""" test the scalar Timestamp """ import calendar from datetime import datetime, timedelta import locale import unicodedata from dateutil.tz import tzutc import numpy as np import pytest import pytz from pytz import timezone, utc from pandas._libs.tslibs.timezones import dateutil_gettz as gettz, get_timezone from pandas.compat.numpy import np_datetime64_compat import pandas.util._test_decorators as td from pandas import NaT, Timedelta, Timestamp import pandas._testing as tm from pandas.tseries import offsets class TestTimestampProperties: def test_properties_business(self): ts = Timestamp("2017-10-01", freq="B") control = Timestamp("2017-10-01") assert ts.dayofweek == 6 assert not ts.is_month_start # not a weekday assert not ts.is_quarter_start # not a weekday # Control case: non-business is month/qtr start assert control.is_month_start assert control.is_quarter_start ts = Timestamp("2017-09-30", freq="B") control = Timestamp("2017-09-30") assert ts.dayofweek == 5 assert not ts.is_month_end # not a weekday assert not ts.is_quarter_end # not a weekday # Control case: non-business is month/qtr start assert control.is_month_end assert control.is_quarter_end def test_fields(self): def check(value, equal): # that we are int like assert isinstance(value, int) assert value == equal # GH 10050 ts = Timestamp("2015-05-10 09:06:03.000100001") check(ts.year, 2015) check(ts.month, 5) check(ts.day, 10) check(ts.hour, 9) check(ts.minute, 6) check(ts.second, 3) msg = "'Timestamp' object has no attribute 'millisecond'" with pytest.raises(AttributeError, match=msg): ts.millisecond check(ts.microsecond, 100) check(ts.nanosecond, 1) check(ts.dayofweek, 6) check(ts.quarter, 2) check(ts.dayofyear, 130) check(ts.week, 19) check(ts.daysinmonth, 31) check(ts.daysinmonth, 31) # GH 13303 ts = Timestamp("2014-12-31 23:59:00-05:00", tz="US/Eastern") check(ts.year, 2014) check(ts.month, 12) check(ts.day, 31) check(ts.hour, 23) check(ts.minute, 59) check(ts.second, 0) msg = "'Timestamp' object has no attribute 'millisecond'" with pytest.raises(AttributeError, match=msg): ts.millisecond check(ts.microsecond, 0) check(ts.nanosecond, 0) check(ts.dayofweek, 2) check(ts.quarter, 4) check(ts.dayofyear, 365) check(ts.week, 1) check(ts.daysinmonth, 31) ts = Timestamp("2014-01-01 00:00:00+01:00") starts = ["is_month_start", "is_quarter_start", "is_year_start"] for start in starts: assert getattr(ts, start) ts = Timestamp("2014-12-31 23:59:59+01:00") ends = ["is_month_end", "is_year_end", "is_quarter_end"] for end in ends: assert getattr(ts, end) # GH 12806 @pytest.mark.parametrize( "data", [Timestamp("2017-08-28 23:00:00"), Timestamp("2017-08-28 23:00:00", tz="EST")], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "time_locale", [None] if tm.get_locales() is None else [None] + tm.get_locales() ) def test_names(self, data, time_locale): # GH 17354 # Test .day_name(), .month_name if time_locale is None: expected_day = "Monday" expected_month = "August" else: with tm.set_locale(time_locale, locale.LC_TIME): expected_day = calendar.day_name[0].capitalize() expected_month = calendar.month_name[8].capitalize() result_day = data.day_name(time_locale) result_month = data.month_name(time_locale) # Work around https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/issues/22342 # different normalizations expected_day = unicodedata.normalize("NFD", expected_day) expected_month = unicodedata.normalize("NFD", expected_month) result_day = unicodedata.normalize("NFD", result_day) result_month = unicodedata.normalize("NFD", result_month) assert result_day == expected_day assert result_month == expected_month # Test NaT nan_ts = Timestamp(NaT) assert np.isnan(nan_ts.day_name(time_locale)) assert np.isnan(nan_ts.month_name(time_locale)) def test_is_leap_year(self, tz_naive_fixture): tz = tz_naive_fixture # GH 13727 dt = Timestamp("2000-01-01 00:00:00", tz=tz) assert dt.is_leap_year assert isinstance(dt.is_leap_year, bool) dt = Timestamp("1999-01-01 00:00:00", tz=tz) assert not dt.is_leap_year dt = Timestamp("2004-01-01 00:00:00", tz=tz) assert dt.is_leap_year