanded; } sub bytes { my ($in) = @_; my $low = $in & 0xff; my $high = $in >> 8; return ($high, $low); } sub v4part { my ($t, $b) = @_; return join('.', bytes ($t), bytes ($b)); } sub v6part { return join(':', map { sprintf("%x", $_) } @_); } sub to_string_ipv4 { my $self = shift; if (ref $self ne __PACKAGE__) { $self = Net::IPv6Addr->new ($self); } my $v6part = v6part (@$self[0..5]); my $v4part = v4part (@$self[6, 7]); return "$v6part:$v4part"; } sub to_string_ipv4_compressed { my $self = shift; if (ref $self ne __PACKAGE__) { $self = Net::IPv6Addr->new ($self); } my $v6part = v6part (@$self[0..5]); $v6part .= ':'; $v6part =~ s/(^|:)(0:)+/::/; my $v4part = v4part (@$self[6, 7]); return "$v6part$v4part"; } sub to_string_base85 { my $self = shift; if (ref $self ne __PACKAGE__) { $self = Net::IPv6Addr->new ($self); } my $bigint = new Math::BigInt("0"); for my $i (@{$self}[0..6]) { $bigint = $bigint + $i; $bigint = $bigint << 16; } $bigint = $bigint + $self->[7]; return Math::Base85::to_base85($bigint); } sub to_bigint { my $self = shift; if (ref $self ne __PACKAGE__) { $self = Net::IPv6Addr->new ($self); } my $bigint = new Math::BigInt("0"); for my $i (@{$self}[0..6]) { $bigint = $bigint + $i; $bigint = $bigint << 16; } $bigint = $bigint + $self->[7]; $bigint =~ s/\+//; return $bigint; } sub to_array { my $self = shift; if (ref $self ne __PACKAGE__) { $self = Net::IPv6Addr->new ($self); } return map {sprintf "%04x", $_} @$self; } sub to_intarray { my $self = shift; if (ref $self ne __PACKAGE__) { $self = Net::IPv6Addr->new ($self); } return @$self; } sub to_string_ip6_int { my $self = shift; if (ref $self ne __PACKAGE__) { $self = Net::IPv6Addr->new ($self); } my $hexdigits = sprintf("%04x" x 8, @$self); my @nibbles = ('INT', 'IP6', split(//, $hexdigits)); my $ptr = join('.', reverse @nibbles); return $ptr . "."; } # Private - validate a given netsize sub validate_netsize { my ($netsize) = @_; if ($netsize !~ /^[0-9]+$/ || $netsize > 128) { mycroak "invalid network size $netsize"; } } sub in_network_of_size { my $self = shift; if (ref $self ne __PACKAGE__) { if ($self =~ m!(.+)/(.+)!) { unshift @_, $2; $self = $1; } $self = Net::IPv6Addr->new($self); } my $netsize = shift; if (! defined $netsize) { mycroak "network size not given"; } $netsize =~ s!/!!; validate_netsize ($netsize); my @parts = @$self; my $i = int ($netsize / 16); if ($i < 8) { my $j = $netsize % 16; if ($j) { # If $netsize is not a multiple of 16, truncate the lowest # 16-$j bits of the $ith element of @parts. $parts[$i] &= bitmask ($j); # Jump over this element. $i++; } # Set all the remaining lower parts to zero. for ($i..$#parts) { $parts[$_] = 0; } } return bless \@parts; } sub in_network { my $self = shift; if (ref $self ne __PACKAGE__) { $self = Net::IPv6Addr->new ($self); } my ($net, $netsize) = getargs (@_); unless (defined $netsize) { mycroak "not enough parameters, need netsize"; } $netsize =~ s!/!!; validate_netsize ($netsize); if (! ref $net) { $net = Net::IPv6Addr->new($net); } my @s = $self->in_network_of_size($netsize)->to_intarray; my @n = $net->in_network_of_size($netsize)->to_intarray; my $i = int ($netsize / 16) + 1; if ($i > $#s) { $i = $#s; } for (0..$i) { if ($s[$_] != $n[$_]) { return undef; } } return 1; } sub from_bigint { my ($big) = @_; # Input is a scalar or a Math::BigInt object. if (! ref ($big)) { $big = Math::BigInt->new ($big); } if (ref ($big) ne 'Math::BigInt') { mycroak "Cannot process non-scalar, non-Math::BigInt input"; } # Convert the number to a hexadecimal string my $hex = $big->to_hex (); # Pad if necessary for the colon placement if (length ($hex) < 32) { my $leading = '0' x (32 - length ($hex)); $hex = $leading . $hex; } # Reversing the string makes adding colons with a substitution # operator easier. my $ipr = reverse $hex; $ipr =~ s/(....)/$1:/g; $ipr = reverse $ipr; # Remove the excess colon. $ipr =~ s/^://; # Should be OK now, let "new" handle any further issues. return Net::IPv6Addr->new ($ipr); } 1;