# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT """ Commonly useful converters. """ from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function from ._compat import PY2 from ._make import NOTHING, Factory, pipe if not PY2: import inspect import typing __all__ = [ "default_if_none", "optional", "pipe", "to_bool", ] def optional(converter): """ A converter that allows an attribute to be optional. An optional attribute is one which can be set to ``None``. Type annotations will be inferred from the wrapped converter's, if it has any. :param callable converter: the converter that is used for non-``None`` values. .. versionadded:: 17.1.0 """ def optional_converter(val): if val is None: return None return converter(val) if not PY2: sig = None try: sig = inspect.signature(converter) except (ValueError, TypeError): # inspect failed pass if sig: params = list(sig.parameters.values()) if params and params[0].annotation is not inspect.Parameter.empty: optional_converter.__annotations__["val"] = typing.Optional[ params[0].annotation ] if sig.return_annotation is not inspect.Signature.empty: optional_converter.__annotations__["return"] = typing.Optional[ sig.return_annotation ] return optional_converter def default_if_none(default=NOTHING, factory=None): """ A converter that allows to replace ``None`` values by *default* or the result of *factory*. :param default: Value to be used if ``None`` is passed. Passing an instance of `attrs.Factory` is supported, however the ``takes_self`` option is *not*. :param callable factory: A callable that takes no parameters whose result is used if ``None`` is passed. :raises TypeError: If **neither** *default* or *factory* is passed. :raises TypeError: If **both** *default* and *factory* are passed. :raises ValueError: If an instance of `attrs.Factory` is passed with ``takes_self=True``. .. versionadded:: 18.2.0 """ if default is NOTHING and factory is None: raise TypeError("Must pass either `default` or `factory`.") if default is not NOTHING and factory is not None: raise TypeError( "Must pass either `default` or `factory` but not both." ) if factory is not None: default = Factory(factory) if isinstance(default, Factory): if default.takes_self: raise ValueError( "`takes_self` is not supported by default_if_none." ) def default_if_none_converter(val): if val is not None: return val return default.factory() else: def default_if_none_converter(val): if val is not None: return val return default return default_if_none_converter def to_bool(val): """ Convert "boolean" strings (e.g., from env. vars.) to real booleans. Values mapping to :code:`True`: - :code:`True` - :code:`"true"` / :code:`"t"` - :code:`"yes"` / :code:`"y"` - :code:`"on"` - :code:`"1"` - :code:`1` Values mapping to :code:`False`: - :code:`False` - :code:`"false"` / :code:`"f"` - :code:`"no"` / :code:`"n"` - :code:`"off"` - :code:`"0"` - :code:`0` :raises ValueError: for any other value. .. versionadded:: 21.3.0 """ if isinstance(val, str): val = val.lower() truthy = {True, "true", "t", "yes", "y", "on", "1", 1} falsy = {False, "false", "f", "no", "n", "off", "0", 0} try: if val in truthy: return True if val in falsy: return False except TypeError: # Raised when "val" is not hashable (e.g., lists) pass raise ValueError("Cannot convert value to bool: {}".format(val))