dt = Timestamp("2100-01-01 00:00:00", tz=tz) assert not dt.is_leap_year def test_woy_boundary(self): # make sure weeks at year boundaries are correct d = datetime(2013, 12, 31) result = Timestamp(d).week expected = 1 # ISO standard assert result == expected d = datetime(2008, 12, 28) result = Timestamp(d).week expected = 52 # ISO standard assert result == expected d = datetime(2009, 12, 31) result = Timestamp(d).week expected = 53 # ISO standard assert result == expected d = datetime(2010, 1, 1) result = Timestamp(d).week expected = 53 # ISO standard assert result == expected d = datetime(2010, 1, 3) result = Timestamp(d).week expected = 53 # ISO standard assert result == expected result = np.array( [ Timestamp(datetime(*args)).week for args in [(2000, 1, 1), (2000, 1, 2), (2005, 1, 1), (2005, 1, 2)] ] ) assert (result == [52, 52, 53, 53]).all() def test_resolution(self): # GH#21336, GH#21365 dt = Timestamp("2100-01-01 00:00:00") assert dt.resolution == Timedelta(nanoseconds=1) # Check that the attribute is available on the class, mirroring # the stdlib datetime behavior assert Timestamp.resolution == Timedelta(nanoseconds=1) class TestTimestamp: def test_tz(self): tstr = "2014-02-01 09:00" ts = Timestamp(tstr) local = ts.tz_localize("Asia/Tokyo") assert local.hour == 9 assert local == Timestamp(tstr, tz="Asia/Tokyo") conv = local.tz_convert("US/Eastern") assert conv == Timestamp("2014-01-31 19:00", tz="US/Eastern") assert conv.hour == 19 # preserves nanosecond ts = Timestamp(tstr) + offsets.Nano(5) local = ts.tz_localize("Asia/Tokyo") assert local.hour == 9 assert local.nanosecond == 5 conv = local.tz_convert("US/Eastern") assert conv.nanosecond == 5 assert conv.hour == 19 def test_utc_z_designator(self): assert get_timezone(Timestamp("2014-11-02 01:00Z").tzinfo) is utc def test_asm8(self): np.random.seed(7_960_929) ns = [Timestamp.min.value, Timestamp.max.value, 1000] for n in ns: assert ( Timestamp(n).asm8.view("i8") == np.datetime64(n, "ns").view("i8") == n ) assert Timestamp("nat").asm8.view("i8") == np.datetime64("nat", "ns").view("i8") def test_class_ops_pytz(self): def compare(x, y): assert int((Timestamp(x).value - Timestamp(y).value) / 1e9) == 0 compare(Timestamp.now(), datetime.now()) compare(Timestamp.now("UTC"), datetime.now(timezone("UTC"))) compare(Timestamp.utcnow(), datetime.utcnow()) compare(Timestamp.today(), datetime.today()) current_time = calendar.timegm(datetime.now().utctimetuple()) compare( Timestamp.utcfromtimestamp(current_time), datetime.utcfromtimestamp(current_time), ) compare( Timestamp.fromtimestamp(current_time), datetime.fromtimestamp(current_time) ) date_component = datetime.utcnow() time_component = (date_component + timedelta(minutes=10)).time() compare( Timestamp.combine(date_component, time_component), datetime.combine(date_component, time_component), ) def test_class_ops_dateutil(self): def compare(x, y): assert ( int( np.round(Timestamp(x).value / 1e9) - np.round(Timestamp(y).value / 1e9) ) == 0 ) compare(Timestamp.now(), datetime.now()) compare(Timestamp.now("UTC"), datetime.now(tzutc())) compare(Timestamp.utcnow(), datetime.utcnow()) compare(Timestamp.today(), datetime.today()) current_time = calendar.timegm(datetime.now().utctimetuple()) compare( Timestamp.utcfromtimestamp(current_time), datetime.utcfromtimestamp(current_time), ) compare( Timestamp.fromtimestamp(current_time), datetime.fromtimestamp(current_time) ) date_component = datetime.utcnow() time_component = (date_component + timedelta(minutes=10)).time() compare( Timestamp.combine(date_component, time_component), datetime.combine(date_component, time_component), ) def test_basics_nanos(self): val = np.int64(946_684_800_000_000_000).view("M8[ns]") stamp = Timestamp(val.view("i8") + 500) assert stamp.year == 2000 assert stamp.month == 1 assert stamp.microsecond == 0 assert stamp.nanosecond == 500 # GH 14415 val = np.iinfo(np.int64).min + 80_000_000_000_000 stamp = Timestamp(val) assert stamp.year == 1677 assert stamp.month == 9 assert stamp.day == 21 assert stamp.microsecond == 145224 assert stamp.nanosecond == 192 @pytest.mark.parametrize( "value, check_kwargs", [ [946688461000000000, {}], [946688461000000000 / 1000, dict(unit="us")], [946688461000000000 / 1_000_000, dict(unit="ms")], [946688461000000000 / 1_000_000_000, dict(unit="s")], [10957, dict(unit="D", h=0)], [ (946688461000000000 + 500000) / 1000000000, dict(unit="s", us=499, ns=964), ], [(946688461000000000 + 500000000) / 1000000000, dict(unit="s", us=500000)], [(946688461000000000 + 500000) / 1000000, dict(unit="ms", us=500)], [(946688461000000000 + 500000) / 1000, dict(unit="us", us=500)], [(946688461000000000 + 500000000) / 1000000, dict(unit="ms", us=500000)], [946688461000000000 / 1000.0 + 5, dict(unit="us", us=5)], [946688461000000000 / 1000.0 + 5000, dict(unit="us", us=5000)], [946688461000000000 / 1000000.0 + 0.5, dict(unit="ms", us=500)], [946688461000000000 / 1000000.0 + 0.005, dict(unit="ms", us=5, ns=5)], [946688461000000000 / 1000000000.0 + 0.5, dict(unit="s", us=500000)], [10957 + 0.5, dict(unit="D", h=12)], ], ) def test_unit(self, value, check_kwargs): def check(value, unit=None, h=1, s=1, us=0, ns=0): stamp = Timestamp(value, unit=unit) assert stamp.year == 2000 assert stamp.month == 1 assert stamp.day == 1 assert stamp.hour == h if unit != "D": assert stamp.minute == 1 assert stamp.second == s assert stamp.microsecond == us else: assert stamp.minute == 0 assert stamp.second == 0 assert stamp.microsecond == 0 assert stamp.nanosecond == ns check(value, **check_kwargs) def test_roundtrip(self): # test value to string and back conversions # further test accessors base = Timestamp("20140101 00:00:00") result = Timestamp(base.value + Timedelta("5ms").value) assert result == Timestamp(f"{base}.005000") assert result.microsecond == 5000 result = Timestamp(base.value + Timedelta("5us").value) assert result == Timestamp(f"{base}.000005") assert result.microsecond == 5 result = Timestamp(base.value + Timedelta("5ns").value) assert result == Timestamp(f"{base}.000000005") assert result.nanosecond == 5 assert result.microsecond == 0 result = Timestamp(base.value + Timedelta("6ms 5us").value) assert result == Timestamp(f"{base}.006005") assert result.microsecond == 5 + 6 * 1000 result = Timestamp(base.value + Timedelta("200ms 5us").value) assert result == Timestamp(f"{base}.200005") assert result.microsecond == 5 + 200 * 1000 def test_hash_equivalent(self): d = {datetime(2011, 1, 1): 5} stamp = Timestamp(datetime(2011, 1, 1)) assert d[stamp] == 5 def test_tz_conversion_freq(self, tz_naive_fixture): # GH25241 t1 = Timestamp("2019-01-01 10:00", freq="H") assert t1.tz_localize(tz=tz_naive_fixture).freq == t1.freq t2 = Timestamp("2019-01-02 12:00", tz="UTC", freq="T") assert t2.tz_convert(tz="UTC").freq == t2.freq class TestTimestampNsOperations: def test_nanosecond_string_parsing(self): ts = Timestamp("2013-05-01 07:15:45.123456789") # GH 7878 expected_repr = "2013-05-01 07:15:45.123456789" expected_value = 1_367_392_545_123_456_789 assert ts.value == expected_value assert expected_repr in repr(ts) ts = Timestamp("2013-05-01 07:15:45.123456789+09:00", tz="Asia/Tokyo") assert ts.value == expected_value - 9 * 3600 * 1_000_000_000 assert expected_repr in repr(ts) ts = Timestamp("2013-05-01 07:15:45.123456789", tz="UTC") assert ts.value == expected_value assert expected_repr in repr(ts) ts = Timestamp("2013-05-01 07:15:45.123456789", tz="US/Eastern") assert ts.value == expected_value + 4 * 3600 * 1_000_000_000 assert expected_repr in repr(ts) # GH 10041 ts = Timestamp("20130501T071545.123456789") assert ts.value == expected_value assert expected_repr in repr(ts) def test_nanosecond_timestamp(self): # GH 7610 expected = 1_293_840_000_000_000_005 t = Timestamp("2011-01-01") + offsets.Nano(5) assert repr(t) == "Timestamp('2011-01-01 00:00:00.000000005')" assert t.value == expected assert t.nanosecond == 5 t = Timestamp(t) assert repr(t) == "Timestamp('2011-01-01 00:00:00.000000005')" assert t.value == expected assert t.nanosecond == 5 t = Timestamp(np_datetime64_compat("2011-01-01 00:00:00.000000005Z")) assert repr(t) == "Timestamp('2011-01-01 00:00:00.000000005')" assert t.value == expected assert t.nanosecond == 5 expected = 1_293_840_000_000_000_010 t = t + offsets.Nano(5) assert repr(t) == "Timestamp('2011-01-01 00:00:00.000000010')" assert t.value == expected assert t.nanosecond == 10 t = Timestamp(t) assert repr(t) == "Timestamp('2011-01-01 00:00:00.000000010')" assert t.value == expected assert t.nanosecond == 10 t = Timestamp(np_datetime64_compat("2011-01-01 00:00:00.000000010Z")) assert repr(t) == "Timestamp('2011-01-01 00:00:00.000000010')" assert t.value == expected assert t.nanosecond == 10 class TestTimestampToJulianDate: def test_compare_1700(self): r = Timestamp("1700-06-23").to_julian_date() assert r == 2_342_145.5 def test_compare_2000(self): r = Timestamp("2000-04-12").to_julian_date() assert r == 2_451_646.5 def test_compare_2100(self): r = Timestamp("2100-08-12").to_julian_date() assert r == 2_488_292.5 def test_compare_hour01(self): r = Timestamp("2000-08-12T01:00:00").to_julian_date() assert r == 2_451_768.5416666666666666 def test_compare_hour13(self): r = Timestamp("2000-08-12T13:00:00").to_julian_date() assert r == 2_451_769.0416666666666666 class TestTimestampConversion: def test_conversion(self): # GH#9255 ts = Timestamp("2000-01-01") result = ts.to_pydatetime() expected = datetime(2000, 1, 1) assert result == expected assert type(result) == type(expected) result = ts.to_datetime64() expected = np.datetime64(ts.value, "ns") assert result == expected assert type(result) == type(expected) assert result.dtype == expected.dtype def test_to_pydatetime_nonzero_nano(self): ts = Timestamp("2011-01-01 9:00:00.123456789") # Warn the user of data loss (nanoseconds). with tm.assert_produces_warning(UserWarning, check_stacklevel=False): expected = datetime(2011, 1, 1, 9, 0, 0, 123456) result = ts.to_pydatetime() assert result == expected def test_timestamp_to_datetime(self): stamp = Timestamp("20090415", tz="US/Eastern", freq="D") dtval = stamp.to_pydatetime() assert stamp == dtval assert stamp.tzinfo == dtval.tzinfo def test_timestamp_to_datetime_dateutil(self): stamp = Timestamp("20090415", tz="dateutil/US/Eastern", freq="D") dtval = stamp.to_pydatetime() assert stamp == dtval assert stamp.tzinfo == dtval.tzinfo def test_timestamp_to_datetime_explicit_pytz(self): stamp = Timestamp("20090415", tz=pytz.timezone("US/Eastern"), freq="D") dtval = stamp.to_pydatetime() assert stamp == dtval assert stamp.tzinfo == dtval.tzinfo @td.skip_if_windows_python_3 def test_timestamp_to_datetime_explicit_dateutil(self): stamp = Timestamp("20090415", tz=gettz("US/Eastern"), freq="D") dtval = stamp.to_pydatetime() assert stamp == dtval assert stamp.tzinfo == dtval.tzinfo def test_to_datetime_bijective(self): # Ensure that converting to datetime and back only loses precision # by going from nanoseconds to microseconds. exp_warning = None if Timestamp.max.nanosecond == 0 else UserWarning with tm.assert_produces_warning(exp_warning, check_stacklevel=False): assert ( Timestamp(Timestamp.max.to_pydatetime()).value / 1000 == Timestamp.max.value / 1000 ) exp_warning = None if Timestamp.min.nanosecond == 0 else UserWarning with tm.assert_produces_warning(exp_warning, check_stacklevel=False): assert ( Timestamp(Timestamp.min.to_pydatetime()).value / 1000 == Timestamp.min.value / 1000 ) def test_to_period_tz_warning(self): # GH#21333 make sure a warning is issued when timezone # info is lost ts = Timestamp("2009-04-15 16:17:18", tz="US/Eastern") with tm.assert_produces_warning(UserWarning): # warning that timezone info will be lost ts.to_period("D") def test_to_numpy_alias(self): # GH 24653: alias .to_numpy() for scalars ts = Timestamp(datetime.now()) assert ts.to_datetime64() == ts.to_numpy() class SubDatetime(datetime): pass @pytest.mark.parametrize( "lh,rh", [ (SubDatetime(2000, 1, 1), Timedelta(hours=1)), (Timedelta(hours=1), SubDatetime(2000, 1, 1)), ], ) def test_dt_subclass_add_timedelta(lh, rh): # GH#25851 # ensure that subclassed datetime works for # Timedelta operations result = lh + rh expected = SubDatetime(2000, 1, 1, 1) assert result == expected